Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 25, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pan I
Edited by MARIAN
3 Entertain
At Party for
Miu Jane McCollam, who la
to be married on October 10
to Donald Clark, wai honored
v a pany ana miscellaneous
ahower for which Miu Sonia
Nohlgren, Misi JoAnn Fischer
and Mn. Ronald Rentfrow
(Shirley Henniei) were hojt
euea on Friday evening at the
home of Miaa Nohlgren.
Honoring the bride elect
were Mrs. Lee Clark, Mrs. C.
S. McCollam, Miu Barbara
Clark, Miu Carolyn Marshall,
Miu Mary Jane Howard, Miu
Carolyn Parker, Miu Donna
Nothelfer, Miu Flutie Watson,
Miu Betty Williami, Miu Mar
ilyn Blakely, Miu Mary Sun
det, Miu Teddy Ruth Gordon,
Miu Lavonn Brannon, Miu
Dee Brooka and the hostesses.
A DAUGHTER, their fourth
child, waa born Saturday,
August 22, at Salem General
hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
A. Linden, Jr. She hai been
named Heidi Jo. The older
children are Pamela Jean, Tina
Kay and Richard Michael. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Linden of Salem and
an inei uaeu or uresnam.
Newbrys Away
To Seattle have gone Secre
tary of State and Mrs. Earl T.
Newbry to attend the conven
tion of the National Secretaries
of State group. Headquarters
are at the Olympic hotel.
Mrs. Newbry returned to Sa
lem this past wekend from
spending the summer in south'
era Oregon at Lake of the
The Newbrys son-in-law and
daugnter, Mr. and Mrs. William
Blsst-U, also have returned
from Lake of the Woods and
will live in Turner this year,
Mr. Blsnell to teach at Cascade
Union high school. Mrs. Biuell
is to teach at Salem high school
this year.
Plan Your Parties so
Guests Anticipate Them
(AT Km
Have you ever thought of
giving a party at which peo
ple Just have a good timer
Some entertainments often
are anything but entertaining.
Crowded rooms in which peo
ple stand elbow to elbow
shouting to make themselves
heard. Stuffy smoke-charged
atmosphere. Feet that ache
and fingers that grow cramp
ed balancing too many things.
Under such arrangements,
fcosteuea may well exclaim af
terwards: "Thank - heaven -that's
done - for - another
year!" But you might like to con
alder a system that will cause
your friends to say: "Thank
heaven - I'm - Invited - to -the
- Smiths - again."
Invite Right Number
Invite only as many people
as you can seat comfortably.
Arrange your chairs three
to six in a group around a
table or small stand of several
end tables. You can scat one
group around the living room
coffee table, another around
the sofa, a third around the
dining room table, a fourth
around a card table In the
hall. You will need to give
some thought to be sure that
the chairs are grouped attrac
tively, that every invited guest
will have a comfortable place
to ait and that each will have
a place to set a glass or cup,
without reaching far.
As esch 'guest arrives, you
can draw him to the group
which you think he will find
most congenial and introduce
him to the others in it.
It's a good idea to have all
the refreshment on one big
buffet table or tea table, well
staffed for service and made
as glittering and beautiful
or as simple and colorful
as you like. You can call
your guests' attention to it.
after they have found their
places in the room, and let
them go to the table and
choose what they like. It's
wise to have another member
of the family take charge of
this part of the party. Or. if
you have servants enough,
they can serve the guests.
Visit With Guests
It's best for you to keep
circulating. In order to keep
the guests well placed and to
have a visit with everybody.
You can encourage your
guests to circulate too if they
1711 So. Commercial
Fh. till
Miss Satter is
Shower Feted
Eait Salem Mn. Emory
Good wu hosteu for a bridal
ihower for Miu Betty Satter,
bride-elect of Daniel Barham,
at her home on rout six, Fri
day night Guests were Mist
Satter. Mn. Frank Beutler.
kMrs. Wayne Coode, Mri. Ray.
mond Finch, Mrs. Dan Scharf,
Mrs. Patrick Manning, Mrs.
John Cage, Mrs. Vernon Van
Cleave, Mr. Roy Scofield 'Mrs.
Leonard Hammer, Mrs. J. A.
Barham, Mrs. John Koch, Mrs.
Phillip McHarneu, Mrs. Harris
Ault, Mrs. William Scharf, Mrs.
Leonard Peterson, Mrs. Ray
Satter, Mrs. George Plane, Mrs.
Anna Hammer, Mrs. Charles
Wegner, Mrs. Fred Scharf, Miu
Sadie Roth, Miu Shirley Page,
Miu Jackie Bretz, Miu Joan
Scharf and Mrs. Emory Coode.
Club Party
A no-host dinner party is ar
ranged at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Brydon this evening
when members of Mrs. Bra-
don's bridge club and their hus
bands will be entertained. An
evening of bridge will follow
the dinner.
In the group are Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Shay, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Erickson, Mr. and Mrs.
Urlin S. Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Burkland, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Clarke, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Astrup, Dr. and Mrs.
Charles D. Wood, Dr. and Mrs.
Robert D. Gregg and the Bry
left for Portland to be gone this
winter, teaching at Wygant
school in Parkrose district Miu.
Perry, daughter of the Vernon
Perrys, was graduated from
Oregon State college in June.
from Portland of the birth of
a son, Mark Alan, to Mr. and
Mrs. James B. Kent (Joanne
Adolph) on August 21. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Jay B. Kent of Portland and
Rex Adolph of Salem.
wish. If you see one looking
longingly toward another
group, it's essy to ask her if
she would not like to know
Mrs. Clayton, who makes such
beautiful ceramics, and waft
her to another group.
Don't worry because your
guests won't have a chance to
meet everybody. .They won't
care. You'll be surprised . to
sea how many are completely
content to remain where they
The novelty of being com
forable at a party entrances
them; and, if you have seated
them with congenial people,
they enjoy the good talk. One
thing must be prepared for,
however. People stay for
hours at this kind of party,
because they have a good time.
Of course, you can't dispose
of as many party obligations
at once by this method as by
the old cruth-system. You
msy have to give more par
ties. If you do, you can give
two In one week-end, and save
the trouble of rearranging the
house.. One ressonably ac
complished hosteu can handle
at least 40 guests at this kind
of party without strain.
Wise Parents
2 Hi.
Plans for
Are Told
Miss Patricia Kepplnger,
bride-elect of James Do Lapp,
has announced plans for her
wedding on Sunday, August SO,
at I p.m. in the Highland Ave
nue Friends church.
Attendants for the bride will
bo Mrs. John Wood of New
berg, as matron of honor; Miu
Florence Price of Portland,
Miu Nancy Hald. of Portland
and Miu Ethelwyne D Lapp
of Salem, a cousin of th bride
groom as bridesmaids.
Flower girl will be Anita
Barnett and ring bearer is to
be Jerry Miller.
Groomsmen will be Jarvie
MiUer, Wesley De Lapp, La
Vern De Lapp, brother-in-law
and cousins of the bridegroom.
Ushers will be the bride's bro
ther, Gary Heppinger nd Har
lan Barnett.
- Miu Arietta Wright will be
In charge of the reception,
which will be on the lawn of
the home of the Rev. and Mrs.
Paul Barrett.
Miss Keppinger was the hon
ored guest for a miscellaneous
shower Friday night, with Mrs.
Robert Fromm hosteu at her
Silverton Road home. Invited
were Miss Keppinger, Mrs.
Henry Sprick, Mrs. Ed. Jack
son, Mrr W. B. Whittington,
Mrs. John Heppner, Mrs. Wade
Carter, Mrs. Harve Page, Mrs.
Carl Snyder, Mrs. Lester De-
Lapp, Mrs. Paul Barham, Mrs.
Ernest Barker, Mrs. Covil Case,
Mrs. Clyde Colwell, Mrs. Rob
ert Wagers, Mrs. J. Irving Wa
fers. Mrs. Ernest Butler, Mrs.
Alan McClain. Mrs. Joe Sll-
mak, Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mrs.
Dsn Scharf, Mrs. William Mas-
sey, Mrs. Lynn earner, airs.
Earl Malm. Mrs. Leonard
Malm. Mrs. LeRoy Barker, Mrs.
Jack Cahpln, Mrs. Helen Walk
er, Mrr. John Kleen, Mrs. Rob
ert Pickerel. Mrs. George Har
dy, Mrs. Albert Fabry, Mrs.
Anna Jess, Mrs. Cleo Keppin
ger, mother of the honored
guest; ;Miss Sadie Roth and
Mrs. Otto Yunker, former
teachers of Miu Keppinger in
Middle Grove school. Assisting
Mrs. Fromm was her daughter,
Mrs. Phillip Judson of Leba-
RELATIVES visiting at the
W. W. Dou home this week
include Mrs. Anna Paden of
Sacramento, Mrs. Nellie Lan
der of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Klrkham of Portland,
Delmar Hopkins and son of
Woodburn, Mrs. Blanche
Danieis of Eugene.
RAINBOW picnic slated for
this evening has been changed
from Bush's Pasture park to
the Masonic temple, the sup
per to be at 6:30 o'clock.
VISITING at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stevens
are Mr. and Mrs. Manley A.
Stevens and daughter Mar
lyne, of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Family Reunion
Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Larson entertained
Sunday at a family reunion at
their home with the Seattle rel
atives remaining for a longer
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Shomler (Ethel Larson)
and Robert, of Seattle, Mrs.
Shomler's mother, Mrs. Richard
Mather, and Mrs. Larry Shom
ler and baby daughter, Patricia
Lee, also of Seattle; and from
Portland, the family of a son
of the Lawrence Larsons, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Larson and son,
The four-generation repre
sentation included Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Larson, Silverton,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shomler and
Mrs. Larry Shomler, and Pa
tricia Ann Shomler.
Available In blue and
brown sued leather
crepe sola
mutt muxxk ua mm
. - ..- V I t fK
t: ,4 V lit f
Wed in Aofust Married on August 8 were Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Truuell (Beth Justls), above. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Justis and Mr. Trussell
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Trussell. Artz studio picture)
Party for
Honoring Miu Eva McMul
len, who is to be married on
September 3 to August C. Gler
ing of Portland, Mrs. W. G.
Burris and her daughters, Miu
Lois Burris and Mrs. Dan Gra
ham, the latter of Eugene, are
entertaining at the Burris home
on Wednesday evening for a
party and shower.
Feting the bride-to-be will
be her mother, Mrs. V. D, Mc-
Mullen, and her sister, Miu
Barbara McMullen; Mr. Gier
ing's mother, Mrs. August Gier-
ing of Portland; Mrs. Loren
Hicks of Turner, Mrs. R. C.
Cutler, Mrs. Ronald Cummines
Mrs. Tad Shinkle, Mrs. Herbert
Bauer, Miss ' Shirley Webber,
Miss Barbara Spagle, Mrs. Ed
Becker, Miu Beverly Hofstet
ter, Miu Merle Rhoten, Mrs.
George A. Rhoten, Miu Cecilia
Weaver, Mrs. Glen Weaver,
Mrs. Bruce Crandall, Mrs. Wal
ter Kelly of Portland, Miu Bev
erly Kragh of Eugene, Mrs.
Wesley Stewart, Mrs. Hal Ran
dall, Mrs. Vic Clinton of Al
bany, Mrs. Urlin S. Page, and
the three hostesses.
Auxiliary Meeting
Event of Monday
At a meeting of Marion aux
iliary. Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Monday evening, reports
were given by Mrs. Mike Beck
er, Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy, and
Mrs. LeRoy Simpson. Mrs. Dave
Holweger announced that a
group of members will meet at
the VFW hall Thursday eve
ning to prepare articles for the
rummage sale August 28. Any
one who can help is asked to
call 29001. Mrs. Joe Hopkins
stated that a number of articles
have been collected and taken
to the auction house for the
cancer fund.
Miss Mary Gilhuly will help
with baby clinic at the Marion
county health clinic Wednes
day morning. Mrs. Ivell Haley
and her committee are com
pleting plans for a booth at
the State Fair. Mrs. Covil Case
asked for donations for cakes
at the fair. It was also announc
ed that a gift has been taken
to the hospital and presented
to George Mason, who was in
jured recently.
The post joined the auxiliary
for refreshments served by
Mrs. Joe Horneffer, Mrs. Ralph
Harlan and Mrs. Ivell Haley.
GO and GROW in...
MS. . PV Or.
aVa't Iota rKancai HtfU mil Grawlna ton era tmH
Ilk UZV-IONIS M . . . K.rryiKt (t.t Hit 'kfi
4 a.t.bW iknk...Mm, ( lin.a' tiui
TIL 9 P. M.
387 Court
Club Meets
inrougn this coming year,
Rotana club again will meet
twice a month, a practice they
carried on years ago when first
organized but dropped during
ine war period.
The group met lest evening
at the home of Mrs. Henry
Mattson to make plans for the
rummage sale to be on August
28 and 29, this Friday and Sat
Next meeting for the club
will be September 14.
- ... .
Dodds Honored
At Supper Party
Independence A farewell
dinner, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Dodd and son Danny, was
served at the home of Monroe
Kline, Sunday evening. Tables
were set in the back patio of
the Kline ranch, with colored
lights threaded overhead be
tween the trees.
A chartreuse linen table cov
er, hand-painted by Mrs. Rosa
lie Fuller, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe Kline, was pre
sented to the Dodds. Each guest
autographed the cloth with in
delible paint.
Those enjoying the evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodd
and son Danny, guests of hon
or; Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Fratzke,
Mr. and Mrs. Bev Walker. Mrs.
Ethel A. Walker from San Fran
cisco, California, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Staats and son Terry, Mr.
and Mrs. James Boyle and chil
dren, Jack, Patty, Delores,
Sharon, and Donna Jo, Mrs.
George W. Nelson from Seat
tle, Washington, Mrs. Naomi
Craven, Mrs. Laura Butler, Mr.
Elmer Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Al
vin Leach and two daughters,
Linda and Janice, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernor Gowen and sons, Ver
nor Jr., and Chester, and the
hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe
Kline and daughter, Betty Ann.
of Silverton, brother of Mrs.
William Bloch, is spending two
months with relatives in Fos
ton, Minn., where he will at
tend the wedding of a niece.
Miss Margaret Sjol, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sjol, of the
Guam Construction company on
the island of Guam.
The father of Miu Sjol re
turned to Foston by plane to
attend the wedding, to be an
event of Sunday, August 30.
SOt ton ANO
aw v t s-s. c o. t . .
Sins am -. s. c. o. I
Smll't CD I
Hopewell A bridal shower
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Polvi (Viola Warren) was
given at the Hopewell Evangel
ical United Brethren church,
Friday evening. James Mc
Kenney, Jr., was in charge of
lha nrnffrim. which Consisted
of piano selections by Aileen
Wilson; a vocal solo oy J a c a
Larson, accompanied by Aileen
Wilson: a vocal solo by Mrs.
Joe Beaty, accompanied by
Mrs. Fred Withee. James Mt
Kennev nreaented the gifts and
the Rev. Glenn Harris led in
prayer. After the gifts were
opened, a record of the com
ments of the honored couple
as they opened their gifts,
written by Mrs. Earl McKen-
ney of McMinnville, was read
by George Kirkwood of Sa
Baskets of iladioluses. pre
sented by Mrs. Gust Janzen,
decorated the basement of the
church for the occasion. Re
freshments were served by
Mrs. Elmer Polvi, Mrs. Kusti
Srtnla Mrs. Oscar Taskinen
and Mrs. George Kangas to 85
relatives and friends of me
young couple.
Out - of community guests
were Mrs. Ersel Klrkwooo,
George Kirkwood, Mr. and
Mrs. Eino Setala and children,
Mrs. Melvln Appltbury and
Jeanetta, Mrs. Carl Loop and
JoAnne. all of Salem. Mrs.
Julius Marx, Jr., and Alice and
Kathleen, of Rlckreall, Mrs.
Earl McKinney and Linda, and
Mr. and Mrs. George Polvi, of
McMinnville, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
McKee, Mrs. Lee Warren, Mrs.
Jess Warren, Mrs. Charles
Wood and Mrs. Earl Burch, all
of Amity.
Mr. and Mrs. Polvi will be
at home in Corvallis after Sep
tember 8, where the bride
groom will enroll for his soph
omore year at Oregon State
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
M. S. Burson have received
word of the birth of their fifth
great grandchild, Cathy Ann,
to Mr. and Mrs. Norman St.
Clair, at a Portland hospital.
Mrs. St. Clair is a daughter of
Mrs. Leonard Malloy, who is
a daughter of the Bursons.
Family Gathering
At Silverton Home
Silverton Mrs. Ida Mak Uls
ter and Mrs. Ida Dawes plan
ned several affairs for the pleas
ure of their house guests of the
past week, Mr. and Mrs. Alden
Snare (Letha Dawes) and their
son, David of Stockton, Calif.,
who left by car for their home,
early Monday morning.
At the home of Mrs. Makins
ter and Mrs. Dawes Saturday,
were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dawes
of North Bend and Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Dawes and Marilyn
of Canby.
On Sunday following the
morning church worship at the
home for a reunion dinner and
a social afternoon were the
hostesses, Mrs. Makinster and
Mrs. Dawes, and Mr. and Mrs.
Alden Snare and David of
Stockton, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Dawes, North Bend, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Reinke of Stayton,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kauffman
and Michael of Salem, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Williams and Pattie
of Seattle, Mrs. Hallie WiUlams
of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Staehely of Oregon City,
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Beer of
Woodburn. The birthday of Mr.
Reinke was observed.
School Days
py Days for your young
sters. Help them to have
the feeling of "belonging"
... by having good hearing,
good ayasight and good
health for regular attend
anca. If you didn't talc
your child to your Doctor
for a pre-school check-up
. . . afo if now. Ba aura that
hi general health it up ta
par, to meat tha demands of
tcheol day. Ba tura thty'ra
Simple Ways to
Brighten Wardrobe
up am nmmi
.. an am way to
brighten and stretch your
Wardrobe. Make a coiomu
nrint dlrnril ta b WOTI OVCT
your favorite solid color
sheath. Make this unusual
"over skirt" yourself from a
cool, light-weight printed fa
bric. Choose a print of silk
or rayon whose predominating
the shade of
your straight-cut sheath.
Get two yards tor ieu, De
pending on the fullneu pre
ferred). Put a half -Inch hem
on each selvage. Figure at
least an.incb-wide waistband,
with the nme width band ex
tending into a 24-inch long
tie-sash. Double the waist
Honrf fahrlr then tuck and
stitch the print into a softly
full skirt. Mem me Doiiom
according to your regular
flpMi ln0th Ti the colorful
print dirndl around you, as
you would an apron, ine
hemmerf telvase edees should
barely meet down the back.
Pins Presented at -Sorority's
A jeweled pin ceremony and
tea were given Sunday by Mrs.
Deryl Currie for members of
Epsilon Sigma Alpha. Re
ceiving pins were Mrs. Clifton
H. Boehmer, Mrs. Elvin Haka
son, Mrs. Gerald De Sart, Mrs.
Forrest Shiply, Mrs. Howard
Elwood, Mrs. Neil Boehmer,
Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand, Mrs.
William Howser, Mrs. John
Yellow gladioluses and blue
delphiniums, and yellow and
blue candles decorated the
rooms. Pouring at the tea
were Mrs. A. G. Dickinson,
and Mrs. Rollin Hammett. As
sisting about the rooms was
Mrs. Wallace Turnidge.
Fetes Visitor ,
Hosteu Monday at an In
formal bridge party was Mrs.
Walter L. Tooze, entertaining
in honor of Mrs. J. P. Council!
of Franklin, Va., guest at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Marble at Independ
ence. Other out-of-town guests
at the party were Mrs. Tooze's
sisters, Mrs. Preston Faller and
Mrs. Dorothy Dodd of Seattle.
Mrs. Counclll and her sons,
Jim and Chris, leave this week
end by plane for their home In
i gL IfAe. aw igteaaai
vaGuaayji fayaaj W rVTVTw
p4f)N) fatTsiN) spaTOe
r fi Um4 fcfl
9 VMMsfa sWM
NjffMi It) wM
ni It vriN pi
I a..T.KmlM?, ..m.iL- I
ciajj ahead
can ba Hap.
405 Sfale SI. (Corner of Liberty)
We Give Green Stomps
Tueadiy, August 15, 1953
Betrothal of
Duo Told
Announcement has b e e rl
made Dy oar. ana Mrs. E. c.
HUlDen oi we engagement 4
their daughter, Miu Vay HulJ
bert, to Ed u. Iovegren, son ofl
Mrs. W. D. Lovegren of Eugent
and the lata w. u. lovegren.
No data has been set for tJ
wedding. Mr. Lovegren recent!
ly reported for military duty!
and is ai ron ura, i;aiu. He
is a graduate of the University
of Oregon. Miu Hulbert wu
graduated from high school at
Ceres, cam., ana is now em
ployed at Eugene.
nunu duo come i r Oat I
Fairbanks, Alaska of the birth I
of a baby girl on August 20 to I
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wageril
(Norma Bowder).
The grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bowder and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Wager,
all of Salem. The little girl alio
has two sets of great grand,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Wa
gers and Mr. and Mrs. Austin
Kiser, also of Salem.
This Week
Vay Con Dios
Let Pant, Mary Ford
PeeWee Hunt
No Other Lova
Perry Coma
I'm Walking Behind '
Eddie Fisher
You, You, You '
Ames Brothers
Ik, sal CMIM SMtllu Caakri
-laaamaWaHftabaaT' effeaaW aV assati ataataA
fJapunTPSaaaBBBBrr tjtvJiBBr w SSW . v
PfttUt eTerVfNJNJft fJVNt VtfVfTasy1 99
m innj fa tf Hat
"Si" Olson-Art Holscher
J. Earl Cook Larry Buhler
26 N. High St. Phone 4-221 S