Wednesday, August 26, 1953 TUB" CAPITAL JOURNAL,' Salem, Oregon Pre FOR SALI MISCILUNtOQS Used Appliances No, Down Payment on 'Approved Credit HMD nUOIDAIRB 1 CO. FT. SEALED UNIT. VERT CLEAN. OOOD CON. DITIOK. MEAT DISH. ONLT..J)ya C8ED WARD'S CO. FT.. NEW MO TOR REPAIR. DE LUXE MODEL. VERT QUIET, CLEAN ,71,, TJBED HOTPOINT ELEC. HANOB. CLEAN. CABINET STY LI. CALROD UNITS. ONLY mt USED WASHERS M TO . ALL IN OOOD RUNNINO CONDITION. TINKHAM k Appliance GENERALS ELECTRIC M K. LIBERTY. SALEM WANtED POSITIONS RING WOOD Kindergartens In Wut Sa Jem begin September 9th. Call 4-1467 for rouncstra under four, Ovtr (out cell 3-4339. " h207 EXPERIENCED housework by hour. Ph. 2-7019 after 9. h204 llAN. M, WITH' FAMILY would Ilka to nova to Salem. Or iron. Hat IS yaara bookkeeping, auditing and manage ment Mperience. Can civ A-l ref erences. Claud Wilton. 910 0. Neveda, Colorado Springe, Colorado. h207 BRt'SH OR SFBAT painting. Phone 4-3505 or 8-8581. h313 NEW LAWNS Prepared and seeded. Rotary hoeing. Duana Wolcott, 1-4 in. 1.228 WOULD UKK to do lrontm In my home. Phono 3-4MI. h304 WOULD like to' bid on your palatini. Phone 3-4349. h325 FAINTING Interior, exterior. HcCHln and Oolden. Phone 3-1333 or 3-3009. h3i7 LICENSED DAY NURSERY Phont 3-8032. especially lor Infanta and 1 yean. h30l TOU NEED your kitchen, ftatbrwm, cell ing! and walli waabedf Alio your win- daws? call e-oi34. H306 ROTOTTIXING Middle Grove Nuriary, 4930 suverton aa. mono a-eoas. n FAINTING, PAPER hint Inf. day or contract. Small Jobs wtlcoma. Phone 1-7693. h307 LIGHT CRAWLER doting, dirt level inc. trading. Phone 3-3330. h307 PAPER BANGING, painting. Pre es timates. Don Lucero. Ph. 33533. hl07 LA' N MOWERS, SCISSORS, clipper head, etc, sharpened. General Mtv tor Repair. 191 Gerth. Phone MK1 h309 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phone 4-3573. h CARPENTER. Repairing furniture and all kinds of carpenter work. Phone 3-96B1. 1000 Mill fit. ' h303 WfEMAL'S DAT NURSERY Licensed and state Inspected. Phono 2-ftQift. h238 faouSEKEEFlVO JOB for gentleman In country. Good home, mora than wages. 399 Mission St. hJtffi BOOKKEEPER Full charge, needa per manent position. 5-day week. Etc. ' .tela. Hlverton 34439. h209 CARPENTER and repair work wanted, Phone 3-2459 after 9 pm. h30S' RADIO TV SERVICE 1932 TABLE MODEL T.V. 1136.00 Cath. 33ft Bo. Winter At upstairs. Bveninga. ha209 EDUCATION BELP SICK PEOPLE. Study the etandard four year college court and become a . Naturopathic physician. Write NOW to Dept. R, WESTERN STATES COL LEGE, 4636 S. I. 03rd Ave., Portland, Oregon. nnaia FOR RENT OFFICE SFACB XnQUlro at 109 8- High Phona 1-4114. 1 LtRGB warehouse apaca for rent or leas. Cement floors, brick buildtnf Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phona 3-9185. J rllCKLE bar mower, paint opray, tools. Snook's, 1355 Broadway. J307a FOR LIAS 180 to 300 feat frontage oq Bdge water st, Waal Salem. Ira J. Pitts, ph. 3840S. ! WANTED TO RENT BEDBOOM unfurnished house. Up to 75 month. By adult. Oood references. Phona 38004 alter I. jaw WANTED 1 T 3 -bedroom house. Phone m,.T latin S-BEDROOM partially furnished house. Phona 3-1117. Ja305 t-BEDROOM unfurnished houaa or court, , close to ffrada school .with appliances. To 188. Phone 4-4800. Ja205 FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE, CLEAN fronL room, hot, cold water. Reasonable, 158 Center St. Jk307 NICE, LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Lady. 835 N. Church. Jk207 BLEEPING ROOM for 1 or 2. 790 N. Church. Phone 3-4333. Jk207 ATTRACTIVE ROOM close to stste buildings. 539 N. Winter. Jk2O0 BOOMS FOR GIRLS Kitchen privilege. Uae entire house. TV. 946 N. Winter. Phone 3-4373 or 3-9480. Jk305 NICE ROOM, for gentleman, close in. 832 N. Winter. Call after B'SO. Jk2M FOR RENT HOUSES S BEDROOM, all electric, built in range. Hollywood district. 175. Phona 3-4482, Jm204 77 S. COM L. Close In down town. 3 bedroom, excellent for large family, flt. Joseph or Bush school dtst. Fur ther Information, call 28010 Jm204 VERT-BMAI L unfurnished l-bedfoom nam, twmt iih wuunu vi vuin vi ; young couple. Refrlserator and stove. No utility room. Oaraite furnuhed. Excellent location. Walking distance of statrhoune. Beautiful yard and patio. ' Phone 30848. Jm204 3 ".ED ROOM small retr houes, newly decorated. Phone 38 100, Inquire at 155 B. Lancaster. imw grBboMRfuirbe1nTnt. oil hest. t. 835 Catterlm Drive. 4-4434. 2-0773. Jm308 MAPS New city maps showing by-paw high way available at your favorite book tore. Look for Releon Maps. Jm304 CLEAN, OLDER t bedroom home, saw dust heat. 100 pe; month. Rawlins Realty, 2080 N. Capitol. 4-1781. Jm FOR RENT One bedroom house. North. Inquire at 3510 Portland Rd. Jm303 FOR BEVT 3-bed room house. Inquire at 1353 West 2nd St. ?m??il -BEDROOM house, oil circulator, kitch en range furnished. Cell 3-8923 aftfT 4:30 Jtn303' -BEDROOM duplex. years old. Hard wood floors, fireplace, ail electric. No . yard work. Close In. See to appreciate. f Adult. No pets OT drinkers. 1480 Trade St. Jm306 l-BEDROOM duplex, furnished, clean. Private bath. 345. 3575 Lee St. Jm203' CLOSE IN Extra nice street floor du plM. 3 rooms, large living room, fur- i nilure, creek, car port. f75.Ph. 3-5138 eves. )m20t t-BEDROOM -Car port and extra lot on S. Lancaster Drive. M5 per mo. Will lease A give option to buy. Olaf Trxm atad, Realtor, 941 N. Capitol St. Ph 3790r Jm204 AVAILABLC 8PET, HT Small one-bedroom furnished finwe. 1594 0th St.. : West Balem. 2-9387. Jm20' I BkliROOM house. 2331 rh ester. Phone Wlilamlna 2958. Jm3 Bocae IN KJiier"'Wtrlct 3 bedroom. ' uvkjv, sjatrut, siiquir ini St, . - jso304 eon $AiI MISCgLLANtOUS CELUflT CONDITION. CLEAN. SEALED ONIT. VEO. CRISPER. ONL IMM 0?JLPT BI7- CO. FT. LEONARD HtrO. OOOD RUNNINfl rfiuni. TION ONLT 4.U OSED I CU. FT. COLDSPOT CI LOX1 VERY OOOD rfiKH ran iDt. ONLT MM GILBERT Company PHONE 14311 104' BUSINESS RENTALS BUILDING IN Bollywood, approximately " - wvHUk v.ui cuw 11ns Realty. 2-4004. or 4-1711. jo1 GROUND IXOO B office or Store iptc, nita HiritL JO" FOR RENT APARTMENTS DOWNTOWN-Well furnished, 3 room, ww. oorner apt, on center St. Jp207 ROOM unfurnished apartment. 145. une room lurnished apartment. 930. S05. jpaof BASEMENT apartment, fireplace, close in. gentlemen, phone 34791. Jp204 BASEMENT furnished, 2 rooms, utilities. priTtM OBin, W0 O. XDtn, JP307' FOB RENT Two triple!, 1-bdrm, etch mumre to iv romana tia. jpiov CLEAN, QUIET 1-room apt. down town umoj preitrrea. 045 Ferry. JP303 COl'BT APARTMENT Furnished, close in on n. commercial. rooms A aa rage. Ph. 28848 or 36844. Jp306 NICELT furnished 1-room housekeeping room. 897 N. uaerty. )p305 IN TURNER Modem nkely furnLthed l oearoom apt. Phone 4-3497. Jp305 CLOSE, 1ST FLOOR, 2 room, bath, prl vate entrance. 658 Center St. Jp204' LARGE 3-bedroom house, close to down town shopping area. Call 3-4114. Jb394 SEPT. ITH One, 1 bedroom unfurnished apt. AVAILABLE NOW. One. 1 bed- room furnished apt., newly decorated. inquire at Wsbtr Apt., South 13tii Jp204' 2 ROOM furnished apartment, private oatn. 708 tu uoerty. Phona 3-8947, JP305 NICELT FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Apt. 850 no. summer. Jp' SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location, inquire bl u suii rurniture Phone 3-918B. a jp SUBURBAN, neat and clean 1-bedroom duplex, private bath and entrance. Fur aished or unfurnished. 043.50. Phone 4-1986. jp203 SALEM'S FINEST large 2-bdroom, fire place, unfurnished. Select area. 2-1117. jpsoe COZT S-ROOM, around floor, close In. Reasonable. 074 N. Church. Inquire rear house, 670. - Jp308 CLEAN furnished apartment, private bath. Phone 4-78. Jp206 V. SALEM Clean 3-rm. unfurnished court apt. Has etec. range. Phone 2-6009. JPSOB LEE APTS. Salem' s Most Distinguished Addreaa. One bachelor' unit now available, $67; another bachelor unit available Sept. 1st. AU large and roomy quarters with lot of closet specs. 586 N. Winter. JP203' CLOSE IN, rooms, garage. Vary nice. 870. Also, sice I room apt, furnished. 3-5083. JP308 LOVELY, CLOSE IN, first floor apart ment, lots of steam heat and hot water. See at 338 Oak street. Jp208 FURNISHED S room apt, near church and school. 3310 N. 4th. . JP205' TWO. S ROOM furnished downstairs apartments, private baths, entrances. 840 gnd 138. Laundry facilities. Lights and water furnished. 1620 Ferry St. Phone 2-3101. Jp5" LOST & FOUND LOST 1-b.p. electric motor, vlenlty Cryital Sprint, pony ranch, Pleaie return to L L Oattaln, Rt. I. Box 114. on Vita Sprlaia Rd. Phona 1-1443. Reward. kJOf LOST Orey and vhlt, kitten. Pindar call Bill Cole. 1-7MI. 1201 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE , TKOCKS O-DRIVa MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION (II OOORT ST. PHONE t-lMI PAGE STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD m' SALEM1 SAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Clearing . DltcMaf Sewer and Suement Equipment Rental Dttchlnc by the Fool Phon Day, 3-9408 Iroa. 1-4411 or 1-1411 Salem. Oregon aa DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOB1 CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolpo Bid.. Stat ft Commercial St SALEM PH 11311 m LET L'B DO your fun amoklng and flan canning. 1-7006. m230 BUILDING MATERIALS WINDOWS Largest stock in Salem. New weath erstrlpped windows completely Mum bled, 214.39 up. Large modern sashes and crystal picture windows. 88 up. Pick your choice at bargain prices PLUMBING New toilets with seat 125.50 30"i 18' wash basins, complete .. 17.50 Bath tuba wttb fitting 09 50 Double laundrr trays complete . 20.7ft Shower cabinets, complete .... 43 00 Double kitchen sinks, e lee trie watr beaters, pipe cheap 4" eolld Orangeberg pipe 36c 80S gal. steel septic tanks 167.50 OTHER BAROAINS Metal sarase doors with hdwe 45 New 4x8 plasterboard 91.40 4x9 waterproof wa'.lbctrd 81.78 Interior and exterior plywood Nil Is, carload supply 89.75 Overhead gtrng door hdwe Sis 95 Loose insulation, per bag 11.00 Roll blanket Insulation bargain V "Jap Birch" plywood 28c i" "Jap Birch" plywood 51c V Ma hoe any plywood 43c No. 1 Cdar ahintles 99.25 No. I Cedar shinties 5.00 No. 3 Cedar shinties 4 00 2-tab roofing 98.91 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass door lowest prices New ftr door Jamb ...62 50 Painted cedar shake $10 75 Unpainted cedar shakes ........ 18 oo Nw ftAbewtos sidlnt ............ mm Exterior white paint . ...83 96 Shake molding, per foot 10c C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-4051 One mile N. of reiser REMODEL N0W1 Free home planning service. Let it five you a free estimate on your home remodeling or repair. Aiae in stallation of roofing, eve troughs, tid ing or ether building tratenals. Montgomery Ward Fnon. l-llll 1 No. Liberty BUILDING MATERIALS FBRB LATH. U-Ptek UP. Shower atall with fixture, door, used lumbar far ale. SaJtae Oenerai Hoapitai Nursaa'e Heme. J04 8PBCIAL WBBCKINO BOt SB 17M eXtrket All tnaterlai tor gale. ma 304 PLYWOOD Inttrter ud ExWrlor. 4zl ihMU r In cut MUl .nd. 3 ft. MP. Clu Sdt. (clean up), til la 111 U. Doen. MM up. Buck, MAh.. Ftr la Slip oort. P.n.1 la Fir. BnUH 110.11 tip. B.rdbo.rd ll.YI ahMt. Hcnl. pdc. F:,a VIM. Mldic WaUbrard. Roof, lag, ocortl, paaa, and Lumbar au prmd rliM. Ftm delivery and Mtfmatfnf aarrlM. Mothln, dowa34 aio. t, pay. Opaa all day Sat. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER TARD Wtl ForUaad Rd. Fa. 44 O 3 ai Remodel, Repair, Now Sat youy caah for a rainy day Ma dovn payment, I' aaaalbs la pay Epping Lumber Co. 174, SUverUn Rd. Fa. 4am OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY FOR ?ALE MISCELLANEOUS BEAUTIFUL aaed brick for titcrtor walla, fireplacea. and Interior. Phone 1-1411 after 16 an. MOT' USED PIANO CLEARANCE UFRIOHTS ISO. I7I. I1M. OTHERS BIOHER PRICED BUT BARGAINS. XNABE, STEINWAT, MASON HAMLIN, ETC. USED SPINET ONLT AS1S.M Full line of new spinets and grands. TALLMAN'S . (A Bill from htfa prlcea) m Cor. 12th & Mill Streetl naoi' Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 Shaper and Stand Starting prlc Aug. - la AUG. 27th - $72.00 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT ft COURT ST. PHONE 11U "We Olv S ft H Oreea Stamp," SPINET PIANO Slightly used - new piano guarantee like new. . TRADE-IN ACCEPTABLE A REAL BARGAIN TERMS DP COURSE SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 153 S. HIOH ST. PH. 2-9701 Aero from Xlsinore Theater n304 GIRL'S BIKE In good condition. 50 Hoyt. U204 GIBSON RANGE, desk, Easy Splndrler, boat motor, iioor lamps, other misc. items. 1995 Berry. n204 THREE-PIECR bedroom suite,, old-fash ioned four-poster, walnut finish, bed, dresser, wardrobe, box springs, good condition, very pretty. Phont 25780 or 403B5. naoj Completely reconditioned reftnlshed New Piano Guarantee - A Truly Superb Piano GRAND PIANO BY BALDWIN TOUR OLD PIANO IN TRADE TERMS SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 153 S. HIOH ST. PH. 3-8707 Aero from Ilsinore Theater n204 SILVEBTONE Radio-Phonograph, rec ords, women's clothes, 13-14; household goods. 1405 Baker. 3-9876. n207 FRIGIDAIRE electric stove, good con dition; 3-plece bedroom set; box springs and mattress; 17x9 rug and pad. 3-5344. n303 RENT A PIANO $6.00 PER MONTH EVERY PIANO GUARANTEED Limited Rental Stock SALEM MUSIC COMPANY 111 S. HIOH ST. PH. 1-1707 Acrow from Elalnor Theater T n!04. HEATING NEEDS! See Ward' complete line of heating need. Free estimate on all Installa tion Jobs. Montgomery Ward 159 NO. Liberty Ph. 3-1191 ROLLAWAT BED. practically new. Call 410 N. Summer. n204 LIMED OAK show cases, fluorecent lights. See Dick Remy, Seam, Roebuck and Co. 3-9191. n207 LUGGAGE CARRIER, $13. meketa. 1374 Che n304 OIBSON electric guitar, used 3 weeks. hi price. 1563 BUth St. n203 1 USED AUTOMATIC gas hot water tank, t used electric sump pump, 1 Schick electric rtror. Call after 11 a.m. 1625 Grant St. n30S SACRIFICE, Kelvin a tor refrigerator and bathfnet. Eoth A-l condition. Phone 2-1861. n203 SELL OR TRADE New 2-wheet trailer. 4-eiOO. 461 so. Capitol. n203 OUT-OF-TOWN client will sacrifice 1 to t Belcreat cemetery lot at 850 each. Regular price Is 873.50. See Mr. Vorhees with Denton Denton. Phone 33063. na.i TOP SOIL River aflt and fill dirt Prompt de livery Phona 3-1148 nB SINGER ELECTRIC Console cabinet sewing machine with regular set of attachments. Sews for ward and reverse over pins and ha drop feed feature. 880 off new price. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com'l. n304 HOSPITAL BED for sale tr rent H U Stiff Furniture Co Phone 1-eltt Mcculloch chain paws, sot Edge water West Balem Balem Lonint Sup oir Ph 4-1541 1 H AtTb WWELL Myers pump. $50. Ph 2-6794. n3 PORTABLE WHEEL CHAIB Portollft. 1005 N. l?tb. n20$ TWIN SIZE box spring ft mattress, only $1895 for the set. USED MERCHAN DISE MART. 370 S. Liberty St. Phone 46371. Terms of course. n30S ONE BOT'S BICTCLE. one girl's bicycle, cement mixer. Phone 4-3840. n30 DAVENO, sectional davenport, mas, drape. beis, lamps, chest of drawers, combination radio-record player, piano and other miscellaneous pieces. Call 33449 or see at lSfl Jefferson. .20t GARAGES Oa your lot, t. your pacification, II month t. pay. Pre. ,ttmate. BORXMAN LB P.. ft HDWE. CO. lit. Stat, St. Pn. 1-17,1 GENERAL FIEf-TIIC waihlng machtne fnr aale. Reaaonabi. U33, Cbem.kei, St. an AUTOMOIILES DON'T ' FOOL YOURSELF! YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED AROUND ENOUGH UNTIL YOU SEE v THESE FINE BUYS . 195? DE SOTO 4-DR. ALL OF THE EXTRAS INCLUDING POWER STEERING, FIRXDOME VI... 1952 OLDS. 98 4-DR. OREY. ft CLASSIC AUTOMOBILE . 1952 AUSTIN A-40 4-DR. NEW. NEVER LICENSED, LEATHER , INTERIOR, 4 SPEEDS FORWARD. - 1951 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-DR. MAROON. BEAUTIFUL, BOTH INTERIOR ft EXTERIOR ' $2395 1950 LINCOLN 4-DR. EXTRAS. WHITE S1DEWALLS. A BIG IMPRESSIVE CAR .... 1950 MERCURY 2-DR. DARK BLUB. OVERDRTVS. 1950 CHEV. CLB. CPE. BLACK. IMMACULATE. SHELTERED EXISTENCE 1950 FORD 2-DR. DARK BLOB. OOOD RUBBER. CLEAN CAR . . . 1950 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP OOOD RUBBER. VERY CLEAN THROUGHOUT . 1949 OLDSMOBILE 4 BEAUTIFUL MAROON LIKE A DREAM . , . 1949 BUICK 4-DR1 BEAUTIFUL MAROON. LIKE A DREAM ... BLACK. 1-HOLER. YOU'LL SAY, "OOOD BUY"; 1949 FORD PICKUP -CYLINDER. SUCK I HAS CLOSED BOX EACH 1947 FORD CONVERTIBLE TOP IS VERT OOOP. AN SPECIAL. ... 1947 BUICK 4-DR. ENOINE OOOD, INTERIOR 1947 NASH 4-DR. SPECIAL - TODAY ONLT 9900,000 BRACtfl VaUiraKALTB, OH ONLT LODER 4S8 CENTER r W 1 Vfcugrf a better Used Car from a Buick Peale See the selection'al- OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 2-3623 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS NEW ,, INVALID 8 folding wheel chair, 131. 40; new 13.31 folding eami chair. 12.35; good circulator heater, H.ftO; oil circulator heater, nlc one, 111.30. 634 N. Capitol. n2Q OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, Innerparlng mat tree, hot aprlng, bed frame, table lampa, floor lamp, atudlo courh, tablea. See anytime. 1301 chemeketa. Phone 34177. nJOl 4 PIECE mahogany belrona get and a davenport. Phone 1-7333. niov CHfLtVfl GYM HEY, tricycle, houaehold furniture. Pnoae l-MW. 117 S. H:ih nlna Wanted MISCELLANEOUS USED FURNITI'EE and antique,. One plec or houaeful. 1-1143. na20l WANTED Light Pickup. 1-7113. na303 LOGS WANTED Oood Ind growth loga. prem. paid for No. 1 loga 31' and longer. Alto. I' atud loga or mulllplea of I' Plua trim to II" diem. BURPLAND LBR. CO ph. TURNER 1131 EVES. 1M1 TURNER, 1-7121, SALEM aalll WOODSY WANTS Piano, pnoae l-llll aa RANGES, woodry'a Ph a WANTED LEGHORNS and colored hrna any uanlty Immlately. will par over top Portland market. Ph. 3341. Lee Hatchery. na204 Logs Wanted Tee) prlc m today mark! for long m h.rt aecond frowta fir leg,. For price. Phone lull aya. 41714 rn. lag,. Weal Salrm Lumber Ce, IIM Wallac fM. Selem. aa37 AUTOMOBILES $2595 13095 $1595 UVXLT SHARP . $1495 HAS OBVIOUSLY LED ' A ... $1295 $1095 $1095 - DR. EXCELLENT TIRES. DRIVES ES $1495 r'j $1195 $895 W EXPENSIVE SUNSHINB $795 ' ' OOOD, PRICE GOOD AT . $595 1.OO0.WV0 RASBUCKNITS, i, $550 BROS PHONE 2-7873 WP" ALL SQUARE AUTOMOBILES le.H FORD Panel. Oood motor, tires, new I battery. Equipped for plumbing. 9M. 9 N. Winter. 9-7027. 204 '49 CHEV. 4 door deluxe, one of the cleanest '49s In town. Well eared for mer hen leal lr, A one-owner ear. 20ro Nebraska. q209 19M PORD Convertible, show room con dition. 91390. will lake TV set or old car a down parmant, Call 9-1347. O204 1910 Plymouth edan. radio, heater. 1133 or bet offer. 3-1711, 30S SALE OR TRADE 1947 Studebaker Cham pion Sedan. Excellent condition throughout, 7K 611 Rlvervlew Dr. Ph. 49304. 304 $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY TItROUOH FRIDAY ALL MAKE AND MODEI4 TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors nil Broadway Fnon, I-M31 at ford coup,. Phon i-jm oioi" laia chev. CAEatra-good condition. Mlft. I8I Che.tnut St. 3-3411. q204 WANTED; LIHTp:"kup7"3.7ll3. ,303 MI'ST SELL Iff 1C nee, PletllnVd lul. 4-dr. aeden. Radio, heater ft un dercoat. Car In excellent eond. Illll. Silvertoa, 117 Miu sc. Phona 14213 .304 SPORTING EQUIPMENT I.-H P. EVINSl fiE outboard motor, like new. Phone 3410.. neloi BOATIIOI.'SB Completely ''furnuhed! boat aa aiTUr. Call 1-TeM. Bc30 AUTOMOBILES . . . "WOMAN" CHEFFINGS . and "MADMAN" SINES . . . DO IT AGAIN! Here Are Prices .You WHERB PRICES ARE A OLDS, "la" 1-DR PLYMOUTH 4-DR FORD l-DR STUDEHAKER CHAMP. 4-DR. CHEVROLET CL. CPE. PONTIAC 4-DR OLDS. 4-DR MERCURY 4-DR , CHEV. CL. CPE FORD 1-DR. OLDS. CLUB COUPE DODOE 4-DR , CHRYSLER 4-DR , PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE .... CHEVROLET 4-DR. PACKARD 4-DR NASH CLUB COUPE BEAN PICKERS' SPECIALS ' '41 TX5RD 4-DR. '41 LINCOLN CONVERTIBLE '41 NASH 4-PR '41 FORD FORDOR .'. '41 OLDS. 1-DR FORD PICKUP, MODEL A ... WE DON'T COPY PRICES WE MAKE 'EM , " ; THE LONGEST TRADER IN TOWN "BUZZ" CHEFFINGS Motor Company OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M. , Commercial ' . ' ' noao 1-131 ( A cross and Bouth o." AUTOMOBILES NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED ' BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH SEE US NOW FOR SALEM'S BEST BUYS AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. UNDER COVER - BUT NOT UNDERSOLD! 1IT N. CHURCH - PH. I-7I1T . POST 10T8 SALES ) 12. SeV OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 IMA FORD V-l p,n,l, good condition. Phono M100. 307 MUST SELL THI WEEK 1.41 Mercury 4-door eden. Radio, heater, overdme, directional llghta. custom tailored goat covert, tm. Can 4056J after :jo vm 3M 14. CHEV. de luia l-loor ,edan. Ex cellent condition. Radio, heater. 60 at 1111 N. 5th St. between and P.m. o.l IBM NASH SEDAN Radio, heater, 100. 3000 Bruce St. Phone 4-M7I. Q34 DON'T PIVE 'THE OLD MAN- A BAD TIME FOR THE BIO REPAIR BILI4 ON THE OLD FAMILY CAR I eVEND HIM TO KANNIER'S FOR A OOOD USED CAR . . . AND SAVE MONEY AT LOW PRICESI '41 Chey. i-door. Clean and runa ood IfW '41 Ford V-l Club Cpe. Black Sharp I '41 Ford V-l 4-door. New paint and overhauled motor Ml '41 Cher. Hot Rod. OMC motor 171. Had the treatment Ill '40 Chevrolet 4-4lr. Very clean, perfect motor IM '40 Plym. 1-Ooor 145 '40 Ford V-l 145 'IS Chev. Cpe. Runa good ......... lA '19 Fontlae 4-door .5 '41 DrSoto Clb. CP HO 1141 Ford -ton Pkup. New paint 115 Model A Ford. Oood motor and .body .5 ; KANNIER'S , ' USED CARS H. J. miner) Neufeld, Mgr. 130 Hood St. Phone l-IMi and 4-ttWl 0203' U III DIION HORNET, club coupe. Radio, healer, dual ranee hydro., WSW, Tu ton pafvit. Low mileage, for aulck aale. I3HH4O0. Phone 1-KH. 0203 1D47 FLYMOITH Club Coupe. Oood ahape. Clean. Radio, heater. May be een 3175 N. Front St. or call 1-4B34 after 100 p m. i20f' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Ca expert, will aolv, your prop lm and aav, you money Pre BiatM, gpeady Mrvlc Center l Lib. rly TRUCKS 1141 FORD panel truck Excellent condi tion. Phon day, 1-3MJ; alter I pm. 1-I7II. odiol' HEAVY EQUIPMENT D9 CAT, Sercal 2R731B, Caterpillar front unit, caterpillar rear unit ana oiaae, 9000. Oood operating condition. Re cent orernaul. Prank Mactnl, Burns, qeJOJ FOB SALS Willamette wide face doable-drum donker, V-t power, soma rig ging. Writ J, B. Mem, Rte. 3 Box 302-A, Corvallls, Ore., or phone Marrs at extension 410, otic. eesne TRAILERS LIKE NEW 1200 Btudebaker 2 wheel steel trailer with dump body and rerk 00x1 tires, tlllt. Tall 3M99 303 TRANSPORTATION WORRINO MAN wanla ride to Cacade Plywood Plant at Lebanon and back to Salem I day, week, Phon 41107. X204' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 I AUTOMOBILES Can't Match Anywhere! FACT, NOT A PROMISE! ' .I11M . IIM . 10.1 , im . ion . 10M . 10M ess Ml 411 . in iw the American Legion) 2o3 FINANCIAL private money la loan real e. tate. pnone 1-07,4. rllc SEE DS FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAO LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BOH Real aetata a.orttairl la ecuae, SUte Finance Co. in so High st, " Colonial Investment Co. Uortface loan. Contract. Private money placement. 97 Court St, Phont 43333 r304 Lie. I2S end M-3M - - end ROT R. BIMMOHB INSURANCE AND LOANS ' Bear "Top Trades'' U oa Dally KSLM 1390 K. . OBTNBRAL PTNANCB CO LOANS 131 Bo. OommereiaJ St. Tel. MISt AUTO LOANS WUftLAUETTR CREDIT CO. 193 Sontk Chore. , Parkins s-Plentr Ph. 2-3497 Lie. M. M-IMk B-IM HIGH PAYMENTS? Wl CAN CUT Let's Give Them the AXE! Use our consolidation plan. AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD PTXRNITURI LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. II? 80. High St. S-llf M-173 rl07 DIRECTORY ADPINQ MACHINES All make used machines sold, rented, repaired. Roen. M court. Pb, 3-0773. W do anything in the line f build ing. Pre estimates. Phon 2-099. 0211 DBE8SMAKINO " Alte. ations, " hemstitching, 4 u 1 1 o. buckle covered, buttonhole. Mr. H. M. Allender, 2-9911. o219 BI I.LDOZ1NO Bulldozing, roadn, clearing teeth. Virgil Huskey, 1010 Pair view, phon 2-1146. 0326 EXCAVATING Ben OtJen As Bon, excavating and grading. Land clearing. Pb. 1-3020. 0211 HO UK MOV1NO Leveling, foundation work. Pull cx perieiKe. Pree estimate. Bonded and Insursd Ph. 2-3002, 2-7982. o309 INFLATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free estimate, t. rtiiiman. Phone 2-0908. o219 MATTBESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates Pull tin new mattress, Ph 3-4009 o OrrtCB PIJBNITVRE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, tiles, filing supplies, eafes, duplicators, supplies, desk lampa type writer stands. Roen, 499 Court e ROAD ORAD1NO Road grading, leveling, ditching. 112 cat grader. Roy Hancock, ph. 20019. 03 it Roofing and siding by expert for a risht price. Phono 2-0009. o317 kptic'tanh Hemri's eervlee, 2-7404. septic tanks cleaned, line Ouarantced work. Phone O303a Mike's Septte Service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter clean sewers, drains, phon 3 -90 03 1 Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-RooUr Sew at Serete. Phone 94327, SHARPKNINO REPAIR Lawn mower, eaw. ete, lltk D Ph. 3-4610. Pree pickup. e TTPE WRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal Uo dcrwood porUblee All makes uaed mscblne. Repairs 4 rent Boca. 490 Court. 1-0779. WINDOW CLE A NINO Acme Window CI an era Industrial floor wax'ng housed eaning. Phone 3-2337 247 COUTL EAGER BEAVERS Washington (U R Robert BarkdolJ, 23, was fined $10 for holding bands with a girl yes terday. He was driving one car, and the girl was riding in another. STOCKS (Br Tim AaeoelateS Admiral Cerporatloa .. .. . . Si . 4H . U ',n . Y4. . tl . 01 . 4 . 01 . St . 1V . n . si . 414 . m . nv. . it . 4S . IT . 1714 . 41 . 11 . 11 . M . SI . lit. . t . Ma . MV . MVh . M Allied CAemlcai Alll Chauner American Airline Amertcan Power Ji Uf b .. American Tel. at. ToL American Tobacco Anaconda Copper . Atchison RailroaS ....... Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplalne C. .. Sort Warner Burrow Adding Uachlw,, Callfornl Packing Canadian Pacific ...a. .. Caurpiilar Tractor .... . Ce lanes Corporation Chrysler Corporatiee. .. Cities Service Consolidated Botsoa Consolidated Vutt) ... . Crown Zellerbaca Curtua Wright Dougie Air era n Da Pont Nemours .. Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio ........ Genera Bieetrls Oeneral Pood Oeneral Motors Georgia Pie, Plywood Ooodrear Tire Nome take Mlnlnc Co. ... InUrnaUonal HametAt International Paper John iOanvlllo Kaiser Aluminua Kanneeott Copper .,., . Ubbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft ..... .. Loewea nioorpTsrte4 ... Lou Bell Montgomery Ware ..,,.. , t71i , 12 W iau Keivtnator ..... New Tork Central Northern Paclfie Paclfl American Pish , raciii oa) lleotri . Paclfl Tel. 4 TeL ..... Packard Motor Car ... Penney, . C Alt .44- ,. 0V ! ,. ,. 11 ,. J4 ,. iila . u ,. n ,. 44 Vi ,. 41 .. UK ... ,. Sit 57 V. ,. um .. 41W ,. IIM .. llti .. 3714 .. ,. Uk ,. MH .. 17Va ,. 4014 ..104 .. 14 ,. UK ,. .. 15V. ,. lift ,. 11 .. 4IV1 .. It ,. 4414 ,. 4414 Pennsylvania it. ft, .,..4. Pepsi Cola Co. Pnlfoo Radio Radio Corporation ..... Rayonter In corn. Rayonler looerp, ft4. . Republic atsel ...1 Reynold MetAls Richfield Oil Safeway Store, to. Scott Paper Co, . scare Roebuck C. Socony Vacuum Oil .... Southern Paclfl .... Standard Oil Calif. ....... Standard Oil N. 4. Studebaa j Corp, ...... Sunshine Mtnins ......... Swift Co. Transamertca Cert. Twejtletb Century Pes .. union cu companp ...... Union Pacific ............ United Airline United Aircraft , United Corporation .... United State Plyvtxss . .. united state Steel .... .. Werntr Picture ......... Western Uniui TeL .... .. WeatJnrhmise Air Brake , Westlnghou Baetrt , .. Woolworth Stack Mara! Na York on A slew wlllaa aratleat out back gala Wctaadar la to. taak market traeii aa arly buoyant plctur turned t. a mlxd pttera. Th. market gwunt ahead. raltyd, aad than It backed away from Hi bast price. volume cam. to aa aatlmated taimaa aharg for ih. day. x VOLCANO AWAKES ' i ' Manila, UP) Slumberinf Taal volcano, who, lset ajrup- tlon In 1811 killed an titi mated 3,000 persons, showed signs Wednesday ot awaken ing. . ,' Attar of roses has approxi mately the consistency of but ter and ii never found as a liquid except In the very warm est weather,.. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Dwight Allison Hoag : Dallas Funeral fervicat will be hM at S pjn. Thurs day, Aug. 27, in to. Uethodist church at Independence for Dwight Allison Hoag, 80, who died in the Dallas Home for the aged Tuesday. Rev. Walter Nyberg will officiate. Grave side services will be conducted by Lyons Lodge No. 29, A.T. and A.M. at Hilicrest cemetery, Independence. Bollman's Fu neral Home will be in charge. Mr. Hoag was born in east ern Oregon July 7, 1873, and was reared on a farm near Suver. He lived at Brush Col lege, Marlon and Monmouth. He was a retired teacher and a graduate of the Oregon State Normal School at Monmouth in 1893. Surviving Is his , widow, Agnes Calbreata Hoag, whom he married Dec. 20, 1899. DEATHS Eltr Reeves PtekarS Elsr Reevu Plckard, late resident t Marion, Aug. 24 at th residence. Sur vived by wife, Ur. Nora Pickers. Marlon: step-daughter, Mrs, Agnes Clin. Wheat Ridge, Colorado atew-aon, Alteat Oourtright, Coquiile. Announcinegit f funeral service later by Virgil T. Oold fo. Arthur B. Wldhf " Arthur B. Wtdbr, st ft loes! hoepltsl ' Aug. 29. Late resident ol Rt. 4, Mem. Survived by wife, Anna L. Wtdbr, Balem; , son, Donald, Salem, sisters, Mrs. Eva Ruddell, Sacramento, Calif., Ivere. Ruth Rackleff, Myrtle Point, Ore, Mrs, . Veda Johnston, Portland: brothers, J. C, Wldby, Sacramento, Calif.. 1111 C. Wtd br, Case Grande, Arls.i two grandson, David and Dennl Wtdbr, Salem. Sire Ices will be held at the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Prtday, Aug. 29th, at 2 p.m., with the Rev. Lloyd T. Andereon offtclaUnv and Interment at Belerest Memorial Park. Themes D. LaDuke Thomas O. LaDuke, at the family rest -donee, 2201 Crawford SL, Aug. 3d A the us of 91 years. Survived try wlf. Mrs. Viola LaDuke: on. Thorn as W. LaDuke, both of Salem; daughters, Mrs. Tbelma Stram, Arlington, S. Dak., Mr. Audrey Coulter, Douglas, Alaska, Mr. Maxina Ourlcy, Phoenls. Arlg.t sister, Mrs. William Oritton, Balem; also It grandchildren. Member of First Christies church. Announcement of services will be made later br the Howefl-Sdwarda C Beberl Bannister Robert Bannister, tn this city, Atif. 21, at the ace of 94 rear. Let rectdemt of 111 Chemeketa St. survived by bro ther, Sam Bannister, Granite Palls. Wah..i sister. Mrs. Mildred Carpenter. Snohomish, Wash. Announcement en services will be mad later by th W. T. Rigdon Co. -: by. f. t. ua. a a Da a. enaei ax una. ajajAr . LA.H CHINESE NATTjaOPATBS Cpttaln. 141 Narth Uaartw Offloe waa Saturday emly is a. at t. I a.m. I la 1 a. at conwittv olod Kewur and aria. tj.ta are i t wi cnarx, rrHum BDMa IS1Y writ far at.ra.UT. sua, u. aab eatlna