Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 21, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Friday, AugiMt 21, 1953
Pa f
Many-Guest Pastors On
Silverton Church Programs
SUverton The Rev. Joseph
Cooper, pastor ot the Christian
and Missionary Alliance, will
feature youth mixed vocal
quartet at the morning service
and evening "aingspiration."
The quartet personnel are
the Misses Nola and Ardis
Whlttaker, Dan Barthold and
Kenneth Larsen, presenting
the four-part arraangement of
the hymn "Nothing But
the hymn, "Nothing But
Leaves." Mrs. Cooper is the
' The pastor's worship hour
sermon topic is, "A World Em
pire Vision Wrecked," based in
the second and third chapters
of the Book of Daniel. '
At the 6:45 p.m. young peo
ple's alliance fellowship hour,
Dr. Gordon McNeiliy is .to tell
of his personal experiences as
missionary in a far east leper
colony and will show pictures
of his own taking during his
medical and Christian admin
istrations. Bishop of the Portland dis
trict, Dr. A. Raymond Grant,
will be the Sunday, August 23,
Methodist worship hour speak
er. Junior and senior high
youth groups are to meet in
separate rooms at 7 p.m., Sun
day. The Rev. Douglas Harrell
is pastor. Announcement wiii
be made, of the naming of Ed
gar Boyce as chairman of the
church official board to suc
ceed Ben Sprick. Preparations
are under way for the quar
terly conference, Sunday, Sept.
6, at Silverton Methodist
church at 8 p.m., with Dr.
George Rote berry, superinten
dent of the Salem district, di
recting the program.
"New Channels for Love," is
the sermon topic of Rev. A.
W. Nelson at Immaanuel Luth
eran church 11 o'clock wor
ship hour, Sunday, Aug. 23.
Luther League meets at 7:30
p.m. Rev. Nelson will be in
Parkland, Wash., as instruc
tor in the week's classes at
Pacific Luther college at the
Luther League leadership
school when four Silverton
young folk will be among
those attending, David Over
lund and Carolyn Hage from
the Immanuel group, and
from Trinity Lutheran, Sil
verton, Yvonne Mosier and
Herbert Heublein. Rev. Nelson
plans to return Saturday, Aug.
Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson of
Calvary Lutheran church, will
present the Rev. J. Henry Tur
nidge, president of the Salem
Bible College an Academy, as
pulpit guest, Sunday as the 11
o'clock worship hour speaker.
There will be no evening serv
ices. Ladies Aid will be Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
at the church social rooms
when a no-hostess luncheon is
to be served.
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates
ot the First Christian church
is inviting Rev. Russell Myers,
Jr., youth director of the Yak
ima, Wash., Christian church,
to present the 11 o'clock and
the evening 8 o'clock sermons.
First Presbyterian
Church i
Chemeketa at Winter
By Rev. B. J. Holland
Two Services: '
9:45 and 11 A.M.
KOCO, 10:00 A.M.
First Methodist
Downtown The Tell Whltt Spirt vim
th Chimes
Broadcast 11:30-1 1 :ti
(noon) KSLM
Brooks H. Moore
Sept. 21, 1953 Follows Public School Yesr
I to 11:45 A.M. Dally
Limited to: 25 children 5 years of age
For Reservations and Information Call 2-6718
Hear Rev. Curry orL0ScALES'
A Msn of Faith and Vision
Takei by Bro. Carry
Attend Our Splritoal Sanday School, 1:45 A.M.
Sunday Worship, 11 A.M. Rev. Wyatt Speaks
1305 North Ith at Gaines
Rev. Gerald Sawyer, director
of Silverton youth, will be ab
sent with he and Mrs. Sawyer
going to Bellingham to attend
the marriage of a brother. Dale
Sawyer and Miss Joyce Nelson,
in a Saturday evening cere
mony. In a congregational so
liciting program, sufficient
money was pledged and pre
sented for the placing of a
roof on the church. Mrs. Glenn
Benson was chairman of the
roof committee, and is serv
ing as president of the junior
woman's guild.
Pastor Joseph A. Luthro and
family are planning to return
home Monday, Aug.- 24, from
attending sessions at Parkland
for two weeks.
No Sunday school classes are
being held during August at
Trinity Lutheran church, with
regular church services be
ginning at 10 o'clock, Sunday,
Aug. 3, when the Rev. O. F.
Braaten, retired minister, of
baiem, will conduct the morn
ing worship service.
Barbara Aarrell and Donna'
Olson will present the Luther
League topic, "Who Makes Up
Your Mind," at the 7:30
o'clock evening hour.
Miss Martha Roisen, Corval
lis, daughter of the Ben Rois
ens, will appear as soloist at
the Sunday worship hour.
At the Colton Bible Youth
Camp Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock, Aug. 23, chimes as a
memorial will be played, hon
oring the late Rev. Ernst Sae
rison. In a dedicatory program.
Rev. Sacrison was director
of the camp for many years
and met accidental death when
a tree at the camp, was blasted
two years ago. A son, the Rev.
Earl Sacrison, will have a part
in the service.
Quarterly Meeting
Wesleyan Church
The Wesleyan Methodist
church is to hold quarterly con-
ference Friday evening at 7:45
at the church located at South
15th and Mill streets. The Rev.
J. R. Swauger, Home Missions
secretary of the Wesleyan
Methodist church of America
and also the newly elected pres
ident of the Oregon Conference
of the Wesleyan Methodist
church, of Syracuse, N. Y., will
be the speaker. In connection
with this first quarterly confer
ence of the new church year
the church will observe com
munion. Anyone interested is
The church will climax a
two weeks Bible school Sun
day morning at 10:45 with a
public children's service. This
will consist of songs and Bible
memory work. There will be
displays of handwork done.
Houstons Return
Calvary Baptist
Rev. and Mrs. Howard Hous
ton, formerly ol Salem and cur
rently on furlough after five
years as missionaries in Assam,
India, will return to Calvary
Baptist church on Sunday,
bringing the messages both
morning and evening. It will be
a part of the churclf s 25th anniversary-year
program. .
Rev. Houston, who was Di
rector of Youth at Calvary dur
ing the years 1948-1947, will
speak on the subject, "Feed
My Sheep." In the evening Mrs.
Houston will speak and show
pictures of their remarkable
work among the Lotha Naga
people in the hill country of
Leslie Methodists
To Hear Ediger
Loren Ediger of Salem, mis
sionary under the Mexican In
dian mission to the remote In
dian tribes of Mexico, will oc
cupy the pulpit at Leslie Meth
odist church at the Sunday
morning service. Mr. and Mrs.
Ediger have been studying at
the mission school at Tamazun
chale, Mexico, and will return
for active work in the field
later this year.
on His Evangelistic Tours
Rev. Rice Joins
1st EUB Church
The Salem First Evangelical
United Brethren church has
Just welcomed its new assistant
pastor, Rev. A. Delbert Rice, to
the city of Salem. Rev. Rice
will be assuming the positions
of Director of Music and also
Director of Young People's
A graduate of Oregon State
college, he received his B. S.
In the School of Electrical En
gineering before attending the
Western Evangelical Seminary
at Portland, Oregon, for which
he is now completing the re
quirements for the B. D. de
gree. Rev. Rice has previously
been the choir director in
churches in Gladstone and in
West Portland, where he and
his wife also taught in the
Bible school. They have come
to Salem from Sodaville where
Rev. Rice was the pastor of the
Evangelical United Brethren
church. '
Prof. Caliandro .
Speaks Wednesday
Rev. Anthony Caliandro, who
was in the national headlines
recently because of the Protes
tant persecution in italy, will
be speaking in Salem Wednes
day evening, August 28, at the
First Evangelical United Breth
ren church, Marion and Sum
mer. Prof. Caliandro was born in
Italy and began his education
there but completed his college
and graduate work in the U.S.,
receiving a B. Sc. and M. A.
from New York university. Af
ter serving for many years in
the United States as pastor,
editor, teacher of Italian, civics
and Americaniation, and acting
as director of Christ's Mission
in New York City, Prof. Cali
andro resigned all of bis posi
tions and returned to Italy to
establish and open the Evan
gelical Biblical Institute, at
Portici, Naples, Italy. This sem
inary is for the training of men
for the gospel ministry in that
country and operates several
missions in nearby commun
tes when are staffed by stud
ents of the institute. It was for
his connection with this school
that Prof. Caliandro was asked
to leave Italy.
Youth in Charge
Baptist Program
The 6:15 o'clock evening
young people's meeting at the
First Baptist church will be
this Sunday in the form of a
"sea voyage" on board the S.
S. Salvador. The College B. Y.
room will be decorated as a
ship with the ship's personnel
and deck hands participating
in the program. Main discus
sion of the evening will be car.
ried on by Roger Aiken and
John Periman following the
topic, "Does the Need Consti
tute the Call to Foreign Mis
sions," All College and Business-Age
young people are in
vited. Guest speakers will fill the
pulpit at both regular services
of the church. At 1 1 a. m. Rev.
J. R. Turnbull will speak on
"The Fourfold Vision." Rev.
Elmer Heibert of Salem Heights
will speak at the 7:30 evening
evangelistic hour.
Grace Lutheran
Auxiliary Meets
Recently organized as an
auxiliary of Grace Lutheran
church is a women's missionary
society which will hold its
meetings the second Tuesday
evening of each month. Since
many ot the women of the con
gregation are employed in of
fices and stores they are un
able to attend the afternoon ses
sions of the present Women's
Missionary Society. The Aug
ust meeting was held at the
Henry Storlie home. Officers
who will serve for the remaind
er of the year are Mrs. Henry
Storlie, president; Miss Hendra
Klabo, vice president; Mrs.
Daniel Whitesell, secretary, and
Mrs. Thomas Mommsen, trea
surer. The September 8th meet
ing will be held at the Fidel
Vroom residence, 4045 Silver
ton Road.
Early Sunday Mass
Stayton For the benefit of
bean harvesters, Immaculate
Conception church is provid
ing an extra Sunday morning
mass. First mass is said at 5:30
a. m., and the regular mssses
at 7:30 and 9:30 as usual. Sun
day evening services are at
7:30 p. m. throughout the sum
mer. Amity Churches
MM Wtlllm P. Bra. Miter. Hun
dr lehooi. It . hi. II or taint worship.
11 ft. m, Sv rains Mr., p. n.
Chart at ChHtiatpl9 p. star lbl
Ktwol. 18) a. Morntof worthlp, 11
a Chrlnlaa lAtScavar, M p.
Evtalnf mWTTmf, 1.M p. wk. Cbelr ptm
Uc. M p. a.
MU-U(y-IU. ewrwea MtCvtiMtl. nla
Itrttr. SuoOft? atnai, II ft. m. BfornlBf
worthlp, 11 P. Touth ItUawibip,
Pe -
Oefc Ores (mopes Rev. Brace Mr -Ooaasll.
minister. Morning worship, 0 40
a. m. Bundsr school, 10:4S a. m.
AasemMr of Oed front K. Mspee.
peator. punder school. 0 40 a. m. Mom
Ins worship, 11 s. at. Bvsalag service.
13 m. as.
Salem Clturcli
rim MtifcK auu chart at.
Votbioc rtu 1 a. a. tamaa:
"ChMtlt Otjr CMHU." rU V.
MMr taUWr.
totttfftBiu Cburt f Jm Ckrto
ff UUN eft ! aTWl tk M4
ChvtBttkilt tlTMU. Overt W. 9w4,
Mi4M. chart HkMl IU. wrnip
BtVlf II. OWM W. tSpM1, MMktr.
BvonUl VttflAl MtYtM V OlWII
WMk, IMkW.
oaks! BonolM Morlh Cotton mm
D" etreeto, Bev. BueVslnb rti. pee
ler. SurAer school 01 1:41 a.m.. With
cleesse lor all mm. Worship senses el
11 e-m., sermon tools, "And Ho Teueni
Theee." Bvoatnt imh! hour S pi.
a topes: "Two riser su."
Fm MeleeOM Hulil US Wlater
IMMl JU. M. G. Miller, pester. Sun
der school 1:4 so. Uernlna worship
a a. "Breeklna MM Orenna-
Touih Servlee : pas. Imlu eervlee
1:N Prorer eervlee M 1:M m
Christian mm Ml
North Ola mat llau. star. Poi W.
Ounlher. neelor. Sunder school S.40
r.m. worthlp: aersooa mi Boater: "n,k
To Mr Pace" II o.oi. AJUooeo Tooth
Prllewaulp JO .o. BvenlM eermon:
"Tho ImporUBc. prstnuir-
1:N p m.
Celvarr BoolM South Llhertr ot
wilier otroot. Ootor BJ. Berth, poitor.
Blolo othool ;4I. "Pee Mr Snoop" 11.
Bev. noword Houston, aseeos, lotto.
Broedeaal ovsr KOAt. 14M KM Beotlat
Touth Poliowshio Mro. suvora
Houatoa ol Assam. Xnele '.JO.
Pint CoritiloB Morloa mm Cot torn.
Dudler Simla, minister. Donald. Porno,
mlntaler ot Cbrlsttsn edueaUon. Church
school t:4l Morning worship ond
Communion 10:41 o m. Sanson or Dud
lor Strain. Sols. "Hold Tnoo Mr Bond"
Rrlsts iTcd MeDvsnnot. Tooth trouns
i:W p.m. Svsntng worship scrvtts 1;M.
ormon Or Dudlsr airoln.
Court Street Cnrlstlen Court street ol
11th. W. Hsreld Lrmon ond O. PhUlp
Kurd, ministers. Bible School naeemblr,
e m. Mornlnt worship U:M ('clock.
Sermon or Hereld Lrmoa. "The Wis
dom Thot Is Prom Ahore. Town nour
It n.m. Brsalnl worship 1:1 o'clock.
Sermon tr O. Philip Burd.
Semes Troth Cooler 141 Chemeketa.
Bunder school IS. Screlce 11. Toole:
'Tou Are immorioi. hot. vuto ow
Ceotrel totketon North Capitol and
Oslnss street. O. B. Rundatrom. poster.
Central Lutheran hour KOCO t:3e. Pam-
Ur Sunder school B. ssornuuj wor
ship II. Brenlns oenrlco t:t. RMcrMstlenel Marion and
Winter strsets. Bar. Walter R. Stork ot
Plrat Coniregstlonsl church, aaa Diego,
CalU., guest minuter 11 a.m.
Pint Chorru ol Christ, adonUst Lie-
ertr end Chemeketa streets, aunaer
school ot 11 o. m. Church sorTlee ot It
m. Leeson-sermon suomcs: -ssuia.
No Bunder evening service during Au
gust. SI John lolheron (Mo Srned) Itth
and A SU. H. w. Oroeo, poster. Ber
Ices ot t and II. Bunder school at IS.
rhorch of Jesus Christ mi Letter Dor
Solela (Mermen) Ith and Msdlsoei Bte.
John B. BelLsburr. bishop. Priesthood
meeting. a. m.. Bunder school. 10:M
a. a,, aeeressont names, t p. es.
n.-.t , th ...... rain St. t
St. at tlth. tho Re,. T. M. Oebhard.
pastor. Worship services. e:,s eno it
e. m. Sermon br the Rev. H. T. P.
Wlttroek. D. D.. Portlend. Bundar school
Bible Cissses IS a. m.
Chemeketo Bts. Rev. aeorse H. Bwllt,
b r. . n.l. .M.H..UU. , IU snn
1 9:10 a. m.. Ruraerr achool in pariah hall.
it o. m. rroier service bm hibh, .
Beveoth Dor Advsatlat Bummsr ond
Bood. asbbath School I.1Q a. m. Topic,
"The Relation of Pslth to the Blood."
Sermon 11 S- m. br Pastor Jt. O. Behalf,
Plrat Splrllosllat 4W M. Cottsge. Mo
ssrvlcs nest Sunder. ,
SI. Msrfc's letheroa 341 R. Churrh.
Morning worship, t e. .m. Ouest spesk
sr Sundsr. Edwsrd Merer. Sunder
school, IS a. m. .Luthsr League snoots
at g p. m.
Plrst Choreh of Ood Cottage ond
Hood. R. J. Mclntlre. mlnlstsr. Sundsr
school. 10. Morning worship. 11. T. P.
mssuais, g:4S. Kvealag eervlco, r:M.
Lebiah Csmmooltr B. M. Books. B. D .
psator. BundsT school for ell cleasea et
10. Worahlp ond preerhiag et 11. Junlora
meet ot T with Mre. Stelser conducting.
Tounc People under direction of Marr
Baamborier at 1:40. Prsachlng at 1:30.
St. Jeseob'a Csthelle Chemeketo end
Winter. Rav. Joe. B. Vendsrbeek. pea
tor. Sundsr masses: S. 1. S, 0:11. I0:M
and 11:10. Confessions Ssturdsr: l:3g to
0:30 ond 1:30 to 0.
St. Vloeent de Pool Csthelle Columbia
and Mrrtlo streets. Msssss at 0. 1:30.
0:40. It end 11:10 a. m. Confessions Sst
urdsr. 4:30 to 1 10 and 1 to 0:30 p. m.
end before maasea. .
Oroeo Lotberoa (E!X Buanrvisw snd
Lsnslng svtnues. t:40 a. so. Sunder school
Junior service. 11 a. as., divine worship.
1 p. m., Luther league plcnte at Buab's
posture. It. W. Hoi to, pester.
Koltht Memerlel Ceugreeotteosl 140
south loih St. 0:40 a. m.. Sunder achool.
11 o. m.. Morning worahlp. Sermon,
"There's a Stone In the Rood," br the
Rev. Bdwerd c. Belter, guett minister.
Church'tlme nurtsrr.
Plrst Baptist Marlon and Llberlr. Dr.
Llord T. Anderson, pestor. Rev. Thorn
ton Jsnsma. assistant pastor. Bundsr
school, 0:40 a. m. Morning worship, 11
o'clock, "The Pourlold Vision," Rev. J.
R. Turnbull. Touth meetlnga, 0:10 p. m.
Bvening so, pel stmce. 1-3 o'clock.
Ouest snooker. Rev. Bmor Blobert.
Poor Cernere Bsptlst State and Xlm
Sis, Rev, Victor L. Lourks, poster. Bon
dsr school, 0:40 a. m. Mornlog worship.
11 o'clock, pastor opssklng. Toons
Peoples leegue. 0:30 p. m. Bvening gos
pel service, 1:30 p. m.
Pelth Lutheran N. River Rd. at Cher
rr end Cummlnss Lens. Oeo. L. Holm
uulat, B. D.. potior. Worahlp services,
svsrr Sundsr, at II a. m. la the cbepel.
Bundar school, everr Suader. at 0:40
o. m. hi the chenel-porleh hotuw. Touth
meeting everr Bander alght ot f p. m.
In the ekapel.
prwril K. I. P RT. Olftta tur
rit, patter. Sunday achapL It Morn
tnc worihip. 11 a. m. T p. m, vtnith
ftllewthtp. Cotuit prarr aoatlat at
pariMRM Atituit St.
Lyons Churches
Lvoao Metbedlal Churrh school et
0 40 o. m. with Mrs. John Prldesu.
general superintendent, end Mrs. Glen
Jullea, primes? sunvrleteadenl. Woe.
ahip aervlee ot II o. m., topic. "Vitel
Eipertenre." August 33. M. T. P. group
will meet at the peraooeeo at 1 p. m.
Albany Budgets of six agen
cies which will participate in
the first Albany area United
Fund drive will be reviewed
and if approved will be pre
sented to the executive board
next week, John Anderson,
newly appointed chairman of
the budget committee, an
nounced iollowing a meeting
of the United Fund board of
directors last night in the city:
hall. i
Timely Sermon Topics On
Woodburn Church Agenda
Woodburn The Rev. Noble
Streeter of MiU City will be
guest speaker Sunday, Aug. 23,
at the Woodburn and Bethel
Presbyterian churches. He will
speak at the Bethel church at
10 a.m. and at the Woodburn
church at 11 a.m.
Rev. Streeter is a friend and
former classmate of Rev. Rob
ert E. Van, who is expected to
take over the pastorate ot the
two churches early in Septem
ber. Dr. David Ferguson will
speak at Mill City and Mehama
Sunday morning and will be at
Woodburn again Aug. 30. Sun
day school at the Woodburn
church is at 4M5 and follows
the morning service at Bethel.
Rev. J. William Carlson, pan
tor, will be in charge ot the 0
a.m. service Sunday, Aug. 23,
at the Immanuel Lutheran
church following a vacation ot
three weeks. He will speak on
the topic, "The Power ot God's
A two-weeks daily vacation
Bible achool wiU bee held at
the Woodburn, Immanuel Luth
eran church, beginning Mon
day, Aug. 24. Classes will be
held from 0 to 11:45 Monday
through Friday, closing Sept 4.
Rev. S. Darlow Johnson, for
mer pastor of the Leslie Metho
dist church, Salem, will con
duct the 11 o'clock service at
the Woodburn Methodist
church Sunday morning. "Mo
tive" will be his sermon topic.
Rev. Ormai B. Trick, pastor.
has been invited to deliver the
70th anniversary sermon of
the Fossil Methodist church.
Regular services will be
held st the Woodburn Assem
bly of God church Sunday with
Sunday school at 0:45 a.m.,
worship service at 11 . a.m..
young people's meeting st 7:45
p.m. Earl Goodnight of
Springfield will be the speaker
at the evening service. Mon
day night the Woodburn church
will be host to sectional
youth rally of this area. Rev.
Cranston of Camaa, Wash., will
be the speaker.
Rev. D. Lester Fields of
Woodburn, retired Methodist
minister, will be guest speaker
at the Woodburn Church of
God at both the 11 a.m. and 8
p.m. services on Sunday, Aug.
23. The pastor. Rev. Edward
H. Baldwin, will be one of the
delegates attending the west
coast convention of the Church
of God, Thursday through Sun
day. He is a senior youth ad
viser of the state.
The Reorganized Church of
Jesus Christ of the Latter Day
Saints of Woodburn will hold
the annual picnic at Settlemier
park Sunday, Aug. 23, follow
ing the morning service, The
potluck dinner will be served
at noon. Elder Carpenter of
Vancouver, Wash., will be
guest speaker at the 11 a.m.
service. George E. Omans is
pastor. I
"The New Birth" will be the
11 a.m. sermon topic on Sun
day, Aug. 23, of Rev. George
Student Preacher
St. Mark's-Sunday
At the 8 o'clock worship ser
vice Sunday morning the St.
Mark's Lutheran congregation
will hear a young theological
student who will supply the
pulpit in the absence of the
pastor. He is Edward Meyer,
790 Fairview, a son of the con
gregation and the son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Meyer, long-
time residents of Salem. Young
Mr. Meyer is a graduate of
Midland college and has com
pleted one year at Central Lu-,
theran Theological Seminary,
Fremont, Neb. He is engaged
in church survey work during
the summer for the Pacific1
synod. Mr. Meyer will return
to Central Seminary in Sep-1
tern ber to continue his theo
logical training, looking to
ward ordination to the gospel'
ministry in lBSS.
Englewood Bible
School to Open
The Englewood Evangelical
United Brethren Dally Vaca
tion Bible school will begin
Monday, continuing each day
for two weeks, except on Sat
urday and Sunday.
Classes are planned lor all
children from four years of age
through the sixth grade. Each
day the school will be livened
with awards, treats and special
object lessons. On one day a
live pet lamb will be used In
teaching a phase of the twenty
third Psalm.
The beginners, primary and
Juniof departments will be
out ted by 22 teachers.
Music will be under the dl-1
rection of Mrs. Alfred Downs,'
pianist, and Mrs. William Pero.
song leader.
Furs Exclusively
For 15 Tears
1348 Ferry St.
Springer at the Woodburn
Christian church. His topic
for the p.m. service will be
"Effective Service." Sunday
achool is at 10 a.m. and Chris
tian Endeavor at T p.m. Mrs.
Springer and daughter, Mary,
have returned from the Chris
tian Service camp at Wi-ne-ma,
where Mrs. Springer served as
dean of women. The Springers
were honored with a house-
warming at the new Springer
home Thursday night.
"Nations Divided1' will - be
the 11 a.m. sermon topic of
Rev. R. Brendler ot the Wood
burn Bible Baptist church Sun
day at 11 a.m. For the eve
ning service at 7:45 his topic
will be "God's Final and Su
preme Messenger." Sunday
school is at 0:45 a.m., and
young people's meeting at :45
Rev. Ruth Specter, evangel
ist, will be guest speaker at the
8 p.m. service at the Woodburn
Foursquare community church
Sunday, Aug. 23. Rev. Spec
ter, a former actress and a
great granddaughter of a Jeru
salem rabbi, is reported to be
the only known lady Jewish
evangelist ' Her topic will be
"From Jerusalem and Holly
wood to the Pulpit". The pas
tor. Rev. Arthur Goble, will
speak at the 11 a.m. service.
Topic: "The Reinforced Life."
Effective Aug.
HOl0I.S)8' 25,.,245
'..( si'
Fully Matured (
on the Vine LB. O
2120 Fairgrounds
m u r
isinaa fi
Baha'i World
Faith to Meet
. Saturday evening, August 22,
at 8 o'clock at the YMCA,
Room C, the Baha'i. World
Faith will .hold its regular
monthly meeting.' Its House of
Worship, whose beauty at
tracts thousands of tourists an
nually, was recently completed
and was dedicated early in
May. Pictures of this dedica
tion and many views of the
Temple, located at Wilmette,
Illinois, will be shown by Mar
lorie Taylor ot Portland. Mar-
xieh Gail, author ot a recently
published book, Persia and the
Vistorians, will be the speak.
er. Mrs. Gail has spoken at
two previous meetings and the
experience of listening to her
most interesting talks is one
that la repeated with additional
pleasure. Mrs. Gail was one
ot the Oregon delegates to the
dedication and will have many
intriguing bits to tell about the
thousands of people from all
parts of the world who at
tended this event. The public
is cordially invited to be pres
ent, t
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Dr.WiHrcck d t
Christ LuLhsren.
Dr. H. T. T. Wittroek, Pori-
land, will deliver the sermon
and conduct the services this
Sunday in the absence of the
regular pastor, T. M. Gcbhard
at Christ Lutheran church.
The Rev. Wittrock now re
tired from the active ministry
is widely known in the North
western District of the Luther
an church for the pioneer work
in the interest of the church
in the west.
Rev. Gebhard. who is at pres
ent on vacation on the Oregon,
coast, will return to the parish
on August 27 and resume the
schedule of services for August
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ances, nervous koodachsja,
nerveus, irritability, excita
bility, sleeplessness. : ,
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"ip. I
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