.1 I Fag 14 Custom Cannery Serving Ronald Blundell'i Ksnnlng Kitchen, 130S South 13th street, is a custom cannery serving local patronage ex tending throughout the Wil lamette valley and a tourist clientele throughout the nation. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 8. High Ph. 45751 or deliadlc Finno lkyr.M.Osdr,lM4 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Sn.aU Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances ' Ivan Roysc and Walt Claus. Owners ARCHERY ANTAcSKHLr Ph.2-4226 HARRY HOBSON 6250 PORTLAND RD. Located on Highway 99 Next to Totom Pole (Chemawa) Custom-Made Bows, Arrows, Fishing Poles And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle BEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO 14th & E. HOYT Approved - Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers - Power Mowers - Paint Sprayers Air Conv pressors Sanders - Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tils Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given) IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER J SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT ; "A Complete Shipping Service" : Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES f Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting ir Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS ! CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT i R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edeewntcr St OR 3-5769 OILING WEST SALEM road TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING . STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING i Repairing - 355 Chemekcta Contracting i . Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS J We give Penny Ssver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 130 1 liberty 310 Court, Downtown 2440 or Mr, Mcdlcil Cinlet i 24-IIOUR SERVICE ' Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. ; 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 3:00 PJ.I. and 0:00 PJ.I. to 8:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radiant Glassheat' Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat ef Salem 1 540 Fairgrounds Rd. Learn about the Mlraclo of Glassheat before you buy any heating system at any price See Continents! Glassheat No Chimney No Maintenance FHA Terms Easy Terms S Year Guarantee Radio Repair Ph. 3-7577 , ' MITCHELL'S Radio-Telerision 1 880 Stat Motorola Dealer for SW General Electric ' Pick up and Delivery TririflfinMSALESAND DL Solem M913 TcLlVISIUN SERVICE rh. Woodbum3611 VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2303 ralrerounns Fd. In Woodhurn at 171 Grant St. Featuring MOTOROLA RCA VICTOR - HOFFMAN PUMONT TELEVISION SETS Tourists patronize Blundell'i custom canner because its services enables them to obtain products of this region, pre serve them in cans that may efficiently be transported in cars and carried over state lines without inspection. And more and mora tourists, Blun' dell points out, are coming to ' the Willamette valley lor ehoice fruits and vegetables. When they visit the coast, they : often return with seafoods for i packing in hi custom cannery, i At the Kanning Kitchen, Ph. 2-6596 Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 24 HOUR SfRYICI Ph. 3-9123 Local Folk and Tourists ! Blundell furnishes either a No. 2, a pint size can, or a No. 2 Vi size that holds about a quart. The patron brings his own pro duce, be it fish, fruit or fowl, prepares it under Blundell'i direction and places it In the can. The patron must also fur- LEGALS OBDEB rO PUBLICATION Of SCVMONS Dl THK CIRCUIT COURT OP Tl STATS OP OREOON POR TBS COUNTY OP MARION Ne, MIM BEVERLY JESKE. PLAlNTtPP VS. SIAX JESKE, DEPENDANT. Bssed upon the Affidavit ef tha plala- iil! in iu ssove anuuea ami. n aaue- faetonlv appearlnt to th. court thare- from Uilt a14 salt 'u commancad lor tha purpoia el obtslntns A decree cf dl. roree and tnst plaint!!! haj A food causa of suit ssmlost aald dele&dent: It furt&er appearing that tha plaintiff baa been unable to locale aald defendant: Zt further appearing, that tha plaintiff tn aulred of Arthur X- sfenke. Superinten dent of Polite In the Cllr, of aflchlian Cltr, Indiana, And further Inquired of tha landlord of the defendant who rented living quartera to the defen dant at hla laat known addreaa In the Cltr of Newport. Oregon: tha pereone moat Ukelr to know the defendAnt'a wbereaboou and aald peraona did not know the prevent whereabouta of tha defendant: It further appearing from we facta that It la lmsosslble to aerva A cepr of complaint And aummona upon aald defendant In any manner provided br the Oreeon Compiled Lewi Annotated. It will therefore be necessary to aerva aald aummona and complaint upon the defendant br publication and lour weeka a reasonable time within which to reeulra aald defendant to appear And answer! and that four weeka la a reason able time for the publication of aald summons! and that the Capital Journal la a newspaper of aenertl circulation, printed And published la Marion Coun- fitate ol orecon. navinc the neces sary Qualification for the publication of legal notices. 1. Order For publication Of Bummong It la therefore, hereby ordered and adjudged that service of summons In the above entitled suit and court be- made upon tha defendant br publication there of In tha Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub lished In Marlon County, Oregon and that aald publication bo made once a week for four euccessl7o weeka subse quent to tha first publication of aald summons, to-vlt, tha 29 day of July. 193 and that aald aummona require aald defendant to appear herein and answer said complaint on or before the 2s day of Aug.. I53. Dated at Ealesu Oregon this 24 Car ol July, 1953. KKA aiMHEUj Circuit Judge Win. Dobson, attorney Oregon Building. July 29. Aug. t, 12. II, It. 1993. FINAL NOTICE Notice fa given that the tinders lined has llled In the Circuit Court of Mar lon County, Oregon. Probata Depart ment, Its final Account aj Executor of the estate of H. C. SHIELDS, deceased, and said Court has fixed Friday, August 2S. 19&3. at 9:15 a.m.. in tha Circuit Court Room In the County Court House At aalem. Oregon, for hearing aald final account and all objections thereto. Dated Jul; 21. 1953. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND (OREOON), Ex ecutor of tha Estate of H. c. Shields. Deceased. MOODY es LAlIKDf, Attorneys, Salem, Oregon. i juir.Aug..i2.r,ie. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP TH I 8TATH OF OREOON 1 FOR THK COUNTY OP MsUUOlf NO. 15.332 IN PR OB ATS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP CHARLES U. P RYE, Daceawd. NOTICE Punoant to order of th Circuit Court of th Btat of Oregon, for Marlon Coun ty, tha nndenlrned. aa co-executors of th) aitata ol Castries M. Prye. deceaud. will from and alter th mtn oar 01 sept., loss, at tut olllca of their attorneys. o term an and Will tarns. 327 Oregon Building. Salem, Orecon, proceed to sell at private sala both, or each, or any part of cither of tht following described tracts of ral property, property, prop erty of tha dtotdcnl and pis wtata, to wit: TRACT NO. I All of Lot Numbar Two, la Block, Number Eleven In Yew Park Addition to tha City or Salem, Marlon Count v. Orreon (See Volume 1. Paca . Record of Town Plat tot said County and State; and tract no. n: Beginning at an Iron rod on tha West line of Lot One Block Eleven In Yew Park Addition to tha City of Salem. Marlon County, Oregon (See Volume 1. Pag M, Record of Town rials for said County and 6 late), which 1 150.00 feet North of the Southwest cor ner of aald Lot Onei running thence Easterly and parallel with th North Una ot aald Lot One. U.7ft Icet to an Iron rod: tbenca Southerly and parallel with th East Una ot said Lot. CO.oo feet to an Iron rod on tha South line of aald Lot; tbenca Easterly along th J!outh line ot said Lot, 03.35 feet to on Iron rod at the Southeast comer of aald Lot One; thence Northerly along the Eaxt line ot aald Lot One, 15-00 feet to the Northeast corner of aald Lot; thence Westerly along the North line of aald Lot One, 142.00 feet to th Northwest corner of said Lot One; thence souther ly along the West line of said Lot One, 15 feet to the place of beginning. Sales, will be reported to the court, be subject to resale and to confirmation by satd court la th manner provided by law. R. W. SCHNEIDER. . JANET SCHNEIDER, Date of Pint Publication: August II. Other Publications; Aug. 26, Sept. $, 1. Give Your Feet An Ice-Mint Treat Dnn'S msiii a.tvn.t tlA t,nn,u. Don't moan about eallouMS. Gt bus sui iva them an If-Mint traat. FWI th comforting, soothing eoolneaa of Ice-Mint driving; out nry tmminsj ... aching .,.,.., nu0 jcvMini over wo uciy, hard old corns and cailouaea, directed. white, nwdiratrd Ire-Mint with toothing- lanolin helps anften them up. Get Housework Easy Without Ragging Backache Karffingbarkae)w,IisaacirepaMnrffTl heailaches and dltiinnta may b due to alow, down of kldntT funetion. IWtrtAM a xwJ kidnev function ta nn i mm it ant to, health. W ben Bme eeernlay Conditloo, eurh nmi ana etrain, catwes ibis Importaai function toshrw down, many fnlka uitsrs. ging back at-hw-feel sni-erahle. Minor blad ler .minions due to coid nr wrong diet may cause geiiing up Dig fit nr rmrtient paaeagee Don't nestled jwur kidney if tbeMeondi tlona bat her wn-Trr Doin'i PilU miM dl. krettc. It'sammiing bow many times Ioani Viva nappy relief irom uteaa diseomfnru hetp tha la mtlea ff kidney tubes and flltem fluahout waste. Ask for new, larg-e, eeoaomj eisa ana aav aaoaar. uet Ooaa'a I'lila today sCQTlJ 1 n.imi t i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saieaa, Oegaa nlsh bis own sugar where sui ar is required. Sealing and cooking are Blundell's job. Spring canning at the Kan ning Kitchen opens with aspar agus and closes with late vee- etabla and fruit crops. Patrons bring produce not ordinarily nanaiea by commercial canner ies. Some pack Swiss chard, soma liks) canned beet tops. Every year Blundell cans variety of plums entirely un known to tha commercial pack Comes, too, huckleberries and obscure fruits and vegetables that folks insist have a super ior quality or liavor. Alft are patrons and Blundell aims to please them. At the height of the season, however. he likes to have folks with small lots requiring specialized treatment to call for appoint ment On Monday, when the Capital Journal man was at the Kanning Kitchen, a fellow from Santa Barbara, Calif., had Just finished with a Boysen berry pack that about filled his station wagon. When the season is over and Blundell closes his books for the year he discovers that the Kanning Kitchen has packed about 10,000 cases or 240,000 No. 2 and 2H size cans. In addition to his custom pack, Blundell has a line of strawberry preserves, Willam ette red raspberries, Oregon lo ganberry Jam, damson plum jam and Santiam wild black berry jam that are sold to pat rons as a gift package consist ing of the assortment. LEGALS NOTICE OF SALE OF FEBSONsU. PEOPUTT KXITH BROWN BUILD INO WJPPLT, oorporauoo Plaintiff. PACinO LUUBER CALEB, Defendant. NOTICB IB HEREBY OIVSN that the personal property hereinafter described will be aold In tha manner provided br law for tha sala of personal property upon tha foreclosure of a lien depending upon possession In tha above entitled matter at 1 Tart street, Salem, war Ion County, Oregon, on Ausust ntn. 1951. at 19 a.m. This notice is being given In accord ance with Section 87-50J O.C.L.A.. and tha personal property to be aold 1 de scribed as follows: 14.000 feet, more or less, or common and better fir shims. Tha terms of such sala are cash. Dated this llth dar of August, 1051. DENVER YOU NO. Sheriff of Marlon Countr. Oregon RHOTEN, RHOTBN BPCERSTRA Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon Aug. 13. 19, 38, 1IU A i U I HER APPLE SAUCE P-'r n If, !' (I 111 - - - ' a 1 U ltlln,nMr Mrs. Don Gilmour and her niece, Lends Ireland of Jefferson, are shown canning a winter's supply of apple sauce in No. 2Vi cans at Blundell's Kanning Kitchen, Salem custom cannery at 1303 South 13th street, In operation since 1949. Italian Preacher At Salem Heights Rev. Anthony Caliandro ol Naples, Italy, will speak Thurs day evening at the Salem Heights Baptist church at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Caliandro was born and educated In Italy. Later com ing to the United States he at tended New York University and Biblical Seminary In N. Y. C. For several years he pastored churches in New Jer sey. For 12 years Mr. Caliandro was director of Christ's Mission in New York. This mission has as its purpose the helping, both spiritaully and physically ex- Catholic priests. For some time he was also tha editor of the Converted Catholic magazine.' ' ' ' --'"V- " mrf f""""" "'"'f '"'""""'"'' " "" aiiiM Plymouth's new HY-DRIVE lets you drive all day without ihijlmg. Hy Drive, the newert, smoothest, least expensive no-shift drive in hs low-price field, gives you instant acceleration with vihifper quietness. And you'll be amazed at the new Plymouth's ease of steering and parking ! diceC Unlet tc& ycu, PLYMOUTH Chrysler Corporation's IS CUSTOM PACKED This magazine is now edited by former priests. , AIR REPORTS Chicago More than 100 cities now use television and radio programs to report to their citizens, according to American Municipal associa tion. LEGALS The stste BOAI41 ot Accountancy An nounces that an examination for admis sion to the roster of accountants au thorised to conduct municipal audita will to tlven on September 34 And as. DM. Applications lor this exsmlnatlon should be hi the hands of the Board sot later than September 4. 1054. Aut. IS, 31, 37, 1K3. TRADE la sour old WATCH As Much u $22.50 Allowed THE JEWEL BOX 443 State, Salem Opti Friday Night till 9 eady The new front sest in two-door models is divided 5,-3-not In the seat passengers don't have to move a large, heavy seat section to get in enter and leave the tear compartment without disturbing passengers jf4Jz- tdt Ztuy sbqj&ua&tuctaf It's sy to see why so many motorists ssy the new '53 Plymouth is the finest low-price car ever built I Why not visit your nearest Plymouth deslrr soon, and let him show you all the new value features in this great new Plymouth? Your dealer will be happy to arrange a demonstration for you. Hjr-Orhis it rviilabls at b sitrs cost en iny 19S3 Plymovta No. t Car Four Corners Four Corners Honoring the twentieth wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. Wal do Miller on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mcllnay were hosts at a patio supper at their home. Coming to extend congratulations to the honor ees were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Jeffries, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, Henry Boden, The Misses Audrey and Lollta Mil ler, Marilyn Jeffries. Tommy Jeffries and Gary and Ronnie Mcllnay. Felicitations go to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cooter (Joyce Anderson) upon the birth of their first child, born August 20, at the Salem Memorial hos pital. The little boy baa been named Geoffrey Lee. He weighed nine pounds and three ounces, this is also the first grandchild of the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J1. O. Cooter of Four Corners. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Anderson, Drain, Ore., and great-grandmother, Mrs. Mary Schultz, Litchfield, Minn. Mrs. Gertrude Ayres Blanch- ard of Berkeley, Calif., will be the honor guest of the Circle 4 dance club on Friday eve ning at 8:30 o'clock in the Community hall, at a Ship wreck costume dance. A for mer instructor of the club, Mrs. Blanchard, will also be guest caller and instructor. Hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Dick Houtz, Mr. and Mrs. Tho real thing "6 s&roli, off All-new styling and balanced designing make the new '53 Plymouth a more beautiful car, and a more spscious car! Inside, there's more head room, more hip room, more leg room in all, 12 mor cubic feet of space for passengers and luggage 1 Wednesday, August 26, 1153 Robert Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone. Guests are wel come. . Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Case are home from a three-week vaca tion in tha middle west Go ing first to Faith. S. D.; to visit her brother's family then to Staples, Minn., where they attended tt silver wedding anniversary of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Orel Grsnby. Hostesses for tha occasion were the Granby daughters. Later they were guests at a golden wedding an. niversary of - their former neighbors in Minnesota. Leaving Monday for Sandy, Ore., was Miss Verlalna Walk er, who teaches home making in the Sandy high school. This is her second year there. The Tower of London was built in 1078 by William tha Conqueror. ' ' SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. ' Trusses, A be) am ine Supports, Elsurtls Hosiery. Expert fitters print fllllsvf ASK TOCB OOCTOK Capital Drug Store 45 SUte Street Corner ef liberty 8&R Greea StAmpe ITOPSWQUAUTTI low i:j para middle. Rear and out, and they can in the front seat. JlHTATI0kf 1 JsE? 1 j I pmpr i I r sj-ax . sy .