Par 22 THC CAPITAL JOURNAL; Mtm. Offtm Wadnwdiy, Augtut 26. 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES BENNY COLBATH HAS APPLE PIE BUYS PCCVHBLB 1100 DOWB BOTS 4hle em laree Me-bedrooa boae on larie U4 north. Nice Uvloi ra. bath, ectra nic kitchen, wired for rajtaa. Ola. water Scoter. ONLT 41M. POSSIBLE MM DOWN BUYS thla ffuU ahak. I Mm. heao with full batb. Iivin, rm . lovely kitchen with many bullt-tna. nillity rm.. wired lot inn, limi, fruit nee. Penced yerd. ONLY 04140 POASIBLS HH DOWN BUTS Uila laU-bdllt S-hdra. borne with hoard. fire, lorro cmt lot, aaraae, etorate ra . water eve t.m VERY CLEAN WELL KEPT. ONLY M1M. EXTRA OOOD BUY. BIB THIN ONE NOW I POSSIBLE MM DOWN BUYS thla iw a eul. 1-Mdrooa heao laree OOilOO lot. Nice waepln, willow Ire.. LOCATED ON FAIR MOUNT HILL IN EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT. ONLY 40304- rOBSlBLB 4510 DOWN ELYS IMe eturdv well-built newer 1-bdra. bono. THIS ONB KAB PLENTY TO OPPSR EON . In aralloc of lira. LOCATED NORTH. A BEAUTIFUL PLACE FOR THE MONEY. possible mm down buys loot, what does: Late-bunt - bdrm. bomo. levelv bit kitchen, wonderful roomy utility rm . bath, wired lor ranee. Oaraaa. water ere tem. many fruit tree,. Beautiful landacapod lot. ONLY rut. POSSIBLE MM IOWN BUYS tbla BRAND NEW l-battrooa bono with ndwd. lira.. oU boat, eacellent plaatcr lob. attached i raaa. nlco corner lot at odaa of city llmlta. ONLY 04940 POSSIBLE I1500 DOWN BUYB tbla lale-bullt 1-bedroom noma wltk Dutch fireplace, hdwd. fire, wonderful floor arranae ment. LR. DR. lnalda atilltr rm.. eieellent kitchen, larta landaeapcd lot. ASKING ll.M. (LEAVING TOWN MAKE OFFER) POSSIBLE 11704) DOWN BUYS tbla BRAND NEW l-Bodrooa ranch aula homo on nlco cornar lot. UVINO RU. with lira, place, dinlna rm. wltn china cloeet. hdwd. lira., oil plpad furnace, blrehwood kitchen arlth larao dlnatto. Utility rm. with I ontraneea. dbla. oarace. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. BE THE FIRST TO WEAR THB NEW OrF OF THIS PINE HOUT. ONLY 111.500. COLBATH LAND 515 COURT ST. MRS. OOLESBEB . 1M71 ARNDT LOOK AND LOOK AGAIN OWNERS are leering for A r limit, Sept. 11th. Would llkt to dispose of tnelr horn before thty leave. Have priced their horn to MIL not to Just try and quttto tut Terr last nickel out ol the taeiyer. IT'S spotless Inside to out. tn perfect repair, leu thin I yrt. old. Ortflnti owner. 3 ntco ilte bedrooms, largo living to dining rms. with fireplace; draper and TV antenna otar. Cheery kitchen lth nook, corner aink with brick, flaw 111 htlni ever draiboardi. 3 batha, real Brrt utility plumbed for auto, waahor to dryer, forced hot atr oil furnaco, at tached 3-car iirtii, 10till lot, all la lawn with growing fruit and ornamental treat, Bac. yard all fenced with white rail board.. Pvd. at. Surrounded by nlco bomea. Priced a. 1 13. WW. Drlre by ll Dearborn St., then call lor appo. Wo have the key, Pleaat don't bother Ibo owntra. , $500 DOWN M Mo. PULL price 14000. Kev ga raao bout, good drilled caaed well with elett. pump, ISx3 lot, variety of bearing fruit to nut tree, all kindj of bernet, real good toll to drain we, lorated about 1 mil, eaat of town on vd. rd. la tht Auburn dutrlct. 433 N. High - Ph. 2-6680 Eve. lye Foree 3-6667. ED. 2-8704 ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor . FOR SALE HOUSES ; ' SACRIFICE . I ateludad aorta, nertheait. la beau tiful getting of trtaa. Alto family or chard. Three -bedroom home. Double gar act with loft. Cement floor. Small barn, shed and good pasture. 0 ft, well. Thlt place needa deanWg tip but will make torn tone a dandy suburban home for only to.fiOfc Salem's First Drive-In SMITH REAL ESTATE 1431 Portland Rd. - Ph. S700T 4 BEDROOM Close In on North 4 lb etveet. ntar city but and I blocks to Or ant school. Completely redecorated with 1 bod rooms, bath, living room, dinette, birch kitchen downstairs, and I bed rooms up. PuU baaement, cU furnace, double garage, nlco lawn and large cbada trees.' School It almost here aealn. Bet ua show yon this house Row. 110,900 la the prlca with term. Unobstructed View Mew S -bedroom ultra tnodgra con temporary home oti Kincwood Xelghte. .Ruio llTtng room with panoramic Tlew, flretloe, dintng room, kitchen and 44) bath on tipper leva). Lower level baa full bath. S bodromg, large atilltr room. Katural wood exterior, alder trim on Interior. large double let. price la Wl.OOO, call ua today. 'ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Uaaralt Bulldlnt ftVaal Batatn ZnaarnnM Mortiuo Loan, 14111 BM. B-7M T I-1IH SOUTH fclGH STREET (6 BLOCKS FROM CITY CENTER) Thlt location la SO choVcc. few homaa bare been for talc there la last 10 Teare. Corner lot with tremendous pin oak ahadc treee. Hagnittcent liv ing la thlt gpectoua 14124 living room. Two 14il4 bedrooms, lovely dining room, ape re bedroom finished ope tit re. Largo unfinished upatalrs, full base ment, oil furnace. Offered thte wek for Hl.aoo. shown by appointment ONLT. Alk for THEI.MA MAR KRKTZ homo pboag S-tOM. Mil to Wlll-melte Valley Bank Bldg. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phone ! Eve. S-Pc "Immediate Possession' Owner moved to Portland, so sari gen at this reduced price, onir tour years old. Hat nice Urine room with fireplace, dinlan area, kltcnea with breaklaet nook. Inside utility, auto matic oil heat, Attached garage. tVe tot. end close to everything. ff,.tt, and titot down win handle. Salem's First Drive-In SMITH REAL ESTATE till Portland Rd Ph. 17001 aiot. EAST ENGLEWOOD Juii on Market. A nlc. modern home. 3 bedrooma, kitchen. Ilvlni rnom. dlnlni room, breaklaat nook. berdwood floor,, fireplace ntlllty at torned cereae oil heat. Lawn, flowera and ahrubberv. Price le 111.000 with lerina. Evcellrot TV reception ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 UeennM Bulldtnf Beet taiata Inenrenco 1mm 1-5111 Even. 1-4794 at J-11M aioi WILL V, IXor take' trailer neueo or car for down payment on I acroa with ntc t bedrooa bonea. I!U. e304' ll.H.IIIPD AOVI.BT1S1NO r Ww, ,laM laa tn t4 4. Pm ie.rd, I Uaw. 1 Par Herd. I aowlh ... owe h. .rwato Ml. I.e. M Bl tn.Ra In Ueal New. Cofaan Owly. Pre Wa.4 Mral.aa It Werde. Ts Pine Arl in Same Dnyl riper, Phono 1-1404) Bcfm II bjb. FOR SALE HOUSES CO., REALTORS DIAL 44494 or 24552 41100 ANDERSON 71 $1000 DOWN POR a l-bdrm. furnLihed Iwum. Baa I bathi, burnt, with gawdutt furs., 1-car garage, corner lot, good to clean, tome kitchen remodeling recommend od. Atilng IrlH. Located at ttt Broadway. Wt bav the key. FOR SALE HOUSES BRICK HOUSE, attached brick garaae. S Lota, full baaement, aawdutt furnace, ateam heat, 4 bedrooms (1 down. 1 upi. lane living and dining room, small itcnen, oata, nan, narawood iioora, fireplace, haa slate roof, lovely lawn, ahrube, lane garden, t apple treea. S walnut, trice Phone Wl I la mina .323. US Gentry St. a305 BT OWNER Candalarla 3-bedroom, double garage, large utility. 1 13.000. 4 -ft 9 14. 214 NOW VACANT 1015 N. 18TH ST. WELL LOCATED CL08B TO SCHOOLS 1 bdrma., L. rm., llreplace. D. rm., kitchen, baaement, sawduat furnace. Nlco lot. Prlc, redocod to HO.fiOO. JOHN J. DANN. REALTOR 411 N. Hlah St. rn. 4-ltlt Ire. I-61H, I-7S41, 1-1471, 4-1541 ' al NICE COUNTRY homa. 3 ncraa, build- inaa la iood abapa. Naar atora. poat ollka and aehool. Wrlta Ura. Vlda Scott, Waat Starton. Ora. ,306 f -BEDROOM borne, Uvlna, dlnlni and milltr. immed. poo. 18,50. liu Delta Ave.. Kelaer DUt. Phone 4-5017. anx BY OWNEB New ranch atria home. 1150 aa. 1L Uvlna-, dlnlni. birch aucti on, nook, utility, fireplace, birch dblnn eloaet. Hot air oil iurnaca. Laree tarace, covered patio. Many other line features, ifuat ba aeon tft ap- predate. F. H. A. commitment. 1070 Jamea St., Kelier. m blocke from chool. Lot 101' 111'. Phone a-1115. a7 BY OWNER .Last chance to save two. 3-bedroom suburban house. Any reasonable down payment considered. A real value house, $1,340. Phone 3-2201. a204 "JUST RIGHT" Out of state owner wishes to sell bis Salem home. Consisting of llv'ng room with fireplace, dining area, kitch en, two bedrooms, full baarment with aawdutt furnace. Bus by door, near Hollywood diet. M.&00, ood terms. Salem's First Drive-In SMITH REAL ESTATE 1114 Portland Rd- Ph. 17007 alOl NEAR ST. VINCENTS I5B50 o-rm. home, nlea and clean, i M paved at., onlr lu Sown, see 1 BURT PICHA 175 N. Mlab St. Otf. 1-4047 Bvae. 4-lltl alo). BT OWNER-Modern 1-bedroom borne, m .r IV. acre,. Kelaer dUlrtct. Very Teaaonable. Phone 4-1709. alol A GOOD BUY An cairn nice 1-bedroom Entlewood homo with full beaement, llvtnc room, wall-to-wall eerpetlne. Lot nicely land aeaped. Owner trenaferred. Olaf Thon atad, Realtor, 041 H. Capitol. Ph 17W1. al04 Br OTTNEB 5-rooa houaa. eiceTlent condition, double aero,,. 1141 Maple ' Ave. a!05 Rustic Ranch Style IN A RUrVTlC SETTTMO. New. I larca bodreoene. overtlaed Uvlna rm., dlnmt tau ndwd. fire., flreplece, a beat, beautiful kitchen, breeteway, ai re I. . OK1.T 11000 down MAPES TOO THE OWNER. SEE MRS. OOLESBEB, BVB. PR. SIITI aJ04 NOTICE College stodeats snd stale workers. 3 bedreoma, 3 bat is. bard wood floora. fireplace, forced air heat. I blocke to college. 41.000. 301 to. 14th a3C4 NEW t BrpROOM home, fireplace, mar relout kltcJten, oil furnace heat, laree livtna room. Or will rent, eive yrs leaee. Neer new school. I1U. atflT V Dial 4-4494 K NEW K I bedroom home with largo eloseU. birch kitchen, laree picture wtndsos tile bath, Nv oak flooring, lots ot eitras. fercod air beet. revered breeeewar. Located on a corner sot. Price 1 14. too. A CUTIE I bMlroom homa earner lot with n eatrn Rtea Interior decoration. Nice fireplace, very convenient ki:rr,en. lovely tile bath. bum-In ewrclaTr loada of flower, and ehrutie. only 4 y.ara old. Pflca H450. Terma. L E. Klumpp, Realtor FORSALCHOUSn HEAR YE! HEAR YE!i Rare row put that 4-bedroem RANCH , STYLS dreaea boeac out of four mi ad I because U aeema Just beysetd roar t yearn Mow ta your chance as atake' that dream come true. Submit roar of- i ferl Tnit homo vast be eoM. and owner will consltUr any reasonable payment. Omlr t yrt, aid. -oeely yard with covered palio, S seta plaaib- tne. and fast plain nlco. Selling for reoufeo price or 111 tot Ask for DON DAVIS, Ce. phOBO l-TMg. Nait t WUIaaotl Vallor Bank HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT njaa" LHOMESEEKERS? If rou'vo been seeking real values and es vines, we believe roa should take a look at thlt very modern S-bedroom home on he if acre, all plastered, fire place, oak floors, roomy wardrobe clos ets. Unique bath and kitchen, forced ell htetinr, plus many more fine features. Located at 1090 Brown Rd. Prom Lan caster, turn east en Sunnyvlee, south straight to Brown Rd. Turn left. FORDYCE AND SAMPELS Builders Contractors Slit Brown Rd. aJOi $1500 DOWN - $8950 our thought Is to recommend thlt lovely homo to a remoter eoupls with future plana for finishing the up stairs, or to a retired couple who would like to hare the eitra bedroom space for the grandchildren M f?c: homo to. There are now t bedrooms with unfinished upatalrs, fireplace, , flagstone patio and a beautiful yard filled wth flowera and ahrubt of all kinds. Owner leaving for Portland and mutt sell Immediately. Por ap pointment ask for LILLII CROSS, ova. phono S-93H. -33ee Oovs-eeee . 0SW Beit to Willamette Vallar Bank HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT aC HOC DOWN BY OWNER t bedroom nouao, Ilrcplaca, vlth aparo room a atoraco upatalra. Pullr Inaulntad with Venetian blind, throuebout on larie corner lot. Houaa onlr 4 are. old. haa been rented for 3 yra. needa redeorattnf. Mara re duced the price to $7,050 to allow for renovation. Owner out of atate. lluat be aold thl, week. DRIVE OUT BONNY VIEW TO 21 VAUGHN ST. e5M' FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT nun, pared it., In raatrlct- od dUtrlet. Cltr water, will take a ear or oqultr In amall home. Phone 4-1671. ee203 FOR SALE FARMS It ACRES On hlthwar, an cult. Oood S-bdrm. modern borne, near 3-car ia raca, new hen lue. All klnda of overcreen a bollr treea. ONLY 15750, TER US. 1 ACRES Cloea la l, eood l-bdrm. modern Home, lovely lawn, llowera, ahruba, ahada a fruit. ALL POR 10.000. TAKE OOOD HOMI IN BIOHLAND CIST. IN TRADE. A ACRES (laatl -bdrm. modern borne, not Quite nntaned, lrrication aratem ana wen. sell all for llifto. ONLY .liooo down. BEB T. T. ANDERSON POfl A PARll IVI. PH. 41711 not- 43. ACRE FARM near Stayton. Older type 1 bedroom home. Farm under Irrl aallon with free water from th. Sen tient river. Everythtna foea wltb the price, 117,500. Thla la n rood little farm. Owner will take bouae or In come property. Any where In the Wil lamette Valley. J. E. LeCLERC, REALTOR 14 X. Capitol Phono I-I1SI b! LESS $6000 REDUCED PRICB MOW IN HOPES OP QUICK SALE. See this buy of bun. 40-ACRE DAIRY PARaf, stocked with IT good cows, tome younger cat tle. OOOD INCOME HERE. 31 A. ladlno to fescue under irritation, tr riaation system. Lots of farm tools, hay eh etc. l-bdrm. modern homo and many outbuildings. BEST OP SOIL. CLOSE IN EAST. PRICE REDUCED TO 194.000 to 4 down for everything. SEE T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARK EVE. PH. 43114 b!04' WOODBURN PARM BUYS STOCK AND ORAM PARMERS. READ THIS) Never aeata W1U you find a buy like thisi IW acres on Wil. river. N. of Salem, pav. road, near growing town. No bldga, A pp. 300 acres cult. Mostly woven wire fence, line and cross fences. Eac. setup for lake near river. Most of bal. lays along river, good dark loam, cut-ever, lots ef grass. Wonderful eep. for stock farm. Only per acre. Big leaa ratuei PACIFIC HIOHWAT PARM IDEAL SUBDIVISION 7 acres, heart ol val ler. edee of fait growing city. Oood loam soil, tiled, torn fine berrtea. Surrounded by hlthwa and streets Comfortable modernised home, alee grove laree trees. 'Someant iu ou ble his lnvetm-nt here." INVEST! OATE THIS NOW. RKDTJrCD TO SELL SOME TIM BER, tt acre, all Wil. tilt, on pavmt., nar town. Rig part ia grata, flat wal nuts ana moeris. Hooemieed l bed room home. 3 barns bu 100 T. ft, or good fir Tncla. crawler t rector and toots. VERY OOOD It lit If. Mty trade for small prop, up to above price. RITRURRAN PARM IRRTOATION. 4,i Ar.. good loam, en pevtot , near store. Sev. Ac. caneberrles. Deep well. NEAR NEW MOD. ir'eiter const.) home. A "Money" at ions. Big O. I loan, 4v. can be aesumed. model Paris stocked, bqutp PKT 41 ee. ef valiev t best loam toil. Incia. mod. l-br. homo, rone. tile barn, lee loafing tree barn to alio, other bldtg. Pine crop ot grain, clever to alfalfa. LATE tractor eqpt.. lot of feed, hay ensilage, entries le , neer Wawdcurn Priced down for iwimed sale. 113.400. Terms. PARM LISnNOS W ANTEtV RATIONAL ADVERT IS! NO PERSONAL SERVICE HTOOlNROTlt AM REAL EVTATI Cteneral laearanre Parma - Loans Woodbum. lit Natl. Rank BuUdrng Office nil Bva. Iltl bj W.4VJaM aWay-myf Sb Dial 4-4494 Dial 4-4494 y KULKTATI TWO-BEDROOM SUBURBAN.CLOSE IN This neat two-bedroom has lets of garden swace. largo gardea with edict of storage. Owner ansleus to sell, slake eXttr an dtowa payment. CaU Chet Raw Has ONE ACRE, TWO-BDRM., FULL BSMT. Located kl cleae la t we-bedroom with basement, tea ye rates, chick n bouse sad barn. Oood well. Owner Hvee la Artaeoa. Immediate pcesee elea. Puil price only gl.too. Sl.ftOO dewa. Call Chct Rawlins THREE BEDROOMS, SOUTH This fine taree-bodreem borne is well located south. Mtt all the comforts ef a gli.gos dawa. Double ptumblot. fireplace. Inside utility, lovoir back yard wtb plenty shade. Lot 74 g 120. Priced at onlr 4J.T40. ePr appointment to see, cell Dale Rayburn 88 ACRES, NORTH TRADE FOR INCOME PROPERTY This fine farm hag Isoo feet highway frontage. S good wells, g gtanchten bam with cement floor, soot ee. ft. brooding epace, walk -in freoer. This si acres has an eiceptionally nice 1-bedroom home. Per mors information, call Dale Raybura THREE-BDRM. LOW DOWN PAYMENT This aesrly new three-bedroom borne, well located near school, psved street, close to bus. hardwood floors, nice largo let, wsU lajwdscaped, easy Urnu. Call TTbbotU. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE Pour bit bedrooms, hugs living room, large dining room, roomy kitchen with lota of built-Int. overetse carace, hardwood floors, automatic piped ell heat, neat fireplace. Largo let, paved street, close to school and bus. fog only gll.too. Will take late model car oa down payment. Call Jim DO YOU WANT TO TRADE ? Merc la a neat two-bedroom hems In eieellent unlet district that the owner haa outgrown. He w.U trade for your three-bedroom and make ran a real deaL Call Jim. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) MM N. Capitol St. Office 1-1444 4-1701 Tlbbclta 1-7444 Cnet 1-4111 jla 1-1471 Dale'Rarburn 1-104S a GRABENHORST SPECIALS S ACRKS BAST-Small home, chicken house, barn, varp food soil, pared road, only s0. Terms. CALL ROT S. PBRRIS ONB ACRB south A very nice l-bdrm. home. Llr. rm., din. rm., kitchen with brkL nook. A full burnt, with a third bdrm. Fireplace, new oil furnace, lots of fruit trees. Price S12.4O0. CALL H. K. LATMOli BAST TXRMSWe hav 4 lots located In bttadew Lawn Tracts south Of State Street-Pour Cornets. Price 2 UP to It&O. CALL O. U. GRA BENHORST, JR. ARRBSTTNO IN HO-sX APPEAL Llr. rm. with fireplace, plate glats windowa, din. rm. with corner cabinets, 3 bdrms., bath, model kitchen to nook. Pull baamt. with rumpus rm. and fireplace. Simla attached ga rage, covered patio, greenhouse. 111,100. CALL J. K. LAW TH BEST BUT IN ENOLEWOOD Owner leaving and It sacrificing hit home at a loss. Llr. rm., din. rm., fireplace, 3 bdrma. with another one finished in basmU an to. oil htat, Lgt. betmt, area for playroom. 13.400. CALL ROY S. PERAIS PARIC - 100 ACRES - EART-MJfliy of Uad la permanent pasture. Completely fenced with woven wire and cross-fenced. Year 'round stream runs length of property. Oood barn, machine sheds and a spacious 4-bdrm. home, dbla. pbg hdwd. fin., eacellent condition thruout. A very food, close-in location. Salem School District. POR APPOIimiaOTAWH. K. LAYalON GRABENHORST BROS, REALTORS 134 S. Libert? St, Ph. 1-3471 Ivenlngt to Sundays call H. K. Laymon 3-4193 Roy Perris 2-1010 J. t. Law 3-9113 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE HOME BUILDERS, ATTENTION ! If rou want a choice laree lot With plenty of trees, call us, Kelaer, lust off Chemawa Road. tBOO. FAIRM0UNT THREE-BDRM. BARGAIN Owner tart to tall it, S-bdrm. with dining rm., breakfast nook, base ment, sleeping porch. Hurry! S8400. TW0.-BEDR00M In convenient location on pavement close to shopping and bus. Has lane living room and large kitchen. Oood condition and well worth IW00. HIGHWAY BUSINESS Owner says too much business for him to handle. Includes home, well oeulpped garage, service station and appro, to acre oa POX. Also A.A.A. wrecking service. Equipment goes. A buy at $20,000. , ' ROY TODD, REALTOR III! Stat, street Olllce phono: l-llll Evenlnaa call: Slmpion, l-.7: Rueh, I-7I1I: Todd, 1-1711. REAL ESTATE NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES Englewood District 3-bdrm. home with step-saving kitch en, economical fuel bill, large garage, 1 blk. to bus. 4 blkt. to school, o: 41 i It, older type home, price tdJiO. Will trade for l-bdrm. home, call Mrs. wh r- TRADE THIS S-BDRal. HOME KEIZER DIST. has 1 bdrm. down 3 up, living rm. II x If, dining rm., kit., Insui. gar.. lot 00 x 130, fruit trees, appg. etc i yrs. Price IITO0. Will trade for . bdrm. home with at least 3 bdrma. on round llr. Call Mrt. Wootten, TRADE ONE-BDRM. POR TWO-BDRM. Eieellent 1-bdrnf. home s-itn fpltce. close to down town, for l-bdrm. home. Prefer south side of city. Pries lino, Call Al. Wattt. 3-7281. TRADE ROME ON CREEK Room for tht children to play, for the dog to run, trut in the creek. You wui find all these In this at. tractive l-bdrm. home, let 44 s 1(4. wita aeannt mm trees, only 4. TRADE I ACRES I ZDRMS. A comfortable completely rtmocVrd borne with dining room, .teparate TV room, l-ttall barn, excellent anil en pvd. road and bus. close to town Price Wiu trade for heme In saiem. TRADE COURT STREET INCOME Valuable location, easy income, th ing ejuartera to rentals. In ixe:ient condition. Will take trodern rnme in trade. Price l 000 Cell Mr. Srhmlot. TRADE BOISI MOTEL TRADE POR SALEM INCOME Two-yeer-eld 11 -unit me-.el trort fag $14 000 a rear. Owner wanis to trade P4 000 eeulty for eood income property in Salem. Call Mr. Schmidt. Nelson & Nelson , eVECIALIZtNO REALTOR Ot If. Kith St. Ph. S-I4 cJ- fio.sWl4ewiy remodeled home in ex cellent condition, between McKlnley grade gcheel and the new S. Sam high, t bdrma. to den. lie. dining rm.. new modern kitchen with nook, base ment with knotty pine playroom, new ell furnace, nwe corner lot wltb trees. 30.MO very neat l-bdrm. home oa B. Lincoln St. near Leslie Jr. huh. Lee lie. rm. wita new carpet, fireplace, double garage. Only I yrt old. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 3-I7N 000 4V Commercial Eve. 4-034I 1 eMl FOR SALI FARMS K u. K BEAVERDAM -PEAT -TIMBER 225-ACRE FARM PrantM. m hlfhwey M and B f TftilrMd Bern Una. luce Bonn Sa lem. Two threo-barooa beme. Haa near poeolNllllee IM Of each will handle, kalaac aaa? aernaa. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor MM Portland Bond Pa. rroil REAL taSTATC REAL ESTATE $300 DOWN I -bedroom home en but Una, amall but very livable. Wired for range, modern, tw per month on balance. $290 DOWN Save money by finishing your own home. And sava rent while you're doing ltl These hornet art complettly finished on tht outside, the plumbing It complete with a 43-gallon electric not water theater, and double sink, completely wired including electric lltht futures, tht sheetrock la on the walls, and aoma cabinets art Instiled. City water, 3 blocks to but, walking distance to school. An excellent startll Ptv only 147 per month!! C) REALTOR U-' PHONE 4-4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. XVI. PHONX: 14141 OV 44177 OUTSTANDING HOME 4 bedrooms with double plumbing and lane basement. All largo rooms and designed to glvg lots of comfort able thing for a growing family. Plenty of otorage and closet tpaat. Oood oil furnace. Within walking dis tance ef downtown and in a gtcd neiihborhood, south, A good buy at 111.400. $300 DOWN buys 4 ecre place with a small bom and an extra large chicken house. The home ntede some finish work, but the chicken house It really swell. Only 14300. and balance like rent. Large Home & 3 Acres oearoomj. au on one noer, n re place. plastered, alto floored attic Double garate. New well. Oood bora. Lots of fruit and nuta. One paved street and withia walking rJtenec of school. All thlt for only 14744, with only gaoog down. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Rich Blreet Phono l-oiol Phone evenlnca and Sunday: 4-1071. 1-lPH. 4-1111. 4-5111. 1-1144 CM4' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA m!mmmmZS5SSSS3ThHrT!o! aTunnMnATALRTrr I PS4T...i&S T OMHriTenTrSSeH Ire mt macuaCTlM T tW4...PUM-LrIZ TVA 4U0NE...ALL TH' J SWKTlST teVLiNST, yvn.SOtl, 4AR. RHDBeSY..i.rS I t TmCT YA WAS 5. ki?L'ruc . -rwrw'V -JlJST OUt OAf fjUVS'LL 86 COMIM' AN' I 00 MIAN BOWEN CAS A. GO TO TH6 SO CSAW TCOe VLSI 1 JLZta?hS .ACe...TMe OVW TTALK TVA Vf 0ARUNOEST, BOY 7 MtE...ME LEFT V COLOHV. MEPE J w-- SPOTS-. I JIST CaANTA TALR-. i nOtyl VOLO enp RUL CSTATI Htll I til Y,- WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB MEED LISTTNOS: Homed, Parma, u. Buelneaa. Motor Courla, Taverna: What Hav, Yetil Instantly Appealing b.ene S Candalarla. Cnar. tu armnaeaCBL I bodrooma. Very rooay clweu. Lane dayllabl narty rooa 'In baaement. Bpacleua corner let. Owner reaorta. It'a one f the oaelaet boaee to beat ho haa over bad. Doal (Iroolac. Mabocany waod work. Birch kltcban. only 1 rr. old. Tcrwee. Pull one, I17.M0. 4-BEDR00M This la aa tdeal family home. Lo gatlea Is eacellent for both grade and higa school, la eery good repair. I baths. Corner let, PuU price onlr 40740. Terms. Trade for Acreage l-bedrooa borne that la ealr 4 yrt old. Oood area. Oil heat. Ululated. I fruit trees. Lawn and shrub. Large g arete. Pull price only IttftO. Owner's euuity eVUso. ONLY 10 DOWN an this brand new heme, plumbed for washer. Wired for dryer. OU beat. Insulated. West herst ripped. 1 blk. to bus. Surrounded by now homes .Pull price only 447M. $300 DOWN Smaller homa. Very livable. Vo blk. to echool. Sep. ntlllty room, mediated. Pull price only 12504. HOME PLUS INCOME In a fine location. 3-bedroom apt. Plus several aleeptng rooms. Walking distance front ttatehouse. Modern llv inc Quarters. Pull price only t?500. 8-UNIT APARTMENT Clots to ttatehouse. Corner lot. Complttalr furnished. Annual grots Income 44340. No repalre required. Owner will consider accepting a home at part payment. PuU price only HI, IOC. 4 Houses On One Lot And they arc reaUr nice. Xxtreenely modern. All have I bedrooms and full bath. The owner'a bouse is one vou'd like to live in. only yra. ow. t blka. to school. Oil heat. Lawn and shrubs, run price izi.ow. Terms ax ranted. FRUIT MARKET plut alee living quarters. Market weU equipped with mooern refrigeration. Several stalls tor trailers, s acres men way frontage. Established many yenrg. Pull price 125,000. Terms arranged. Gentleman's Farm Close la. Lovtly view. AU blclg., par ticularly the bouse, are In the best tip. top condition. Detp.wtll with complete Irrigation system. Only 1 minute from downtown Salem. Will accept late model car at part payment. Pull pries liB.400. $5000 DOWN on thtt 4 acres la a Tery good farm ing area. Ill acru in crop now being harvested. New modern ranch-type house. 40 br 40 barn. Sheep barn 40 by 40. Silo. Oarage. 10 acres tiled. 1 springs. 3 wills. If you art interested In a good farm lot, let us show you thlt one. Pull price 138,000. 3-ACRE DANDY Very cloec in with a brand new modern bouae. New garace. Very beat ol aoll. Blacktop at. Oil heat. Thla la the Ideal lor atate O.I. Pull price only IIH0. Por Buelneaa Opportunities and Homaa call lor: DAN ISAAK (Eva. 4-14111 BAY OR1MMETT IXVa. 1-74701 MR. CRAWFORD (Eve. 4-5010I MR. KIOOINS IXvo. 4-04141 Por Parma Only call (or MR. LEAV ENS (Eva. 1-17151. It no aniwer call 4-11(1. MORTOAOI LOANS AND CONVENTIONAL LOANS X YR. MATURITY Al Iaak & Co., Realtor Oil. Phone, 4-1311 or l-iaio Eve : I-47K, 4-1511. 4-5414. 4-5010, 1-7071. It no snewar call 4-lHi dill' RIVER BOTTOM LAND 40 Acree. I acrea peaehea, I acru ftlberto. aoree pie chertlea. Owner lor yedra haa claared 10 or 110.000, on orchard, alone. Can ralaa mint, al- lalta. beena, etc. SECLUSION AND QUIET 1-bedroom houae. llvtnc room, break. feat nook, hardwood lloora, baaement, oil furnace, city bua 1 block. Near park. Double carace. Lawn ana enruo. bery. Very nlco buy at 111,000. ABRAMS, BOURLAND it SKINNER 411 Uaaonle Bulldlnc RealEatato Ineurance Uortcafe Loana 1-0117 Evea.: o-iiaa or a-eiv ciol' DRIVE BY 1M PARK AVE. only 05.500 dn. payment. 11,141 bal. 140 mo. Excel, location. NX. bua at door. Aporoa. A. Han nouia and cardan apot. MMWINTftHETJ HOME At ACREAOX TOTAL prtco 11.100. V, down. 410 A. RESTAURANT 1750 DN. INC. conolderablo equip, and Icaac. price I1.090. 100 DN. OR TRADE POR CAR S-YEAR modern home with appror 11100 A. Located I ml. S ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR lit N. Hlah. I-U3I; cvc. 1-fltl , rlOl ...............e.....e WANTED REAL ESTATE TO TRADE Comb, small rtstauraot, 3 gat pumps. 4)310 Portland Rd., Salem, for Saltm house and lot. cal MOTICEi If your property tor tale, rent ot eaehange, list tt with ua We have all klnda ef catb burera STATE PTNANCE CO REALTORS 141 S High St ee- WE ARE in need ef good boutea to tell. In or ntar Saltm If rou wish te Hat your property for tale tee ORABENHOHST BROS REALTORS 1 S Liberie Pb 1-2471 BUSINESS OPJORTUNITIES MONEY MARINIl Laundrettt in amall town, colse to Salem. Price 11.000. Will take good house in Salem or Portland. J. B. LeCLERO, REALTOR ION N. Capites Phone I-324I t-330) APT. HOUSE Mo. Income about $304. opts., each has private bath. elee. range refrit., all furnished, vary low gverhesd, good oca Hon. Price 1 1200. Terms. BURT PICHA ITf H. High St. Off. I-404T aTvea. 4-1143 cdlM- ARE TOU A iJtNDSCAPE PLORISTt It so, here Is a chance te to Into pear own bus to ess cheap. Approxi mately is 000 worth ef stock Also small bouse. 14x100 let with soil mixture threat host, suitable for trowing etock, tncludea garden tractor and miscel laneous equipment. Pemllr trouble f areas owner to sacrifice to ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR III Jt. High I- list; eve. l-otti CH303 HtLP WANTID WANTED! SALESMEN & WOMEN Ptllows, I am tiled of bavtoc bonaitde appointments made lor man who arc not able to close. X want tour men who can close a high pert lee. ef their sales prsseautloa. Wo have appotatmeatg ta eeer-eupplr. These am ciioscn will have an unlimited moaer-makineT smpcvtnalty wltb our erg saltation, that haa the reputation of the fattest moving and aoundejt organisation ef its type la the field. Ten will have aU the corporation, sales aids and help that yon need to make yon aue ceasfuL Your future is as big as you make tt. If 43O0 to 400 per week doesn't scare you. I'd like to have yea spend t minutes ef your time with me finding out how we can make each other more successful m. the future. See MR. BARRETT at the SENATOR HOTEL. Priday, August 34. from 4:00 p.m. te 0 00 p m. gltrss BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POR LEASE Remodeled major ell com pany service station. Exceiienl oppor tunity. Call 4445. COJ07 GROCERY and meat market In up-val ley towa doing good business. Bon too. Capital Journal. cd203 TRADE OR SELL SMALL MOTEL Located an tos north, 3 Bolts furn. plus 3-br. living euarters. Room for ox pans ion., or take homo er acreage near Salem in trade. SPECULATOR ATTN. 11.000 DN. Houae with I am. apta. Needa deco rating throughout. Oood cr. It. Only It.tWO. Call Nell Knlttel with ALLEN C. JONES. REALTOR 331 N. High Ph. I-MII; Bva. 4-3311 CdlOl BUSINESS 4 INCOME . Money Maker Will cell, lease, take aqultr or trade on lea Cream Business, building and gmall home. In Woodbum. N. W. sUng, Ru L Bon 17, aUuliae, Oregon. cc304 WANTED FURNITURE Z ZiXL WANT TO BELL rour , furniture? Call Lambert'.. 1-7141. daioo AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 36098. duioS' SUDTELL'S AUCTION THURS.. AUO. 17 - lilt SILVERTON RD. . PHONX 14091 10 A.M. MISC. FURNITURE a VEG ETABLES 1 PH. LIVESTOCK. ' Chlx a rabblu, baby 'calved a veal, weaner and leader pica, hellera, feeder etock, bulla, ateera, milk a beef owe, aheep a coau. Come to buy or acll. LA NX SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. dd703" FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ATTENTION, POSSEMEN! Registered Ancle .Arab, ton of Stan bul. Brokt and gentle. Dapple trap, I rears old. Call collect, Sweet Home 3881. e30S LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP-Whlte face Jereford. lac Locker pork 45e, Nothlnt down, 0 moa. to pay Cuatom kllllnc. Trailer loaned free. Salem Ileal Co. 1115 B 15th. Ph I-41M ea RABBITS DOES AND Bucks, California strain. Good clean stock. 4410 dexter Rd. ebJD7 PETS CHAMPIOK SIRED Dalmatian pupplee. Ready September let. Phono Mon mouth 6371. ec207" SELECTED young Parakeeta, choice col ors, easily trained. 1 140 Livingston. 3-1842. CClOO HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1964 McCoy, one block east of N. Capitol. lVb blocks north ef Madison. Ph. 30807. ac204 CHAMPION BRED BOXER puppies, ev ery pup potential cnampion. uoore Tropical nth. Parakeets. Turtles, sup plies. 3 miles from Lancaster on Mccieay roeL 4-3773. Closed wednes day ec.JO' REGISTERED alrdala puppies. Ideal child a pet. hunter or watch doc. Phone 3-4011. 665 N. 32nd. cc203 POR SALE male Parakeet and cage, 47 .W. Phone 4-18M. etios FUEL PLANER ENDS Oreen or dry Out of town deliveries, sawdust; blowers and P.O. WEST SALEM PUEL CO. 1131 Edsewater Ph. 34031 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARB hatching New Hampshire Gold en Broad and Arbor Acrea White Rock, every - week. Special prlcea to year around fryer grcwera. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State St Phone 3-4980 f PRODUCE MOST VARIETY of peaches Id Beaton. Worm free Gravrnstein. ll4 mile from brldte oa Wallace Rd. L. E, W-ndt. grower. ff 119 PICKLINO ci'KES fresh dally from our farm field run 4c pound Organically grown potatoes, red er white. Peaches now on market. Phillips Bros. Perm Market, SSM Portland Rd., Salem Phone 34412. ff SALEM PrrtLIC MARKET .rarmen-l, 1340 East Rural, 4 block East of 13th St, will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays, 141 am. Plenty ef ecys, beans, potatoes, cucumbert, summer scuash, flowera and other produce. If303 HELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN able to fully handle local franchise. No Invest, Portland work available. Linn Nutter, 41 perry. T p m.-l p m-, Mon., Tues., Wed. g203 UVINO Qt'ABTEBS, exchinee for 1 hour work dally. Phong 2-I434, 140 N 33rd. C303 DINNER COOK. Apply tn person. Talbot Coflee Shop, 1141 State St. g303 WE ARK NOW pickma cucumbert. No pickers under 14. Phillips Brothers. Routs I. Bo 401. Phone 4-3011. Twc miles taet of Pour Corners. g303 H gin WANTED HELP WANTED HELP ME MY BEANS HAVE GONE CRAZY! THEY LOOK LIKE BUNCH ES OF BANANAS. YOU DRIVE OUT; YOU WON'T BE SOR RY. I'M CLOSE TO TOWN, 3 MI. OUT S. RIVER RD.,4 TURN RIGHT 1 MILE. PH. 4-2789. RIENSCHE'S BEAN YARDS. BEAN PICKERS Now picking good second crop of pole beans, good crop, and clean yard. Excellent camp facilities. Steady work. Dally bus serrtce from Salem on fol lowing route: Starting at 1:44 a.m. at Owens and Liberty, then north on Liberty to Broadway, north on Broad way to Hlthlaod, eaat on Highland to Silverton Road, oast on Stlverton Road to Pairhaven Ave., Palrgroundt road to Summer St, aoutb en Summer to Center, east on Center to 13th, aoutb 13 th to Hoyt, wett on Hoyt to Com jnerclal, north on Commercial to Lib erty, north on Liberty to Owen., wett on Owens to South River Road and oa South River Road nine miles to farm. Look for dark green Intern at ton -' al bua with D, P. MacCarthy and Song Perm painted on It, Plag down driver; he will be glad to atop anywhere on thlt route for you. Please, no children under fourteen unless with adults. Por Further Information, drive out South River Road nine miles to firm, or phono Independence 1IP3. , D P. MacCARTHT AND SON Rt, I, Boa 333, Salcu, Oregon g307 BEAN PICKERS wanted. Fourth and very good picking. 3 miles it. a. of Kel aer on Lake Labish. Watch eigne te yard. Ralph Bolting, d?hone 1-4081 tJOJ" KITCHEN HELP Speedway, 1170 Cen ter St. No phono calls. g MEN AND WOMEN to work an our qop- plcklng machine. Starting August IT Day and nicht work. Located I miles north of Salem on the River road. Call Salem 4-1333 of 4-1323. Mission Bottom Harvester. a GROCERY CLERK, Saving Center Mar ket. 3300 Portiana Rd. g" BEAN PICKERS WANTED Oood Pick ing. H. L. Fearer Nursery Co., Rt. I. Box 100t Phone 4-1011. g305 BEAN PICKERS New yard, new lx- tton. 44 milt north of Caacade hub school, gecond lane to right. TJ. X. Hansen, Route 1, Box II, Turner. eioi BEAN PICKERS WANTED 34 mlltB toutheast of Central Howell, excellent Picking. DeSart and Alt. g30Sa DINNER COOK. Nohlgrsn'S, 440 State St. a ros" help Wanted male NATIONWIDE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Offering a broad program of oopor tunltttt for young mtn who want te go places In the automobile financing field. No experience la neeetiary. We need a alngtg man 31-31 yeart ef age who has had at least one or two yearn ef college. This is a permanent po sition wltb no talet work Inrolved. An automobile is furnished. Rapid merit salary increasee, Tscatlona with par. Incentive profit-sharing plan. Insur ance benefits with free hosplUHaty tinn Call for aonolntmcnt. 3-4188. COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION 480 NORTH CHURCH ST. SALEM, ORB. gaaoe- WANT ED Middle-aged man to ears for semt-lnralld aged man for dare, mono 20882. ga204 to HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED acceaaory aalealady. Par. manent position. No nlcht houra. Ap Ply in peraon. PRICE'S, 111 N. Liberty St. tb" HOUSEKEEPER A child care, luferencee required. No coeklnc. Llv. In. Ampl. time off. 400 month. . Writ, Bos loa Capital Journal. ' tb BTENOORAPHEB. lb year, or ever, lluat hav. oreaon driver licence. Call Hill. creet echool. 145, Btronc Rd., Salem, or phone 1-1011. cbloa BAG BOTS. Savin, Center llarkat. 3340 Portland Rd. Ob ' BEAl'TT OPEKATOB wanted. Oood op portunity at 00. Mildred Beauty 8a. Ion. doe Mill St., Dallae. Call 1417 or 3144. cbioi EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear aalealady. Permanent poaltlon. No nlcht houre. Apply In peraon. PRICE'S, in tt. Lib erty St. eb" WANTED SALESMAN LAST MONTH our leading Salem Fuller Dealer averaged 1154.11 weekly profits. Lowest dealer, S07.7T. Butinesa la ftne and dandy and need 3 more permanent men. Work by appointment only. Call l-l7. se303 SHOE SU.ESMAN Must be experienced. Nice appearance. Oood salary. Apply Jerry Wlllttms, Marilyn' Shoe Store, 317 Court St, , ce308- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES GOOD JOBS! JUST A SA1IPLE LISTING BELOW P Oen. olc. diet. opr. 0100 P Caahler Oen. olc lira P Salea dark dps 10-40 4300 P Typlat apt. flora 5114 r Payroll clerk I da. wk. ...11.50 hr P Oen. ofe. part time 5114 PBookkeeper 570 P Local cteno. I da. tos coutl. 0370 P Recent, ateno. da S2 P Steno. It. ahthd. 10-50 SIM M Trainee 11-14 - rr. col Open THB BEST WAT TO THE BEST JOBS Office cloaed Saturdaya Is Anouat COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT BOENCT 404 Stat. St. (Orvcon Bldc.t 4-1141 PORTLAND OrC, 410 S.W. MORRISON allOl By Ham Fisher Journol Want Ads Pay I0U Portland Bd. . 1-7441 dJM