Friday. August 21. 1953 Burned Fingers Br KATUUEN NOBR18 (Continued tram Pje 14i mi know you knew." tha old wom an aald impatiently cod rapidly. "Your mother iu my only daughter. She u to be married the bridesmaid were dressing when aomefeody brought me a note. She'd married one of the instructors at the university, a long-natred man three timet her age. When he found out how I iflt. he sent her home on a vUlt to me. That waa when you were bora. I forgave her, I adored you. but I forbade her ever to com municate with him again. Par a while ahe didn't know where he wa. Then one night he showed up here: he wanted his wife. He wu shabby and tired and lonely and ahe waa beautiful. Mary had everything. I had great plana for her: we were all going to Europe: we loved each other. Until ahe ran away ahe had never been a night away from me In her life. " I'm going with him, she said. Oo pack your things,' I said to her. She looked at me a minute and then she turned and went away. I havent wen her since." "So you lived with your lath er?" . "Not long. Ke died the next year. Betty says, he was to go to South America, and we came to San Francisco and he got pneumonia and died." "Who's, this Betty you speak of?" "She was a girl who came in and helped when my mother was sick. Betty sort of took hold of me. and when he was going away to South America my father mar ried her so that she could come too." - "How'd she take care of you?" "My father left life insurance." Jennifer said. "Betty was a mother to me, anu when it was used up she went to work and afterward she married again." "Stepfather kind to you?" They didn't live together af ter two children were born. Betty worked then part time, and after I finished high school I worked In a mall-order house." Jennifer said, her breath short and her voice unsteady, "and we lived In a little flat on Eddy Street, and we raised the girls somehow" "You went to work after three years high school. Didn't finish, eh? That doesn't sound as If your Betty was any too good a mother to you." Jennifer got to her feet. She was trembling and frightened, but not so much of the terrible old lady as of her own violent emo tions. "She did all ahe could for me!" the said. "If I was sick Betty went out and got me cough medi cine; she mended my sweaters and took me to movies when we could get someone to sit with the babiesl My own grandmother didn't do that for me. My moth er's mother might have made my life very different! Betty did more for me than you did I went to work in a hot office when I felt sick and blue, and spent all my time with older women 'I didnt like, and ate smelly lunches out of paper bags, and walked home through cold windy streets! And it wasn't fair, it wasn't fair," Jennifer ended on a storm of tears, "when an the time you con Id have mad my life like other girls' lives you could nave saved me ail that I had to go through all the suffering all, the shame and now you blame Betty!" "Perhaps those experiences of yours have helped to make you the sort of girl the sort of woman you are," Mrs. Giddlngs aid. "You realize that as far as money can help all that trouble is over," said her grandmother. "You can use your own Judgment about accepting it. You can take your own time about letting any one know of this. You need never let anyone know. You are quite right about my having done you an injustice. My daughter knew I would forgive her the mo ment she came to ask me for for- rveness: I was waiting for that, didn't think somehow I never thought of her being dead. "I've been a bitter woman for more than twenty years." said her grandmother. "You can make it right with me now; you can let me do some of the things for you thst I wanted to do for your mother. "You're all I have. I'm all you have. We're going to be friends, you and I. I know that you'll forgive me my cruelty to your mother, my hatred of your fath er. I'll do anything, my dear. I I'll fall In with anything you want. But you you be my granddaughter, you let everyone know you're my granddaughter. And the happiness that I never thought was coming my way again ..." Tears stopped her. "Jennifer," she went on Imperi ously, "what you went through didn't hurt you. You've made a fine, sweet woman of yourself a woman with manners that any duchess could be proud of. It wouldn't hurt Nancy and this little Crittendon monkey of whom I hear some very funny reports to have to face the world, earn their own living get some sense. For what you've missed I'll make up. Youll be onlv the stronger for It all. "And who." she ended sudden ly, "who helped you?" Jennifer was shaken from tears and high emotion: she was still suffering a spiritual shock. She told her grandmother of Monty, of the Evans family of the Floods and of Vogelsang's. And flnallv in another burst of tears of Jim. Jennifer said. "It was some thing that I felt I had to tell Cap tain Linpincott and that I couldn't tell him. It was some thing that took awav all that feellns; about being first being a wife, something that made that all wrong made the honeymoon all wrong . . . "Perhaps If I'd talked to Jim In the very beginning anyway. I'm telling you In the very be ginning" "Tf evh.t T Yit 1c true " ahe said then hesttatinglv "girls don't regard that sort of thing auite as t seriously as ther once did." i "I don't want to make ft all so Important," Jennifer said. "I'd much rather Just forwt tt go on end live mv life all toe better for it. But It's there' A nlce-lookln middle-aged woman in the ruffled apron of a maid stood in the doorwav. "Excuse me. Mrs. Olddlngs. but will vou and tho Colonel be alone for dinner?" "No. no." the old lady said. "My granddaughter will be with us. Ifiu BI.I.I. 411 k. aliM Us now. Hilda." I (T Be Cenllnoed) DENNIS the MENACE MM 'Worms in this one....worms LEGALS NOTICE TO CSEDITOea No. 1UU NOTICE: Tha Circuit Court of ftl.rlan Couotr. Or.ion. 01 appointed oi. txocu tor of too Estate of AOoVE PRANTL. deceased. All person! havlag claim, egalmt aald cauta ara required to ere- aDt them, with proper voucher., to ma at ne oirica or couotr Clerk. Marlon County Court Houae. S.lem. Oreffm. within au month, from Autust 1, 1HI. THOUA4 J. TOB1N, Executor 8TOTT OOO01NO AUorneva for Executor loll Yeoa Bid... Portland. Oretoo Aug. 7. 14. Jl. It. Sept. 4. ll.U. DIRECTORY ADDING. KACHDfES AH make, tuad machines .old. rented, repaired Roen. 44 Court Ph l-TOl. Bl'LLDOZINO Bulldozing, road., clearlnt teeth. Vlrili Husker, 101S Palrvlew, phone I-I14I. one Grand Island Gfand Island- Sunday eve ning guests of Mr. and Mn. Frank Finnicum at their Grand Island home were Mr. and Mrs. Murvin Wivell, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griener of Shelton. Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ross of Mt. Angel. Refreshments were served. At the same home Saturday overnight and Sunday guests, who came to attend the Finni-cum-Wivell wedding at Mc- Minnvnie Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs.. Hockut and daughter, Maryln, of Seattle. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack For sythe and Mrs. Forsythe's mother, Mrs. John Nordstrom, and Miss I lien a Mead of Forest Grove. Mrs. J. E. Finnicum, 81, of McMinnville. is a house guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum. The peppermint harvest has started in the Grand Island and Unionvale areas. Distillation started on the first half of the R. T. Kidd 18 acres In the Unionvale district. Bethel Park Bethel Park Rev. and Mrs. J. G. McGrew and family of Glenwood, Ark., are living in the D. R. Phillips residence temporarily. Rev. and Mrs. S. D. Spiez of Athena, Ore., visited friends here recently. ' Rev. and Mrs. Robert Pirtle, Bobby and Janice Pirtle left Wednesday morning for Mil waukee, Wis. Rev.' Pirtle will attend the Assembly of God genera council in Milwaukie. From there they plan to drive to Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson at tended a family reunion Sun day at Hilkboro park, Hills boro. Ore. The Nelsons stayed Sunday, night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Keyes of Portland. Monday the group drove to Mt. Hood. Mr. and Mrs. George Dodson of Lead Hill, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dodson, Sandspring. Okla.. both recent guests in the R. Nelson home, are returning to their separate homes this week. HENRY F S wSpeK?) I I fiEBtllb ' jl By Ketcham m this one. ...wows in... FOR SALE HOUSES ON! FIFTH ACTRK and X B. R. HOUR! 4H5I Ttrna t beat caak offtrt 8m at 1XM rarkway DrU. Takt Olen Crack road wast ta cltr ftrt atatkmt North 100 yard I Cltr wattr. City phont. 130 foot froaL Look for alan. 6TULLKR, Rilr. Ph. UUT or WIO. alH SEE AT SM Bradley Drlrt. Modern 3 bod room houta. CIom to arada acboot. Ptooty vround for flowtra, (arden. lawn and playground. Lou el trtei. alH HALF AC. HOME! HH3! MUCH LESS FOR CASH ! 1 Pint cloic-ln location 100 yda. NORTH of Salem Pira Station an Oltn Craek Road. Bc thit 1 B. R. itucco hoot at 1330 Parkway Drlra. Some fruit, marvetoui gardrn toll. STULLER Rltr. Ph. am or 45713. a300 S BEDROOM BOUSE. CIom to 1 cradt acnooia. sua aarvtca. 1171 N. Liberty. a301 BT OWNER 4 room older houae on one hoot, aaaement. Large lot. Lota of trees and ahruberr. Cloae In. Bush echool district. Priced to jell lor cajih. 383 U. ,301 BT OWNER 1 rooms bath, plastered Knotty pine panel in lltlni room, huee wardrobe, 1 acre. Will take food house trailer as part payment. 4441 Sunny view Ave. Phone 3-3457. alM OPEN HOUSE 9000 Brown Rd. (Bwesle Dlst.t. t bed room, fireplace, beautiful hardwood floors, large wardrobe and closets. Tiled bath with shower. Attached ta raie and utilities. Come out anytime and leu talk over tonus to ault yon. Pordrce and Aamplea, Builders and Contractors. a301 BT OWNER Candalarla 3-bedroom. double garage, large utility. Ill, 000. a314 BT OWNER4-bedroom house. 2 fire places, 3 aatna, double garage, play room. Tiew. j-eita. aioo RIVER FRONTAGE 2-bedroom home. beautiful aettlng, landaeapad. 3 blocks Bo. of Manbrln Oardens. I7SO0. By owner. John Haueook, itH Rlvercrest Dr. Ph. 3-420. a300 DIRECTORY We do anything in the line of build ing, rrea estimates. Pbona 3-0a 0317" DRESSMAKINQ AlUratlona. benutlUhlnr, buttons, bucklea covered, buttonholta. Mrs. H. m. allender. 3-WU. 0310- EXCAVATING Ben Otjfo A Son, excavating and grading, una clearing. Ph. 1-3080. 03161 PL'RNACE CLEAN I VQ ElU'a Purnace Cleaning. All work full git ran teed. Phone 3-1343. elH hoi si MOVING Leveling, foundation work. Full ex perience. Preo estimate.. Bonded and inaured rn. I-aoaa. J-751I. e20S INSULATION Xnjutatlon. weatherstrip, aluminum screens. Pre. estimates. T. Pullmen. Phone l-aa. pan MSTTRKSSIS Capitol Bedding, renovates Pull Una Dew mattressea Ph J46ei orrirE ruaviTiaa a scppups Desk cnalrs. tllea. nilns supplies, safes, dupllcatore. auppllca. dek lampa, ttpe writer stands. Roen. 4SC Court. EOAD GRADING Road gradlns. lerellna. dltchlns. 11 cat trader. Roy Hancock. Pb. 30011. out' Roofing and siding br expert, for I right price. Phone l.Qgt. 0317' siTpncT tanks Hsmel'a wrrlce. 1-1404. aeptlc tanka cleaned, line fJuaranued work. Phone 07B3- Hike's Sepll. Berrlee. Tanka cleaned. D'rooter cleana aewera. dralas. Phon. J-M1; 0lg' Sewer, septle unks, drains cleaned. Ro to-Rooter Sawar Serried Pnone 1-U31 SHARPCNINO KFTAIR lawn mowsrs, sawa. eta. 21th O Ph. 3-f41g. Pre. pickup. TTPE WRITERS Smith, corona, Ramtngtott, Royal Da derwood nortahtea All nakaa aaad nachlnea Repalra as rat Roca. 4M Court 1-1772 WINDOW CUANINO Acme Window clean.ra. Industrial floor wax'ng nev.eel.ulna Phone S-SJ31 11 Court e By Cerl Anderson THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon lJ "UHOUStv T OWNEB 1 bodrooaaa. hatha. oU hoot. Oa aero el ereuad. PTOoerlv t areaaiae ta value. Meal lor ouaor he llfcea tordenlxul or laodacaplsui. Kiot oiood mono !-. one T OWNia Splendid l-reaea aaodora houae, garage, ctooa to hua. church, cheek euro. UH Laurel sea. Hut alas sT OWNta, I bedroom hone, fireplace, hardwood noera. II una room, dimes roots, full baseman t, aawdual heal, hua line. U Ma Phono 1-1U1. alee' mm A HOME TOD WTLt Bl FROtTD TO OWH Owner transferred, m must aell. Lell-lt eMfntr lot With SUPCrb VteR Of the mta. 1 bdrnu. with lot of close? ihci, large LR. MPirU dining Toon, party room vita, fireplace, charcoal grill aa tin petlo. EVERYTHINO TO MAKR A REAL HOMI. A Tory small 4owa meant witn liberal terms en balance. It raw art looking (or a home, be aura ta see thla one, PRINT. LOCKMAR, REALTOR MT Fairgrounds Rd. 0 Ph. 4-M4 T OWNER New home. ) bedroom and furniture. Rear echool. Laavlnt city, priced to Mil. Open beutva Sander. 17W sedona Art. 11441 Tell- J. oJOO EAST ENGLEW00D Just ec Market. A nlea KoderR home. S bedrooms, kllcben. living roaas. dining room, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace utility at tached aerate oil heat. Lawn, flowers and shrubbery. Price la 13,000 wllb terms. Excellent TV reception. ABRAMS. BOURLAND & SKINNER 41? 14asonl Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans 3-0311 Evaa. 3-tl0 r J-73M a30S NEW ROMS, near KhooL S bedrooau. double caraie. darllght baaiDcnt. 114.000. 3199 a. Uth Bt; aJOO WILL SELL or take trailer bonae or car for dovn pimtnt on I acrta vltb nice 4-bedrooa houae. 234(3. a304 S NEW t-bedroom homts, near echool. Btoc to hua. cau i-esa aiier a p.m. . a 203 BT OWNER Modern 3 bedroom home with den. Picture windows. Very food location south. ftlO.IM. Ph. 33009. a lit R.7W. KKIZER. modern 3 bedroom house. Newly painted in and out. I1 acre. Phone -1100. a300 S MODERN BOUSES on aama loL One 4-yer-old ft-room. one 1-year-old 4 rooma. Oarates attached. 3419 Broad way. Mate an offer. a301 BT OWNER Very attractive 3-bedroom house, chicken house, garage, V-acre tract. Phone evenlnaa 4-1071. alM CHEAP TAXEft-Insulated. electric heat. rr.Htd 3-bdrm. house attached garage, nice fenced yard, close to school, storeg bus. Terms. S'JOM. Phone 4-4101 evenings. a300 SOUTH HIGH STREET (6 BLOCKS FROM CITY J CENTER) Tht location li BO choice, few homes , have been for aala there In last 10 years. Corner lot with tremendous pin oak shade trees. Magnificent liv ing In this spacious 14x34 living room. Two Hxl bedrooms, lovely dining . room, spare bedroom finished upstairs. Large unfinished upstairs, full baae- Vment. oil furnace. Offered this week for flS.MO. Shown br APPOINTMENT ONLY. Axk for THELMA MAN- KRETZ, homo phono 3-00M. Willamette Valley Bank Bid. ; HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phono 43391 Eve. 3 -It I alOO1 A PERFECT HOME Juit ouUlris the city limlu on Highway . Lota of trees, sprinkling system, l'i acres, 3-bdrm. home, fireplace, basement, double ga rage, work shop, beautiful grounds Mow 331.000. terms. CAPITOL REALTY CO. Ph. 3-3531. 4-413 1330 Ediewater al msmm NO NOI8R ... NO TRAPPIC A perfect location In South Village. Quiet, peaceful area, yet convenient to schools, shopping and bus. Ranrh type home with 1 bdrma., large LR with fine fireplace. The kitchen Is ao hire It makes cooking a pleasure. This home has real value for I13.SO0. Call us today for Immediate showing. PRANK LOCKMAN, REALTOR 1037 Palrgrounda Rd. Ph. 4-0353 a301 TODAY'S BEST BUYS ALL THIS FOR I1KK) DOWN t toelrooni, forced air furnace, tile beth. paved roads. Iswn (a, hardwood floor, plctur wlodoer. aial N. WHY PAY MORr Beautiful .est Tie la Candalarla. S bedroom, laree llrlng and dining rooms, ex.ul.lta dr. wltn eut.lde pallo. birch kitchen, S-car garage. Oalr lll.Mrt CONTACT OWNER-BUTIJ5ER GLENN HAMILTON ltn Pslrgroanda Rd. Ph. J-404I, M)a a?00' IP YOU LOVE FLOWERS SEE THESE 2 HOMES WITH UNSURPASSED FLOWER GARDENS GRACING BEAU TIFUL, LIVABLE BACK YARDS. 1. MANBRIN GARDENS keener in Oardena apeaki for Uelf. However, tf you are neo in Aalem. you ehmild know thla location li c twice for euburban .mm. The entire area li populated with ere-appealtnc modrrn bomei. and tnU la one of the flnrnt hornet in tne nelehbornood. 1 ipaftova bv3roomj. fireplace and dlnlne room. Iilck in-tid and out. AU rlir aerv tret In auPurben aettlne lierut 4nti, taaoo. Ak for curp bowdka. kome phone !-. 3 BEDROOMS - EAST HUFF MID about the rard: tta beautirul. I-oedroom home. Immacu late. bedrooms down. 1 up. Aeparate dinini room, attached terete evd m oa rite alio and deepfreete room Vlllne below FHA apprawal at A.r ir Don DAVH. noma phone M7R Willamette i'"y Rank HOI IT WOOD DUTFICT PhOfit 4-13M 14, . . 4IH, FOR SALE HOUSES Let ins show you the Inside of this place. Will finance. Owner and builder, Tom Dalke Sc Son, Phone 2-1328 OPEN HOUSES SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 1-5 P.M. L M BTNOLtWOOD AVSNtlt 1 SIDROOUS UVINO ROOM DIN INO ROOM. BIHCH KITCHIN WITH NOOK AND POKUICA COUNTIR TOPS. PIMPLACt POLL BAAEMKNT, OIL PURNACE. TOTAL PR1CI, ID.eoe. t. M1 INOI.XWOOD AVINIJt BIRCH KITCHEN WITT! KOOK. 1 BEDROOMS. PULL BAAEMKNT. PLASI IHA!D OARAGE, 1 KD ROOMS WITH LARGE WARDROBE CLOSETS. Ill.Ue. I. W) ENOI.EWOOD AVKNUr l"TORT HODSE WITH I BED. ROOMS DOWN. LOTS OP ROOU FOR 1 BEDROOMS UP. ALL. BIRCH KITCHEN. HARDWOD PLOORS. FIREPLACE. PULL CASE. H,'ir.,m0 ,h "-'XNACE. LARGE UVINO ROOM AND DIN INO ROOM, tll.aoe. - INOLEWOOD AVENUE. S BEDROOMS WITH LA ROE BIRCH WARDROBE CLOSET. BATH WITH SHOWER AND BUILT-IN VANITY. LARUE LIVINO ROOM WITH BEAUTIFUL BIRCH MANTLE FIREPLACE, KITCHEN AND DINETTE. PULL BASEMENT WITH OIL FURNACE. PLASTERED OARAOE. 1I,H. .JJ.,0,,M''?, BOOSES WERE BUILT By PRANP NORTH AND ' i? A.L.t.i:lCAT."0 ON NOLEWOOD AVENUE IN THE BBAUTIPt'L NEW E.T ENOLEWOOD ADDITION ONLY ONE BLOCK TO CITY BUS AND 3 BLOCK TO NEW HOOVER SCHOOL DRIVE OUT SUN- SAIil M TO ' f U fOK THE BEST BASEMENT HOUSES IN TOWN, oR ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER . 411 Masonic Building Real Elala Inauraae a-aan , OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT FRIDAY, AUGUST 21ST - 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 2570 A LVAR ADO TERRACE . Go up Boice - turn right at end of street - 3rd home on right - 3 bdrms., ige. playroom, dble. fireplace, overlooks river & valley - First time ever shown. GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Libert! SL Ph. 1-1471 ' Fvcalngs A Sundsys esll H. K. Larmee J-tltl J. E. Law 1-tlll Roy Ferris 1-Hlt s Two Lovely Homes Located 700 Block Brenner Street LARGER HOUSE HAS : LARGE DININO RII. S-CAR OARAOE. . LAROE CTIUTT. . BEAtrrlPlTL SEA SOtJIRREI, DEN THAT MAT SE USED FOR 1RD EEOROOU. All cabinets have Formica tops. Living room 21x14' with raised Dutch fireplace. Mahogany paneling around fireplace, with built-in bookcase. Mahogany trim in living and dining room. Mahogany doors thruouL- SMALLER RUSTIC HOUSE HAS: ' BEAUTIFUL KNOTTY PINE DEN. 1 LAROE BEDROOMS LAROE BATH WITH PULLMAN AND TILED RECESS, AND EX' Mahogany paneling around living room, and mahogany doors thruout. FIRST HOUSE WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 10 DAYS. Second house to be completed shortly afterwards. Both homes are elaborately decorated with paper in the dining area and color scheme thruout. Before You Buy Consult Us for Custom Homes PHONES 4-6634 '-- 2-8395 FOR SALE HOUSES BUILDER MUST BACRIFICI , apaclout roomt, 3 twtnlie bed roomt. IS bathi, automatic all beat, larae basement with laundry room, ex cellent construction. Tou wlil like thla erteoue li3 fU llvinf room vtih It warm fireplace and laree picture windows. Kx Dun I re panoramic view, ood nclthborbood. Attractive separate dlnlne room. Double laraec. Owner saya aelt. Price reduced to only 111 100. Very eeiy terms. FRANK LOCKUAf. RKALTOR t031 Falriroundi Rd. Ph. 4-4313 a301 1 ACRE AN ACRE, a cow. some chkkrni. a garden and a food I -bed room horns. With all thla you can att back and let the world ie by. We have the aire The S-bdroom houee is there. You furnish the cow, we furnish the barn. Room for chprkrna and wonderful eer dm space. This acre U eo clone In It Is a wise Investmsnt Just for "Rus Intse Frope.-tr" locatlen alone. Only 9M buys it. for io down. Ask for LILL1B CROSE. home phone Wlilamette Verier Rinir R;df. HOLLYWOOD D1TH!CT Phont 4-lltl Ire. 1-tffM eiw Ar THIR I-RKDROOM HOME AT lilt RORTH 7VTH T Rlrt L. Rm., flrcpiacel D rm "in enient kitchm. dhi. piumbini. ter bedrm., hat walk-In rieset and beautiful tiled bath. Oaraea and at tractive carport. 1M down will ntn die. Fleae do nol dlitnrb tenants. Call JOHM J. DAMN, RFALTOR 411 N Huh Kt Fh. 4341 Bve. J7I41 - m 31471 . 4IH1 am- POB K4I.R by builder. Rew I bedroom home. 14 en. ft. deep free Rsrvttn Intituled ona week on'r f 3720 Unttnt Ave. FHone 3ft 1 7. 1 two ATTRAC'Ttvr f Wruom ho-i-e"" in" Wt sm. IJM dn. 44 stanth. 1111 Atariixhi pr. I424. aJW L RJALTORj FOR SALE HOUSES "1 JL Salem, Oregon Mortgage Lose . Evf. I-41M ,H 1 US I LA HOE BATH WITH COLEMAN CABINETS. EXCLUSIVE SLIDING OLASS SHOW ER DOOR AND TILED TUB RE CESS. BEAUTIFUL BIRCH KITCHEN WITH EATINO SPACE. TLUSIVE SLIDING OLA AS DOOR BEAUTIFUL BIRCH KITCHEN AND DINETTE LAROE UTILITY. fireplace. Mahogany trim in I FOR SALE LOTS VIKW inT Tftxiod, paved it.. In reatrlct ad dutrtet. Cltr water. Will take a car or e.ult in email home. Phone 4-1811 ti03 FOR SALE FARMS tm A FARM. . . 114 000. . . 1 miles R. W. of Ralem. Bltlaa. are vorthlns! 135 arrrs In good red dlrtf REK THE 8TURRIXI STUUJtR, Rltr Pb. 3511 or 4J782. bit REAL ESTATE INDUSTRIAL BITK 4 blockt aouth of Rtate Bt. close In. let 10100. hat two reotala. Pr. 4000. TWO HOUREA OH 1 LOT. RORTH You can live In one and rent one. Price 44000. term. M ACRKS. KAjrr Mostly planted to filberts. A food place to build a home. Prirc tww - WW, BLIVENB H CO.. RRAl.TORR I4T R. Hllh Bl. - Ph. a-J17, Kvt. 3-4771 JUST THINK i RKW ranch-atyle t-bdrm. home with fully plastered Is. J-ear erase, 40t3l4 lot Ian la In) billt to P. H A. prl fkatlon located lust off Lancwter drive In the Bwtle ach. dlst. All of . thla for only 110.10. REAL SPECIAL TT m a brand new low onf-storv home ronsUtinc of I RKAL LAROE bedrooma, a full basemtnt with fire place, lift FTU oU fur., att. LO. J-cer ar, 100x100 lot. aver 14M so. ft. or floor apace in thla fine home for on.y 414.000. Jut suburban, norm. (Ro pnont Info, at neller a retiueit 1 ENGLEW00D CTJ8B to all erhoola, one-ilorr J bdrm. den. nice tt clan. m l condition, medium-sir lot with shoo lre. Price baa Just been reduced 0 44MW. CHARM PLUS RXCELLXNT VIITW. located J net uhurban. aouth. Charmlne. roomr. t Ic. bdrm. home with wa.l-to-we,! rarpt!n in the ilvlne d;nlne rtrm All hi firs, separate nook, covered ps tie with fireplace, real It. view li with shane trej. crtr wtr. barn ear raced street. 4'.3.4AO. PHORB 1-Mr LUKINBEAL R'a'tnr 4)1 R Mlth Eva. BIX 1.474. LYl.f Four I, jeM7 el Journol Want Ads Pay REAL ESTATE BACK TO SCHOOL .Selected home ta Meet the proUea af achaoiiDg for your children . . . L Rngleareod. -bedrooa. nlr 1100 do a. aim gjoeo I jr. hlah and r. high. Largo eorner lot. Bua br door. X West aalem. 1-bedrooia home Mir . MM doA. Rrtra large kltehea and breakfast nook. Cltr planrouad ooir block. Bus br door. S. Awetle. S-bedrooa home ol7 OOM aowa. Extra large cloeeig la bd rooma. Lane kitchen and nook. Sea arata utUitr. Pull balh. Mavlf re decorated Immediate Deateaetan. 4. Btuh echool. Rua br door. S-bedroem houae aoir t&oo doa. Extra large lot. Extra large garage and work ahos. Out where you caa have plenty el elbow rooei. Mewlr redeeoratart. MTU. I. 9t. Vinceat. 4-bedroom home ailh larga din Log rooak Large atllllr. Oood plastered houae. Aaaorted fru'l m larga corner lot. Both atreela pared. Oalr I tom. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Bauth High Btrret Phono I-0UI Phoen erenlnn aftd Bunday; 0-1071. 4-1301. i-Ult,' J-IM4 e0 Elbow Grease & Paint needed to kan up Uilg good I-rear-old tntcturaliy aound tbree-bedrooB borne, iocf.ted aoia near aew high echool. Tmaaedlata pouetalon. low down paneat. Asking MOM. Property la P.F.-A. approved. (Opportualtr knoea. lor gomeonej $6300 $50 Per Mo. (or thla new roomy two-bedroom home. treated north oa larga productive wt. '-ow down payment, balance 0M par month. Don't aee bow a renter could mUa m thU one, thoae rent recti pU are hard to caah. Mo phone or drive by In fat nation; flrat coma. Ilrat aerved en thla ont. TRADE-MINDED We have a danoy 4-bedroom home with double garage, beautlial llvug room and dining room llreplaee, a kltehea that a a womaaa dream, which owner want to trade for a mailer home. Now. Mr Penally Man. htre U a property anyone would be proud to own. and tt'a good lor the family, What hava yen to trader Money - Money - Money PR. A. 4H leant M yearo, con ventional M-year loaaa, farm loana 4Va to 1. a air terme. Oood lutiagg wanted m aomaa, acreagee and larma. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 114t H. Capital PB. Mill Be Ready for School! Cloae to new Waahtntton school, thla nice flve-rr.-old plastered modern home. One bedroom down, needs noma finish work for two more bdrma. up. Oil furnace. 3 lota, each 00x83. Apple es cherry trees, Price. t'.tftO, and good terms. . ' , Close In. bua at door, close to echool and stores, thla two bedroom borne., entrance ball leading into living room, nlca fireplace, dinette, auto matic oil, L Att. aerate, lovely fenced yard with lots of ahade and fruit trees, flowers and shrubs. 70x140 ft. tot. Priced at 44.344. Owner will trade for larrer home. Ona block to school, but by door, foor year-old home with twe bed rooms, separate dining room, modern kitchen with breakfaat nook. Lovely bath with powder room. Automatic oil heat. Excellent basement with recrea tion room, could euly be used as third bedroom. Double garaie, laree lot 75x343. Rice garden, flowers and ahrubs. Priced at 411.400, terms. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN 43ft PORTLAND ROAD PH. 3-1001 SMITH REAL ESTATE Large Bedroom There are 3 14-foot bedrooms In this new, never-lived-In home, plus a aood-ilr.ed living room with a full elxed fireplace and picture windowa overlooking a very pleasant view, ery good forced air heating aystem. at tached aerate and eating space In the kitchen. Thla Is a substantial home In a restricted district with all atreet ajtaeaements in and paid for. Full price oniy si 1, wo. $1500. Down FURNISHED - TV Very clean home, completely fur' nlshed Including all kitchen applt ancea, automatic waaher, Motorola TV set installed, solid. neat a -bedroom home with floored attic and disappear ing stairs. Located on a paved atreet near a bua, aod under a cool maple tree. IIMO la the full down payment, and 404 per month will handle the balance tstno full price. r $oni REALTOR ; PHONE 4-4454 1955 fairgrounds Rd. .' Bv,. pnons; Mr. Orssg el 1341 or 44771 eieg' HOMES BACK TO SCHOOL A. 3-bdrm., double garage almost new, reduced to . ...411.400 B. $650 dn. 2-Br. inc. range tt all eire. Full price 4MM C 2-Br. (unf. up) Dining room, TV reception, HW floors. Xtra lot Inc. outside steak grill fireplace. 4 ft. s 10 ft. finished doll house for the git la, reduced to 914.0 D. You are invited to inspect dally from i to 4 p m. . . . l44g KINO WOOD Drive. 1-br daylight basmt , 1 fire places. Bee thla now. Terms. 3041 RIVERVIEW IR. 1-br. mi- hoeanr paneling fireplace. Iron Fireman (urn, new paving In cluded. A DEAL 114.404 E 100 ft. on Edgewater St 2 bdrm. heme. Bee thla homo on a boslneaa lot, only 44.3M F. Owner need more room. Here Is a dandy, but with 4 bovs he neetda more room Jk must sell A. Ins 441W C One acre plui large oaks and A brook. What a wonderful place for your PETR. Very modern, Isle -built 1-br. Circulating fire place, auto, heat, hdwd. floors, picture windowa, 2040 garaie Aiking II. 401 H. Near St. Vincent de Paul 4-bdrm. den fine family home. barment. oil heat, pal to. akinc 414 too. Hunt coaslder trade far rental. Dell Shields, Kve. 3-D04!. Joe Hutchison, Eve. 2-4789 Joe Hutchison, Realtor t tVlsrwat.r fU. 4-174) RESORT PROPERTIES FOR tAI.R-Rrel'.haupts cottage. Culler CU. Proatoce an ailet- bay. Modern. Inrlurllng tavly flrrpiare. Parity fur nithed. Pee Helen Heath at Bretthaupt FlerlPt. ecaoO1 FOR 4AI.E Rreithaupt'a eottaae. Cutler Crtr. Frontaae an Rileta bav. Uodera Inrl inline Invely fireplace Partlv fur nished. Ree Helen Heath at Ereit' haupt g r.oriat. gc300 Pact 13 REAL ESTATE aaassssa Wiiuiuaa gsasnteaa , niiisiii gaasias.i T TCT aiiiuiaswssaaaaa J10 IIIIIIIIIISSIS Mglllswatwassaaan lawausH M aim! utillil II nana BUY SULLIVAN ' . View BOMB. 3 kdr. ranch atria. Mahoeeny paneled den with bnllt-tm book shelf and daak. ISzU LR with ?iew wtndowe and flreplaoa. PH u4 BR. RK. Basement with party m ad fireplace. Oil forced air furnace. SM tt at IM Forest Hllle Wap. jo,4M. 3 BDRM. RORTH. Very wall -kepi homo vltb 1140 sej. ft., flreplaoa, bdwd. . floors, braeaawar. elaao U echool. Btoff) and raf. o. 413.40. NBAT rrOCCO 1 bdm.. IJB, DH. Klft. and bath a lovely lonser lau Blew trees, ah rube and flovere. I0OO0. BFIC AND BPAR 3 ACRBB Rtth fmlt. berrlea. nuta, a rental. and a very ftte 4-ras. home which baa a full baaa mant with a 3rd Bdm. and a farnaoa. 3 ml. tnm city aentar. flS.OOw. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR MT Iforth High . PH. 4-4tt Era. Ph.: I-I7M. 4-lJil. I-eaat. I-tait eMl. $1,000 DOWN Mewer type 3-bcdrooen home with oxtra laxte inside utility and double area. Oood concrete foundation. Plastered. On about V aero. AU lay W,I2. GOOD LOCATION Thla lovely t-bedroom Bom eat North 33rd has a cheerful flreplaoa and a dining room. Attached tarate. oood lot. Farced tir oU Beat. Full price 411.1&0. FOR BIG FAMILY Very nice 4-bedrooa Bom t np and 1 down! close to bua. Flaeterad throuabout. Utility room. Hardwood floora. Caret. Asking 10.S00. INCOME PROPERTY Live In comfortable I-bedrooea beat and rant out four separata unite for 144 a month. On 14 acre close la east. Lou of fruit. Oood paatvn. Price at 414,700. , RAMSEY, REALTOR tOM Herth Commercial. Office 43U Ire. Al Beeear l-IHt Eve. Jim Ramaar 4-l ell WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NXKD L18TIROB; Aomaa. Feme. Acr eases, Buslneaea, Motor tTwurti Taverns. What hava you? MIGHTY GOOD BUY . Tea, H li 1 good buy. la a pinch yon ouid walk down town tram thla one. -bedroom plug a full basement. Fireplace and furnace. Cosy break fast nook. Bua by door. FuQ price ' only Itl.lftO. owner will trade for 3- bedroom and basement la utb Balem. Will Trade for Acreage ' - Owner report ho heeds a larga boma go will exchanco for acreage. Bep. utility room. Very amet desirable area. Insulated. M by Mo lot. I bit. ta bua. 3 nice walnut trees, rull price only 442M. , WHAT A BUY! Only 11300 down on this t-bedroom hone. Only t yra. old. In good condi tion. No lawn to plant. Inaulated. Owner leaving state. Full prico only 14354. Don't pasa this buy. BEAT THIS ONE It'a nice. It's Toomy and lovely. Plan condition. Ixccllent lot and location. ' Coty fireplace. Patla to enjoy your evenings. Lawn and shrubs. Bua by door. Only li MM down will handle, PuU price 410.500. LOTS OF LOTS Very deelreble. IS I 1ST corner lot. In South Vllleee. Thle la a real bur. The area la veil retrleted end ur rouiMjed br aew homes, rull price ealr 340. . 17 LOTS Rear school. City water available. Put growing area. Full price only 4400 with 41600 down. 6 LOTS Near new 0a lent high ecnoe. turret paved. Cltr aewer and water ara in. Thla U an Ideal location for mod erately priced 4-bedroom homes. Full price for all aix fftoo, ar eaa be bought separately. FIR GROVE Very cloee In. One of tha very few fir groves left la tha area. Nice hoineo' aurroundlng. 44 by 200 ft. Fine for . daylight beecment. Full prlea 11140. Home Plus 2 Rentals And they are really alee. Almost Dew. Enough room to build another on the same lot. t of them have J bedrooma. Insulated. The typo of property that has a largo demand from the atand point of tenants. bits, to eKhool. Eua by door. Rear atoro. Full price only 114,740, Terma. Motel Owner's Dream - Tea, you have beard tell of motelg without vacancies, but hava yon een ' one? If not, we can ahow yen a really lovely 11-unlt that haa almoat no vacaaclea winter or aummer. It'a ao clean. In each fine repair, yon will be surprised. Beau tr rest and Aleeley mattresses. Room for several an org unit If desired. Juat think, tha prlea lg only 414.000, with Moooo down. units have TV acta. Wlil take gmaU heme aa part payment. Semi-Retired Special Ym, If ro nwant to retire and not be idle, thig ts It, 14-renul unit hotel that la In very good condition and well eatabllshed. Rew forced air oil furnace. Furnished. Owner will ac cept home as pari payment. Full prlea la only 434.000. Cattle Rancher's Dream ll acres with rree Irrigation rlahta. Rear enough to aalem that you could ahop here. Fine for cattle or dude ranch. The very beat of hunting and flsmng. As a matter of fact, wg think Its a sportsman's paradise. 1 home a. Lota of outbuild! nee. 1 springs, lot tons of hay. too bead of cattle, mostly Here fords Long lavt of farm ma chinery. This ta really a honey and one mu d be proud to own. Full pr ka 141 soo. (Call for Ray Orlmmeil, Ere. S-Wtt l'i ACRES Modern l-bedroem homo. Very-tond rondltion. Cloee to Relevn. School, bus, garage. WllL aoll. awverai Ireaa. PulU price 47440. 8 ACRES Modern houso with an unfinished apstaira. Oaraie. Pvd. rd. H A. straw, berrlea. 1 A. blackberries, Several fmlt treeo. Owner will accept gar aa part payment. Full price only 14000. 17 ACRES Modem J -bedroom houae. Only miles from Ralem. Pino repair. Chirk enhouae. I -car cerate. 4 a. atrawber net. 4 A. Cherries. Plug gome walnuts. Full price 411.40. For Rjslnesi Opportunlllea and Roitm. rail for rR. CRAWFORD ikvg. 4-M20t, or MR. KIOOINA (R-e. 4-444, or DAR IAAAK (Eve 4-3.Ml, or RAT O RIM MITT (Eve. 4-7470. For Farms only, call for MR. LEAV ENS lEve. )-47ft. It ao answsr, call 4-3344. LICENSED AleflO IR WARH. AND IDAHO MunrnaoK loans ' J0 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones l g-uii ar -7are Eve. Phonea 3-473S. 4 Mfl 4-B?e 4-3411 or 1-747 a ton Pot t lent. Road If no answer, phono 4-3344)