Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday, August 20, 19S3
Pair Wed
At Albany
Albany A wedding of late
summer wai that of Miss Nan
cy Ann Brenneman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Bren
neman of Albany, and Robert
Lynn Anderson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. L. Anderson of Port
land. The late afternoon cere
mony was In the First Presby
terian church with the Rev.
Morton Booth reading the
vows. n
The church was decorated
with baskets ot white gladi
oluses, palms, andr philoden
dron. White candles decorated
the altar and the bridal aisle
was marked by white gladi
oluses and white satin bows.
Mrs. Arden Goin and Mrs. Glen
Mick lighted the candles. Mrs.
Glenn Taylor played the wed
ding music, and accompanied
Wayne Wagner and Janet Mc
Cracken, who sang.
The bride's dress was of
white nylon tulle over white
satin with bouffant skirt at
the popular waltz length. The
sweetheart neckline was trim
med in pearls. The sleeves
were long and pointed at the
wrists. Narrow bands of white
satin adorned the skirt of ny
Ion tulle. The bride's veil was
of imported illusion, held in
place by a cap of pearl-embroidered
satin. She carried a bou
quet of white stephanotis and
a single white orchid on
Bible. The bride was given in
marriage by her father. Mrs.
Merle B. Aden, a sister of the
bridegroom, was matron of
honor and Mrs. Robert Ron
deau of Corvallis and Miss Bar
bara Watt, Grants Pass, soror
ity sisters of the bride, were
The attendants wore baller
ina length dresses of aqua tulle
over taffeta with matching tulle
stoles. The skirts were arrang
ed in multiple tiers. They wore
sprays of white flowers in their
hair and they carried fan-shaped
bouquets of white gladi
oluses. Merle B. Aden, brother-in-law
of the bridegroom, was the
best man and the ushers in
cluded Calvin Brenneman of
Albany, cousin of the bride,
Donald Remlinger, James Kuse
and Mikal Mikkelson, all of
The mother of the bride wore
dusty rose crepe dress with
lace Jacket, a black feather hat
and pink gloves. Her corsage
was of pink roses. The bride
groom's mother chose gray and
pink figured paper taffeta dress
with a small pink hat and
matching accessories. Her cor
ns was also pink roses.
Following the ceremony the
850 wedding guests attended
the reception at the cnurcn.
Crystal candelabrum flanked
the wedding cake and fern.
lilies and Cecil Brunner roses
encircled the cake. Around tne
room were baskets of pink
gladioluses, aword fern and
Shasta daisies. Assisting at the
coffee urns were Mrs. William
K. Nash of Klamath Falls, aunt
of the bride, and Mrs. Morton
Booth. Miss Elaine Wallis,
Portland, and Mrs. Leon vld-
mer and Mrs. Earl Kenagy of
Albany served the punch. At
the bride's table was Mrs.
Lloyd A. Johnson, aunt of the
bride, assisted by Mrs. David
Packard, Miss McCracken and
Mrs. C. R. Fream of Roscourg
Mm Herman Luther and Mrs.
Jed Looney were in charge of
the table decorations ana ine
retention. Mrs. Stanley Barron,
cousin of the bride, passed the
tiest hook.
After the reception the bri
dal couple left by auto for the
Oregon beaches ana caiuornia,
For going-away the bride wore
dusty pink wool suit with
navy accessories and the white
orchid from her weaaing dou
The Andersons will be at
home after August 16 at lino
S. W. Gaines Rd., Portland,
Griffiths Feted
At Reception
Lebanon A late summer
reception which, attracted
many friends was given Dy xnr.
and Mrs. J. H. Griffith at the
Christian church for their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. John R. Griffith of Los
An seles.
The John Griffiths were wed
in Shatto chapel of the First
Congregational church on May
29. the service Just preceding
their departure by plane for
England, with the Roger wag
ner Chorale. Mr. Griffith sings
with the group, and hia bride
if one of Its duo-piano acconv
In addition to singing during
coronation week in London at
Royal Festival hall, the chorale
gave additional concerts on the
continent, two In Paris at Salle
Gaveau and Notre Dame, and
in Amsterdam and The Hague.
On their return to the United
Etates, the Griffiths came to
Lebanon to visit his parents be
fore going to Los Angeles
where Mr. Griffith is major
ing in voice and piano at the
University of Southern Cali
fornia, in addition to his pro
fessional work.
During the Sunday afternoon
reception, friends enjoyed sing
ing by Mr. Griffith In response
to many requests and Mrs.
Griffith's playing In addition
to her accompanying Mr. Grif
fith's solos.
Zonta Style Show
On Friday Evening
Big event for Friday eve
ning here will be the fashion
show to be presented bv Sa
lem club of Zonta Internation
al, women' service club, at
the American Legion club. The
show is booked for 8 o'clock.
Esther Foster's shop is showing
the new styles for fall. Dessert
will be served and several sur
prise features are planned for
the evening. About 300 tickets
have been sold for the event.
All proceeds go to the YWCA
building fund.
Pouring at the dessert will
be Mr. Harold O. Schneider,
Mrs. A. A. Schramm, Mrs. A.
W. Loucks, Miss Gertrude
Acheson, Misa Dorathea Steus
loff, all ot the YWCA board.
Assisting in serving will be
Miss Marjorie Becke, Miss
Marne Christensen, Mrs. Rob
ert Brownell, Miss Carolyn
Madsen, Miss Patricia Gil-
more, Miss Alvis Miller, Mrs.
David Scott, Miss Joanne Bun
nell. .
Special music Is to be pre
sented by Vera Esch, who is
to sing, and Mrs. Raymond
Barton, organist.
Models for the evening in
clude Mrs. Bruce Williams,
Mrs. George Terry Hill, Mrs.
William Ferguson, Miss Jan
ice Jackson, Mrs. Raymond
Barrett of Albany, Mrs. Don
ald J. Mumm, Mrs. Jay Mc
Murran, Miss Katy Hurley of
Albany, Miss Mary Wait of
Rickrcall, Miss Beverly Mott,
Miss Roberta Sears, Miss
Judy Loucks, Miss Justine
Lewis, Mrs. Kae Honke, Miss
Sheila Link of Monmouth. "
At Albany
Miss Reimer
s Bride
Dallas A wedding of the
Mennonite Brethren church in
Dallas August IS was that of
Miss Marciel Reimer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Corney Rei
mer and Marvin Regier, of
Reedley, Calif., son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Regier, ot Reedley,
Mr. Henry Hooge officiated
at the 7 o'clock service. The
altar was decorated with a
white archway, side ' tall
column-like pedestals holding
baskets of golden gladioluses
and candelabrums with golden
tapers. The pews were marked
with golden gladioluses and
satin ribbons. Lighting the can
dle were Erma Regier and
Tom Reimer. The bridegroom
sang before the ceremony, and
Richard Patskowsky sang dur
ing the ceremony.
The bride was given In mar
riage by her father. She wore
a dress of white slipper satin,
fashioned with a tight bodice
and overskirt of embroidered
nylon net, a high neckline and
yoke edged with Chantiuy lace.
For her jewelry, the bride wore
a single strand of pearls, which
was a gift ot the groom. The
bridal veil was fingertip length1
and held in place by a juliett
cap embroidered with seed
pearls. The bride s bouquet was
of blush white rosebuds and
stephanotis and tied with nar
row white ribbon, edged in
Miss Joanne Hildebrand was
maid of honor, and bridesmaids
were Miss Aldene Friesen and
Miss Betty LuWall. They wore
Identical dresses of shades of
green graduating from dark to
light. Their headdresses were
of golden daisies and they car
ried net fans and wore golden
daisy corsages.
Irvin Regier, brother oi tne
bridegroom, was best man.
Groomsmen were Harold Re
gier and Leroy Williams. Ush
ers were Bill Reimer and Lyle
Mrs. Reimer chose a austy
rose crepe dress with match
ing accessories for her flaugn
ter's wedding. Her corsage was
of white rosebuds. The briae
groom's mother wore navy blue
with white accessories ana cor
ace of Dink rosebuds.
At the reception, Mrs.'Irvin
Regier poured and Mrs. Har
old Regier presided at the
punch bowl. Frances Regis
passed the guest book. Pauline
Pctticord, Evelyn Fisher, Shar
on Reimer. Mrs. Wayne Flam-
ing, Lucille Fast and Betty
Reimer were In charge of the
gifts. Assisting about the rooms
were Mrs. Don Friesen. Bonnie
Jean Regier. Irene Wiebe. Mar
garet Disk, Ruth Wiebe. Marion
Ratzlaff and Helen Dick.
. After a short wedding trip
the couple will be at home In
Pasadena, Calif., where Mr. He
gier Is employed.
8ILVERTON Visiting at
the home of Mrs. Cora Dolan
have been the family of hes
niece. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon War
ter and Garlyn from Centralis,
Albany At twilight serv
ice at St Peter's Episcopal
church, August 7, Miss Mary
Leever, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Russell Leever of
Albany, exchanged vows with
Richard Dale Drushella, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drushella of
The double ring ceremony
was read by the Rev. H. Ber
nard Lamer, Jr.,- at 7:30
o'clock. White gladioluses and
daisies decorated the altar of
the church. Mrs. Stanley Bay-
lis sang, and . Mrs. Donald
Wimer played the wedding
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. Her dress
was of white nylon net and lace
over white satin with a waltz
length skirt topped with a lace
bolero Jacket. Her short veil
fell from k lace halo hat. She
carried bouquet of two green
orchids with streamers of
stephanotis on white prayer
Miss Nancy Pullen of Spring
field was the only attendant.
She wore a blue dotted Swiss
waltz length dress and carried
a nosegay of white chryianthe
mums and pink rosebuds..
Duane Drushella was best
man for his brother. Harmon
and Lyle Drushella, brothers of
the bridegroom, and .Dennis
McFadden ot Portland were
Mrs. Leaver attended her
daughter's wedding in a blue
dress with a single orchid
as her corsage. The bride-
groom's mother was dressed in
plum colored crepe with rose
pink trim and wore a pink
rosebud corsage.
Following the ceremony,
reception was at the Cascade
room ot the Hotel Albany. The
bride's cake was served by
Miss Fern Lever, aunt of the
bride, with Mrs. Harmon Dru
sheila and Mrs. Duane Dru
shella assisting Pouring cof
fee was Mrs. C. P. Knox of
Portland and Mrs. Flavian
Drushella of Albany, an aunt
of the bridegroom, served the
punch. Mrs. A. T. Peterson ar
ranged the bride's table for the
reception and Mrs. H. A. La pri
mers did the floral arrange
Mr. and Mrs. Drushella left
after the reception for the coast
where they spent a few days at
Surftides. For going away, the
bride wore brown suit, gold
pillbox hat and white acces
sories, with her corsage
green orchids.
Mr. Drushella is to leave
shortly for the Europeai
theater with the U. S. army,
Ms. Drushella will resume her
work as student technologist
at Good Samaritan hospital
( mm (&mM
W k F J. V Nkn M
Turtleneek 7,1 M X f
I 100 nylon-ieeU pret- f W? f vKSa A A v V '
I ty too! White, blue, pink, ft;: i Lf A MX VMf aA-A-'
An arrangement of sweet
ncas and pink candles in can
delabrums centered the recep
tion table. Pouring were Mrs.
Glenn Richards, Mrs. Ray Wll
deman. Mrs. Ariel Levins and
Mis Donna Plymale. Assisting
with serving were Carol Quak
er! hush. 'Judy Morse, Bessie
Gilliam, Gwen Wilson and
Jean Williams.
The guest book was in charge
of Tonl Wilson. Providing
background music were Miss
Marilvn Williams of Lebanon,
and Mrs. Carl Newport, Albany.
Nuptials Sunday
Sweet Home Miss Barbara
Ann Brendle and Walter Dale
Rice were united in marriage
at a double ring ceremony in
the Sweet Home Church ot
Christ, Sunday. B. Ross Evans
officiated. Soloist for the cere
mony was Mrs. Neil Robert
son, who was accompanied by
Don Truax. Lighting the can
dles were Julie Ann Tsylor
and William Brendle.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her brother. She wore
a white lace and nylon floor
length dress with a short train,
Her veil was securea with a
coronet of seed pearls and
mother of pearl clips. The
bride carried a white orchid
surrounded by stephsnotis
atop a white Bible.
Mrs. Alfred Kairnes wss
maid of honor, and bridesmaids
were Miss Bobbie June Bren
dle end Miss Jsnet Jernberg.
iney wore wnite imported or
gandy floor length dresses with
short lace capelets and carried
fans of white and orchid pom
pom chrysanthemums.
Best man was Alfred Kairnes
and ushers were Gale Peters,
ana James urenaie.
The mother of the bride
chose navy taffeta with pink
accesorles and a corsage of
cream baby gladioluses, tor her
daughter's wedding and the
mother ot the bridegroom was
attired in light nylon print
with white accessories and a
corsage of cream gladioluses.
following the ceremony, a
reception was in the reception
room oi uie cnnrch snnex. Mrs.
Phil Taylor, assisted by Mrs
Ben Brickel, cut and served the
three tiered wedding cske.
Mrs. Bus Robnett was in charge
of the punch table, Mrs. Gayle
Peters and Gaye Smith were
in charge of the gift table and
Bette Davis passed the guest
book. Mrs. William Lyda was
in charge of ail arrangements
oi the wedding.
After a short trip, the couple
will be at home at 623 South
9th street.
The couple are both gradu
ates of Sweet Home Union high
school. Mr. Rice is employed
oy tr.e first sweet Home bank
and Mrs. Rice is employed by
me oanuam Logging company
from our fabulous collection
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Stunning short-sleeved pullover double collar JCJ
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Marching cardigan with tigne peer! button. 34-40 4.9S
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Softly contoured pullover for figure flattery.
Desert purple, oasis green, Persion ruby, block,
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Oasis green ond Persian ruby, 34-42.
Fitted matching cardigan. 3440 3.98
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mr" STORE HOURS: J ---
m -IJ Hi il B -
Other days, 9:30 to 5:30
550 N. Capitol, Salem