Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 24, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    ; ' v . 1111 t
In rough waves of Okinawa's Buckner Bay a Second
Air Rescue Group SA-16 Albaa trots, photographed from
another VS. Air Force plane, rescues a Korean seaman
who bad been stricken with acute appendicitis aboard a
Korean cargo ship. Life raft from plane is shown nearing
launch from the ship with the seaman aboard. The am
phibious plane was unable to take off because of high sess
and taxied to shore with the patient (U.S. Air Force Photo
via AP Wlrephoto)
North Marion
Has Long History of Success
Woodburn The history
of the North Marion' county
fair, which opens Sept 24 at
Woodburn, goes back to 1836,
when a group of Woodburn
business men and farmers de
cided to hold a community
Grange fair to display their
The fair was held at the
Woodburn armory on Oct
and 1 of that year and the rec
ords show that J. T. (Cap.)
Lacey, chairman of the 1853
fair board, was also chairman
of this first fair held at Wood-
burn. Other board members
were J. Melvln Ringo and I C
Buchner. -
Money for the fair was fur
nished by Woodburn business
men and the sum of $100 was
offered for prizes. Attendance
t the fair this first year was
estimated at between 2500 an?
3000 people and plans were
made to hold a similar event
the next year, which was to be
"bigger and better".. ,
The theme of "bigger and
better" was carried on through
the years with the 1937 fai
showing an lncease In prize
money and exhibit. Again J.
F. Lacey headed the fair board.
The 1938 fair opened Sept.
23 and a new feature that year
was photographic display of
250 old tune photographs
loaned by the Hall studio. The
chairman for this year was
John Ramage.
For the 1839 fair, 16,500
square feet of space was used
and tent were used to pro
vide the additional space,
Again this year John Ramage
erred as chairman. The ex
Passes to Fair lo
Be Limited This Year
Oregon State Fair commis
sion hss adopted policy of
limited distribution and use
et passes for the fair, It is re-
ported by Commission Chair
man Dr. I. B. Stewart
Only persons rendering di
rect service to or having bus
iness or official connections
with the fair will be eligible
to receive passes, it was point
ed out by Leo G. Spltxbart
manager. These will include
exhibitors, certain city, coun
ty and state officials and legis
lators, for their official inter
est in the fslr, and new de
partments of newspapers, ra
dio and TV stations.
I fctre sta appolata IXMBttll f UK
MUM of OcrtriKl, S. KlBD. dMttMd.
br in, circuit Court ol Uu aula at On
ion for SUrlon county, and btrt tunll
flM. AU ponou tra notified lo
Brutal th,lr clalmi to l 401 rionotr
Truit Butldlfur. aaUra. Otmob. vlthta
li awsuu of too Saw 1 flnl nvtUw
tiaa of into noun.
DataS aa tint pikUlhoS Jul? IT, INI.
axjcs ! auxo
E O. attdtor. Jr.
Attarntr for Xxoeulrlt
doll r, Au. , 11. it. it, uu. I
Announce New Way To
Shrink Painful Piles
'- fked HeeJjsuj Sabetaaa That Dow Both
Refer Paio-Skriais Heeoorrboid
Nw Yarfc. fc T. (SraaU)
ter the Ant tine science baa
foood (ww healing sabstaae
with the rutoniihmf ability te
Shrink BdBMTThsiaa and te stop
liirrmc-wtthoBt snrgery.
In one benofrhoM case efts
aether, "very striking Uapima.
Bunt was reported and Tenses'
by doctors' observations.
Psin was relieved reaaptl.
And, while gently nlieriag pals,
actual reduction er retraetiea
(shrinking) took place.
And most aaaang of all this
tmprorenMnt was Baintaiaed la
cum whan doctors' etacTTstMae
period f
In fast rcnMs were as fhat
earh that aaffaeeti were able te
nakc such astonishing statements
as "Pile have eeeatd te be a
tvf V
County Fair
hlbit of old time photographs
was again featured.
' The fifth annual Woodburn
fair opened Sept 2T, 1940,
with Fred Hecker heading the
executive committee. The,
streets were decorated with
banners and the old time pic
ture display .was .continued.
Cash prizes that year totaled
In 1941 the name of the fair
was changed to the North Mar
ion county fair and it was held
October 3 and 4 and $250 prize
money for Granges was appro
priated by the state depart
ment of agriculture, the first
money to be appropriated from
any source outside of the
Woodbun business men.
Due to the war, no fair was
held in 1942, 1943, 1944, 1943,
194S and 1947.
In the fall of 1948, the North
Marion county fair again op
ened on September 24 of that
year, with $1000 allocated for
premium money by the county
fair board. Gene Malecki was
general manager, with William
Marriott heading the fair
The fair in the faU of 1949
was opened by Governor Doug
las McKay with Gene Malecki
again as manager and with
space Increased to three times
thst of the vear before. Leon
ard Hewitt was president of the
fair board for that year and
$1,730 was given in premiums.
The 1950 fair was opened
by the late Frank W. Settle
rnier with Borden Beck as
chairman of the fair board. One
of the largest crowds seen in
Woodburn up to that time, at
tended. In 1951, J. F. Lacey again
took over a president of the
fair board and the fair became
an "old-fashioned" fair. Ex
hibits by farmers and their
families received all of the em
phasis and there was no charge
for entries, admissions to the
fair building, or for entertain
ment thus the fair became
the North Marion county "free
J. F. Lacey continued as
president of the fair board for
the 1952 fair and more than
4 00 0 interested spectators
thronged the fair buildings on
the opening night and a marked
Increase was shown in all ex
hibits. This fair was said to
be the "biggest and best" in
its history.
This completes the circle to
the 4953 fair, which will open
September 24 with J. F. Lacey
still In the picture as the fair
board president. Other board
members are Gilbert Ramage,
Ray Miller, T.loyd Froom, L.
H. Hlldebrandt, Philip Bran
son, Harold Colgan, Mrs. J. C.
Mount of Keizer, Dsve Dryden,
Albert Schalock, Bill Merriott,
Lynn Simon, Mrs. A. L. Mur
phy of Hubbard, Elvin Pitney,
Norman Helling and Dave
BiuHf And among these suf
ferers were a very wide variety
of hemorrhoid conditions, some of
0 te t0 years' standing.
All this, without the nee et
Barcotica, anesthetics or aitrin
geats ef any kind. The secret is)
a sew healing rebalance (Bie
Dyne) the discovery of a world
famous research institution, AW
reedy, Bio-Dyne ia is wide nue
fee healing injured tissue on all
parts ef the body.
Now this new healing substance
is offered In ointment form foe
hemorrhoids ander the name
rVepsrstiea H.' The price is only
gee tab fatthding an applk '
eatae. The same te ask for ll
Preparation H at all drug stone.
Ana remember-if not entirely
satiifled-your money will he re
funded promptly. Tne, inaa
flew Quarters,
Dallas Store
Dalles Finseth's, which
Ralf Finseth, grandson of the
founder, claims Is the oldest es
tablishment of its kind in Polk
county, will open in new quar
ters Sept. 8 as a men's wear
store exclusively.
. The new location is in the
nearly completed Foster build
ing a few doors south of the
post office on Main St
Open bouse will be held the
evening of Sept 9.
In 1899, J. A. Finseth began
the business where the Hyde
and Long grocery now stands.
it wss then called the Bee
Hive. His son, Leif Finseth. and
fnn IwPtMla Albany, where he 437 iu paruier -
Sweet Home Plans
Lutheran Church
Sweet Home Fir Lawns
Lutheran church will be the
name for the new Evancelical
LiUtneran church being organ
izea in sweet Home.
Services and Sunday school
wui De held at the Seventh Day
Adventlst church beginning
Aug. 30.
The new church site beins
purchased is at the corner of
First Ave. and Holley Rd.
Thomas Balzhiser. architort
xrom .Eugene, presented ideas
on tne contemporary church
architecture for consideration
or the group.
Members , of .the committee
are B. A. Donahe.X C. Banke,
Kenneth Williams. Selmer Fnl.
lesfold, John Bumbarger and
Paris W) The back of
France's postal and telephone
strike appeared broken Mon
day everywhere except in the
But balky workers cantlnu.
ed to resist back-to-work or
ders In other strike-bound in.
dustries and services.
On Kitchen Remodeling
Old orew
181 N. High Ph. 4-5431
tliti - n -
Inrnm. I P'6 Wtl th that
Incom. Insurance is th number on. essential in a fam-
fa? oVXmWd nd ih.? V0" P,Qn "
rMsn ft? 30 Vtln- lf your income never x-
$75 000 on rr mon.,h y,W probch wor,h
VD.OOO.OO. The most valuable commodity you own,
then, is your ability to eorn. '
Your earning ability may be
, uintH ana tnis is the factor to Insure If '
your occupation is no more hoxardous than that of a
clerk In on office or a coshier, you may insure your
ncome in the amount of $200.00 per month for as
little as $36.00 each six months.
You may or may not agree with this theory but re
member, we just read the books. We don't write them!
yJ twirl
JJI N. Chorrk
Tin Capri! SIki
POW Tells of
Seeing Dean
Freedom Village, Korea ()
A aerfcant captured at Tae
jon early in the Korean war
aid today, "The lait I aaw of
Gen. Dean be was in a Jeep
with a bazooka, chaiing a
St Charles H. Panco. 34.
was a machine gunner light
ing from a position at a street
corner in Taejon.
There, on July 20. 1950 he
last saw Ma. Gen. William
Dean, then commander of the
U.S. Ztth Division. Panco
was captured the next day.
Dean also was captured In
the Taejon battle. There has
been no report when the com-
munlsta intend to release him
In the Korean war prisoner
2 Family Saved in
Sulphur Springs Fire
Albany AwakvneH hv
flames and smoke at 4 o'clock
Saturday morning, Mr. and
Mrs. btu Henshaw and their
two young children narrowly
escaped with their Uvea from
a nre that destroyed their res
idence, at Sulphur Sorinn. in
the Camp Adair area near Cor-
The parents just manaeed
to get the children, boys of five
months and two years, out of
the building before it became
a column of flames. The Hen
shaw were unable to save any
of the furniture or personal
effects. The two-room dwell
ing was not insured. The fire
is believed to have started by
cinaers irom the chimney
smouldering in the roof.
The Henshaws are staying
for the present with relatives
is e
Silverfon Scouts
Recount Jamboree
Silverton Bin S earth,
Scoutmaster, directed the
Thursday evening, Aug. 20,
open house program of Boy
acoui Troop no. 113, for par
ents ana mends Interested ii
the work, at the Scout room n
the Washington Irving buiid
tog, to specially feature the
showing of pictures and souve
nirs of the recently held nat
ional Scout jamboree.
Scoutmaster Scarth a n c
Scouts Wade Benton, Carl
Becken, Fred Grant. Darrell
McClure, Ray Mack and John
Sanford explained their dis
plays of mementoes and told of
their varied experiences while
at the jamboree.
Negro Believed Tied
To Auto and Dragged
Dunn. N. C. VP) Office
here think a 30-year-old Nesro
may nave been tied behind an
automobile and dragged to
The body of John McLean
was found Sunday by a sister
after his family had become
concerned about his where
abouts. Deputy Sheriff B. E. Stureill
said there was evidence that
a rope or wire had been tied
around McLean's shoulders and
that his body had been skinned
and bruised as though drag
ged behind a fast moving ve
hld. Th body was lying in a
road near his rural home.
impaired by a serious
in a vi-
rsneeirf rrslerrei tlsks"
Cook Held for Rapt
In Polk County Jail
Dallas Held in th county
Jail at Dallas under $2900 bond
on a rape charge 1 Walter
atone, Jr., 3Z.
Polk county officers took
Stone into custody last Wednes
day in a bean field. He gave
his address as Independence
and occupation as cook. He
was born at Centralis, 111.
Cooley Heads
Chest Drive
Mt Angel Mount Angel
Community Chet officers and
directors met' Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Penner to outline
plans for the Community Chest
drive this -fall Virgil Cooley
of the Mount Angel Farmers
Union Warehouse company, has
been appointed the 1853 drive
The next meeting, scheduled
for Sept. 17, wiU be at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Val Eber
le, when preparations for the
drive will be outlined.
A kick-off meeting of solic
itors will be Thursday evening,
Oct. 1, with Oct 8 the date an
nounced as the opening day of
the drive.
Officers and directors are:
President Mrs. Fred Lucht;
vice president Leonard Fish
er; secretary, Miss Loretta
Dehler; treasurer, Al Dicker.
Other directors are Val Eberle.
J. J. Penner, Carl Mucken, John
Beyer adn Joseph Faulhaber.
iteireshments were served by
mrs. j. j. remier after the bus
iness session.
Tokyo WV-The communist
Peiping Radio said Monday
that four North Korean sol
diers released by the U.N.
command have "died of gas
poisoning by the' American
Col. L. C. Friedersdorff.
spokesman for the U.N. side
of the POW repatriation com
mittee, earlier had cateeor-
ically denied Red charges of
"brutality," Including the ac
cusation of using toxic gas."
State St.
Nowdays everyone is trying to help ease the strain on the old budget. Well, take a tip
from me . . . You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES ADAY when you shop at RANDALL'S
. . . For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern
Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef
in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL
can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts
double-wrapped for your locker or freezer . . .FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat
as you want one half, quarter or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES . . .
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Beef Roast
Arm Cut Blade Cuts Rumps
Baby Beef
Mew Low Prices
Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. .Don't
may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay.
Half of Whole
Sound beef ..... 29' short ribs 17'
ground round a' beef cubes 9'
424 Jets in Red
Air Display
Moscow tV-Tb Soviet air
lore burled 424 military jt
pUnet, more then twice as
many ai lait year, over Moe
cow'm Tuacbina airport yester
day for the annual display of
Russia' air might Western
observers said they noted no
new xypei oz aircran.
Accompanied by top So
viet leaders, Premier Georgl
Malenkov watched the annual
air show for 73 minutes from
the airport balcony.
Also on hand were western
diplomats, including U.S. am
bassador Charles 2. Bohlen,
foreign military, air and naval
attache, and - 200,000 Rus
V. e.MI
BRIJTHAUPT, huibDd nd wlfn,
hii vllt. It any. All f th unknown
Dct1ms and All' of tht nntnowa Htlra
B. T. Stxitn.
nu u, u anr. au i id unknown
DotIiki and All of tht unknown Heir
of Thorn m Stmi,
MKINXCKS. hi wiin, H any. AU of
tbo unknown DctIbms and AU of too
unknown Heir of CbMtcr Mttaaclta, 1
Th Trust of aid Oraua and Tbiir i
Succcsor. i
Front Quarter
U MEJIOWW. alatmiM anr mat. Utia,
auto. Um r lawrMt la tt roal piaa
rtr daatrUMd ia Ui Caapiaint,
To B. T. Sodas and Jano Doo Sodaa.
hi vl to. All t (bo unknown Dafiaott,
and AU of ttao vnkaowm Balm of S. T
Sodoa. Thorn , and Jan Do
A iims. hit oil. AU of la BakDewa
DrvUoa. and all of (ho anknowa bain
of TBoaaa Slat. Chmttr Mainlck aad
Jaao Doo MtiaKka, hi wtr. Ail of Um
unkaovB DvUm aad AU of (ho aa
knova Hair of Cboaur Mttaicka. Batu
mi Oranio No. M, aad th Traauos
of aaid Oram aad thtr Suoorv
Mart! ucl-ftB aad AD otbar Mraoa
or parua unknown, olaimlni any light,
title tto. Ua, or latrsi la th
roal property dwriaod la th Coat
alamt. Dfadnu:
ORaTOOM. Ton or atrbr rooulrod
appaar aad aawr tb OomplaUnt fUod
uaias yea la (ho aaov anuuod it.
wrtbia (a dsn from atrrw of tbks
unonj upon you. If Mrrod within
UU County, or If Mrrod within any
ottwr County of (hi Mt. (ha within
twenty dy from th dt of strTto
of thl Summoa vpoa you, and If you
faU to amaar. for want (hrof th
elaiar.Hs wli rrT tg tt Cc
ih rlif Tyd for te thtlr Complaint,
which i auMtaauauy a follow.
That th'dlndnts and aeb of tbca
fMulrd to ( forth uta uu na-
turo of their claims la and to tb real
property described la their complaint.
Bcainnln at th aiosi Southerly cor
ner of Block On U a ahowa by tb
rocordod tova PJa( of Butt rill, Mar
Ion County. Ore on. is Volum t
Pat a. Record of Town Plat for aald
County and Stat), thcac North U
Watt alona th Southerly lln of
Block On l, and continuing North
! West to th meander lln of th
right bonk of th Wlllamctt Rifer;
the dc Nortbeasterly along aald a
ander line of the WlUametu Rlrer to
aad alone th WarUrly lln of Block
Ono (1). PIT ii) and SU , of
aald Town of Buturlll and continuing
thereon along id meander lln to th
moat Westerly corner of (be tract of
land conveyed to th ButUvlll Parm
er Warehouse AaaoclatloB by Deed
recorded Jul. I. 1S1, la Volum U,
Pat 20, Marlon County Dead Re
ordai thence South 9T 10 Bast along
At. fMntt. .
CtiwecMn. M Twwite .n BfMitrMl Sir Ottawa, Ourt,,.
SatM, Stow Vara, PMIMripMa, WMhlnstM, OX. (AM ttmm
Ask aW Cwee'e'i 10 T. Mapl Ual torn
rXlTr l An,h i,r a ttmu
Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford
Beef Steak
T-Bone Rib Steaks
Fresh Beef
on Locker Beef
fall to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit
I .
Monday, August 24, 1953
tb Southerly ttaoof aald tract m
ft mora or lea, to th Westerly Una
of Mala Stmt, also known a n
County Boo1 i aald Town at auti.
vllie. tbooe Sooth Wait Hong
aald Waatarly lln la th alaco f a,
aad tbalH adrere alalmj of th de
fendant bo MtvaUad by a deer of
UU Oourt.
That by aald sser tt ahaU a u.
dared aad adjudaad that th dafead-
anu aad eaca oc inaai nin n intarea
ear aatato whaawovtr la the above .
scribed premise or any part thereof, td
that ibO'Utle of th plalattfti to aald
above daaciibod preatlsas bo docrood t
be good and vaiM.
That th defendant and eaca or that
and all persons whomsoever claiming br,
through or under tbeta or either of
ihem bo forever enjoined, saatratnod and
barred from asserting any tlaim whau
soever In or to the aald above .
scribed premie or any part Iberoof
advro to (bo plalnUffs.
That ih plaintiffs bo granted laeh
other aad further relief a atay to tb
Court seem matt and Just.
This Summons 1 published br order
of Aba Honorable 06. R. Duneau.
Judge of the above entitled Court, mada
and emerea on in gi 07 ei Auaustv
MM. dlractlna pubUcaUoa of this Sum.
mono one each week tor four cons.
utive weeks in to capiw .lournaL av
newspaper of general circulation, pub.
Ushed la Marlon County, Ore 00.
Data of first publication August 34,
Data of last Public ttoa September
. isat.
xugn a. Dowung
Attorney for Plaintiff! t
P.O. Address 414 Postal BkSg
lift S.W. Srd Ava. Portland. Oratost
Aur. S4, ll, Sept. T, 14, Jl, lit
Don't Neglect Slipping
Do falao teeth drop, alh or vobbia
hen yoa talk, eat. laugh or neeaa
Don't bo annoyed and embarrassed by
joch handicap. PABTXSTH, an alka
llao (non-acid) powder to gprlnkl ea
your plates, keep false dvith mor
firmly get. Olvea confident feeling of se
curity and added comfort. No gummr.
gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get PAS
TEETH today at any drug stor.
KSE& IiOci
Th. iwttin.fl.iial
:4. a.m.
SiSS .
114. JompH Vane. bMs.
. 1, wuo. Pbon,:
4905. or f your m
a 29
Hind Quarter
"it '"r -v' -