Friday, Anntt 21. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Oregon Miss Howard Wed Recently Miu Vclma Lou Howard, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam J. Howard of St. Helens, and Charles N. Isaak, son of Mr. and Mrs: N. G. Isaak of Salem, were married at the First Methodist church at 8 o'clock on July 23. . The Rev. George Trobough performed the service. The al tar was decorated with pink and white glsdioluses and blue and pink daijies. Miss Betty Waters, Grants Pass, and MUs Jeanne Wilson, Portland, light ' ed candle. Miss Margy At wood of Salem sang, and was accompanied by Miss Connie Com, of St. Helens. The bride was given in mar riage by her father. She ore a white satin dress with a full length train, net yoke and full length sleeves with points at the wrists. The dress was trim med with lace on the sleeves, bodice and down the front and ides of the skirt. The illusion net fingertip veil and shorter over-veil extended from a crown trimmed In a double row of seed pearls. The bride's bouquet was of white roses with a white orchid center. Miss Alice Johnson of Wei ser, Idaho, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Nadine Mickelson of Eugene, Miss Ed wins Douglas of Salem,- a cou sin of the bride, Miss Marilyn Isaak of Salem, cousin of the bridegroom, Miss Connie Beck er of St. Helens and Mrs. Na than Waldrin of St. Helens. Flower girl was Miss Pamela Howhrd, of Sacramento, Calif., niece of the bride. . , Best msn was Dick Isaak of Salem, cousin of the bride groom. Ushers were Eugene Gallant' of Pawtucket. R. I., Dick Rampant of Newberg, John Howard of Sacramento, Calif., brother of the bride, Art Johnson of Eugene, Don Ford ef Virginia. A reception followed in the church parlors. Mrs Elmer Johnson of St. Helens cut the cake, assisted by Miss Helen Park of Portland, cousin of the bridegroom. Miss Vivian John eon of Portland, and Miss Helen Bennett of St. Helens served the punch. Miss Ilene Hoppins of Nampa, Idaho, had charge of the guest book and Miss Louise Knight of St. Helens and Miss Sue Anderton of Portland were in charge of the gift table. Barbara Isaak, and Nita Bentz of Salem pass ed the bridegroom's cake. Miss Arlene Klinger of St. Helens was in charge of the flowers. For traveling, Mrs. Isaak wore a navy blue faille dress with. French jacket, a light blue feather hat and a white orchid corsage. The couple left for a wedding trip to Vancou ver, B. C, and are now at home In Salem. In September they Will go east, where Mr. Isaak will continue his studies at Harvard law school. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR , LINGERIE IIS N. Liberty NILES NAVARRE Studio --Dance Ballet -Toe -Spanish Character -Tap Mr. Novorrt returns from Hollywood bringing his pu pils' the excellence of instructors and dancers of the United States, South America and Spain. Registration begins next week' for September Stu dio Opening when dance revue rehearsals will begin. Phone 20683 U. S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED SWIFT'S lb. 35 Buy the Vi or Whole. Average Weight 200 lbs. Cut, Wrapped and Frozen, Ready for Your Locker HERE'S SOMETHING NEW! Ed now has a new method for wrap ping meat ... the "CRYOVAC" machine wraps meat, fish, poul try for locker storage . . . guaranteed no locker burn and no shrinkage. 'This method has been used by Armour, Swift and Poul try Packers. Ask Ed about it today! ED'S ' iJftARKET FREE DELIVERY On Order Over $4.00 . v . v I 1 I I -J ' : I " . u, . i h - - 4 4 .'-' r 1 - J M ,,,v' if J ' ' I .yes-? s-v Vr; "-' f- - .. i., . .. fc. -t...-. .. m.r n- M Harvick-Gibbins Keizer On Tuesday, Au gust 11, Miss Betty Gibbins and Joe Clyde Harvick, both tem porarily residents of Stayton, were united In marriage, in Faith Lutheran chapel by the pastor, Rev. George L. Holnv quist Floyd Davis and Mrs. Lois Jones were their attend ants. . SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. John Towle had as luncheon and afternoon guests Tuesday, former Chadron, Neb., friends, Senator and Mrs. William Hern, whom they had not seen for eight years. The Herns are driving home by way of Cali fornia and Phoenix. STEER BEEF BUY FOR YOUR LOCKER NOW! I PURE V $ GROUND t Z BEEF 1 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 A.M. re 1 A.M. 1120 S. 12th St. fh. J6401 Enjoy lee Skating Miu Beverly Nunn, left above, and Miss Lois Roseler are among Salem folk enjoying a vaca tion at Sun Valley this summer. They are there until this coming week-end. They are pictured here on the outdoor artifical ice rink at the mile-high resort. Miss McKenzie Is Wed at McMinnville Sheridan Miss Alvina Mae McKenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rod McKenzie, was wed to Larry C. Ritland of McMinn ville, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C Ritland of Lafayette, July 24 at the First Baptist church in McMinnville. The Rev. S. James Osborne read the double ring ceremony before 200 guests Clifford Elliott of McMinn ville sang before the ceremony and Harold Elklngton accom panied and played the wedding marches on the organ. The bride, given in marriage by he father, wore a wedding dress of traditional white satin with a bodice of antique lace over satin and a lace paneled skirt. Her fingertip veil was held in place by a pearl studded tulle coronet. She carried a cas cade bouquet of stephanotis, miniature white Calla lilies and white satin leaves centered with a gold throated white or chid. ' Mrs. Maxine McKenzie of Oswego, sister-in-law of the bride, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Joan Zimmerman and Miss Delores Grebowski of McMinnville. BEEF STEAK BEEF ROAST BOILING BEEF at 1 '.--. Flower girls were Robin Wohglemuth of Newberg, and Carol Shipley of Sheridan. Best man was W. L. Mekkera of McMinnville. Earl Plumeau and Don Jernstedt of McMinn ville were ushers. Billy Vinton, McMinnville, was ring bearer A reception was in the Fireplace rooms of the church after the ceremony. Mrs. Eu gene Schulte of Portland, aunt of the bride, served the wed ding cake. Serving the punch was Mrs. A. F. wohglemuth of Newberg, aunt of the bride. Mrs. Eugene Hanson, McMinn ville, poured. Miss Charlene Scott of Willamina passed the guest book, and Mrs. Marian Montoy of Arlington, Va., and Miss Elsie Jenne of McMinn ville were in charge of gifts. For their wedding trip to Canada, the bride wore a pale blue suit with beige accessories and an orchid corsage. They are now at home in McMinn ville. AMONG those to take in the fashion show at the American Legion club this evening is Mrs. Carl Engdahl, who is here from Pendleton. Her daugh ter, Mrs. D. J. Mumm, is one of the models in the show, sponsored by Salem club of Zonta International with Es ther Foster's shop showing the styles. Today's Menu I Dress up fish fillets with an easy-do, well seasoned sauce. Friday Fare Fish Fillets with Savory Egg Sauce New Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes and Sweet Corn i Bread and Butter Green Salad Fresh Plums Beverage i Savory Egg Sauce Ingredients: H cup mayon-, naise, H cup sweet pickle rel- ish, 2 teaspoons prepared horse- j radish, 1 teaspoon prepared i mustard, 1 tablespoons chopped I parsley, 3 tablespoons chopped j i canned pimiento, Vt teaspoon salt, 1 hard-cooked egg, chop ped. " ,- Method: Mix mayonnaise, pickle relish, horseradish, mus tard, parsley, pimiento and 1 salt Stir in chopped egg. Chill. : Makes 1 cup. Secve with broiled or fried fish fillets. tag Special Trips at Camp Silver Creek Two organized trips on Wed nesday Wer imnni thm mmmw activities at Y. W. C. A. Camp silver creek for girls over 12 thia week. A trip to Taylor's Grove and a four miu hik. around Silver Creek Falls was lea by Denis Lavender. Mr. Lavender also will conduct a star gazing program at evening camp! ire. A birthday skit entitled "Sweet Sixteen will R sented by the girls of Bear ureea unit in Honor of one of the junior counselors. Miss ShlrleV Blll.h Thnu nirll.l. pating in it are Janet Daven port, Sally Osko, Margot Wing, Janet Bosell, Kay Nickels, Louise Powell and Barbara Morris. Christenings at St. Mary's Church ML Angel Mortis Anthony was the name given the Infant son of 'Mr., and Mrs. Arnold Zollner when he was baptized Friday at St. Mary's Catholic church. Eugene Sander and Theresa Sander of Tillamook were the sponsors. Officiat ing at the baptism ceremonies was the Very Rev. Bernard Sander, OSB, uncle of the in fant. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zollner was bap tized Saturday site -noon at St. Mary's Catholic church. He was named Bernard Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Al Manning were the sponsors, and the Rev. Cy ril Lebold, OSB officiated. Susan Ann, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Schar back, was baptized Sunday aft-, ernoon at at. Mary s lainoiic church.' John Scharbacb, bro ther of Susan Ann, and Miss Louise Plas were the sponsors, and the Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB officiated. Birthday Event Mr. and Mrs. George Bogosian were entertained at their home on South River road Tuesday of this week, the occasion be ing the birthday of the latter. An evening of visiting and mu sic was enjoyed after which a birthday cake and coffee were served by the hostesses, Mrs, Mary Croshaw and Misses Mar gart and Shirley Bogosian. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Croshaw and family of Albany, Mrs. M. E. Langdon and son of Junction City, Mr, and' Mrs. Jack Schafer of Brooks, Mrs. Loyd Totton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jene Wicke and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Deran Parsegian, Mrs, Hurstel Totton and family, Mrs. Lowells Murphy, Harry Minasian, Bob Bogosian, Alfred Bogosian, the honored - guest, Mrs. George Bogosian, Mr. Bo gosian and the hostesses, Mrs, Mary Croshaw and the Misses Margaret and Shirley Bogo sian. Named Chairman Silverton Mrs. Victor Sa ther is general chairman for the September meeting of the Business and Professional Wo men's club, advanced to the second Tuesday of the month, September 8, as a dinner meet ing at Toneys. The topic for presentation is entitled: 'Know Your Federa tion," Guests are to be invited. Plans were discussed for other interests of the coming year's work of the club at the executive committee meeting at the office of the Appeal Tribune. I What .women want to know about die! Knsey Report Cm the liaser Kaport ea Woava help bring tbesa asppisjets ia marriage? The LadiM Home Journal tatsrprets the furthcoming MSexsal Befaarior in Amr iornm Women" from this eae important supaet. Get ymtr copy of the SrpUm kr Joorasl today I ttPTIMIII UIIII' Hall I JOURNAL m - '- 'j- ' ,0. '.V if 1 z If - ; -V " ' ,.r, Dallas Wedding Mr. and ciel Reimer), above, were married August 15 at Dallas. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Corney Reimer and Mr. Regier is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Regier of Reedley, Calif. (Jesten-Mlller studio picture.) DAR Event Woodburn Belle Passi chap ter, Daughters of the American Revolution, will sponsor a booth ' at the D.A.R. annual benefit country fair Saturday, Aug. 22, at Champoeg. The Woodburn chapter booth will feature fruit, berries, can ned fruit, garden produce, cakes, pies, and other items. Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. Howard F. Butterfleld are gen eral cnairmen with Mrs. Drexel White as booth chairman. Mrs. Lester E. Keller, regent. will have charge of decorations on the tea table and serving as hostesses will be Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Keller along with board members of which Mrs. Karl Engleman of Belle Passi chapter is one. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Miller and son, Francis Joseph, of Portland, are house guests at the home of Mrs. Mil, ler's parents, the F. M. Powells and Jerry, for over the week end. Mr. Miller Is completing plans to join his father-in-law tor a trip during the coming week, to St. Louts, Mo., where both will attend the national America Legion convention. Both are members of the Del bert Reeves post, Silverton. Mr. Miller also will visit members of his family In St Louis, his home town. Just 1 U.J4 'V i' '3 Mrs. Marvin Regier (Mar- SILVERTON i Mrs. James Nelson, general chairman f the recent flower show soon- sored by the Jaycee-Ettes, re ports the displays and free will offerings netted around $30 for the group s welfare program. One guest, Mrs. ' William Wortman, and eleven members were present for this week's meeting with Mrs. Lloyd Tay lor presiding. Mrs. John Mid dlemiss and Mrs. Walter Flager were hostesses at the Middle- miss home. , . . SILVERTON The Rev. and Mrs. Neilan Dodson (Alice Lor- en) and son, Bruce, from Nan- ton, Alberta, Canada, guests of the Ira Lorens, and a daugh ter of the Lorens, Miss Naomi Loren of Eagle Point school faculty, drove to Roads End on the coast Mrs. Laura Geiser, a guest, went as far as Sheridan, where she visited for the week end at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Frank Zook of the Chris tian church there, and joined the family of the Carl Lorens tor a reunion of three days. ' The Carl Lorens, former Sil verton residents, have three sons, Wayne, Carol and How ard. -. MABJOKIK MONTGOMERY DRESSES ' ' at the una rom sm 118 N. High St ' mmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmr nHMMMHmmnaWMBBmaaaaaaaaaaaaamammmf PKTTYAj.4.pCTURl., picture yourself In one of THE VOGUE'S head-turning beauties! Glamour hats styled to add a note of sophistication to your Fall wardrobe ... to flatter you unbelievably! See the fall collection soon at THE VOGUE OF SALEM. From 2 of the Vogue's exclusive lines Priced from $12.9S thru $24.93 ' The Vogue of Salem 437 and 44S Stat Club Plans fyc-U - Oliver ion ' - Hfinoeu, president as a ing two future w a i off the club year ef ti e J Womsa'i elub. A X o'e ck I -Die lunch in Silverton City I -la planned en August Uir cial hour following. At thia meeting plana wu l t completed for a tea for t I pleasure of prospective bers, details aa to time and Co. m mlttee personnel to-be aj nounced later. Dsfrcif Girls::::. T-V- fr--i-VTrS ntrnlt Nina member ol Troop 88, Girl Scouts from the Detroit-Idanha area, parUdpat- ed in an ovenugru ouunsj Brei tec bush laot week-end. Pimn wii mail in that old - guard station, where the ftrie lant aTmlffalW !1ttf . M IllKs MI the new Breltenbuah guard station was productive of a talk on tree disease, v The Scouts worked on their merit badge In silviculture. campcraft, and outdoor-cook ery. Swimming at Breitenbuan Hot Springs was a popular ac tivity of the group. -Attending were: Susan Moore, Delores Gesher, Evelyn Harper, Martha Mason, Mar tine Rarey, ally New, Becky Stoll, Carolyn Lady, and Gloria Evenson. The Scout were aceompan- , 1J ... 1 - Wktt. mtmJt Rozelle Vlckera. LIGHTS FOR WATKKLOO Lebanon Waterloo, one of , ed cities, celebrated InstaUa Uon of 1U first (tract light thia week. Mountain States Power company official erected new type mercury vapor light at the Intersection of Seventh and Cross, near tbo eommu nity's grocery (tore. Two more , lights, ordered by the Water-; 1 n,lt m Vu. immlmJI shortly. In the North Pacific is the largest living star fish. It la the Sunflower Star and reaches a diameter of two feet or mora. $4.85 Hon W Give f Green Stamp HUTCHEON PAINT STORE r 168 N. Commercial I rbneS-(6IT xioY DB,ti1 VV7 Shalco IM Paint j a .