Fridiy, August 21, 1953 rrm balem. OrcfM NORTHEAST loeelf rr.-UI 1-kdrae. horae wilh . unllnuhed woatalre. Fireplace. Auto. Ml Ileal SeraM. 1 ("do WOca. CIOM M (ua Khool. Pul ra I1IM. RICHMOND SCHOOL DIST. Wake etler 'HH ml 1-Odrra. home. Perarod lard. Iw.. peaa. Oood urn. Aula. OooaJn. In ellelerutil". VISTA DIST. Polka rauet hero wiere oedrooa. epoxae-Bwt "! Crflertnr dene t. Mrmhom, with dinln. too", '"" " " '" " O. X. i Was ouM e aeeumed. (AOM. 4 CORNERS DIST. en.. Mma u Portland. Mint U thla elMull4 4-rr -eH 1 KnooL (KM. Terma. "JUST A SHORT HOP" u Solera rlelxhla eehooL A icxx) l-Mri. km wlt Iota of .round & lamlr ehede I"' '' " """" " "" o tooa terma. ruu pi CLOSE IN, Neat I room, . belli. Smell loL w.lkloi diet, near new Meier Pran projeet. A oood deal Mo. I" tn. " NORTHEAST Older 1-bOrn tai I cr... .ood 1m Ooreja. . Olrollont ..II. Will ttUSt (Of l-Ddroj, 1 to.. I (1000. Aaklno I10O0O. Thle ouid M dereloped. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR Ml B. BUh It. A. I. Beckett Ph. -4e01 XVM1.U GRABENHORST SPECIALS CHARM. INDIVIDUALITY ! IbU epaolooe l-bdroj. bom. of oualltr. T,, lT, rm releed in. Ilrepleee, dm. ra... kllohen end Book, tiled b.lh a eanltr. Iloerjleee toaulated. weetheritrlpped. eedar-llned cloecta. eeeutiful iew lot. Bee. br eppt. onlr. CALL 4. S. LAW LOVZLT tNOLIWOOD HOME 1-bdra. wltb den, wetlfc well-W-waU caroeuni. epaclouo eonlrel entrr boll. U.. 11.. end din. tbu, kitchen, dole, plot, nice ard with ,prlnHlll eretem. dbl. oareee. aula, oil b..t. everrthln. e.uld dcelre In bom.. Owner lao'lno iu. call rot perris SUBURBAN- lAHT-1 bdno... lt. ra.. dl. rm.. klUb.. wllb brkf. book, both ltb abown. Tub) bomo U Jll fooro old. b. a t.ntod bor Trd. Bleo dorda. or... altro Una tarua, ond U tood ..UbMrbood , for oblldia.. Frleo IIJH vltb torna. CALL H. S. LATUOH FOOT COrlNBUI 3tTBBA--odnB. homo, tea. U,. no. wltb lira lata, apacloua kltcbni Olnln. ana. Mica tllad bath. Alio a arr food 1-bdim. homo OD Jama lot. 100 x 1M. Baautllol ahado traaa. 1.N. Approi. aet.a mora ea. bo addad whlcb could bo aubdl.ldod. rot Dotalla-CALL J. X LAW COUNTRY BOU AT TK1 CITT, U It aerao of ChaltalU-Nw Van allkr loara aoll cloaa to .alam wltb produtll.a wamot orchard adlololiia auMl.lalob proportp. Lau-buUt, Umlp tra..aourround.d koojo wltb lao. bdrni., Ubrarr, II,. rm. n I It, 1 bathi. burnt., auto, oil heat, S riraplacaa ob mala Moor. La., patio, aprlnkltni aratapi. 4-ear araaa. O.nar .111 trada (or Incoraa propartr In aalara or Portland or taka In noma for part parmant. por additional daulla CALL ROT PIRRU , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS H a. Ubntr t. ' M,n IraBlBM m Sundan call J. w Law t-f 111 Rop Parrta -IOI H. K. taraoB f-tm alH NEW 3-BEDR00M -$12,500 TanU lavd Ihli Anal Ltvlna toom baa opa. baamad dalUnt, wltb loll f k.ottr plat, Thara'a 1311 fiat 1 ood IlTlat apaca. Taa, II a auburban an a Una lot. PHA appraliad at Li aalllBff prlca. Laa Obmart .oja SUBURBAN LIVING H.r.'a as PHA-appralaad )bdrm. boma that, pica .nouab for anp ana. 14 x If living room. 10 x 11 DR. natural kltehan with nook. lara. ulllllr room. IM .. fMt In .111 To top it all. It'a locatad on . 100 x 110' lot IB . faal-drowlBi arte. Tau'll want to aca It, ao ua . call. LARGE FAMILY HOME Th.r.'a lot. of room In thll 9'bodroem town, with baaamant. 1 BR down. 1 up. Immodlata poaaaialon. rrlcad al 111,100. Ownar ba. loft town and neoda to aall. , S-BEDROOM - $9250 Th.ra aran't manr Ilka thla on. Taka . look. 13 x II llvlnf room, kitchen with nook. 3 bodrooma down, 1 up. oil boot, en, 11 yearo old. Located In Enalawood dutrlct, lt'a neat and dean and nlca looklna .too. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 41T Court St. Pbone 34111 . 34110 lie.; Ralph bfaddr xlltl Renrp Torrend 11033 Tod MorrUon 30040 Louie Lorena 4SS0O dl BEN COLBATH REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN THE SENATOR HOTEL A POOR MAN'S BUY B1CB. RBW no-bedroom aaraae houeo on corner lot Tlxld'e. Vuta Are. location. ONLY IJIM. NICE BUT POR TUB RIOHT OUT. BR bfRS. 0OLI8BEB, BYB. PH. 35171 LOW PRICE BIG FEATURES LOOATXD ON IDAHO AT. Roeentljr-buUt S'bodroom boma wltb llvlni toom. lane kitchen, manr buut'lne. bath, ultlltt ra., oar.t. and tool bouoe. Small fence, tarden and lawn IB. ONLY I41M. TIRUS 11000 dOWB. SXB T. T. ANSBRSON, XVB. PH. 43114 CATTERLIN AVE. TRADE SEVBN-TBAR-OLD BXCBLLIKT l-bodroom bom., llrlBf rm. Wltb tlr.plac. dlnlBr rm.( ndwd. flra baamt. At ell furnace, lot 631137. Lorelt location In Bndowood Dial. ONLY 111. KM. WILL TRADB POR XICB 4-BBDROOU HOME. SBB CARL ARNDT - Bra. Ph. 41700 KEIZER BARGAIN BUY LIATTNO TOWN AND MUST SkXL THIS Beautiful t-bodroom noma wltb bdwd. flra., llvlBf rm. with Dutch fireplace, dlnlnt rm., wonderful kitchen, utility rm., attached larace. Landacapod lot MilIT LOCATED ON HARCOURT aTT PRICED TO SILL QUICK. Sea Mra. Oflaabae, Bra. Ph. 1017). 1J50 PARKWAY DRIVE SEB THIS SECLUDED throe-badroom borne. 3 balhrooma. wondarful dlnlnt rm., llrtni tm. wllb waUt.aH carpatlBa, part baimt. aletai feaced yard with many ahady oak treat. BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON THIS SHOW PLACE 1H TUB VALLEY HAS EVERYTHING TO MAKE TOU UAPPY. Sea thla nearly new three-bedroom borne wltb wonderful 10x33 Uvlnt rm, dlnlnt rm.. hooey of a kitchen 13x1a, aeparate nook lUo In kitchen and hatha. waD-to-waU carpetlna prue oelect oak floora, t fireplace, oovorod petle, Utvo dry baeat. wltb party room, oil fur nece. breexe.ay to double aerate, liany beautiful flowera. ebruba, valve! lavn. 41. acraa of tarden ootl tint ahould aae the tall corni. Pony barn and machine thed. Located EaaL Price 131.400. See Be. Oolbath, Ere. Ph. 30031 , FISHERMAN'S CAMP OH LUCKIAllOTB RIVER 3-bodroom modern home with alore build. Int. hendllne trocerlea. Ice creaa. pop and fwhlnt aupollea. 0 rebina and nice picnic arra. al acraa of land. HOUSE. STOKE a CAF.INS PLUS PURNISHINOS. TOTAL PRICE POR ALL, 113.000. do.B. See T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 43714 ALSO CAN BE HAD ONE ACRE WITH NFTt two-bedroom borne, adlotnlnt FISHERMAN'S CAMP with atmnet new furolihlnee. ONLY 1100 or without furniture, alto. THIS IS WONDERFUL SECLUDED PLACE POR ANYONE. SEB T. T. ANDERSON. XVB. PH. 43714 COLBATH LAND 815 COURT ST. ARNDT . 4I7A0 REAL ESTATE RIVER BOTTOM LAND Aeri. crw ptuhM, aerM fiibcrta, p dtMrriti Owntr lr 7r ha rkftrtd 10 f tM.tMM. a erhrloi ftloa. Ctm rtlM aiai, vi- filfk. benj. He, SECLUSION AND QUIET 3-lv-tfrooni heuM. !)& room. rtk ftit nook, totrtlwood floor. kMtmni. mi funi a eft, citr bu I block. Mu trk. Opabl iiriii. Lw tol bru bfrr. Very ntct buy at tll.M ABRAMS, BOURLAND St SKINNER 411 Mfttoelf BulMtnt tl btt Irurne iViVjrltBVfl totna l-l J 17 km.: -TIU or J-47l EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE IQt'lTT to trade la furnuhod at and down duplex with full baaement. Will frede for ear or trolley heuee. Pbone 11411. tb-llt Journal Want Ads Pay (I e.mrD ADvyRTISINO Pee Word, s lie Per Word . 0. Per Werd. S tlmeo 10. Pre Wert, t Booth Ote No R.fnBde Ml.lmom 10 Wordo BE ll Ra I. Loral More Celam. Only. Pee Word . 1e Mlnlmoa IS Wordo. To PIscs Art In Ram Oat's Piper. Fhono 1-tVM Bton IS sjb. NORTH urn Andr HalrOfMS Fb. 1-7111 SundOM CO., REALTORS DIAL 44494 OR 24SS2 J73 ANDERSON - 4J714 I EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BT OWNER, aall oc trodo bomo et Un coin Beach lor boao Is Saioaa. Cell 4411. COTOl" WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTlcti u roar ptpartr tor aa rasi or oxchanca, ti tt Hb m a tiaa alt JM of taafe worora ttTATI P1KANCB CO. tLKAUTOmM iu tv Hitb Bt aa WS ARB ta Btad al toed bavaaa u aaa ta ot atar etlttm. U poa tab a Ual your propartr far aaio, o ORABKMHOIVT BROS.. RIAL1XM 1J . Ubartp PR. -MTI aa URTl.otOt WAVTID oa bema. acraaaaj and fama. Pro appraisal. Rental Mrv ka. L04uvi PHA 99 Vrara Coa lantlonal. M Teara al 1 Parm Loani ta ar frmt, RetaJ arrvwt fnr tha out of cm? owb-t. Joa U RouTB. Rf alter, lit R. Capita fix. Sllll 17111 e7I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW ATORI bai:laa for rant. 3aaa" Uodara. locatad aorta. fat trowuLt J;trifl. A. A. larwa. 111 B Ifiah Pho&a ttlt$ mmi GROCERY and moat mart! tewp-a.. lr towa doint taod butuaaa. Baa Pa. CaiMitl JpTjmal. oM1 BUSINESS INCOME Dt'PLtX la flrat claaa cerMliitoa. Iivotr.t roparty. Prwod for aukl ai. ortr Uatn Baian. Lrf-taud 1 biaa from LarM Btfh. Cant boat thta at It I. KM Wtu Tt f-r I1M wr motttb CAPITOL REALTY CO 1 UN Bdataator Pb. I 3U u I oMiri V4 FURNITUK E fO SALE TRADER LOUIS OPBH PR IDA Y MONDAY BVEJflNOS P I SNITl'.aV-l-ra. houeo, tood. and priced to cell- 3140 S. Church. dloo. WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS SCOTTY'S Auction House 4840 Center St., Salem Sat., Aug. 22 . 10 a.m. & 7 p.m. Large home of good furniture to sell at auction.. Deluxe af. W. lefrlt.rator 1113 Prltldalra a 10 In. alec, rania . Kenmoro eloc. waaher with pump 0-pc. yellow chrome aat 01 Blende Mr. and Mra. Twin bed. room eat and Bceulyreol B. Bp. and Malta. a-pc. blonde dlnlnt room aet l-pc. biondo bedroom eet t Po.ller hot water unk 40 oaL Cheat drawer! Coffee table. ' 0) Lamp teblee RoU away bod, olnth) 0 I dreaaare 0) Davenport and ehalr 0j 3 email wool rule 0) Bade and eprtnaa mo Phlleo 11 la. TY aet eemb. New Homo portable aew. machine 0 Oedar cheat end many mlac lUau Liveitock Sale at 2 p.m. Cowa, baby eelvee. fat .eala, hot., wtanere and feeder atock. Snoep, toata, chlckene rabblu fryera, ducka seeee. 310 bale, of oau and vetch hay. lum ber, ablplap 3x4, 3x1 and Iloortni. Sat. big isle day at Scotty'a. AUCTIONXBRS Col. Ernest E. Scott a Col. Jim R, Vaughn PHONE 4-8433 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCXER BEEP White foco Joreford. 14c. Locker pork 45e. Hothlnt down, 0 moa to per Ouatom kllllnc. Trauer loaned free. Soloes Meal Co. U31 S. 35tb. Ph 3-4KI oa RABBITS TOR sale 40 doee, either bred or with yount. 4 unrelated bucke, dandy hulcbta, too. 1300 Shady Lane. Salem. Ore., after 1:11 v. m. ablOl DOES AND Ructa, California Urals. pood eiiaa atock. 4411 ciaxtar ltd. eh307 PETS TBEE Cute klltem 3411 ML Vie. Drive. eel a. REGISTERED oolden tolond Paklneae PUP. 3-1101. OC300- OLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1011 McCoy, no block oaat of N. capitoi. in Block, north of Madlaon. Ph. 3-0001. ac300 PARAREET Bablea and breeder!. Healthy blrda. 1110 Llvlntaton. Phon. 3-1143. OC300 CHAMPION BRED BOXER pupplea, ev ery pup potential entropion, atooro Tropical Plan. Parakecta, Turtlee. oup pUex. 3 mile, from Lancaater on McCleay road. 4-3773. Ctoaed Wednea day. ec330 BEOISTBBED alrdalo pupplea. Ideal chlld'a pet. hunter or watcR do. Phono 1-OOM. Ml H. 13nd. ocMl FREE Have beautiful klttena to live away. 0M viato Ave. 3-1000. ee300 FUEL PLANES ENDS OreeB or dry Out at town dollvorlej. sawdtut; blowera and P.O. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. 1131 Bdte.aler Ph. 14031 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatchlnt New Hempahlro Oold en Broad and Arbor Acrea Whlto Rock, ovary weak. Special prleea to year around fryer tro.era. Pox'e Hatchery, 3130 State St. Phone 3-4110. ! NEW HAMPSHIRE suUeta, I montha old. vary nice blrde. Mre. H. X. Hibler Oervala. 1th and O at Prlmroat altn. I3M' WHITE CORNISH dome Chlcke, M- olalmed the true fryer .1 tomorrow, now available to commercial fryer trowere. Preeeaaora pay premium prleee for thle broad double-breaated fryer. Ouantltlea limited and If unavailable, try the next brat, our flret aoneratlon Arbor Acre. White Rock., batch., .very Tburaday. A Lao, hew liempiniree. LEE'S HATCHEkY lilt Center Street Ph. 1-1111 f3Wr PRODUCE MOHT VAK1ETT of poach! IB lllKD, worm ir arBvtiuitiB. ivt nut rrom irowtr. U2V HOME GROWN CsrroU Broccoli. Onion , Rftdiihc., Oiitn Ptpptri, lud Spuila, Zucchini. Ktntuekr Wondtrs. Pick lint Cukci. Prom tardeo to Toil. UKHAHA OAROBaSB. ml. K. aurtoa on old biwar. naoi riCKLINO ClUH frtih dolly from our form flfltl run te pound. OrfonlcaUT rown Doutofi. rod or whiu. Pvarhti bow ob market. Phtnie Bret. Parra UarktL, l!N rorUaad lid. altm Phon. 611. ' ft CRAB AFPLKA. Ooldtn Jubllvo ptachM. S.apoT p-achoa mob. Rolltn Btartr, Rt. t. B01 al. Up Diana Crttk M. Phone 4 7 ri rn' HELP WANTED ITCHIN II I LP Bpftdtp, UN Can tar St. No phona calla. r MKM AID WOMEN to work an our bop- piekiat machioa. Btarting Auiuit 11. Day and acht work. Locatrd I an Dm ortb of Balta oa lha Rlvtr road. Call a:v 4-IHI or -ll31. Uiaaion 11 lota Harraittr. BEAM PICKEBS waatad. for teturday and Bandar. Auiuat nnd 2)rd. ftsrthfatt of Pauar oa Laki La- b!h. Wairh for lliaa. Ralph Hoaflni W A NTT. l B aa pickrrt. milti north a River rd. PIR OROVE PARM Rt. 9. Bt EM. Phona 4-4MI. tl BEAN PICRRRt BrKltd. Bttadr pteitnt" Tranaportanoa faralihad. CaU platoon toaxtar. aim artninM. bill' CITlMltl PICKER! aaadad. Pickup BreokJ biora. OOfoai part arta Of r au. pat Poatarftca. II it IM Moadar A. . -or CM I LOR EM 11 hp for btaa platoon. JMartiAf tmatdlata.r. CaJ Marrltt Parcbar. 4-ltll or l-a. 1M BE AN PIC REBE waatad at Prank TaooTT'i W ailtea northaaat at Rt- wr. DM Manaoar Dr. 4-atTI. giH oPP1CRlGmat-MBa. Man and a- Bin Cail W. W. Orahaa bbd Ron. Allia. t M 1 rlOO- CROCBBYrLBRR. EaTltuj Can tar llar- IK lip Pruad Rd HELP WANTED MALE mux TR4M earirw ranae for ear pea B Mll after 4 P m lalOO NEW CAB BALEaMAN-Permanent poal Ipom. Baal Jai la vatler. Referencaa re-aairad. Wnu Bol 117, Capital Jour. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Oe.. fara head. Tractor mocoanica. rapoirwa. aa. m wwnm. blay ceatetdor drive Ml by day. OaO evontnee. Palo MUlar, Braoaa, near Parkerevllla achooL taleo WANT t STEADY ampUyeoe between SO sow a, avr.r " u t k.l. 1000 . Sumaoy St. Belwee. 0 and a m. Sat. telOt HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMAN is vlclaily of South 13th and Petrvlew to de Kabt boueework and ear. af S-,ear-eld flrL I houra par day, Phene 1-4014. tbSOO" WOMAN BOB lltht boueekeeplnt. elder ly ady need, aomo care, .ot bedieit. Two adulta. so laundry. Call al 3300 Duncan Ave. tb301 EXPERIENCED preae operator. Apply Capital city Laundry, 1301 Broad, ay. 10300 CHILD CARE OBd houaework. Live la. 071 month. Moat weekend! off. Phone 4-3M3; obMt BABI 11TTU 4 dara week fat work- Int mother. Ph. 3U. '"i EXPERIENCED houaekeeper a&d child care. Live IB. Refereacoe reoulred. W0 . month. Writ, boa lee capital Journal. abltlj WOMAN to ehara home with worklnl woman. Call at 340 Lefelle EL belore 0.00 a. a. ar aftet (;00 s. a. weekdava. tbJOO. TEN OG RAPHES, 11 yeara or over. Muat have Oreion driver llcenee. Call Hlll areat achool. 3410 Stront Rd.. Salem, or phono 3-3033. ob301 Ol'SEKEEPER for father and 3 chil dren. No cloantnt or laundry. Ph. 44410. Mr. Bernoa. tb303' BOORKEEPER - CASHIEB. Speed 1110 Cenur. War. lb- BAO ROTS. BevlBt Center Market. 33H Portland Rd. tb OPPICB WORKER to do dally roeap of aalee. Experienced calculator operator preferred. Sea Mr. Lrtle or Mr. Anion at Minora. to- WANTED Houickeeper for country. Ph. 1-1341, J. D. Hart. .11. IMW WANTED SALESMAN MAN WANTED for Hawlelth bualneaa. Sell to 1100 famine., write today. Ra.leltb't. Dept. ORH-1M-SA. Oak land. Calif. aeiae WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING Interior, exterior. McClaln and oolden. Phono 1-1333 or J-3o. hill IN PANT OS CHILD cart ta mr homo. Ph, 33S0I. h201- LICENStD DAY NURSERY PhOBO 3-1021. bpaclblly lor Infanta and 3 reara. nlOa1 TOD NEED pour kltcban, bathroom, call inn and walla waabad? Alo jrttur win dowil CaU 4-I124. bJOI- BOTOTIlXINOlddla Orova Nuraarr. 4120 BUrartoa Rd. Phona ba WILL DO thorouih bousawork, tl.OO per hour. Call 3-4664 trinlnti only. h200 BEUABLE BABT BITTER Will 10 dan or Blihta, Pbona s-tHa. naoo1 PAINTING, PAPEB hanilni, day or contract. Small ioba waleoma. Phona 2-7692. hJ07' REMODEL NOW! Praa bom plannlcg arrTica. Lot hi civa rou a iraa aatimaia on your homo ramodtllni or rt pairs. Alio in stallation of rooflof, avatrouiha, ald Inr or otbar buHdlni matrrtal. Montgomery Ward Phona I-H81 ll No. Llbirtr h:oi LIGHT CRAWLER doalnl, dirt lavel- Int, tradlnt. Phono 3-3330. hioi PAPER HANGING, palntlnt. Praa ea- tlmatex. Don Lurero. Ph. T9533. h307 LA- N MOWERS. SCISSORS, dipper head, etc., aharpened. Oeneral Mo tor Repair. Ill oerth. Phono 1-lnt. h30l LANDSCAPINO, tractor and tiller work. service center. Phono 4-3173. n- PAINT1NO Exterior and Interior, and wall work. Phone 4-3910. l-93. n' BUTTONHOLES (Pfaff) lOo. 1 day eer- vlce. PhQBO 44000. h303 BAST SALEM DAT NVRSERT. 1131 Park Aveaue. Starta Sent. 33rd. By hour, day, or week. 1-1011. hjw CARPENTER. Rapalrlnt furnltura and all klnda of carpantar work. Phone l-IBftl. I0S0 KPIll St. h301 FOR RENT OPPICB SPACB-InqulTO at 100 B Blgh Phono 1-41U. ) LARGB warthouaa apaca for rant ar laaaa, Cimaot fsaora. brkk bulldlnt Down town. Inoulra H. U Stiff Pur nlturo Co. Phona 1-91IS J SICKLE bar mower, paint aprar. tooli. Bnook'l, 1151 Broadway. J207 FOB LBABB 140 to 200 fatt frdnUia on Bdaawbtar Waal Baiaat. Ua J. Pitta, ph. 18401 WANTED TO RENT 1-BEDROOM HOUSE Dlnlnt, room and ltrlnt room.' Prefer baaement. No children. About 170. Al Richardson, Pood Uanaitr, Btalo Penlttntlary. Ph. 44474. JalOl COUPLE with ona ehltd dailra 2 bed' room home, gar are. 450. 2-142B. JilN TO LEASE 3 or 4 bedroom home. Me- Klnley School DUL preferred. Beftr encea. Ph. 1.4113. ' jalOO MOTHER WITH children deeperately aeeda home. Ph. 4eu or 21054 eve nlnaa. JiloO' SEPT EM BEE 1ST Qutet 1-bad room lur- nlihod apartment. Near otata library. Wanted by woman with dot. Write Miaa M. Bteere. Kcrnrllla, Ore. JalOl' OB BEDROOM nnfurnUhed houia. cloeo in. Bouthwaat. Preferably with appllancaa. To 70. 1-7471. ItJOO FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM cloaa ta etota bnildtnia. 411 N. WlnUr. Ik 201 NICE FIRST FLOOR aleaplni room. Hot and cold water. 441 NtxHlih. Jk301' NEWLT BED ECOB AT E D Hi hi housa- keeptng room. Ladr. BBS No. Church jklOl' CLEAN LIGHT bouaekeeplBi room. 721 N. Church. JklOJ FOR RENT HOUSES MAPS New ctty map showing by-pait hlth- ay available at your favorlta book atore. Look for Relcon Mapa. imlOt1 S BEDROOM, nicely rarni7h"d hou7v" cant BepL liU 131 WUbar. 1-4031. Call after 1. jmMi CLEAN, OLDEB bedroom home. aaw duet beat. 140 per month. Rawlim Realty. 204B N. Capitol. 4-1741. J: ALMOST NEW unfurntahad one bedroom, hardwood floor, alec tr la heat, eioaa In. Kill. jmioi l.REDROOM unfurnlahed, waU-to-wall carpatini, alec trie beat, tl. 4-1744. Jmaoi' Ot SK FOB LBABB 3 BR. home tn Etr lewood diet. Ideal for couple or couple with ona child. ' Immediate poaa. PRANK LOCKMAN, Rltr. 203T Pair- trounde. Pb. -5J- JmlM NEWLTDECORATED 1 bedroom duplet atovee ok water furntshad. laraie. IM0 Center at. jmioi- t RET) ROOM botue close In. Rent faV 440 No. 14th. laaalrt B N. ltth ar Call 214 It. jmlOl FI'RNISHED I hPdrtm, llvlni Toom. kitchen, dinette, attached 1 a r a e. 147 50. 1-1129. JmlOl" CLEAN, OLDER bedroom anfurnlehed houee. Modern. S4. Cloaa ta. call 1-1744. )mlM CITE. MODERN I badroom. aleftrlc. rraabi derorataa. south. Aduiu. Work tnc couple preferred. Ph. 1.4144 or lltM )mlOO TrM. NEW MODERN nnfurnuhad da plei wltb aarare, near Hollywood ATolleble Bapi. B. Ph. 4-4I00 1110 Hickory at. jmlOO FOB BENT Ona bedroom houea. North Inquire at 1110 Portland Rd Jml BUSINESS RENTALS BI'ILDINO IN Hollywood, approxlmatv-ly 40 ad. feet. 140 a month. Call Raw Una Realty, 2-4444. or 4-1741. O ROUND FLOOB office or itora ay far raat, CaU al Pitta Market, FOR RENT APARTMENTS PI RNItHED NICE a part as eat. Capital Bhoppias Oeawr. Reaaoaabla. 4M No. litb. ' - jasoi CLOSE. 1ST FLOOR, t roeat. batL. Prt- vata antraaoa,sas ceaur at. ipioa 4 BOOM MODERN sniuralahad. alaa. ranee, rafrlaerator. WiUr, heal lur aUad. 4-J4 40. 1144 Soma Commercial altar 4 p m. Call 41441. " iplOf NEW MODERN J boom aafuraMkad. Private bath, entrance. Li visa room, kllcbaa. aaek. cloaala, hulltlaa, atar aca, electric heat. atUltlca, Quiet locatloa. Phone S7212. JpWo CLOAE IN, attractive, faratahed I rooava. near atata Boitaa. s-aou. JalOl LARGE 1-bad room houae, cloaa ta dewn- towa ahopptni araa. Call 2-4114. jbMH CLEAN 2 room furnlihed api. Prefer couple or lady. Phone 2-4Q3I. JpKI SEPT. fTaV-Ona, 1 bedroom aaftsTmlabad PL AVAILABLB NOW. Oar, 1 bed room fnrniebed apt. aewlr decorated. Jatulra at Weber ApU otouth 12th. 1 JP204 Madison Court Apt Newly daeoratad, unfornUhod aoart mtnt. 40. Alee, nicely furnlihed a part menu. Hoi U wood dlatrlcL 1444 Madl aon at. Jpy S BOOMS uaJurnlehed. Store, rafrlaer ator, automatic waanar. Aouita. jiidb mornlnsa. Jp201 NICELY Fl'BNISHED larte, deaa apart ment. UttUttee furatabed, Reaaonabia. 344 BO. 14th. ' )P201 CLEAN, SMALL, MODERN, S-room fur- alahad apartment, X or J bduita. no pu. Bbaldoa Apart men ta. 1M4 N. Liberty. Jp201 VEST NICE unfurnished 2-bedroom apartment. 122 N. 14th. Ranie. ra frlaerator. waahtnt machine and water furnlnhed. Phona 21344. JplOl t.ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment- Ranie. r tint era tor, launarr. utuuiea paw. B12.4V. Ph. 20044. 2201 Haiti Ave. JP201 VERT CLEAN, olcelr furntahad. l-room apt., aU utllltua fornlihed. Iftt. Weat Balem. Purniaoed ' 1-bedroom booaa. West kern. 4T4. 1211 Bdewater. I-S10t avei. !-. )P)0 NICELY FURNISHED apartments. Am basiador Apu IM No. Bummer jy SEVERAL furnlihed apartments sood tocattoa- Inquu m u auii rurninir Phona 1-01E5. JP BE BEADY for winter. Pine, quiet, close in. attain heated furnlihed apartment. Adults. Ph. 23311 or 1614. Bundberc Apia.. 454 No. WlnUr. )p200 SALEM'S FINEST larte 2 bodroom. fire place, unfurnished. Select area. 11117. 1P200 CLEAN, COMFOBTABLB 1 room front apartment Rlaht down town. Ladr prelerrM. C4 perry. 19m (ROOM FUBNISHED apartment, pri vate bath, utilities paid, rnono -eoe. JP20O FURNISHED email apt, bath, vtllltlas. near aiava .uuuiumi niTi-i. n.i. lnt distance. 4M B. Capitol. Jp300 1-BOOM FURN. for lady. Stove, rafrii.. steam neai. uiiu.iw pain, e. aw Court. Pb. 1-6354. .PlW VERT ATTRACTIVE 2-room furnUhad apartment. New ranee, new reiriseca ter, new washer. Privet bath and entrance oa bus line. No pete. Adult only. Worklnl or collece couple pre ferred. 140 month. 2591 Brooke. JpMO CLOSE IN. 1-bedroom apartment. Newly decorated, oiria pTierra. ass. no. Winter. JplOO GARDEN COURT, newly decorated. S rooms wun oavn. Keirnrijr no stove furnlihed. Oround floor. TV hookup and automatic waaher Includ ed. No PeU. 107 So. 11th. 4-S23I. jp209 LOST ft FOUND LOST 4 MONTHS OLD tolOes brown female tocter pup. 31131. HISSINO Slameae klttena (roa Mil :Tw N. Front St. Small reword. I MISCELLANEOUS BEI-HIVB TRUCKS D-DRrVB MOVE TOUKSBLT SAVB tl i CAR RENTALS STAKES - TANS TEXACO STATION 111 OODRT ST. PKONE 1-1131 SAOB STEVr.NSOr1 tat AL 14BFBORO SAL33i SAND a O RAVEL COIaTANT Contract work toad Cloarlnt - Dltcbtas Sever an. Baaement Eoulpmenl Rental Dttchlni br tbe Fool ' Pbono Dare 3-0401 Eraa. 1-4411 or 1-14IS Salem, Oroton a DENTAL FLATS REPAIR l-RR. SERVICE IN HOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLIR. DENTIST Adolpb Bldx.. Stele At Commerelai Sto SALabl PB 1-3311 a. LET US DO pour flab anoklnt u riah cennlnt. 3-7005. m330a WINDOWS tarteat Jtock In Salem. Hew weath- rstrlpped windowi. completely num. bled, 414.14 up. Lane modern laibaa and crystal picture windows, 44 up. Pick your choice at barsaln prleea. PLUllBINQ Kew toilets with aeat 135 40 30" 14" wash bailna, complete .. 17.44 Bath tuba with flttlnta 44 40 Double laundrr trara. compieta . ton Shower cabinets, complete .... 41.04 Double kitchen elnii. electria watt?r heaters, pipe . .cheap 4" aoiid Orameberc pipe 14c 100 iai. steel septic tanki 147.50 OTHER BAROAINS Metal taraia doors with bdwa t4 Niw 4x1 puitorboard 1140 4x4 waterproof wallaoard 11.74 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheep Nails, carload supply 44.74 Overhead aarnca door hdwa 111.94 Loose lobulation, prr bat 11.00 Roll blanket Insulation barsaln 4" "Jap Birch" plywood 24c i 4n 'Jap Birch' plywood .Sic liahocany plywood 42c No. 1 Cedar ahtnfliw I.U No. S Cedar ahtnalea 4.00 No. 3 Cedar lb tor lei 4.00 1-tab rootlnt 44.91 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types fiats doora lowest prices New fir door Jamba .4150 Painted cedar ahakaa $10.74 Un painted cedar ihakee) 4400 Nfw .beto sldin- Exterior white paint $3 94 Shake moldlns, per fool 10c C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-4041 Ona mile If. of reiser ma PLYWOOD Interior and Eiterlor, Ut$ sheets or tn cut eltee. Mill enda Jo ft, up. Cedar Bril. (risen tjpi, $14 to $34 M. Doora. 44 94 bp. Blrrh, Mahot . Fir In .Slab doors. Panel In Fir. Shakes $10.7$ aq. UP. Hardboard 11.7$ iheet. Hem. adc.. Fl.. 444.40. Midas. Well board, Koof Ina, decorative panels, and Lumber nil priced rlaht. Free delivery and estimating ear Ice. Wot bint down M mo, to pay. Open U day Sat. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 1444 Portland Rd. rh. 44411 ma oeTalooka 'yT avi.yrfi Tn -1 ITotJOHBUST MA. V 10OK, BUTTEftBAU. I GOTTA DATE WITH V Sec WOT. .HAW ,a aiai n,rr Kf1' AT VIN.. . Out ON TM" NOSE... AN' 1 ...IT WAS FER VEB. POT.-AN" NO CBACKS HAWA HOFFA AHEMi JV,SJ'ArirSi FetAO YA tOH. 1 I rVOULO P JO PlDNT OWN &OOQ..WOTCMA MOM Y0U...6Ht ZAT SO t HAVMM ea rZ -4 W Me 6IVE MY ff PUTTIN' CM TH' GIVE THAT BS V7T7rrl . ,g -n J " I IUILDING MATERIALS Remodel, Repair, Now Sov. pp., ea.a for . relax sar Be ooors paroaaat, (- Mua at par Eppingr Lumber Co. Uto Slrvertoa , Fb 40131 OPES ALL PAT oUTORCAT CSED Ll' ... soora lor aalo. Ba- lea OooMxoi Boepltai (eta aitreee' boao. I aeltt rOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ' Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD I OAK KtTCrmi TABLE 0 CHAIRS - SLIGHTLY USED oTTARTlKO PRICE AUO. 14 . 140 AUG. 22nd . 23 Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT Al COURT ST. FH. 31111 -Wo Olvo B A3 H Oreen Staapo" BBANB NEW Hamilton Baacb alxar, toura lor wlp 131.00. Sove no. Taroia Of courae. USED WERCHAND1AE MART. 310 B. Llbertr Sk, pbono 4M11. B300 SCHILLER FIANO Medium alia up- rltbt, otltlnal flnlab. perfect eondltlon, plel. taaa. spedallf prlcod tbla week TERMS XF DESIRED Salem Music Company 113 S Hlth St. Fb. 1-1100 Acroae from Blilnoro Tbeater in BOYS BICYCLE. (31. Olrll blelclo, 310. Oood tomiiuon. Phono 41041. H301 ITaUlLLtSCan'l tell It from tew. Onlr 110.11. Term, af courae. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 110 S. Llbrrlr St. Phone 4(311. bipo AFASTMINT laa ranee. 1 cu. ft. Cool. orator refrlterator. Botb tn excellent worklnl condition. Fhono 3111 or call at 1130 Weetwood Drive. B301' DEXTER .WASHINQ machine. Oood worklns condition. Clean. (31. Cell 1-1313 after (. nlOl SLECTBIC CLOTHES DRYEB ( montha ejld. Con't toll It from new. Come In end eteal tblt one for onlr (41 01. Tonne of courae. USED MERCHANDISE A! ART. 110 S. Llbertr Si. Fhono 46171 n301 LADIES tolf eluba, 130. Chlld'a bod. 11. Fhono 3-0301. Bill FOB SALE or exchanit old ere an. Will but old dlehee and antlauee. Want Chin. oloeeL Ph. 31144. svenlnta eiato. B301 BOYAL FOBTABLB trpewrltor. Quiet delux modal. like sew, 1(0. Ph. 41113. B30O" BEE THESE before rou bur Martat waeher. (33W. M. W. refrlterator. (30.01. Baay SplBdrp, (33.10. Hldo-abed OOO.M. Maple arm davenport, 110. Davenport and chair, (10.01 don't loff rou haven't teen them ret). Blkea (10 to (11. It" Typewriter, 134.(1. Preaturt cookere, et. Jora or 10 pte. (II. Beautiful ribbon mahotanp ( PC. bedroom aet, (10.10. Corner cupboard, (11.(0. Drill preea (1.(0. Camp atovee (4.10 up. Fruit iara. 00c per dot. ANY THINO ELSE ASK US WB MAY HAVE IT. Snook's Bargain Center woo sroaaway mono aiue BEPBIOCRATORS that work aood. Only lt.94. Terma of couree. USED II Int. CHANDISK MART. 37fl M. Liberty St.. rbona 44371. nl49 KODAK BKTINA IIA 4 moa. old. 4164.R0 new. O. . meter Tlrtutuly nsuaed. both for 1115. 9-1744 dare. nloo Sewing Machine Buyers! new sinter eiectne canine iiwmi mabhlnaa as low ai 411 down, liberal trade on your present machine. For a free colored catalog, write or call. Blnier flewlny Center. 110 N. Com'l., Aalem, Ore. 33411. nlOl TOP SOIL River till and fill tlrl. Prompt da llverr. Phone 1-1141 n' WASHINO MACHINES In tood worklnl order, onlr 14.00. USED MERCHAN DISE MART, 310 S. Llbertr St. Phone 40311. . Bill HOSPITAL BED for eala or rent. H L. Stiff furniture Co. Phono 1-0111 B" SMALL PIANO Excellent condition, bar tatn for caah. 1000 S. Cottato. B101 FLAT PEN lilt n.w. Child'. 4 foot bunk bod wltb drawer and tood mat trail. HI Suntet Ave. or Ph. 31113. r, IN COMPLETE BEDROOM SET wltb book- eaaa headboard, onlr 111. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 110 S. Llbertr St., phooe 40111. Terma ot courae. Bl Estey Spinet Piano Blithtly used. New piano tuarantee. Like new. Trade in acceptable. Spe cial price thla week. Terma If Desired Salem Music Company 143 S. Hlfh 8t- Ph. 3-470$ Across from Klslnora Theater nl$9 AM MOM COED ORGAN sllthtly used with custom aound cabinet, 4144. Ph. 24441. nl9 ELECTRIC CLOTHES DETE4V 4 months old. Can't tell It from new. Coma in and steal thla one for only 449.94. Terms of course. USED MERCHANDISE MART, 170 S. Liberty St. Pbona 44311 nl99 HeCVLLUCti CHAIR AW0. 001 Bdto- water Woet s.lea Balaa Locarno Sup- plr Fb 4-1141 COBOrlADO Radio-Phono combination. Juat out of the repelr ahop. Worke like new. onlr Itl.H. used her. CHANDISK MART. 310 8. Llbertr St Fhono 40311. Terma of courae. Bill HEARING AID SALE Reconditioned and tuaranteed Bel- tone Heerlnt Aide at prKee rou can afford. Belton Heerlnt Center. 331 Ore. ton Bldx. Phone Balem 3-4.11. n301 BOYS 10-INCH blrrcle- 111. Ph. J-1133 after ( p. a. Bin BI'VB. BEDS COMPLETE, aprtnta. mat treaneji, 133.50. Term, of courae. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 110 8. Llb- erlr St. Phone 10311. Bill' LARGE ASSORTMENT of cheat of draw era. USED MERCHANDISE MART 31. S. Llberlt St. Pbone 4(311. Terma of courae. nl.. DATENPORT and chair aet. In tood con dlllotu Cheap. (000 Clatter. Kelaer dlit. B300 PLAYER PIANO WITH SOME ROLLS Completelr overhauled. Small plain eate. Beautiful tone. Perfect touch. A aound instrument. $375 COMPLETE TERMS AVAILABLB Salem Music Company 143 B. High Phnna 1-4704 Aeroaa from BUlnora Theaur nl44 LABOB aiiortment of rheet of drawer. USED MERCHANDISE MART. 374 S. Llbertr SL Fhono 44311. Term of To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 AUTOMOBILES BE To See These Cars This Week . 1949 Chev. Tudor. Very low mileage, very good tires. A car you will like. Only . -$995. 1950 Chev. Tudor. New paint, dandy tires. Clean as a whistle. $1145. 1950 Stude. Champ. 2-dr. Sdn. Beautiful two-tone green, overdrive, Climatizer, good tires. Only $1295. 1951 Stude. Comm. V-8 5-pass. Boy, oh boy! You should see this one. Only 25,000 miles, original beautiful blue paint Car is loaded with accessories. Looks and runs like new. Our prjee only $1745. 1950 Pontiac De Luxe Chieftain 5-pass. Sport Coupe. Big radio & heater. Good tires. A good buy. Only $1395. BONESTEELE'S USED CARS 7f) N. CHURCH ST. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TCYVESAN'T bunaalow piano and bencn, bird caiea. ona aiano. ii 3rd at. 2 GIRLS CLOTHES. ihoea, eoata. Sltei I i 14. Phone 3-177. nioo SHALLOW WELL Myera pump. 940. Ph. 3 -47 Si. 14-FOOT BOAT Oood ahapc. New Brim Btratton iaa motor, ih norea. Coat 444 40. Will aell 444. Leased bath tub $14. 1441 Kapphaha Hd. Ph. 34)41. moo 14-FOOT BOAT and trailer. Oreen'a oortlnf Oootia. not B. commercial or pbona 1-4144 after 1:00 p. m. n!00 USED FURNACE for burning wood, aaw- duit. or coal. Medium else, very loon condition. Compieta with irate and automatic control. Ph. 34444. 1444 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A. ax- eellent condition. Year boos ana dook caM. 43453. nlOO BEDSPREAD, 3 larce living room pic ture!, atalnles aual Revere ware, Dormerer deep fryer. Hamilton Beach mixer, ate. 2340 Market at, 2-6340. . D300 USED ELECTRIC combination treadle ewiog machine, flewa forward and re verie. A-l condition. Only 414.48. fllne er tewing Center, 119 No. Commercial. nioo SINGER Uihtweixbt electric portable aewing inacmne tor unpaio oaiance. Bimer Sewing Center, 130 No, Com mercial, naoo Wonted MISCELLANEOUS LOGS WANTED Oood 2nd orowtll lota, prem. paid for No. S lose 31' and lonaer. Alao, 1' etud loce or muJtlplea ol (' plua trim (" to 10" diem. BUBKLAND LBR. CO. Ph TTJRMER 11U EVES. 1401 TURNER, 1-7131, BALEM nallO WOODBI WANTS Plaaoa. Pbona 34110. na' ELECTRIO BANGES. WoOdm Ph. J-1110 .a WANTED LEGHORNS and colored kena aor ouamtr Immodtatelr. will par over top Portland market. Ph. 33801. Lee rlotcherr. nelM Logs Wanted Top price on today' market for long or ahort aecond growth fir log. Ifor price, phona 1JSB1 day. 41744 ven lnga. Went Salem Lumber Co, 1140 Wallace Rd.. Salem. ntlOT FINANCIAL PBIVA7E MONEx lo loa. ob real ee- tete. Phone 3-0704. r310 INVESTORS Wo hare (ood flret aortoaoea for four Impaction. REIMANN REAL IBTATX LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Mlah. Phona 1-H0J rill SEE OS FOR PARM. CITT OR ACRIAOE LOANS BET OP TERMS WB BUT Baal eitale aortoaoea Jk aantracto State Finance Co. 1.7 Oa Blob SL Ph. 1-4111 Colonial Investment Co. Mortcaaa loana. Contract.. Private moner placement. (07 Court St. Phooe 43311 r304 HIGH PAYMENTS? WE CAN CUT 1 Let's Give Them the AXE! Uae our consolidation plan. AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ' LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. 117 So. Hllh St. -1K Mill r307" AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO 111 South Church Parkin. a-Plenty Ph 1-1411 Lie Na M-1W (MM Ua .-123 and U-334 and RO R SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trade.' ll oi D.ii. kslm mo Ea. OENBRAl FINANCE CO LOANS III s. Commercial Bt Tel 1-11(1 87 T'TL. ..fTPr. . I T100 HAVE A PRIVATE PARTT needln. 18000 tor . ahort time. WU1 por 1 Intereit end etve adequate eecurltr. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 H. Capitol. Ph lino. rlB AUTOMOBILES SURE PHONE 2-1603 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVtNO BADIATOB TBOVBLf f VUer Motor Ca ezperu wtu eolvt rout bto lama and eeve rou mosar Praa eatl Btiea. apoadr earvtea Cow tar al Lit. -artr MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1041 HASLET 41 (111. Oood Condition. 101 Rlrerrlew Dr. pn. 4.304. ooaoe HEAVY EQUIPMENT D4 CAT, Be real 4R7334. Caterpillar front unit. Caterpillar rear unit aca uade, 44000. Oood operating eondltlon. Ka cent overhaul, .frank Martnl, Burn. Oreion. e3 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION wanted (a Loa An- aelee Cain, call 3-4170. aioo PERSONAL HAWAII Conauuctlon work. Top pay. .free traneportation. Contract, infer znatlon, application tuldx, 41.00. Prank OaakUt, DICO, .Box 444. eTJellevoe, Waih. pif AUTOMOBILES 14M roBO Convertible, ahow room aon- aition. 4i. win vaie tv aat or m car a down payment. Call 4-4J47. al04 144 CHCVBOLET Deluxe Sedan. Verr clean. 49. Pbona aosao. 1M 8 A LI OB TBADB 1447 Stodebokar Cham pion (Sedan, Excellent conditio ttiroufhout, 447, 441 AlvmUw Dr. Ph. 44204. 304 EQUITY IN 1947 Studebakar Command ar. verr tood condition. Motor ra centlr overhauled. 144. Phon 44444. jaoo BT PBIVATB party. Ben tin lata apodal car for aale, 4400 mile. Leaving city for iomt time. Phona 30414. -201 lata BUICK Super Convertible. Rndlo. heater, Djmaiiow, axeeiiant maeoamcal condition. Sell or trade. 1-7473. alQ3 1917 CHEV. Oood condition. Sea at 4444 Monroe Ave. Even Inn, 0.199 JAOl'AB MABK V Super 0 condition. (3100. 1(111. .100 WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR QUICK CASH POR TOUR CAR OR KJDITT GOOD PRICES FOR CLEAN CARS TO BUT OR SELL A USED CAR, SEB RON'S 11(1 BROADWAT PH. -((0( '40 PONTIAC aedan. Oood eondltlon. Ph. 1-0171. 1417 No. 4th. 0100 IMS ENGLISH Pord 4-door. 1141 Sixth 0200 St. PI. 1-1711. 1010 0LTMOl'TR aedan. radio, beater. lixa or neat oner, i-xixi. uoi NOTICE! WE'VE MOVED BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 267 N. CHURCH SEE US NOW FOR SALEM'S BEST BUYS AT SAM'S , MOTOR CO. UNDER COVER - BUT NOT UNDERSOLD! 7 N. CHURCH - PH. 1-7117 DEWEY'S '52 Ply. Cran. Sdn. . Like oft the show room. '51 Ply. Cran. Club Another swell Plymouth '51 Chev. io-Ton Dlx. cab and dandy. M9 Dodge Cust. Sdn. 1 owner, has every ace. '47 Cadillac 62 Sdnt. I Has everything but TV '40 Nash 600 Sdn. Not bad for my age '35 Dodge Pickup I ain't bad but old. Buys like these only AT DEWEY'S NEVER CLOSE 3080 Market Ph. 34061 aiooo By Ham Fisher