Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 22, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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I Stumble In WIL Derbv
I tta-auai
Salem and Snokana both
tumbled In their net for the
western International Leatue
lead Friday niiht and as a con
sequence the Indiana held to a
lint half-came martin ever
in urefoniani,
Lewiston's rampaging Bronci
won their fourth straight
irom the Indians. 4-1,
while Tri-Clty tripped up Sa
lem, 14-8, in a free-hitting
contest on the Bravei' groundi.
lamma went 12 inningi
with Wenatchee before eking
uuv ma o-1 win mat put it sol
idly in the first division while
t-aigary was trimming Van
couver, 11-4, and Victoria de
feated Edmonton, 4-1, drop
ping the Eskimos into the sec
ond division. '
Lewiston was ouihit at Spo-
WIL Standings
(Br The AMOcltUd Preaal
Spoken! 34 IS .fcpi
saiem ii n Mi
LllUm 1 11 ITT
Vancouver It .in
Veklme ji un
Sdmonloa . 34 11 .n
Celaarp 1 II .
Wenatchee 3 M .414
Victoria U 14 in
Trl-Cllr a 14 Jll
rrtdnr'e ImMn
Yaklme t. Wenatchee 1 (1 lanlniil,
Leplaloa 4. Apokane 1.
Trl-Cltj 14, Si Km I.
Calaarr 11, Vancouver 4.
victoria a. cumoBtoQ 1.
Satardar'a Scbedale:
ftalem at Tri-CHr Idoubleheelerl.
Lea-utoa at Spokane laplil double.
Weoelchea at Yakima.
Vancouver at Calaatr 'doublcheader).
Victoria at Edmonton Idoubleheederl.
up his
pitchers In
kane, 10-0, but Manny Perez
scattered those he allowed to
Keep out of trouble and notch
Some Suspect That
Reynolds Has Lost "It"
New York JF There is a
growing suspicion around the
oau parKs tnat Allie Reynolds,
uic tjreai mew rork Yankee
ace, may have lost it.
"The 'if in this case being
unuy 10 Diaze tnat last
ball past the hitters when deep
in a oases-loaded 3-2 Jam, and
nis Knack of hitting the corners
with his quick curve.
Reynolds, after all, admits to
35 summers. He's around the
big leagues since the fall of '42.
working about 225 innings and
day once in a while. Maybe
Allie needs only rest to regain
his old stuff. He says there's
notning wrong with the arm.
"It's all right, except it did
n t do any good," he said Tues
day. "It did not do good the
uwi two or three t ma .fit...
These things run in cycles. But
mrae cycles keep running a
little too long."
Stengel may not need Hv.
nolds to salt away the pennant
wun nis lead back to cam.
and only 37 to go. But he's go
ing io need him in the World
lath win against 11
Spokane used three
futile attemnt l
stop the Brone win streak.
iri-tity started ahead with
une-run nomer by Len Tran
"'"V """ but dropped
behind until the thF.....
2 wnen it took a lead
lit. "ever relinquished. Trl.r-
Mother combination, Ray and
a mn, Dom got homers and
-es witnerspoon of Sa
' " was Hay Trans first
uumer oi ine season.
xaxima snaDoed v.
chee's winning streak at
amiini in the elongated fra
cas at Wenatchee. Bob Well
...... appcu mai one up
- de oouDiea and then
came nome on Herman Lewis'
long iiy nail.
t-aigary won its home-
ground tilt with Vancouver
wun me aid of five home runs,
two of them by Don Hunter'
The others were lofted out of
ine parte by Charlie Mead, Ed-
ale xiapp and Don ttriiir.
Harvey Storey. Dlaver-manaJ
ger for the Capilanos. also cot
Hunter's two homers ran his
season total to 25, one more
man Mead.
Earl Dollins hurled four-hit
ball at Edmonton as the Vic
toria Tyees evened their cur
rent series with the Eskimo
at one each. Dollins had
shoutout until the ninth when
Dick Morgan, Edmonton catch
er and first man un. knocked
the ball over the left field wall
ior a phonier.
LOCAL UNITED PRESS eV AHariATcn aertt .. ... '
12 Slcm, Oregon, Saturday. Auiiut 12. 195S
- i
S aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaamaaaaaaaaaa
it I . ZW I I
II 'J - V I
ii virty . v 'fj i
II J V - X- I
3 CT" YhElft
i 'i j n
ii r s sv vi
Portland Drops to Second
Division on 6-0 Setback
Seattle UK Jim Davis hurl
ed steady six-hit ball last night
to lead the Seattle Raniers to
a 6-8 victory over the Portland
Beavers as Seattle took a 4-1
edge in the eight-game Pacific
Coast League series.
uaaiaaa ..
Hollrooorf ...
Lot Anaalta ..
aaa rraaclaca
The big wallop in Seattle's I?!"'??.
IJ-hit attack against Lyman
LOnde was a three-run homer in
the eighth by Merrill Combs.
For Davis it was his 11th vic-
l tory as against six losses. Linde,
who went the distance for the
visitors, suffered his 10th set
back against 11 victories, i
i Seattle got J one run in
PCL Standings
1ST Tha Ajaoclatrd pram
w L TtL O B.
. a at Ml
.an .mi it
. n it .in it,
.. n i .4 v,
14 n AM SI
. 11 SI .441 11
.44 M .414 SfVa
. 4J M .411 SI
Frliar'a Baaalut
aaa PTaaclaro 1 Loa Aoialaa 4.
Honrwood l), Otkland 4.
aacramanlat 11. aaa Pleca a.
aaaltla a. Porlland (.
Ray Orteig walked to open the
I inning, uoidsberry forced him
one run in the but Davis ainsloH r.ntA.h..
i first inning when, with two out, to second and Tobin sent him
mu Tran jyanicn nome with a single. Then
drew successive walks and Combs scored Davis and Tobin
George Schmees singled off the with his towering homer over
shortstop's glove. ; the right field wall
Another Seattle run crossed
rin the second. Gordv Golds-
berry singled to center, Davis
walked and Jack Tobin scored
Goldsberry with a single to
The Beavers put at least one
runner aboard in seven of the
first eight innings, but Davis
proved invulnerable in the
jams. He gave up at least one
walk or base hit in every Inn
ing but the seventh, but Clay
Hopper's hitters were unable
; m muster a mi wim runners in
i scoring position.
merriu L-omDS' three . run
homer was the big blow in'Se-
atties tour-run eighth inning,
Today's nrobahl niinhra ...
Royce Lint (16-9) for Portland
and Bill Evans (14-11).
. ... average year, aeries If he has to stop the
to say nothina? of 1 iv WrML.u.i...j.j . . .
sri " """" nuiers rrum
It U difficult to believe that
a man who won 20 games for
me urst time in his career In
. 1952 and worked like a beaver
in lour series games against
Brooklyn would find himself
strictly a bullpen artist the next
The facts speak for them
selves in the Reynolds case, al
though all concerned deny that
there is anything wrong. Rey
nolds nas started only two
games since the All-Star break.
He last Hi innings in the first
and was bombed for four hits
and two runs in one inning on
his second try.
Last spring in St. Peters
burg, Fla., Casey Stengel talk
ed about Reynolds as "the best
react pitcher in baseball."
Everybody thought he was kid
ding. Sure, Allie could relieve,
but why should he think of go
ing off the starting list? It
seems Old Cas must have had
an Intuition or mivha h.
Knew something he still isn't
Old Wahoo won his first
game of tha year 4-1 and his
second 1-0. Sine that second
game, April 21, he has thrown
just on complete gam. Of late
ha has gona sour on relief. He
f a 1 1 a d completely Tuesday
night when Stengel sent him in
to replace Bill Miller against
Washington. Ha
belted around tht lot for four
runt on two hiti and two walks, i
fow everybody hai a bad!
eher Borat.
Borat , , ,
BAlltrd .
Bloom .,
State Softball
Tournament Gets
Underway Today
Mill City (8Deciafl
of Oregon's top Softball teams
oegm competition in the state
Softball tournament at Allen
neia nere Saturday.
Two games were arherini
for Saturday afternoon, with
two more games Saturday
Salem- Merchants and Tilla
mook, get the tourney under.
way with a 4:30 game Satur
day. Corvallis meets Grants
Pass in Saturday afternoon's
second game.
Saturday nltrht cnntftala nit
Eugene ODDosite Hermlatnn .
8 o'clock and Mill Citv aealnat u.iitoa
omo ii v:n,
Sunday afternoon at 3
o'clock the losers of Satnrrinv
afternoon's .games meet each
other, and at 4:30 tha
Saturday night's came
each other,
Winners of Saturday after
noon a games play at 7 o'clock
Sunday, and the Saturdav nltrht
winners play at 8:30 Sunday.
By the time Sunday's nlav I.
completed, the eight-team dou-
elimination tournament
wui nave been whittled down
to a aix-ieam affair.
Salea ()
SaballDl.l SSI JCarrolJ
Tanuiaa SSI lBueola.l I
r,r,a.,B 1 JL.Traa.1 4
Darnel 4(4 Paaut. 4 I 1 S 1 Vaanl.lf t
Bualaa.lf 4 S S tchrlu,cf S
wthrap.rl 4 S S U'Ora.r S
WitriD.a S 4 1 R Tran.a
Hempril.p S 1 S S Bleom.p 1
Bont.p ( a aDoUnk o I
Marihal.r I ,
Tolala IT 11 14 14 Total, aumi
"'" IU2 Wl 000 S 11 1
.u-vi.r up p?s .7 1. ia ,
Wlnnlna pllch.r Dobaialc. Loalni pll-
llffll II
vviiiiams Leoas
Red Sox Win With
Homer, 3 Singles
look Out Below!
i 3S
n goii
4 1
S S 3 1
e ' s a s
4 4 4 1
WP-Bonl J. LOB aalcm 1, Trl-Clt
I. Irrort Hemphill. Carroll. HR-Wlth-crapoon.
L. Trap. R. Tran. miiT
IfcMalan, Wltlieripoon. Pr. hbi
'Wllhertpoon S. aabatlni l T,ntn ,
. n. n,n a. rami. Cbarouha,
Mcoulra. SB Chareuhaa. DP Tantalll
lo Ballard: R. Traa to Carroll. Tima
ri4. Umplraa-Bllar and Yuhaaa. Alt.
Only Thing Leo Has That
Edo Doesn't Is Laraine
1 1
Vltlorla poo osi ooo4
Edmonton MM 000 001 l
uollina and Rarlord; UUlp, Uan'rr
(II ami alorian. t
Vancouver ..
Calaary ....
(II) Trl-Cllr
4 114
II 1
S 1 1
1 a ,
s , ; New York (UR It really was
j utiiciai oaay. Teddy Boy Wil
l t s llama is home from the wars.
The clouter from Korea, who
has been working himself into
shape gradually, took nersnnal
charge of the second game of
a oouDicneader with Washing- , Br JACK HEWINS
ton and pounded the Red Sox By JACK HE WINS
io a 7-3 victory after the Nats I aeattle (P) The Western In
took the opener, fl-1. Wlliiam. Iternatlonal Learn maw
drove in four runr with a hnm. 'ternational Learue mav lark
er, nis lourth since he returned ome of the refinements of the
ana tnree singles. His homer
with two on in the fifth ena
bled the Red Sox to overcome
a inree-run deficit and he sin
gled in what Droved in h th
winning run in the seventh
Back ia Trim
Brad Myers, Los Angeles Rams
halfback leans plVit n
position to make S-yarda in their annual charity football
game with the Washington Bedskins at Los Angeles. On
the ground is Harry Dowda (44), Redskins halfback and
closing in on Myers Is Gene Brlto (), end; and Chuck
Drasenovich (36), fallback, both of Redskins. The Rams
won the game 2 ta 7. (AP Wirephoto)
III 0O0 001 - 4 ( 1
. 401 100 W 11 It J
Dvretto; Kapp a no
poa ana iwia a
Spokana ..: ooo 100 0001 10 1
. Ptraa and OaraT: Maw. Namla III, Cor
drU 111 and Snaata.
Maor Leagues
Tatlma 01B K ooo ool s I 1
Wanatchaa .... 101 110 100 0007 '1 1
Idrounda. D.1 aarlp I4l, Rial III and
Alalnl: Beamon. Da Carlis (41 and Bar-
Criss Cro
By CHBtt OWTTK. n .. sr.u.i . .
.. Corner
, "re not maKinp; any accusations on the wav tha re
Kional U American Legion junior basebaU tournament"
was conduc ed at Yakima, but here are a few facte
rta v IT "c'f 16 h,MM ,Bainst Butt Sunday night " Mon
day when Salem played Yakima, the field was wetted down
n nwh before the game that the Salem p11yrS cJtildn't
th.. sw v.: : .... me protest Hied against
- ... j .i:m, 'P ayers but when the players WX
aeniea, the newspa
lem was boating B
the atanrl., ft. ill i .7.'u T',,U,.UI 01 .IaK
larint, s u a. V '"mn hen Lewiston was
i . .. r :J ' ien me
Clared eliirihla an t.-i , ..
even mpnii tt "UM; ueniea, tne newspaper didn't
5h.v " 1 ' When Sa,em was boating Butte "o i
ounuay, mere were only a handful of Yak
. 1: a. ... , r 'f " "i
larintr Slm .'". .V uu' w
comwnteSr0v Ti.lccl0. ree of
against Lwi.t; , :iLZu2 -V ""' Pu flurlnT the
rti.. 4v. "itnagea to h
ave two
cans in
Piay at tha nam tim. p;.., b " m
baseman ihmMhh lJ first
once more. he-dtWhimr. l
Two Teams Tie
For First Place
In Industrial
Eds Market - Wolgamott's
orew into a first place tie with
imvA in final Industrial
league standings by defeating
Postal Clerks 5-1 in a Phillips
ncio game last nifht.
Ed's Market-Wolsamott'a anrl
x iwcA each racked un reeorria
of 17 wins and 3 losses during
m season's play. Commercial
Seat finished in third place
with a 16-4 record.
Norv Hillflicker struck nt
14 batters In chudcing the vic
tory for Ed's Market-Wol-
Ramotts last night. Postal
Clerks got to him for eight hits,
however, which Is five more
than the winners managed to
garner oil uene Lebold. I.e-
bold' was the victim of wildness
ana poor support. His team'
no ics commiuea live errors
oentnd him.
The top three teams in the
Industrial league now engage
in a tournament for the lea sue
championship. YMCA draws
ine bye, as was determined by
flip of the coin last nleht.
- Eds Market . Wolgamott's
play Commercial Seat in a two.
out-of-three series, beginning
at rnuiips neid Mnnriav at a
o clock. Winner of that series
will play YMCA for the lesgue
Nrw York .
Chlcato ...
Claveland .
So, ton ....
Waahlna top
Detroit ....
at, Loulj ...
(Br Tha Axsoclated Preaal
AHEaivaa LEAGi;s
w L Pel.
...! II 11 .
TI 47 .M
. 17 11
. 10
. (0 S3
, 41 71
44 IS
, 41 II
SVIdar'a Beaalla:
Cleveland 1-1. at. Loula - (Second
waahinttoa a.l. RnttM i.a
Sjr.Tor I. Philadelphia 4 (11 Jen.).
Brooklyn .
Hllwaukea .
at- Loula ..
New York ..
ClnelnnaU ,
Chleaco ...
PllUburth .
W L Pet.
.... II 11 .tai
.... 74 47 .111
.... SS U .SSI IS',
.... IS SS .141 lis
... 17 II .411 31.,
.... U II .431 30-
.... 4lt 73 .1(1 hi,
.... 41 14 Jl 4t
rrldap'p aaaallt:
PllUburth 7. Brooklra 1.
Philadelphia T. New York I.
at. Loula 4. Cincinnati I.
Milwaukee I. Chlcaao 4.
Sd rolaamotl'a .... lot 111 a
Pneial Cleru aoo sm j
Hillllrket aad Oreenlaa: Lebold
nulla kaitp
Stoyfon to Issue
Uniforms Wednesday
oiayion Football uniforms
t oiayton nign school will be
"suea Wednesday, not Mon
"y " previously announced
1.4... . . '
" previously announced.
Fi tl rAaa "
ran rAKC
Ifm I r, ) 1 1 j ' ByWa'Pit,'n
Williams, who nnui i. i.
shape to play regularly, ena
bled the Red Sox to salvage
a aplit in the douhl hm
Chuck Stobbs pitched a four
hit victory for Washington in
ie opener lor h a '
straight victory over Boston.
lanaeei stayed nine
games in front of tha Wh. c.
in the American League top
spot with a 8-4 victory over
the Athletics in 11 Innino. ti.
White Sox topped Detroit 4-1
while Cleveland twice defeated
the Browns 7-3 and 3-2 in 12
In the Nations! League.
i-uisourgh ended Brooklyn's
miming sireaK
tie M
ped the
Louis blanked Cinei nnatl A.n
Top Players
Charley Silvera hit a pinch
single in the 11th to give the
Yankees their triumph over the
Athletics, bringing home the
winning run after Gil McDou
gald and Yogi Berra also had
Al Rosen drove In seven
runs with three homers as he
pica up live nits in Clevolanri'a
two victories. He took the A.
L. homer lead with 32 In
creased his RBI lead to 112 and
boosted his batting average to
Big Wheel, but It does hare
strong young pitchers and Edo
There is a luring temptation,
friends, to label Vanni the
Leo Durocher of the minor
leagues," but what Leo has and
Edo hasn't is Laraine Day.
They (Leo the Lip and the ef-
lervescent Vanni) are other
wise cast in the same mold.
All they want to do is win
and when they're losing (which
nas been more often than not)
a few toes are likely to be
stepped upon. Umpire's toes.
Essentially Edo (like Leo)
is a kindly character. Tha
only difference between him
and an umpire Is perpetual.
Edo happens to be manager
of the Tri-Clty Braves after nu
merous years as a journeyman
player all around the league.
Never one to see eye to eye
with an umpire when he could
Kick dirt in it, Vanni has his
team infused with the win-or.
fight spirit and when last we
looked the Braves had won 20,
lost 33. -
Now we haven't nolled the
neighboring cities of Pasco,
ivennewicic and Richland to
learn if Vanni is a favorite son.
but it's easy to tell the fans
aren't neutral. Like him or
Oswego Pitcher
Hurls No-Hitter
In Gals' Meet
Tacoma m Tacoma, Lake
Oswego, Ore., Bremerton and
Yakima teams rang up victor
ies in opening rounds of the
Women's Northwest Regional
Softball tournament.
Highlight of the first same
Friday night was a no-hit tilt
pitched by Sally Ware for Lake
hate them, they do go to see
nis team. -
Rating about sixth or apv-
enth in the league in fan po
tential, Tri-City ranked second
in attendance at midseason,
trailing only Vancouver. At
that time the team was next-to-last
in the standings. In
terest still was high at the last
report from the turnstiles.
Second division teams usu
ally draw like a busted meer
schaum unless there is some
extra attraction. In the case
of E. Vanni, the "E" may be
the Extra.
As for the vounti nitrhor.
they have the scouts renting
rooms by the season in Willy
ue towns. The Philnrlel.
phia Phils sent Spokane a yard
ful of players lust to 1l firat
refusal rights , on southpaw
Jack Spring. The tall, free
wheeling lefty has sDeed and a
good curve and has been pitch
ing at a ..500 pace.
Loren "Lonnie" Mvera nf
Vancouver has a couple of the
more opulent American League
teams watching hia nrnorc
He's a smoke-ball flinger and
about due to show his speed
in higher leagues. The Yankees
own 19-year-old Pat Utley of
Edmonton, who has the control
problem common to many
Big, bespectacled and only
18 years old is Bill Bottler of
Victoria. He needs a surveyor
at times to find the plate but
his manager, Cece Garriott,
tabs him as a top prospect Vic
torians are excited, too. bv the
promise of Bill Prior, 20, a
rignt-nander who was born in
adjacent Duncan, B. C.
nugn Luby of Salem is
high on the possibilities of
Bob Collins, a 22-year-old
wrong hander who might
show up next year as a Coast
League starting flinger. Bill
Bothelo has defied the op
position to little guys by giv
ing Wenatchee rood oortside
Stock Car Race
At Holly Bowl
Speedway Tonight
Herschel McGriff. one of h.
top stock car drivers in the
United States, will be behind
the wheel of his Olds ts In the
stock car races at Hollywood
Bowl tonight.
McGriff, winner of the Mexi
can cross-country race a connle
of years ago, and winner of the
500-lap race at Oakland three
weeks ago, is the natural fav
orite for tonight's top position
McGriff and at least 20 oth.
er drivers will be on hand for
me time trials, trophy dash,
four heat races and the 75-laD
main event. Time trials start
at 7:30. '
The top four drivers in the
point standings Rovce Haa--
gerty, Bill Amick, McGriff and
Art Watts will be striving to
pick up points tonight, as the
point race is close and the sea
son's end is drawing nigh.
Other drivers to aDDear in
tonight's program include Bill
Weiman, Armond Millen, Floyd
Trimble, Bob Wood. Johnnv
Kieper, Ray Chase, Wally Ger
vais, Don Dehaan. Shelrinn
Johnson, Ray Eliott, Woody
Stark, Ray Gericke, Ernie Ras-
mussen, jack Cooley, Fred
Connett, Max Humm and Pat
Bob Prall Still
Right on Heels
Of Jaycee Leaders
Ann Arbor, Mich. (U.B
Bob Prall of Salem, Ore., was
on the heels of the leaders in
the International Jaycee golf
tournament here todayk with
a 54-hole aggregate ot 229.
Prall fired a 71 yesterday
to stay near the top of the
field in the tourney for golf
ers aged 17 and under.
Tied for first place after
the third round were Johnny
Pott of York, Pa., and John
Schubeck of Detroit with 223.
Other Oregonians still in
the running were Roger Sle
licky of Portland with a 246
.and Gary Hval, also of Port
land, 256.
THf. fur Tft. Ore ton - Am mat. 1M
San Francisco (lira tk- ui
lywood Stars, refusing to ease
up despite their 10 game lead
over SeatUe in the Pacific
Coast League race, prepared to
belt the groggy Oakland Oaks
with another haymaker today
Manager Bobbv Brasan Indi
cated that he wasn't tnkino
chances on his Twinks blowing
their fat lead as he sent James
Walsh to the mnunri
Bob Murphy, who knew hap
pier days at Stanford.
It was plain brutal last
night as the Stars creamed tha
last place Acorns 13-4 behind a '
barage of 18 baa hit. n.i-
Long smashed his 28th homer
of the season with two aboard
to lead the attack.
Red Munger. who roii..,,j
Lloyd Hittle during an Acorn
revolt in the fourth frame ta,..
credited with his 12th win. '
oirong uoy
Piper Davis was the strong
man for the Oaks as he sent
across three of then- runs by -slicing
a homer into the right
field stands during the fourth
San Francisco
Angeles 6-4. A four run splurge
in the sixth inning nailed down
the verdict for the Seal. h.
routed Eddie Chandler with his , -11th
loss while Bill Bradford
recorded his ninth win.
Out of Five
Doubles bv fteni-M i
Nini Tornay plus a two base
error by Frank Dinrima .
ond and a bobble by shortstop
Gene Baker accounted for the '
S- ,, es n that inning.
Pitcher Cal McLish dropped in
a pinch hitter during the
seventh and banged a horn,
run with Bud Hardin on base
to keep the Angels alive.
- The Sacrament,, finin..
their first game in five starts '
against San Dietro on
strength of Kenny Gables four
hitter. 11-0. Havlna- hn
embarrassed by seven run inn
ings during their current stay
in Kn.J..l , a '
... ucnuwn, me sacs ex
ploded for six of their own in
the second frame. That was
enough to send Bob Kerrigan
home with his ISth loss. Gables'
record now is 8-13.
Portland (a I
1 I
1 1
0 1
1 1
t 4
ITobin.ef 4
4 Combe.4 I
OThmae.l 4
Mncli.lf 1
1 Schme,rf 4
IWIUon.l 4
3 Ortelt ,c S
lOldbrr.t 4
I Davla.p S
B H o A
i II I
TfU!:.,!il T?'' " " " "
ooo OOO ooo
011 110 011 I
110 OOO 04 I
HI 111 IV 11 -
" i r n iiio
14 I 1 4 o j
I 13 0 I a a a
Comba. Thomaa. Ooldeberrp
Hit, ...
Seattla ,.,
Hlla ....
Undo ....
Oavta ....
B Tobin,
Davit. LOB Portland 1A
IB-Biu.ell, Kollowar. Linda. nniL
i 2r atnm"' TcAIn i comba I.
.v9. j ejijve, Somera.
PE Oladd.
Bents. A 3.911.
(Camptled bp
II. S. Caaat and flcedetle
rartlaad, Oreaent
at 11
a 7-1 victory behirrd lit- ,TaTed th" Tacomar Claren
urry Dickson', seven-hit Tte TacomiT Si?in the ' "Cu" Marshall. w h o
ng, while Milwanl.. , " .t ,5.m' ga,s ?corea lhe served a stint ,iih th. v,i,.
i-k. a a fill I0urin inning on two walks, a j . : " ' " " "
Cuds, 5-4. Th Ph i. ...:. .-i j ..... " and a sentenrs u h ik.
the Giant.. 7. c7 ""u uc" " ,n. le,aoul- Brown. n.. . ?Z
oremenon s Mvrtie p re .. ' - - ...-,:
Motorettes. of
, to one hit as
held the Mason Motortt .a Vancouver Aug. 11. Bill
Caldwell. Idaho, to one hit as w..hi" plaved every
Vaughn Mancha. Alabama's
1945 All-America center, ia as
sistant football coach at Flori
da State University.
Bremerton won, S-0. Seattle's
Montlake Terrace team were
4-3 victims of the Yakima
Apple Queens while the Ts
coma Dairy Maids knocked
over Portland's Biffs Drive In,
The double elimination tour
nament lasts through Sunday.
Yesterday's Stars
(Br Th AJiCwtittx Pr tur
rit r kin r IUrw Httddll. Ml. Ivtnla
Ctrdinala. tr gp on) four htU In
win nine hit Hth iimi. tetw kmon atu
iyouu piuntn, - over Cloclnnmtl,
Ml line mm. A Routt). Clftnd Tn
4taM, hit Ihrt horn rum am fSrov in
tvn runt at tha Indiana von Sftub.t
hradtr from Utt at. laoula Brow at, f.
no !.
w Baseball
iT, J'"''" laaaaat Vaneoaear al Caktarr. Vleteela si
...-,. -.niKnif at Taaiaia, and Llataa al Spokane.
.. . . Softball
ten aeftball Tonraameat al Mill CUT.
, Telecasts
JtrTT-Majaf leaaaa kaeaoau at II II a a, Detroit Tuara . CUKaja wait
position but league president,
ia one or iewiston s most ef
fective flinger.
Coleman May
Rejoin Yanks
This Season
San Francisco U Cant.
Jerry Coleman, Marine fight
er pilot and New York Yankee
second baseman, will arrive
here from Korea within three
or four days and be dutchare-
ed immediately, according to
me marine Corps.
Coleman, 29, was recalled
to active duty January 11,
1952, and has been attached
to the First Marine Air Wing
in Korea. '
There is a chance that Cole
man, a San Franciscan, will
see action with the Yanks as
a pinch hitter or utility man
during the final weeks of the !
American League pennant
Huh Water,
Time Hrlrtit
11:17 a.m. 4 1
1011 p.m.
1141 an.
11:04 p m.
11:34 p.m.
11 51 IB.
11 M a m.
1:14 p m.
143 a.m.
I ll p.m.
I ll a.m.
I SO p m.
I 40 a.m.
I ll p a.
4 41 a m.
4:10 ta.
Low Watere
"Time Helfht
4:41 a.m. -0.1
4:17 p.m. 31
1:34 a.m. -I I
1:11 p.m. 1.0
1:04 a.m. -1.0
I 03 p m.
1:10 a m. -0 4
1:41 p.m.
Tu a.m. o.l
1 11 p.m.
1-17 a.m. l.l
I II p.m. -0.1
1:11 .a.m. 1.1
Il ia p.m. -41
11:04 a.m.
11:41 p m -4 1
Hollywood 014 011 411-13 II
Oakland 000 300 001 a 11 a
Hltlle. Muneer 141 ii u.i . . .
Una. Watera ill, Brocllo Hi aad Kaal."
Sacramepta 3)0 no ooo 11 11 l
Sn Oleio 000 000 000 I 4 a
Oable. and Montalvo. Ritcne; 4:
"ll" 'II. Hen-era id and
Mathta, Summer III.
San Pranclacs no 104 ooo 4 II a
Loa Anirlea 110 nop loo J a
Bradlord. Uuncrlef Hi ,d Tornar
Chandler. Ppltn m, Ihdi III and rid:
Californians have won six of
the last eight USGA national
public links ehmspionship.
j Fall Leagues
i Now Organizing
League meets will be held
this coming week.
' Aug. 24 fo 28
On respective eveninat al
:ju ana B:jy.
WH0nEKDMEnil(6$ '
SNM Opsniags fw Niw
iMno iikJ litdWduili
Regular Sunday evening
mixed doubles, guaran
teed jack pot 7:30.
Un (uihaws
'lions J 3575
Dkt (kipat
d... 3-3131
or see as at
89 N. Liberty