i B. 'TELE-VIEWS. Radio-Television l DAVE BLACKMEB g;l. t-,.. mnA Via fittr Slirk'ra mnva into town T I 11 1 11 k7in II Ciliu " ...... . - ------ Monday. the gents are slated to take over the "Blue Grotto" show on KGAE from 4 to 5 p.m., Monday after- noon. The City Slickers will louse up the commercials and do the ad libbing like a ball of fire for the listeners. Speaking of Spike Jones, Tele-Views will have an inter view with Spike in Monday night's column. A multiple group of new television programs are slated for the air this fall, and among them is the new Fred Allen Show. "Judge for Yourself" is the title of the new show which is slated to start in September on NBC-Tv and to be car- ried by Portland station KPTV. ' YOURS FOB -TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY Doc Tales, t. Local live. The Toymaker and Hii Friends, 1:15. Approximately Ave youngsters will appear. i Major League Baseball, 10:15. Detroit at Chicago. ' Horse Racing from Portland Meadows, 1:30. Local, live, remote telecast. Superman, 4:3ft.. "The Talkative Dummy" the battling mystery of armored car robberies In which the entire car disappears Is traced to a ventriloquist's dummy by Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen. Sammy Kaye Show, 7:30. v Trudy Richards, songstress famous for her recording of "The Breeze," Is guest vocalist. Kaye renders "Harbor Lights." Dangerous Assignment,' S. "The Parachute Story." Steve is assigned to parachute into Eastern Europe, find a house In the village of Margovia and get a hidden confession which will clear the U.S. of an international frame. Death Valley Days, 9. "The Chivaree" story concerns a chlvaiee a custom of serenading newly weds on their wedding night in which the groom deliberately keeps the chivaree going for three days. s-hllt ni.hn.... nff fiBH 0..9A "Qhnilnh" atara Vincent 'Price as a man whose plan to latch on to his inheritance before it s due Is foiled by an alley cat. . Mr. and Mrs. North, 10. "House Behind the Walls" Pam and Jerry go house hunting but find a murder instead. Nash Premiere Theatre, 10:30. "Friendly Enemies" with Nancy Kelly, Charles Buggies and Charles Winnlnger. On Television KPTV (C&annel 27) aVTITKHAT 1:1 v.m-Biat tht Clock 4:00 p.m. Lli Bitn tt M 4:10 p.m. uprmnn t oo p. tn.4ft turd.tr Nltht Rtni 30 p.m. Prtvt fleerttai? VM p m. Amtuur Hour Moloroli, Dumenl, HoHmm, IU Valley Television Center 2303 fairgrounds Rd. M. 2-1911 So lit Before Tb May rr tbt Hs. Detl la Tow Fauury Tralftrt TwliBbUu Om tutu 9-m. Dallr iMPt lavurdtir 7:10 p miamr Kit :0O p.m. Dftofcroiu ANlnflicat 1:10 rm. Wrestling S:50 p.m. Death VftlUy TM :30 p.ol PlireaUM of 0tr 10:OO p.m. Mr. and Ura. HorLb 10:30 p.m. NMb Thenar UNO I t SO tn. Frontiers of Faith 10:41 p.m. Piradoi Ffatf 11:00 A.m-ThU I Ufa 13:00 a.m. Whtl Your Troublt 13:10 p.m. Hour ot Dtclllon U;o p.m. Weddin Belli 1:00 p.m. The) Blf Picture 1:00 p.m. IrKJuitrT on Parado 3;l p.m. Art Linklctttr 1:10 pm. Roy Roiert 3:30 p.m. Your Plartlmo 4:00 p.m. Bit Pajotl 0:00 p.m. OS Thtater 5 10 p.m. fluoday Review 1:30 p.m. Wht'i Mr Uatf 7:00 p.m. oummrr ineaicr I 1:00 p.m. TV piirhouM t:30 im-TM weo 10:00 p.m.-poru scnoiar 10:10 p.m.-Hea4llna Parado 10.10 p.m. New Review 10:4 p.m. CUf Hospital U:ll p.m. riva altar PlarhouM MONDAY 1:10 a.m. What's Cook tat 7 11:00 a.m. Bit Paroft 11:10 a.m-Wtleema Trtvelen 13 00 boob On Your Account 13:10 p in U. K. Otnral Assembly Firemen Study Rural Needs Sublimity Representatives and directors from eight fire departments met at Sublimity rltv hall TiiriHav evening: for I the purpose of improving the mutual aid systems Deiweeu the districts of Stayton, Aums vills, Turner, Tour Corners, Sublimity, Mill City and Jef ferson. Ellsworth Smith, Msrion county civil defense fire chief, U..1I Salam fire chief. ex- niainarf th corierative system whereby the neighboring fire department is notified to as sist when help Is needed. The I central control then alerts a department to stand by for tne one giving mutual aid. Much importance was stress ed on the "Definition of boun dary line" between the various districts. Irregularities or J6gs in the road sometimes cause confusion as to which particu lar district should be in charge. A better utilization of radio equipment to work through the u.inl twianl rather than for each department to try to call In help on their own was ad vocated by Chief Smith. Only one of the seven de partments does not have radio at present. v Merv GUson ot the state fire marshal's office gave short talk. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bale, uregtm DIONNE QUINTS DUE TO SPLIT V-v) I tk. ninnn. nuintunleU will be split up in September for the first time when Marie (standing, left) enters the Roman Catholic Order of the Sisters of the Holy Sacra ment at Quebec City the family announced in North Bay, Ontario. Left to right, standing: Marie, Emile and Annette. Seated: Cecile and Yvonne. Ceclle, Emilia nd,M'i return to studies at the Institute Familial in Quebec. Yvonne will study art at the Notre Dame Congregation in Montreal. (UP Telephoto) ; Young Christian Workers Prepare Mr. Angel Meet ..... i I Ml I 200 Kiddies in 'Horse' Show Aimn.t MO vounesters. dis playing a wide variety of bobby horses, wok pan in n; -u.nt. av at the vari- nlavcrounds. It wu the - - . . .W. final SDCCiai Drosram .ui um playground season. . Of .the several playgrounds operating under the direction ot the schools and the city, six reported winners in the several classifications. Tbey included. RlckmonS-aul ! Pm Waiiumaca. Chu Whmaaiora. n WTK..I.H..M ciurri Jinu. rbr- 1IU Suhi and XaUa MM HUM. Raa- tnt loII Toaiaif wunnuia "T" trlar. Cauck WnllWmart. IWt Laoa. Tonu J.nu aad Ju.a WUJli aclM ttUM XUa Uu maw. Fua Wallla mota. Delero Srl.r, CbarloHa Sl aaa rafUU Haiuoa. aUKlnltr art SoraW4 Da.M B.lnaa. Mamla """. ...... -.!, coaala Vandcrrart. "a Oaki aad IiualwUi MUi Raclas (beril Dld Oaal. DOUIia. ,..iii Vandrnon, Boa oaaat. "" .on.r. Douila. Wlrth. Jrr B.ch, U1 Hamtltaa and Bobbr Tarter. Baclal ..,.u.i..n.ia lloart. Tarrr Caltat, T.rri .Troth, PhrUU Wlrth, Carol Da- Camp. Judr cunara, tmmuam ' and connli vandiriort. am aai.m p... - Roi.r OMrlhav, Doailal Ortior. Iio- trt Brown. Richard . Or.m.n. oo" CumBUu and Condanca Black. Raclns ikon) Doul Orator, noaar Orarthaw. rtv.rman. Bobbr lunii .ww. ...v.... Wrllht. O.rr wruni. uaa " Larn SUalas and Kirk aloror. Racial (flrll) Rita CummlM. lr Ann LadM ood. conilanca Black, Saadr Thomai and Fay Vailaurt. I N a m. Daabla at Rauua 1 a.a-4trua n Rich S:Oa p.m. M.tlnao Thcatar J:lft p.ai.arc& Tomorrow I J a m. L' at Uio t.n a.mTormakrr 4 00 am. Wild EUl BUkerk 4.S p.nu Hopalont CaiiMj 5 10 p.m N.wipaatr el Air 1:00 p.m. ruhu from Chkasa 1:10 p.m-SporUmia Cluk S'4& p.m. Neat Caravan T OO p.m. Ch.rroo Tbeotor T:10 p.m. Vole of Plrrstona I 00 p.m. Nam. That Tunc 1:10 p.m. 4.ftt SpotUcht I 04 p.m-Robcrt Uonuomor 19:00 p.nu Arthur afurrar Dtaea Tlalt 10:10 p m. Bis Plarkack 10:4 p.m ooru Den 11:00 p.nk MIM Owl Thtatar TDXSDAT I It t.m. WbaU Cooklnt 10:00 a.m. Freedom Rlnta - . . -n a la D-.-ifr 11:45 a.m. Welcome Traeelert il noon On Your Account 11:0 p.m. U.N. Oeneral Autmblr 1:11 p.m Arthur oodrrer 1:10 p.m- Preeaer Panelea 1:4k p.m. Hollywood Reel S:00 p.m. MaUnea Thoatar . MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Soles - Service - Installation TV Open from I RJn. to ( p.m. Ph. 1-1611 U40 8. Coml Salem's First Television Store t i it if: ; ' t I I (X- r : i i AT I i I V - 11 ., :. ' "- r' " r.-... -. . . a." . ' . .., ' i jjilmatia aiimeaaai i'i iliimn i V f -.6 Mt Angel The first dele gates to the Young Christian Wnrlrjra firat aummer vacation- study week which will be held in Mount Angei nexi ween De glnnlng Sunday, Aug. 23, began arriving here Thursday eve ning. Registering Were Miss Jean Pew of Chicago and Los Angeles, Girls' National Presi dent and also vice-president 01 the organization; George Sulli van, Chicago, National Presi dent; Miss Fran Kelley, San Francisco and Kuss Torshy, San Francisco. Monsignor Reynold Hillen brand, Hubbard Woods, 111., na tional chaplain, together with 12 delegates from Los Angeles, 18 from San Diego and 30 dele gates from San Francisco will arrive Saturday. Other dele gates from the west coast area, from Canada to San Diego will begin arriving today. Mnnnt Ansel Abbev and Seminary will be hosts to the vmmff mana tfrmirj. who Will hold their sessions and reside at the Seminary. Sessions and residence for the Young Girls will be at the Mount Angel Women's Colleee. hosts for the girls group. Special sessions will also be conducted for the Pri.ate' irnun durins the study I week. Theme of the study week is "One World, one tnnsi, une Y C W " i The Young Christian Work ers are ordinary working lei- lows and girls and tne stuay- uaraHnn YXfpak ll ODen tO all ladies and young men, whether or not they are presenuy con nected with the movement. Be cause of the specific aspects of the problems facing young men ana gins auier, separate pruu lems will be set up for each. All evening sessions, however, will be joint sessions and of general interest to all represen tatives to the Study Week. Miss Angle Schmerdt, Port land and Miss Fran Kelley, San Pranri.rn will cive the wel come when the girls open their weeks' progrsm at ine mi. Angel Women's College begin nlne at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, to be followed by re ports from each area. Tha, avaninff leuion Will be gin at 7:30 o'clock, and speak ers will Include George Sulli van, Chicago, national presi Amnt' Ml,, Jean Pew. ChlcsfO. Girls' President, and the Very Reverend Bernard Sander, O. S.B., rector of Mount Angel R.mlnarv This will be follow ed by practice tor liturgy ana compline. Monday mornlnl session at o in mill include aroun discus ainni nn Community problems; afternoon sessions at 2:00 o'clock will be reports of groups, and "You and Your Community" by Tommy Sau sedo, Decoto, California; eve ning session at 8 o'clock, "How to Lead Better Meetings " by George Sullivan. Fran Kelley. San Francisco, will preside at the Tuesday morning session at 8:30 o'clock for the group discussions on work: "A Christian Concept of' Work"; "Y. C. W. Services" by Marge Valderramaa of San Diego, Calif., will be at the aft ernoon session at 2 o clock; ana Monsignor Reynold Hillen brand. Hubbard Woods, III., national chaplain will speak on the "Social Teachings ot the Church" at the evening session at 7:30 o clock. Monsignor R. Hillenbrand will rnnrlnrt th half Hav nf re- collection during the morning session on Wednesdsy begin ning at 8:30 o'clock, with I pic RED TARGET . r-m 0) 1 Mffl U1ML-J i. Tha Thursday morning ses sion scheduled for 10 o'clock will include discussions on Vnur Wen Coast Headquart ers," knd Sam Travares of San Diego, California will speak on WmI for Unitv: Federations and Council" at the afternoon session at 2 o'clock; movies on International Problems will be shown at the evening session st 8 o ClOCK. General session on group problems will be scheduled tor the Friday morning session at 9:30. Jean Pew, national presi dent, will preside at the final afternoon aesslon at 2 o'clock. with group discussions on re view or iniiuence, ana an nouncement of the new pro gram for 1954. Sessions for ine reuows Group will be conducted at the Mount Angel Seminary, begin ning with a Welcome at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon,, with a talk on the "Purpose of the Week" singing and a general set arnuainted. followed by a . . . . mi-- m . n n dinner at e ociock. ine i.ov AnlM1r aiwnlna aeailon will in clude introductions of the na tional presidents, ueorge ouui .n anrl Miia Jean Pew. both of Chicago, and the Very Rever end Bernard Sander, u.a.a. rector of Mount Angel Semin ary. The Monday morning ses sions wiU begin at 9:30 o'clock with area reports on problems of young workers, presided by Dick Sanders, roruana. duo Coogan, Portland, will speak on "How to Solve the Problems Benorted" at the 1:30 o'clock afternoon session, and George Sullivan. Chlcaso. national president, will be speaker at the evening session ai i ou o'clock on "How to Have Bet ter Meetings." Tuesday morning session oe- ginning at 9:30, Russ Torshy. San Franrisro "How to Build the Y. C. W."; the 1:30 o'clock session will include Y. t,. w. General meetings, Projects, c.mici hv James Kendall. San Francisco, stalf memtjer ot the YCW; at 3:30 o'clock there will be a baseball game be tween California vs. Oregon r.niria! and MSIT. rt. nil i.kranrf national chaDlain. will speak on "Social Problems of the tnurcn- si mm i.ou o'clock session, followed by ah iimnp. Monsignor R. Hillenbrand ,m aneak on the "Spirituality and Formation of the Young ,ir..t-A a tViM o o'clock meet ing on Wednesday; witn a pic nic scheduiea ior tne siwrDwn and evening T.msa vnrlall. Ran Francis Co will be the speaker at the in A.vinia 'i nursaav mornina session on "How Your West rnmmi Uenriounrters WorKS i .n n'rlnrk session. Sam T..,. San nieco. will speak nn Y. C.W. Federations; and movies of International tneme will be ahown at 7:30 o ciocn Friday sessions will begin at 9:30 o ciock witn ai nioiins, t A. inn.lM aneaklnff on uua -"---' w " Work." and National program by George Sullivan, ine l o'clock session win inciuae t,...im.u Kt, nnh Hnwarth. San ncrcn - Diego, and Summary by Huss Torshy, San Francisco, i, west coast representative. The Friday sessions will conclude with a 8 o'clock dinner; 7:30 o'clock Badglng Ceremony, followed by a party ana oanc 1M Sessions for the Priests' will begin on Monday, Ati'uat 24. and will Include group discussions mornings and Ollna.r boot decorated horee w.r. Beth and Bobbr Junklint. Riekla ... .....In VapnAn W.t.h.O Sandra Bacha and Dick Martin. Raclns raoral Cralf Chambere. Paul Xtaal. atavea Chanbera, Jlmmr Martin. Jlmni Pinch. Douf Nohlkren, Vernon MeUnen and BUlr Marun. nacuin ie;r, - Juntllnr. Judr Schmidt. Rathr Wiatt. Oladra Meuhen and Tort Paa lech. Warnlnkton btt decorated bona ChrUller Larrr Parka. Tommr NeUon. . mil f.rnl Rrmit Kltea oroaan. .- ' ann Dale NaUon. Raclns (bora) Keith Brown. Larrr Parka, Oeno Bniobreuen. Dale Nelion. Joe Rniebrotaen. Brio Brown. DennU Kink. Doul1" J? ,"1 Tnomaa nm. . . p.rk.. Marr Jo Stubblefleld, Carol Spenat. Manlo Coleman, alien or-.. Suil. Snalebreaton. Paltlo atubblefleld. K.rr.n Hra.n ana ..m n,.-t beat dreaaer Jerl Ana . mi ... u..M.a. n.n. Kra- ker, Janet apoalatra. auean Daut and Tereaa aehaefer. Raclnt (born Jlmmr Proat. Btavla oallant. Danny Pller, Ron nie carr and Tomrar Wlatt. Raclns (tlrla) P"T wane, torn Breta Coona. Cherrl Kaael. auaan DaM. Raechel VancU, Naaer Walto. Michelle Moorman and Judr Finer. State Department officials In Washington said they un derstand Reds are blaming Brig. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf (above), police expert and one-time Amer ican advisor in- Iran, as a promoter of the pro-shah uprising against Premier Mohammed Mossadegh. The nine-hour uprising re sulted in the overthrow of Iran's "iron man." (AP Wirephoto) Patterson Proclaims Aid to Korea Week Paul Patterson has proclaimed September 7 to 13 as "Aid to Korea Week" in r ... 4a neraonallv ae- VICKUU - . - cepting all contributions as Oregon s snare in a nauon-wmw fund raising campaign unu- taken to offer immeaiate assist ance to millions of displaced, sick and orphaned Koreans. A goal of $5,000,000 has been set for the national campaign which is appealing for contri butions on a "person to person" basis to offer assistance to a staggering figure of human i.Av which includes nine milion homeless, a hundred thousand orphans and over three hundred thousand wid ows. The campaign was instigated by the American-K o r e a n Foundation of which Dr. Milton1 Eisenhower is chairman as the initial step in a long- range program of relief and re habilitation for Korea. WU Challenge Fund Grows Salem contributions to the Willamette university million dollar challenge fund continue tn .how a ateadv increase, it was disclosed Saturday by Pre sident G. Herbert bmitn. Tabulations have reached a high of 8127,430 the adminis trator reported. At tne previous nrnm-ess renort. A U C U S t 7, $122,730 had been subscribed by Salem individuals and busi ness concerns. - Willamette university facul fv a rut staff members have donated $13,760 to date in the hall0n0 fund drive. . The university building cam paign has been underway tnree and a half months, with Tru man W. Collins, Portland, and George H. Atkinson, San Fran cisco, as co-chairmen of the na tional committee. Tha immediate Koal of $1,- nOO.OOO will provide for the construction of a fine arts building and auditorium and a woman's dormitory. tinuance of the finest quality merchandise and service is promised oy tne new w... Reinholdt V Lewis will con tinue to manufacture wooa products for wholesale costri- bution. Couple Buy Dept. of Reinholdt & Lewis Deslershlp of the Salem Ve netian Blind, window shades, screens and draperies depart ments of the Reinholdt & Lew is Co., 580 South 21st, has Been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Capps. Both Mr. and Mrs. t-apps have been employed by Rein holdt & Lewis for the past 12 years in the four departments. Present plans by the Capps includes using the present lo cation temporarily untu a new location can be secured. Con- t Dutch Boy Shake Paint $4.85 fallen We Give of Green Stamps HUTCHEON PAINT STORI 1(2 N. Cemmereial Phone $-6887 ill KEIZER MARKET IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS That's right, the crew is chomping at the bit to get going so here we " . at I !ll l!.J I. go. These prices are the usual everyday low prices you win una in r m S Llav. .. I. mama an. Lam both our locations. Our large purcnasing power enaoies m 10 man. fl . II II.. .a a, aj.a. em Sam, lift aaa greater savings which we pass on 10 you. iwiuuny wo iubitv m- right to limit. . SWIFT'S PREM TIDE SOAP MARGARINE VEG. SOUP 12-oz. (an j Large Pkgs. !.. k..i..u. . 1. ' afternoons on ftionoay, iun- iib waiiiiiiiia v a u vivbn t scheduled for the afternoon. I day and Wednesday. NfWYORK Here Is elegance of style that Is simply beautiful and beautifully simple. Highlighted by a bib effect, skillfully achieved with open stitched detailing, this coat will give you that Irresistibly young look. The pretty, rounded petal collar matches perfectly the softly rounded sleeves that may be worn pushed up tf you like. The 100 Vir gin Wool Levmoor (R) fabric is available in delicate tones of bcice or grey, in sizes 3-15. Aik for bull, . ttflt 2907 11 loberh I'M. 177 North llbtrrf, Selem. As sees In Aagust Mademoiselle THERE'S MONEY IN YOUR TREES WE PAY CASH FOR GREEN (ONES LOOK NOW AT ALL DOCOLAS F1R8 AND GRAND riR TREES IN TOUR YARD, PASTURE nn wonni nT We pay m cents per pound for Douflas and 4 cents for Grand fir. Must be green and closed. When yon have some cones send as a postal card and we II come ana eoy mem WOODSEED Holiday Pound Pkgs. (amobells 2 (or WATERMELON pet pound 1W0 GUM LOCATION C4M01 SHOPPING CENTO -2290 N. RIVER ROAD 39' 25' 2' 25' 3' Tel 4-3J3S t-tou r. O. Box 7 Salem ONE STOP SHOPPING KEIZER GRAND OPENING SOON! 6B Saturday, Angnat 22. 1951 , Oregon Ends USAFI Courses Eugene ( The State Sys tem of Higher Education an. nounced Friday u wiin. drawing from the Umted States Armed Forces Institute a program which offers corres pondence courses toetrvlce men and women. A spokesman said the board objected to a clause in the con tract which said that schools providing USAFI courses "will not employ or retain for the performance of services under this contract such persons as are disapproved by the federal government.' Thif the board contended, deprives the state system of the .i.ht to determine the qualifi cations lor leacneaa in aven schools. .. .. Thirteen other coueges ana universities throughout the na tion also have withdrawn from the program. Traffic Slowed For Swim Pool Lebanon The city council is planning to slow traffic near the municipal swiuuuuig on the high school campus and has turned the matter over to its safety committee wun au thority to act The move was the result of checking on re ported fast driving In the area. Slow signs are planned and a 15-mile speed tone posted. This week's meeting saw ui pasage of two ordinances. One adopted as a city ordinance a part of the state liquor law not previously aaopiea, wou. other made legal a 1914 c riaaiins with the op eration of pool tables, which previously csrried no enacung clause. City Engineer E. G. wnit- comb reported at the center , n. h. filter at -the sew- oaac u- " age treatment plant now under construction wa pourm week and that work on the city oavinc program i proceeding weU. lr. of by k. he in. w, be an es