Thursday, August 20. 195S THg CATrTAL-JOURNAL, Selem. Orerw COMMUTERS DELAYED I 1 1 11 - mm , 1 ijitr 'A .r. rvl.. Red's 'Problem Children' Come Back to Freedom Br JIM BECKER -4 Freedom Village, Korea l Mora of the Communists "problem children" came home to freedom Thursday men who refuted to yield an Inch to their Communist captor. They came back clean and proud and bitter. They were twitched from one prison camp to another because they told the Reds what they thought of Communism. - They were in and out of Jail, beaten with straps, forced to stare blankly, silently at bare walls without speaking to each other. They tried to escape, were caught and tried again. The Communists applied physical and mental torture and still they stood firm against the Reds. They bolstered men who fal tered and, when they failed, IDENTICAL INJURIES ng-Bell Signs age Contract Jortland VP) A contract re ial with no wage increase t signed Wednesday by the I Long-Bell Lumber Co. and f CIO Woodworkers Union, a snbermen's Industrial Rele ts Committee spokesman 1 Some 10,000 regular riders on Southern Pacific com mute trains to San Francisco were late for work after IB cars of a freight train left the tracks near Burlingame, Calif. Mainline Los Angeles-San Francisco service was also tied up. Mo one was injured. (AP Wirephoto) v said here. The action extends the con tract for some 1,550 employes of Long-Bell's Longview plant to April 1, 1954. Workers at a nearby plant of the Weyer haeuser Timber Co. are among 7,000 Weyerhaeuser employes. represented by the union, who recently obtained B-cent hourly pay boost. According to the committee, an employer group, 151 lum ber firms employing 15,279 now have signed contract re newals with the CIO without wage raises. Independence Boy Injured in Crash Independence Jay Vender feen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Vanderfeen, is a patient at the Salem General hospital. . While on his way home early Sunday morning. Jay's car overturned on a sharp curve between Independence and Monmouth and was demolished by fire. Jay received head in juries and bruises, butyls out of danger. A legend of the Nigerian city of lie says that an ancient queen made the people work so hard they resolved to have only men rulers thereafter. they tried to beat their fellow prisoners "back to Uncle Sam-1 my's side." H "They ain't made uo words' yet to describe them rotten1 bastards," said Cpl. Robert Humphries, 25, of York, S. C. of his Chinese captors. j -iney put us in a special company at special eamp,"L mo. ogi. a. j. Becker, 28, of Waco, Tex. "We were kind of proud to be there." 5 g t Raymond L. Mendell. Jr., 23, of Baltimore. Md.. said he and the other men were placed In a special company at a camp where American offi cers were stationed. "There were about 150 of us," Mendell said. "One hun dred Americans and 50 British. Most of us had been in several camps before. They kept us a long way from the officers." "We weie there aiiuut 14 months. It was an honor." The Reds brousht their problem children" back to Camp 1, near the Yalu river, late in June. After making it look like they were going to at least hold back these men until last, they suddenly decid ed to send them to freedom. The tough soldiers of the spe cial company have been pass ing through Freedom village for two days. I - - ' ls s Y-. V J 5 Lost Prospector Reaches Safety Grants Pass () A lost pros pector, Jim Stone, 74, Seattle, reached safety late Wednesday night and credited his good condition to the abundance of huckleberries In the rugged area where he wandered three days. He showed up at the Baker These three-year-old identical iwms. Leslie andbusan Harris (left to right), smile from their Atlanta. Ga, hos pital beds aa they recover from Identical Injuries sufered in a recent auto accident Relatives said the twins suffered identical bone breaks when a bee flew into their mother's automobile, causing the car to hit a tree. The mother la recovering from Injuries in the same hospital. (AP Wirephoto) chrome mine, the same place where his companion, Morris Sellger of Grants Pass, appear ed 24 hours earlier. The two men, lost, had separated in the hope one of them would reach safety and start search for I the other. Thursday morning search party of state patrolmen still was In the remote country Bear the Josephine-Curry . county line. A group of foresters came out and learned of the man's safe return and the patrolmen were expected later in the day. PRICES GOOD THRU SATURDAY Four Alluring Fragrances to Complete your F.rfume Wardrobe Petite Perfumes Richard Hudnut 12 Dram Each-1.65 Value RSVP Voguo Gtmey Rhapsodft riw t Reg. 39c Ladies or Girls Svim Caps 9 t Assorted loiors and Sizes LIMIT TWO Toiletry 2 Hollywood . Venetian MIRROR 88 18-Inch Diameter Variety 8c Lux Medium Ivory Camay or Lifebuoy Toilet 5)e D bar Toiletry Limit Four $3.49 Certified Improved Mulli Vitamins Contains Vitamins A D, Vitamin C, B1 end B6 $939 100 Capsules $3.99 Green Plastic GARDEN HOSE 50 $999 Feel - 5 Yr. Guarantee Variety 98c Value 1st Quality Nylons 54 Gauge CO 15 Denier 33' Apparel You Cm Be Sure of Lasting Freshness Harmless to Fabrics Ever Dry Deodorant $1.00 Cream I Liquid 59 You'll stride daintily thru the day, cool, composed end captivating . . . when you use Ever Dry. l Gives The Benefit of Hot Oil Treatment . . . Without Heat rn Shontex Hair Conditioner Put H on before sham pooing to loosen im bedded dandruff and dirt that the m poo lone can't wash out of tca'p end pores. Wash it off . . your hair, free of foreign matter, will be oft, luttrous, easy to manage. IH purified lanolin guard against dryness. 97 Tai Reg. 7.95 Electric I Reg 4 95 ' Hflir Chic Metric Clippers Vibrator Toiletry Toiletry 15c My Te Fine Sliced or Crushed PINEAPPLE . II m 6,. ,59' Toiletry Limit We Reserve the Right te Limit Quantities ted Move? Dmqs f ffT serf (I Jf Mj& Qt "bwusb JT VsTTTbI 7T1 ,IA y i Sleeveless and shirt styles. - LmtC!: J aitVlMU'Hfcl fVtt Dressy, plaids, prints, and C flfl X JF m WA L4 k ff Jt AS UJ, Plain colors. Smart detail. II IJJ T V fH'litl 111 i 1 ZJwAi X Serviceable, washable. II . Y7W"IW. J 700 All-Wool ! i". Special Purchase . . . Hundreds of They're nbellevable ' valae at S.ll. Think ef It . . . ALL WOOL la mostly larce sites, II 4 a , , , nine ilorlous colon ... 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Wonderful for lun ches. Rer. 35c lb. Fri day and Saturday only. 29' 136 No. Commercial Salem, Ore lb. 148 N. LIBERTY