fa t ' . a h b it h v 3 b v . 3 ti S I a tl , 1: ir B : it . II M tl tl III m H I ai h: bi ri E dj bi ai ki te i at ' Ji h. fi nl te fat n y di R( sn Si Y it et St tt la tr rt bt to S pi. te wl Sa th ba sr loi on I t FOR SALE HOUSES j -'' :. ' ' - - , , n - -P Let me show you the Inside of this place. Will finance. Owner and builder, Tom D.Ike & Son, Phone 2-1329 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 1-5 P.M. t. 1IM INOI.tWOOD AVENUE. 1 BEDROOM. I.IVIHO ROOM DIN INO ROOM. BIRCH KITCHEN WITH NOOK AND FORMIC COUNTER TOP. FIREPLACE, FULL BASEMENT, OIL' FURNACE. TOTAL PRICE. 111,000. t. J1 ENOLEWOOD AVENUE BIRCH KITCHEN WITH NOOK. I BEDROOMS. FULL BASEMENT. PLASTENED OARAOI. fl BED ROOMS WITH LAHOI WAHUHOBI CLOSETS. ttl.tM. , I. 'MM ENOLEWOOD AVENUE 1VSTORT HOUSE WITH I BED BOOMS DOWN. LOTS OP ROOM POR 3 BEDROOMS UP. AI.L B1RCH KITCHEN. HARDWOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. PULL EASE MENT. AUTO. OIL FURNACE, LARGE LIVING ROOM AND DIN INO ROOM. 813,01. 4. JIM ENOLEWOOD AVENUE. I BEDROOMS WITH LAHOI BIRCH WARDROBE CLOSETS', BATH WITH SHOWER AND BUILT-IN VANITY LARGE LIVINO ROOM WITH BEAUTIFUL EIRCH MANTLE FIREPLACE, KITCHEN AND DINETTE, FULL CASEMENT WITH OIL PUHNACJ, PLASTERED OARAOI. 413.400. ALL 4 OP THSI BOUSES WERE BUILT BY FRANF NORTH AND ARE ALL LOCATED ON ENOLEWOOD AVENUE IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW EAST ENOLEWOOD ADDITION ONLY ONE BLOCK TO CITY BUS AND I BLOCKS TO NEW HOOVER SCHOOL. DRIVE OUT SUN DAY FROM 1:M TO I 00 P.M. POR THE BEST BASEMENT HOUSES IN TOWN, SEE ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Maionic Building Real nut 1-8317 Ineuranc Ik) Two Lovely Homes Located 700 Block Brenner Street LARGER HOUSE HAS : LAROB dinino xm. I -CAR OARAOE. LAROB UTZLrTY. BEAUTIFUL SEA SQUIRREL DEN THAT MAY BE USED POR IRD ESDROOU. All cabinets have Formica topi. Living room 21x14' with raised Dutch fireplace. Mahogany paneling around fireplace, with built-in bookcase. Mahogany trim In living and dining roam. Mahogany doors thruout. SMALLER RUSTIC HOUSE HAS: BEAUTIFUL KNOTTY PIH1 DEN. 1 LARGE BEDROOMS. LARGE BATH WITH PULLMAN AND TILED RECEJS, AND EX- Mahogany paneling around fireplace. Mahogany trim In living room, and mahogany doors thruout. FIRST HOUSE WILL BE COMPLETED ' WITHIN 10 DAYS. Second house to be completed shortly afterwards. Both homes are elaborately decorated with paper In the dining area and color icheme thruout. Before You Buy Consult Us for Custom Homes PHONES 4-6634 - 2-8395 OPEN HOUSE 8UNDAY 2 TO 6 P. M. AUG. 23RD. 4120 GARDNER ROAD OUT 99E SOUTH TO BROWNING, TURN WEST TO TOP OF HILL Thli boat It foaUr tettlr. DoiltBtd it add aUaavrt to oom- fOTL A DEW VPIVTAIM THAT 34 OUT OP TUB WORLD. Bztra half bath 3Udl4a( oil h4at 4) Boom, that naka your homo lift out of tbla world. Baantlful vail ta vail airpU d AU. a oar varan AL ISAAK and CO. REALTORS 1039 PORTLAND ROAD. PH. 43311 OR 37820 FOR SALE HOUSES EAST ENGLEWOOD Jmt on uarktt. a nleo modarn homo. bodrooma, kitchen, living room, dlnlni room, broakfait nook, bird wood floor t. ftroolaro ytllltr at tached tarava ell heat. Lawn, floweri and chrubbfry. Prlco la 41 J 000 with atrmi. KxrItnt TV rfceptlnn. ABRAMS. BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Maannto Build In f fteal Batata Imurava Mortfare Loani J-IJ17 3-4704 Of 3-1344 0304' HKAI TAXKH Iniulattd, olHtrlo btaC 4-vr.-oM l-bdrm. houat at attacttod araia, nlco Jancod rard, cloat to arhooL atoraa bui, Ttrma. M Phoaa 44191 ovtolnta. a3Ma HO NOIM ... NO TRAFFIC A ptrftet location ta South VHIatt. Oultt. ptactful area, rat tonvamrnt to arhoola, ehopplni and bua. Ranrb t?po home wltn 1 bdrma . I a ret LR wittt flat flrapUca. Tha kitchtn la ao Bleo It makea oooklnff a pleainrt. Thia homo haa real raluo for ID. too. Call a todaT for tmmedlalo ihowirti. rRANK LOCK WAN. RKALTOR S03Y Falnrounda Rd. Pb. 4-439) a1 HALF AC ROMrt I44M1 MUCH LFM FOR CASH" Fin flow -In toraiion 100 yda. NORTH ol Salem Fira StRtloB on Olen Craek Road. Bet thia 3 R. R. atueco homt at 1330 Park war Drift, snmt fruit, marveioua carden roll. ATUIXXR. R;tr Ph. 3BSB7 or 45713. R304 ; CLAMRtf IED ADVRRTIiINQ Per Word, fl tltato 14 Pet Word ,,. 4 Per Word, t Umeo. I Par Word. I OMR lb aa No Refaode Mlolataat 10 Worde READ K Wis Lo Newt Colaaia Oalr. Per Word It Mrohwaaa 1 Worda. Ta riact) Ad in Same Oaya Piprr, Phana t-tH Bpfort If bjb FOR SALE HOUSES Salem, Oregon Merti iff Loans Bret, 1-4709 or I-7JM 4lW LA ROE BATH WITH COLEMAN CABIN ETA. OCCLUSIVE SLIDINO OLASS SHOW ER DOOR AND TILED TUB RE CESS. BEAUTIFUL BIRCH KITCHEN WITH ZATINO SPACE. CLDSIVt SLIDING OLASS DOOR. BEAUTIFUL BIRCH KITCHEN AND DINETTE. LAROB UTILITY. Automatic waahcr and drr. Oar, ahanninr YouDiatswa kitchen 4) LlvtDt room ned only your if vorito chilr to tnjor ttltrUloa in th4 ath dttrti. Ono of tha loTfllrit flreplacai you havt avtr itin. Owntr will accept a amalltr kom aa part pannant. i Prkod at onlr 114 M0. Mow can rem miur FOR SALE HOUSES TODAY'S BEST BUYS ALL THIS FOR 11400 DO WW t bfdrooma, forced air furnart. tilt otin. pavaa roada, liwo in, hardwood unors, picture winaowa. J one n. Oott. WHY PAY MORS? Beautiful weal view in r.nlimri t bedroTma, larct l,Hn and dinlnt rnoroa, ex4iu11ta den witb out tide patio, birch kitchen, 3-car ttraia. Onlr 010,900. CONTACT OWNER-RU1LOFR GLENN HAMILTON 14 Fatriroundi Rd. Fb. 3-0O43, 3-331 4300' mmm BUlLnKR MUST SACRIFICE l apacloua rooma, 3 twin-alve bed roome. 1 hatha, automatic oil lwat, larte basrment with laundry room, i Cfllent eonatruruon. You will like thia aorgeoua Ux rt. living room ith lie warm fireplart and lant ptelun window Evpaoilre panoramic view, good aetehborhcod, Atlraetive aeparate dining room. Doiinlo gar act. ownft atva aell Prtc reduced to only 111.400. Very eaay terma. FRANK LOCK MAN. RKALTOR 30 J Fairground Rd. Pb, 4-4343 4301 -TOR KA1-E by b-illder. New 3 bedroom home. 14 cu. fi. deep freer. Bart a in Inrluded one tk only se at IT 3d Lannna At. p-iont )0107. aJOO JVBT COMPLFTFD I bdroom iniuiattd home, float to Weahineten achool. 34 Laraoa At fuot aouia eg Silvenoa Rd. a303a, I FOR SALE HOUSES HEW Mom. aaar school. 1 krooma, double linit, dr1I.Bl bwwM tiiooo. am a. mt sl im WILL SELL ar Ukt trailer boueo or car lor dowa aarm.nl en 0 a.r wlta ale. 4-bodrcm fciiw. 33403. 3M t NEW S-bedrveca turnee. Bear KhoeT t. blMa, w but. Call l-OU elur m tin MM. anus, modera I bedroom bMud. Newir MlBt4 la aaa out. i acre. Phono 4-1701. ftlM' I MODIIN nOUKKt aa game lot. Oh 4-rear -04 -room. oa year eld 4 room. Oiruti .tUcW. 1411 Broad Way. Make aa Iter. a3l I BEDROOM lOlll. ClOM U 3 grade ckoeis. But eervlco, 1171 m. Llbertr. aMI BY OWNER 4 room older beoM on one Door, etaemenl. Lsirtt lei. Lata of tree and ahruberr. CIom la. Baaa aehool dutricu Priced to Mil for eaah. 13 14. 4101 Y OWNE-Ho.lywoQd dlatrtet. 4 bed rOOBU, kllChCB and BOOL. dining, gad living room. oarowooa 11001. nro plico. forced air Bl. full butntnt. Coil al BatICK BO I'll, Bttacbod brick iirut 1 LoU, lull ooMmcDt, tavvdutl turnoco, toon beat, 4 bodroomi 1 kw, J op) lario UvlDf OB4 dlninf room, imoU kitchtn. both, boll, hordoooo fiooro. iirtp.KO. noo imu root, wvcir uwa, ohrubo, lrt lordM. I opplt Irtos. 1 walnut. Frleo 110,000. roeaa wiua- mica 21. Ul Otntr? St. oaoo tM DOWN. 131 a Month. Neat atul CItaft. 13115 LIT. Rm., Dia. In. Wlrod for ranic, Elect. Hot waWr, Troaa, In m. E. alm, dtr wittr. oowcr noetott HM. B. A. UoOlaufllQ Ktal Eitato. i Broadway. aMii, bo. J-M1I. a3o OPEN HOIMI lote Browa Rd. UiHll DUO. I U6 roomj, firplac4, beautllul hardwood noon, lario warorooos aoo ciomu. Tlltd bath with abowcr. Attachod ta rait and utUltloi. Coma out aoytlmi and lata talk ovtr Urmi to autt you. Pordrco ao4 atoaploa, BuUdtra tod Coatractort. aaoi BT OWN KB Caodalarta 1-btdroona. doubio tract, lant atuitr. iix.ooa. 4-M1B. 4314 BT OWNEB 4-bodrooBi bOBM. 1 ftro- placaa. 3 bath, douhlt taruo, pur' room. Tttw. J -44 41. HW' BJVIB nONTAOE 3-bodroOBl hOV. booutlful atttlnt, landacapod. blockt o. of ftfanbrtn aardoi. itiqo. bi owacr, aroha Haaeock, 1UI XiTorortti Dr. Pb. 34210. 8700 BT OWNEB New homo. 3 bodroom and farnltura. Hear achooL Loavloff cltr priced to tall. Opea hoaao Sunday. 37n atdoaa Ave. H4 Tin. 1. aaw BY OWNER Beautiful bdrm. bona in a tettlu of 3 larao oak treea. wonariui view from patio of rolltnv hill and mte. 471oaa to park, pi an round and jwim aiinc pool. Jr. Hi. and new blab aehool 1 blk. Llr.-dln. -kitchen -3 hatha -larct partr rm. with email kitchen ntiutr rm.-3 fireplacaa-wall to vail carpet on main floor, aaphalt tUe on baaemcai floor -an all work ahop-auto, ell fur. Fenced backyard. Prlco $13.00fl. 1710 S. Winter St. Ph. 37143. a300 3 BCDROOIC ONI FLOOR . TRAD! Thia haa larcc Uvloc room with lr culatlns fireplace, hdw. floor, plenty built-ina. aarace. Newlr painted. Lot 441130. Bua br door, onlr woo. Ttrma or take 3 bedroom with upatalra. See ox at once. ED D. POTTER, Realtor in a. hub at. n. i-iut t BEDROOM HOME, U-tO-WIll C.I- patlor. n.w oli rurntct. mc I1Z.7H. un Mmiuoii. rnoiw -u. ) ATTBACTIVE t blroom bouu la Wut S.lrm. IMS 4own. H moiu. 1731 Si.rll.ht Dr. 1M. MM' 3 BIDROOMB, full bavaament. automatic eU heat, Xlngwood Heighta. 34111. a300 AT 4-COBNIRS. near achooL bua and ahopplng. At 7M south Lancasur. A cute, clean 3-bedroom home with extra lot for gardening. Raue, heater and new carpeting goea. Owner bought larger home. Immediate poaacaalon. OLAF THORNSTAD, REALTOR 41 N. Capital St. Ph. 3703 4303 BY OWNER 3 bedroom home. . Waab- Inaton. fireplace, full baaement. 41 7M. 3500 down tear terma. Phone 3-144. 41 OPEN HOUSE' 1 TO 5 SUNDAY , 10 Olen Creek Rd. Excellent ranch type home, eparioua llv. and din. rooma, lane bedrome, baaement, air cond. furnace. 3 car garaae. patio, Ineloaed backyard, nice ah rubbery, fine auTroundinca, view. The price it rteht. See Ed Schreder. B. M. MASON, RLT. lt a. coml. Fb. I ntl. art. Mm 3Mr IF YOU LOVE. FLOWERS SEE THESE 2 HOMES WITH UNSURPASSED FLOWER GARDENS GRACING BEAU TIFUL. LIVABLE BACK YARDS. 1. MANBRIN GARDENS Manbria Oardana epeaka for ltaelf. However, If rou ara new in Salem, you ahoutd know thia location la choke for auburban living. The entire area ta populated with eye-appealing modern homee, and thia ta one of the tineat hnmea In the neighborhood. 3 apacloua bedroom, fireplace and dining room. Slick la Ida and out. All eltr earv Irea In auburban aettlng. tltfo down, 41000. Aak for CUFF BOW DIR. home phone 3-953. 3 BEDROOMS - EAST 'NDPP SAID about the yard: It'a beautiful. 3-oedroom home. Immacu late. 3 bodrooma down, I up. Separate dining room, attached garaae and aeparate ahop and deepfreeie room. Selling below FHA appraisal at 44440. Aak for DON DAVIS, home pbone 3-7033. WUl.in.tta Vallay Bank Bldf. HOLLYWOOD DISTKICT Fhon. Et, .n .! 3IH FOR SALE LOTS Virw LOT Tzl0fi. paved at.. In reatrtct ed dutrtrt. City water. Will take a car or equity la email home. Phone 4-irrr aaroi REAL ESTATE RIVER BOTTOM LAND 4 Acrea. 3 acrea pearhoa, I acrea fllberta, acrea pie cherrlaa. Owner for rean haa cleared 104. or 110.000. on orcharda alone. Can rait mint, al falfa, be arm. etc. SECLUSION AND QUIET 3-bodroom bouea, living ream, break faat nook, hardwood floora, baaemmt, oil furnart, city bua 1 block. Near park. Double garaet. Lawn and ehrue bery. Very nice buy at 1 1 J. 000 ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Maaonle Building Real Rotate Ina u ranee Uortgagt Loana 4 317 Evaa.; I TIM or 3-470 eMI lO'V DOWN Oa thia I bedroota home, la a good r.t!c hbor hood, luat being eomoletod. Price 33M. Olad ta anew. OR If yea weed t bedrooma let we enow you a real beauty that baa everything Including 3 atu of plumbing 3 ear garaet. The price la only nt.OO. Never lived in. WM. SLIVER 4 CO.. REALTORS 44T N. RUb SU pa, 3-1417, Eve. 3-47T3 K1 THE CAPITAL' JOLUNAL, Salem.' Oragtm UAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS ovebxookmo mvaa uro vauxt-oo. t tu kv kur. ia ..n. DK. itru. kis Hi. and sis. rm, .11 Mrk eiuam, ut. dunwubir, bd4. fir... .uia. oU katl, u.. l.rrM n , lam tlar. ThrM Blaa Mrai., bw ud paiu. Y ceuldn'. k tar aannint ra BraaS Ma. a. laa Ural t, aa I1I.M0. CALL bot a. rEBRia. ENOLEWOOD BBAUTT If faa sra lMklas It s .MCkMl l-kra. kaaa. I u It. Brautl'ul Ul. Mt, rau.. Sia. ra. alia kuUI-la kull.l. TU.4 kata aaa Utckaa, slllllr m. allachrt tlaiM saru.. CAU. 1. B. LAW. MOTICEIIl TBU la ak.t raa ka.a ka aalllat lar. Plnl tlau aa aiarkat ara tbaaa laa kaautllul acraaia baaMa la aaoa ,raa. Wanll fil l (i.r.u tllbar. TtUt lll.M aa 1.M. CALL O. H. OKABINUOIiaT, n. MOTEL-KIOITWAT anil aalu aim ncm lor lour aodltlaaal aalu. Ooaipuulr lurauaaa. Ovaari auartwa. Cloa.-la u twa aa4 raauuraola. WU1 eontxltr Ua4a far laaaaia ar rawSaaUal area rlr. CALL JI. X. LATMOM. SET RANCH nrfact alaea ta ntlra ar auaalaaual faaUr laaoraa. Lacataa) u f ika hlU aaulb kaauttiui 3 karat, aana aim .b. dkla. alb,., lata af vaur, t.ncad. alMtr af raem for a (aa haraaa ar catua. kaautllul atabla aal-aa. laalla, ihaa. Flcl.ua lavaa, 1,. aatlo. Haaia avtrlookA dtr aad ..'I.T. Ovaar laarlas auta Far riutau Oaulli CALL ROT jTERRia. OHB ACRE SOUTH A ,,rr alt. t kdra. nona. Ltr. rai.. 41a. rat., kJtaaaa alia krkf. aook. A lull burnt, with a tblrd kdrm. Fira. pliti. aa all luraaca. laU af fruit uaaa. rrlea Ill.KX. CALL B. r. LATMOM. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 114 A Llkartr at rn. J-ntl BTtalBaa aad BuaSan can H r. Larnoa t-llll J. B. Law HlU Bar rtrrti l ull NORTHEAST Lovelr rr.-oid -bdr. homo with an nnfiniahed npatalre. Flreplae. Auto, oil htat with att, c a rata. Lane lot aad aardca apace. Cloat ta bua acheot. Pul price 17350. RICHM0NDSCH00L DIST. Wake offer on thia seat 3-bdrm. homo. Ftncod yard. laom. poaa. Oood terno. Aaklnc 37944. Openlaa far "dlckerinc.". VISTA DIST. Folkj muai have more bodroom ipeee but aulek. Offering dandr 3 adrm. borne with dlnlnc room, fenced ratd, att faraae. Lav taxea. u. a. ioaa couia ao aaaumoa. ' 4 CORNERS DIST. Owaar aiorlal ta Portliad. Mutt Mil tkll w.ll-bullt 4-rT.-ala t adrm. boma. Lara, let, good aou, aaalr daceratad thruout. Claaa ta acbaoL IMW. T.rma. "JUST A SHORT HOP" to Salem Ha If bua achooL A good 4 -bdrm. homo with lota af around. On patement. Lertir ahade treea. Ideal for tha larger family and offered oa good terma. Full prlco 33000. CLOSE IN, NORTH Htat 1 roomi and bath. Smitl lot. Wilklcr diit. inr saw Main si Frisk araltct. A good dial at IIKUJ. Lau th.iv. 1. down. - NORTHEAST Older 3-bdrm. homo on I acrea. good land. Oarace, chicken houxe, oxeoiient weU. Win trade for 3-bdrm. la Iowa ta 37000. Aaklng 310,000. Thia could be developed. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR ui a. hub at. a. B. B.ek.U . Fb. !( avaalau a.aaaaaaaaapgda REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wl NEED L1STTNOS: Honifta, Parma, acreaeea, Bualneaea, Motor Court. Taverne: What Have Tout HALF ACRE la Keller. And believe ua, It'a dandy home. Haa aa excellent fireplace. 3 ear att, garaae. Break! att nook. You couldn't apend a nickel on thia houae If you wanted to. owner haa our ehaaed a bualneea la tola only reaaoa ior-eiung. Mveiy yard and anrube, Th price U only 1 11.400. A GOOD BUY fuel lie ted thte economy home. Very near aehool, bua and market. Nice end elean. New paint. Large garage. Sep. utility room. Iniulated. Large lot. pui price onlr $730. CHARMING LOVELY HOME 100 ad .ft. floor apace. Sep. utllitr room. Either 3 bedroom plug roomy den or 3 bedroma. 3 firepiacea. t car att. garage. Patio, Really nice lawn and ahruba. Only 3 pre. old. The price la enl? 11 500. COMFY . . . SPACIOUS ideal for lg- family. The very beat af location. Only 3 bike, from hicrt aehool. 3 bedroma. Large work ahop. WIU trade for a amalltr home. Sever al fruit treea. Onlr IMOO. 34800 FULL PRICE Tbi would make an Meat rental. The location U fine for achooL bug and market. Owner will trade for large home. Sep. utility. It alao haa a work ahop- MEAT PACKING. PLANT ConeUta af 1 acrea land end badge. Equipment holding cooler, Jtnuhod product cooler, emokg houae, pickling cooler. Hoc killing room. Molding pane, Boiler room. Terma available. Full prlee 140,000. 2 APT. & RENTAL For Burin eu. Both unlti have bath room. 1 apt, furntahed. 30 ft. buai neaa frontage. Terma. Pull price only 37M. $500 OR LOT Aa vert payment for thia family coffee ahop. A long ltat of very ucable equipment. Rent only 443 per mo. Full price onlr 33000 POSSIBILITIES ' UNLIMITED Tea. the Tight operator can really make a mint out of thia property. Haa a lovely aew bldv. with the very beat equip, that money can buy. Pvd. parking area. In a location whtrh will not be Interfered with by the new hypeae I plug acrea of the beM of highway frontage. Price 44 7,7 SO. Or owner will sell the bldt. with equip, plua nice living quarter for onlr 341,70. 12 ACRE ' With a modern 3 bedroom houae tha fa new. Terr clean. Att. garage. Near Salts. Oood well. New elte. ranee. Pull price onlr 1000 23 ACRES Here' a one to raiie your family en It'a eloae te Salem on a very eecluded road. Very dean modern home with a full baaement. iu by 4ft barn ta the beat el repair. Machine ehed. Chicken houae. Prooder heme. All bide, rrtahiy repainted. It A. canebtrrtea Located on the Pudding River. Full price 111 O0. 20 ACRES llodara ardroem kauta. I, by M bara. Chlekta taauaa. H hauat. Amur a.ll. Cro ta'kum If aoM kafora A.pt. 1,1. Lari. family (rult and valaat arcnard. nil prlca oalr 93a0. For Buataau OppartunlllM aad Keatai .all In: BT OBTVMETT IE,.. MB. CRAWFORD Era. 4-ll WB KIOOIKS lEva. 4-MMI OAK ISAAK Et. t-IMI For Farma Onlr call far MR. 1. EAT EN lEva. t471ti. If a. aaiwar .all 4 111" LICENSF.D ALSO IN WASH. AND IDAHO F. A MORTOAOE LOANS AND CONVENTIONAL LOANS N TR. MATVRITT AI Isaak & Co., Realtor OH. rhraaa 41111 ar l-Tt E. ' I 4TTS 4-). 4 MM. 4-WIM, l int, u a. aiuw.i call 4-im ! FOR SALE ACREAGE AC VIS. eecluded. aoane wood, 4-raoaa iivaoia aouae, good water aratem. Btloa aerti Ral-m. J IM. torflna, or aroma trit. Ineutre L. Erin a. North Ida OrorfTT. auvencrn. hb Journal Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE aaooo. Andr Bilroriea . Fb. 1-1111 Si auadart REAL ESTATE NELSON WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Thia cenvenlentlf arranged, 3 bdrm. home, t yra. old, la eiceptlonally well Inaulatcd. haa good plastered Interior, lot 63x110. nice iUe living rm. 131. IS blka. to bua. Tou can handle thia home oa a O. I. loan. Price ITIOS Call Mra. Woottea. OFF SILVERT0N ROD Meat cosy 1 bdrm. home, nicely dec or a ud. hwd. fire., large kitchen, gar age, pvd. at., 4 bike, to bua. Appro. V acre, 3 apple; 1 cherry tree. Prlee 1570. Call Mra. W oott en. BARGAIN HUNTERS ATTENTION!! 3030 S bdrma. 111x10.4 and 13sl3, Living room lx!3 with ewellent fplace. dining rm, and tnaide ntiutr. The lot la 7(ntl33 oa pvd. street and atwer. A real deal. Call AI Watt, 3-73 W. 3 PLUS ACRES ON CREEK A neat coir eottaa overlooking year around creek. Ideal pot for country living end to ralae chkkena and duck. Only 36780. CLOSE TO CAPITOL A good elder 3 bdrm. home, kitchen modern! tod. interior food throughout,, new roof, lot 40x160, pvd. alley. Lota Of fruit treea, all for 3370: tlKOO dwn. COURT STREET . INCOME Valuabta location, aair Incomt. Ur ine quarter, and rtntala, la axetllant eend. Will taka mod.rn boma la tradt. Frlc. I3S.0O0. Call Mr. actimldt. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZINO REALTORS 1M N. Hllh St. Fb. ! cM Itllll IMSM WWW M4MIII 1IMIII14U UWtlaWI itiMimt Muliiiii UltltllUWaWIM tit TV WUIIMU4UI DUI intlllllMIUUtllH kttiilltlt u tmmiM liiiiiil it aiiiuu mil at tttlll LIST SULLIVAN VIEW HOME. I bdrm. ranch etyle. mahogany paneled den with built-in book ahelf and desk. 13x33 LR with vltw windowa and fireplace. OR and BR. NIC. Baaement with perty rm and fireplace, oil forced air furnace. See It at 330 Fore it Hllla Way. 430,400. 3 BDRM. NORTH. Very well-kept home with 1140 eq. It., fireplace, hdwd. floora, breeacway. rloae to Khool. Stove and rcf. go. 313.40. NEAT STUCCO 1 bdrm.. LR, DR. Kit and bath aa lovel 40x124 corner lot; alee tree, ahrub and flower. 1000. SPIC AND SPAN 1 ACRES with fruit, bar r laa, nute, a rental, and a very aloe 4-rm. home which haa full baae ment with a 3rd Bdrm. and a furnace. 3 aL from city center. U 0. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR 541 North Rltb Fb 4-MJ1 E't. FH.l I-IIM. 4-1341. 1-4MI, l llll ! WANTED REAL ESTATE IS TOIE BISINIS for aalal If ao. 1,1 or plan. No Mulattos. RASH FINDER. Wichita. Kana. ca3M WANTED 3 bedroom bouea with rea aon.blo down parment and modern aioothlr p.rmente. C1MO ta arhoea and bua, iimo to inw. Pbra, l ira. JOE PAL00KA L!!"JL".I-. 11 l-n ....fTrr' " Y"' " j I i...jyKf omav, oMZTi fX.. A 60T7A APO-OWZtTet' 2LT J? JX&iFfS NOU &V6 ! tvrrtMA.' THERM NITE J IT IS wr J7 AT 1 Ll HADPA BatAF. Sty Zi HP IS?SV Ui05.Si0rJ2a I Me...FOR TOUH. I aACIN'...GO " HIPS M if ll arj fr REAL ESTATE BACK TO SCHOOL Selected hemee ta meet the problem af cbooiinc for your ealldrea . . . 1. amclewood. s-bedreom, oalr 130 dowa Alao eieee to Ji. huh aad Sr. high Large corner lot. Bua by door. 1, Salem. 3-bedracwa home aaly 144 dowa. Extra large kitoaoa and beeaklaat aook. Cltv eLar round aaly S block. Sue by Soar. I. Sweeia. 3-bedroom Sobm cLy gbofl dowa. Extra lara eloatta La bed rooma. Large kite haa and aook. Sep arate btutty. Full bath. Newly re decorated. Immediate poeecaeioa. 4. Buah aehool. Sue by door. 3-bedreeen houae only 43t dowa. Extra large lei. Extra large garage and work ahop. Out where you caa ha pleaty of elbow room. Newly redecorated, a' I. St. Vincent. 4-bcdrooea home with large dlalag room. Largo utility. Oood alaetered houae. Aaaorted fruit oa large corner let. Both gtreeta paved Oalr 7s. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE ll Sooth Blab Stra.1 Fbaaa -! Fbara araalaia aad Sundar: 4-1111. 4-lJH. 4-Ul. I-JJ44 tw HOMES BACK TO SCHOOL A. 3-bdrm., double garage alateat M. raducad t. ,...111.000 B. $850 dn. 2-Br. inc. range 4 all clra. Full prlca t&no C 2-Br. (unf. up) Dining room, TV racaptloa, HW floor, Ztra lot tnc. ouUldo ataak Si arlll nraplaca, S ft. a II ft. Unlib.a doll Bouta lor tha . (Irla, fia- 1 to I10.M0 D. You are Invited to Inspect dallr from 1 u I a.m. . . . i Hi rniowooD dm., i-br. darlubt baimt., 1 (Irapluaa, saa thia bow. Tarmj. . a Ml RlvrRVirw dr. 1-br. aia hoaanr panollas firaplac Iroa FlrrmaB fura.. aaa parlaf la clodad. A DEAL ...lio.aw E. 100 rt. on Edgewater 4c 2 ' kdra. bona, Saa tbla boma mi a kuataaia lot, oalr 14.390 F. Owner needs more room. H.ra U a dandr. but alth 4 bon ha aaada Bora room 4k mult loll. Aaklas M1M G. One acre plus large oaks kada brook. What a wondonui alae, for rour FETB. v.rr modern, lata-kullt 1-kr. Clreulatlnf lira, placa. auto, beat, hdwd. floora, plctur. wladowa, 3030 strata, aiklas I'.0 H. Near St. Vincent de Paul 4-bdrm. Si daa Una famllr soma, basement, ell beat, patio, aaklni fio.ooo. kilabt coaildir irad. lor rental. Dell Shields, Eve. 3-0049 Joe Hutchison, Eve. 2-4789 Joe Hutchison, Realtor aaa nM..w.t.r n. -si,o eaoo WANTED REAL ESTATE NOT1CB: 11 rour proptru ii tor aaw. real or alebaaio, lUt it wlia as we ban all blada ol aaab burera STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS iu a. aub at. WE saa la aetd ol food bauaoa te Mli Ul sear Salem, u roo wias to uai rour propertr for lalo, tea OftAB EN HORST BROS.. REALTORS U. a Llbertr Pb. 1-3411 cl USTINOS WANTED oa horn,,, aerouu and farma. rrea appraual. Rental aerv lea. Loana FHA 41. 30 Veara Con. .ontlonal. 30 Teara at t Farm Loane 4Vi; to l aaar term. Rental lervlce tor tha out of ltr owner. Jo. L. Bourne. Realtor, llto 14. copitoi. n lllll. ere. run. caaoj" EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BEAUTY OFEBATOB wanted. Oood OP- aortullltr at 40. WlMred Beautr sa lon. 00 U1U at.. Oallu. Call 1117 Or 3104. CD.V.' TRADE ll ACRE aummer Home 13 .TOO, Alao homo In Delaka to trade. What hav. rour John O. Adaml, otla, ore ion. Rt. 1, Zol 111. tb300 BT OWNEB, .all or trada home at Lin coln Beach lor homo in saiom. can adles. rbSOl RESORT PROPERTIES rOR IALS BrelthausU cottage. Cutler Cltr. Frontage on BUetg bar. Modern. Including lovelr fireplace. Partlr fur niihed. Helen Heath at Brelthauot Plorlat, ecaoo- FOR IALE Braithaupt'a cottage. Cutler Cltr. Frontal on 01leta bar. Modern Including lovelr fireplace. Partlr fur n u had. Se Helen Heath at Brrlt haupt'a Flortat. ec3O0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW STOBE bulldlns for rant, 3it0. Modern, located north, faet irowln, dUtrlcL A. A. Laraaa, 111 a. Hlih. Phono lllll. cd301 OROCERT And moat market In up-val- lr town doln, good bualnua. Boa 300. Capital Journal. od303 TAVERN and Ih.rt drderi. Bootha. atoota, pin ball star, bulldlni. aqulpment fu ture., llvtnff ouarterj. Protperouf rol ler town. Borden OOK. Oood Income. I31.00. AL HAUTH COOP. BROKER - MT. ANOEL LAND CO. PHONE BLUE M OR OREEN 41 Cd30 SMALL NEIGHBORHOOD Itoro. Urlnl .nertora, double plumblnf. propertr and fliturol. It too. Sloclt. ll.ooo. Term., or aomo trade. L. Brink, North Bide Grocery, AlLerunK QdJOO MEAT PACKINO PLANT IB Id.h. do IM 111.000 rearlr. Home. 30 acree, evrrrthlni loea for 331. MM. Terma. K ASH FINDER, Wichita. Kanl. edIOO TAVERN la Idaho with llrlna ouar ter. Lob and cinder block bulldlni. Ill, M0. KA0HP1NDER, WKhlta, Kanl. CdlOO Wholesale Our eurvry ahowg that aeveral areaa In the Northrit need a progreaelva wholaaal dlatributor la the .hard ware, aportlng gooda, houaewar. tore, lectrkal linea. If rou would like ta atart la buaineaj for rour. aelf oa a amall lnvaatmrnt and at ill hare the power at a large dlatributor. r offer thia opportunity to a aualiflod man. Tour in -.t meat of to IS.OO0 1 la SBorchandiaa af rour choice. We carry rour dealera aeoounu. Thia buo Intaa offera a aound futur with tJ ceptlonal Ineom. Write to CIRCUIT DUJTRIBOTINO CORP.. 1M1 BARD 4TT, PORTLAND 17, OR; Journal Want Ads Pay HELT WANTED HOP PICKERS WANTED STARTING AUGUST 24 STORES and RESTAURANTS AVAILABLE DRIVE-IN PICKERS WELCOME E. CLEMENS HORST CO. 4 MILES NORTH OF INDEPENDENCE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FEED AND PX'EL Eualneaa In Idabo doing 18, oo rearlr. Oood building with living quarter. Total price 1 23,00. KAAHPINDtCR, Wichita. Kan. cd2H IDAHO MACHINE and Welding Shop do- ing 123,000 mrir. Living guariera vip ...ir. Mar, la. K ASH FINDER, Wich ita, rana. ed300 OBEOON OCEAN EEflORT One block from teach. Twa line ncnea turn jr in.twa Proa, aia.oo. KA&H riNDZR. Wichita. Kane. e1200 HOTEL la .Southern Waahington. T unite, pumice OiOCK ooniirucuoB, nomea. xearir To.um .wv. .ik isniu BTAJtHFINDClL. Wichita. rna. m..,w.ajo)ami aTASI slAlwlal 179 000 VCtT. ljf, Urgt Cltr IB Mllllia KJI1. run 13 000. flome term. KAsflHFIN DaTR. Wichita, Kana. cd200 ; LOCKER PLANT In California doing gao.OOO yearij. incoaiaj vmvm-f -Ing in 237 nonthlr available with locker plant. KAonrinuciv, niia, Kana. giaofl AUTO AND TRUCK Aaencr In Idabo doing S 800.000 r-arlr. Eatahliahod SO yeare. Priced with terma. KAaSHPIND IR. Wichita. Kana. 4200 FURNITURE FOR SALE rcaNITUKE 5-rm. houm. toed, and priced to aril. 9140 8. cr.orcn. 700- WANTED FURNITURE LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF Whit. tic. J, r, ford. 340. Locker pork 45e. Nothlna down. 4 moo. to par- cualom luilnt. Trailer loaned (raa 8.1am Meat Co. 1331 a 3Sth. Pb 3-40M .a RABBITS FOB SALE 40 doei. either bred or with rouni. 4 unrrlated buck,, dandr hutehU. too. 1100 Bhadr Lan., Balem, Ore., after 1:11 p. m. .0301 DOES AND Bucn, California atrala. Good cloaa atock. 4410 Clutar Rd. ,h307 PETS LOST Mala brown Pektneae. An.weri to noma of Chins. 444 a. Cottaie. eclOl- 4 LOVELY klttena to sir. awar. 7TS Breri. 3-1333. M303- BANDITS Ther'll ileal rour hearta. Slameio klttena. Ph. 30438. e303' BEoisTERED Golden colored Feklneio PUP. Mill. OC300' HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1038 McCor. one block cut of N. Capitol. It blorki north of MadUon. Ph. 1-6117. m304 PARAKEET Bablei and breeder.. Healthr blrda. 3180 LmncitoB. Phono 3-1843. .C3W CHAMPION BRED BOXER pupplM. ev- err pup potential cnamploo. aaoore Tropical Flan. Parakeet!, Turtlee, .up pile. 3 mllee from Lancaster on McClear road. 4-3773. Cloud Wednee dar. ec230 REGISTERED alrdalo pupplei. Ideal rhlld'l pet. hunter or watch doi. Phone 1-8010. OU N. 3nd. 303 FREE Have beautiful klttena to lire awar. voo Tlata Are. I-IOH. orroo FUEL PLANER ENDS Orean or drr Out di town dellrerloa. sawduit; bloweri and F.O. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1511 Edl, water Fh. 14031 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatching New Hampshire Oold- ea Broad and Arbor Acrea Walt Rock, overr week. Special prlee to year around frrer growere. Foie Hatcharr, 3830 fttata B t. Phone S-4M9. f WHITE CORNISH Oame Chirks, ac claimed the true irjer or tomorrow, now available to' commercial frver growera. Procrsaora par premium prlcea for thia broad doubla-breaated frrrr. Suantltlae limited and If unavailable, trr th nnt boat, our flrat generation Arbor Acrea White Rock a. Tear-round hatchea every Thuradar. A-eo, New Hampshlrta. LEE'S HATCHERY 3110 Center Street Ph. 3-3H1 floo PRODUCE BILL GROWN Btapper peachea, crab- appi. ItOllina scovrr, up wicn rrck Road. Phone iin. UlQi MOST VARIETY of peachea la eeaeon. worm irr wiRiciwirm, . t, brldsa on Wallace Rd. L. X. Wtndt. .Tn..r. fl31 ROME GROWN Carrote Broccoli, Onlona, Itaaiancai urran rrvirriu, nu Zucchini. Kentuekr Wondera. Pickling Cukea. From garden to rou. MKHAMA OARDENS, I ml. Bt ay ton on old hiwav. "301 PICKLING CCKES freah dally from our farm field run ac pouna. jrgnK:.u grown potatoea. red or white. Peachea bow oa market. PhUllna Bro. Farm MarkeU ao Portland Rd.. talem. Phone J4513. j j urrrrri HELP WANTED NOTICE! 4th picking ataru Mender. Auguat 34th at Rlenecbe'a Blabop Yard and Rltnache'e Home Yard. Caa uee more ickrra. Oood picking. Cloe Uh Pbone mm da Saturday, August 22. 1953 HELF WANTID HELPWAh4TED KITCHEN HELP apwdwar. ter Rt. No phone calla. 117 Can BEAN PICKERR CLOSE IN Oak Creat Farm located t mile north oa Wallace Road from Woat Ralem. Ample parking available. Traoeporta-tioa- availabl bapweta -T a.wu oa eV Commercial at tntereaectloa with Waahington. Fairviaw. and allaalea dui. On Stat Rt. at 13th. Oa Capital Rt. at Market. Heavy crop, verp goo-i picking. Clde la. g30i MEN AND WOMEN to Work ga Mr hop picking machine. Starting Angaii IT. Da 7 aad night Work. Located sallea north of Ralcm on tha River road. Call flalero 4-1333 ar a-1131. Mlaaloa Bottom Harveater. g BEAN PICKERS, 14 and otter wanted for platoon. Picking aUrte Auaua 2Hb. Oak Croat Farm, t'e mllee from Baicm. Tranaportatton faraiahad. Call Mra. BteelquMU, 4-4633 g303 BEAN PICKERS wanted, for Baturdar and Bundar, Auiue'. S3nd - 33rd. 1 Northeaat of relwr on Lake La- , blah. Witch for . Ralph Boaalng. Phone snu. aoo CUCUMBER PICKERS needed. Pickup Brooke Store. Ooapcl park and Oer vati., paat Poatofflc. 1:1 ta 13 Monday A. M. 301 BOPPICKTNO machine, Man and wo men. Call W. W. Oraham and Boa. 4131. to 7 p. m. cjoo GROCERY CLERK, Bavins Center Mar ket. J3M Portland Rd. g HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, C, F. A. EicUenl op portunity with expanding firm af certified public accounta. Bead recuwio to jJavld L. Moonla At Co., P. O. Boa 409, Kureka, Calif. Starting aalarr, (500. galOO WILL TRADE alactrt range for carpaa ter work. Prone 1-413 aftar p.m. ga30fl NEW CAR SALESMAN Permanent poel tlon. Beat deal in valley. Reference required. Write Box 197. Capital Jour nal. gi3(Hr HELP WANTED FEMALE DEPENDABLE WOMAN to live la email country homo, help ra for older ly lady. Wagas. Inqulr 374 8. BetUe mier Ave., Woodbura. Phoaa fill. gb3M SALES LADY. Muat play piano, and anould be musically eiperleneM. WILLS MUSIC STORE. b303 WOMAN in vicinity of South 13th and Falrvlew to do light bouaework and care of 9-year-old glrL 1 hour per day. Phone 3-4034. gbJOO WOMAN FOR light hotaMeoping. eVder ly lady needa aotne art, not badfaat. Two adult a. ao laundry. Call at 33B Duncan Ave. gbSoi EXPERIENCED praaa opera tor. Apply Capitol city Laundry. 134 Broadway. gbSeO CHILD CARS and homework. Uve la. 75 month. Moat weekend off Phong 4-02. ab.no WOMAN to ahara horn with working woman. Call at 14 Lefalla St. before ' 9-00 a. m. or after 1:00 p. m. WMkdaya. gMOO STENOGRAPHER. 3 year or ver. Muat hava Oregon driver lleenae. Call Hill creat aehool. 346 Strong Rd. Salem, or phone 3-3023. , gb301 HOUSEKEEPER for father and S chil dren. No cleaning or laundry. Ph. 4447. Mr. Barnr. gb303 BOOKKEEPER - CASHIER. Speed Way. 1170 Center. sba BAG BOYS. Sarins Center Market. 330 Portland Rd. b OFFICE WORKER to do daily recap of aalea. Experienced calculator operator preferred. Be M. Lrtle ar Mr. Ad ion at Mlllcr'g. gb WANTED Houaekeeper for country. Ph. 3-134S, J. D. Hartwell. gbJiw WANTED SALESMAN 13.000 A YEAR BALES VACANCY AAA-1 Texaa Company ha Immedi ate opening la Oregon for a highly qualified man who like to call en Logtere, Parmera, Contractor and ether lucre of Heavy Duty Lubricant. Rcatrlcted territory. Training fur BUhed. Oeneroua company-paid Ra tirement Program and Ufa Inauranct. Excellent earning from atart baaed on top commuiona. Succaaaful appli cant muat own a good car and ba free to travel day a week, and ahoutd hava had prevloua ealaa ex perience. A diinlfied poaltlon for an ambltloue aaleaman anxioua te make a auccea and permanent connection. Air Mall your qualification to J. L. Harrli, Panther Oil A Oreaaa Iffa. Co. F. O. Bog 711. Fart Worth, Texaa. gaJrti" WANTED POSITIONS WOULD LIKE t. do Ironlns la air bom.. Pbone 3-4948. h304 MAR. ORE. VET. Coll. Orado. All. 30, deslrea perm, po.lt. In whale, parti baa. bandllnt tuea. Salem or Tie. AMI rre. cap. wltb major rubber CO. In wire, mecb and tlrea. Eaaer to learn parte bul. Top rel. lura. Boi 301 Capital Journal. h303 wol'LD like t. bid on rour palatini. pnone l-iaao. h330 pTlvfiNO Interior, uterlor. UrClaln and Golden. Pboe. 1-3133 ar 3-38RI. bin INFANT OB CHILD cari la air born.. Ph. 33508. hJOl- LICENSED DAY NURSERY Pbone 8-8033. Bipoelallr for lalanta and 1 reara. b30l tou need rour kitcbea. batbroom, cetl lnn and walla waabod? Ala. rur win dowi? Call 41114. B30I4 ROTOTILLlNd Utddle Orar. Rnaatr, H30 siirertoa Rd. Phono 4-1833. b PAWTDtO, PAPER hanitna. dar or eontracl. Small lobl weleoma. Phon. 3-74,1. B30T By Ham Fisher J VS.