In The Edited MIU FORBES Donald Donald Mr. and Hn. Nor man Yergen and daughter. Donna, and Marion Feller re (urned Wednesday evening from a ihort vacation trip to eastern Oregon, where they visited relatives. They hoped to get soma huckleberries but reported there were two pick ers for each berry. June-Bug Feller is having her share of mishaps this sum mer. Recently she was kicked by a horse and required nine stitches to close the wound. On the day ahe had the stitches removed she fell off the fam ily truck and broke the wound open again, necessitating more stitches. Donald is fortunate in hav ing a new barber in the person of Jack Powell. This is his second week on the Job, and he advises that he specializes in ladies and children a haircuts, and be la also keeping his shop open evenings for the benefit , of those working in the harvest the daytime. Mr. Powell comes and who cannot get in during from Portland and is now mak ing his home in Donald. Dick Kleyne, owner and op erator of the Appliance and Bepair shop in Donald, was re cently married to Lucille Tol leson of McMlnnvlile. They were married by a Justice of the peace in Virginia City. Nev. The couple are now living in McMlnnvlile, and Mrs. Kleyne drives back and forth to work. Mrs. Walter L. Aldrldce and children of Donald have Just returned from visiting her ' mother, Mrs. Martha Ann No Ian, and Mrs. Mary Creech, her aunt, of Vader, Wash. While there, they also took a trip to Long Beach. Mrs. William Gershong is back home after spending quite some time in the hospital. She is reported to be getting along satisfactorily. Mrs. Bay Maxfield, who re cently suffered a heart attack, la at the home of her daugh ter in CorvaUis. Mrs. Max field's mother, Mrs. Mary Froom, who is also in ill health, is at the home of her son in Woodburn. Before she became ill, Mrs. Froom and her daugh' ter, Mrs. Maxfield, were living In the family home at Donald. The Women's Benefit assoc' lation met Thursday night, Aug. is, lor the regular meet ing, at which time they voted not to meet until Sept. 24. Ord inarily they meet the second and fourth Thursday of each month, but due to the busy Tho roal thing For the Finest TTEACi IN THI NORTHWEST OR The Most Delicious CMDCCiEN ITS ftattucJ Chateau STOCK CAR tmens SATURDAY KITE SAUM BY POPULAR DEMAND! 75 LAP MAIN EVENT Time Trials al 7:30 Races 1:30 HOLLYWOOD BOWL Phone 4-5203 1 mile North of Salem on tM Admission 1.50; KMt ander twehre 50c Valley season they will not meet until the fourth Thursday in Sep tember. Al Feller Is reported to be slightly under the weather these days. His granddaugh ter was with him a short time. but be is alone again now. Mrs. John Anderson was in charge of the music at White Branch Youth Camp at McKen- zie Bridge, sponsored by the Nazarene church. Bev. Ander son also attended camp for a week. Judith and Karen Phil- lipsen attended the camp, and Aug. 24 to 28 wUl be the older boys camp, ages 11 to 14. The past week boys from 8 to 11 attended the camp. Mrs. Delbert Haener is re covering from a leg laceration inflicted by a pitchfork while she was working on their hop ranch near Donald. She is under the care of a Canby phys ician. Harmon Yeary is home now from the Veterans hospital in Portland, where he underwent major surgery. He is reported to be getting along as well as can be expected. Fairview Fairview Mrs. Will Wen, who left here May 30 by auto mobile for Green Bay, Wis., where she attended the summer session at the college, arrived at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stephens, Wednesday afternoon. Her brother and siiter-in law,' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fleming and son, Jerry, of Green Bay, accompanied her and they were guesta of a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flowers at Redmond, Ore. Mrs. Flowers Joined the group and is at the Stephens home. They all will go to Fossil, Ore., and meet with another sister for their annual reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Steph ens and Lester accompanied Mrs. Duren overland to Green Bay and returned home by rail. Mrs. Duren and Mrs. Steph ens are both teachers in the Dayton union grade school. Rev. James Cint of Beaver ton has been conducting a series of meetings Tuesday and Fri days since Aug. 10 at the Fair- view Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter say Saints. . Sunday, August 10, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Roy, of Grand Island recently from Kansas City. Mo., and Carol Sue Worth ington, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard wortn lncton of Lafayette, united with the Fairview Congregation and were baptized at the Fount at the church in Portland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy are cousins of Mr. and Mrs. James Cleven- eer of Wheatland district ana Carol Sue is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clevenger. Mr. and Mrs. Roy have re turned to Kanias City after re siding here two months, to ar range business affairs and come here to make their home. He is a carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Boas ana iam- llv who are residing in the R. T. Kidd residence in Unlonvale are remodeling the house on the acreage in the Fairview dis trict, recently purchased from his father, preparatory to mov ing to the place soon. Falls City Falls City Franz Wagner of Portland was a recent visitor at the homes of his sister, Mrs. Theresa Toiler, and two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Amelia Wagner and Mrs. Katherine Wagner and family. While here he attended the Wagner reunion. Mr. Wagner is an attorney. Week end visitors at the J. L. Hunter home were their daughter, Mrs. Max Morton, and family of Cloverdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Rswleigh Roach of Bend. - . ' Mrs. Roach and Mrs. Hunter were childhood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cleln have moved to Portland where Mr. Clein is employed. Sunday visitors at the W. P. Letterman home were their son, Billy and family of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thrasher of Seattle, Mrs. Maude Thrasher, and Mr. Harris of Philomath, Miss Ruth Clark of Oakdale and several neighbors. Mr. Letterman, Sr., lost his eyesight seversl months ago and greatly appreciates tne vis its of friends. Miss Carolyn Joyce Cum. mings and Robert S. Hutchin son of Ocean Lake, were mar' ried at the Evangelical United Brethren church in Taft, Sat urday evening. Aug. 15. Mrs. Jack Dickinson and family and Stephen Letterman, aunt and uncle of the bride, at tended the wedding. Leonard Westbrook is busy operating his combine. Archie Palmer sews sacks for him. Bert Dennis and wife of Bremerton. Wash., are making an extensive visit among rela tives, including his sister, Mrs. Junius Ward and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Drake have received a letter from their son, Pfc. Frank Drake, who Is in the 187th Medical Airborne Corps.. Regimental Combat Division, stationed in Korea, near White Horse Hill. Frank has been recommend. ed for the Silver Star for brsv ery, which he. earned by going through a mine field, rescuing natrol who wete trapped when returning front front line duty. He guided them to safety and administered first aid to the wounded Frank will have been in the service three years in Febru ary and his people are hoping he will be home for Christmas. Marie Sullivan spent the week end at the Pankalla farm near Corvallis, with her daugh ter, Lula, and family. They were Joined, on Sunday, bv Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boss and three boys, Mrs. Clara Gage and son. Dickie, and Tex Scott, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pankalla of Cor vallis. All enjoyed a picnic and swimming at the river. Mrs. Sullivan returned to Portland Sunday evening to the home of her son, Eddie O'Brien, where she is assisting with the housework and care of her son's wife, who is very ill. Pvt. Bichard Clemens of Fort Lewis visited his wife, Darlene Drake Clemens, over the week end. Willamina Willamina Miss Margaret Cunliffe was given a going away party Saturday after noon by Ellen Ham and Ber nard Doyle. The affair was a picnic at the O. K. Brock Sr., home. She received aeveral nice gifts. The Cunliffe fam ily recently moved to Califor nia. Enjoying the party were the guest of honor, Shirley Ka nlck, Jeanette Wooden, Betty Wright, Nancy Buswell, Melva Klhlstadtua, Ivan Trotter, Ger ald Hogue, John Stout, Eddie Forbes, Richard Doyle, Bobby Gift and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stout and Audrey were in an auto mobile accident near Eugene this week, and were taken to the Sacred Heart hospital there. Mrs. Stout was most seriously injused. sustaining several broken ribs. The Pinochle club met at the home of Clara Tatom Tues day. Ann Denton won high, Roseada Haenny second, Helen Loom it, low; and Helen Loom is and Dorothy Johnson pinochle. The next meeting I will be at the home of Avis Brock. Mrs. Karl Lentz. Mrs. W. C. iTremblay and Mrs. Frank Smelser called on Mrs. Ted Burdon Sunday to help her i celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zimbrlck The ferfeet Shew far the Faaauy SCARED tWaa MarUa Jerry Lewis Hue "TAXI" tlaa Dal ley CemUnee Smith i W w -Vt'lft'aa ' J, UIIHI UUINIm'iWaT tj 1 GATES OPEN ('.It t 1 SHOW AT T:M I Ends Saturday it The Perfect Shew gj far the Family M 'SCARED (TIFT" It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. OreioH of Willamina are the parents of a ton, Grant David, born Aug. 16 at the McMinnviUe hospital. Vein Huddleston, Willamina is the grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Kenzie of Sheridan are the parents of a daughter, born Aug. 14 at Dr. Barr a clinic Mr. and Mrs. Fred Menden- hall of Willamina are the par ents of a son, born Aug. 14 at Dr. Barr a clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ander son of Grand Ronde are the parents of a son, born Aug. 1 at the McMinnviUe hospital Mrs. Mae N orris entertained the Friendly Circle club Wednesday with a luncheon. Guests were Delpha Paine, Hilda Rabuck, Vlvan Castro, Augusta Hanson, Martha Eckl and Delphine Kiper. Mr. and Mrs. William East man. Jr.. and family, of Kan sae, spent some time this week with his cousin, Mrs. Launce Fox and family. Cheryl Davis is recovering at the home of her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zet terberg. from an operation per formed recently in Portland. She is also suffering from the mumDS. ' Frank Smart returned to his home in Santa Barbara, Cam. this week after visiting here with his daughters, Mrs. Ernie CogsweU and Mrs. Ray Baroer. Buena Vista Buena Vista Mrs. Margie Morris, Larry and Tommy of McMinnviUe,-were visiting at the Zeb Mlllhouser home Mon Hav. Mr. and Mrs. am oacon oi Alhanv aoent Sunday ana Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withrow. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beck and family of Oakland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Short, Friday and Saturday. The Becka are moving from Oakland where Mr. Beck nas been teaching for the past three years.- They are going to Powers. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elza Long Sunday were a sister, Mrs. Gladya Weatherbie, Mrs. Anna Murrow of Blue Mound, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Lester Murrow, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ut ley of Portland Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stockholm in Mon mouth. Bill Prather was a guest of Dwight Matthews in Portland over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Graber this week entertained rela tives from North Newton, Kan., a nephew, Eldon Gra ber, Rev. Harold Buler, and President D. C. Wedel of Beth el College, Kan. The men are here, attending the national Mennonite meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ott of Portland were guests of Mrs. Georgia Prather and Mrs. Maude Johnson. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, David and theii house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gunn and son. Bren, of Los Angeles, spent Saturday at Clear Lake. Mrs. Perry wells was caned to Seattle, Wash., Monday by the death of her brother's wife, Mrs. Smiley Tucker. Her sister of Salem, Miss Gail Tucker, drove her car. Wed nesday Mr. Wells and Jack will go up for the funeral and bring Mrs. Wells home. . Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells, Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Detering and Myrtle Wells and Goldie WelU picnicked at Silver Creek Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. . Joe Danzer, son, Raymond, of Washington, Mrs. Al La Lone of Indepen dence, spent Monday, with Mrs. Georgia Prather. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gunn, son Bren, and daughter, left for their home In Los Angeles Monday after a weeks visit with Mrs. Gunp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F Wells and tak ing their son, Bren, home. He had spent the past two months here with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs Charles Kurre spent Sunday driving' up to Detroit Dam and Metnlius The "Blessing of the -Animals," is still observed in several countries, including the United States. Alr-CeiMHlituwd New Shewing Open (:4i "TITANIC" Curiae Webb. Barbara Stanwyck, Bebert Wagner Ce-Featore "WHTT1 LIGHTNING" HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Tamarrew 1:M to 4:a TM. CABTOON9 SERIAL Spatial Matinee Featart: "COLORADO PIONEERS" Red Kydar and Utile Bearer Abe BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAM far Helen Merchant, Harrey Hal lr, Margaret Ovary, Sally Tey tar. Tammy Lcbald, Terl Ana Oehaawr, Sally Hayea, Tarry Getahall, Taawy FfeaUa, Billy Cwta, Sarah Baskk. Dlaaa Daakin. Barbara Sandrra. Dai ly Jahn. Sharaa VanResa, Gearre MaatraaMniea, Richard Marphy, Terry BtyUM, Denny White, Jerry Shlpmaa, Jimmy b, Lhraa Peek. Richey Peek. Dayton Dayton A group of friends and relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lester French in Cor vallis Sunday, honoring her on her birthday. Going from here were her mother, Mrs. Anna Woodward, and aunt, Mrs. Louise Harmon; two sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Trammel! and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Veach and daughters, and Mr. and Mrs. BiU Wright and sons. House guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright are her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fisher and two children of Beatrice, Neb. A family picnic la planned for Tuesday evening at the Wright home. Mrs. Lester French and daughters of Cor vallis were also guests. Mrs. Fisher is a sister of Clair Ackerman. Alice Kay Holiday returned home this week after spend ing two weeks here with her sister, M.- and Mrs. Wendell Willard, Jr. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hoi iday of Coos Bay, former res idents of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cook of Wenatchee, Wash., are vis iting her brother, Mr. ' and Mrs. Roger Veach and daugh' ters, and- other relatives in Sheridan while on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Barry and daughter AHreida, of Brandon, Colo., and Mrs. Herbie Holtz and daughter of Carlton, visited in the Wendell Willard home as guest of Mrs. Caroline Smith and Cynthia. The Neck Road Peninsula club had a picnic-dinner at Lorenzen a park last Sunday. Swimming and horseshoes were the diversions of the af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Craig of Wymore, Neb., spent most of last week here In the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ackerman and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Patterson. The Cralgs are old friends. The Cub Scouts and their families enjoyed a picnic sup per at the Riverwood park on Saturday evening. The Christian church annual picnic will be held following the morning services on Sun. day, Aug. 23, at the Maude Williamson state park. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Serv es of Portland were Wednes day evening dinner guests of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman. Dinner guests Saturday ev. ening of Mr. and Mrs. S. Whit' ley Richardson were - his sis ter, Mrs. Charles Nadvornik and family of Salem. They spent the evening looking at movies taken at Banff, Can ada. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Romme have as a little house guest, their granddaughter Barbara Fisher. Barbaras parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fisher, are on a fishing trip' up In the Wal lowa mountains. A recent house guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. White ley Richardson was her sis ter, Mrs. Grace von de Hellen of Portland. While here they all visited a brother, Claude Huff, in Corvallis, and other relatives in Philomath and Monmouth. Mrs. von de Hellen had Just returned from a visit with her daughter, Rep. and Ms. Don Magnuson in Wash ington, D. C. Magnuson is rep resentative . from Washington State. A picnic dinner was enjoyed on the river bank of the Adolph Hraba home on Sunday, when the Walter, Hough, Ernest Budke, Floyd Willert, Harry Sherman and Hraba families gathered. Mrs. W. S. Hibbert, Mrs. Clare Heider, Mrs. H. G. Co burn and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Coburn were among those who attended the Multnomah coun ty fair at Gresham on Monday evening. . STARTS TODAY! ! Two Technicolor Thrillers! ! 'GEEBXI Goorgo 7&93 Jimmy Kosta of Port Orford who had been visiting his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Nutt brock, left to spend soma time with his other grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kosta, in Amity. . Guesta in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Nutrbroek on Sundsy were a cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Bon Buus of Davis, South Dakota, and their eon, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Buus of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Knock of Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Nuttbrock and daughter Judy of McMlnnvlile. The occasion was Judy 'a eleventh birthday. Detroit Detroit Mrs. Maria Bing ham, who has been in ill health for the past month, is reported to be in an improved condition. Mrs. Bingham lives at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Scott Young, of Marion Forks. A birthday dinner was the center of a celebration at the "Little Sweden" home of the Ward Stahlmans, the evening of August 14, when they en tertalned a group of friends and relatives. Present for the gathering were Detroit resi dents,. Mr. and Mrs. John Estey, and the Gordon Browns and twins, Donna and Linda; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stahl man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bookers and children, Bober- ta, Darrell and Roseanne, of Mill City; Mrs. Mabel Knud sen of Niagara' and Oscar and Richard Nystrom, of "Little Sweden." Mr. and Mrs. John Krause donated a small building to the Eagles' auxiliary and moved it onto the Eagle's lot, where It will be used for stor age purposes. Guests of the John Esteys, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Hoagland and grand son, Michael, of Scio, and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Bilyeu, of Van couver, With. Mrs. Bilyeu, who is an aunt of Mrs. Hoag land, was a resident of Detroit 60 years ago. A change of sleeping habits is in order for Wilbur Harlan. After more than four years on the night shift at Big Cliff Dam, Mr. Harlan has switched to daylight working hours. Official forest service visit ors in the Detroit district early this week were J. R. Bruckart, supervisor of the Willamette National Font; Lloyd Brans- ford, Willamette National road engineer; Al Werner, timber ile officer; and Laurence Jolly of the Portland regional office. Sublimity Sublimity Congratulations are being extended to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. (Ted) Minden on the birth of a daughter, Kath leen Theresa, at the Santiam Memorial hospital, Aug. 14. Mrs. Anna Minden' and Mrs. Rose Riesterer are the grand-' mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Grier and son, Garry, have left for a vacation in Iowa, the former home of Mr. Grier. Mrs. Margaret Holfman spent the week end in Salem at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Syl Scharbach. Mrs. W. M. Kalamaja of Omaha, Neb., who was a house guest the past week at the E. A. Ditter home, left for her home Friday. Mrs. Kalamaja and Mrs. Dit ter first met when both attend ed the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters Convention at Gla cier Park, Mont, In 1941. The eastern visitor, who has traveled extensively, was thrill ed at the beauteous scenery in Oregon. She stated that in all her trips she had never aeen anything so beautiful as the Sanctuary of Our Sorrowful Mother in Portland. Mrs. Kalamaja has lately ac quired an Interesting hobby ywtusHAttmuoT... JOHN I c PAYNE r. DONNA M REED m aJ!r?iiiitkiLJ Independence Independence Arriving Wednesday at the home of Bev, and Mrs. Paul E. Boomer and family for an indefinite visit were Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cheney of Pipestone, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Kaale of Westbrook, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Busby of Buena, Wash., were also guests of the Boomer family several days this past week. They returned to their home Monday. The three families were members of the Grace Baptist church in PiDestone. Minn., where Rev. Boomer served as pastor for several years. Rev. and Mrs. Paul . Boom er and children, taroi ana Sherrill, drove to Yakima, Wash., this past week with Rev. Boomer's mother, Mrs. Lillian Boomer, who returned to Min nesota following an extended vacation with her son and fanv ily. Mrs. . Pauline Williams of Portland, Me., arrived Monday to spend several days as guest of Mrs. Clara Lewis. n route to Independence Mrs. Williams spent some time with her son in Tacoma, Wash. Guests of Mr. and Mra. Ver nor Go wen and family for sev eral days were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Keefe of Long Beach, Calif. The Keefe family for merly resided In Sanford, Me., and were neighbors of the Gow- en family when they lived in Sanford also. Miss Judy Jackson and Miss Sharon Bynum spent this past week at Camp Silver Creek, which is sponsored by the Christian education commis sion of the Conservative Bap tist Association of Oregon. Henry Proctor, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Proctor, Is home on a 30-day leave from the U. S. Naval Academy at Anna polis, Md. Henry will return to the academy as a senior. On the way home he spent several days in Rio de yjaniero, S. A. Henry is one of the oarsmen who participated in the Olym pics the past year, the team that won the title for the Unit ed States. Madge Abbott, R.N., began her duties aa a nurse at the Salem General hospital on Wednesday of this week. Miss Virginia Burdge recent ly spent her vacation in Aber deen, Wash., as guest of Miss Kay Thompson, formerly of In dependence. Miss Thompson visited the Burdge family for that of sending birthday greet ing and notes to famous per sonages. The past week she re ceived a friendly letter of thanks and appreciation from Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of England. The stationery and envelope both were marked with the engraving of the Royal Family crest She has also prized letters from Winston Churchill and Princess Mar garet Rose of England as. well as Margaret Truman and others. moMa-arso CLIFTON WEBB "Mr. Scoutmaster" Uproaroes Corned O Denite Dareel Patrln Knawlea 1 "Flame of Calcutta" 54c Till S:M Cary Grant Deborah Carr DREAM WIFE" e James Mason "THE DESERT RATS" F GET YOUR RESEBVE TirifHT MAW For Next Monday's Show! Available for ttim. IIISWlHEStf 1954 t0CIC' FRIMT MOtCAN, AlTBEflt VffSl eji ui niMu a ' S5a,". SSK PrKo. . . . $3.60 $2.40 $1 .80 IVt Hours of Hilarious Comedy! I MAIL ORDERS TAKEN . . . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE . . . CAPITOL THEATRE Specify First or Second Show Friday. August 21, 1953 several daya and when ahe re turned home, Virginia accom panied her. The high school group of the First Baptist church spent Fri day and Saturday at the coast on a camping and swimming trip. Mr. and Mrs. John Werline and children, Janls and Lynda, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dunckel and children, Kathy and Kellie Rae, apent Sunday at Jantzen Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. Vernor Gowen and sons, Verner, Jr., and Chester, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Keefe in Dallas the past week. Mrs. Francis Lawson and daughter, Vickie Jean, were guests of the Vernor Gowen family for two weeks while Francis waa stationed at Fort Lewis in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodd and son, Danny, are spending this week in Roseburg house-hunting. Mr. Dodd haa accepted a teaching position there, and the family will leave Independence soon to make their home in or near Roseburg. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE Now that the fashion luncheon and show are over, I can get back to the Oak Room. This thing of having s fashion, lucheons, Oak Room, dining room, lounge room. etc., etc., is Just like having (or I Imagine it Is Just like having) four wives'. I have to talk out of four corners of my mouth and sometimes one or the other is ne glected and Jealousy appears I have not mentioned the Oak Room for some time and maybe that is why it's so popular. Peoole aeem to want to find out about the thick slices of beef au Jus and the tantalizing oak charcoal broiled steaks without being told about them. One lady last week said she patronised the Oak Room Just to enjoy the wonderful salads with Chef Ed's special dressing. Whether you are entertaining your wife or a business buyer or giv ing an anniversary party, the Oak Room is certainly the answer. TONIGHT (Friday) Our Big All Color Cartoon Carnival You've never seen a sharper, brighter picture in a Drive-In . . . than the one en our Giant Screen) COMING SUNDAY At regular prices . . . "MOULIN ROUGE" HURRY!! HURRY!! Still few Choice Seats Each Show! Two Great Shows. At 7:00 an. 9:30 P.M. n, or v s V S Mem 4'aa 2 g GATES OPEN 7:08 5 J SHOW AT 7:45 S J NOW. THRU SAT.! J ! All Technicolor Show! :j i Ray Milland 2 5 Arlene Dahl 5 I Wendell Corey In i "JAMAICA RUN" Vaughn Monroe t ' Joan Leslie in j 'TOUGHEST MAN g IN ARIZONA" J Plus i