Salem Merchants Face Tillamook In Opening Game Mill City 'Salem Mer chaats play TUIamoek la the opening round ( lot Oretea tat aoftbaU toarnameat at Allca field la Mill City Sal ardijr aiteraoea at 4:M. Other lirst-ronad fa ma a aead C e r v a 1 1 1 s atainat Grant Pass at MS, Eareae ws. Hermiston at f a'elock. and Mill City vs. Bend at :1S. Twa al the pitchers wha will appear In the tourna ment pitched no-run, as-hlt fame in the llnali el their district play. Ron Willouthby at Eugene pitched a perfect game ne body reaching first base aft him) against North Bend as Eugene won. . Vern Collins of Graats Pass tossed a no-no as his team defeated Lakevlew S-a In the finals from that area. r All-Sfar Pictured above are twa 1SSI All-Star players of the Kelly Lumber team, of Mill City, which will be host team at the State Softball tournament to be held in Mill City starting Saturday at 4:30 p.m. From left to right are Al Zuber, shortstop, and Don Carey, pitcher. Both will play In the tournament. dfem MM Game ut ff Cod-cC r Roenspie Wins 16th Game; Ballard Homers in 9-5 Win Woodburn Boys To See Game Woodburn Members of the Woodburn pee-wee ba s e b a 1 1 team will attend the Portland San Diego game In Portland Tuesday night, August 25. The boys are to meet at Max Sim mons' Chevron station on the Pacific highway at Young street at 8:15 p.m. Transporta tion will be provided. By CHRIS KOWITZ. JR. Salem Is aaly a kalf gam out at first place la Western International league standings today. The Senators gained an other game aa league-leading Spokane last night, Salem tripping Trl-City t-S at Waters park whlla Spokane was los inr 5-1 at Lewlston. Gene Roenspie recorded his lflth victory of the season for Salem (he's lost only three) though Trl-City batters got to him for 13 hits. Jerry Ballard swatted a two run homer for Salem in the fourth inning. It was Ballard's sixth home runvf the season Jim Deyo batted in five Salem runs with a triple and a double. . Ballard's homer gave Salem a 7-0' lead and drove Trl-City starter Jim Hedgecock from the mound. The Senators had scor ed twice in the first inning when Deyo tripled Perez home, then Deyo scored on Chuck Essosian's single. Deyo hit a WIL Standings I Br TIM AlHCUUe Preeet ' During the first three in nings, Trl-City managed to hit only one of Roenspie's pitches past the infield. That was when Jack Warren doubled in the first inning. After one out in the, fourth, the Braves began to get the feel of Roenspie. Warren and Nick Pesut singled sharply in the fourth, but a Salem double play prevented the visitors from scoring in that inning. Tri-City got one run on three hits in the fifth. The tally was scored by Carrie, Carroll, who got on base on a fielders choice, moved to second on a single by Michaelson, and scored on a single by Jim Mc Guire. Tri-City scored twice in the sixth as Warren was issued a walk, Dez Charouhas tripled, and Jim Hockaday hit a bad hop single. The Braves scored in the seventh when McGuire came home on Warren's long fly, and l l m c.s. Bnokanl M Si .Ml anient II li .tM VajKoavef II U Ml lit Lew U ton M .Ml 1st Edmonton. .... II It M I ITUIU M M .Mt I Calaery SI u .Ml Wenatchee II M .441 t Victoria II l .Ul 11 Trl-Clly 11 It Ml 1H, Taaniay't anilit: Lewtttoa I. Bpokane 1. - Balea I, Trl-cuy t. Wrnalcneo 1. Yitlmi I. Edaoatan S. Victoria a. Vtocouvtr 11, Canary 1. Prlaer'o ScMtlt: . Takla u Wenatchee. Vancouver at calaery. , Victoria tt Edmonton. Lewutoa tt Bpokane. anient al Trl-Clly. i LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURtS bases-loaded double, clearing added a final run In the eighth the sacks, in the fifth inning, U, Carroll got on base when and was on base when Ballard Ballard booted his ground ball, clouted his home run. land scored when McGuire Ken Michaelson came in to, triple off the left field fence. pitch for Yakima. Salem got' . About 2000 people took ad- to him for two runs in the: vantage of the closed ticket fifth as Les .Witherspoon doubled, Roenspie singles and walks issued in succession to Gene Tanselli, Connie Perez and Deyo. Salem, Oregon, Friday, August ,21, 1953 Page 11 Dodgers Pound Out 13th Straight Victory, 10-0 ,t By CARL MJNDQUIST i New York J Charley Dressen, who knows he will be back 1b Brooklyn next year with a substantial raise, even If It hasn't been announced by the Bodger .front office, de- elded today to get some pay boosts for a few of his key players. ' i Dressen is not at all dis turbed because he hasn't been re-hired, even though Charley Grimm, Eddie Stanky, Steve O'Neill, and Leo Durocher are all set for 1954, and they have not made nearly the showing with their clubs that Charley has made with the Broows. "We're shooting for a lot of things," Dressen said as he poured ehsmpaigne following Brooklyn's 13th straight vic tory, 10-0 over the "Giants yes terday. Shooting for Cash "The big thing, of course. Is the pennant and nothing else really matters until we win that. But I've told the boys that there could be something In the salary department for them If they eould do a few things, too." "Carl Furillo at .330 eould win the batting championship while both Roy Campanella and Gil Hodges at 113 and 104 have a chance for the runs bat ted in title," he said. "Carl Er skine could have the best earn-ed-run average and the best percentabe, even If he doesn't win 20 games. And Campy still has an outside chance for the home run- championship.? "I hope they all make it and I hope they all get a lot more money if they do." Brooklyn drove another nail Into the coffin the Giants have decided to occupy when Er skine held them to four hits and shut them out for the sec ond time in a week. The victory gave Brooklyn a, nine-game lead over idle Mil waukee, the widest the Dodg ers have enjoyed this season. Yanks Move Up The Yankees also moved nine games in front of the sec ond place White Sox by top ping the Senators 7-0, as Ed Lopat won his 11th straight game. The Indians topped Detroit, 13-7, pounding out 18 hits in cluding a two-run homer by Jim Hegan who drove in four runs with ; three hits. Bob lemon won his 17th game with relief help from Bob Hooper. In the National . League's other games, Robin Roberts again failed in his quest for his 21st when the Pirates top ped the Phils, 3-2, by scoring all of their rnns in the final three innings; and St Louis defeated the Cubs, 5-3, as Wil mer Mizell hurled a seven-hit ter and drove in two runs with a double. ,.., There were no other major league games scheduled. The swimming speed cham pion of ocean fish is generally regarded as the wahoo. How ever, machcrels, dolphins and marlin are also regarded In the top hit-run class. Major Leagues 9 (Br tim Antedated miir ' , KATIOKAL LEAOUE ' . W L Pet. Brooklyn II II .m Milwaukee 11 41 .Ml St. Look, It U .HI Philadelphia M Si .111 Nit York tl M .U1 Cincinnati SI II .Ml Chlcaee 41 11 .III PrtUourih 40 H J11 Taarotar'e Beealte: Brooklyn 10. New Tort . at. Lout I,. Chlcato 1. PltUburtn I, 1. Only tamet. OB S MS 11 Va II tt M im AMF.BICAN LEAGUE He York ... Chlcato .... Cleveland ... Botton ..... Waehlntton Philadelphia Detroit at. Loula .., Pet. .411 , II , II , II II .Ml It at u , 41 It .40 .11 Ml 11 11 Tharatay'e Beoaltat " Mew York 1, Wathlnilan t. Cleveland II, Detroit 1. t tinea. There Is definitely a housing problem for fish in the Great Lake of Cambodia 1 n Indo china. Approximately 100,000 tons of fish are taken annual ly from the lake. 1 Shark Caught by Local Fishermen This is a fish story where the big one got away to the satisfaction of all concerned. A quartet of local nimrods. including Clarence Bishop, el ectrical contractor, and Roy Ferris, real estate salesman, re cently went to Astoria for a session in the lower Colum bia. . During the day Ferris had a strike of considerable propor tions. The fish immediately started away from the boat with -Ferris having difficulty in the control department When he started to reel in the line that had all but disappear ed, he found two screws miss ing from the reel. At this point Bishop took part In the operations and be gan pulling In the line by hand. He succeeded in bringing the fish up to the boat. "What in the blankety blank is it?" the fishermen yelled in unison. It was a shark that appeared to be longer than Jonah's whale, but in reality it was about five feet in length. The shark got one good look at the fishermen and then took off, snapping Ferris' line. Incidentally the party got the limit of salmon. OREGON AFIELD -tSaR? Gun Dogs Meet On Sunday morning, August 33, ears packed with people and dogs will converge on Conser Lake, near Albany. They'll turn off 99E at the Picnic Area, 2 miles north of Albany, and follow the signs to the trial grounds. There will be the e- cnange of greetings between old friends and friendly rivals, as some of the best retrieving dogs and handlers In Oregon ana Washington await the start of the trial at S a.m. It's the second AKC Sanctioned Trial of the Willamette Valley neinever nun, ana as,tnis goes to press, some 40 dogs are entered in the various stakes. The dogs, mostly Labs, will retrieve pigeons from land and ducks from water under close scrutiny of the judges, Dave Gotthardt and Floyd Hoffstead of Portland. The competition will be keen, especially in the Open-All-Age stake, as several Field Trials Champions will be entered. We know of few other outdoor contests that are as exciting to watch, especially if one has an interest in dogs and hunting. Visitors are very welcome, and they need not bring lunches food, coffee and soft drinks will be avail able. n a a a Despite the law imposing a stiff fine on motorists tossing cigarette and matches from their cars, it teems that this destructive little pastime is still being indulged in by far too many drivers, as well as their passengers. Some folks are so tidy they would rather burn a million feet of timber than dirty up their ash tray. We've seen plenty of this our selves, and have been amazed at the thoughtlessness of some people. Our friend Lyle Foree of Salem was discussing the situation wun us recently, and he said he counted lour cie- arette duiis luppea irom cars anead of him In the space of a couple of miles. Apparently, It Is hard to prove exactly who threw what, and state police do not find enough "teeth" in the law to make the arrests they should. To us, there Is no excuse for this type of unintentional arson, and we think a person is a mighty poor citizen who doesn't take every possible precaution to prevent fires. windows. The gates were left open, and fans were allowed to donate to the ball club as they entered. Approximately $600 was collected, plus a beer token and a piece of play folding money, was collected. The Senators left at 10 o'clock this morning for Tri- City, where the Solons and Braves renew their rivalry with a game tonight Salem and Tri-City also play a single game Friday night with a double header scheduled for Saturday and a singleton Sunday. iBy The Aetocltted Prttt) The Spokane Indiana still topped Western International Baseball League standings Friday but thanks ta BUI Brenner and his taat-rtslng Lewlston Bronca their first place margin was down ta a slim one-half game. Brenner, Lewiston's pitcher- manager, tamed the Indians with six hits Thursday night as the Broncs made it three straight in the series, 3-1 In other games, Wena tehee downed Yakima 7-5, Edmonton whipped Victoria 8-4, and Van louver suoaiira iigary n-o. i Ixun nf ttiat ,iv f.i t b at .ran in by Brenner at Lewlston were successive sixth inning doubles by Eddie Murphy and Jimmy Brown. They acounted for Spo kane's only run as Brenner racked up his 18th win against 10 losses. The Wenatchee Chiefs stretched their winning streak to five straight with their tri umph over Yakima. The Chiefs clinched the game with a four run outburst in the seventh. Catcher John Albinl homered twice for Yakima, driving in all the Bears runs, and Ross McCormack sent one out of the park for Wenatchee. Vancouver scored five times in the top of the ninth to win the wild affair at Calgary. Three of the runs were on Gene Petrolli's round-tripper after two were out K. Chorlton also homered for the Capilanoa and Ken Whitehead and Don Hunt er . circled the bases for Cal ary. Ray McNulty was credited with his 14th win of the m son as Edmonton upset Victor ia in the first of a four-game aeries at Edmonton. Portland Gcno Off; Tickets GcrJ Per Next WeoJi's Qzxz The Salem Senator management fcai aaaonaeed ' that it has been tmpoaaibla far the Sena tars and the Portland Beavers ta find a mntnally open date aa which to make-up their waahed-aat exhibition game which waa to karri been played earlier la the Bea ton. - ' . ' Those faaa stlil aoldlag Teaerva neat tickets far that game may asa the tickets instead aa geavaral admission ticket for the graadataad at any Baaater ' game next week. Trl-Clly (II B M Quire. r Buoolt,lb Wtrren.l Peeut.e Chtrhj,cf Hckdty.U onrroILl R.TranM Heaaek.n Scuta, t OA 1 tsattnl.l 4 S ITdmDI.i 4 S t DOTO.CI t tBeJtreU I ixuta.1! I twinto.r t IMilrre.e S IRniyle.n S tel. a o a Modified Platoon Is Game Plan Portland U.R Coaches for Saturday night's Shrine foot ball game here indicated today they would use a "modified" platoon system. Both coaches Pete Suslck of the State team and Harry Scarff of City said they prob ably woud substitute four or five players at a time. The City squad worked out under the lights at Multnomah Stadium Thursday night and the State squad at the same place tonight. GOLF MEET RESULTS Woodburn Five matches were played last weekend in the annual men's championship golf tournament at the Wood burn golf course. The other first round matches are to be completed, by Sunday night, August 23. In the championship flight Howard Palmer won over Dale Samuel, 1 up, and John Schmid topped Dr. James Deagen by the same margin. In the second flight Lee Withers defeated Tony Bigler 4 and 3 and Win ton Hunt won over Bill Mer- riott 1 up on the 21st hole. In the lone fourth flight mat ch Jacke Hershberger eliminat ed Dr. Glen Schwenke 8 and 4. Another Minor' Leagues Team Goes Down Drain Roseburg U. The Rose burg Chiefs of the Southwest ern Oregon baseball league have disbanded because of money troubles. Business Manager John Lin de said the club isin debt $2000, not counting expense money still owed the players. Team members have been pay ing their own way since the second game of the season, Linde said. TottU II 11 14 11 Tottll h n n u Trl-CHy tot til lit I 11 oaien joe tiv ov e u.i Pltcbert IP AB a B SJ SO BB Hedteooek . IS II I 11 1 4 Mlchttleoa 4 II I I 1 I 4 Roe tuple .. t II 11 I I I I LOB Trl -City II, Balem 11.. Brrori Ballard. HR Ballard. 1BH Deis. Char. ouhaf. IfeOntrt. IBH Warren, Deya. Wltherapoon, Tauelll. RBI Deyo I. Ba eetlaa. Ballard 1, UeOuIra 1, Botntpla, cnarounat. Hocaanay. warren, ai Roeneple. BB TamtUt, Roaneple. DP fjaoatlnl to Taneelll to Banara; R. IT an to Carroll to Bneoola. Time 1:14. U Nenetleh. Wtlan. and CoUlna. Atk 1,000 (lit.). I t l t s Minor League Scores IB? The Auortetad Pretil INTERNATIONAL L8AODB Roeheettr 4, Buffalo I. Toronto 11, Srracueo t. Ottawa 4, aprlntfleld 1. Montreal 4. Beltlmore I. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION at. Paul 4, IflnneapolU 1. Charleeton t, lumbut 4. Louttrtlle 1. Kenaea City I. Toltdo 1, Indlenapolte I. TEXAS LEAGUE Ballet S, Beaumont I. Bnrevoport I. Port Worth t. Tulaa I. Hotieton 1. Oklahoma Olty 10, Ban Antonis I. WESTEBN LEAOllS Denver II. Wichita t. Pueblo I. Colorado Bprlnu t. Bloua City t. Omaha 1. Lincoln t. Dm Motaei 1. PIONEER LEAOTja Belt Lake City I. Bllltnit 1. Utile valley , Idaho ralU I. Oreat Palle t. Oaden 4. Pocatello 1. Zolee 1. 4ai WtfjQQb&RQ ftwBBBvaV 0af eatrarpft OfyiVefVlal P0WaySJ &ttt 0 iflaat VeVVCI'W k eJrr4ttrrrrf the Mia . J iter Hreali. eteettt, a I A Yakima ., Wenatchat lot tM to 1 II Oerter, Rial IT), Blank (II and Al- tmli Oubro and BartolomeL Spokane Mt Ml Mt I LeoMltoor 040 Worth, Romero 1. Cornell T, and abeeti; Brenner and Cameron. Government, Football League Differ on TV Rules Philadelphia VJi Claims of the National Football league that unrestricted television and radio broadcasts of games would bankrupt its teams were branded extravagant and con trary to evidence by the fed eral, government. . The government assertion was made in a 66-page brief filed with U. S. District Judge Alan K. Grim yesterday In the justice department's anti-trust suit against the league and its member clubs. The government seeks an in junction restraining the league and its member teams from re stricting radio and television broadcasts within 79 miles of the home field. ; Racing Extended At Meadows ; . Portland OJJs Thai Oregon State Racing Commission said Thursday it had aoproved ex tension of the horse race seat ing at Portland Meadowa froea October 3 to October 10. The Portland trick will be closed from September 1 to September 5 and also the following wee during the State Fair. Major league leaders i (Br The Aatoclatod Prtaa) AMERICAN LIAOI1I laUlai Vernon. Waahlnitoa, .lit; lllnnao, Chlcwo, Jit: Koaea, Cleveland. Itl: ooodman. notion. .107: Kali. oe ton and afantlt and Banar, Maw Tart. M. Rana Ballad In Roe en. Cleveland. IN! Mlnooo, Chlcato and Berra. New York. 1: Vernon. Wanhtutoa, Ml Baoaa, De troit, ai. yjaeaa maao Tiaraiti. nuiaatipina. 11 Roeen. Cleveland. St; Berra. New Tort, U; Boona, Detroit, It; Oerntrt, Botton and Doty, Cleveland, it. piteniaur .meeL now lore. u-z. .aoi Pord. New Tort. 11-4. .TM; Brawn, Benton. 11-4. .1)1: Trneka, Cbleate. 14-t, .nil Bbea, Waahrnttoa, M-4, .ill. yesfenfoy7 Stsri .-. I Br The tteoeleatd mat) PITCRINO Cd Lopat, Raw Tor Yan kee, won are I3th tamo avamjt lotaaa and hie nth itrauni avtr ' lneton. oaatlna the tVjnntOTt T-e. atttnu Jim Hasan, wwwum wa diau, drat ta tow nu with a hen run and twa arnaaa aa ta ttuaaa broke a taw (nana Stains atraak with 1J-T deeatfoa avar Detroit. Mut ava alTkalVV IM TUB POCKET wrVViHIW KNtt AW.. miMtvA tvUvnKHCo-wtr WavWfc ,T1 in y NATIONAL LEAGUE ' BaUlat Irvla, New Tort, .!; Beho- andlenet, St. Louie, 411: Klutaewakl, Cincinnati and PurlUa. Brooklyn, M9 Camnanalla. Brooklyn. .111. ne Batted In campanula. Brook lyn, 111: Uethtwa, Milwaukee. IM: Rod- let, Brooklyn, ate: KiuaaowtKi, omain natl. II; Bnnla. Philadelphia. H. Beaia Bona Mathewt, afllwankaa, al; Kl'iiaowakl, 111 Campanella, Brooklyn, 11; Balder, Brooklyn and Klnar, Chlcato, II. nt.blna Burdette, Milwaukee. 11-1. .Ml: Rooa, Brooklyn, e-x. .Ml: Bpahn, Milwaukee. 11-1, . .11; Krtklnt, Brooklyn and Heddtr, 84. Louie, 11 1. .740. . 1 Kaay-a-the-poeketbook prieea in a faeelaltv here. Btvat af all yoa eta aepena or the leaf drivinr Ufa of the ante yaa ae I act at our lot. 19SI ASH STATESMAN Fo dorthe bed ear, overdrive, heatr, new seat . cl fjQC ... ava'ef Victoria tot IM IM 4 14 1 Edmonton Mt 111 If I I 1 Botuer. Xedaee O) tad Berfetdl hte Nultr and Praatlaa. Vancouvtr tit Ml IM 11 M 1 1 Calaary Ml til Mt- I t 1 1 Marehall, Reberu (II and Duratto; Lovlnnon, autea II) and Brlcker. SPORT SHIRTS WIYOai METJ WUI Capitol Snapping Center eovfa , .1 OLD Vv I ; mm BRAIwD an. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOUlBON WHISKEY ATTENTION MEN! Sunbeam Electric Shaver Demonstration ALL DAY SATURDAY, AUG. 22nd jfafevfy JbU4. Housewares Department Downstairs Court St. Store UIMtj TWI. SHAVH rCH FIE! CHKI Dtl ' Howdy, Bowlers University Bowl will re-open SATURDAY. League Bowling starts on Sept. 14th. This gives us 3 weeks to get organized, so please come in or contact us early about your League bowling. We sincerely welcome you back for another season of bowling enjoy ment. More than ever, our aim this year is to please you and give you personal service. Don't miss out on the fun in store for you here this year. Contact Bob Haugen or Frank Simons or me. Signed, L. W. "Louie" Rath P.S. Mr. Frank Evans is no longer with us. f Oregon t argest -selling ttraipt bourbon,! THIS WHISKEY IS 4 TEAKS OLD II HOC THE 010 HERMITAGE COMPART, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY