Monday, An gnat II, 1958 THB tAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm, Orttott Shelton to Keep 80-Year Desk Ont of the very lew pieces of original office equipment that was installed in the old Marion court house back in the early ISTO's, will continue to set service when the brand new marble structure is com pleted next spring. The article is a flat topped table, with lathe turned legs that is in sis In V office cf Assessor R. "Tad" Shelton. The table was made in Salem by the firm of C M. Parmenler and T. ,T. Babcock, whom a direc tory of the '70 s describes as "manufactures, wholesale, re tail Dealers in furniture, up holstery, etc., all kinds of fur niture made to order and re pairing promptly attended to, Coffins and caskets on hand or made to order." The firm was located in the "Commercial block" on Commercial street. Whatever 'equipment the county court may see to pur chase for the use of the asses sor, "Tad" is firm in his dec! sion that the more than 80 year old table will have a promin ent place in bis new office. "It's just the right height and its bruad surface provides room to spread the papers that are necessary in the operstions of the assessor's department," ex plained "Tad". To make the shift of the old table from its present location on the first floor of the tem porary court house to the new structure, a bit more interest ing, is the fact that Grace Bab cock, daughter of the man who produced the- article, is cur rently employed in the asses sor's office and expects to make the transfer in person next spring. REDS TRADE WITH JAPAN - Tokyo O Japan's ministry of International trade and in dustry said Monday Russia is planning to export to Japan manganese ore, wheat, asbes tos, heavy oil and potassium. Kyoko News Service reported. Russia has exported to Ja pan only coal produced in Sakhalin, Soviet held island off northern Japan. NEW SULTAN . ' x 1 V, i A Sultan Moulay Moham med Ben Araf a, ' newly named Moslem leader of Morocco by virtue of French authorities, posed for this .portrait after the proclama tion which led to the de thronement and exile of his cousin and predecessor, for mer Sultan Sidi Mohammed Ben Youssel Tribesmen gathered in Rabat for Instal lation ceremonies ot the new Sultan while the former ruler languished in exile in Corsica. AP Wurephoto) Little Plane Flies 2 Hours All By Itself . Ires, Mountain, Mich W A small, S-year-eld airplane was resting la I treetoa Mas day after shewing Its fraatle wner it coald fly pretty well without him. , The little Aeronea twe- stattr kept this t-mnmaity rabber-neektng skyward for nearly two hoars Sanday as It circled lastly . feet overhead after leaving own er Walter Warner staring dumbfounded at Its departing tail structure from the run way of Ford Airport Alt Warner had dona was aecldenUy leave the throttle advanced a mite toe far when he spun the propeller. Ha tried te climb In and stop the unscheduled flight but, the aircraft iu a stubborn1 little cuss. It wanted to be alone. Warner and sheriff's depu ties raced dowa highways la a ground chase. Then the V. S. Air Force sent up a plane from Kinross Air Base with orders te shoot dowa the eareiree soloist At this juncture, the little plane ran out ot kis and circled down to land In a flack of elms 10 miles south east of here, only slightly damaging Itself in the pro cess. Now to get it down. . Freed Prisoners Board Ship for Home Inchon, Korea W) Three hundred and eight freed Amer ican war prisoners . Monday boarded the troopship Gen. John Pope for the voyage home to the United States. ' About 120 more repatriates are scheduled to board the Military Sea Transportation Service vessel Tuesday. .Ship's officers said the Pope probably will not get under way for San Francisco until Wednesday. Maj. Eisenhower Awarded Medal With Third Division, Korea ( Maj. John Eisenhower, son of the U.S. president, re cently was awarded a medal from the South Korean gov ernment, the army said yes terday. Maj. Elsenhower was one of five Third Division infantry officers who received the Chungmu Distinguished Serv ice Medal with Gold Star for "outstanding professional skill, resourcefulness and Jngenu ity." Lifesavers in 32 Counties At the end of six months of organisation work tha High way Lifesavers committee of Oregon CiUtena report a citi zens.' statewide movement well underway to reduce fatalities. injuries and property oamc resulting from highway traf fic accidents. The organisation was launched February 18, 1953, . mMtina In Portland called by E. C. Sammons, president of the United States national tank, followed by a series or county meetings and confer ences with official traffic safety officials, law enforce ment officers, state highway commission members, the Ore gon Safety Council ana otners. Chairmen have been named in 3a of the 36 counties in Oregon. Farmers Union Adds ToHells Canyon Fund The executive committee of the National Farmers Union has made a donation of $500 to the National Hells Canyon association. Announcement of the gift was made by President James G. Patton in Denver. In addition to the gift of the national organization, contri butions to the Hells Canyon defense fund have been made by two state Farmers Union organizations Oregon I and Montana. Oregon has raised over $700 and contributions from members are still coming in. . The National Farmers Un ion has also intervened in the Hells Canyon hearing, now in receas, before . the . Federal Power commission. frfC GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY (MAMM MUf SINE 140 Candalarla Blvd. THE END OF OUR peciaU In This Ad Are a FEW Of the Hot Specials We Have for This Week ONLY 0MlT EVERY EYENING ' K r 'in 9 p.m. n MEXCEPT SAT.) BEDDING $25.00 TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING . . . on the famous Dreamer mattress or box spring . . . The Dreamer Is scientifically built for perfect sleep. Guaranteed for 10 years. (Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded.) DREAMER (FULL OR TWIN SIZE) YOUR OLD MATTRESS You Pay Only (THIS WEEK ONLY) (Also special low prices en ceil springs.) Bedroom Suites from . $69.50 $23.00 M4.50 .$79.50 up MIRRORS "TWO-WAY" VENETIANS . GUARANTEED PLATE CLASS -BEVELED EDGES MASONITE BACK NON-WARP This Week Reg. Only 1M4 S 7.10 $ 6.24 W4S 1S.70 14.96 1i(20 10.90 8.72 Ii24 13.20 1 0.S6 16x28 14.00 11.20 Iix4l 20.90 16.72 11x24 13.40 1 0.68 18(30 16.10 12.S8 1836 19.40 1S.S2 140 19.60 15.68 18x48 22.00 17.60 20O0 17.20 13.76 This Week Reg. Only 20x41 26.40 . 21.32 74x36 23.60 1 8.88 24x41 31.10 2S.44 24x60 42.90 34.32 76x34 25.00 20.00 30x40 33.00 26.40 3050 45.10 36.08 30x60 51.70 41.36 3648 48.40 38.72 36x60 65.00 ' S2.00 36x72 73.80 59.04 40x60 61.40 54.72 1 J CHROME SETS nTWiSIK V.? HARMON. VIRGINIA HOUSE. m mavrT aVSEt b4Vi ivp qUSIllJ lTlCCrinaiK. DpCt KM. Reg. $115.00. Soecio Reg. $174.95, Special Reg. $161.75, Special $ 78.77 109.95 107.83 All Sets Reduced at Least 3314 Odd Chairs As Los As $5.00 Each PLEASE NOTE . . . Flease don't confuse these advertised chrome seta with the promotion chrome that has been sdvertised. These are absolutely ton oualitT sets. THE FINEST AT ABSOLUTELY ROCK BOTTOM PMCES. ' W GREEN 7 STAMPS V DRIVE OUT TO 142S ED6EWATER ST. AND SAVE!! WEST SALEM Rrrhnow smew's buttind with : ' beautfful Plump, firm pearssweet d juiceful to eat or can! mm Mmmrarcs Fear sttaoa's toUuif its peek -and the pick ef lbs crop is rollinf tnm wchaids te Safeway here. Big new supplies fnth iatlf. , . TbtM an brea Mting-eiie pears... MMMtk sUnaed end regular in thepe (easy to peal far , bona earning). Sweet and Juicy to bile into. 28-tb. 39 j rvnvmeated, too you U not and a mushy B OX , mmm one wine kx. iMBe in now wnua our narueua ' , are eo food end plentiful Prioad for peak valuel ITALIAN t PRUNES Early Crop . 1Mb. $T1 35 flat A RED-RIPE TOMATOES u. US' Zee Napkins 227' Zee Towels j IQ' Zee Tissue uBifjt. Zee Napkins; 225' Zee Wax Paper 2 5' HOUSEHOLD CLEANSE Babo 16-i. cant 25c For 8potleas Woodwork Spic ' Span 16-ox. can 25c HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER Scotch dm 14-01. cant 25c Swift's CANNED PICNICS Pre-Cooked BonelessReady to Eot Beef Short Ribs lb. 19c; Fresh Ground Beef lb.' 39c Breast 0' Veal lb. 29c Veal Chops W lb. 69c Lamp Rib Chops lb. 85c lamb Loin Chops tan. lb. 89c Breast 0' Lamb lb. 19c WATER SOFTENER White King 30-ot. pkf . 25c Zee Toilet Tissue Silk Toilet Tissue Chilton Toilet Tissue 4 roll. 35c 2 roll. 15c 2 roll. 27c Gebhardfj Brand 15-oi. can Chili Con Came Billmore Tuna Fish Sleinfeld's Pickles Steinfeld's Sauerkraut 11-oz. can MCP Lemon Juice Fancy Seasoned No. (i can Tangy Diiis No. 2Vi Size It's Heaihtul 7-oz.can Gebhardl's Tamales Hl!i: Chili Powder Gebhardts Brand 3-oz. size FOR LOVELT SKIN Camay Soap Rag. Bart 23c GENTLE TO TOUR HANDS Camay Soap r Both Bart 35c DEODORANT Dial Soap Mm Reg. Bart 25c Round the Clock Protection Dial Soap dm Bath Bart 37c TOILET SOAP Sierra Pine J Reg. Bart 23c Tide Oxydol Cheer Dreft Duz Clorox HirtcTa Delargent 47oi. pkg. Hiw DaUrgoitt 65-01. pkj. It's Hiw-ll'i Blua 5t-oi. pkg. Ni, Mlldsr Dilsrgmt 15 or. pkg. Wonder Worknlg Detergent 20'i or pkg. For Silo llsachlng i 6il. boflK 4 25" W IT m 69' 73' 69' 30' 29' 30' CjUALITT SHORTENING ' Crisco 1 -lb. can 34c PERSONAL Ivory Soap 4 bar, 22C GENTLE ;; Ivory Soap s? medium bert 23c FAMOUS .' Ivory. Soap dm large bar. 27c CLEANS GRIMY HANDS Lava Soap Par bar IOC GRANULATED SOAP White King . 40-ei. pkg. 55c JOT Liquid Soap 7-oi. bottle 30c MILD Ivory Snow 1 JVj-os. pkg. 29c FOR TOUR DANTIES Ivory Flakes 12'i-oi. pkg. 29c Comfort Toilet Tissue, 4 Relit Kitty Kat Cat rood, No. 1 Can 39c Rath Aihbrook Pastries, Each 10c Star Kist Tuna Fish, No. V Con 30. 35 PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26