Friday, August Jl, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orcroa Pir 13 Tele - q ag Rodio-Television vr Bj DA Vf That 'crazy man crazy" Spike Jonea la bringing Wa crew of City SUekera to Salem Monday night at the Capitol Theater, what a time that will be . . . m Spike'a backbround ia a colorful one filled with high- lighta from the world of ahow bia . . . Jones auccesa in hia atyle of enUrtainment ia a fine example of the Ameri can free enterprise. Spike Jonea ia a phenomenon of ahow business. years ago he skyrocketed to fame with hia novelty re cording, "Der Fuehrer'a Face." At that time wise acres called him a "flash in the pan." He has made the atrical history with hia "Musical Depreciation Re vues" and is now producing an entirely new ahow titled "SPIKE JONES' MUSICAL INSANITIES OF 1954." Spike is a top-selling record ing artist as well as a tele vision, motion picture and radio star. The aon of Lindley Mur ray Jones and Ada Arm strong Jones, a school teach . er. Spike was born in Long Beach, Calif. The family moved to Imperial Valley wnen spixe s lather was transferred by the railroad company. Living close to the were inspiration lor the nickname given the lanky boy. Having played drums in the grammar school orchestra, Spike continued with the school band when he entered Long Beach Polytechnic High School on the family's re turn there. ' In 1942, Spike organized a group to play novelty tunes, more for their own amusement than anything else. An official of RCA Victor heard them, sent some recordings East, and they were signed to a contract. Their first few records, which included "Red Wing," "Pass the Biscuits, Mirandy" and "Siam" were received with little enthusi asm. The record-buying public didn't seem to understand that the boys were kidding. It wasn't until the release of "Der Fuehrer's Face," when they used their graphic sound effects on'ths object of world-wide derision, Adolf Hitler, that the public realized what they were all about "Der Fuehrer's Face" was released in September, 1942. It came out on a Saturday. By Monday Spike was signed to play in the Warner Bros, picture, "Thank Your Lucky Stars." On Tuesday he signed a radio contract with NBC. He appeared as a guest on the Bob Burns' Show on Wednesday. On Friday he signed a wonderful new record ing contract with RCA Victor, since the sale of the record had already passed the million mark. -By Sunday, says Spike, they had to chain him to keep his feet on the ground. It was at this time that the prediction was made that he would prove a "flash in the pan." In June of 1953 he launched his brand new show "MUSICAL INSANITIES OF 1954" which had its world premiere at the fabulous Flamingo in Las Vegas, Nevada. A few months ago Spike organized another band totally apart from his famous City Slicker group that also records for RCA Victor. This band is called "SPIKE JONES AND HIS COUNTRY COUSINS" and slants its records toward "pop," hillbilly and "straight" numbers favored in the juke-boxes of the country. However, he atill retains and records for RCA Victor with his inter nationally known CITY SLICKER band. So, Spike is coming to Salem Monday with his bag full of jokes and crazy procedures to make the world Jaugh and forget their troubles . . . And if anyone can do it, I'm sure Spike can. TOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Terry and the Pirates, 4. "Chinese Legacy" concern! a young Chinese-American G.I. who comes to China to claim a million legacy. Kidnapped on arrival, another Chinese takes his place. Northwest News Digest, 5:1 J. Features Norman Wallace, newscaster with BUI Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. ' - On the Practlra Tee, :J0. Local, live golf instruction with Helen Dettweiler. Gen Autrj, 1. Gene Autry, singing cowboy, and his horse, Champion, and his comic sidekick, Pat Buttram, ride the plains In dramas of the old West. Ton Asked For It, 7:S. "Abdullah" Hindu street mer chant demonstrates East Indian Legerdemain Judo escape artist Walter Burgo of Hawaii performs "Glurpo," the under water .clown will delight the children and will be assisted by a group of "Aquamalds.". Doorway To Danger, S. Agent Doug Carter (Stacy Har ris) goes to the aid of a friend who is sentenced to die for treason. The Goldbergs, S:S0. Family situation comedy, starring ' Gertrude Berg as "Molly." Molly takes count of the years when she discovers she has a few gray hairs. Wrestling, It. Local live remote telecast from the Port land Armory. Nlta Owl Theatre, 11:15. "Women Must Dress" with Minna Gambell and Hardie Albright. . YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY Dog Tales, t. Local live. The Toymaker and His Friends, 1:15. Approximately five youngsters, will appear. Major League Baseball, 11:15. Detroit at Chicago. Horse Racing from Portland Meadows, I: J. Local, live, remote telecast. 'Superman, 4:30.. "The Talkative Dummy" the baffling mystery of armored car robberies in which the entire car disappears is traced to a ventriloquist's dummy by Clark Xent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen. Sammy Kaye Show, 7:1. Trudy Richards, songstress famous for her recording of "The Breeze," Is guest vocalist. Kaye renders "Harbor Lights." Dangerona Assignment, (. "The Parachute Story." Steve is assigned to parachute into Eastern Europe, find a house in the village cf Margovia and get a hidden confession which will clear the U.S. of an international frame. Death Valley Days, t. 'The Chivaree" story concerns a chivaree a custom of serenading newly weds on their wedding night in which the groom deliberately keeps the chivaree going for three days. Schlita Playhouse of Stars, 1:30. "Sheilah" stars Vincent Price as a man whose plan to latch on to hia Inheritance before it's due la foiled by an alley cat. Mr. and Mrs. North, 10. "House Behind the Walls' Pam and Jerry go house hunting but find a murder instead. Nash Premiere Theatre, 10:30. "Friendly Enemies" with Nancy Kelly, Charles Ruggles and Charles Wlnninger. ( REBELS KILLED Rangoon, Burma ) Re-; r!Chi!lf.j!,.y."i. killed 0 rebel tribesmen near ton of 'trategie materials be the Kalaw army headquarters lieved awaiting shipment from in the southern Shan states, jltaiy to Iron Curtain countries. Views BLACKMEB Ten 1 t. Vtjt,- I5 m V?, Spike Jones tracks, the railroad spikes r MATERIALS SEIZED Milan. Italv OPi Pnllr-. ..m Friday they have .eized 8,460 I On Television KPTV (Channel 27). arf areata pcbcdated ta aceaeei Tl mi Mlwla,aiMitrWhBM,IU Valley Television Center 2301 Fia-arMUMb 11 Ml MM See III Mara In mn t Ike ateet Do) pa Tewa Vaeaev, traraad tatabkM Ope. Vmtm tm. I Bilf Bsmp4 IMuilf ramti S:4I ,.m. Teraaakera 4:M P.M. AiX Qua riarbeaae 0:00 -CUM KM 1:11 M.-Jtewjaeper 1 Air S:SS P.H-Tlase for aeanr :M .. Aporurta M P.BL Hewe Cimu t :M a.aboeae Aulrr . T paw Yea AiM for n :M P-aa. Dine.r Daeewar :Sff p.m. The oaldberce :M pat Chase. UIltlBf : pBk Bop Consldlae . It M WreaUlm UM 11MUOS aMK 0rdaa MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Sole Service Installation TV 'Open from a.m. to I a.m. Ph. t-ieil lie 8. Coral Salem's First Televbloo Blare SATURDAY t:00 a.m. Do Vales 10 10 a.m. American Leacue D M p.m. Talent Patrol 1:00 rm. Date with Judy MO .m. amtlinr Id McConnell' 1:00 p.m. Lone Ranter 3:1 P.m. Arthur Godfrey 1:1 p.m. -Beat th Clock 4:00 p.m. Lift Beting At M 4:10 p.m. Superman 4:00 p.m. Saturday Nltht Jtevu 1:30 p.m. Private Secretary T:0O p.m. Amateur Hour 1:10 p.m. Sammy Fare 1:00 p.m. Dtnierons Aasltnmtnt SO p.m. WreiUlnt t:00 p.m. Death Valley Days 010 p.m. Piarhcrui et Stare 10:00 p.m. Mr. and. Uri. North tt:10 Premier Theater MITCHELL'S Factory Trained terries and IniUllaUoB UM BUto St Phone 1-7577 SUNDAY 0:10 a.m. Ft on tit rj of Faith 10:41 p.m. Paramo prtr 11:00 a.m Thie 1 Ufa ll:oe a.m. What. Your Trouble 1J:1 p.m. Hour et Deelsle 11:44 p.m, Weddlnf Belli 1:00 p.m. The Bit Picture 1:00 p.m. Imluitry od Parade 1:1 p.m. Art Link Utter 1:14 p.m. Roy Rotere 1:10 p.m. Your Playtime 4:00 p.m. Btf Payoff 1:08 p.m. OK Theater t JO p.m Sunday Review 1:10 p.m. What' ley Line 7:00 p.m. umm Theater 0:00 p.m. TV PlayhouM t.Sft p.m. The Web 10:00 p m. 8 port scholar 10:14 p.m-Headilne Parade 10: 10 p.m. Neva Review 10:44 p.m. City Boapltal TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty TU1 0:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 8.12th Ph. 4551 MOMMY I: IS P.m. Whtfi CooklQtt 11 H P.m. Blf Firoff 11:11 p.m. Wilcomp Trpvpltrp 12:00 p.m. On Tour Account 13:30 p.m. UN Ocncrpl Ailrmblr l:tt p.m. Doublp or Ne-thtns 1:30 p m. attlkt II Rich 3 00 p.m. Upllnpp Thtiter S:lft p.m. 4prch Tomorrov The king snake is the con queror of almost any poisonous snake. He Is immune to the venom of rattlesnakes, copper heads and water moccasins. For this reason it Is illegal in many sections of the U. S. for hunters to kill a king snake. 0151 (HUB 'till we saw for ourselves! wtmm Bl.EVISION MUSIC CENTER 470 N. Capitol CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER 'PUMOHtrRLiafP.H. OFF TO r -1 ' Gov. and Mn. Arthur B. ington, board plane at Idewild airport, Now York, for flight to Oslo, Norway. The couple will spend a month's vacation in Europe and will attend a state dinner given by the Norwegian government in Oslo. (AP Wirephoto) Mint Growers Lose Markets Mint growers in this area received further discouraging news this week when A. M. Todd It Co., largest dealer in the product, announced they were not contracting for any more purchases. The announcement left many growers with most of their crop unharvested and faced with the. necessity of storing the oil until new mar kets are found. Heaviest hit are small growers who are looeratinB on small ah hack. logs. , The mint ' growers had al ready been hit earlier with a price reduction, dropping from $6 to $4 a pound. Mint oil sold for as much as $19 a pound after the first world war but has sold for aa low as 70 cents a pound. A heavy crop in the Midwest is said to be responsi ble for the present depressed market. Most of the mint produced In Oregon ia raised in the Jef ferson area south of here. Amity Amity Industry Rebekah lodge voted to extend an invi tation to Miss Prltchard of Stayton, Marion and Polk coun ty delegate to the United Na tions this summer, to speak at Amity about Sept. 22. Mrs. F. M. White presided at the meeting. Birthdays of sev eral members were observed following the lodge session. Honored were Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs, Soren Sorenson, Mamie Yarnes, Rose Wood, ! Beverly Robinson and Robert Rosenbalm. The three latter were unable to attend. ! Mr mnA Mn T5 oKot Vlnl.u and son of Davis. Calif., are vis itors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson. They are on vacation in Ore gon and Washington. ChliPto UmM Chtcaio Of) Hoc prlcca opphpS hlthpr Plain rrwr but thtn Humped. Opeamp prlcaa warp IS to 31 ctnu or mora hlthtr. but later traaa waa weak to centa lower. The top price waa 136.71 a Hundred pounds. A few ateara erpdlnf choice and better were atroni, but other ateera were an a PMldllnt bast. Other alauthter cattle were weak. Vealera were weak ta 11.00 lowerj A load of nlch cholee anal prima 1,301 pound ateera eold at lll.Tf. Slaughter lamba were acarcp and steady. The bulk or the coed to choice native lamba brouaht 123 00 to 334.00. atieep were eteadr. salable recelpte were eetlmoted at 4.000 hoes, 700 cattle. 300 calrea and 300 aheep. Cfctear) On I em a Chlcace WW JVuppllea llibt, Jtmarxl KHXL market iltebtly weak tot Bpao let), ether eteady. Track aa) 40 lb!.: U. B. 1 on tea atated: a pan Lab 1-lncb and larger, Colorado 1.SS, Idaho 1 . California 1.00; trueklot ealei delivered Jobblne treet bail, II too la Tallow Globes un In spected but eeoerally eood ft per cent 3-tncti pad lareer 1.00. Street aalet 10 lbs.: Spanlah l-tnch and larfer, Colorado aad California 1 W-i.PO: Nllum Yellow Olobea, Mvd weit 1.00-1.3, New York 1 eO; White Olobea l-tnch and laiter, Teaai and Colorado i n Partland Oral. pnrlland I CAeree pralne. It der ablpmeot, bulk, e.aat dell.err: Oau Mo. I ll-IB. white aa 00. Wheat ibldl ta arrlea mark.L bails Na. 1 bull, delleered eesst: Sell White 3 30: Soft Whit, leieludlat Keil 130; White Club 130. Herd Red Winter: Ordla.rr 130; 10 per cent 1.30; 11 per aeat 1.30; II par cent 3 30. Hard White Biartr Ordlaarr 130: 10 per cent 1.30; II per cent 130; 13 par cent 3 30. Prlday'a car recelpte' Wheat 03; barter II: flour 4: eara I: mill feed 4. Di I f tarn. H O. Dt O ChU WD DRH. CHAN LAM CHINESE NATt'BOPATHg rjpoulra. 141 Nartb Ubert Offla. eaea Batarday aant Mam b I IB. I . 1 ia CauolUtlmt. blacd on-eeear. and ana. teats are free af ehara. P-ertl. ahMe 1011 Wrn. fee atlraatle. alfl Ma aalt OSLO .'V -! 4 Langlie, of the state of Wash STOCKS (By The A Modeled Pratt i Admin Corporate .. Allied CtoemictU .. am Aiiia Chalmers .. 40 .. 13 1 15414 A marie an Alrlloee American Power w Llib.;....,. American Tet Tel. ....w,..,.. American Tobacco , Anaconda Copper .,. Atchison Railroad Bethlebea Cteel Boelw Alrplatno Co. . Bort Warner Burrows Addtne Maehlnt, CalUornla Packlni Canadian Paclhe caurplllar Tractor 0 41 14 Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation .t, ,, ClUu Berelce Consolidated Bosun ... Consolidated Vuitee Crown Zellerbaca - Curtisa Wrieht Douiiae rcraft Do Pool oe Hemoura a, 40 .. 17H ..1004 .. 42-4 llw Eastman Kodak , atmerson Radio Oeneral Klectrlo Oeneral Foods Oeneral Motors , Oeonia Pac. Plywood ooodyear Tire Homeaukt Mlnlnt Co International Harvester , International Paper Johns Manvllle Kaiser Aluminum , Kennecott Copper Llbby UcNen Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated Loni BeU ., Uontiomery Ward Nash KelTlnator New York Central Northern Paclflo Paclflo American PUU Paclfie Oaa w Klectrlo , Paclflo Tel. TeL , .. 17 a. .. OS law ... m ... m ... 1B4 12V. ... Ufc !.! its ...UftS Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C , Penneylvanta H It Peptl Cola Co. Phlloo Radio Radio Corporation Rayon ter Ineorp Rayonter In corp. pfd. , Republic Bteel lt Reynolds Metals ; ... Rich field OH , Safeway Stores, lao. Scott Paper Co. , Seara Roebuck A Co. ... 4S ... 10 ... aos ... us ... ion ... s ... s ... IIS ... 474 . . 4S ... I3H ... I7H ... as ... Socoop Vacuum Oil , ... iS ... 434 ... MS ... 7m ... iBk noutnern Padi e Standard OH Calif Standard Oil N. J Studebaker Corp. sunshine uinim Swift Co a. a. I8S Transom eric a Corp. . . .. ns .. 17S Twentieth Century Poi Union Oil Compear Onion Paclfie .. 43 S ..107 United Alrllnea United Aircraft United Corporation United States Pirwood 7... United States Steal Warner Pictures a. 174 US western union Tel .. 4S Waetlnthouso Air Brake WeitlDthoust Blectrlc Wool worth .. 45H .. 4i leek Market Mew York CP) The stock market waa Steady pTKlay with a mild tendane tn i mm in vviotmce. Price chantes either ear wr am ait with oalnera holdlne a slttht dt. era! exceptions, Influenced bp corporate envelopments, stood out sharply. Volume was quite moderate at an ali enated 000.000 shares. That com para Ith ISO. 000 aharaa trawl awl TVii.rai.. At one tlAe durlnp the seaaion. the tradint pace was wound the lowest levels of the pear. Chit see Grain Chleato tV Oralns churned ahont eratlcaiiy In a nervoius market on the board of trade Friday. uuriac tne session rre fall ta. n seasonal Iowa and wheat sold at its lowest price for the week, but these loss es were reduced before the close.' Lrd continued Us sharp advance, all contracts scoring; new seasonal hie he. A festures of the trade was the strentth In September corn, reflecting a itrAn. demand for the cash train. There have been eood shipping sales of corn out of Chtcaio this week. Wheat Closed unehanar!. t IV. tii,. Sept., corn unchanged to 14 iiwiirr, ecpft. i ta-ia-i. oaie unchanaad V. hither, Sept. 7IS-, rye IS to cents lower. not. iuv.u 1 to J cents htther. Aept. I 4C-.47, and lerd 17 to n centa n hundred pounds hither. Sept. 10.70. 0 3 - I ' RANDALL'S 1288 State St. Ph. 36489 Nev; Low Prices on Locker Beef Beit selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail fa toka advantage of these prices. Convenient crejuir may p arrongea. Half or Whole ieevoast MARK FT QUOTATIONS roatuiraj Selurtat-TMMtlTa. aas.: Prsaalaaa aaalltp. aul. J. al ana oer aant aciaitv Ueere4 aa reruaM -Tla Uvt flral oaai. H-aae. aeoaad a.aliw. Siaa. walla. W.M. aoo MOBirp amaia. a Mala m auvTrhMMala f...a. laalk anfcaa la wooiuaaa traoea aa. ta eeera, Wei 4 arada PS eeera. aaei aV aa eeora Sla: c, a tan. taa. aaa.. aeicaa auiatu pailaat, SeUIa. aaa a Wartlaa. whalaaajera, Oreaaa alnalep. UwiSia; Oreaea Ul. 1 01, Wm-Hm. a re la trhaieealara Caatflaa aaaa aaatalaias aa loia eaaaa taalaSa. tak Portlaaa arade Una f7V,-aiuai a rao aieoUua. 4w-4ttai a no. lane, imsvte. Peetlaa. aarf Bmnm a.LUr Trie, to retanarat oraa. aa prink llei a aartee. net a BrloU. tie: aartaa. nu priau. saa eaa a. aeea'aaero caaallaa a a a ortlaa4; Vntitd earaa. ae Aim.: arada kA larae. ria aa.i 4 larta. Sl ue oaa.: aa BMiuet, aa-ai, aoi.i A arMle modltia. M-aae aloa.: A arade aaealla amalna, aoe. aaa la Balajleea-rada A A. au. tie: A larae. U-lec; AA medium, laa: A nodlaoi ST'iae: A utall. ale. Carton. S cent aodllkooal tlea aa ealann hetiaaA Oreaea alalia Ut-lKi s 1. laaeee. US-M: trlplela. ISa leaa toaa -tlea Preaaruia arasda eloslei, ttn uv for atnato wbeela MHa. lm erltaa cbeeM, -lk. laaeaa ta retail. ta. s la. rawrlry uea otletM-lll. 1 anallta. f.aa. plaou): Prrere. Sfe ltaa- aiet tu 1&. 31e: roaaura, I. IV. ul ever, lie: bean bene, all welebiA (e.oe: lliht tiena, Ul wetabla, lie: aid reoatan, 14- tae. UreaaeS cbtakeae Ma 1 elreue. la retailers. Frfara, brollera. 44-4aa 0..: roaatera all wu.. 44-4&c: lleht hen 31-13c: beavy heaa, 34-3aei eut-np Irr ere. all WIL, 1113a wools srawa, (7- aaaalta a. erase ta orewatei Lre. wbllea 4-1 Ike. 3a-33ei S-t 1M, lt-33c colore. Delta 4e Jb. unri.r: does. ia.l3a. few bllber. Preeb dreaaed l. ta retallera, ll-aMi nt ap Slac. Oeatrr KUtod 3aeala V .at Top auallU. M-loa lb.l raiiah beerlea, 33-Jtc. Heaa Leaa Blockers, ae-lae; aawa llehl. 11.34a. ike Salt. 11.31a lb.l ...rile.. 10-lSe lb M.IlM SaiL ll-lla lb.l .an-auut. I-10c Beef Utility eowa. U-laa lb.; eaaaar. cutter. 11-llei sheila dowa ta lie. freeb OreaaM Meala Wbaleaalaia ta retallerai Dalian sat ewt.- itMrs. choka toO-TM ike., al. II3.W: aood. I31.0C-41M: eonmarelal bit-is; auntr, iii-sa: aonimerclal eowa. 133-17; utuiu. (11.14; aanner-eattera. ais-. Beef eata-balca ateera bind an... tere. au-si; rounda Sas-i7: full lolna trimmed. 170-71: mantles. 137-13: ora- auartsra, 131-34; abacU. 3l-3li rlaa. pa-aa. Veal and Cahrea Oood-aholea. Ile-U: commercial, in -30. Lamba . Cholca-prlme. 141-411 eood Slf-40; aprlor lamba. cbotce-prlme, 47.40. .aiaaa uooa enotea. tp-u lb. lf-04 r.rh Cata-Lalna e I. 0-13 .be.. btuitr c-l ahouMera. If Iba., UO-41; spare Tibs. H3-M; lreah bame. 10-14 Iba., IH3-44; park aaraaaea, 110-170 IDS S3S.H-40. .abed Baaaa binned. UI4S lka.. nnea lira id arums,; aiaa on. Ml. 73. rartlaad Uleeenaaeea. 10 lb eaek Calif. Bad, neiL, 1.70-3.00: wblu iloee. l.n-I.U; yellowa mMt and lane. l.M-l.Tti few watb. nllowa. med 1.71-3.00; lane retataae Local Triumph, lose. 1 14 1.7ft; Boardmen lona whltea. No. IA. 1.10- 1: Mo. 1 ao-lb. aack, u-OSa; Ortaon RuasetU No. 1, l.u-1.70: 10 lb. toaib. M- 03c; local HBaaeta. Mo. IA, 3 14-3 31; Cellf. lone whiles. No. IA, 3.16-3 : fair, 1 to-3.71 " Neme branda to l it. Wuh. Russeta l.U-1.71: Waan. loo whtUa, No. 1 3.00-1. 30. ar u. s. Ma. I irean alfalfa, da. inraiea car lata I.ea. raruand and Be- atlle. -30. WaaV-Oraaaa baala. vnilamatta ?al lap medium. u-03a aa.l Baaurn Oreaon fine and ball-blood. H-tJc: WlUam.lte Vallep lamb WOOL 43 el 13-montb wool. U-Ue Mebatr ot-(7o fa.- an tl-aaanth a row lb, f.o.b. coaatrr ablpplnc polnta Bldee Producers parlnc price f.o.b Portland calf aklna, 10-310 lb., aeeord Ina to condition; vrecn klpa, 10-17. lb.: areen cow bldee. 0-lOe lb, aceordlna to weliht and aualltri bull nidea, -ee lb.r alua bldea. 00 par aant below prices lor abora cleaeea niberta Wboleaala ee lint prlca. Ma 1 medium BarMlonaa, S!-34e Bi.l Mall- ed. t-lla lb. lb t llehl baleal. TO-Ue k. Walaale Wbalaaal. aalllat prices. flrsl euslttr lana Pranquettee, 14-30c enenea. llehl amber balvaa. ia.710 Ulhl kalrea, ?l-tle. rartland Baststdo Market Portland U Prices were moetlr steady In produce market trading todar; bst IS lb. Juts of Pre water tomatoes joid to whoisealera at nostif t.ftO with mld-Columbla flats of 17-11 pounds at mostly 1.J5-1.I; lettuce was around 1.13-1.50 a crate; sabbats sold at noettr 1.3ft a crste for small heads with larta at 1.71-1 or below: II lb, Juts of Descries sold at the Zastsldt Parmers' market at 1.00. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Salem dealers far the taldaaee of Capital Jearnal reader. 'Revtaed dallp.) Han reed Prleeei Rabbit Pellete tl.W IM-RV hat) II 10-1.41 fl00-lb. bail Ktf Maah 6 0 M. Dairy Peed II. 45-1.77 (10-lb. bat.. 14 35-i ot not wt.n pasture mix, (100 WtJ Pewitr Barlwp Prtaeo -Colored fryers. Joe: old roosters, lie; colored fowl, 30c; tee horn fowl. 17ej roasters. tOc Btfsi Bartnp Prleee Etcs. A A. Slet larta A. M-67c; medium AA, lici medium A, M-ae: small, 38e. Wheleeale PrleavBci wholesale prices tenerailp e-le hither than the prieoe 1307. Larte vrade A aneraily ejnoicd at Tit i mtMllum OK. Beturfav BuTina nrleat Premium. t4V Tlr No i. 7-eBei No. 1. Me. Batter Wholesale nrnda A wsrehmni. lie lb.l retail. lee- Part lead Lleeeteek Portlsnd Hoi prices went up atain on the Pot U and livestock market this week. Cattle for week MM), market uneven. Celves for week SIS; market uneven. Hots for week lOftO: market active. Aheep for week 1500: market 1 OO-l M lower, feeders and rearllnta 0o off. ewes stronger. rtotning aowre a tun year ta Front Quarter JET ACE II I II I I I I 1 1 11 BBi 11 bp 11 1 aw 1 :Vr' .'..''.j : . . .. , . :. ! .. . V ivK . V-.-.--, .vV'V'v;av;.: v. -.?:. V-M'' staVVa'at I. eT n T, t . .YJ.',. Lt. Jame F. Low of Sauiallto, Calif., holds hia brldt on ' hia lap at a reception given by fellow Air Force officer, following the wedding ceremony at Boiling Field Air Base, Washington, D.C. At 24,- Lieutenant Low ia credited with being America's youngest jet ace, having bagged ulna , MIGa in Korean fighting. Hia bride, the former Jean T. , Rehl of Superior, Wis., waa receptionist to Air Force See . retary Harold E. Talbott. (AP Wirephoto) -Mid Willamette Obituaries Marion Waters Dallas With the death of Marlon Waters, 79, of Dallas, August 13, 19S3, Polk county lost one of its oldest , citizens. Mrs. Waters' parents came to Oregon and settled in the Wil lamette valley with their par ents when they were both chil dren. His parents settled In McTimmonds Valley and he was born there on April 11, 1874. He attended the Lewisvllle school and church that was there at that time and lived there until he was nearly 40 years of age. He then bought farm lancf near Airlie. Mr. Waters was married In 1904 to Martha Gertrude Staats who was a cousin of Tracy Staats of Dallas. She died in 1935. On Dec. 16, 1936 he was married to Mrs. Delia Watson who survives him. After leaving McTimmonds Valley Mr. Waters lived In Air- lie until 1943 when his prop erty was sold to the govern. ment for Camp Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Waters then moved to Dal las and have made their home here since. Funeral services were con ducted Aug. 17 at the Bollman mortuary with Interment in the English cemetery near Mon mouth. Rev. Wetzel.' of the Evangelical United Brethren church conducted the services. Survivors besides his wife, Delia Waters, are three step daughters, Mrs. Marie Blonden of Folsom, Calif.; Mrs. Eva Guthra of Uortola, Calif.; Mrs. Ina Bemia of Dallas, and step son Kenneth Watson, of Min den, Nev. In addition thert are four sisters, Delia Bronson of Hamburg, Alice Waters of Portland; Etta Parsons, Sea side; Gertrude Stcidler, Sea side, Ore., and three nephews and two nieces. Charles Cusick Albany Charles Cusick, 84, a resident of Albany and vicin ity for many years, died at a Portland rest home Wednesday after a long illness.. Ha was born at Aumsville, Ore., May 2, 1869, the son of J. W. and Salome Peebler Cusick. He Is survived by a son, Eu gene H. Cusick, Portland, and five grandchildren. Services will be held at the Fortmille-Frederickson chapel Saturday, Aug. 22 at 10:30 a.m. Interment will be at the Ma sonic cemetery. pay. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps AND BRIDE Mrs. Jesse Hockworth ' Unionvale The late ' Mra. Jesse Hackworth, 64, who died at her home in the Dayton Prairie district, August 18, waa a former resident - with her - family in the Unionvale dis trict. Funeral services were at Macy and Son chapel in Me Minnvllle at 1:30 p.m., Friday, August 21. Burial waa in Hope well Pioneer Cemetery. DEATHS Tlneent MsvraUl ' Vincent MavrstU. lata resident of 1110 D St, In n local nurslnc homo Aug. It -at the aas of al. Aurvlved bp two daugh ters, Mrs Atnes Wojclecbowskl end Mrs. Mary Chapman, both of Balem; brother. Prank HavratU; tratMldanahur, Mrs. Mary Bchwdniurth, and treat-' rendbuusuer. Janet leonis sjchwein furth, both of Baletn. Oraveeldt services Auodsr, Aut. 11, nt I p.m. at Patrvlsw cemetery, a ales, under direction w ( UowcLi-SdWhids Co. Oerald L. Brown Otrsld L. Brown, lata resident of 40 , ti. Capitol At., at a Portland hospltsj At it, II. Survived bp wife, Mrs. Laura Ireaa Brown, Astern; dauthttr, Carol Ifadina Brown. JElms, Wash.i parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kile R. Brown. North - Platte, Neb.; slaters, Mrs. Opal Barry, hsf wood. ne nod Mrs. MathUdn Bella Romine, Palisade, Heb.; brothers, David, Brown, Aan Bernardino. Calif.; Warn Brown, Reddint, Calif.) atanlsp and trio Brown, both of North Platte, Neb., end Marlon Brown With the U. A. Mavy. Services will bo held Monday, Ausust Itth at 1:10 p.m. In the Clouth-Berrkk Oompanr with Interment in Boleros! ammonal Park. Ira I Porter . Bvn I. Porter at tho residence. Oak land, Calif. Mother of Porrp Porter, Bv erett. Wash, Mrs. Mary Jean Misentr, Oakland. Csllf., Sister lean Prances of tho Hoir Name Sisters of San Rafael, Calif, oravaaide services will bo held Saturday, Autuet 2i, at 10 a.m. at the City View cemetery, Salem, under th direction nf iho W. T. JUtdos oompany. Mary Bthel Abac Mary Kthel Abnar. lata resident of ' Rout 1. Jefferson, Ore Aut. 11 al tho nto of 17. survived by husband, Baf R. Abney, Jefferson; children, Mrs. Vivian Autust, oakhurst. New Jersey, -Mrs. Vernlce Taeue, Jefferson. Mrs. VerdeU ofrnoop, Lanslorto. Ore., Mrs. Vera Morton, Jefferson, Mts. Verio Parker. Glen Bllen, Calif, Bad Abner, lanc- loise, ora, sick and Dean Atmey. bom of Salem; sisters, Mrs. Urn ma Vande walker. Mrs. Rubi Bieknell. both of Sioux City, lows, Mrs. Clsrn Marsh, Ma pie ton, lows; brother, wu iamp man. Jaioui cur, lows. Member tvf Talbot Community Church. Announcement of servicea wil be made later bp tho Htrwali Kdwardi Co. T head ere O. Tsnnep Theodore O. Tanner, nt tho residence, 1070 N. Commercial A us. 10 nt th as of 47. Survived by wife, Mrs. Aim Tan ner; son. Richard Tanner, Walla Walls, -Wash.i brother, Bert Tanner, Olympta, Waah.j mother, Mrs. Oetslaff, Wall Walla, Wash.; father, Welter Tanner, Salem; ass two trandehiidrnt. An nouncement of services will b mad later bp th 11 owellBd wards Co. v -. Pitt ObUIUits V Pitt C-hltUasso, In this dtp Aur. 11, at th ate of It years. Lata resident of Eutene, Or. Oravesld serrloM will be held Monday. Aut. 14 nt lt a.m. in St. Barbara'a Cemetery nnder th tn r action of the W. T. Rledon C. Hind Quarter lb. 25 .. . ia . ., 0., - ,-a.J I