TT loniKii;, aukubi 40, 1 93 J TPtTH CAPtfAL JOURNAL. Saltm, Ortfra Pif U Marine Captain Stationed Here Salem visitor Tuesday was Capt. W. F. Simlik, U.S. Ma rine Corps, Who August 28 takes over the duties of PIO for the U.S. Marine Corps re cruiting station, Portland. The captain only recently returned from 14 months of duty in Korea with the Fifth Marines of the First Marine division as regimental opera tions officer and company com mander. He will replace Capt. A. S. Bailey as PIO. Bailey, who, when he came to the PIO assignment 26 months ago, also came from duty with the Fifth Marines of the First Marine division, goes to duty in Washington with the personnel department of the Marine Corps Headquarters. He reports there late in Sep tember. The new PIO, whose area covers the entire state of Ore gon and part of northern Cali fornia and southern Washing ton, has spent 10 years with the Marine Corps, including active duty and service as a reservist. During World War II he was in the Pacific with RUMMAGE SALE By B'NAI B'RITH WOMAN'S LODGE and TEMPLE BETH 8HOLOH SISTERHOOD. Out itandinz values. New supplies daily. Wed, Than, Fri, ts5 ChemekeU. (New location). Phone 4-1451 195 $. Commercial the Fourth Marine Division.' serving on Iwo Jima. , Th rinUI. ..... n. j . ' active duty with the Marine Corps In January, 195J, and is now remaining with the regu lar Marine Corps. At the time that he was called for active duty he was assistant manager of the shipping department in the Chicago plant of Spiegles. His home is In Chicago. Antique Autos New Feature Another entirely new feature of this year's Oregon State Fair in Salem, September 5-1J will be a display of one of the most unique collections of antique and original racing and pleas ure automobiles in the country, it was revealed here today. Among cars to be brought here from California for the show will be a 1899 Locomo bile steamer, a 1801 Crestmo bile with leather strap crank, a 1902 curved dash Oldimo- bile. a 1901 and a 1907 Baker electric with Victoria top and a 1901 Darracq (French make). One of the most interesting will be the world-famous 1911 Rolls Royee that belonged to the late Czar' Nicholas of Rus sia, valued at more than $20,- 000. Racing cars will include 1913 Peugeot, winner of the Indianapolis, Santa Monica and San Francisco races in 1916 and valued at $25,000; a famous 1917 Hudson, the Black Widow and Spider Ford 1914 racers a 1912 Cadillac racer of the Mercer Speedster and Stutx Bearcat type and a 1908 Bent that was driven by the fa mous Barney Oldfield. A 1914 National sports roadster and a 1915 Model T Ford towing car will be Included In 'the dis play. ' Wild . boars imported from Europe by sportsmen now run wild in Tennessee, North Caro lina and California. Mill IK School Bonds Interest High The Salem school district will pay a total of $845,000 in interest charges on $2,000,000 worth of serial bonds during the vi year period of the issue. This was determined Tues day night when bids from three separate groups were opened by Clerk C. C. Ward. The bid of the First National Bank of Portland and associates, with an effective interest rate of 1.0714 per cent was accepted. There was no premium Involv ed. The rate to be paid annually ranges from 2c to 4 per cent. with a total interest cost to the i district of (845.000. Halsey Stu art & Co. and associates bid 8.18309 for the Issue or a total interest charge of 3665,000, while the U.S. NaUonal Bank of Portland and associates bid 3.196428 for a total interest charge of 3871,250. - The bid is considered a fav orable one insofar as the dis trict is concerned, although the interest rate on the ltt mil lions sold a few months ago was 2.71' per cent. The money will be used in the construction of the new South Salem senior high school. The voters authorized a total issue of $4,280.000. Horseshoe Tourney Slated of Hillsboro Thev Oregon State annual Horseshoe tournament will be held at Hillsboro this coming Saturday and Sunday in con nection witK the Washington County fair. Salem horseshoe fans have been conditioning themselves for this occasion with several tournaments, and the top pitchers have been chosen to represent Salem. Those going are Those going are Ivan Lowe, Ronald Anderson, Lee Crahan, Lloyd Bays, Howard Gilbert, B. Todd, John Anderson, Ted Zwickel, Frank Cooper, Albert Cooper, Irl Folsom, John Ar thur, Clarence Calnon, W. Mo Farland, Glen Bonlie, Eugene Prescott, The Salem area tournament will be staged the first Sunday after the State fair at the courts in the Bush Pasture park. A local cham pionship tournament is planned for a later date. Ivan Lowe defeated champion Ronald An derson last season and the two will be eyeing each other at Hillsboro. The officers of the local club are Frank Arthur, president; Glen Bonlie, fine vice, Ron ald Anderson, second vice; Eu gene Prescott, secrets ry-treaa urer. Owners O Special 7-Day Offer You paid enough. But you didn't get all the remarkable features of the 1953 Mercury. Now comes your big oppor tunity to do so at a trade-in discount that you may never see again. For 7 days only we'll give you an exfro specie offer on your present car an offer you can't afford to turn down. Don't miss this rare opportunity to drive a 1953 Mercury at substantial savings! x , .... WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial ' Salem Ring-necked pheasants, im ported from China are now one of America's best known game birds. DTTCCM W KehlM panrlaita, Salaa iMi atMatt'a foal ar iU" yo .km Mala KM w-uytlHiv rroai fact WONDER 8AI.VE aaS Waa Darataaaa far m wf Ir rm tmmm ai nwn SALTS la aallaHil. Ha f aeaaiaa. 8afa loi akllaraa. G WORDRX SALTS B4 rninu MEnirATO SOAP Bti m Mil -T MnM Tralr aaalal araaaratlaaa. Trr taam. Im m Tata. Sold la Salem by Capital. Frad Mtrar, OwU Par Lw and Schaetcr Drus etoraa, a jour nana sawn anitsut. fm ar PILES SO BAD I COULDNTSIT ritaa Htm. A. ST Ja A-i l T. inmn Paaaairiiara tojtin af ihnpia vil faotbia raw. Inflamed UMuea. Lahrkataa and nftaradrv. par ol nan nan.. Hrio. - "f on own i aunar manual mmry of aannU rUa Gat Paa aw rati n ntmy. Ait yaw doctor about H. Saj Pa0HHiilland Saj,"?!! IiSS) Doctor's Formula Great For" Tc:nf-38 Pfcrfss Zemo, a doctor's formula, promptly relieres itching, stops erstching sad so helps hesi snd clear surfsee blotches, blemishes snd rsahes. Three tizes.sZemo is clean, stainless. zemo T.rad?Waak?Run-Down1 STRENGTHEN TIRED DLOOD . . and Feel Stronger Fssti Wlta rnm tMcia to faal Urad to Um wk f ua . . . lm mm took rak and wryihi-t rct.u HTort . . . rtm may ha ao ?- tum MLaia nniii. Yr a lewd m b tired. and, par. is najaiwt ftmr CtrM a loo, fast trr Gvritol. tha M?tieUr-ssproa-J ,mm tnnir that Mart l tmtthtra tlrfld ttteoc vilbia 2a fetour.. .wit-w iav iron tax, pooaa of caUaa lirr 7 timaa Um Imi I at awatul t .a...a. Withla aak riritstt htm Ma.Mk .tii tnm ts tirW arma, Uek. Yam fatH Mimttr faat-itl 7 aar ar notaay hark. iTi war m eiuttf irtiM af kaja4f otnar radaj eitardan. tltll Ml ITHUCI MICITI llrlin (hak) ai Dm, la IhrfM. tWaMSMa US1M 'all WrMaiCaa: THI DIAN CLINIC Oaaa It Mil f mm4y ftsraafk trtmwr. Oattl a a. WoaOar, Wadtmmmy . f4mv. Calf actk rtnraklaaa . . . i w W faar M3 MMTMIAtT MMT MHHIVAM Mapfcaax W) tartaW 11, O. PISIMEY'Sl F,NE 0UALITY' BUDGET-STRETCHING PRICES! - ' ' "' 1 . ninnum ig .I.PHM.iii.i a.ntl 1WH , i hi I III i HI1I''W' t WIJIIMIilSWWg'W"'1'1 ..inui '" H'laani lit N. Liberty St, Salem, Oregaa :30AJtli5:JX r It I DAY NITI TILL 9 P.M. CIO BAZii on CAI.'S T?ash Without Special Fuss; DELUXE CORDUROY SHIRTS n rr Just toss these fine corduroy shirts la with the rest of the family wash! They need no tpecial handling! They come up looking color-bright time after time! They're expensively styled with flap pock ets, rayon yoke linings, genuine ocean pearl buttons, adjustable cuffs... just about every luxury-touch you could want. Penncy's has them in plenty of new-for-Fall colors. S-M-L-XL. MAIN FLOOR 5CC0 Girt and Boy ( el . Penney'! Will Attend Penney's . . Back-School "Movie Party" ELSINORE THEATER FRIDAY, SEPT. 4th 3 Showings 12 Noon 2 P.M.-4 P.M All chlldran accomponled by a parent may secure their free tickets right now. Come today! i "'fit Here They Are! Luxury CORDUROY PRINTS These deluxe qnslity eord nrojr shirts are really wash able! Toss 'em In with the family wash! They pop out erlsp, color-bright every time . . . and with no spe cial fuss, either! Eipensive ly detailed with ocean pearl buttons, adjustable cults, rsjron yoke linings. Penney's has them In plen ty of new-for-Fall colors and patterns. Sizes S-M-L- 4 98 MAIN FLOOR LUXURY COTTON 251 sCLat ea. Fine cotton combed lawn hankies with " henutltehed hems. Full llWxUH" sise. Low price for this quality! Stock ap! Also with colored borders. , MAIN FLOOR Combed Cotton ARGYLE SOCKS Wear Penney's colorful, fine quality argyles for comfort, good looks, long service. Big assortment ef new fall colors Sixes 10-13. MAIN FLOOR Luxury Quality Combed Cotton iti ruinrr I jninia 79' Ton can wear these practical shirts as an undershirt. They're made of absorbent fins combed cotton, with ribbed neckbands that prevent stretchlni, hold their shape! Sises 14 ts it. MAIN FLOOR Look, Fellas! Extra HEAVY IIOCKMEYCfl (REAM "CORDS" Mada of thick rleckmeyar corduroy to withstand lots of ' wear. Theyrs smartly styled with continuous waistbands, reversed pleats, dropped belt , loops, xlpper front. Best ef all they're completely washable. MAIN FLOOR O BACK-TO-CAMPUS SWEAT SANFORLANS & RICH-LOOKING o MAIN FLOOR lASY-TO-WASH o lO-WASH PURE ORLONS 90 ; MAIN FLOOR 70 Wool,30Muskrot Fur ALL WOOLS 90 MAIN FLOOR FINE GAUGE o ALL WOOLS 498 MAIN FLOOR