Friday, August 21, 1953 CAPITAL JOURNAL, SlemrOriMi - - - RADIO PROGRAMS BURNED FINGERS y KATHLEEN NORtIS r I 1TEVE BOPEH " BiSSii 'vwHeM 1 r were, so hi - VUnvt xs savs I Tvou toseS tiYiJA ( 1 vou tANT PBONOUKB taeart muo ail I IT'LL BE A rl 'JT,, iJ ''-' 4 . 1 5Ei.' ONe PiCTUBi TME WOODS' I W0H0ER mnm U,mJ.i.. J VVvtLSOO 4 V f-tVi 1 ... is still votm jHoww "SiloS?So " """' J (J ) ZlfZPZ f V SATURDAY 1. M. 0,000 WOOD KPEB.'VwrrH THIS ROUTINE J fcV-tW Sajoe 0fm 1? L-.K. SML I 4l - . TTrV LC I kA IrTAC Pfei rrmS4L WM'l . a W wzziFzz B5rs"Ba ar&ss CHAPTER M Ont day titer dropping OlorU In town tor a smart bridge lunch ton Jennifer vent on with Tur vey and the car to the UtUe home In San Jote Avenue. Old Mrt. Flood tu at borne lone, waa rejoiced to lean to aee Jennller. and took her to her flat. Withered old bosom with a real motherlv embrace. Jennifer exnlalned exactly bow aa( and bow comfortable the waa, asked what had happened on the fateful Sunday that waa to have been her wedding day "The minute Mary got your note nn the kitchen table, ahe Dhoned Mollie an' they fot In touch wit' Jim. He come oyer nere very ouiet about noon: he aald he'd been walking out on the beach an' he bad a talk with Mary. Then your telegram came and we knew we'd cot tee you and Jim went away. We taw him once or twice hrfnr he tailed. He looked bad." She left Mary's mother a peni tent and apologetic message. Mary must forgive her; Mollie and all the Evans group must forgive her. "Aa soon at Miss Waakell comes back for her )oo I'll be nume aiain and be looking for my own Job. Perhaps Mollie and the others won i be tpeaaung 10 me , . "They'll apeak to you," the old woman assured her. "They think the wortld and all of you. don't worry your head about that." The day before the ten days' stay wun uiona expiree Jenni fer escaped from too constant companionship 01 her charge, leaving Gloria playing a furious game of bridge with three other girls In the drawing room at two cent a point, smoking steadily and tipping a drink of which her mother strenuously had denied she knew even the taste. It waa a delicious spring day, Jennifer climbed the hill under the eucalyptus tree. At the top of the rise ahe paused, panting, her temples wet. oer eneens glowing. The ground here dipped ' be tween the hills Into a little valley filled with beautiful iwmee and aoacious gardens. An old man walking slowly ap peared at the turn of the road, and Jennifer accosted nun. "Is this nart of Davenburv?1 . J'No, madam," he answered. "Davenbury is over the hill, about a mile away. This Is Olddings Manor," he laid. "Oh, how strange!" Jennifer exclaimed. "Old Mrs. Olddings It a friend of mine, at least I know ENJOY WHAT I vfifT'ni!DOING!l a, w her." the exclaimed. "Does ah IIvd In one of these houses?" "Oh no. She lives in the old I niridine nlace itself. I am her I brother-in-law ana uve wiui ner. We live up toward the left here." "And you're . -"Colonel Archibald March,' be aalrl "Do you know If Mrs. Olddlngt I Is at home?" I "She It at home now: t have tint tun talking with her." Jennifer took the left-hand road. The Indicated direction went upward and grew lets and less a highway and more and more a country ivau. At the top of the drive stood the big square house with irreg ular wines built off from it and a long tall of annex stretching up the hillside in back. Jennifer mounted the flight of steps to the front door a no rang the oeu. "Well, vou found your way I here," said the harsh old voice of Mrs. Olddings. Jennifer went over and pressed the fat cushiony old band with hr nwn hand. Jennifer aald. I've dreamed of this house many timet. The gatet looked so familiar to me. and the drive, and when J got to the hall door it seemed . "So you know who you are?" ah ajtltMl "I whv. yes." the said, swal lowing; "but Uut was my dream. I waa tellinff vou ..." "I mean. I felt aa if I had been here before and I couldn't have been," Jennifer laid in a faint voice. "Because . . . because . . . "Wat I here before?" the asked In a I whixner. "You dont remember running around these rooms at a baoy? "No." She at turned to atone. with her eye fixed on the older ftVM I "I've known It tome months," said Mrs. Olddings In a brisker tone. "The 'ast time my niece and Nancy were here I was with her at VogeUanga. I asked her who her friend was and the told me. I hadn't asked her before. You're like your father; you're nothing of your mother In you. Where's your lather now?" "My father died when I was three." "Your mother would have come t straight back to me 1! your father died when you were three. She never even wrote me." "Mv mother died first. I think she had another baby and she and the baby died. My father dldnt know how to take care of me. Betty laid. Anyway, ne mar ried Bettv." "Mary died!" Mrs. Olddlngt was talking to herself. "And I never knew," ahe ald. "Flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone, and I never knew I I thought sne nad gone away, was living, perhaps. p another state, and that she had never forgiven me. She must have died only a few mcntnt af ter she left this house." "You mean . . ." Jennifer be gan. "You don t mean . . ? I mean you're mv grand daughter. I thought perhaps you knew it and that your father and I mother were forbidding you to let I (Continued on Page 15. Column 1) fl satisfied... Chew Wrigley t Spearmint Cum. Helps relieve monotony, boredom. Makes time pais pleasantly. You feel better -do better. . feasant chewing help " "f "uppy II Ezzzzsni 1 ROOM & BOARD w I'M fcEAVINS TOMORROW FOR. - CHILE TO LOOK OVER MV MINING ' PROPERTY BUT EVEN IF I WERE NOT. I VWOULDNT STAY HERE FOR. FREE LODGING AND HAVE 10 PUT UP WITH THAT BRASSING JUDGE PUFFLE BARON MUNCHAUSEN WAS NOTED AS A STEM-WINDING LIAR, BUT HE'D JUST BE A STAND-IN FOR. THAT GUY OH. THE JUDGE IS JUST LIMBERING UP' HE ISNT IN HIS PRIME VET- ALONG ABOUT OCTOBER IS WHEN HE REALLV GETS ROLLING.' fl -THAT'S WHEN HIS YARNS WiLL FOLD IN YOUR. (J EARS LIKE A PARKER SA HOUSE roll; J -ri n V AS A STEM-WINDING LIAR, BUT HE'D JUST BE A STAND-IN V FOR. THAT GUy.' S V Ml K$fl . . InmW 10HARTHAS XT 3 W frY', Jjl CHINMASTER Acnoa L Before 4. Burn slightly (.Fathe. 12. Negligent U. Bee's workshop 11 City In New York sttte 15. Encroached 17. Speed contest 18. Ceremony ID. Imbibes IL Beauty of movement IS. Observed 24. Intertwine 15. Deserter 29. Skill JO Horizontal IL River: Spanish 31 Hated 34. So belt 35. Across 3A. Pokes 37. Hesitate 40. Baiaar 41. Encourage 42. Justness 48. Urclothed 47. Dsih 40. Female sheep 49. Celestial body 50. Appointment 51. Scatter seed DOWN l.Yale Operated Solution of Vtstardty'a Purile S. Flavorings 4. Inclined trough 5. Skin HsU ' I I3 jU"sg7. 5 io 15 ' 1 f3 " 1Z TT " JT ts 1-'7"3" 3Tp 3T , a v srprjjr 33 53 5" ; ' "" g" " ; "5T i7 lis'N" 7, 2T a fW 31- JT 37- ;', ST - - grtfc.; Kl1 y ltti:r52Zr I'J, vsJ -ii. 1 Bi?. !iu aV "Aiah ii. duo TOGO I ' :g tiH CIr- faw I W'. T-rlHEY GONE BS , WIMMEN 16 QUEER OOTTUS-I I AN'VOU 6ffNTlNAAyP)CTUt?ti f AAAH- A TT llSlSS ?SJ2 EST rifeSL l" THEMBMIES WIc fOR WNHERJI MtMStK THE ONE WHAT WHKH WCTUOWWIBtW VVHAT , I V &S l:J; J:J t JS . '- luP-- "V7VrKi aAJMIN5HeTVA5ARICM I I . AN" WHEN 5f l S r f.f . VX.VSZl Uut. utu. ..Ji HBK. .1: aDtSaftA lOfl AT ALL.. WONDER J 4hreTiiS iSS? .ru ' H "" i ViC I L zocrr ucii-riTr ' III XT"- s a ioincof uT HiPPFNFO 11. ""S. I ;: iw ! ?r """Kl L,"V" 1 1 1 1 s . u , 1 Lie ww ntn; 1 11 v r . rrrrf ?;. 1 1 ii.i.-i. -vvx i i: r-.. w- u ' . rv. l.: .-t ic llMre-Jl t!$XpZ$, ) $idfi.'P ayfil jTyi. tfM VTjfV vJ J:fi mi w.k.i L,l. 1.1111. a m..i. MEsw n. ORPHAN ANNIE Sjj w " ' -- ?-- -- . fcnS I I ft nuimiwiuiaiBiT uuudI H rxnr'ucoc MmKiTunnJ luwiri ACrltl I KIT TH' H0U6E RXH) IP-1 PfJTt! I'M II l?:''"" 1... !. Dim TIM San Duet ' 0a r.tii I ( aajmv-HesflisANMY rarr?now 1 1 mav trkb hm a I oh, rrA P whv ooht vou runcn J sure ho I -zr sun iik dim ' o. r.rl III JUST LEFT THCR6 SOON CflH HE ( IL COUPLE OF MfCS- OtrEAM . 1 ?W5"'lh SSZsSr I ii-i CB, c..n M..k. D.w riw D r.n p.. r.,., I jf'-'s.h t "Taif I ' yvr4T i iite-o?r-u.. rn. Tl..iM..e, m..i id....-tw Mmt .f A rifimu jsfi- ii ir , - Jtri sunday : HM tWV vf IS A r&SA I I K - 2"'! I II aRNFR 1:55 UiM UttlBact t. 0t Crl.lto. I AN'THIS CHRMC4ELVfu&&KjlAjpfQf fr ONEV WEPDPN', FCVA PEHUN I AS GOOD AS 1W f :M OI. E"''" ,.i rmtow W.lll. Cl.t a..r I wigg.i-., rv-MAM AM' lrWsVWIfy tjj. ,EST 4 PCMSHUN? ATHE MAIN I MARRIED, MOW.1 Y MOTTO :4.1 ttrilr Ng " " . ---. .,. n.t ... - .-J.- ra'5E&UV """-VtLfV- . r rVafTc5!wrr POINT O PROCEED WlF TV ) PISTURB) "jT Gl. ,.!, a.ot.T "1.c , Ml S S S " UU- rTArWI WIODER " THIS WErIN'SAM-0-;y' j, Ol... th.ll, A". "rt. t J Llz:.s,Sl YrVa-vK la-. v u r-ii ttV9' i y -A?-tM KtLk.r-lL,f rrr. it r...i... or.h.itV.'" v.i .i . " ' HOPALONO CASSIPT ' ' . ' ' g gBfaJMt '?.e. M.'.. I UJ, lat7 HINP IS ROI60NEP WTH THE WHTTE MWtt I I f :y 7. 60,BaT WE'VE POT I -tajl . KiJSl'o'rea.. S2 "ilii 'IT.'." I rZ3l evil 4HoaLiNABomji4 waonoewned I I I otmCk IPEA6 RELEASE I I 1:15 t'bfi."b" .A!tr . S..V.. A I AM THUMPER BKP, IT IV M5H TO THE PWNrJHMENT OF THE SAfJcEO I I V THUNPER BIRP J I 1:2 lit. Tr.ib lib.r.i.. la.e.rt t.l M..I. f YOUR TRUE CHIEF I Y I VeT STEAM BEFORE THE TH0N66 y J.f S I -: j..i.. Ml.. Cb.ta I. M..I. ' iiVID.a 1 VOUVyOULPNOT Jt tr-JL rmrn ARE CUT , PLUN6IN6 YOU INTO I L 7 i feTfea 1 I i ?J iMta. . Mito C..i dm ... Ptv WJtE KILL ME POal l'-'ir-fc THE WATER'S OF THE IWJ lUl ..M . 3 IIm kat km UrtulH..r lR.rt in. p. si.w.n i kam. yKwarytT i rrcoim cioc i mm a w ' m wr 7"a. Lr-s.. tiM. s.-j.. vjit v. New KMtwti u. attr.ri :IX ' vv lWnJS ijftNrX J V Cy'M - k v 1 I !: ' ... i. ni ," ' ? ;,DM 5 Jkr TlSl W1 -ImJA"' i I l; Tw Martta Br.aav c1' C,J."i 5T.U.II . vZ--,' iiSi'' ""e VCftP" Mr-l5 jjj XiaT willlto T't. rir cu.n "" r!,"'T555! .S? fl tt IJ i J a.M NBC Oki M.a. N.w. aatillra. Ba.rt.ll " e 1 . j u Or.blr DihIIiu ..rt.ll MUTT It JEFF I:W Sr" Gar R.wrth M.. Oart IUU tl jurr i-UI Lcnb.rta D.r I .ad tea.. Bxtb.ll 7 . LVJ W L FOR PETES SAKE 1 1 THREE HOURS I Fl LrJ ETTTKjrtTH Wl ALLUS SAY, NOTHING H Ts!.- .. It- D.,r & B.b.n TkTJ Mifi x patient k-m r cwK u hv TOin n,ruKj K:is .::;" i1"' i-cas rt:: Rr s:: J,- ZflL AND GENTLE MLi- p-aCttr fa-httt- StTS . I " aa "T -.1 r a T lii jiiMi AltI -".'l I J.ik,l 1 tT- 1-IT1 I I "" .--U:-" ' '- ft) SiiS tWfl - J-Sii, KiSr 2!srr I I .irAI" I l.k L .n7 Maito C..rt Baa Sl.a Oil I Sin Oil aM4V4rv:v' twi ri J -anS?eA P'a.MaL l tFTN ii-i""c...rti m.... c....r I S jj i II ; C...HIM..U . Car. B. ' CSi 1 AV Mi,jJiJ,j HHLa LgQy nUL.. I Ek?W 1 1 lmiMiA J-i -S iS iirsr ..',..,.,- iWWa BEX MORGAN. M P. , jj J S5SSS rJSS- S KS W , a f ' Tf1 wKJ now Htt vou T I r ve?; rsx ho i dont know.. , ijj .i.5 L !!' i U V V "B""u c V "1 J-'TMinS wkOS with I; iis oit an !. ci.b r..ur aita Jiai Dtr aoco tla HI STAXTEO TO SHOW Vr, jrX fl l?2? Ymm -Sr,,or.l V. WV6VES 1 I CAN'T 134 MM.. Baa B.k. Trra. Brbl.l Cl.b Bibl. BOCO BJ" signs of conscious- 1 1 IJywayM pst pr. baluato rj ( J jVe vcJ ' " " " " "" lJI- , niss, ph. BtARD(yf1' rf rr-J N- P.Vn Ft! TOb vj. i TTo t.ia. nw ... b rM" b. w , ii hi uirTff' I iH TJS 'I-w3PrV -Jyl r&Titfjirj I i s:isM..i.Baa mm ih c c ."'"" HAS rry- II JtvLj1 llll S,, 1 7lfr2. Vi IjWi 0 l 0 Mr. Barta. C.Raallar Nw. Bart Fa.M ar. hi I iVTacelA VL-j ' J LKI WLr. rZfc -' 1 VWf 1 -r?V ' 10-15 H.l.. Hm. rrr Man. AM Mtlattei aUe tat. Imaata Baaarta 14 gtWC?4 I llll II IT -"-lm V 1 1 '" ' II JT'S . i it:Ji Slrlb. Bleb Naaak Drab. Traa Slarr M""" Bart r.rt Bar. 8-J1 liitL JlStgfWa-l TZi--. ()ll -T'CX itAi. 1 t5ii : n:((i B.kBo. Oraat tlaa. Wklwrlac tatla. Fair Back ran Bar. I TTrlT ,Wnt A1- Jl V V- f S . I IlTa-H ,fTl ..mi J r -T I M.rrr r.r. T.a.l.Ur Dnnll BMlta - M 1 lP(f'kjr I- Jr I trtral laagjt.V." M. 11 :M rbr... ear. Kara. Im lOa. lar DarBart raaaa par mlmmfMlti l ! Troder Louie Does It Again LltMP iEBby UNSJ DONALD dtjck - I n lii i mkml - l BaP0W mbcm w f1- " Sheridan "3 -v;-- P" r "r$S Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. John I 2f I ' LlT 'vISS?- Funk of Sheridaq, are the par- MART WORTH the McMinnville hospital. . i EgBEtC3tli I TH6 VOUNO ftSON li ! uuMPH' THtV UT-.I-I-" OONT STAMO THERt r B fcr I FROM THE AGENCY,9IR! MU5T Bt SCRAPING S fj VAMMERIN6! TAKE AWAV fOtlOWME,ll.tA4t!..MR.- iTSt-?, Bl VT5, . . '"S THE BOTTO Ot THE. J V THIS INEDIBLE MESS AND By Ahern T. Blushed . Cord Persia 10. Stone 11. Organs ol sitm 18. Cereal 20. Bobbin 21. Happy 22. Scarce 23. Part ;.V Taken 2S,Militarv buildings 27. Perished 2D. F.ltrnities 30. Rr.lde 13. Maxpr ol earthen vessels 34. Barren 34. Author of "The Art of Reason " 37. Winnows 3A. Border on it. Mother ol Hrlrn ol Troy 4(1. lvel 43. Wins 44. Couple 45. verree bee Once again Trader Louie Is going out on the deep end to help everyone . get a beautiful NO MONEY DOWN TRADER LOUIE TV 1876 Lana Ave. Phona 1(551 Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. John Funk of Sheridan, are the par ents of a ton, born Aug. 16, at the McMinnville hospital. Funeral services for Susan Emilie Davit were held in the Sheridan Funeral home Aug ust 19, with interment in Green Crest Memorial park. She pass ed away August IS in McMinn ville, and it survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerald Davis of Sheridan, two sisters. Charlene and Dclorct of Sher idan: a brother, Dennis of Sheridan; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sharp and W H. Davit. Scent glands of the elk are located between the hoofs of the hind feet. Long-Bell Wage Contract Agreed Longvlew, Wash., U. A no-wage increate agreement hat been reached between the Long-Bell iAimber company and the CIO International Woodworkcri ot America, company officials aald today. The agreement, affec'ir.g 1550 employe at Long-Bell, would establish a wage differ ential in the aiea where both Long-Bell and Weyerhauter have large operations. Weyer haeuter early In June granted a five-cent per hour Increase. The agreement ii effective until April 1, 1954, company officials sadi. Til.