Thursday, August 27, 195S Part IT THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Satan, Orefon OLD CARS AT THE STATE FAIR FOR SALE HOUSB J! j Circulars in Mail Channed A new method of handling circulars through the mail will be put into effect in the near future. Information to this ef fect has been received by Post master Albert C. Gragg. "jThe new regulation applies to circulars which customarily ire addressed merely to "occu pant" of certain street num ber. The circulars currently must be handled 'by postal clerks in a manner similar to Other third class mailings. ' '. After the change becomes effective, mailers of circulars will inquire ot the post office at to the number of patrons en each of the city delivery routes. They will then bunch their circulars 'in packages of 80, ' with the route number stamped on the circulars. Instead of sorting the circu lars as is currently the prac tice, the packages of SO will be given to each carrier for distribution. 4 I -' Shown above are two out of many antique automobiles to be shown at the State Fair this year. Lett, the famous 1902 curved dash Oldsmobile. It is said the song My Merry Oldsmobile" was written for this car, the best known of all the old timers. Right, 1889 Locomobile steamer, a forerunner of the Stanley steamei FOR SALI HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES TV Technicians Discuss Union The organizing of an elec tronics union was discussed at a meeting of interested parties at the Labor Temple Wednes day evening. Purpose of the meeting was to form an electronics divi sion of local 280 of the Inter national Brotherhood of Elec trical workers. About 25 peo ple attended the meeting. It was felt by some of those attending that there is no in centive for one to go through long schooling in preparation to becoming a television tech nician because the industry has no recognition in the eyes of the public. The meeting concluded that Salem had been fortunate in not having a group of ily-by-night television sales outfits STOCKS The cost to the mailer is 1 hHH .. ..,. .. cents for each circular. It is: laid the post office department at t loses money on this type of InOlTIQS U. LQUllKfi Dies After Illness service. The new may result in a saving. Bond for Moving Big Objects Lowered A reduction in the amount of bond persons must secure In connection with moving large objects over the county road, such as buildings, was authorized Thursday by the county court. . Heretofore the maximum amount has been $50,000. The new amount wiU be $10,000 which coin cides with state' highway reg illations. . However, the court decided to increase the liability bond requirements to nothing less than $50,000. The maximum will be $100,000. This is in keeping with the trend of cov erage for Individuals. The liability bond is calculated to protect county employes in case of damage suits. Death Tuesday claimed Tho mas D. LaDuke, 71, retired plastering contractor, who had been ill for about live years. LaDuke died at the family home at 3355 Crawford street. A resident of Salem since 1921, LaDuke was born in Eli zabeth, Ind., August 27, 1881 and was the son of Harrison and Sarah Drillette LaDuke. He came to Salem from Eu gene. LaDuke was a member of the First Christian church. Survivors include his wife, the former Viola Wheeler to whom h was married in Eu gene, August 15, 1900; a son, Thomas W. LaDuke of Salem; three daughters, Mrs. Thelma Stram of Arlington, S.D., Mrs. Audrey Coulter of Douglas, Alaska, and Mrs. Maxine Gur ley of Phoenix, Ariz.; a sister, Mrs. William Gritton of Salem and 12 grandchildren. Announcement of services la ter by the Howell-Edwards chapel. iBy The Associated Press) a dm lra1 Corporation Allied Chemical A11U Chalmers American Air How American Power LUh ... American TL Tel. . American Tobacco Anaconda Copper AtehUor Railroad Bcthicbom 6tl Boeing Air plain C Bort Warner Burrowi Adding M echini California Packing Canadian Paeilt Caterpillar Tractor CelancK Corporation Cbrralcr Corporation Cltla Service Consolidated Bqmob conioiidated Vuitoa Crovn Zrllerbach curtiM Wright Dounaa Aircraft Du Pont e Meinour! Eastman Kodak ... KmertoQ Radio OeraJ rite ir la General Pood .-. Oeneral Motors , Oeoriia Pic. Flvwooc? Ooooear Tiro , Homes lake kilning Co. , International Harvester international Paper John ttanvlll Kaiser Aluminum Kenneeott Copper Ltbbr McNeil . Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward Nasb Kelvlnator New York Central Northern Pacific Piclfle American PtsU . Paclfio Oaa Eieetrte Pacific Tel. Tel. Packard Motor Car .... Penner. J. C Pennsylvania R. R, Pepsi Cola Co. Phlloa Radio Radio Corporation Reyonier Incorp. , Raronier ineorp, Pfd. , Republic Btett , Reynolds Metals Richfield on Bafeway Stores, too. Scott Paper Co. .. Bears. Roebuck A Co ftocon Vacuum Oil , Southern Paclfio Standard OH Calif standard Oil N. 4 Studebaker Corp. " Sunshine Mining BWlfl CO Trams merle a Corp Twentieth Century Poi union Oil Company Union Pacific United Alrllneg United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood Unlteo States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel ,. Wej tin thou is Air Brake Weitlnthous Electric Weoiwerth MARKET QUOTATIONS FIGURE IN CHANGE AT PENNEY'S IIS , UK . 11 H , (1 , us . li . 3H . , . ' . n , UK , IIS , . . 1 , (St. . H . 3H . H'l . 11 . IT. . 15'. . Ml. . 11 . M . IIS . 11'. . H'4 .IMS . " . 1S . 11. . s . 11 .. .. v. .. si .. 14 ,. 31 .. W'i .. IIS .. H' .. US .. 7S .. li .. 3'i .. l)S ..10' .. 11 .. Jlr. .. .. M .. MS .. US .. lit .. 4iv; .. us ftp t r F n Sleek Market -New York opv evilinf In the railroads and several other major divisions of Uie stock market Thursday pushed prices down persistently. Railroads have bees especially veak In recent cessions, and they received special attention from ellera Thursday. Loise went to around t points at the outside throughout key sections ot the list. Volume came to an estimated 1. 100.000 shares. Business pkked up markedly as prices ana. Price were lower at the start o! rradlnc. the pattern that has been pre- sent U week. Some support came Into the market within a short time and prices steadied. They were able to hold to relatively good levels until the fourth nour wnen selling depressed the list. Portland Llveetoek Portland ttJ The hog market was 78 to 0 cents lower in Portland livestock trading today. Cattle 1M; supply mostly utility grades and below; early trade slow with most bids lower: fairly good clearance Wed nesday supply at weak to M-cenU lower prles; few good-choice 107-lb. fed steers late Wednesday 34.10: cutter utility lteht steers and heifers IM-12.M canner-cutter cows 7.S0-I; utility cows held up to II and above; light cutter-1 utility bulls 10-1 J; medium-iood asft- 6 lb. feeder steers Wednesday li lt M. Calves h: goodprtme light yealers srarce. eteady at 11-30; heavy calves slow: few goodcholee above SM lb. U.M-ll. Hots MO: market slow. n-Kftc 1owei choice 1M-31 lb. 3123-17; 340-370 lb. 3s-3M: sows scarce; choice tOO-MM lb. steady at 31.M-31 and above. Sheep k00: market steady: too4-choice wooled spring lambs 11; shorn lambs II; two loads cholee-prtme 4-M lb. wood prlnrers Wednesday 11.50: good feeders 14-14 M: utility-choice daughter ewjea POBTUtNU) rsfftfJCCS USf ttetfat TMWtiva, suoject to nut mediate chants Premium aualitr maxi mum 31 of one pet cent acidit oe ilvered In Portland co-Tie la,t first mal Ity 4-ftc. second aualttr. CJ -44c. Va..ey routes and eountry peintc 3 cent lew Batter Wholesale t.o.b bulk cunaa u wholesale, grade A A, fl score. 04c; A grade 13 score, tsc: Bv M score. 43c: C. n score. 40c. Abov price sUletly nominal. Ck mm Benina- ne to Portland wholesalers. Oregon slnclea, 434-44c Oregon lb. loal. U-MHc I gga to Wsteieaatera Candied esse containing no lots caoec Included f.o k Portland A grade lane, l-M'td A grade medium, U't-OdStc; B grade large; S-4Jc Parti aad Oatry Star Butter Price to retailor' oraoe AA print, lie; A caiton. lie. A prints, 11c: carton. T3ci B prints, ago Ecia to ntodaear L'ndled U ft. Portland: Ungraded targe. 44c doc.: grade AA large, 4Se dos.: A laro. 43- ne dos.; AA medium st-eoe dos i A grade medium. 47-tftc doa.; A grade amalnt nominal. 34-3&C - Ecsa t Retailer made a A. targe. 7ftc: A large. 46-70c: AA medium,' 1 -; A medium. 46-41c; A small. 44c. Cartons I cent additional. Cheese--Price to retailers. PoniUid, Oregon clnsles. 45S-4c; 4 lb. loaves, 41-S3 Vie: triplets. lSc leas than sin gles Premium brand singte 44 'w lb. for single wheels UHe. Procoasod Am erican cheese, 4-lb. loaves U retail, 42V 4&c lb. Poaltry Ltva Cniebeno (No. 1 cuallty. t.o.b. Plants): Prrcrs, JV.-I Ins., He; 1-4 lbs.. Sic; roasters. 4 A lbs., and over. lie. heavy hens, all weights. ll-3tc llsht hens, all weights, l-14c; old roosters. 14-14C. OresMd Chlebeno No 1 dressed t retailers. Pryers. I broilers, 44-454 lb. roasters, all wu.. 44-44c: Merit bens, 34-1 lc: heavy hens. 33-34e: cut-up fry ers, all wis, M-Clc whole drawn 11 Sfle lb. Rabbits Average to grower : Live whites, 4-1 lbs.. 30-J3C; 1-4 lbs., 11-3 3c ib.; coioreo peiu. 4c lb under does, 10-Uc. tew his her. presb draaaed fryers to retailers, 7-9oi cut up ll-tftc Ceentry Killed Meats Veal Top quality, io-llo lb. I rough heavies, 30-3 lc. Hess Lean blockers, ii-ioc: sows. Light. 11-3 4c. ibs Best, le-344 ib.i rearltnu. 10-loc lb Mutton Best, 13-14e D. cull-utility. l-ioc Beef utility corns, 3I-3ee lb.; canner eulters. 17-19c: shells down to 11c. Preb OrMMi Mms Wholesaler to retailer: Dollar per ewt.r Beef Steers, choice. BOO-TOO lbs., 41- 143. M: good. !J7 W-43 W; commercial 137-18; utility, 133-10; commercial cows. 333-30; utility, 331-34; canner-cutters, 119-33. Beef cult Choice steer a hind char ters. IM-S7; rounds, o-: full loins, trimmed, 170-7: triangles, 137-33: fore ouarters. 3l-4i chucks, 3-ll; ribs, I4S-0S. Veal aud Calves Oood-cholc. 110- 40; commercial. 424-M. be Cholcc-prlm. 140-41: good $39-44: spring lambs, choke-prime, 147 SO. sieiien uooa enoicc ii-u w. ss-ee. Park Cute Loin. No I S-l ,bs.. t-4; utility shoulder. 14 lbs., 14-43; spare rib. 013-84: fresh hams, 10-14 lbs.. 4S3-U; pork carcasses. 130-174 Lbs.. 4U.SO-40. Bmebed Hams Skinned, 43-Ht lbs., fined lard In drums. 114-1 64; slab bac on, 440-73. Portland tHseeOaneena Onions 50 lb sack Calif Red Olobe. med.. 3.74-104: white globe. 3 34-3. M: yellows med. and large, l.SO-1.74; few 3 .: Wash, yellow, med., 1.74-100, Urge i.js-i.e. Petateea Local Triumph, tug. 1 1.70; Boardman kmg whites. No. 1A 3 3s 335: No. 3 40 lb. sack. 0-45c; Ores on Ruasetts No. 1, 3.40-3.74; 10 lb. sivh, 40- 43c. iocai RuimU, No. 1A. 3 74-130. Calif. Ion white. No. 1A, 3.45-3 00; fsir. 340-3.70. Nam brands to 3 34. Wa.h. Ruseetn 03.74-1.00; Wash, long Whites No, 1 3 00-3 A. ay O B. No 3) green alfalfa, de livered ear lota I.e.. Portland and Se attle 34-10. Waal Grease basis. Willamette I el iey medium. 10-420 Ib.i Eastern Oregon fine and hslf-biond. s-c; Willamette Valley lamb wool 43i 13-month wwL U-Me Mehatr 44-474 A. on 11-nentn grew Ik. f o,b. country chipping point Hea.ii Producer paying price I . b Portland calf skin. 11-31 lb., aeeord ing to condition; green kips, it-IT lb.: green cow bides. 414c lb. according to weight and Quality: bull bide 4-4c lb. glue bides 00 per cent below prte for above clawes rilberta-W holesale celling price No I medium Barcelona. 41-34 Ik.j obeli ed. 40-llc lb ib : light naive. T4-t3e a. Walnuts WhMesai aeillnt price first euality largo Prang uet tea, 3-i0c :b - shelled light amber bale 74-TV llvht halves. 7-g3c ' . SALEM MARKETS Complied from re parts for tbe guidance of Capital Jearnal readers. (Revised dally.) Betaf) Peed Prtecot Rabbit Pellets - 13 U i4-lb- ag 14 1O-S0 1 100 -lb. bag. Dairy peed 43 4V1 74 (lO-Tk. bait: I4JS-5 44 tiot wt-n pasture mi, a 44 1101 Wt.l Poultry Bwrtu PrleM Colored rryere. 34c; eld roosters, I4e: colored fowl, 14c; leghorn fowl, 14c; routers. sOc. Kggst Bnyinff Prleeo Egg. AA. 44e: large A. 4-4Sc; medium AA. 44c; medium 44-40c: amaU. ISc. Wholesale Price Egg whoteenJ petexe generally a-ie ugner than in pi above Large trade A generally duotod at lie. medium 44c. mi terra l Burin price: Premium. 44- Tle o t. 07-40C; No I. 44e BatterWtaote! grade 4 pnrahsieak th isw i retail, in Chicago Grain Chicago vf) Hot, dry' weather te the midwest sent corn price higher on th Board of Trade Thursday while aU other cereal slumped. There was little to stir any demand for otner ceres it. a a result they mov ed a little lower on scattered selling. Hedging added It weight against wheat and oat. Wheat closed 1 to I cent lower. September c l .1 4 vs ; corn higher, September 01 U; oat H to 1 cent lower, September 73-73; rye 1H-31 lower, September 1 .03 4- U ; soybean -1 V. lower. September U-4iu.-t. and ird 33 cent lower to 10 cent a hundred pound higher, September 910.04. remand Grain Portland (A) No tram, aid or offers, Thursday' car receipts: Wheal 13 barley I; Hour 4; mill feed 1. Chiracs Onion Chicaso J.RsupPllej moderate, de mand moderate, market steady to firm Track sales (40 lba.i: U. S. 1 unless stated: Spanish 3-lnch and larger, Idaho ani caiiiornia i.oo; wasnmeion wni globe 1 to 3-Inch 1.44; trocklot sales delivered Jobbing street basis Colorado Spanish 4-Inch and larger 10. street ssirs (50 lbs.): California, Colo rado and Idaho Spanish l-lneh and larg er 1.04-1.74, some fslr 1.00: msdiam Yellow Olobe. Mldweet 100-1.30. small 74-. 4(1: New York 1.30; Idaho, Oregon, Colorado and Wlchlsaa Whit Globes . Inch and larger, also I to t Inch, 1.00- 7. in. FOR SALE HOUSES FOB BALE or trad for Steyton proper ty. 3 bedroom house, basement, ssw dust furnace, oolse to Hlshland end St. Vincent' school. Bui by door. 304 Columbia St. Phone 39010. a)04 MUST BE SOLD To cols estate, 3 -bedroom house. Si tra large room. Large Closet, full cement basement, corner lot, choice location close to Leslie school, and Bush Pasture. Price only 0"3M. PARTLY FURNISHED ROMB Excellent Iocs t ton close to L e c 1 1 school, bus by doer. 3-bedroem home, large corner let, chade trees. Price only 11.00. DENTON DENTON REALTORS 144 Stat St. Ph. 3-3443 Eve. Cell 3-400T or 3-0714 304 $500 DOWN our a full 4-room house plus. Large lot, eieellent eurroundlns. Convenient to stores, school, bus. Two blks. off Siste St. tn the 3304 block. Total price only 44.400. HEX SANPORD PlNANrE, 11T No. High St. Ph. 4-TMI. Eve. 4 -MM a 307 IN. CUSTODY BENNY COLBATH HAS APPLE PIE BUYS fOaOlLI MM DOWII BUYS UU OT ton. Ml lriw kM M Um Ut wlk. Hie. rm. talk nu. Met kiuKM. vat tm rau.. ,k. ( ktw. OKLT DOWN BUT! thll gto ih.k, t-Mrm. IW Hk full taih. U.lot Iv,lr kluba with mmr kuUt.bu. uuutr tm.. wlr.4 tm ruili l-rui, (rwi toM. r.m4 T.rd. ONLY M1H MM DOWN 10r, tnu l.U-kont -Mrm. kM h4w4. flra Urt. tmk ls l.ri.. iikui rm . w.ur . t.a VUlY OUlll WELL ECPT. ONLY I1M. ErraA oooo ur. in thi on, nowi POauzLI MM down, aura th w u l-lr but m Urt. MllM W. NIC. -MPlSI Ulo UM. LOCATXD ON rAIRMOUNT UIU. IN BZCLOSlVa DISTRICT. ONLY NM. rOMIBLI ,M DOWN KUYS ttil iturdT wl-bullt imr l-Mra. NMD.. THIS ONB BAB PLENTY TO OPFKft NOR M.M. In Mtllni W llr.. LOCATED NORTH. A BBAUT1PUX. , PLACE POR TUB MONEY. POMIBLE MM DOWN BUYS LOOP" WHAT OOEA: UM-kalll . Mm. hoM. 1.T.1, ,t kltch.B Mrlul roomr UUIr rw Mto. lrM for r.ttt. O.r.,.. .Ur rt um. mutt lr.ll trm. BtAuUiul UaoMtpd toL ONLY POSBIBLI MM DOWN BUYS thll BRAND Klf 1-tadrMB hraM lth M. (lr,., .1) htt, HtJl.Bt plAitcr lok, .tttcrj.d ra ni, ale. rarntr XI .1 U. ol ellr Unlu. ONLY MtM POAA1BLI AIM, DOWN BUYS tnu l.U-buUI 1-kMro dob. Ilk Dutck hdi'4. flra. voaduful floor trrnnto ' Mtni. LR. DR. ln.14. uUIItT rm., .xcrllwl kltrhcn, Urt. ItodK.pod 1.1. ASKINO lll.M. (LEAVIHO TOWN MAK1 OPPER) rOSSIBLI IrM DOWN BUYS UU BRAND NBW 1-BodrooB nixk til. boa. M olc torn.r lot. LI VINO RU. llb III. plMt. dlnlu rm. with cbtno olorol. bdwd. flrt.. oil plpod furuc. birehwood kltckaa wltk Urt. Clllnr mi. wltk I .ntroncn, dbl.. itrua. IMMEDIATE POSSEUION. EE THE PI RAT TO WEAR THE NEW OrP OP THIS PINE NOME. ONLY U.Mt. COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS SIS COURT ST. . DIAL 44494 or 14352 if RE. OOLBESn Mil ARNDT 411M ANDERSON till. BRICK oi'EE. tttubod brioi ,orua. I Lola, full iMWat artw laraaoa. Mooai boot. 4 II dava. l, Urt. brt&t And duund raom, tauS kIMhoa. both, ball. bordvoM f!-ta, ftroplooa. bat tlot. raaf. arvolp lawa. obraai. terao lardoa. t appl I vola.l. mat tlt.tat. Pkaaa Wuio. ailao 13M. la oatrp a.. aj- BY OWNEB - Caadaltna l-tadroaau doom, (oran, lana anau. wa NICE COUNTRY b-aio. acrao. kaU4- laca la food obaab. Nat itMt, poa alflc. tad Mhoal. Writ, Mrt. YKta Scott, but StoTtaa. Or. JM BY OWNEB Uodtra l-badreoti kaato. 4 or IV. aerot. Katur suuiat, varp rouoatblt. Pnon. I-11M. alM- BY OWNEB t-rooal Kwm. azoaUoat wadllloa, saablo laruo. lit mapia Av. ojoa HOME ' - AND - INVESTMENT" Park An. loeattoa, bill at door. Good aldtc tpa. kaau ltk kaMatut, AU tm loralr toadlUaa. Ntalp pttattd tod dwortud. Tw kuk trpa oatttt .bath kava I) -ft. II riot roaa. hardwood floor, and Colonial ttrtplacM. V.rp Modora kltehoaa, diaaltot tad ana kidrtf nek. Bub of thotb ran tola bat latld. aulllr and attaOnd taraiak Plana and mat fat laar aura raatalt as Hi X IM-fv tot. Aik lat Mr. Satlth t abov 7,1 tku praptrtp. Prlcod at Ib.Ht Taraaa. . SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN SMITH REAL ESTATE I4J5 PORTLAND RD. PH. 17007 $14,000 I-BEDROOM HOME WITH DAYLIGHT BASEMENT Itrah kltckta ' OE automaU, dUhvaahar ram lb) ktal - , IniulaUd m aaatheralrlppod d Doubl, tlrtploM Daubla Etrbft , Batatlfa South YIUuo. Mir I Mackt to an Uorointald. tcbool. Sat at Ml HarrU St. 1 $11,000 J-BEDROOM HOME Mv lAVB PlaittrH 111 Barraf Celorad plumbtn, Ktrdwaad floora ; BED BOOM koaM. Utlna. ala and aulllr. lamod. pool. IMM. UM Dona Ar... Kauor DUL Phono 4-MI1. aNf OWMEB Nov raaeb atria A MO. IIH ta. ft. U.lot. dUlnd. klrek klUb an. nook. BtUltV. Mr.DlOOO. ttjJ akaia atotal. BM atf OU laraaea. Lara.. araca, cavortd patta. alaap aaaar flat faataraa. Matt b taaa tt ap praclau. P. H. A., If, Jataat si. Katttr. 1 blacki fraai tcsooL Lat Ml' E 13T. Phaao J-1114. appp BY OWNER Laet chanee to mv 444. l-iitoiwo ouOurbas houa. Amr reaaooaeJ Tm payment mattered. A reai Tola houae. 44,140. Phone 3-3304. 34 A GOOD BUY An eitre alee S-bodroem BmcWweeA torn with full buement, ll"lnty roan, all-to-wall earpottni. Lot nicely lan4 eeapetf. Owner tranaferretf. OJaf Tten atad. Sealler, 441 N. OapiteL Pa, 17403. 34 Rustic Ranch ' Style m a rustic arrriHa. new, a lane bedroom. rls4 Mtln dinino rm., bdwd. nnw ttreplaee, oil beat, ateautUal iltchen. lraeaeway, fa rare, ohlt 1404 dews UATM TOO THE OWMKH. n ms. oolubi wvx y. ntn Dial 44494 CI a04 NOTICE Canon atadMtd and aula aarkara. I bodrooau, I tolAa. baro waod floor a, firaplaat. fareM orr boat, . 1 Mackt ta toUota. H.PM. ML S. Ittk. NEW BED BOOM homo, ftrtplaaa. Bap. ..lout kltoaon. ail fursaoo bant, larva H.IBf room. Or alii root. Bira po.ra laaaa. K.or a arhoot. I-I1M. BMT K NEW K 1 -bed room bom wltk Uro elooeio, fctrch ttiteben, larie prttura wlavtlewa, Ule bath. No. I oak floertno. loU oi extra, forced air Mat, breoMway.- Located a Prlc 111,400. A CUTIE 1-bHrooB horn, oa aarrMt lot 1tB an .lira aleo lattrlor daeoroUon. rim tlrtpltco, vtrp toamloat kttthoa. loralr ma bath, kallt-la wnun, loaot ,f floorara aad tbruba, tlr 44 ran old. met M4M. Tnau. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor MM Portland 14. - n. MHI . tvt. l-uil dial FOR SALE FARMS B. e. Van Slrkt Morna Bulldar Phont tun , VERY CLOSE TO SCHOOL ; TkU MMt inrKllra. ptrkllnd. alean, l-bdrm. boaH ltb flrtolara, at. Ml boat, aU btrdwood Art, tnaalatod 4b . Bail lob.. Mb. M atp but, radut.d' M lll.M,. Low 4obr ptrntnt. t A. A. LARSEN, Realtor Km. 1-4734 . 1-4441 4-114 FOR SALI HOUSES Chlraie tlvetterk , Chicave 4) Hoet Iqnied hi ft mixed market performance Thureday Id taiy tm fter recent moderate price decllnee. Cattle rent h1 all the way from cteady to a mueb a 41 04 or mora lower while eheep were Udy to 40 cent! or more off. I Butcher hot were steady to M cent 1 lower, while aowi were steady to 34 cent i hither. Barrows erni !!it anid from IT1.44 to 435 30. aSowe took 010.30 to 133 34. Oood to prim ittere told from 11100 to 037 30 and ood and ehoic helfrra from 410 44 to 433.44. Cow brouaOl I3 04 and Tinder. Moot choice alautbtey lamb treutht til 00 to 433 94. Reeeiou were I.M0 beta, 1.004 tattle, 1.444 beep. t T. A. Rykowski, left, who leaves Sept. iO o become as sistant manager of the new J. C. Penney store in Phoenix, Ariz., and his successor as assistant manager here, Virgil . A, Duff, who came here in March, 1952. Rykowski Goes To Phoenix T. A. Rvkowski. assistant Chamber' and Junior Chamber, manager of the Salem J. C.; Rykowski will be succeeded Penney store, will leave with as assistant manager here by hi, wife and son Sept. 10 for Virgil A. Duff, present man Phoenix, Ariz, where he will ager of the women's ready to become assistant manager of a' wear floor. He Joined the Pen- n ... . u . Mmnanw u liil. attpnrfinff nne; aiorr, in '" '" J , - . ' rortlaa J E.atalda Maraol largest In volume of the 1630 the University of Oregon in; P0rtloa md-coiambia and store, the company operates. Eugene snd become a full time j TjtiM .to JJ """J' ,'r Rykowski will Join M. B.1 associate in 1946 upon comple-lt, hrM, , ,, Rudd who went to the manage- tion of his college work He igj-aim . mentof the Phoenix store from continued In the tugene nore , wtKiWi, at-., mu , avrraa. t the managership here. Rykow- three yean, then was twilJ-j; ski attended schodl in Billings, red to Corvallu si aisisUnt!lul IBn w nMa, ., ,n., Mont and joined the company manager. He was later acting 'ZSWll 1"m i" there, remaining seven years. -manager at Ashland auring iiMuiiii-iaiaiiH He has been In Salem lix years, 'six months illness of the man- 10 .. two and a half as sssisUnt man- ager. He came here In March.! The 1953 All-Arnerlcan Rose ager. He is a director of the 1952. , Selection, Ma Perkin, and Community Chest and the Duff Is married and ha, an Chrysler Imperial were the Downtown Merchants Assn. He Infant daughter. He is a mem-:36th and 37th varieties select Is member of tht Salem ber of tht Elks. ' ed for the mo.t coveted award Iffyat'H.Xlbl'1"' fiai ann m aiiaii iiin, n.j. aj ).iaa 1 ' ' . M 1 "i. SI 11,11 , w ... 1 kUM hi 4 BEDROOM Cloae la on North 4th tret, near city but end 4 block to Grant tcboul. Completely redecorated with I bed room, bath, llvtn room, dinette, birch kitchen dewnetelr. and S bed room ii. Pull bment, oil furnace, double erae, ntc lawa and laree had tree. Aeheol 1 olmoet here ufttn. Let a ehow yea thie bene now. 114,444 14 the price with term. Unobstructed View New t-bedreoai lira modern eon lemyorery borne on Kiruweod Helehu. Buie Heine room with panoramic view, tlrealao. din In room, kitchen nod H both oa apMr level. Lower level baa foil bath. S bodrom. laree tuny room, raturnl wood anterior, older trim eo Interior, lart double let. Price I 411.404. Call h today. ABRAMS, B0URLAND & SKINNER III Maaanla tulldlnl Baal Batata tntarabea Marttaat Laaaa l-llll Brat. HIM ar I IH! a. FOR SALE HOUSES HEAR YE! HEAR YE Have yea awl that 4-bedroota ILANtTH ItTYLB dream bom out of your mind becueo It aeemi Juet beyond your reacbf Now 1 your chance te make that dream come true. Submit our of fer I Tbte borne nut be eotd, and owner will oonelder an? reeeonable down payment. Only yrs. old. lovely yard with covered patio, t at plumb. In, and Juat plain ntc. Seilink for red'ired prlc of 111.40. Aik for DON DAVIO. t. phone 1-7421. rVazin ONK-BKDBOOM BOtHI Lot MUM. I6I0O, IBeludlBt furnltort. WIU ttka trtllar houaa. IM Wlnola St. a!oa NICB BOMB la Nob Hill Dllt. Baar trad. achool ana a.w rtoutb salam nitn. a bdrrna., dta, dlBInt rn., BiodarB hltehea nook, dtrlltht baarmant, partr rai., all furnaeo, btrdwood floora. tood taratt, traaa m ahruba. Onlr,. Pbont 1-nll or t m. BP.AIITIP1IL l.bodroom bouv f, baa trarr- thlna Autematlt atabar, aa.r but. mw. tiof BT 0NB I raonu bain, plaatoraa" kaottr pibo Pinal In llrlnt room, huta wtrdrobo, 1 aart. Will toko tood houaa trallar at part pormant. 4441 sonnr rnw Ara. Pnoat l ull, not BT OWNSB Nlca l-bodroom bomt aatr Lrillo Khool. 1140, will btaaU. Cau afur l . ll Oiford St. bioa WFKT tAI.IM 4 , It. bomt. piaaurad, oraar lot. Roaamoat. lanoo. stvixir. Rllr. Ph. IIM1 ar 4I1II. IN htta. waur St. tjo." FOR SALE OR TRADE Thlt famllp waata a larrar he arltb acraaat. Mar. aatt i'tm. bail, la Watt antra. Ball tar ItlM. B. Isherwood, Realtor 111, wtlltn R4L Ph. 44111 a 144 Mildred McDonald, Identified by police pretty 29-year-old stenogrspher wsnted for questioning in bizarre, pistol-razor slaying of a 14-year-old Somerville, Mass., girl Mary Dl Rocco is shown with Patrolman Ceorge F. Grace, who apprehended her, in New York colice station. Grace holds .22 calibre pistol which police .aid was found In girl's room at YWCA. Grace ssid he recognized the girl from picture In newspaper ht ssw. (AP Wlrephoto) EAST ENGLEW00D fast on Market, it ake modern bom. 1 bedroom, kitchen. Ilvlnc room, dinlnc room, break rati nook, hardwood floora. flrepiar utility at taehed carat oil heat. Lawn, flowtre end tbrubbery. Prw 1 111.404 with terms. Kscelleal TV reception. ABRAMS, BOURLAND tt SKINNER 411 Maeent Bulldfe Real tttat iMurane Martcate teen 1-MIT Bv. 414 or J-1iM Mi FARM ft BEAVERDAM-PEAT- ' TIMBER ' 225-ACRE FARM Prontat oa hlthway 44 tad . P. railroad min Una, Juet north at Sa lem. Two three. bedroom home. Ba many poutbUltlo. 44.4M wk anil handle, balano oasy lermo. L E, Klumpp, Realtor M44 Portland Hood ' ff4U bao4 M ACRBB On hlthaar. all aall. Oo4 l-bdrra. aaodara bona, aaw s-car ,a rait. at nan am. All Uara af avarfTton boUf aTtta. OMLT tin. TBHIIB. lit ACRISCIom la ff.Bn too, l-artrav abMlanb noma, lovtir lawa. riawora, ahruba. thldo fruit, ALL POP) ' 110 tot. TABS OOOD PIOUS M WOHLARD DIPT. IB TKADB. IH ACRBB (Baatt l-bdrta. aiaaarB boma, not aalta flntohad, trrbTatlos imam and wall. Sail all tap Sana. OHLT 1140, dowa. , BBS T. T. ARDBRSOM POB A 'ABM TVS PH. Milt Dial 44494 Rail ta Wllltmttta Vallar Bank BOU.TWOOD CISTBICT ant HOMESEEKERS! If you've been eXlnf real value and eavlnia. we bellav rou ahould take a look at thlt very modern l-bedroom hem oa half acre, all plaatered. ftre plaee, oak floor, roomy wardrobe end eloaeti. Unique bath and kitchen, forc ed oil beatinc, plue manr more fin reaturei. Loeatea at 104 Brown Rd. From Lane aaler. turn eatt on Bunnr Tlew. trlcht to Brown Rd. Turn left. FORDYCE AND SAMPELS Builder Oontraeter WIU BRLL or take lrHff honto or ear far dowa payment en I cre with ai 4-bedroom Boma, 14444. am $1500 DOWN - $8950 Our thoviht I t recommend thle love I r home ta a younier ooupie with future plan for finietttn the up at air i, er ta a retired couple who would like t have the ettra bedroom eoace for the erandehlldrea to come home to. There are now 1 bedroome with unflnlehed apatalr. fireplace, flan ton patio and a beautiful rard flllfd wth floweri and shrube of all kind. Owner lea via for Portland and muet ell Immediately. Per ap pointment ask for LILLIB CR044 v. pboM 1-4314. 0? REAL ESTATE SELL! Weit to Willi met te ViM-v Bank HOLLYWOOD DWTR1CT ai tl04 DOW 14 BT OWNER t bedroom bouse, ftreplac, with par room di eiorac uaitalr. Pulir laaalatad with Tenetlaa bllnda throusbout en lane corner lot House onlr 4 rra. old. ha been rented lor t rr. need rdceratlB. Mav re duced tt price la ft p to allow for raevttoa. Owner out of atete. Unit be litd tht week. DRIVB OUT BUNNT T1BW TO BIN VAUOKN BT. 4304 If oinc to hurt, but this rat ha a 2-bdrm. horn oa Bast Rural, cloo to ell the achool. he will ell rlsht. 17440, nti most liberal term. H mentioned be mlht take leaa thaa ' 11400 down i Why not call 4-S441. ak for Mr. Williams, and see this hen and iet all the etorr. It will urpriea you. 3-B.R., But Wants 2-B.R. and so will trade tbl l-bdrm. horn, clot la and clw te achool (AH bdrrna. on on floor.). Din in room, fireplace. -WfU, a very good -family home for a , l-bdrm. home. Or win elt for 1404 and five eod terms. If you need ta aettled befor clvol trt. what about this Call 41441. eab for Mr. .. Williams; h U 4t pour aervKe. 2-B.R. BARGAIN Don t think It Un'tr Attached a. raie ilanei, 1 bdrm., auuty na. 1144, Urma, too. . 3-B.R. - $5,750 . tart corner lot. Na old bouse, either. One bdrm. down, l bp. Oerea. Dlnlof room, too. What' more -only 4714 dowa. Cell 4-241, ask tar Mr. William. NO LEG PULLING. Tbl Is da lets' beat l-bdrm. buy (lane rooms, tool. New, modern borne, atl, earace, fireplace. Well. 14 ha )t til. Waa priced over 114,404. Owner must leave. 413.744. 13004 dowa. What a fcurt Nar Candaiarla. Call 4-1441, ask for Mr. wmiama. 4-B.R.-NEW Larra rooms, well lac ted aorta eaati, with attached earace, u far. aae ta all rooma, fireplace a tap home. 111.404, end only 41004 dowa. A food price and terms, belle m. Phono 4-1411, ask for Mr. WUliaau, (They miiht consider trade a) B bdiia. bom.) CLYDE PR ALL, REALTOR 144 Be. HUB PR. 4-Mtl-ABK POH MR. WILLIAMS ' ! r 1