Solons Play 8 Games In 5 Days Several Special Nights . At Waters Park This Week r MARION MOTORS mm. closest iwn6 to n m OMNNMi WMf. TOttTMMM Our can are honestly rep resented. There's no trick to finding the one you want here. Examine them all thoroughly before yon make your choice. 'SO Olds 98 everything to go. Sedan with $1550 Umak. Yearns Calaarv ... Wanaubee Trl-C1I .. Victoria .. By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. The Salem Senators, rained nt of their scheduled double- header with Edmonton last'uuia night, face eight games in " J," ' days at Waters park, beginning jvancauw' with a doubleheader tonight at "oai 7 o clock. Ray McNulty, who won 19 games for Salem last season, and John Conant, who has won 22 games for Edmonton this year, will pitch for Edmonton in tonight's games. They will be opposed by GeneRoenspie (16-3) and Dave Dahle (3-8). Tonight is ladies' night at Waters park, with all ladies admitted to the grandstand for (0 cents. ' The remainder of the home stand (the last home stand for Salem this season) sees a num ber of special nights. : Tomorrow will be radio ap preciation night; By obtaining tickets from one of the sponsors of Salem Senator broadcasts, a fan may gain admission to the game for 50 cents. There will be no broadcast of the game to morrow night. Vancouver comes to town for a five-day series, beginning with a single game Friday. The most popular player award will be presented Friday. The player will be selected by a vote of the fans, who have been casting ballots all season. A home freezer, courtesy of Smilin' Jack's Service Station and Dickson'i Market, will be given away to some lucky fan attending Saturday night's game. Sunday's doubleheader, slat ed for 2 p.m., will be the last regular-season appearance of the Senators this season. Sun day is Moose lodge day, and members of that lodge are now conducting a ticket-selling ca ni ps ign. Or The Aaaocteted Preu) Manager Bill Brenner pitched and batted Lewiston to (-7 win over Wenatchee Tuesday night to preserve the B rones' narrow lead in the Western International Baseball League pennant race. Brenner scattered 10 hits as be marked up his 21st victory on the mound, and drove in the winning runs with a sixth in ning double. The win kept the Broncs six percentage points ahead of the Spokane Indians, who also won..- Lewiston's hopes of maintain ing the lead and gaining berth in the WIL's post-season playoff suffered a heavy blow, however, with Brenner's an nouncement after the contest that two key players may be lost for the rest of the season, Brenner said catcher Clint Cameron, who injured his throwing hand In Monday's game, probably won't be back. Bob Williams, Lewiston's lead ing hitter, is scheduled to re turn to his teaching Job at Lewiston High School after Wednesday' game. Spokane, keeping pace with the Broncos, scored enough runs in the first inning to win but added some insurance tal lies and posted a 6-1 triumph WIL Standings (Br TIM liHdtM PteaO W L Ttt. , ss , J1 w , ss , ! 31 , M .11 .401 .411 t Ml 11 TaMdare BeenHat L. onion , WroeKhfO T. Spokane 4. Yakima 1. Celeerr it. Trl-Ciw US fcnninJ. Victoria Vancouver - m lame S innlniai. Edmonton at Salam. (I), rata. Wedaeaaeife Sehaaala: Victoria at Vancouvar. Ltvuton at Wenetcbee. Edmonton It al it). Cellar? at Trl-Cltr. " - ftpokant at Yakima. over Yakima. Bill Franks gave up seven hits, including a dou ble and a single that accounted for Yakima's only run In the fifth. Don Bricker's thfee-run ho mer in the top of the 10th in ning provided Calgary'i win ning margin in a 10-9 victory at Tri-City. The hometown Braves tied the game with a single run in the bottom of the eighth and the two teams add ed a pair of tallies apiece In the ninth. Tri-City chased In two runs in the loyer half of the tenth and threatened to tie the game again but pinch-hitter Ernie Hockaday went down swinging with the equalizing run on second. Victoria shut out Vancouver on both ends of a twin bill, winning the opener, which went eight innings, 2-0 and the nightcap, 6-0. Ltvfcton om en oio it Wenetehea all 010 010 T 11 1 Brenner and Oarer; Bcamon, Klein l, DeCarolle and BartolomaL y Spokane SI 00. 100-S s Yakima OM 111 noa l 1 l Pranki and Soetta; DelSarto. Bdmundi (l and Alolnl. Caliarr .. OM 001 00J J 1 IS 1 Trl-Cltr 1M Oil 111 S la 4 Lavtnion, Stttw (10k and Brlekar: Bloom, Dobernle (1), Mlchilioa (II) and PHt, Warren (10). Pint tami: Victoria 0M 000 M l s 1 Vancouver M0 OM M 0 S 1 Bottler and Martin; Hernando! and Duretto. second same: Victoria M0 101 400-4 S Vancouver 000 0M 000 0 4 1 DolUne nod Rarfotd: Roberta, aler ahall (7), Thomaeon II) and Duretto. Lebanon Swim Team Defeats Albany Group . Lebanon Lebanon swim mers and divert edged the. Al bany swim team here Sunday, taking the swimming events 98 to 92, and the diving division, IS to 24. Lebanon paddlers captured first places in 14 of the 20 swim events, but the Albany people came up with enough second and third places to keep the point system even. Albany was trailing by only one point when going into the final event, the boys' relay, which Lebanon captured. Swimmirig on the winning quartet were Vic Dixon, Dar rell Bishop, Virgil Russell, and Ed Nelson. In diving, Albany failed to enter contestants in the senior division which gave the Leba non club a 12 to 0 lead. The visiting club picked up 14 points in the junior division to Lebanon's six. A crowd of more than 300 LOCAL UNITED MESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 26, 1951 Page 17 Kowitz'- (hiss 'ECeioss r CSmiS KOWrrx. JB, Caaltal Janraal Sparta Baiter Korner A proposed post-season series betweei the state cham pion Salem American Legion junior baseball team and the semipro Bend Loggers has been called off, The reason: Too many Legion players out for football. . . . Paul Beck, Mike Campbell and Tom Pickens at Salem high and How ard Speer and Jerry Waldrop at Cascade. Only one of the 15 members of the state champion , Legion team will be eligible for competition next sea son. He is Curt Jantze, catcher. The other 14 .will be too old for Legion play next season, though they all will be playing high school ball next year. Lee Cameron, Dale Wattenbarger and Glen Hart, Jef ferson high school football players who were to have played in the East-West class B Shrine all-star game at Pendleton Saturday, did not report for practice with the West team. Wedding bells are to blame. Cameron and Wattebarger were recently married, while Hart expects to take the big step soon. Three alternates, from other schools, replace the Jefferson trio on the West lineup. So Fred Graham, coach of the Jefferson Lions last season (he's moved to Stayton high school now) won't have any of his own players on the West team. Graham is one of the West coaches. ' ' Kross-Kuts through 'the state: ..Gene Fox, who pitched for Albany's junior Legion team during the state tournament in Salem, joined the Albany Ath letics, a semipro team, after the Legion season. Fox was beaten by the Roseburg Chiefs, 7-3, in a game at Roseburg Sunday . . . another Albany semipro team, the Alcoa, closed out their season with a trip to Reno, Nev., where they lost two games to the Reno-Sparks " Pioneers, 10-3 and 3-1 .. . Herb Snider and Neil Honka were injured in a spectacular six-car smashup in hard top races at McMinnville Saturday night. ..The race was halted for a full hour because of the acci dent ... on the same night, there was a four-car crack-up at the Ashland track . . . Eugene and Salem tracks also ran races that night, which means that auto racing was being conducted on four Oregon - tracks on a single night. More prizes for the Salem Senators to shoot at . . . Joe Josephson, proprietor of the J End J Clothes Shop, is offer ing a $50 suit of clothes to the Senator player who hits the jnost home runs between now and the end of the second half ... a $35 sport coat to the p'.ayer with the most runs batted in during the remainder of regular sea son play . . . and an $18.60 pair of slacks .to the Senator with the most hits in that time. No Decision In Brawl at Salem Armory . John Henning and Eric Pe- derson finished their match. with a "no decision" ruling from referee Jack Kiser. Kiser had been knocked senseless momentarily when he was slammed into a ring post Four Teams Still Remain in State Softball Tourney Mill City . (Snecian Rnln forced postponement efl a s t Bight's Oregon slat aoftball tournament schedule at Allen field here, and the tourney slate has been set back day. Games which were to have been played last night will be played tonight The Eugene Rubenstein Furniture team plays Corvallis Nored Builders at 7 o'clock, with the winner et the game facing Grant Pass in tonight s second game. Bob WiUis, with a 1-1 tour nament record, will likely pitch for Eugene in the first game, with Hal Wehmeier (0-1) chucking for Grants Pass. Corvallis goes into tonight's game with a .258 team batting average in three state tourna ment games. Third-baseman in an attempt to separate Hen- Uin Anderson is the leading rung and Pederson. tournament hitter on the team, ..v..,.. y.u,. . -;with three nit in nine timet son to me mat, ana neia nim tj,. Rub. c,rr . .20f, ,.- nament swat mark into to nights' action. Bill Htuchison, second baseman, tops Eugene tournament batters with three for six. ' . Vern Collins, Grants Pass ironnran who has now had two days rest, thanks to the rain. will pitch in the second game tonight. He has a 2-1 tourna ment record,' and has been practically a member of the infield, with A assists from his pitching position. Manager Sim Chapmam leads Grants Pass' tournament hitting col umn with a .500 average. The survivor of tonight's ac tion plays Kelly Lumber of MiU City la the state finals to morrow night. If Mill City wins the first game tomorrow. the Kelly crew will have won the state championship and the right to enter regional play at Pendleton early next month. If Mill City loses the first game tomorrow, a second game, to follow immediately, will be ne cessary to decide a winner in the double-elimination state tournament. Attendance at ' tournament games has been up to expec taions, in spite of the weather, and with Mill City in the finals, a full hriuse is expected tomor row night. there for at least twice as long as the required three seconds. But Kiser, his head still buzz ing, wasn't able to see it. ' Henning looked around to see what had happened to Ki ser. Pederson then crawled out from under Henning and clamped a full nelson oi Hen ning. Kiser, still not sure what had happened, ordered a no deci sion. The fans were In an up roar by that time, and a near riot ensued. Luther Lindsey defeated the Masked Marvel, Jack O'Reilly downed Greg Jarque and Mr. Sakata drew with Kiser in preliminaries. Grid Banquet At UO Cancelled Eugene UJ9 The "Football is Fun" banquet scheduled for tonight on University ol Oregon campus has been con celled because Entertainer PhU Harris will not be able to attend, Athletic Director Leo Harris said today. The athletjc director said it was felt it would be unlikely that a suitable substitute could be found to replace Harris on such short notice. :V- f,r' . it '.r.i:i V-' ',;---" ! I m - l r 1 - 4 T w end ot ine Line 2s2z vzzsl ' Horace Glllem U brought down by 49er Don Zimmerman . during second quarter at game In San Francisco. Cleve land won, IM. (UP Telephoto) Six Teams Qualified for World Tourney Portland UJB Entries in the National ' Softball Congress Girls' world tournament which opens here September 4 rose to six today. Tournament Director Ray Brooks said he has received word that an all-colored girls' all-star squad . from Cincin nati will be here for title ac tion. He said also he expects an entry from Wisconsin as soon as the state champion is determined. Brooks said a 11-team brac ket Is certain with a possibility of 16 teams.' ; . ' -i Already entered are Err Lind's Florists of Portland, the Phoenix Queens ot Arizona and the Crowhurst Motors and the Vancouver All-Stars from Brit ish Columbia. Yesterday's Stars (Br TtM AmeUtw mu) BATTINO Go UntiiH FhUdtl!.t Athletics, hit tw horn run tud drov la thm rum u PbUMtelptaloi bt CbW HIP 4-1. rfTCHma HabM Oonti. Nw Yew O Unlet, ban v ofity lour ttnete 1b vte Blot his llta tftrna ui third anutoa J-0, -ftr St. LeaU. Gavilan 13-5 Favorite Over Tiger Jones New York W.B Welter weight champion Kid Gavilan was favored 13-5 to beat mid dleweight Ralph (Tiger) Jones tonight and thereby earn con sideration as challenger for the middleweight crown. The non-titl 10-rounder be tween 27-year-old Jones of Yonkers, N. Y., will be tele vised nationally from Madison Square Garden. Gavilan, ruler of the 147 pound division, is confident that a victory over middle- tiraki vVt jute. (aini4aip TaA vay i 1 1 spectators was on hand to see V( htm , ,hot lhe 160. pound crown, to be worn by Bobo Olson-Randy Turpin win ner on Oct 21. Grade Wins Match Barrington, R. I. 0I.R9 Mrs. Howard Smith, formerly Gra de DeMoss, defeated Mrs. J. J. Mason, Ridgewood, N, J., 4 and 2 in the Women's amateur golf tournament here yesterday. Edean Anderson of Helena, Mont., lost to Polly Riley of Fort Worth, Tex., 8 and 4. ABC Again Rained Portland (Ufa Rain again washed out action in the ABC tournament here last night. the events. The Lebanon group coached by George Van and Tom Van Etten. are Pelt MCCICTCaTS CClSTtCWsT DLaVI Yakima Leads Sectional Play Hastings, Neb. The Yak ima. Wash., American Legion junior baseball team is a sin gle victory away from the Western sectional champion ship. Yakima, t h e Washington State and Pacific Northwest re gional titlist, posted the initial victory in the championship bracket of the double elimina tion tournament here Tuesday night, taking a 5-2 thriller from Richmond, Calif. The teams meet again Wed nesday night and a Yakima vic tory would clinch the sectional crown for the visitors from the Northwest apple country. If Richmond wins, the finaloshow- jdown will be Thursday. I Tom Gibson allowed three hits and struck out 13 in Tues day night's contest ' Richmond H loo MO I I 0 Yakima OO0 041 01' 0 I Tabcr. Roe avfti end Otti otoaoo and lllowatt. FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical use "Preo-to-logo" CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONI 3-8862 FISHERMEN! OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS Saerta! arleee ea raOe aad reela rail Haa af rithlnr aecda -I MAVK WORMS.- Gee. Codwell Serv. Sro. 25th and State St AUTO RACING AT ITS BEST... Clnsie meet of the motor sp-irts uorld it tlie Indianapolis Spectlxoy ract"auto racing at its betl!" Whistey ztrfs TO H r.i Jr a. . a C3 r n livtv f AJt X 1 ' ' J10 1 IWTHROP mOES at Marilynxs Genuine Shell i Cordovan MILE Hi On the Campus or for Dress, These Rich Leathers Are Always Their Best With Winthrop. IMPORTED WHITE BUCKS only Ml FVLVf ... y 'LEATHER lined yWi - :r MARILYN'S 387 Court Dye Job on Your New Cordovans Gr Brogues Shop Fri. Till 9 P.M. tub wHiswr is 4 ytuu ou u noor m hiu w-o hiu co, louisviixe. kt. Y