Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Thursday, August JO, 1953
V f
- v.
Capital Women
Miss Crouch
Mlu Joyce Crouch, who Is
to be married next Sunday to
John C. Anicker, Jr., wai hon
ored at a ahower given on Tues
day evening at the Chi Omega
house by Mist Carol McLeod.
Feting the bride-to-be were
Miss Alice Girod, Miss Patri
cia Fitzsimons, Miss Betty
Breakey, Mrs. Karl Schmidt,
Mrs. Olwyn Davies, Mrs. Gor
don Cattrell, and the hostess.
Oregon Women at
Salt Lake Event
A large number of Oregon
Business and Professional Wo
George Schroehers
Arriving From Japan
Salem friends will be inter
ested to learn that Warrant
Officer and Mrs. George E.
Schroeher and their little ton,
George, Jr, are arriving this
week-end In Seattle from Ja
pan, and will come on to their
home here. Her mother, Mrs.
B. W. Stacey, and Mr. Stacey
left today for Seattle to be on
hand to greet the Schroehers.
Warrant Officer Schroeher
has been in Japan for nearly
two years. Mrs. Schroeher and
son went over about a year
. Wed August 7 Mrs. James Hyer (Mildred Danielson)
was a brid on August 7. She is the daughter of Peter
Danielson of Webster, Wis., and Mr, Hyer it the son of
Mrs. T. M. Bryant of Sweet Home. (Arts studio picture)
Announceemnt is made by
Mr. and Mrs. George r. Arm
strong of Jefferson of the en
gagement of their daughter.
Mist Barbara Lou Armstrong,
to Joseph Nell Johnson of
Bend, son of Mrs. Harvey Hol
derman of Bend and Joseph
Johnson of Albany.
The wedding 1 planned for
September 28 at a home cere
mony at the Armstrong resi
dence. The bride-elect it employed
t the First National bank in
Salem. Mr. Johnson la employ
ed in the lumber business at
Bend. '
September 8 is the date an
nounced for the wedding of
Mist Ida Antoinett Obert of
Santa Barbara, Calif., and Rob
ert Earl Canfield of Salem.
The ceremony it to be at 8
p.m. at Trinity Episcopal
church in Santa Barbara, Calif.
The bride-elect it the daugh
ter of Mrt. Martha Obnrt of
Santa Barbara, Calif., and Mr.
Canfield it the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Canfield of Salem.
Today's Menu
Coffee for.
men's club members will ii
tend the 10th western regional AfC SllrlPn PV
convention of the federation mj,v,,,"'J,,lc',-,,c7
Oak Knoll ladies golf club
Wednesday. Mrs. E. J. Stude-
baker and Mrs. Paul Silke tied
with Mrs. Elmo Bennett and
Mrs. Clifford Ellis with com
bined low net of 84, in the
blind partner play, Mrs. Clay
ton Patterson is a new member
of the club. Ten members
were entertained today by tha
golf club at Woodburn.
VISITOR at the meeting of
the Oregon Grape camp, Royal
Neighbors of America, Wed'
nesday evening was Mrt. Mlna
Northrup of Lebanon.
Washington, D. C, Is visiting
in Salem for several weekt
with his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan
Goodenough, and' hit parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Savage.
Mr. Savage it a member of
the policy planning staff of tha
department of atate. In wasn
lngton, D. C.
FOURTEEN members were
present for the meeting of the
Sunshine circle of the West Sa
lem Methodist church. Wed'
nesday. Mrs. Oscar Williams
presided at the business meet
in i which followed a luncheon.
Plant were mad for sending
two or three students to turn'
mer camp. A Fellowship din
ner is planned for August 28,
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Smedley who will be leaving
A imelt-in-your mouth des
sert to top off delicious sup
First Course Salad of Romainc,
Ancnovles, Green Pepper,
Plmientoes and Olives
Veal Parmesan Spaghetti
Broccoli with Lemon Sauce
Hard Rolls
Biscuit Tortonl Beverage
Biscuit Tortonl
Ingredients: Vi cup crushed
macaroons, cup top milk or
light cream, Vi cup confec
tioner's sugar, 1 teaspoon van
illa, dash of salt, 1 cup heavy
Method: Mix macaroons with
top milk, sugar, vanilla and
salt; refrigerate about 1 hour.
Whip cream until stiff; fold
into macaroon mixture. Turn
into fluted paper cups placed
in refrigerator tray. Place in
freezing compartment with
control set at lowest tempera
ture. When firm, reset temper
ature control to normal. Makes
6 servings.
and her daughter, Sandra, and
Mrs. E. Smalley spent a few
days at Seaside before going to
Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria.
Salt Lake City, Utah, August
Miss Laura York, Medford,
state president, is an official
delegate, as is Miss Fern Trull,
Grants Pass, junior past state
president, who is to report on
the International BPW Con
gress she recently attended in
Stockholm, Sweden.
Others attending will in
clude, among other state offi
cials, ' Mrs. Cecelia Galey,
Sweet Home, past state presi
dent; Miss Maryan Howard, Al
bany, state news service chair'
man; Miss Eleonor Roberts and
Miss Betty Elofson, Salem;
Miss Marguerite Hallack and
Mrs. Irene Roubal, Silverton.
Mrs. Galey, a member of the
national legislative steering
committee and Oregon s nonv
inee for a national vice presi
dency, will speak at a lunch
eon Thursday, August 27 at the
Hotel Utah on the topic "Train
ing for Earning and Living."
The luncheon will be sponsored
by the Oregon, Washington and
Montana federations.
Other federations in the re
gion are Utah, California, Ida
ho, Arizona, Nevada, Wyoming,
Alaska and Hawaii.
Besides emphasis on the na
tional federation program, bul
iness sessions will center on
small business clinics,- mem
bership, regional conservation,
etc. Special features will be
an organ recital at tha Mor
mon Tabernacle, breakfast
and smorgasbord luncheon in
Big Cottonwood- canyon, Ute
Indian dancers from Fort Du
chesne, and toura of the city,
Salt Lake, the largest surface
copper mine in North America,
and other points of interest.
A morning coffee Tuesday
was given by Mrs. Louise
Muller, Mrs. Richard Davis
and Mrs. Frank R. Brown at
the Brown home.
The event was
for Mrs. H. E. Smedley who is
soon leaving for California.
Fifty guests called between
10 and 12 o'clock and each
presented Mrs. Smedley with
a handkerchief as a farewell
Circles Elect New
Officers Wednesday
New officers were elected
at the meetint of the two cir
cles of Wome,Vt Society of
Christian Service of the Leslie
Methodist church Wednesday.
Officers for the Edna Holder
circle are Mrs. T. O. Adams.
chairman, Mrs. C. L. Blodgett,
vice chairman, Mrs. Harold
Allen, secretary-treasurer.
Evelyn DeVries circle elect
ed Mrs. G. H. Templeton chair
man, Mrs. Everett McRae vice
chairman, and ' Mrs. Anna
Brown secretary-treasurer.
Next Wednesday there will
be a meeting of the finance
committee of Leslie Methodist
church, at the church, with
Mrs. Mason Bishop, chairman.
Following will be a no-host
luncheon and business meeting
for the executive committee.
mond was hostess Tuesday eve
ning for a meeting of all Sa
lem active members of Gemma
Phi Beta sorority at Oregon
State college and University of
Oregon. Twelve attended the
Tells Plans ,
For Nuptials
Mt Angel Announcing
plans for ner wedding in Sep
tember is Miss Ellen Marie
Sika, daughter of Mrs. Oswald
Sika and the late Mr. Sika.
She will wed Robert Lawson
Compton on Saturday morning,
September 12. Mr. Compton
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Miles
Compton of Salem.
The ceremony will be at 11
o'clock in St, Mary's Catholic
church here, the Rev. Hilde-
brand Meichior, O.S.B., to of
ficiate at the double ring serv
The' bride-elect has chosen
her two sisters for her attend
ants. Miss Ingrid Sika will be
the maid of honor, and the
bridesmaid will be Miss Mar
ilyn Sika.
Following the ceremony, the
reception fill be at the country
home of the bride's mother.
Miss Sika graduated from
Mount Angel academy and at
tended Oregon State college,
Mr. Compton is a graduate of
Oregon State college and is on
the staff of the Shell Oil com
pany in southern California.
They will make their home in
Ventura, Calif.
Visits Here
Visiting at the home of Mrs.
Laura Johnson is Miss Sylvia
Furlough, who Is on a two
weeks vacation.
Before coming to Salem, Miss
Furlough visited in Sequin,
Wash., with Mr. and Mrs. A. L.
Skewis, former Salem resi
dents. Mrs. Skewis accompan
ied Miss Furlough to Victoria
and Vancouver, B. C.
During her visit in Salem,
Miss Furlough has been hon
ored at several luncheons and
parties. Sunday Mrs. Johnson
and Mrs. Katherine Driscoll en
tertained at an "at home." Miss
Furlough is leaving Thursday
for her home in San Francisco.
VISITOR at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Weller is her
sister, Miss Marie Churchill of
Portland. Another sister, Mrs.
F. Elton of Seattle will be
here later, returning from a
trip to Hawaii.
Are Newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale Salis
bury (Marcelynn May Kuns) were married at Woodburn
recently. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Kuns of Woodburn. Mr. Salisbury is the son of Mrs.
Robert Stoutenberg of Salem and Ralph Salisbury of Cove
Orchard, Ore. (Jesten-Miller studio picture)
Miss Elaine Virnig, of Salem,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
T. Virnig, Portland, and Pat
rick Schmidt of Portland, aon
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamb,
Phoenix, Ore., were married at
a quiet ceremony at the Sacred
Heart church in Sauk Rapids,
Minn., August 4. The Rev. Ben
edict Virnig, brother of the
bride, officiated. - .
Present at the wedding were
Mr and Mrs. John T. Virnig,
and Mrs. Lucille Smith of Port
land, and Al Flicker of Salem.
Mrs. Schmidt has been em
ployed in the office of Dr.
Charles Wood and Dr. John
Ramage. She will be leaving
soon for Portland where she
and Mr. Schmidt will be at
WORD has been received of
the birth of a son, David Mi
chael, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Ginther of Monterey, Calif.,
formerly of Salem. Grandpar
ents of the baby are Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Ginther, and Mr.
and Mrs. Antone Rentz, all of
Miss Moore
Is Feted
Miss Marian Moore,' Port
land, who it to be married on
August 29 to Richard A. Raw.
lie son, Jr., of Salem, it be
ing feted at several affairs
preceding the wedding.
Today, Mrt. Marion Tracy,
Mrs. Myron Travis, Mrt. Floyd
Lienard and Mrt. V. A. Rob.
ison were, hostesses in Port
land at a party for the bride
elect Mrs. Cleve Cornell It
to entertain for Mist Moore
on Friday.
Miss Moore it to entertain
on Sunday at tea at her
home for members of the wed
ding party.
Mr. and Mrt. - Richard A
Rawlinson of Salem, parents
of the bridegroom-elect, are to
entertain on August 28 at the
University club in Portland at
a party following the wedding
Much Activity at
Camp Silver Creek
Activities and good food in
a picturesque setting are being
enjoyed by the junior high
girls at YMCA camp at Silver
Creek. Among the more pop
ular activities are crafts taught
by Lois VanAllen, horseback
riding under the direction of
Barbara Bostrack, trampoline
instructed by Ann Butler, and
swimming supervised b y
Marie Corner.
In addition to the all-camp
program, each unit it planning
a cookout.
Camp Silver Creek hat in
vited Camp Smith Creek to a
camp fire meeting where hu
morous skits will be present
ed by each group.
Friday Meeting
Silverton Mrs. GoldieDown
is to entertain at her home, Fri
day, August 21, at 2 o'clock in
the afternoon for the regular
meeting of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union.
Mrs. Gus Kerr, vice presi
dent, will direct the meeting in
case the president, Mrs. M. G.
Gunderson, fails to reach home
from a two-month visit in the
mid-west with relatives.
CDA Social
Mt. Angel A social for
members of the Catholic Daugh
ters of America will be Mon
day evening, August 24. be
ginning at 8 o'clock in the meet
ing room of St. Mary's school.
Bridge. "500 ' and pinochle
will be in play during the eve
nlng, with refreshments served
by the hostesses.
Miss Theresa uemer is chair
man of the hostess committee.
Assisting her are Mrs. Edward
A. Hammer, Mrs. Anthony
Griesenauer, Mrs. Thomas
Wachter, Mrs. C. J. Ebner. Mrs.
Lawrence Zeis, Miss Elizabeth
Keber, Mrs. Victor Hofier. Mrs.
Don Cook and Mrs. Joseph
SILVERTON Visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mortlee
have been their two daughters,
both of San Diego, Calif., Mrs.
Bob O'Conner and Mrs. Ken-
gf ssssw
75 Cotton and Sheer
to close out
300 Better
Values to 45.00
Suitable for
Cocktail Dresses
Dinner Dresses
Many Suitable
for Fall
11 Spring Coats
Full length & shorties
Values to 59.9S
Smarl Sit
115 North Liberty
The Vogue Presents
i yt, y.
y tr.' '
FALL 1953
The many moods of Paris are reflected In
our triumphant array of fashions for Fall!
There's an air of magnificence in the fabric and
designs; a certain verve In the styling that is
so wonderfully French ... so wonderfully Interpreted
for style-conscious American women! See our
fashion triumphs today!
. Designed With You in Mind
Sycomore ) Young Set
Melvyn-Modes Joclone
Priced from 49.95 to 1 1 0.93
Designed to Pleose by
Notholie-Nicoli Ha r rods
Friedmont Betty Hill
Kay-Soks 59.95 to 125.00
Designed to Enhance by
Reich Franklin Ellen Kaye
Paul Sochs Mountoin-Home
Stoll Paula Brooks 1 8.95 to 65.00
In the Vogues New Shoe Department
Smart 8hoee and Bags lt.5 thru $2.5
' to Complete Tonr Wardrobe
The Vogue of Salem
"Apparel of Distinction for Smart Women"
for year.