it 4 Saturday, August 22, 1953 i wAMT-fOsrnoNi nu. 4 IkarMk l IM per B-nr. call 1-MU nialMl setlr. MM BABW SITTIE WUJ sere as Blent. Pboa J-peea. Blow REMODEL NOW! proa batwe piautar asmc. Ul j we ft foe osUmaio M fU Mii riBMtuu of repair., aim in tUilttlOB f roofing. evetrewlme, 4. lag of owar auuaiBg materials. Montgomery Ward phone l-llll H Ma. Liberty hiti' fJORT (UUI doalns. dirt tore lag. trtdlnt. Phone 1-3330. h7' pArVB HANGING, BAlnllns. Prat ,- umatee. Don Lueera. Ph. ISI33. R307 L"N Mowu. SCISSORS, cUpper Bd. lie-. eharpeaed. Oeatral Me lee Repair, at oerta. Pbeae s-Iea. IANPSC APING, tractor and tuiax vara starvlcs Center. Phono HIH h' PAINTING Exterior and Interior, and wall work. Phono 4-3111. M1U. bMO BtnroNRoui ioc j tar ur. vice. Phona 4410. hjol (AST SALEM DAT Nl'BSEBT. 1UI Park Avenue, start Sept. 23rd. Br hour, day. ar week. 3-1037. hloo, CARPENTER, Repairing furniture and 4 kind of earpenleT work. Phone FOR RENT omci arACa-zwaiTt it m i wh LAKGB warthouaa aoaca for ml laato. Ctmtnt Ooora. ferlci buUdina Dowd (ova- iDaalra tL U ttitf Mr- liura vo. pnest 1-flU IICKLB bar mower, paint pn tool. oook's, 12M Broadway. JMT' fub lusb tag w lot faat frontwa tuniKr waa, Baiaai Ira j piiu pn istoi WANTED TO RENT BAIEMENT or attic room or lUht car . act lor atorut of bouacbold tffacu. Ruby RoberUon, M Dnlon St. Ja30t) t-BIDROOM HO li si-Dlnim room and living room. Prefer basement. No cnuarirn. ADoot no. ai Riehardion Pood Uanaier, tat PtnlUnUary Ph. w.i. jaioi TO LEASE 3 or 4 bodroom homa. Klnler School Dlt- praftrrad. JUfer ncei. Ph. 3-13 U. jtioo MOTHER WITH ehlldrra deiparateiy necaa Aome. rn. win gr ZMUI eee- nintv moo SEPTEMBER 1ST Quiet l-bedroom fur. nlahed apartment. Near atai library. Wanted by woman with dog. Write Mtta U. Steere. Kernvllle. Ore. JiJ01 OR ( BEDROOM unfurnlihed bouao, eloat lo. South w t. Preferably with appliances, to 170. J-747B. Jaiw fOR RENT ROOMS 4 ATTEACTIVt IOOM clou bnllainn. SM M. Wiatar. to lata MICILT FDRN1SH1D 1UM houukaap lar room. Hot Plata cooklna, aleetrlc avaa aoa reirittratMo. in s. Htb st JkJOl' IflCB FIRST FLOOR ileaplni room. Hot aad com water. Ml no. Hlah. Jk301' RIWLT REDECORATED 111 lit houae kaaplni toom. Lady, lit No. Church. Jkldl CLEAN LIGHT Bouaakeaplai room. TJI N. Church. Jklol' aBBBpp.aa. FOR RENT HOUSES COMPLBTELT furnUhad room hauu with deepfreese. Almoit a gift to right iamuy. djockb ecnooi, h block bua, big yard. Reference required. Call 367 before 1 p. m. JmlOl ERT NICB 1 bedroom home, complete ly redecorated, eleetrle range, refrlg- trator, rug, curtalna and drapei fur BUhed. Sea to appreciate. Reuonable. 4770 Fillmore, KeUer. Jm203 MAPS Ntw city mapa Ihowlnt by.pau bltll. war avallama at your rarorlt book atora. Look lor Releon alapa. Jm2M' I BEDROOMi Blcalr furnUhad bouia. Va. aant sapt. l.t. a WUbar. 1-nil. Call altar l. Imioi' CLEAN. OLDER I badroom hornt. aaw- dust beat. 160 per month. Rawltni Realty, Km N. Capitol. -l7l. Jm- ALMOST NEW unfurnlihed one bedroom, hardwood floor, eleetrle beat, eloae IB. JUU. JltllOl' 1-BEDROOM unfurnlihad, waU-to-wall carpetlni, electrlo beat, u. 4-lln. JmlOl- NIWLT DECORATED i bedroom duolti. atovee A water furnUhad, carare. Itao Center at. Jmzol I BEDROOM bouie clou In. Rent . ato No. nth. Inquire IM No. ink or Call 33131. jmldl FIIEN1RHED l bedroom. Urine room, kitchen, dlnett. attaehed a r a a a. Itt. 1-11)9. ImlOl CUTE, MODERN 1 bedroom, eleetrle. freebly decorated. South. Adult. Work in, coupla preferred. Ph. 436, or a-lM. NEW MODERN unfurnlihed du plei with aeraee, near Hollywood. Ayellablr BepL I. Ph. 4-t0O. 1310 , Hickory St. JrnSOO1 FOR RENT One bedroom houee. North, lnoulre at 3510 Portland Rd. ImlOJ' BUSINESS RENTALS BITLOINO IN Hollywood, approximatsly 10 sq. feet. $50 a month. Call Raw lias Realty. 3-4M4. or 41711. jo GROUND 1X0 OR office or store space for rent. Call at Pitta Market to FOR RENT APARTMENTS LEE APTS. Salem's Most DUtlngulahed Address One bachelor unit, now available, 187.00: another bachelor unit avail able Sept. 1st.; all large and roomy qutrttr with lots of closet apace. ittt N. Winter. Jp301 NICELY furnished 1-room housekeeping room. 197 N. Liberty. Jp30 IN TURNER Modern nicely furnished I bedroom apt. Phone 4-3497. Jp30i PI RSISHFD NICK apartment. Capitol Shopping center. Reasonable. 400 no. 13th. JPJ01 CLOPE. 1ST FLOOR. 1 room. bath, pri vate entrance. 6S Center St. Jp304 4 SOOM iwDtRN unfurnUhed. else ranse. refrigerator. Water, heat fur nished. $30.00. 3160 South Commercial alter 4 p.m. Call 41453. )p3M NEW MODERN 2 bedroom unfurntthed Private bath, entrance. Living room, kltrnen. nook, cloiets. built ins. etor- ate. electric heal. otUltte. Quiet location. Phone 37313. )p300( CLOKR IN. attractive, furnished, 1 rooms, near state bouse. 3-oa3. Jp3ol" , a LARGE 3-bedroom house, close to down town shopping area, call 3-4114. jb CLEAN 3 room furnished apt. Prefer , couple or lady. Phone 21033. JpSOl . SEPT. iTH One. 1 bedroom anfitralshad , K apt AVAILABLE MOW. One. 1 bed room furnished apt., newly decorated. ' Inquire at Weber ApU South llth. P304 Madison Court Apt. Newly deroreted. unfurnished apart Blent. 330. Alio, nicely furnished apert. menu. Hollrwood dlitrlct. 1041 M,o. ' on St. )plto 1 ROOMt unfurnished. Store, relrTevr slor. sutomatle washer. Adult. 37103 mornlnei. JpMI RtCELT Fl'BNISHED larte. eleaa apart ment. Otmtlei funtlahed. Reaionable. jee rw. ntn. JP30I' CLEAN. SMALL, MODERN, -room fur , aished apartment. I or t aduiu. He ; peu. Sheldon Apartment, lie n. Llbertr ivm r TEST NICE unfurnished 3-bedroom t opartment. 113 N. I4tn. Rente. re rrlgtrator. vaihtng macoins and water r furnished. Phone 3I5M. Jp301 m moom luratshed opartment, private ;i batb. 701 H. Liberty. Phons -47 v ' k UPKTAIRS Dl'PLEX. I rooms. PurnLsh V . ed. $, Phone 3-I7M after pre. M for Mrs. Prerwh. JpSW V'? kirat T rt'BMicnrn ....!." B.T" boasodor Apta. s60 Ma. Summer, jp fOMtENT APARTMENTS TWO. t BOOM faraUkaawTTn: i tBtrtmcal,. Trori!a,V " Laundry facilities. Llinul a;.....;.." '""" Perrr Si "cl aoo aMtalra apsrtmeal Puralshed. lu ... ... :t m.pH avo. Phono 3-1111. jpmjI BACaTELOB APT. Attrecil..l. ,,.. iT "uuoiata Capital I Snsppint Ceater. Klectrte lib it, drr-l ' Alse apt. jultatla for J ,uit. tat t-ROOM ritTAaRS tpartmeat. Reaee Kir, leuasrr. utiiitlta pal M at. pa. HOJ4. mi HU(1 A IPMl UlBtl famished saqiurt . l still Puraltere BRADY lar WlBUr. Pin, aul.t ! IB. auaaa haatad fnrauhad ihhim.1 I Adalu. Pa. 3MJ3 er 31341. Saadbcrtl Apia.. 115 Ma. Winter, I RAXBM'S rrJUT larra 1 bedroom, fir aiaca, nauurouuoo. setsci area, sun. loses I BOOM riBNIIHID apartBiaBt. prt- omui. Buumi paia. roam 1-40M. ipia-1 FL'RNISBED email apt, Beth. atlMUea. I aiaia aiuidlaal, imlfarelty, WaU-1 ma wiance. eae B. capital. VEST ATTRACTIVE l-raeaa tarntahad apariaiaBt. new ranee, saw refruera tar, sow waahar. PrlTata at sad entrance as kua line. M pat. Adalu anir. woraina or collate couple pre. I erred. Itt. month. ! Brooke. 1 aloft. CLOSE IN. 1-eedroom apartaaeBL Rawly a.m. pTeicrrad. aaa. Re. ""r- jplso GARDEN COCRT. newly decorated. room, with bath. Rafrlsaratar sad - lumunao. cvooad Iloar. Tl hookup and automatic waabar taeltxl ed No peu. 0j Be. 13lb. e-nl. lpMo MISCELLANEOUS BZE-HIVB TROCKa O-DRITB MOVE (OBRSKLP AVE CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS luara Wl AXIOM 111 court ST. ranai a:iaai PAOB BTEVBNaOR and AL MBPPORO SAIaOI RAKD ORATBL CQMPAJrT I vontracw woti Road Clearing . iMtehkas Sewer and Bajameal Bquipmenl ReataJ Oltching by the Pool Pboaa Daya )-tfM trae 1.4411 w E.14U Salem, Orataa DENTAL PLATS inini a-mt. SERVICE IN MOST CASES OR. HARRY SEULm nnirnr Sdelpb Blda.. State CommerdaJ su rn i-Hii LET tis DO your fuh amoalng aad flih I BUILDING MATERIALS tb,..saar modern bath tub. ihowar aiau with faucet a drain. Oood mod ana door. Beiem Oenorel I wopuai. iom nunc home.) masoo I APKTTAr. - - at M M per carrier load, ap-l v,w,alatcir i.,uw leet. 1J r et mo each. BDRKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone 113k Turner maSol' WINDOWS i Urgeat atork la Salem. New weath tretripped window, completely aatem bled, 11 30 up. Large modera eaabu and ryttal picture wlndowa, aa tip. av via cooicaj oargaiB pTtcea PLUMB INO new toneta with aeat ua m ao"ill" waih bailoa, complete 17.W amm .uoa wim iittinu Double laundrr traya. completo Shower cabinets, complete .. Double kitchen sinks, electrlo water beaters, pipt , 4" solid Oranceberg Bloa .... . W.M , M.71 . 41.00 heap frOO gal. steel septle tanks OTHER BAROAXN8 II? Ml Metal tarate doors with hdwa.....4ft New ixl plasterboard 11.4a 4ii waterproof wallboard $1.71 Interior and citerlor plywood ''. cr.oa.Q supply a .19.79 Overhead gamea door hdwt I1J.K vdub laiuiaiion, per baa ...... tl Roll blanket Insulation bargsin "Jsp Birch" plywood 2c " -jsp eircn - plywood " Mahogany plywood . No. 1 cedar ahmgiea .... No. 1 Cedar shingles ... No. J Cedar shingles l-tab roofing 43r !.J SIM I 4.00 M M UP I Panel doors, herd wood doors, all types glass doors lowest prices New fir door Jamba .12 50 Painted cedar shakes I10.7& Tjn painted cedar shakos IS 00 new noes 1 (w aiding ID 60 Exterior whltw paint 9391 Shako molding, per fool lOc C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-0M One milt N. ( reiser Oil PLYWOOD Interior and Eiterlor. 4il eheeta or I In cut ,li. MU1 end le ft. up. cedar I mi. i"n upt, aia ta sis M. Doore. M M up. Birch. Mahoi., Prr la Slab door,. Panel In Fir. Shake 110.73 an. up. Hardhoerd 31.71 iheet. Hem. arte.. PH.. 333.30. Uld. Wallboard, Roosk Inr, decoratlfe pinela, sad Lumber an priceo runt. I Free delivery and eetlmetlnt earvlea. I nomine oownia mo. ta nay. Open all dap Sat. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 3343 Portland Rd. Ph. 44433 Remodel, Repair, Now save your cash for s rainy dey Its down payment, I- months it par Epping Lumber Co. 1740 Sllverton Rd. Ph. OtltS OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS USED ELEC. SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE B1NOER FEATHER WEIOHT PORT ABLE. LIKE NEW. 313.30. UNIVEB. SAL CONSOLE. NEARLY NTW. 333 St. BINOER CONSOLE. 134 M. CONSOLE I 1 nil;. ,,. BEKWORE PORT ABLE. LIKE NEW, 3113.30. UNIVER. MORE DESK MODEL, REOULARLT I 3334 98, NOW 3173 33. 33 DOWN ON I EAflV MONTHLY PAYMENTS. REARS I nuututa w. 3t St. CAPITOL. n!01 DAVENPORT and Chair sets. Start at sis-is. Terms or course. USED urn. CHAND1SE MART. 370 S Liberty At. Fhone 4A371. B30i I TWIN SIZE box sprlnsa and mattress. I uniy siess tor the set. UAED MER-1 CHAnoiac mart. 370 S. Liberty St rnppw we., lerms or couree. n300 OUT-OP'TOWN client will sacrifice rfelcreit cemetery iota at IM 'en. iinunr price u its so. See Mr Vorheea with Dentoa Denton. Phone Mil m "AVAGE. lever action. Lyman prep- sisht. Case and ammunition. Like 1 rfneet condition. 413tl. a3 NEW LAL'NDRT trays, boya bicycle. jrnone i in xelm ar Drive, a 200 BILTWEU. swing rocker. fit isu I coikuuob. neeriy new, 1 club chair, i la vary god condition. 1 library table good condition. Please call evenlnssf after t SO or i 00 p. m or anytime t Ssturday and Aunday. 1)3 Lancaxtrr Drl- , n33 RENTAL BANT equipment, half price. Steam table, sink. hood. Preach fry. or and gutter, baker a ocales. Ninon 01 cash register, dishes, pans. Msny other items. Phone 40b Turner. n23 SWEDISI SITtOCEHANNA I CheekerM iock. Like aew. Phone 3-3371. IM. hand 771 Brers. n203 stnr. A-l eoadltles. Phono 1-1471. tis Olea Creek. Weit Salvia. B303 AUTOMOBILES I dxiva LODER 4SI CENTER WHAT WILL The Following A-i Used Cars Must Be Sold By Sept. 1st 1953 No. 239P ' 19S1 No. J7SP 1991 No. 288P 1948 No. 317P 1930 No. 819P 19S0 - t No. 820P 1992 No. 323P 1990 No. 327P 1948 No. 328P 1930 No. 333P 1932 No. 341P 1949 10S1 Ford Custom Sdn. RltH 1851 Ford De Luxt Sdn. R&H 1048 Ford De Luxe Tudor. Heater. 6 1952 Ford 8 Mainline Tudor. R&H 1949 Ford Custom Sdn. R&H . All above A-l used cars carry our 6 Mo. 6000-Mile guarantee in writing. VALLEY M0T0R A - USED CARS WITH PHONE 33147 FACTORY DELIVERY AT ONCE PACKARD -WILLYS Don't Cancel Your Vacation Plans! SEE US TODAY -AND SAVE! FACTORY SAVINGS PACKARD SERIES $372.15 PACKAD CLIPPER SERIES 350.15 WILLYS PASSENGER CARS .... 235.00 We take care of all details and arrangements ELSNER MOTOR Co. PACKARD -.WILLYS DEALER. 352 NO. PHONE 3-7802 p i Jutamute!' Vtou gef a better Used Car from a Bufck See the selection OTTO J. LSON COMPANY COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 2-3B23 11!,.,L'J5.!TI'. ,.".-..,,a"' h,,"r "NOLItH Ford 4-door. 1143 lh 1133 er test offer. 1-1731. ;0f st. Ph. 3-t773. elos- lsas BI'irK B'iper coavertltle. Radio Br FBIVATE party. Bereela lete model Raster. Drnellow. excellent mecbanlral rer for ,ale. Mm mile,. Leavlat rllr toaditlOB. seu it trade. J.1473. .303- for some time. Fione 303 it. o,tl THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Safcra, OrejoB AUTOMOBILES SEE THESE PREMIUM CARS ' 1947 NASH 4-DOOR TU mm to 4ara fin trauiMrUtis. Isaofej aal nu food. aUaiota it Haa tw raal bal at U ! 1949 "98" FORDOR BaautUut Maroon flnlib. Bietllaal i tariar. Big aixl atrons. K you'ra look lag al UMd cara, aon'l lail m chack . lala earl 1950 FORD V-8 TUDOR Hary vat raallv oroud f ibta ttodtlt Va'ra arood. loo! You'll a araod u loia avar mij P7 iowa BROS. PHONE J-7873 YOU OFFER? Mainline Tudor. Heater 1 USED CAR MART- A PERSONALITY CENTER AT HIGH SALEM HIGH ST. SALEM, ORE. Dealer, at V B0UARE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS "" Coil KM. Sell J7. ABC ......Da maenine. a)3. Mabasaay ff.? ' Caal MIS, Bell - - .we .-ma or l-71f. B3 VACUUM CT.RAMPR P ;L""IANrrrzoR, tuts, bears "- v. aea It. XTAPrTOL. n303 Reduced $3 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD I oar ktrrcHTN table CHAIRS - SUOHTLY USED STARTINO PRICE AUO. 14 . MS AUG. 24TH . 320 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT a COURT ST. PH. Skill -We aire S Aj H Oreoa Stampe- RRAND NEW Hamilton Beat poure for only 12, 04. Bare 313. Term, ?..."" OTtD 3SBRCHANU1BE ' ' . uaartr St. whose 4371. BIO. BOTS BICTCLE. 313. Qlrla blcycl. II. uaon conoiuoa. Phone 43SU. ul ArABTMENT elae ranee. T en. ft. Cool. vrawv eviriaaraw. Both fen excellent workiat condllloa. PhoBO J7I1 ar call a. -itjvwMiweoa Drive. nSOl bbatbb .WASRINO machine. Oood warklns candlUoa. Cleaa. 333. Call 3-3333 after k. slot RLECTBIC CLOTBES DBTKB mestb wo. van, wit it rroca sew. Cuae la aad atee thU ana for only Sl4 Term, of couree. VSEO MRRCHAND1SB mt, aie b. uoerur at. raan 44171. akai" FOR sale ar eicaaaie old or, an. will ur o aianee and sntlauee. Went iuaa aieeet. rn. 3Ta4a. Bvanlnsa 4140. nier EOTAL PORTABLE typewnter. Oulet awiax mooai. une sew, tee. ph. 41333. BIOS' KODAK BETDiA DA t moa. aid. 31(4 M aew. u. m. meur vutssuy tuuied. both lor 313a. 14744 day. up) Sewing Machine Buyers w insar eiecirio caoiaat aewing sAAlaaa as low as 111 down, liberal trftdo ea your present machine. Pot a free colored catalog, write ar call. wist gMwiac center. uo if. com'l. Salem. Ore. 33113. n301 TOP SOIL River sill sad nil dirt. Prompt livery. Phooo I-174P ROSPITAL BED for sal ar rent 8, L. suit rnraitura c PBea 3413S. s MeCVLLOCK cm an, saws, sos Bdsa "i. vveai Baieas. aisat lsslas Blip. ply. Pb. 4-U4L a HXARINO AID BALE Reconditioned and kuareuteed Bal tone Hearlna AM et price yon ean afford. Beltoa Heerla ceater, 331 Ore eon Bid. Phone Salem 3-441. nS01a DAVENPOBT aad chair eat. la rood eon- dittos. Cheap, ion Clsiur. Reiser diet. STCTVESANT bunkalow piano and 1334 3M bench, 1 bird easee. ons stand. 3rd at. QIRLS CLOTHES ehow. coats, sue I to 14. Phone 3-3737. n3M SHALLOW WELL Myers pump. 330. Ph. 3-37M. nMl It-FOOT BOAT Oood ehane. Mew Brlcts strsttoa taa motor. 173 hora. Coit 333.30. Will aell IM. Letted bath tub 111. law Kapphaba Rd. Ph. Mill. B3M 11-FOOT BOAT tad trail, r. Oreoa' Sporuat Oood. 1311 S. Commercial or phooe 3-II4I afUr T:00 p. m. B3M 134J ENCYCLOPEDIA BBITANNICA. a. ceueat conoiuoa. Tear book sad book cace. 43433. nlot BEDSPREAD. I lane klvlnt room pie tur, I, euialeu eteeJ Rover ware Dormeyer deep fryer. Hamilton Beach miter, eu. 3o Market at. 1-130 am UED ELECTRIC combination treadle sewing macnine. sewa forward and re verse. A-l condition. Only 034.90. Sing. or Sewing Center, 110 No. Commercial n300 BINOER lishtwelght electrlo portable sewing machine for unpaid balance. Sinter Sewing Center, 130 No. Com me re n30O" Wanted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED oood 3nd trowth lots. prem. ptld lor ho. t lots 33' tnd lonter. Alto, t' stud lot, or multiple of I' plus trim " to It" diem. 8TJRKLAND LBR CO. ph TURNER 1131 EVES. 3403 TURNER, 1-713. SALEM aellt WOODBI WANTS Pltnoe. Phone 3-tlll. na ELECTRIO BANOES. WoOdrr'A Ph. 1-3111 se WANTED I.FX.HORNS tnd colored bene any tuanlty Immediately, will pay over top Portland market, pn. 331 L. Hatchery. na304' Logs Wanted Top price oa todaya' market for long or short second growth fir loos. Por prices, phono 30(00 days, 41704 oven Ings. Wast aUlem Lumbar Co, UN Wsltaee Rrt , Salem. aa307- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO RADIATOB TBOUBLET Valley aeotor co. expert will eolvo your prob- leme sad save paw money Pre. i metes, speedy tarries. Coatee al arty. MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1040 BARLEY 4ll130. Oood condition 101 Rivsrvttw Dr. Ph. 43Q4. m)M HEAVY EQUIPMENT DO CAT. Sereal 0RT33O, Caterpillar front unit, caterpillar rear unit and blade. 04000. Oood operating condition. Re cent overhaul. Prank Maglal. Burns, Oreeon. oe303 AUTOMOBILES SEE IT NOW!! THE SENSATIONAL NEW SPORTS CAR SUNBEAM "ALPINE" BROWN-FOX BRITISH CAR SALES BROADWAY AT MARKET. PH. Ml . SMI Etll'ITT IN 1,47 stodtbaier ca.'i er. Very ood condition. Motor re. eenlly overheuled. as. Phone 4MI also M POVTIAC eeden. Oood aondlllon Pb l-0lt.1417 No. 4lh. ,100. IAI.E OR TRADE 1MT Aledeheker Chem- j.. eondinon Ihroutnout, 47l. Ill Rrv, Dr AUTOMOIILES si NASH twos alas eedsa. overdrive, radio, haatsr. vary sbsrs. 1 aw nee. 31 FORD V- $1385 Cutest Hoc sadsa with radio, keat wr. Terr stool 40 BUICK fI09S stupor todsatttt with re die, beater, durasfl.. MARION MOTORS itrslsl st Ceater 50 CHEVROLET $1203 4-door eedsa. BAH, vary eleaa. tra ceptlsBaUy steel 49 BUICK $1093 Buper 4-door aadta, RAH, etrtlsbt shift. Bbsrpi 48 CHEVROLET . . . . . . . JI650 4-door aadaa with lot f eitrej. B,al i Sam's Motor Co. Liberty st Cheatkttt . AUTOMOIILES $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 41 SEDAN. Hrdn., .11131 . tit . Tit '41 SEDAN. '41 SEDAN. RAH RAH CADILLAC 'M SEDAN ILstded) CHEVROLET 11 SEDAN. '44 SEDAN. RAH RAH FORD '41 SEDAN. RAH HI STUDEBAKER M COUPE 1 tea BEST FOR LESS 4 DO DOE. RAH t M. 41 PONTIAC. RAH Ill 31 BTUDEBAKER (Sharpl lit 31 PLYMOUTH Tl Always the Beit for Less AT KELLY OWENS Co. 800 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4U3 DEWEY'S 52 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Like oft the show room. 51 Ply. Cran. Club Another swell Plymouth 51 Chev. 12-Ton Dlx. cab and a dandy. 49 Dodpe Cust. Sdn. 1 owner, has every acc. 47 Cadillac 62 Sdnt. Has everything but TV 40 Nash 600 Sdn. Not bsd for my age 35 Dodge Pickup i am i Dad out old. Buys like these only AT DEWEY'S NEVER CLOSE 3080 Msrket Ph. 34061 eioo NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 287 N. rHimru SEE US NOW FOR SALEM'S BEST BUYS AT SAM'S MOTOR CO. UNDER COVER - BUT NOT UNDERSOLD! 347 N. CHURCH - PH. 1-7311 f 1MB FORD Con.. ruble, ehow room ton- iiion. eisee. will teke TV eet or Md tar at down payment. Cell 11117 till AUTOMOIILES J SPOTS'. o BEFORE YOUR EYES? . There will be if you look at these used cars this week end or during the week. They are the "spot 1 values" of Salem. Don't miss these "Buys of Your Lifel" , 'SI NASH $1393 atataemsa suiteta d-door aadsa, area, tber era. svardrlve, aeat covere and ell other Noah cuatom equipment. 81 FORD V-8 31203 Cutest tudor sedea. RAH, aeat carer, lew mtleose: immaculate ttulde aad sit. Ill lit under sversse retell. 32 BUICK SUPER ... 2395 Hardto Riviera coupe, RAH. dyna Oaw, leee than is month old. las than 13, set muee. tt'a saautifull , WESTERN MOTORS 134 Braadway '50 HUDSON $1095 Pacemaker deluxe 4-dr. RAH. teat asTorA saailUul 3-tone. Save hundred ea, toie aaei '49 PLYMOUTH ...$995 avpeelsl deluta 4-dr., late Hrlat, BAH, sood tlree sad rery tlaaa. '48 PONTIAC $795 Deluxe t" 3 -door todia, RAH. cua tom seal severs, motor sverhsnlod, srtiiBtl tn-loae flauh. Salem Automobile Co. Phone I-41H BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER ' -Remember- r NO SUNDAY SALES! Tht Weak-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought r r tf.Yl i YoM on LPolt LeisurelyThen Buy Later AUTOMOBILES THE BIG "4" BUYS 1950 PACKARD Deluxe 4-door sedan, over- - drive, radio, heater, beau tiful condition throughout. 1 owner. What a pricel $1095 1948 CHEVROLET ' .Stylemaster 4-door sedan, mechanically perfect and 'Jut as clean as a pin! $775 1948 PLY. CONV. Fully equipped. Top-notch mechanical condition . . . and only $795 1951 M. G. This British nifty hat radio, neater, beautiful light blue finish and brand new white tidewsU tires . . . it's low at , $1395 BROWN-FOX BRITISH CAR SALES BROADWAY AT MARKET. PH. 4-311 OJOI BE SURE TO SEE THESE CHEAPIES! JUST A FEW WE HAVE MORE 1939 Buick Sedan 1937 Packard Six Sedan 1941 Ford V-8 Panel 1941 Chev. 2-door 1941 Chev. 4-door 1941 Olds. Coupe Any reasonable offer accepted. STATE MOTORS til S. 1TTH PH. Mill tiot WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR QUICK CASH FOR TOUR CAR OR EQUITY GOOD PRICES FOR CLEAN CARS TO BUY OR SELL A USED CAR, SEI RON'S 343 BROADWAY PH. I ml eJoi- 133 CHEVROLET delutt BtylellBl se dan. Powertllde. Radio, better. Per fort condition, low mlleetl. Phone M.77I. nil Launl Ave. sitae III IHI.V. I peiene,r club coupe. Rt. no, in. a. zeal, one mii. a.... . Prelum. slot "2TsirirrSSf T.?'".- t,c,lk" ..... eiw- AUTOMOtlUS '32 PLYMOUTH ........ $1709 Cr, nbrook Belvader Betas. Let St with utrssl "30 PONTIAC ... Deluxe S-doer aadaa. sad rosily shsrpl '48 CHRYSLER I129S 1st mllesae ...... $893 Here's kit sar Tsiss si law pneel i ttMHtta) Ta Sarva Tom Ba,Uyt SM Berth tTeth Sit Parusad Rd. Stan Baker Motors '52 CHEVROLET $1583 Tudor delate aodan, RAH. A perfeel femur car. Ran 133 buy rs towal '31 DODGE ...... .....$1493 d-dotr aadaa. flald drive, better and defraeter. turBettasls sad bosi as b ptnl Orstl Tslasl '48 CHEVROLET .......$845 Aer tedew, block finish. Mat sorer, tur tltaala. aeaur. sveraSBled mote. Bharp. Vary low price 1 DOUGLAS McKAY UHEf BOLXT CO. o R. rttsttsititi at, MIT AUTOMOBILES $ $ CASH $ $ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY ALL MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors 1113 Broadway Phone l-tel! '47 MERCURY aadaa. Radio, heater, I5T3. Torino. Ph. 3730 tvenlnta. .300. IMS DELUXE Chevrolet elub 11.000 milt. SUM after s a. m O.M.c panel, first class condition lareuthout. See st 3344 N. Capital. . t3f POST jsnsois MkmiAe OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 KXCEUENT 1S4S Oierrolet Deluta' v.,r eiean. area, mono mSB.' ere. COT DOWN 'l wlUrs. Beat offer take. - - nrown no , ayaiem. FINANCIAL PRIYATR MONEY ks Isstl Stt rstl SB- m. Phone imrit. nT. RBI US FOR FARM, CTl'f OR ACRBAtai mimiiw eiaeix ur nilBSB WB BUT sal eetate mortsates 4k tantrssts State Finance Co. lit So. Blrk It Pb. ,U4U Colonial Investment Co. Mortise leans. C octree te. Privets money pltcement. 7 Court St. Phono 41313 riota HIGH PAYMENTS? WB CAM CUT Let's Give Them the AXE! . Dae our eonaolldatisa plan. ' AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. in a, rub et. -Ill M-113 ' mis AUTO LOANS WttLAMETTB CREDrY CO. Ill South Church Parktnt s-pienty Pa. 1-1437 Lis. Na M-1M S-134 Lie S-I33 snd M-3JS sad ROY R SOdMCVIS DISURANCB AND LOANS Besr Tow Trad,," . 1101 Dally KALM 1 3 tO Kt. OntRRAL FINANCE CO. LOANS IM Be. Csstmarelsl St Tel. 3-tlBl LEGALS NOTICE OF HEARINO OF riiesL ACXOI'NT NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN the, k bert W. DeArmoad. Adminutrator with wiu Annexed el the eetate of Ooorss Sines, alas knawa as Oeart Washlnt ton Sines, decesaed, Ealata No. 14,41, hes filed with the circuit Cml .i ... Slate tf Oreson. for lbs County at -h, in. .ire, ana una! account end report of ouch administration. nA ih.. the seme has been eel for heerlns la the Courtroom of th. Circuit Court f the Slate of Oreton tor tht County of Merlon. In the Court Houee of end Merlon Counlr. Oreenn. In th. .it. Selem. on the lib dey of Rentomhar. list, tl the hour sf 1 11 o'clock a.m. " K-iwna inwwao IB told estSIS it returned to than aad there appear e ehow ceuee. If m . ... - and final acoount ahonld aot bo al. tewed and the Adminutrator with Will Annexed dlscbereed. Dated at Salem. OreeAa Ihi. . of AuiuRt. lt.M. ' ROBERT W. DeArmond. AdminTe tretor with Will Annexed si the enete of Ceoreo sine, alaa known aa Oeores Washlnxlaa Slnee. deeeeeeai " Yount and DeArmond Atloraera for Admrnlatrata ttf Couit Bt., Selem. OreeoB rire, moiicetioa 01 Ihla BOtlCt: AOS u" Putlkotloa tf Ihla aotlcti "-"-lTho Ctpltil Joumel bus, i.ii.ti.rt, Sept. s, 134, 1 1!