d Par t In The Valley Edited ay MIKE FORBES SUverton SUverton Tbt country home ot Mr. end Mrs. Ralph Adams at Niagara on the North Santiam will be the scene of the annual picnic of the local Izaak Walton and the Salem league. The cabin ii located five miles east ot Gates, a short dfiUnct from Chuck's tavern. Movies of the western horse show, project of the Silver- ton chamber of commerce, tak en by Jack Fish and Kenneth . Brown, were shown at the week s meeting of the group. Harvey Uallett, local glad grower, brought home from the Grants Pass show 20 blue rib bons, eight red ribbons, and a number of thirds. He entered 35 competitive arrangements, At the Thomas Chldsey home visiting are members of the family of their daughter, the Joe Stoys of Grants Pass. Two prominent local women. urs. Nina cooper and Mrs. T. P. Heidenstrom, are under special treatment at the SU verton hospital this week. With canning beans near the , peak of the harvest, more help Is being sought in the fields to save the bounteous crop. More than 100 pickers and ooppicaing machines were started In the Goshle yards dur ing the week harvesting the eariy niggles. Harry Sherwood, general chairman of the commnunity chest esmpalgn. Is announcing tnst Ted Riches Is to be chair man of all rural areas sur rounding Silvertn. The Hazel Green school dli , trict patrons voted to con struct a 194.000 schoolhouse. Coach Murl Anderson Is is suing suits Saturday morning to prospective football players, to be In readiness fur tryouts for the Monday beginning of practice. Dr. E. L. Henkel, president, elect of the Oregon veterinar lsns association, accompanied by Mrs. Henkel, has returned from attending the northwest association convention at Spo kane four days during the week, with Mrs. Henkel at tending the auxiliary. Roberts Roberts Mrs. Frank Both. ringer and Mrs. O. S. Hlggtns were hostesses for the mem bers of the Home Economics club of the Roberts Grange, Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Boehrlhger. Owing to tne Illness of Mrs. J. J. Johns. Mrs. Lee U. Eyerly, vice chair man, conducted the business meeting. The community fair was dis cussed. Mrs. Louis D. Johnston was appointed chairman of the hobby booth, and she invites everyone interested In hobbies to contribute to the display. She also will have charge of the Youth club exhibits. It was voted to give 1st and second prises for cakes en tered for judging. Committees appointed by the cnairman to serve at the com munity fair which Is sponsored by the Grsnge are: Flowers, Mrs. Lee u Eyerly and Mrs. Joe Felton; miscellaneous, Mrs. M mot 70ttta. wurmym tcHtNUY oat, tne, nmnm. a. II Only 11 CREAM OF 11 KENTUCKY 11 glves you Jh taste! &) f soueisaics) f"1 J I no mt must J I J annul J I 'HQT I 1 Fred H. Thompson and Mrs. t. L. Minard; cakes, Mrs. Glenn Bidgood snd Mrs. Abner Kline; white elephant, Mrs. Denver Young and Mrs. J. F. Ring wsld; fish pond, Mrs. A. D. Graham; aprons and dish tow els, Mrs. Frank Boehringer and Mrs. G. S. Hlggins; hobbies and Youth club exhibit. Mrs. Louis D. Johnston and Mrs. Walter Kloti;. cafeteria lunch, Mrs. Harvey Schubel, Mrs. Roy J, Rice, Mrs. Albert Blsnkenshlp, Mrs. J. J. Johns and Mrs. Joe King. Others assisting are Mrs. Elmer Minch and Mrs. Helena Murhammer. . The community is invited to enter Into the agriculture ex hibits and other activities at the fair, which will be held at the Grange hall Saturday, Oct 3 at 5 p.m. Those entering ex hibits should enter them dur ing the afternoon. The next Home Economics elub meetinc will be Sept 17 instead of the 10th, and will be held at the home of Mrs. A. D. Graham, with Mrs. Roy J. Rke assisting hostess. In the recent contest, prises were won by Mrs. S. L. Minard and Mrs. Roy J. Rice. Woodburn Woodburn A family reun ion was held in honor of Mrs. Frank Purdy of Woodburn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Con in Omaha. Neb., on Aug. 18. Mrs. Purdy. who has been making an extended visit in the mid-west, is an aunt of Mrs. Cora whom she has not seen for 23 years. A reception was held with 41 relatives attend tag. Mrs. Purdy is expected home Monday, Aug. 24, after three months visiting in the eastern and midwest states and en- route home she visited Mrs. M. A. Ray, a sister of her late husband, at Boise, Idaho. Guests at the home oi airs. Blaine McCord the Utter part of the week were her grand daughters, Misse Sue and Bet sey Spear of Coos Bay and their friends. Miss Mary Lucas of Stockton, Calif., and Miss Joan Fargo of Redding, Calif. The group arrived Thursday and were to leave sunaay. Miss Sue has completed high school at Dominican, San Ra fael, Calit, and will enter the University of Oregon at Eugene this fall. Joe Stravens of the Wood- burn high - school chapter of FFA had a perfect score In Judging the beet class at the Columbia county fsir at Deer Island recently.. The other member of the Judging team was Kenneth Twitto. AlScha lock, local Instructor, also took a team to the Multnomah coun ty fair at Gresham Friday. Charles Byers of Woodburn has Just completed his first summer session of work toward his master's degree at Oregon College of Education. Byers, who received his bachelor of science degree at OCB, is princ iple of the Hubbard grade school and will again teach the eighth grade there this coming school year. Marshall Barbour, who teaches ' driver's training at Woodburn high school, hss been taking a special course in driver's training at the Port land state college the past week. ' Miss Sharlene Kinns, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kinns of Woodburn, route 1, recently spent six weeks visiting rela tives at Grants Pass and Har bor and while there attended the Shakespearian festival in Ashland. Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Ilium and sons, Virgil and Philip, have returned from a three weeks vacation trip to Iowa, Missouri and other mid-western states, where they visited rela tives. Rev. Ilium conducted services at various places dur ing the trip. They traveled more than fiOOO miles. ALBANY TRAFFIC FIN1 Albany Guy Ralph Hon eywell, 18, Sweet Home, was fined S Saturday morning in city court after he pleaded guilty to a charge of speeding, city police records showed. Two others were spending five days in Jail after they tailed to pay $10 fine for drunkenness. They are Leo J. Hill. 49, trans ient, and William Arthur Rlik- onen, Astoria. For tht Finest TTEAC1 IN THI NORTHWEST OR The Most Delicious CLKJOCCIEN m kattuc'j Chateau Lyons I- Lyons A surprise party honoring Mrs. Leo Crusoa ea her birthday anniversary, and a family reunion, were enjoyed by 43 members and friends of the Charles Cruson family at their home In Fox Valley Fri day evening. A turkey dinner was served on the lawn. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mrs. Louise 'Cru son, Mr. snd Mrs. Dave Wof fard, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schnabel, David, Jay and Dar lene, and Miss Gail Cruson, all of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bennett from Butte, Mont; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cru son and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cruson, Buddy and Merry Joe, Mrs. Leonsrd Cruson, Michael and Nikki, Mrs. Pearl Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wof tard, Lenny and Christy, Mr. snd Mrs. Earl Thayer, Gary. 'Terry and Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Donsld McWhirk, Errol Msrla, Hugh and Rhonda, Mrs. Ina Stockwell, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson and Bonnie.' Sept 21 la ths date set tor the opening of the Msri-Linn school due to the been hsrvest and cannery work. One new teacher has been added to the teaching staff. Miss Resn Fletcher of Sslem, who will teach the Sth grade, which will relieve Miss Vivian Boyce to give her full time to music, j Some redecoratinc nas oeen done in most of the rooms. Bids are now in order tor ceiling of the gym and other minor re nain. Van Prichard. the Jan itor. has been kept busy all summer caring tor the lawn and looking after the building All teachers will go to Albany Sent 10 and 11 to attend the county work snop. Sunday meats at tne nome oz Miss Ina Stockwell were wir. and Mrs. Floyd Monroe and Mrs. Emma Monroe oi Al bany. Recent visitors st tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers on McCully mountain were Ur. and Mrs. Ralph Osiey irom Couerkk. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cruson of Ashland moved last week Into the Rusell Wilson house across the highway from the sporting goods store. Allen and Myra Hartley from the New Tribes Mission In stitute at Fouths Springs, Cel., are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. ana sari. George Clip tell. . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steele snd family, who have resided In Lyons for some time while he has been employed with tne Puget Sound Timber company, moved this week to Eugene, where he was transferred to work for the company. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian were hosts for the ice cream so cial sponsored by the Women's Society of Christian service, held in their gardens Thursday evening. Mrs. Alwood Aronson and sons Ray and Paul are visiting relatives in Duluth, Minn. , Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Hart nell have as their guests their two little grandsons. Jlmmie and Kenny Orr, from Seattle, Wash., who will spend some time with them. Mrs. Delma Barrington from Austin, Texas, was a guest at the home ot her niece and fam-, ily. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh John ston, Wednesday and Thurs day. Mrs. Barrington will be remembered as Delma Grimes, who spent her girlhood here, leaving about 36 years ago. She also called on Mrs. Alex Bodeker and Mrs. Clyde Bress ler, old schoolmates, and vis ited her sister, Mrs. Frank Siegmund, in Stayton. She will also visit another sister, Mrs. Ed Thayer at Waldport, as well as relatives In California, be fore returning to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kerr have moved to Cherryville, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Berry to Brlghtwood, where the two men will be employed as truck drivers for Hugh Johnston, who hss a contract with the Luxall Logging company near Rhododendron. Logging Firm Fined For Ignoring Code Sweet Home The Gilber Eaton Logging company of Sweet Home was fined 3200 in Sweet Home Justice court last week on two charges of vio lating the state forest code. Juitlce F. A. Cornell levied a $100 tine on each count of not have a weather instrument at the aite -of the company's op erations and tor not having a fire tool box. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa WARREN JR. WILL WED r , )W 'ti It- . Earl "Warren, Jr., 23, son of California's governor, fills out application for marriage license at Santa Monica, Calif., with bride-to-be Patricia Kent 23, of Sacramento. They have known each other for past six years and plan to marry in Sacramento Sept 4. (UP Telephoto) Scotts Mills Scotts Mills Mr. and Mrs. Rsymond Scott and sons, Greg, Frank and Paul, of Janesville, Wise., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bielenberg. Mrs. Bielenberg and Mrs. Scott are sisters. Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fink gathered at the Fink home Sunday in celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Fink's seventeenth wedding anniversary. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jayne and children, of Salem; Mrs. Bill Mites and daughters, of SUverton; Mr. and Mrs. Harve Haskins, Monitor; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howard. SUverton; Mr and Mrs. RusseU Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones. A farewell party was given for Carol Males, who enlisted in the navy and left last week to report at ao Arizona Mot camp. Young friends of RusseU Nelson. Jr.. came to' the home of the parents to help cele brate Russell's seventh birth day, recently. Charles Donald, Doris ana Joanne Tuning, James Fink Connie JarvUl, WUliam and Kenneth Magee and Larry Newton attended the Christian Endeavor banquet at George Fox college at Newberg re cently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newton and sons are vacationing in Washington. Worth Coulson and R. V. Trescott are taking care of the Newtons' store during their sbsence. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Caster are announcing the birth ot a son, Aug. 17, at SUverton hos pital. Mr. and' Mrs.' Henry Shilts snd sons are vacationing at central Oregon lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Logue and children have, moved to the Milton Partridge residence. Mrs. BUI McCUskey and children, ot Kansas, are, vis iting the Logues. Harold Woolsey purchased the garsge business from Ralph Clem. The building which houses Groshong's grocery was re cently treated to a new coat of paint. Manilla Dunagan is the owner of the building. Pedee Pedee Mr. snd Mrs. Carl Puem and Steven, and Mrs. Winnie Fletcher were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Turner. Mrs. Fletcher re mained for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Turner. Jerry Pease cut his foot on a tin can while at play .and it waa necessary tor the doctor to take several stitches. Miss Theda Condron of Cor vallis is visiUng st the home of her sister, Mrs. There Worn er. Mrs. E. S. Burbank and sons Lyle and Eldon, of Portland, are visiting this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frits Dyer. Mrs. Frsnk Sheythe gave the report of the recent E. U. B. conference held at Jennings Lodge, at the church recently. She was the delegatea from the local church. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burbank 'X C-!3 t r4 spent the week-end it Yachats, guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Chestnut Mrs. Gus Pageckoff of Sa lem and her daughter, Mrs. Frank Alsip of Dallas, were re cent visitors at the homes of Mrs. Maud Burbank and Mrs Rufus Dodge. Mrs. R. J. Smith was hostess to a White House party Friday evening at the home of her daughter. Mrs. F. c. Keroen. Refreshments ot cake and cof fee were served to the group at the close of the evening. Amity Amity Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jones surprised thm with m house w aiming Sunday, Aug. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have re cently moved from the Kilks apartments to the Tovey prop erty on GetcbeU St, recently purchased. Present for the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Harlan McCain and son, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson and daughter, Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Black and daughter, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilmer and sons, Ball ston; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Clark, Amity; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whitney. Sheridan, and son. Marvin, who is at home on fur lough from Perrin Air Force base, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Cal vin M. Jones snd daughter, Darlene. Mrs. Russell Sheldon hon ored her youngest daughter, Joyce Ann, with a birthday party on Sheldon lawn recent ly. To help Joyce Ann celebrate her fifth birthday were Lucy, and Bobby Loomia, Judy Far mer, Cindy Lou and Craig Rob inson, WendeU Robbins, Jimmy Robertson, Versa and Charlene weidman, Christie and Sherri DeRalve, all of Amity; Linda McKinley, McMinnvUle; Corkie and Carol Campbell, Salem; and foyce Ann, the honor guest A birthday cake and ice creanv featured refreshments. Mrs. ueorge miss, noruii Trade St, entertained her four! sis ten with a family dinner re- i cently. Attending were Mrs.! Mary Faune, Redondo Beach, Calif., Mrs. Jennie Potter of Amity, Mrs. Ethel Ksylor, Mc MinnvUle, Mr. and Mn. Lau rence Buell, Bellevue; also Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hess of Redondo Beach, dsughter and son-in-law of Mrs. Faurie, with whom she makes her home, and the hosts, i Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss. Unionvale Unionvsie Approximately 1300 been pickers are employed in the various U. S. Alderman fields. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Terry of Portland were Monday evening gu?sts of his mother. Mrs. Rob ert Terry of Unionvsie. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terry of Portland who had been vaca tioning at Taft were guests of his mother, Mrs. Robert Terry of Unionvsie enroute to their home Tuesdsy evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Costs of Unionvale, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harvey of Portland, Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Wlllisms of Dayton enjoyed s picnic at the Miss Msude Williamson state park in Wheatland district Tuesday evening. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Williams are nieces of Mr. Coats. Miss Eunice Costs of Vsn couver. Wash., is seriously ill at the Vancouver hospital ac cording to a letter received by her uncle, E. M. Coats, Tues dsy. She has been in the hos pital five weeks. ' Out of This World! See Page S ThurWey Ballston Ballston Miss Helen Kslten back left last week for Teens, Honduras, Central America, where she will be employed in religious teaching for the Men nonite church. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scharf are being congratulated upon the birth of a daughter, Aug. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Miller are the maternal grandparents. The Scharfs have two eons. Four fire departments re sponded to a call for help to fight a field fire on toe Jay Se Christ farm last Wednesday, which for a while threatened the house and barn. It leaped the road, burning aa far as Broadmead. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Shumway have returned to their home at Entiat Wash., following sev eral days visit at the home of Mrs. Shumwsy's sister, Mrs. J. E. Reece. Mrs. Lillian Walker of Port land has been a recent guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Pen- ton and children of Pensacola, Ful, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Pen ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moon, and brothers. Barley Moon and Clark Moon, Jr. Mrs. Ora Anderson of Fort- land visited at the home of her mother,. Mrs. Mary Bowman, last week. - Miss Violet SmaU is spend ing her vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leroy West of Rose burg. Mrs: R. E. Sihrs, Jr.. and three children of Portland have been -recent visitors at the home of an aunt Mrs.- Edna Tufford. . A five-generation picture was taken at the S. O. Snow home on Mrs. Snow's 84th birthday last week. Those pic tured were Mrs. S. D. Snow, her daughter, Mrs. Fred Smith of Gopher Valley, Mrs. Smith's daughter, Mrs. Earl Good of Sheridan, Mrs. Good's daugh ter, Mrs. Robert Jones of Grand Ronde, and Mrs. Jones' daugh ter, Marie Jones, of Grand Ronde. Mrs. Edd Miller has ' been quite ill at her home the pasti week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vincent of Garibaldi spent several days last week at the home of Mrs. Vincent's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles KadeU. The Sew and Social club met Thursday afternoon in the lit tle church with the president wim s-srse Dsn Dsiley Anne Baaenft "THE KID FROM LEFT FIELD" VicUr Matare "THE GLORY BRIGADE" Mr Till 5:00 Richard Wldmsra "PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET" Dsn Di-IVr THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" Air-CondlUmed New Shewing Open (:15 JfKI -LT.. .MMUUS. SCAREDSTIfr Tim -SKA TIG EE Bean Growers Need Your Help to Harvest . the Crop Transportation Furnished Camping Facilities Available Trucks and Buses leaving Employment Office Daily, 5 to 7 a.m. Driveouts Welcomed Apply Oregon State Employment Service 710 Ferry SI., Salem, or Phone 3-9288 nresiding. Mrs. Hattie urooxs wot u, arize. Mrs. Hons MUler was reported ill. Lonnie Kilmer, steel gu tar studenUsppeared in recital last week St the Calvary Baptist church in Salem. Miss Hart- in of Salem is instructor. Monmouth Unnnuiulll PCITV ATSnt Of IV.mn. Calif.. IS Visiting hiS sister, Mrs. R. E. Emerson, u. un W A. White of Independence have pur chased the J. L. Vsn Loan house on S. College St. and wiU remodel it lor a nunms home. Van Loan moved to his farm one mUe south of town on highway 99W. David Stump has been named one ot 13 high school graduates in Oregon to receive Usui tutu, mmwiy ft GATES OPEN f:4i SHOW AT 1M 1st Staters I la Teehnk-alar I "WAY OF A I GAUCHO" Bary CsJheaa II Flat J lad tsssj-T" Hawtrd Keel EfaiMM' DRIVE-IN TMEATHf VI TONIGHT!! ON OUR STAGE! ihi rams f 1954 IMC, FtEMT MOIUI, AITIIK WiUfJ. SI tMer eat easaeaw nMw wATiijuiiii nw,nu km,doiores ur,' SSSe"!'. "a"1 Lrrru; tie on suxkeis, th sucxarms GOOD SEATS STILL AVAILABLE AT CAPITOL BOX OFFICE!! m HOURS OF HILARIOUS COMEDY 1 1 Festering These Great Numbers: "CONCERTO FOR THREE GARBAGE DISPOSALS" "HAWAIIAN WAR CHANT" "LOVER" "BLUE DANUBE" -ALL-AMERICAN BOY" AND MANY OTHERS . . . WANTH ill AN IPDCCCEISS Monday. August 24, 1953 a $200 scholarship next year at OSC The Sears and Roebuck foundation gives these schol. arships to students to continue their agriculture studies. Mrs. G. Walker of New York is visiting her mother, Mrs. Alta Rogers. ... At Bsgular Prices! ' All Tecanicelor Shew 5 ROIJSE mat asset cam Alse- Frankle Laine m RASMSOW "ROUND MY SHOULDER" You've never seen a sharper, brighter pictnre ( Hi4vf-in than the one en ear giant screen! To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 i isssaat PRICES: $1.80 -$2.40 -$3.60 SHOW AT 7:3. S NOW THRU SAT.! 8 5 l