Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 25, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Towday. August 25, 1953
9 Injured in
Valley Mishaps
Fifteen persons were injured,
including several who were
hospitalized in a series of ac
cidents in the mid-valley area
Sunday and Monday.
Five Woodburn high school
(iris were injured in a colli
sion near Marquam Sunday
and two were listed in serious
condition Monday. Marcia Le
Barr was taken to Hutchinson
hospital in Oregon City with a
hip injury and Barbara Bau
mann was taken to Good Sam
aritan hospital in Portland suf
fering from back and 'head in
juries. Marjorie Hall, Janice
Ostrom and Inez Nelson suf
fered bruises and lacerations
but were no hospitalized. .
The car, driven by the La
Barr sirl. collided with one
driven by Verlin Kauffman of
Mulino, who was uninjured al
though a passenger in his car
reportedly suffered a cut fore
head. Another Woodburn person
hospitalized was Euclid
Thompson, 21, who was in
jured when his car skidded'out
of control and went over an
embankment between Wood.
burn and Estacada Monday. A
oasseneer. Robert Stoudenberg,
Salem, was treated at. Silver
ton hospital and was released.
Both men work at Estacada.
Thompson was not listed as in
critical condition.
Mrs. John Nag, Mt. Angel,
also was hospitalized at Silver
ton hospital for minor injuries
when he car skidded oh tne
road near Mt. Angel on the
Mt. Angel-SUverton highway
Two Oregon visitors were
hospitalized at the Woodburn
hospital Monday morning when
they were involved in an acci
dent at the intersection of the
Pacific and Silverton-Newberg
highways at Woodburn. Mrs.
1. W. Coulter, Goodman, Mis
souri, suffered minor injuries
when the pickup in which she
was riding, driven by her hus
band, was struck from behind
by a station wagon when the
pickup stopped for a traffic
Mrs. Oscar Scarbery, Fresno,
California, a passenger in the
station wagon, driven by her
husband, also suffered minor
injuries. Neither driver was
hurt. ,
Scouts Make Camp
On North Santiam
Hayesvllle Eight boys from
Troop 20 attended a two night
camp on the Little North Fork
of the Santiam river last week
end. The boys swam and fished
besides engaging in scout era ft.
By tracking they discovered a
beaver home some distance
down the river from the camp.
Those attending were Doug
las Brown, Bob Bramlet, Clin
ton Deeter, Bob Dotson, Alden
Jarms, Gary Jonesburg, Jim
Squires and John Tweten.
Leaden were Douglas Rich
ardson, George Strozut, Jr.,
and George Strozut. Sr. Help
ing with the transportation was
Mrs. Everett Brown.
Wounded Patrolman John Potter, center background,
is in a sitting position ai he and his partner, Patrolman
Ed Samuelson hold two men at bay following a gun battle
at New York. Police said the two men were part of a
quartet who robbed a restaurant in the vicinity a half
hour before they were captured. This exclusive picture
was made by Harold Mathewson of the New York Daily
News. (AP Wlrephoto)
Chiang Tightens
Defense Lines
Taipeh, Formosa , l) The
Chinese Nationalists today
tightened their defenses against
possible sneak air attacks by
the Chinese Reds within six
minutes jet-flying time of For
Government officials said
both civil and military planes
which fail to get clearance to
land in Formosa and which
fail to contact ground stations
are liable to be intercepted and
shot down.
The new measures are in
line with those enforced by the
American air defense in Japan,
Okinawa and the Philippines.
The XT. S. 7th Fleet and the
Nationalist armed forces just
completed five days of exer
cises in which planes from a
U. S. aircraft carrier simulated
attacking planes.
Speed Zone Asked
By Hoyesville Folk
Hayesvllle The residents
of Hayesvllle have made an
other formal request to the
State Highway department for
a 45 mile speed zone. They also
Spectacular performance! Stand-out gas saving! hrgreafersafety!
HovLget a sensational Studobaker
at a sensational low price!
Try it and youll buy it! America's most exciting new car!
Trade in your present car! Drive home a new Studebaker!
Own this car that Is way out ahead In style la per
formancti in economy In safety 1
Come In right away and let a sensational new Stude
baker for yourself at an almost unbelievable low price.
, You may not have to put up even a dime to drive
home your own new Studebaker. Your present car is
probably good for big part of the sensationally low
Studebaker delivered price.
Come in and to put for ride. Get the greatest
automobile bargain In America,
Tk mm Staaka U S
mw ' HrIis
the Mobilta, Run, th Chmpw,
the Onanander and Land Cratr
V-Sa Biada aenMtioaal aoaraa.
aiaaaw aaiifcl aiiaa Ortner Onhl alla1liatalwmaliaajaK
. i
. :
' I - -
. .i i . !A
have requested a written
answer from the department
telling why their request has
been turned down, if it is.
The highway commission
will not meet until the middle
of September, so an - answer
cannot be expected before then.
In 1952, there were 47 acci
dents reported between Lan
caster Dr. and the city limits.
Strike Vote on
Telephone Lines
Seattle UP) A strike vote
possibility for Washington Id
aho areas employes of the Pa
cific Telephone Co. appeared
on the labor negotiations front
Tuesday. , '
There was one favorable de
velopment; the company and
the Communications Workers
of America (CIO) announced
jointly that they had extended
negotiations to Tuesday mid
night That leaves . the zero
hour in close range. , .
A union leader, said the next
step '"depend on what happens
today"; that if negotiations are
broken off at midnight, the
next move probably would be
a call to union locals for a vote
on whether to call a strike.
ten ImUm
Awmdi Stndahaker
atyla baa bacn nainvl outatandma
br a noMd New York cbool at
bahkal tfcaifn.
tlifitaaaf a.
Hobby AsksJobs
For All People
Los Angeles Secretary
of Welfare Hobby (aid Tues
day the nation should make
greater Mse of the knowledge
and experience of its older ci
tizens. -
Mrs. Hobby, in a speech pre
pared for the Los Angelea chap
ter of the Red Cross, said one
field in which her department
and the American Red Cross
work closely together "la in
providing services to our na
tion's senior citizens."
"Not too many years ago,"
she continued, "it was thought
that when person had
reached 50 years of age it was
time to be put on the shelf.
."Today, there are 36 mil
lion who are 65.
"For the nation as well as
the Individual good, this Is
far too many people to force
into retirement
"One of the problems of our
generation, of private organ
izations such aa the Red Cross
and of the department will
be to readjust our thinking
and our uses of this great re
source of human beings and
their fountain of knowledge
and experience.
. I
Hoyesville School
Will Open Sept. 21
Hayesville School will open
here Sept 21 as announced by
the principal, Boyd D. HiUes-
land, who is starting his second
In anticipation of the comple
tion of the new addition in time
for the opening of school a
fifth teacher has been hired.
The teaching staff this year
will be Mrs. Cora Lee Nelson
who replaces . Mrs. Richard
Hill, primary; Mrs. Frances
Rawlins, second nd third
grade teacher here for the past
eight years; Miss Jeanne Da
buis, fourth grade, who is be
ginning her second year here;
Mrs. Patricia Lee, fifth grade;
and Mr. Boyd Hillesland, sixth
The custodian, Harold But
ton, is starting his eighth year
at this school. Mr. Button has
in the past taken over in addi
tion to his other duties the task
of getting the children across
the busy highway to the school
The opening of the cafeteria
will be announced at a later
date. ,
Winter's Coming . . Better
1540 Fairgrounds ltd.
' Phone 4-6263
(Journal Want Ads Pay
foreign car flair
in 9 body type
American comfort
and handling east
longer wheelbaset
and wider treads
expanses of glass
for big visibility
and finer Studebahr
"Miracle Ride"
Marion County 4-H Show,
Marion - County 4-H boys
and girls gather together Au
gust 26, 27 and 28 for their
annual 4-H fall show in the
4-H Livestock Barns at the
State Fairgrounds. i
Entries close at 12 noon
Wednesday with sheep judging
starting promptly at 2 p.m.
with Eddie Gath, Turner,
Judge of breeding classes.
John Landers, extension live
stock specialist, Corvallls, is
sheep showmanship judge,
with Mr. Gath on the judging
and grading of market lambs.
The public is Invited to at
tend all portions of the show
which starts with sheep on
Wednesday afternoon and con
cludes with the fat stock auc
tion sale at 8 p.m. Friday un
der the sponsorship of the
Salem Downtown Lions Club.
Preliminary entries to Sat
urday noon show 271 differ
ent exhibitors bringing 480
exhibits in dairy, beef, sheep,
goat, swine, rabbit, poultry.
forestry electricity ' garden,
potatoes rose and flower, can
ning and freezing and ento
mology projects.
Most of them are competing
for the right to take their pro
ject exhibits on to the State
Fair Sept 5-12.
The balance of the Fall Show
judging schedule follows: .
Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.. Poul
try Showmanship and Judging.
T x' m (W
,V $J& Il
Cut tnuUng it ant of Bob Soft man? intent.. Jnlmmht tekick run fnm settmg ymr Uitpimm iaafiiKiif to aadb mrk.
If you IWe in Vallej., you may know Bob Sorg but wherever you live, chances are a telephone man is your neighbor
Bob Sorg is a' Pacific Telephone plant service foreman in
Vallejo, California. Like most telephone people, he is a part
of the community he serves. His home which he designed
himself is neat and well-kept The lawn is 'green from fre
quent watering, flowers color the backyard. The house
shows pride of citizenship and pride of community. So do
the things Bob Sorg does after hours as a cub master, a
church deacon, in PTA affairs and civic undcrtakines.
aa '.'J mm. .11 1 1 'T" ' '
1. Bob's Job with Pacific Telephone is to supervise the
installation of telephones. In postwar years, as cold war de
fense jobs brought many new workers to Vallejo, this has
been a demanding job. Many new service orders, the many
different problems met on installation jobs, mean that he
and his men must talk things over frequently to keep the
schedules going smoothly.
Yaur ttltphon neighbor, work constantly Nto
givo bttiir ttrvk at low cost ii year lowi
Bob Sorg typifies the telephone men and women
in your community your friends and neighbors
who work constantly to provide better service and
keep costs low, helping to make telephones a bar
gain in any budget,
Sept. 26-28
7:00 p.m. Crops Judging and
Identification Contest
Thursday 9:15 a.m., Judging
of Swine Classes and Show
manship, Floral Arrangement
Contest and Flower Judging.
0:30 a.m. Forestry Identifica
tion Contest and Judging For
estry Boards. 1:00 p.m. Judging
of Beef Classes and Showman
ship. Judging of Rabbit Classes
and Showmanship. 2:00 p.m.
Vegetable Judging Contest and
Exhibit Judging. 7:00 p.m.
Demonstration Night, Crops,
Forestry, Livestock, Dairy and
Rabbit Teams and Individuals
(11 teams & individuals com
peting). Friday 9:00 a.m. Food Pre
servation Judging Contest and
Judging of Classes, Judging of
Dairy Classes and Showman
ship. 7:15 p.m. Awards Pro
gram. 8:00 p.m. 4-H Fat Stock
Auction Sale. 8:30 p.m. Release
of All Exhibits.
Lunch will be available on
the grounds through the 4-H
Leaders Association fod booth.
Plenty of free parking is avail
able with the public invited and
encourage to attend this free
show. t .
Athens, Greece () A bus
jammed with passengers ran
out of control and crashed
into a ravine on the Island of
Mitylene Tuesday, killing six
persons and injuring 21.
Lebanon Seeks
Bean Pickers
Lebanon fVan fields in
the area are reaching harvest
peak in a number of places and
a need for an additional 800 to
400- pickers is Indicated, re
ports Charles Wilson, manager
of the Lebanon stat employ
ment office.
About 1,300 pickers are now
working 210 acres of the crop
near Lebanon but when all
fields reach their peak more
than 2,100 pickers will be need
ed. Transportation to fields is
furnished free front Lebanon
and. Sweet Home.
Cool weather is delaying
harvest as many fields are still
blooming. The end to the bar
vest will extend well beyond
the date of school opening, Wil
son said.
Growers are paying iVi cents
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch,
When your sk.'n is Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try Sanltone
T - l. j .
firomptly. Smarting disappears
mmedintely. Sanltone Olnt-1
ment is also wonderful for
itching feet, cracks between
toes and Athlete's foot . -For
State at Liberty Fhone S-S11S
2. A familiar family in their neighborhood, the Sorgs
have lived in one section of Vallejo for five years. Their horn
is a favorite meeting spot for Bob's cub scouts, his son's
boy scouts, and Mrs. Sorg's PTA group. Their yard is land
scaped and equipped to provide an extra outdoor room for
fair weather rneetinga.
3. Bob, with oldfriends.on Vallejo'amain street, Georgia
Street . . . W. R. Carithers and Dale O. Logan, local busi
nessmen. Bob is well-known in Vallejo, for, as the city hat
grown, he has supervised many of its new telephone instal
lations ... in bwinean and rsarkntuu' areas.
per pound and giving anoCier
4 -cent to picker staying
through the entire harvest, .
Persona who can pick are
urged to contact the employ
ment office. Children 12 years
or older will be nirea, but
younger ones must be accom
panied by an older relative,
Wilson stated. . '
Albany Louis Howard
Britton, SI, of Corvallls, was
arrested by state police est
Highway 99E early Sunday
morning on a charge of drunk
driving. He is now in the coun
ty iail awaiting bearing in dls-
tret court .
j j
II or fivt&f
1 1 UTTUPOJ-- j
J a WW led fMleeafi j
ai 11 1 aa I I laaaa
.;&1 IV,
Pacific Telephone
370 No. Church St.
Salem, Ore.