Friday, Annul 21, 195 J POLK COUNTY FAIR QUARTERS Arrival of PWs To Be Televised San Francisco ( Arrival BARROW PIT TO BECOME RECREATION LAKE 'Miner Freed From Rocks ! Dover, N. J. (fl Rescue crews dug through the earth 1 1,800 feet underground early Friday and pulled out a miner who had been trapped under 'An a J 1 . i i i ii in iit i i ii - ji nTr-. i gin mi immn inu 7T7?;' C1 K here Sunday of the first ship carrying treed American pris oners of war from Korea will be telecast A one-hour telecast from the u lun ul ur six nours Ft Mason pier will be relayed uj mn iruu urc nunc cave-in. ! For hours they kept up a over the starting running conversation with 51-year-old John Fortner of Mine Hill as they dug toward him in the gloom to pull him from his trap. Two large chunks of ore pro tected him from the mass ov erhead. He was reported in fair con dition. I The Army the 328 reps est welcome will deliver the Gen, bor. The Walker also is returning 1 1.815 Marine, 4S8 Army, SI Navy and 37 Air Force vetrr- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oreion NBS national network I :,,, rn ;,,, . V .. -J- v- at 8 a.m.. PST. E. Vv.- '- Ji'.. V ii -ili. ;Zt 1 itVAr,..- . planned to give 1 v, tVai4,:. ' V T. JTO mm mail to the ship, , - 'tm&-.fjKim,li..; i V. v,.' 'i. ! Walke, in the bar--'., . 1 -.. .. - j Romulo Pulls Out of Race Manila C) Carlos P. Rom ulo pulled out of the three-cornered Philippine presidential race Friday and aligned his new democratic liberal party with Ramon Magsayaaya Na ciooalistas against President Elpidip Quirino and his liberal party. . . Romulo, onetime president of the U. N. General Assembly and former ambassador to the United States said his switch was "to ensure democracy in the Philippines." Both Romulo and Magsaysay had bolted the liberal party earlier this year. Chas. H. Cusick Rites Saturday Portland (JP) Funeral serv ices will be held In Albany Saturday for Charles H. Cu sick, 84, a member of pioneer Albany family. , - He died at a rest home bare Wednesday. His. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W, Cusick, cross ed the plains, from Illinois In 1853. Cusick waa a pharmacist at the Oregon Stat Hospital at Salem for several year about 1800. He, his father, and Ma brothers later tablihd a bank at Albany. It was sold la 1923. 'I'linar- a ' f r ---- - ' Workmen are putting finishing touches on exhibition booths in the new Polk county fair building at RickrealL Fair will be held Aug. 28-29-30. From left in photo are . County Agent John Hansen, Dean McBee, and L. H. McBee, chairman of the county fair board. In background are Curt Balzer and Tony Kessen. Polk County Fair to Open in New Quarters LEGAIS Bf THE CIRCUIT COURT OS TKB stats o oaaocai bob tbb cooirrr or iubiom bertha . mtwrrr ntcHtt. n. faummk tarn vmrmuanan 90, fMHldut. Stot uiv norm or anuFt aiu Br hum X m wraHaa. MnmL r4mt dMTM til writ f tM lanW out ct mm abm tltl Orart la m mfoov nfettlae m H auwtod ul ttut auiwl lltk IMS poa lunml radrd and ac tared ki MIS Cowrt mm Vam ittk u Mir IMS IB hnt af BrU B. Bavnt uinut aa4 Mils at Colombia litaM DfloMMttt C. hodaiit Sir IM Mb X 44.134J3 tu kilacMl bm M tb rM al tmt mm tnaa Maaankac IB. Uaa, lal Bm tanbar aum of tla with ktamal at Ui. rata of aar aMaai ftaot tha lata dar af July, uu, tad aha raltkal aum af I...... catta and duBaraamaau. and Uia aoat af aad aaaa thla wnta aommandtaa ma ta ataka aala af tha following d.acrlbad raal praeariy alta- mtta la afanoa Caaatv. Oratoo. to wit: Thoia cartala aaaalantad alabu alalmt known aad daicrtbad aa: Blua Ml Clalma Not. 1, S, I, a. t, a, 1. i. . 10. tl aad 111 Farlai Karalai- lUr. Bertha Si Rata Clalma Na.a. II. II., It, JO. II, 11 and U, all altaatad la Laitar Mlnlai Dlilrlet la Tawaihlp s Rania But af Wlllamaua Marldlaa NOW TKBRKFORB, k alrtoa af MM ax.mllon. judamant, ardar, daeraa and ardar af aala and la aompllanoa with tha aoramaadt af aald wttt, I will on MOe day, tha lilt day at SaaUmbar. 1IIJ, a la a'dark A. al.. at tha I til door at tha Conntr Courlhaaaa (old Httk acaaal Bulldlntl, la Salem. Marlon Couatr. Oraaoa. aall at publle avauoa (aabJaet a rtdamptionl ta tha alahaat blddar far aaah la hand, all tha Mint, tltla aad la tamt whleh tha wlthla-Bamad dafaBd- ant had an Moaambar I, 1IH. tha data af tba Biartaaaa aarala fmaaleaid alncaa that data had la aad la lha aam daarrlbed property ar any part tharaal ta amir aald axaaauoa, ruaaawau ar dar and daaraa, tataraat eotli aad te aming loau. EaBnBB, Tocmo, Bharlft ad Mafias Cwaaty, Oraawa. Daiad thia HB dap af Jaly. kWl. Firm Btwllaallaa. . SI, IMa. laat roblleatloa Sapt. II, laij. Am. 11, la. Bapl. I, 11 SCHAEFIR'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c m (With Applicator) Why tuffcr trw dlKomfort of irritating ,ond Itching of piles? Sold Only ajt( SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open DailT, 1:N BJB. BJaV Rnndaya. I am 4 BJB. 13S N. Caanmarcral Rickreall tVorkmen are putting finishing touches on booths and other fixtures in the new Polk county fair buildings south of Rickreall to have them In readiness for the annual fair August 28-29-30, L. H. McBee, chairman of the Polk county fair board, is heading a group of volunteer worker who this week are finishing the exhibition booths and tables. Assisting are Coun ty Agent John Hansen, Dean McBee, Curt Balzer and Tony Kessen, Still to be finished is. the large demonstration kitchen. This work will be supervised by Mrs. Malno Richert, home extension agent The fair will start with a grand opening Friday night, August 28, when Gov. Paul Patterson is scheduled to peak dedicating the new quartan of the Polk county fair which in the past has been held at the OCX stadium in Monmouth. State Senator Dean Walker is scheduled to be master of ceremonies. During ' the program the winner of the Hannchen bar- ley contest will be announced and the selection of the grass man of the year and the stock man of the year will be an nounced by the Independence, Monmouth and Dallas cham bers of commerce. Saturday will' be devoted to Judging, but at 8 p.m. a free variety show will be present ed by the Dallas Junior cham ber of commerce. Sunday afternoon a wom en's truck driving contest will be held at 2:30 p.m. under the direction of Ray Kleiver. More than $3500 n prizes will be awarded to exhibitors during the fair. An ancient church custom, the "Bleating of the Animals," la still observed In several countries, Including the United States. Mountain Climb Effort Fai's Skadru, Kashmir W A 13-. day-old dispatch from Ameri can mountaineers trying to climb the world's second high est peak indicated Friday they may have abandoned their at tempt. Brought by runners from an advance camp, the dispatch sent Aug. 8 said the expedi tion was. still being plagued by a bad storm and it it did not abate quickly, the group would have to come down from the s 1 o p e s of 28,250-foot Ml Godwin Austen K-2. The storm struck when the expedition had reached the 26,000 foot level. Wheat Overflows Grain Elevators Umatilla WV-About 150,000 bushels of wheat now lie out side the Pendleton Grain Growers elevator here. The space shortage was made more serious by the buc kling of the floor 'in a Pendle ton warehouse, spilling grain through a gap between the wall and foundation. Manager Jim Hill, Jr., how ever, expects terminal eleva tors to have space soon, with ships due to load grain for ov erseas next week. SLEEPING SICKNESS KILLS 250 Hong Kong W) A Roman Catholic medical missionary said Friday an epidemic of en cephalitis, sleeping sickness, has killed more than 250 chil dren in the last two months at Kanchow in Kiangsi Province of Communist China. Ne w Jet Bomber Now in Action Baltimore, Md. W The Air Force welcomed a flashy new let bomber into its ranks Fri daythe Martin B57, night In truder. The new plane, planned to fill a gap in American tactical bombardment, is a jet bomber designed to attack enemy tar gets at low level at night. . The Glenn L. Martin Co., builder of the B57, put the bomber through its paces be fore top generals of the Air Force at dusk here Thursday. ' Defense Contract Policy Shelved Washington P) The Office of Defense Mobilization says it has shelved for the time being the policy of giving contracts by preference to areas with un employment problems. A spokesman said yesterday the policy was being revised and meanwhile was suspended indefinitely "to prevent any inequities." LOGGER KILLED Eugene (JP) Don Thomas, about 34, was killed at a Blue River logging operation near here Thursday. He was hit by a falling tree. Gravel now being removed from a barrow pit near the clover leaf joining North Santiam and East Salem by-pass route is used to grade northern sections of the by-pass route. Vernie Jarl, Gresham contractor, has a contract calling for removal of near 70,000 yards and is excavating thousands of yards daily. Completion of the by-pass route and the clover leaf will remove enough gravel from this barrow pit to make a recreational lake several, acres in extent. LEGALS NOTICE TO CBSDITOBS NOTICI HZRKBY 18 OIVXN that by order af tha Clrcall Court ef tha Btata of Oreion. Cauniy of Marlon, la Pro bata, duly mada and entered on Autuit 17. 1IM. I hava been appointed executor of the btata of .Haiel W. Wellman, Da- ceased, and hare duly qualified aa such executor. All persona harlng clalma against aald aetata are hereby required ta present them to me with proper Touchers at 4M North commercial Street, Salem, Oreion, within six III months after the data of first publi cation of tola notice. Dated and nrst published: Autuat 11. liu. CARL L, WELLMAN, executor. BUOZNI I. LAIRD 111 Pioneer Trust Buttdtni, Salem, Or re on, Attorney for Sxeeutor. Aui. II, II, Sept. 4, 11, 11 Dt TPIX CIRCUIT COfTBT OF TUB STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COIN- TT OP MABION Department No. Twa 0. 11,331 In tha Matter of the relate af ALBERT H. THOMPSON, Deceased. NOTICE OP HXARINO OP OBJEC TIONS TO PINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that ORA THOMPSON, as the duly appointed, qualified and actlnx Executrix of the estate of Albert H. Thompson, deceased, has duly rendered and presented for settlement and f ltd In tha Circuit Court of the Ceuntr of Marion. State of Ore ion. Probate Department, a Pinal Ac count of her administration of aald es tate, and that Saturday, tha 11th day of September, 1953, at the hoar of ten o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, at tha courtroom In said Court In tha Mai'.on County Court Honee In tha City of Belem, County ' of Marlon, State ef Oreron, hava been duly fixed and ap pointed by said Court aa the time aad POt mUM IMfiWM WLtM easure your moneys worf h There's no denying it. The owner who takes a yardstick view of things quickly realizes what a jewel of perfection he ha acquired. Here's the one cor in its price field offering oil three optionol power fecjrurM that end driving drudge ryi power steering, power brakes, ond a new' . 4-woy power-operated seat! Here's a flashing V-8 powerhouse teamed with your choice of ' ArWc-O-Matic rTv, TotKH-O-Matic Overdrive, or silent, sytKhro-mesh standard transmission. And Unified Design exdinive in Mercury construction -puts brown and mutde behind sleek good looks... giving you odded miles of trouble-free SOTfc)artaarB owd Cadcaad vole ot re-soie time. CoBJd deweaa B)nja gasBsaBBSst AaaayXtxBry eiSa b)aja!tt WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 No. Commercial St., Salem alaca for the heartni or abjection. .aid Pinal Account aad tha aetu.ment thereof. DATED at Salem. Marlda County, Opt ion, this 14th day of Auiust, 1U3. - ORA THOMPSON Xxecutrlx of the Batata ot Albert H. Thompson, Deceased. DATE of first publication: Auiust 14, Mil. DAT! of last publication: September a, 1153. , LAWRENCE N. BROWN 1 Attorney for Xxecutrlx 111 Maaonle Bulldinl Salem, Ore. on. Aui. ll-ll-ll-sept, 4 Journal Want Ads Pay HELD FOR FORGERY Lebanon ' Accused of pass ing a bad check . at Silverton and two at Lebanon, Wilber T. Dowell was arrested Saturday bv Sheriff George Miller on a forgery charge. Dowell Is in the Linn county jail awaiting a hearing. Jointly accused with i Dowell,, Ron Overton was ar I rested in Portland Monday and held for Linn county officers. ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed In being restored to active life after being crippled in nearly every joint in my body and with muscular soreness from head to foot. I had Rheumatoid Arthritis and other forms of Rheumatlim, hands deformed and my anklei were set. Limited space prohibits telling you more here but If ysu will write me I will reply at once and tell you how I received this won derful relief. Mrs. Lela S. Wier 2805 Arbor Bills Drive P. O. Box 31 Jackson 7, Mississippi mil PLYH. Owners 7 Days Only Here is your chance to get out of the "low price field" on c. trade-in deal that keeps your total investment down where you can afford- it. For seven days only, we will give you an extra specio trade-in discount on the re markable new 1953 Mercurv. Come in and hear our offer! With Mercury's unusually high re-sale value, this' is a rare opportunity to save moyieyl WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 N. Commercial uum