Saturday. Aufuat 22. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salca, Oregon Prtil , BURNED FINGERS RADIO PROGRAMS y KATHLEEN MORRIS MONDAY P. Art 8TEVE KOPEK . . , - J J WirM g .tlyjJll W WMICi .I'M PUTTIN6 TOSETHSg youg yft J Hgg COMES MB. KOPfg WB;fe lffi&Fc't "ZZ&Xj CHAPTER 2 Eddy Street again on a chilly, wind gray summer afternoon. Jj.r. Inch o( It was familial aha rant tht street doorbell and listened lor me uuiuriavtaoie click. Immediately ahe im run nine tip the narrow stairs, hear Ini the exultant voice oX Eni: "Oh. It' Jennifer. Moml. Faddy, it'i Jen!- 6he mounted Into their wild embraces. - "Did you fix it. Jenf Are we Jennifer t down, pan tint and laughing. Betty, ciose to the birth o a baby, atood beaming approval from the kitchen doorway. -Yea. .of course you're going. The Wth of July, Betty." "My goodness, that's only ten davs, Betty observed doubtfully." "Iff less than that." Jennifer told them. "You leave a week from Uufcday. But Granny and I want you to corae over Saturday afternoon, and then you can check on all your equipment." -Jennifer, now you didn't to get them the whole list I" Betty pro tested. "Every last thing," Jennifer aid. laughing In sympathy with the -little girls' delight. 'Red handkerchiefs,, scout knives, sleep ing bags, shorts, sweaters, every thing. Cassie and Hilda laid them all out on one of the guest-room beds last night. They make me want to go too!" "Jen, you're too good to t.iem," Betty eald. But her eyes were as blight as the children's eyes. "80 you're going to nave two months in t he Sierras!' she marveled. "You'll come home as wild as Indians." "That'll give me a chance to go house-hunting In Richmond with Clint," Betty observed with sat isfaction. Jennifer unwrapped a package that held microscopic shirts and sacques, "isn't there any end to that old lady's money?'' Betty asked. "Apparently not She has a very friendly feeling for you too, Betty. She feels that you did something for me during the years when she snore or less failed me. "My grandmother," Jennifer pursued it, "Is delighted to have something someone that belongs to her. She says that If you'd really like to send the girls to a good school next fall and they want to go, she and I wUl be responsible." "You're been awfully lucky Jen." "It's all a dream of beauty and luxury and and dignity. It seems we have a box for the opera sea son and a box for the symphonies. Granny and I." "That'll remind you of your crazy friend whafa-hls-name." "Stan Llchenstein? Poor Stan." "Oh. did you see your other friend getting killed?" "Who's that?" Jennifer's eyes widened with alarm. "That Borrows boy." "Sidney Borrows!" That's what the paper said. Sunday. If. said in trial flights down In Texas somewhere." Jennifer reached across to tsther In a handful of the peas Betty was shelling; her fingers threaded the green shells expert ,ly. For a long while she did not peak. Now the saw the depressing dark reds, the smeared browns, and cheap material of the dining room with! changed eyes. She compared them to the furnishings of a big airv house on a hilltop and the Golden Gate laid out be low 1U . . And Jennifer was oueea of her Srandmother's house. The old lady ad capitulated to her immedi ately. Old Julia Olddmg's laughed at her. listened to her. followed her about with adoring eyes, wising tears from her own eves when Jennifer gave her some lit tle proof of affection. "She's a darling, isnt she, Archie?" ahe would demand of the old colonel she geneorusly called her "brother-in-law." His was only a remote oouslnshlp with her late husband. "He thinks you're a wonderful girl," her grandmother told her. Jennifer loved It all. She loved to be spoiled and admired and indulged. "Monty The single word fell Into ab solute silence. The man who was painting at an easel did not move, and Jennifer spoke again. "Monty?" "Oh, Monty, turn around!" Jen nifer was half laughing, half cry ing. Now Monty did turn and stood staring at her through his glasses, his head dropped a little forward, his palette in his hands. "My good Lord. It'a Jennifer!" "It's Jennifer!" she confirmed (t, laughing joyously. He 1 seized both her hands; for a moment both he and she were speecnless, ACROSS L Goes down at bridge f. Russian inland sea t. Spinning tor 12. Linger 1.1. Forbid 14. Of us 15. On the vcean 18. Tale It rebled marine creature M- Alternative SI. Cove 13 Shrill bark 27. Singly 10. Uncooked 12. English letter 33. Require ss necesssry 35. Open 37. Literary fragments 3. Urchin 40. Juniper 41. Dsybreak 43. Measure of length 43. Along 47. Railroad employee tl. One who gives baca 55. Infrequent 86. American , Indian ST. Melody SS. Genus of the olive 59. Blest ft- T t T W''$m "TtT tt " "W ji 57" " 3 7f 75 r- j?" rr r ji.."", " : v I . - '"''X'iXiM ,' ,: :J. ; T t T-TT n s tt 3T tt rr 37 '4- - -. mmXmm ia ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' breathing hard and laughing Into each other's eyes. Then the sat down, and Monty took a chair opposite her and close to her and they wert both talking at once. "Im staying over at rabble Beach; I walked over! Look at my shoes, and I'm blown to pieces. But It suddenly occurred to me that you had a studio here, and I asked everyone and found you with no trouble at ell!" "Oh, say oh. say oh, say us gooa to see you : "Isnt It good to set each other! I've missed yon so. I walked across the roots; it was too awful to see the dear old studio fud of auctioneer's stull " "I know. But Sam French left me this place he was killed, right after Pearl Harbor. I tried to get in anywhere everywhere. Too old and no experience: they dldnt want me. So I got work at the Monterey Presidio" "What doing?" "Warehouse work. This Is the first afternoon I've hao off for weeks. I usually dont get home until about eight." - "Ob, Monty,5 the girl said, her eyes glowing, "I do respect you for that! You got into war work?" But say, listen, what about you? "I went Into Vogelsang's, I ac tually did, to ask for you. One of the girls said you were going to be married but she didnt seem to fee very sure about It." "I told them when I left I was going to be married and then I wasnt, Jennifer confessed. "80 then I did take a fob in De- venbury over beyond Berkeley as a companion. But that only last ed ten days." "But what happened to your marriage? "Well, I we put It off." Service, eh?" ' Medical Corps. Captain James uppincoit. "Oh? Crazy about him?" "Aucassln and Nlcolette," Jen. niter's bright color came uo. "You and your Aucassln and Nlcolette! I suppose I gave you that?" Her laughter died and ahe said quickly, "What didn't you give me, Monty? Was there ever a friend like you? You cant look a person right in the eye and say 'You pulled me out of a ditch. You gave me courage and wis. dom; you taugnt me and you cared about me! I have to thank you for my first good times "Whafre vou doing now?' "I'm living with my grand mother. "I didn't know you had a grand mother." "I didn't know she was alive. You see, my mother quarreled with her when I was a baby. My mother's own mother. But she didn't want my mother to marry the way she did. and my father was older and not very successful or romantic, I Imagine. Anyway, she sort of put them out of the house," Jennifer pnraseo it oeii' cately. "She sort of sat around wait ing for them to come back and say they were sorry, and it hap nnMl t.hev both died shortlv af terward. I was quite a little alrl and Bettv didn't know any thing about it, so there was no one to teu ner. "How'd you find her?" "She found me. reallv." "Staying down here? You couldn't come over to supper to morrow night, could your im Car terete are down and some of the others 0: the 01a sei. "Monty, I'd love it." "Brine the old ladv!" . "She Isn't that kind of old ladv." Jennifer laughed. "She's giving a dinner party of her own tomorrow nigm. ane ssm, so that T can easilv get away. well, but loony,- ne began, bewildered, "where are you stay ing She's giving a dinner, sne plays bridge . . . Not ail aranomouiera are noor." Jennner ooservea simoiy you aon t mean to say . . . r "Yes, I do. 1 I am still Sara Crewe." Its comfort, its security. lor you. Jinny?" "It's more than that And you started me." "You dldnt need much of a start." "You'll never know. You start ed me, and then Julie came in and suggested that I take the Vogelsang's Job, and that's how my grandmother found me. It all hangs together." Monty kissed her on the temple. 'Happy. Jinny? 'The happiest woman In the world . . . And the unhapplest. You see. I love him horribly. Monty. Terribly And not lust with excitement this time; but all through and through. I love him." Jennifer went on, speaking dreamily now. "through all the (Continued an Page 13, Column I) U A xllH I V E IT R 5 Y M T RjU 0 E DIE. C I DSllOsERiNK S GiRIACEjCfsET j L A ZtUR E N E GJA OIL a r tile v rriiR I 0 DIE SplTSE DffA MIEN t E RI1PR 0D S wmRDF A I gel ffBl"TfvKL I 5 I Im Solution ef Veittrdiyt Pubis SO. Finishes 1. Char DOWN L Propelled oneself la wster I Comfort I. Row 4. Vigor 5. Profit S. Make T. Coniumed S. Craxy: slsng .Also 10. At odds 11. Before: Praia 17. Thirsty IS. Concerning 22. Light blow 24. Always 25. Optical glass 26. Short for a man's name 27. first man 2A Cotton fabric 29. " Khayyam 31. Bet 34, Obstruction in a streaat SR. Bullfighters 3. Protect 41 Negative 44. Wearies 46. Obaerve 45. MasFulina 4. Regie 50. Close 51. Chafe 52 Greek letter 53. Body of water 54, Operate roGo ' ' "'',, TWntWfttlO PwvlCUM WJUf CLAIM rUflfl UM A ' OrlJ MfiT lTMkJmfn' JJ ORPHAN ANNll , ' ' THrr MUCJ SEEN SAMMV-TiJQ I W TH5 I CAN 00 THeRE- 9 ! MY SAMMY- f.f- I ' I He WENT DOWN TM' PdtTH TO Aefl "WSJ THevy. BE ABLS TO QETM.ONC 11 I SWRC HOME, I I OUR HOUe-CS! WILL SUMNY T 1 .3 VSTPtXiT JS JWTT NOW. I BWB)- AJ I TT Ut?P t-JTi 9 LU, ABNES . n' so, Vr" VMIT-AH R&SKaNS FUM THIS r 1 1 txagcToh. mam jmJ sm's Mintiai'-AN -cvcrrr-ah i, H MFRESY UZVVrVNlLj'iv "UT OARLW.OriJ XEfKANIZESTWETTVPEO'FAlNT.''J promoumck) 'p WtlJLWN- TwAR mo pekkmum in here.'T t troCV Ous. ;TwlSJNMABfcAjy, YO' y THAR1 MERELY A LAWYCR'S LCTTKeVSAYIKJ'THAR DAIY 1i Ul ABNEA i i i -T . - r S WOWT tVC NO MOBE MONEY, BECUZ U AbNLA . MAC- X&La ?-JT- HOPALONG CAS81PT jmrnufM i t"y-1V EVEN THE CAVeH PeSCKTEP A L there! no. one around V .' LcxyrVdaN o&zPtm' J 1 r THE MWeS' 6ACRED SHBNe.'l ft , CLEAR OUT BEFORE O&SIOY Jr. . J isll !- ' j MUTT ft JEFP ' " ' i---Jy.n0:K' .'KcrcAMVlSHV-Wl'M COOKlM' lll HOT DOSS AND JuSTWEARinsY . V J?SZticViES SWAH PET 0M AN ' ( BfANS COMING J ACHHfI'hAT OH YEAH.' ) SHifJ Ifm T"T MAWMEAT? 'AMERICAN X W JT DONT MAKtT ) " I'LL fi ANP pf TlTfcf WUA? THATS, lV STOVER .--,4 VOUACHEF COOK AHV Jk WACMiTfc1 WHAff RENCH!, liroK s- REX MORGAN. M. P. I fi CONT PLAV AT SlThfg YOU 80"1 fvOu B tOMf THiT," .JfK I KITTT' " 9mv.', p. MOgJ"!l . martyb eo.e J f ac ano ta 1 v0ut0N t you T J.mjW g I vwouuo v.i to taj to a WhilI WAjTima JO ANYBE5V, sCo-Ki Of J k , Z"y,J jl V"! VOu.' Is, iirflf anxojs-y o:ti wis c-a. : is No'sceohi'm r Tf ira? , vswrr-.-. i ( ' cxxtms' NC'S'OM pcg6As loshi vviLks J Jsj ' w J u'ujfii Py III 111 gg.0uSNI55 OP j. I DONALD DTJCK "ir . ' .J Fthanks, poc...iR.)0N;-V1 1 1 1 - (oh.BOys! come ieavc ") I .Satec; I 1 1 1 1 Idr jonjccii I MART WORTH ' JiA- Q I I trtRAC''uatgigLtTijre' I TU S8IN& VOU 40ME MILKI..SUT, S ffl r .lXui1"'jtt0W6tBTVW tate out of ,N mm srZhLrX- I KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO ra xac we cat use sac use iito use ao less tvaa a Hn'Mi Htwm ri lim T tn Hm Saws ivtViSMtalUfa pmm CM H nm gsuta am a. SMa t rn. tm w rmttHm cm tea sattas tw , 1:IW BM Wlfa iauit.s Bm. aaa Waat liwt Dartw :1S alalia D.1U. OWfna Ka Waat SJitmt SaMae tMBasl ' :3S WM. Bra IMIw Kf WaaS . Uatr O SaStar . aaft -t Ww tMltn ar WaaS a Sateat aoY J:tfflaiaBUI Mum fa. Craakar awa " Baalt aaaaa Bartr rt. ra. ram Oaefnv ttmm. tnta Baato BosK Um taw Bat) ' ? K L Jr r.efray taauaaa MbW , Baa'rt Baaas Bartr :4 Paa'aWUa Car Maaaat Baatwaaaai M..H Baa'rt Baaaa taBa 3:00 WtbaaM Wla. tl 04S a Dm Oar Tawa Ita DaaaV Kaste 3:1! B. Aam r.H. atHta aHBaa Bsm Blaaaav I II Di. Nil Balah Sure Far taa OlrlaNawa liiai BaaaV SUtta 5:4' D. Oatrawar Taaafallr rar Ifca Olrta Maa UrOmlw IWt SHIaa MlLlTaBaat. Khrktaai Maala raltaai lawla KM Karmaa tfaaaa Taa " :15 .! (aaaaiari aaakral Cata baarw Staaaa start Waa) : V Maala Baa Klrkkas taalrral Case COT tlaaaav Maala Mart Maala Tea .45 Art Batar Klrka Maw TlaM taa Baraa MaaK Start Waat S:I BUI tura it Mama Batar Tla Bak Baaaaa Traffla iraaaTaaa ' 5:1! Kaaa Nan V. riaklar Bak Bias IB li atari! lmaaaB 8-M L. MtCaa WaU Tatar Ickai BaaUr Maala taasar Oa tfaata ;45 Caaaaa graak Caaa !Bat Oattat iMaala htmr Crat Braaaaar g:MIBala Maala Walk A fWaaltanaaa Baatat SUaaat Oak ICaa aliaafct" aba Maala Mlat Baaa. atM Nava Saasar Ctat OaatMlakt J:30 Bak aat Bar Talaat baat Saraaaaa lattar Ctak WarM HeaB : 4.1 1 Bak aat Bar taala tlalaatat laaa Marts laaaar Crak St Kara ?:00 Sarcaata la'L Masla Lana Baaaar Caalt TkM Maala Baatn :I5 Sal'L Baalu Maa Uaa Baaaar Ba Taa Maala Stan ttaf 1 :30 VaM al I- Tkaaiaa Haarr Tarlt Maaaarr Usa Oct Baaaataa , 1:f riraalaaa Tim. tkaWa tkawtlaw Baaaa ' BialllaaS S:Cf Mil l raalr Jakaar UK AaaaMa Caaita .. - Bataat Baaa 1:15 WarltNaaa Hrrtar t'N AaaaaiMi Da It Traaklttt S:3rBaUraat Taalk-DN Ocaataat Maala Trmct 14tt . 1:4.' Baar Oa Sat al Tkaaa Maala Tratt IStt ' t:M Talaakaaa aawa TatUrtaj otaa Bkwa? - "" TraakltSS ! Baar Tkaalar tula raltaa la9 . . yraak last ' r Mailt Craai Saaxr " raaarlaat Baaaa ' Traak Ittt g-4.' Laataa Tkaatar Maila Nfartll Kaaa Ifl fK laaarUr S SUt final Ftoal ttH'a Baklat Stan "" NbjM Saat lS.rijM,u riaal Taa a Warli Daaaa Tlaaa Malaal Naaa NUklSaat in SC Uak Bar Baaart baaaa Tlaaa Naaa Nlakl Sac 10:4 Bak a Bar tkaa Daaaa Tl Mall raatati Klsaa Baat II Ot Naaa Maala Daaaa TlaM Taaiaar Ktohl Baat fi. p LM.Cat Maala Daaaa Tkaa Mltalla NUkl aaat 11:V Clli CaaaaO Maala Daaaa Tlaaa Malaaka Nlakt Baaa . llji Ollr Oaaacll Maala Daaaa Tlaat Uleat Baat lgjj' Sim 0I llaal ' Ipaaca Tlaaa Walatr Maa I IsiaaOtl : rv Mi.i Eon It l.L t TUESDAY AM. TO IMS A.M. ( IKllDaaa Waal BVD Oraaaa Taaat Baat Maaa iBnaMatt Waat. Makata 2 l Dan Waal tola Blaat ranaBaara Tlaikntai Naak Waat, Millt) J '3(1 Dan Wart BOIN Blaak ran. Baai Naaa Braaktatt ram Baaa gits Daaa Watt BQ1W Blart rarai Baat BattVaFBat. aa Baaa .M Caaatrrtt. BODI Elaak Tint ttltlaa Naaa Biaaklaat BOCO Klaak f.l Jakaar WUl Naaa M. Airaaikr Braaktatt Naak Kaaa Klaak . V-30 Naaa Ntaa Bak Oarrat Oaaa - Braaktatt ' Baaa KktaB jj45 K M.aatat M. Bakklia Bak Baaaa B. Bartalrk aak BaaaKktaB 1 a tr Olt Saan Caa. Naaa Braakfaat CaaB Braaa naiBaaar iinna' STtOlt Suit Data Valla Bralaat FaaaUr AMar Hat Daaar KaaaDaak Mailt Baa Halaa Traal Bnaklaal Baaaa al J la Daatr KaaaUaalt ;5 Mt.l. Baa Oal Saatar dak Baat II, paatr jtn "iT0 Ntwa aat Ufa S Hit. Naaa Mr taartk Ban " " : Math) Baa a rarklaa tiara Tatar Mil atr Mr. aavtk HuiSs l.ii Mailt Bat Ot- Malaaa Daakla tt raatara CaB Mr. Bairtk Ban' g: 45 Mailt Baa Oalta tltkl Ittlktat Bsa. Oaaatai Mr. kaartk Baaaraa 10:00 Brat Mta. Bartaa . BaaUar atm Wtri Baa Paaaa Ban ' 1B-15 Bataalta ratrr Maaaa Mara Mas, Ttla taat laraaaaa Bllttlt lO-ar Slrlka It Natak Draka M Traa ci Cal Baak Taaat Kara jajjji Bl.k Brteklar Da Starr Maala tataaata BaaatSj 1:0' Bak Kara Motlc aparkli Waiaaartat Latlaa Fair Baak Taaaa Ban H:l. Latba Ckaltoraat alaat - Baallar Latlaa ralr Sataaata tnnH :3(l rkraaa ara Baata Start Karai Qaaaa Tar Baak Taaat Ban H-4; tat Ckalca Farlr Baraar Kaar p., tattaaaa t Btttttt DIAL LUTIMO koac::; Martsr. a.a a, Cars- maaatl llilS, Kaaa lira Lltlat aat Laaralati I Hr; Carol Curtis Pattern 'Rug Rot Plate Malt, Crochet en of softspun rug yarn In red, black and white, these hot piste mats are highly reminiscent of the old-time colorfully braided rugs Grandmother used In front of the big. glowing coal burner stove with isinglass windows! You'll like the set on maple, cherry, mahogany or modern chrome dining tables. Easy ' to crochet, good else oval mat Is 10 by 13 Inches, round mat Is 11 Inches In diameter. Send 30c for' the "BRAIDED RUO" HOT PLATE MATS (Pat tern No. 576) complete crocheting Instructions, color chart, YOUR 1NAME, ADDRESS. PATTERN -NUMBER to CAROL, CURTIS, Capital Journal, 653 Mission Streea, San Francisco S, Calif, The United States Golf As sociation now conducts seven tournaments annually. ROOM aV BOARD .576' f WILE YOU WERE AWAV FISHING OVE? THE WEEK END MB BlOHABT" A CHECKED OUT- SAID HE W0ULDNT STAY HtRt (0(4 FREE WEALS mattress Because of your whoppes tAkN3:"' HE bAID BATON MUNCHAUSEN WAS NOTED FOR HIS HIGH-COMPRESSION UEi, BUT YOU DWARF HIAA A GALLERY SEAT V ta IS a-aa. DI BML I as t a, KOAC. II S:tt. Oklltraat Taaatarl l:St, Baaaa tag "auMi rarai tiaari rata. Maala. , The lUr-at-HonrSf Amartnata ' begins at home and what aould be smarter than this suit-wrap design to give you comfort, free dom and ttyla all at- the aaraa ' tune! Your choice ef V-ineekUna . or collared versions. . no. 381 is out in sixes II, 14. 16. 18. 30. 36. 36. 40. 43. 44. ta. . Size 18: yds. 36-ln. Send 30c' for PATTERN artUt Name, Address, Style Number and Siee. Address PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 86 Mia- , lion ttreet, San Francisco I, CtilX. FROG DISTRACTED HIM Dereham, England U. But cher Stanley Bowman explain ed to a court today that ha drove down a one-way ttreet the wrong way because a email frog got into the back seat of his automobile and the re sulting panic among the ladles distracted my attention." Bow man was fined 13.20. , By Altera MV LIPS7 -WHV I'oneedanasbestoJ LINEO AAOUTH TO UTTER THE FLAMING AND FALSEHOODS HE TOLD "UM THE GALLOP THAT BOUNDER, CALLING ME A LIKE PREVARICATOR.' V .r I VICTORIOUS! W?tU LION ' - - " " saar.-ia