Par 13 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orettw Friday. Anrist SI, 1951 ) ..V .;t 7 I 0 First Three draft choices of the Chine Cardinals ars Jim FsalUs of Southern California. Dal Sanaets of Pnrduo and Johnny Olnewtkl of California. Tory add needed offensive strength to lineup and will ice action when Cardi meet Lot Angeles Bams at Multnomah stadium, in Portland, September 1. Ono-Platoon System Will De More Interesting By OSCAR FBALEY New York 0t College football players believe, accord ing to a poll announced today, that one-platoon football which returns this fall will he of less interest to the fans. The survey was made among l,Z47 returning lettermen at 97 colleges by BUI Fay of Collier's magazine and his figures dis close that 01 per cent of the players believe the game will be duller for the spectator. Which apparently Is another "gallop" in the wrong direction as far as this corner is con cerned. Mom Interesting - Looking at the game as fan, and uninfluenced by wish ful thinking as an unemployed specialist, the gm should be more interesting. , i. Admittedly there Ire a nurn ber of reasons why tvo-platoon Bob Prall Six . ... Strokes Oil Pace InJaycee Met Ana Arbor, Mich, U. Frail of Salem, Ore., wi strokes off the paee the International Jayeee tournament here enter third round. rrall shot a 71 yesterlay to go with a 71 the day fore for a two-day total Wrf 181. The leader was JohnW Pott, York, Pa- with a 1 Frail's 151 was good mwoi for a fifth place tie. The other two Oreronl Borer Sielicky ana Gai Bral of Portland, were fai off the paee. Sielicky had two-day seoro of 161 and Hval had 171. football may be of more inter est to some. Most important is that It is a game in which'the speed of attack seldom lets down. And, from the players' viewpoint, many men who nev er would make the grade in one-platoon football get a chance to play as specialists. But from the fans' stand point, it will be an easier game to follow. The "heroes" will be performers in the old mold which, in itself, generates more interest, and there will be add ed enthuaiasm over the return of the tO-minute man. Spectators will be more In- terested in the game because they'll be able to follow the lineups a lot more easily in stead of having to unscramble mass of players every time the ball changes hands," in sisted Son Fuiham, Navy end. Know the Players This must be so, because un der the two-platoon system it was practically impossible for the tans to tell who was play ing even with a scorecard. That -much is obvious because it was almost impossible in the press box with ','spotters." "Smaller schools will have a chance at the limelight," ar gues Bruce Bosley, West Vir ginia University guard. George Tlmberlake, a South ern California lineman, sum med it up succinctly tor those who believe that the one-platoon system will be of more in terest when he said: "If I were a fan, I'd be more interested now in watching players who can do everything. You get to know them better because they're in the game longer than the specialists Suds Take Early Lead, Go on to Top Beavers, 6-1, Seattle ) The Seattle Bainlers grabbed aa early lead and went an to defeat the Port land Beavers -l Thursday aight behind effective ll-hlt pitching by Vera Kiadsfather. The Rainieri collected only eight hits off Jay Heard and Red Adams but bunched five of them in the first two innings. Heard lasted only two in nings. During that time, Seattle reached him for five runs, four of them earned. PCL Standings (Br To Associated Press) BdWrwood .... SMtU Loo Ansel. .. remand Sea PrencUo lu Dteeo .... Seerameat ... 0lnd , II M , M M , a m .tit M us jo , II Tbrsdr'. BeeaHei Bollrwood , Oakland . Su Dleco t, Sacramento S. Sen PrftnelM , Um An.sle S Inntikia). tuuu . Portland 1. Two of them came in the first inning on a double by Alex Garbowski, Clarence Mad dern's single, and error and run-scoring infield out. Seattle scored three runs in the second on a walk, Gordy uoldsberrjrs double and sin gles by Tobin and Leo Tho mas. Portland picked up its run in the second when Don Eggert walked, moved up on Eddie Ba sinski's single and scored on Heard's single to right. Red Adams replaced Heard at the end of the two innings. Central, Eastern Oregon Dost Spot for Trcyt Portland 6M Central and eastern Oregon offer the best front fishing propeets while salmoa fishing Is good at Win chester Bay, the State Came Commission said today la its wtekly report NOBTBWSST: Sandy river oort ether Ml. Hood ureases eiee feat aawdnems onlr lair flenln. Small lake, fair, nsh lai lair en McKsnsta and Willamette and Irlbatarlee. Beato aenUam fair far lakes In toe MeKaaale Peat Fort Wayne Unbeaten in Semi-Pro Meet BULLDOGS TO MEET wooaDurn ine xirai caii ion . candidates for the 1953 Wood-l Wichita, Kan. (U.B The burn high school Bulldog foot-fort Wayne, Ind., North Amer ball team has been issued for 8 p.m., Monday, August 24, by Henry Xrcolini, the new high school cocah. He has request ed that all eligible players be present for the meeting which will be held at the high school. Suits will be issued from noon until 4 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday. Ac tual practice will begin at 7 p.m.. Tuesday, August 25, at Legion park. Flayers will be transported by bus from the high school gymnasium to the park and return. Why Suffer Any Longer ; When ottksra tali, om ma ChtatM AraMin iueeu for KM Mr in Chin. No mottor with wht .Utntnu you rt offlMtotl 4tMr4ri. UnuiltM. Mart, luofB, llor, ktdnoy A ooniUpttton. alem. 4liibttti, rhaamttiam. Mil on) blAddtr ItTr. Ala, (tmolo compltlnu. CHARLIE CHAN CBIMSU BUB Ca. ortlee Baere ml Tea, and Sal. earr M R. CemaMrelal nana II KM asuuL oas. can Vans, four time national pemipro baseball champions, ihaped up as strong challengers Kir a fifth title today as they proved into the third round of pa, 19th national baseball con- Bnsa tournament without de le e Indiana team beat New na, La.. Holsum Sun- bean 11 to 1 yesterday as righthander Bob Upton pitched a thrV hitter. Tha Alpine, Tex., cowboys eliminated New Carlisle, O., 8 to 0, Ha third round game. . In Aher games, the Casa Grand, Vriz., Cotton Kings de feated young team from Yazoo Qy, Miss.. 5 to 0; the Loulsvlln Ala., Tigers defeat ed TolleAor, Ky All-SUrs 8 to 7; and Vand Junction, Colo., defeated jVsey City, N. J., Wil sons 3 to an 12 Innings. Saa Francisco 0JJB - Oak. land's crashed fans discovered today that life still can be beau. tlfal just as long as slugging Jim Marshall continues his he roic battle for the Coast League home run title. Marshall, who wears such a tremendous price tag that the smart boys have dubbed aim "Mr. Franchise," belted two more homers against Holly. wood last night and drew to within five circuit clouts of the Stars' Dale Long. The Twink first sacker paces the league with 27 round trippers, one more than Bill Howerton of the Acorns. Marshall now has 22, Hurt Leg The Compton clouter was going great guns in the home run derby In mid-July, then injured a leg playing against Portland and missed about 13 games. This left him consider ably off the pace when he ft nally got back into the lineup. Now he is just as hot as the Oaks are cold. Hollywood crushed Oakland 7-8 last night despite the brace of homers that Marshall con tributed. The blows ran his streak to three in two days. He slammed one against Mel Queen on Wednesday afternoon with the bases loaded. The triumph left the Stars a comfortable 10 games ahead of Seattle, which defeated Port land 6-1. Jehosie Heard failed to weave his usual magic spell over the Suds and left with his trappings after two innings on the wrong end of a 5-1 score. Other Games San Diego swept to its fourth straight triumph over Sacra mento with the aid of a seven run splurge In the seventh frame that juiced the final score up to 9-5. It marked the second time this week that the bordertowners have rolled the Senators for seven runs in one frame. It happened before on Tuesday. Lloyd Dickey proved that the PCL still is a minor league by uncorking five wild pitches in the same inning for San Diego and still earning his seventh win of the year. Chesty Chet Johnson was deflated for his 13th reversal. Yakima Cashes in On Break to Down Lewisfon, 4-3 Yakima WV-Yakima edged Lewiston, Idaho, 4-1 Tharsdsy aight la the finale of the re gion 11 American Legion Jun ior Baseball Tournament here and won the right to represent the Pacific Northwest in the Section O Western playoffs at Hastings, Neb., August IJ. Shut out 12-0 Wednesday night by Denny Shoemaker's no-hit performance, the Wash ington State champions mus tered only four hits off Lew iston's Doug Randall but cashed in on the breaks to win the regional title in the cham pionship meeting of the dou ble elimination tournament A dropped fly baU told the story. Trailing 3-2 in the sev enth, Yakima scored the tie- Ing and winning runs when Ir vin Moore lost Eddie Pleas ant's fly to left field. .Moore said later the webbing of his glove broke and the ball dropped to the ground. - Lewlsloa Ml OD1 ooeJ ( ) Yakima 01S die tvt 4 Randall and Olasn; O laid a Howell. OGA Medal Play Opens at Oswego Today Portland ff) The Oregon Golf Association's third annual medal play championship open ed Friday at the Oswego Lake Country Club near here. Some 80 men are competing for the title won In 1952 by Dick Yost of Portland, who is not entered. Among favorites are Bruce Cudd, Portland, Northwest Open champion; George Har rington, Medford; Dick Hanen, Coos Bay; Ralph Dichter, As toria, and Ellsworth Jones, Portland, who upset Cudd to win the Oregon Coast cham pionship two weeks ago. The 72-hole competition will run through Sunday. TIDE TABLE Tide, far Taft, Oreien Aaeosl. (Compiled er V. 8. Ceaat and OeedoUe Srvr. PertlaaS, Oreien) fcov water. Aura. 11 11 n M Rich Water. Vme Helshl 10 1. a m. :ll p.m. 11:1T a.m. 10:13 p.m. 1141 a-m. 11 M p.m. 12 : p.m. Austin... R( RMch.rf Rbliun.e hitiljl Bilnikl.l HaanLp Ad, ml. . a-Unl (1) B H 0 A 1 ITnMn tf 1 (Vtukt.. Thmti.J XKMrn.r 0 Jdneh.U Wlbjn.20 1 Ortc I..C OldbTT.l 0 Kctfth.p S Combat 0 A 1 0 Total. II It 14 IT! I I II 1. a Grounded out tot Adem. In Ith. Portland 010 ooo ooo i H1U 1M 0 11111 Stettld ON 10 Kite , UO 00 11 Easy Credit-Alvviysi PICK rOUJI CREDIT PLAN Tok your cnok fro, any en 0 our rid Mixtion of convonlofd credit plena. Hare youl aurary And oty-payment or-' ronsemen dIgmd to HI raw pocketboe and 14 you own Hie 0, & Koyol e of yew My As Tm aWU H Oml U.S. ROYALS HCAPPIKG WHEEL BAI Complete Tire Service Front Wheel Altinmt WALTER H. ZOSEL C High ChamekeU (Oppeeite City Hall) Fa. I V FISERMEN! OPEN NIGfrg AND SUNDATg Sperlal rhl aa rede aa. reel.' . ran MneW miliar aeeda 1 Bk WOBNS.- Geo. Cedln Serv. Sro. 2Mb aa. 8Ute St F laBLS. i 5. Smiriioff KClri OUKA I IOMadrrom1MraraiaiKralirii 1 I Sn.riamSraunr4Flalnt..rUnrord.Caaa. 0 I. ,;nyi , 11:11 p.m. 7.1 11 a.m. I S 1:14 p.m. 1:41 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 3: It a.m. 3:10 p.m. 1:40 a.m. i ll p.m. 4:40 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10 a m. 1:1. p.m. 4. Tin. Htuht 1 11 a.m. -0.4 1:15 p.m. 3.3 4:41 a.m. -0.1 4:11 p.m. 3.1 1:34 a.m. -0. 11 P.m. 3.0 :04 a.m. -1.0 4 01 p.m. 1.4 1:10 a.m. -0.4 I ts p.m. 0 4 1 51 a.m. 0.1 1. p.m. (.1 S 37 a,m. . ! ll.m. t:ll a m. I S 10:1. p.m. -0.1 10:04 a.m. 3.1 11:41 p.m. 10 W a.m. 1.7 are fair C4ear lake tt. Boraaa .!. vera sua end Ceoui reatrrelr. and Trtaaala lake an fair far aplnr-rara. Saimea fuhtar tailda meau el too Calueia laiareTtad. Sal aam flahtnr la Mehalam bay lair. Bas ra tutthraat alev. rjpatream treat anallaa Bom te lair, lew Jaak " Ukaa la Meiwoea and Pj aalaaaa an Ss aara. SOOTBWSST; Saimea tUhm teed at Wlacheeter ear. Aacllnd der aalnp-ray and cetllaa aeed at Tauamttck and Salt eeee lakee. Tea-mil lake perch and cat flak anallna toed. Treat f tools lm previa. Baa. fleams la verp teed at Lena lake and trout aaallnt la fair. Salmon flchlnt u voir teed al Leon lake and troat anallnt la fair. Saimea (lib In. la lover Rediie la toed and ateel bead flihm ha. beea fair affahera. aai men flihlnt at Cbato Core toed; treat anallnt remain poor: aooal Mtche. are beln made an try fllee hi the Union creek are and aaova. soaa tart trout ore beln taken In, the HUnoll rlrer luraa. StlU-fUhln. h lib lake la Jack aoa eountp fair with halt. Lake af th Wood, folr t poor. Baatern break a .Uat la Bolaa and Tannea lakee fair. Catches of rammer eteolnoad oed a llaht-oolored ntoe hi the Stcambeai ana. Trout analln ha. lmprorad aetweea Cleremnd reptda and Whuaarter. Meet of the flab, era uht aa trait Ban fUhln. for trout fair to tood from Wlneheeter t ollde and fair far fur lUbln. above Idlajld Park. CSKfaALt Blue lake fir flahlnt ex cellent. Alao tood for trolllat and atui nehln. Three Creek, lake flahlnt v.rp ood. Beat and Paulina lake, are fair. Wleklup naervolr eontlnuee fair. North and south Twin lake, prodoclns nice catchea. Irish and Tartar lakes Todd lake provldlnt tood Calebs rain bow, narls lake tood. oold lake toad. Onser De&ehatee rlrsr oasoctod t oon- tlnue tood. Sparks, Blk, and Bit Lava Ukaa fair. Weld lake Is fair. Cran prairie reservoir stai-tlnt to pick up. Oeheeo reservoir rood. HOBTBKASti Wallow mounuia hlh lakes tenerallp tood. cbeval. Praaoee. Lse, Mirror, Brer, and Saelo lake, have produced tood catch M of brook trout file, and lures. leno no Traversa lakes are eooe. Summit Black. Grand Honda lakes In tha Anthonr lakes arse fair to tood. Reports varv from ddlnam river. Best catches have been made on upper nver area aooeeslblo my trail enlr. I.sle and pine oreeks low and clear. Oood rainbow catenas ara reoorted. The Wallow river fair: heat eatehr. beln made, below Mtaam. Sosa steelhead taken In lower Orand Bonde and John Oar river. Xanah la nro duelnt maar email rainbow as file, and belt sovtbbasTi Lk. wantr flahlnt tm nrorlnt la tb lakee and docnaslnt In the streams. Deadhorse and camnbeu lakes provide tood flahlnt bp trolltnt and law-ovsnlnt fir flahlnt. Anna naer volr lair. Chewaucaa river, lowsr Deep, and Dairy creeks are provldlnt tood catches. Blder and Camas eneks poor. Herns; eountr anillni alow. Dellntmsnt leke catches an fair. North fork Mal heur rlrsr food. Bit. Lake, and Bear ereoka fair. The Blltsah river and Fish lake tood for falr-led trout. Malheur eountr naervolr poor. Beaten reservoir poor. Little Malheur river has been oa ceUrnt with bolt or Or. OVThee river Is fair for trout with bait to late-cvcnta. flahlnt. reservoir la lair Ip. baa and crapplu In lot evsnln. FAN, FARE yWatt OirsM Oregon Fishing Has Been Good Portland " Oregon' fishing has been generally fair, to good, the State Game Commission reported Thurs day. Mount Hooi area streams in Northwest Oregon are clear ing and fishing is fair, but the Sandy River is poor. Fishing continues fair on the McKen zie and Willamette Rivers and their tributaries. Clear and Dorena Lakes are slow. Satin- on fishing i Improving inside the mouth of the Columbia and Is fair at Nehelem Bay. Angling in tidewater for sea run cutthroat has been slow. Salmon fishing has been good at Winchester Bsy in Southwestern Oregon. Trout fishing is fair and improving in Tenmile Lake where perch and catfish angling is fair. No good catches of sea-run cut' throat have been reported. Salmon fishing in the Lower Rogue is good and steelhead angling offshore has been fair. Trout fishing Is poor but im proving in the Rogue. Lake of the Woods is fair to poor. In Central Oregon fly fish ing is excellent in Blue Lake. Angling is very good In Three Creeks Lake. Eaat and Pauli na Lakes and Wickiup Reser voir are fair. Irish and Taylor Lakes are good. The Upper Deschutes River is expected to continue good. Wallowa Mountain high lakes in Northeastern Oregon have been generally good. SPORTS SLATE Heard t 11 i l 4 1 0 X I S 1 $ KiixUfftther t I It 1 4 4 Ltwtr Heard. R btrrt, Tobin X Oarbowik. 1, Oriel. Ooldibtm. 1 Robb, Evicrt. Bailtukl, Comba. LOB ror.iaoo ji. seaiue 7. IE oarbovskL OoMsberrr. AH KlDd father, RBI Thorn aa 1, Madd-rn 3, Tobin i. Heard. DP OarbowakL Wilson and Ooldsbarr: Basinakt and Arft: Thomu. WlUon and Ooklsbtrry; Ooldibcrrr, Oarbowskl and OoWsberrr. T 1:M. U Banta, BUva and Homer, A 1,144. Baa PranelKO 000 000 300 I 13 lyoi Anieita 300010 ono 0 3 a 1 Botmier, anandor (11. Bftiiiaton ana Ttetiara. Tornar ID: Snfctr, Oum part (7) and Padra, Braaa (1). Bacramenta 10 101 too I 11 1 Ban Ditto 010 010 70i t 13 jonnaon. Tajman n. Piaretu 7t Kimball and Montalve; Dickey, Bea ton lit and Matbla, Hollywood Oakland O Donnell and Neal. ...Ml 100 0337 U 1 ...000 300 001 4 4 4 Brataa; rloret and HI MM to it Presenting the finest program of Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse racing that has ever appeared in Oregon mm mi nwut ITWkMBks 8B2S ro io Mstsvtniss TWInsaliilSSI roa DiNNii FRIDAY Baseball Western Iaternelleaal Uewae: Vletorl l aVimonvoa, Vancouver at Celiarv. Tailma at WenateHao, Salem Trl-Cllr. and laraiatoa at Spokane. Softball ladaalrlal lean: Bart's Market vs. nreana al PhUUs' (IM) and Wolia motl's vs. rostal Clerk, at rhllllp'a (:). Broadcasts KOCO-at. Louis Browna vs. Cleveland Indian at U:0, and Salem Seutor vs. Trtltr Brve at .:4S. Teleeasta KrTV-aports news at 1:11; Oiuetto avort. rlswrreel al l:Wi WresUinf kr H.ldsloors el 1I:N. SATURDAY BasebaU , Wsilsrn Inleraatleaal aVearo: Vancouver al CeUerr. Vlotorla at Bdmonton (1), aelem at Trl-Cllr, Wenatekoo at Tsklma, and LowUtaa at Spokane. Softball atate aoftball Tournament at Mill Cltr. Broadcasts OCO Detroit Tlrtrs v. chlcat Whit Box al 11.00 a.a. and Salsa Sen ators vs. Trl-Cltr Brares l S:l p.m. Telecasts Kmr aiajor lu Bskll l l.:l .m, DetreU TUere vs. shfcuo Whit Good catches have been made in Ealge and Pine Creeks and the Wallowa River has beea fair. Some steelhead are being taken in th Grand Rondo ami John Day River. t Eight Teqms Remain in ABC Tourney . Portland ( Oregon City and Heales Babes of Portland, each beaten once, still are in the American Baseball Con gress Oregon tournament here. Oregon City nudged Willam ette from the tourney, 5-4, Thursday night while Heales eliminated Hills boro, 4-S. Only eight teams remain in the tournament Another will be eliminated Friday night when verboort and Archer Blower of Portland, each -defeated once, meet Forest Grove and Norgan's Beavers of Port-; land play a winners', bracket game. WOMEN'S GOLF RESULTS Women members at the Sa lem Golf club concluded their Summer Ecclectie tournament on Wednesday with Mrs. Glen Wilbur winning low gross in Class "A"tand Mrs. Fred An unsen low net. A tie for low gross honors developed between Mrs. Rex Adolph and Mrs. John R. Wood in Class "B" with Mrs. Chester Loe carding the low net score. Mrs. Hal Davis and Mr. Walt Cline, Jr., finished first in class "C". Awards in Class "D" competition went to Mrs. Gil bert Groff and Mrs. Woodson Bennett. Prizes for Wednesday regu lar play went to Mesdames Don Huff, 'Reynolds Allen, Bunny Mason and Mrs. Homer Goulet, Jr. Shrine All-Star Gome Tomorrow In-Portland' Portland UJD Coaches for City and State all-star football teams today pronounced their forces In good shape for tomor row night's Shrine game here. but City Coach Harry Scartf was the most optimistic. "I believe it is one of thai best balanced city squads I have seen," Scarff said. Pete Susick, head man for the stat ers, was more cautious saying "they've been looking a lot better the past few days." Game iime tomorrow night is 8:1& Pre-game ceremonies start at 7:45. West Q-Back Injured Pendleton "o An injury to Quarterback Darry Van Leu ven of Bandon dimmed hopes of the West class B all-star football game today. Van Leu ven, who had been counted upon heavily, suffered a knee Injury which may prevent him from taking part In the benefit game here August 29. Ice and water can each exist at 32 degrees Fahrenehit, and if a mixture of the two is heated uniformly, the tempera ture will not rite until the ice is a'l melted. Three members -ot Michigan State's first string "light bri gade" backfield quarterback Tom Yewcic, right halfback Billy Wells and fullback Evan Slonac were in summer ROTC camp together at Fort Knox, Ky. ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP 1181 So. Commercial FOB. EVINRUDE BOWLERS Fall Leagues Now Organizing ague meets will be held! Ms coming week. Aug. 24 lo 28 On respective ovenings at 130 and 8:30. F8K MWIIM FOR THOSE WHO ATTEND MEETIN6S Ssfts Opealngi for Mevs Team and Imflvidualt Regular Sunday evening mixed doubles, guaran teed jack pot 7:30. CAPITOL LANES 4M FttTf Mom 3 -3575 LM takM Okk Hw Cool relfreshhiff idea irom the land ot sky blue waters A bit of the cool nfreshment of this en chanted land is yours right now! with a frosty bottle of Hamm'a Beer. Just reach and discover the flavor that's switched over million beer drinkers in just the past two years. Discover refreshing Hamm'a Beer from the land of sky blue water. i lIW liomm Brwwing Co., St Paul, iiiuaraoOa & V. S w,-. B:-',W -.avsaamfB- Bamvav(a- Refreshing as the enehmtei land it comes from