Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 22, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Coffee Party
At Berg Home
On Tuesday
Hostesses on Tuesday morning for one
of the coming week's coffee parties will
be Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, Mn. Rutsel E.
Pratt and Mra. Ralph Wirth, the three
to entertain at the Berg home on North
Summer ttreet.
Gueats are invited to call between 10
a m and 12:30 p.m;
Pouring will be Mri. Charles Camp
bell and Mri. Maynard Shifter 'for the
fint period; Mra. Richard A. Rawiln
aon and Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton.
Othera assisting will be Mrs. Horace
McGee, Mrs. Richard A. Meyer, Mra.
T. Harold Tcir.linson, Mrs. Robert F.
Wulf, Mrs. Clay Eggleston. Mrs. P H.
Brydon, Mrs. Loyal A. Warner, Mrs.
Conrad Paulson, Mrs. C. Lester New
man, Mrs. B. E. Owens, Mrs. Leon
Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Waters, Mrs, Nell
Edwards, Mrs. Kenneth Edick.
AMONG hostesses of the new week
will be Mrs. Erwin E. Batterman
who has invited a large group
for an Informal coffee next Tuesday
morning at her Morningside home on
South 12th street.
. Guests have been Invited to call be
tween 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Assisting
during the first hour period will be
Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Frank Hershfelt,
Mrs. John Etzel, Mrs. Jacob Fox
Norval Edwards, Mrs. Judson Foster.
Assisting during the second period
will be Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Law
rence N. Brown, Mrs. John A. Ritchie,
Mrs. Garlen L. Simpson, Mrs. Cornelius
Bateson, Mrs. William White.
Invitations are In the mail this week
end for a coffee party for which Mra.
Claude A. Miller and Mrs. C. Kenneth
Bell are to be hostesses next Saturday,
August 29, at the Miller home on Shore
line drive.
Guests are being invited "to come
for coffee" In the beautiful gardens at
the Miller home between 11 a.m. and
X pjn.
An event for Sunday will be the sil
ver tea to be given for benefit of the
Men' club of Knight Memorial Congre
gational church.
The tea will be at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. David H. Cameron between 3
and 7 o'clock.
Pouring will be Mrs. Robert Ashby
nd Mrs. Erwin E. Batterman. Assist
ing will be Mrs. Roman Steffen and
Mrs. Bernard Shanks.
All members of the church and
their friends are invited.
Hostess to her bridge club Monday
afternoon for dessert and cards will be
Mrs. Robert W. Gormaen. .
At Wauna 'Jake over the week-end
re Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Heltzel and
family, guests at the lake home of Mrs.
Heltzel'a brother, C. K. Gabriel.
Mrs. Glenn Stevens and Mrs. Coburn
Grabenhorat are to entertain on Thurs
day at a neighborhood coffee at the
Stevens home, guests to Include neigh
bora on Candalaria Heights. The af
fair will be at 10 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will be
Jean and Ann Haworth. Mrs. Stan
Baker ia to pour and assisting in serv
ing will be Mrs. Richard Grabenhorst
nd Mrs. A. C. Newell.
Hostess to her study club on Monday
t luncheon will be Mrs. L. V. Benson,
inviting the group to spend the day at
tier summer home at Devil's lake.
Regular meeting for Amateur Artists
Association will be Tuesday evening at
the YMCA at 7:30.
OrT TO Nelson City, New Zeoland.
yoar there a exebaoga teacher. She ia
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. Mrs. 17 ' i', I I
THE WEDDING of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Edward Luklnbea! (Jeanne Louise do
Bay), above, m an event of lut week-end. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis C. da Bay and Mr. LnkJnbeal is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward LukinbeaL
TO BE wed in early September Is
Miss Louise Matter who this
week-end is telling plans for the
Muss Matter and Marion K. Putman
will be married on Sunday, September
6, the 4 o'clock service to be in the First
Methodist church with Dr. Brooks
Moore officiating. Soloist is to be Au
drey Mistretta.
Candlelighters will be Misses Lorii
Larson and Geraldine Radcllff.
Miss Caroline Matter ia to be maid
of honor for her sister.
The bridesmaids will be Miss Doreen
Cavender and Miss Celia Weaver.
Ann Putman, a cousin of the bride
groom, will be flower girl and the
ring bearer will be another cousin, Rob
ert Putman, Jr.
Robert McConnville is to be best man.
Ushering will be Keith Wright, Charles
Ruud, Martin Knittel and Gilbert Bate
son. The reception following will be in
the Carrier room of the church. The
bride-elect is the daughter of Mrs.
George Matter and Mr. Putman is the
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Put
man. Happy Go Lucky club will meet Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. Lura Tandy,
194S South 12th street at 12:30 for a
no-host luncheon.
Neighbors of Woodcraft, Silver Bell
circle, No. 43, will meet Friday at the
Woman's club house at 8 p.m.
Mrts nidio aklm)
goes Miss Marine Beringer, 1r, U spend
the facalty ef rarrtaa mioT high eebeet
' Ky'
(UcXvftn studio pkturt)
Friday Wedding
The marriage of Miss Lorraine E. Ny
quist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Nyquist, to Charles V. Courier, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Courter of Hub
bard, was solemnized Friday evening.
The service was at 8 o'clock in the
Foursquare church at Woodburn.
Pastel colored gladioluses and carna
tions decorated the church for the serv
ice. The Rev. Arthur Goble officiated.
Lighting the candles were Miss Loretta
Nyquist, sister of the bride, and Miss
Ruth Christensen, both wearing blue
ballerina length frocks. For the music.
Royal Has tie, Jr., sang, Helen McGathy
playing the piano.
The bride wore a white organdy
frock, ballerina length and designed
with yoke of net. The fingertip veil
waa held in place by a floral headpiece
of white roses. The bride carried
bouquet of carnations and roses. Mr.
Nyquist gave his daughter in marriage.
Irs. Lavonne Burnham, sister of the
bride, was honor attendant. She wore
a ballerina length dress of blue sheer
and carried a bouquet of carnations.
George Burnham was best man. The
ushers were Melvin Monnier and Jake
For the wedding the bride's mother
wore a light blue suit dress with white
accessories and corsage of pink gladi
oluses. The bridegroom's mother wore
a dark blue suit with white accessories
and corsage of gladioluses.
The reception was in the Lutheran
hall at Woodburn. Assisting in serving
the guests were Misses Rosabelle Trip
lett, Blanche Christensen, Eva Rich.
Following a trip to t h e coast the
couple will be at home at I860 North
Winter, Salem, after August 25. For
traveling the bride wore a dress of red
sheer with white accessories and cor
sage bf roses.
Chadwick assembly, No. 3, Order of
Rainbow for Girls, will meet at Bush's
Pasture park for a no-host picnic at
6:30 Tuesday evening. Miss Joan Neal
is chairman, assisted by Misses Mar
garet Hildreth, Eleanor Mleziva, Patty
Johnson, Janice Gillespie and Carole
Warren. A business meeting will fol
low at the Masonic temple.- Each girl
la requested to bring a hemmed dish
towel and pot holder for the Masonic
and Eastern Star home at Forest Grove. ,
Several out-of-town dates are on the
calendar for Governor and Mrs, Psul
L. Patterson this next week.
This week-end, the Pattersons are at
On Wednesday they are to be in
Eugene to attend the University of Ore
gon football banquet at which Phil Har
ris is to be master of ceremonies.
On Friday, the Pattersons will be tak
ing in the Clackamas and Polk county
fairs, the governor to speak at each.
Next Sunday, the Pattersons will be
t Hillsboro to take In a fair there.
Rotana club members have called a
special meeting for Monday evening at
the home of Mrs. Henry Mattson, 4020
North River road, at 7:45 o'clock. Plans
will be discussed for the rummage sale
to be staged on April 28 and 29 over
Greenbaum's. Members are asked to take
tewing equipment.
Executive board for unit No. 138,
American Legion auxiliary, is meeting
next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Carroll Robinson, president
2 Entertain
Next Tuesday
At Coffee Party
Hostesses on Tuesday for Tme of the
new week's coffee parties will be Mrs.
Russel Beutler and Mrs. Bert A, Walk
er, the two entertaining at the Beutler
' home on North 24th.
-The affair is arranged in four periods,
guests being invited to call between
9:30 and 11 a m., between 11 a.m. and
12:30 p.m., between 1:30 and 3 p.m. and
between 2:30 and 4 p.m.
Pouring will be Mrs. P. J. Forristel,
Mrs. Stanley Krueger of Independence,
Mra. Joseph Franko, Mrs. Louis Lor
enz, Mrs. A. S. Vaughan of Portland,
Mrs. John Jelderks.
Assisting during the different hours
will be Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. H. C
Saalfeld, Mrs. Duane Janicek, Mrs. John
R. Caughell, Mrs. Gladys Lee, Mrs.
Claude H. Post, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk,
Mrs. Harry Lucas, Mrs. Otho Eckersley.
Traditional Silver Creek falls lunch
eon for the Salem Sojourners club will
be next Thursday, August 27, at 1
o'clock. Cards will be in play on the
terrace in the afternoon.- Transporta
toin ia being arranged, and reservations
re to be in no later than August 23.
Co-chairmen for the event are Mrs.
Robert Parks and Mrs. Everett Day.
They will be assisted by present board
members, Mrs. V. C. Fletcher, Mrs. Sid
ney Stenerodden, Mrs. Karl Olson, Mrs.
William Lee per, Mrs. Clifford Wimber
ly, Mrs. Lester Orion, Mrs. C. O. Fred
erickson, Mrs. Kenneth Cole, Mrs.
Frank Bishop, Mrs. P. C. Anderson.
Miss Mabel Savage is to be hostess
next Thursday evening for the annual
dinner she gives for members of the
Salem Zonta club.
The dinner will be at 6:30 o'clock
in the gardensat Miss Savage's home.
Circles of the Women's Society of
'Christian Service of Jason Lee Meth
odist church will meet Wednesday, as
January-July circle will meet at the
home of Mrs. Wood Welch, 1955 High
way avenue, at 1:30 for dessert lunch
eon. February-August circle will be guests
of Mrs. Robert Forkner, 1855 , North
Capitol street at 1:30 for dessert 'lunch
eon. April-October circle members and
. their husbands will be guests of Mr. and
' Mrs. Glen Larkins, 1759 Park avenue, at
6 p.m. for a picnic supper.
March-September circle meets at the
home of Mrs. C. M. Roberts. 815 Ship
ping at 1:30 for dessert luncheon..
The May-November and June-December
circles will not meet this month.
Women's Catholic Order of Foresters
will meet next Wednesday for a no-host
dinner at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Zie
linskl, Rt 7, at 7 o'clock.
Honoring their house guests of the
week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Willard White
and daughters from Philadelphia, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Potts entertained in
formally at their home last evening,
guests including old friends who have
met the Whites previously. Mr. White
is a brother of Mrs. Potts. With the
Whites are their daughters, Susan, Bar
bara and Terry Ann. Susan Is to remain
for week visiting at the Potts home.
Mrs. Hugh Williamson, Portland, ar
rived Friday to visit with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.' Homer
afc v. M sr - '
AMOVO THOSE planning the benefit tardea party aporaored, by flt Mary's guild ef 8. Paur tptneopaj
rhorrh an Aumt U are th fire above. Left to rlfht: Mrs. 8. D. Wllea, general chairman: Mrs. Lester Carter,
Mr. W. H. JohiuUn, Mri. Kenneth Mueller, Mra. Carl 1. Armstrong. Th party wtO at tha heaa of Mr. aad
Mrs. I. O. Watta on Wallace Bead, Oak Crest fara, ketween 8 aad t pjo.
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' BRIDE LAST week-end waa Mra. Gordon Kenneth Stein (RathKa Wlllard), aaor, ;
daacnter tt Mr. and Mra. E. C. Wlllard. Mr. 8Ma ta the aoa of Mra. Wiulaaa f. Bteta .
f Canby. .
Wichman-Nordonne Rites Today
A bride this morning was Miss Jeanne
Nordonne, daughter qf Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Nordonne, her marriage to Edward
Wichman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
A. Wichman, being solemnized at 11:15
o'clock In St Joseph's Catholic church.
The Rev. James Fleming officiated at
the service. White gladioluses decorat
ed the church for the wedding. Wayne
Meusey and Lorraine Nelke provided
th music for the service.
The bride wore dress of white ny
lon net over satin, appllqued orange
blossoms scattered over the net. The
dress was floor length, made with long
aleeves and round neckline. The fin- '
gertip veil was arranged from crown
trimmed with pearls and rhinestones. '
The bride carried a Prayer book with
white roses and atephanotia on it
Mrs. Leonard Stager was matron of
honor for her sister. She wore a yellow
eyelet organdy frock with matching hat
The three bridesmaids wore dresses
alike of dotted Swiss organdy but in
different colors, Miss Kathleen Bauer in
orchid. Miss Wilma WUlich in pink.
Miss Betty Rose Nelke in pale green,
and their half-hat matched their
dresses. All four attendants carried bou
quets of yellow pom-pom chrysanthe
mums. The flower girls, Barbara Jean and
Linda Lee Stager, nieces of the bride,
Marion auxiliary, Veterans of For
eign Wars, will stage its picnic with the
post, Sunday, at a park near Stayton.
All members and friends are Invited to
attend. Anyone wishing transportation
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wore white organdy dresses with match
ing hats and carried baskets ef yellow
blooms. .
Wilbur Wichman was lest man for
his brother. Groomsmen were Clarence
Wichman, brother of the bridegroom,
and Francia Albrlch, a brother-in-law.
The . ushers were Vince Nordonne,
brother of the bride, Ray Greene and
Roger Kerr.
For her daughter'! wedding, Mra.
Nordonne wore tan shantung suit with
green accessories and corsage of rub
rum lilies. The bridegroom's mother
wore navy blue with corsage of the
rubrum lilies.
The reception was arranged at the
home of Mrs. David Bennett Hill. Cut
ting the cake was the bride's sister-in-law,
Mrs. Vince Nordonne. At the
coffee urn was Mrs. Francis Albrlch,
at 14u nmfh hnwl Mn Cm Tlark
Mrs. Wilbur Wichman and Miss Janette
Hill assisted.
The bride's table was covered with a
yellow cloth and decorated with yellow
candles and flowers. The punch table
was set in the gardens and was covered
with a yellow and green cloth.
For traveling the bride wore an off
white suit with red accessories and cor
sage of red roses., The couple will be
at home in Oakland, Calif., while he if
stationed there with the navy.
is asked to phone 4-2744. .
Regular meeting of Marlon auxiliary,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, will be Mon
day evening at the VFW hall at
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