Thursday, August 20, 19S3 Local Paragraphs Sea Story Dwayne Morrow, attornty in the tUtt treasurer's office, entertained Exchange club memberi at their Wednes day noon luncheon meeting with tale of hii experience!, both humorous and serious, ai a navy weatherman during the early dayi of World War II on Alaskan islands. Police Inspect Five mem beri of the Portland police de partment, led by Captain Rich ardion and Lieutenant Carr, were In Salem Tuesday to In spect Salem's radar traffic con trol equipment and to watch it in operation. A propoial is before the Portland city coun cil to buy a similar radar unit for that city. Tools Taken The theft of a tool box full of tools and of a bicycle from the Flavius Meier residence, 3175 Evergreen ave nue, was reported by state po lice. Toasted Arm Didl Warren, 8, 3840 LaBranche, suffered second degree burns on her right forearm Wednesday morn ing from an electric toaster, First aidmen dressed the burns. Bailroad Picnic August 23 all railroaders and their fami lies will meet at Paradise island for a 2 o'clock dinner, and it will be continued for day shift to arrive, with coffee, cream, ice cream and pop fur nished, all to bring their uten sils. Contests of various kinds will be on the program of the day. Homer Robinette is chair man. Termite Lumber Articles of incorporation for the Ter mite Lumber company have been filed with the county clerk by J. A. Healey of Red mond, Robert Stuckart, A. M. Minden and Bernard Zuber of Sublimity. Principal place of business of the corporation will be Stayton and capital stock is $15,000. Electrle Firm Incorporates The Riches Electric company has filed articles of incorpor ation with the county clerk. Incorporators are John W. Riches, Ethel C. Riches and Robert W. DeArmond. Prin cipal place of business Is given as Salem and capital stock $20,000. 1 Lions on Tour The Holly wood Lions were tsken on a tour of the Master Bakery yes. terday during their . regular noon meeting, Howard Gillls- pie was in charge of the pro gram. Each Lion was given a package of brown syrup rolls. POW Exchange (Continued from Pag 1) Thursday's shipment brought the number of allied troops freed to 6,533, just over half of the 1S.763 the Reds promised. . No communists were sent north Thursday and no more are scheduled until Saturday. Typhoon conditions disrupted allied shipping from the Koje Island prison camps off south . em Korea. One weary American repa triale Thursday was startled With the, news that he had won Americas highest combat award, the Medal of Honor. The story had been kept secret to prevent any Red reprisals against the 27-year-old Jap anese-American sergeant, Hir oshl Miyamura of Gallup, N.M. Grim Stories Told The stream of happy men Thursday told more of the frim stores of life in the Red stockades. One prisoner told a heart' breaking story of an Ameri can airman staked in the sun and left to die because he would not back up phony germ warfare charges by the communists. Shortly after the prisoners returned, the joint military ar mistice commission met at its Panmunjom headquarters on Red request. The Reds gave no indication what they wanted to discuss. Red China's Peiping radio charged that American au thorities have obstructed com munist Red Cross teams visit ing prison camps in South Ko rea to the point that the teams "have virtually suspended their operations." BORN HAL KM MFMORIAL HnftFITAl. fU DWELL To Mr. end Mr. Cerwin .dwell. 170 Y'w CI . a bat, A -it. 19. BUROFR Tft Mr. and Mrs, Lero? Burtrr. JTW Hill? flt . a tirl. Aut. If. HURO To Mr. and Mn. PMHs Hurd, MM Court At . ft bor. Aut. It. WARD To Mr. end Mr. Clee Ward. 4Tt winter t , bv. Aut iff. SALCM (ttNBKAL HOSPITAL MILLfR To Mr. and Mr. Rottr MU- Itr. Rt- I, B TV tiri, Aut. lt. DICKEY To Mr. tnd Mrt. Noel H Dirk". Rt. 3, B TTR. ft Dor, Aut. II. SI1 VF ETON HOSPITAL PiELXMEinu-To Mr. and Mri. Id- ward Sitltwetef of Ml. Aftttl. ft (My. 8uf IT. WOODMAN To Mr. ind Mrt. Robert Wovimin of MolftUss, ft tor. Aut- i. KLElNrVHMIT I" Mr ind Mri tewrenta K.einsfhmit, Mt. Ante! ft boy, Aut 19. A N'T I AM MFMnilAL ROPITL MtCAULEr-To Mr. ind Mrt. A 1MB Wee m I Manna, ft tiri, Aut. 11. MINDEW To Mr. and Mri. Ted W yin4'n. Bubltmltr. ft tirl. Aut. 14. tTZBlf To Mr. tnd Mrs. AiWo Xttol. i'irtrtn. I Dot. A'Jt. 17 . KINO To Mr. in (J Mrt. Jamtt Riot Lrtw. ft W. A 'it. l". TOflOEo?-To Mr tnd Mn Dffto TflTtwn. Mirioo. . Aji II ttjHCA!;-T Mr. ind Mrt. Charles Draft .Hfftraon. ft tiri. Aut, II. Bnlldlng fermlta Martha Harrington, to wrack a one story garage and woodshed, 824 North Front street, (30. R. I,. Brand, to alter a two-story dweUlng, 10S East Miller street, $223. Melvln C. Smith, to re roof a one-story dwelling, 1848 South 13th street, 8223. Mrs. Hill, to repair a ona and one- hall story dwelling, 2185 South Church street, 81300. Charles Brown, to alter a one-story dwelling, 1088 8th street, $200. Martin Peterson, to erect a one story dwelling and garage, 2433 North Commercial street, $11, 000. Henry Risen, to reroof a one-story dwelling, 1300 Msdi son street, $100. Breaks Wrist Mrs. Viola Ha ire lon, 83, 1315 State street, suffered a fractured wrist Wed nesday evening when she fell as she was entering the Nazar- ena Church, 13th and Center streets. She was treated by first aidmen and taken to Sa lem Memorial hospital for further treatment. Barkers Visit Lt. and Mrs. Sam Barker wera Salem visi tors this wek. Lt Barker, who in March of this year returned from Korea, is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. . Wheat Spills A truck load of wheat spilled on Highway 22 just north of Dallas Wednesday evening and provided perilous traction for other drivers who reported to state police lt was "like driving on marbles." One driver skidded into the ditch, police said. No damage was re ported but traffic was slowed over a quarter-mile stretch, they said. 8turdy First Aid Twenty- two firemen and policemen completed an 18-hour first aid course this week under the Instruction of Wayne Kuhl, 1810 North 19th street, Fire Chief Ellsworth Smith announ ced Wednesday. The course is one of a series given periodic ally to members of the two de partments. DAR Fair Planned The DAR chapters of the Willam ette valley will hold their an nual fair at Champoeg Satur day afternoon. Proceeds from the event will go to maintain the DAR cabin at Champoeg with its historical items. A caretaker cabin will be erect ed next to the historical cabin. Rummage Sale Planned A rummage sale will be held by the B'nat B'rith Willamette valley women's lodge and the Temple Beth Sholom sister hood on August 27, 28 and 29 at 218 North Commercial street The sale will open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. each aay. No-host Supper to Be Held A no-host supper will be held by the Degree of Honor lodge at west Salem park at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Ice cream and cof fee will be furnished. Regular Meeting Replaced The regular Thursday meeting of the Lions club will be re placed with an annual picnic at the Blind school Thursday, August 20, at 6:30 p.m. Chemeketans Plan Trip The plan to visit Pamelia lake Sun day, August 23. The group will leave at 7 a.m. Sheriff Returns Sheriff Denver Young returned from Olympia, Washington, where proceedings are underway for the extradition of T. J. Short to Salem to face forgery charges in the cashing of more than $2,000 in checks here last September. Short is fighting ex-tradition through a writ of habeas corpus proceedings and has asked the judge to hear mora testimony. Another hear ing Is set for Tuesday and Sheriff Young will be notified of the results, he said. Soldier Arrested Pvt. James Charles Taylor was ar rested by Salem police Wed nesday on a charge Of being absent without leave from Fort Ord, Calif. Taylor was visiting at the home of rela tives at the time of the arrest. He is being held for Vancou ver Barracks, Wash., authori ties. Wanted coats, skirts, sweat ers in good condition for grade school children. Y.W.C.A. Budget Shop 162 So. Com mercial. Open Friday and Monday 10 to 8. 198 Castle Permanent Wavers, 305 Livcsley Bldg., ph. 3-3663. Permanents $5 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. 198 Large grand piano. Phone 3-3469 before 9. after 3. 198 Fresh killed young turkeys to bake or fry. 39c pound. Or wig's Market. 3975 Silverton Rd. Phone. 4-5742. Opening of Dynamite Cafe, 262 Lancaster Drive. Fcntur lnt; chicken and ateaks. Open 7:00 A.M. - 10 00 P.M. Break fast, dinner, lunch tetved. Opening day Thursday. Free coffeo and donuti served all day. 198 Rummage sale over Green- bsums. Ausuit 21-22. Opening 8:00 s. m. Good rummage. 199 Road oiling call Tweedie Oil Co., 2-4151, collect Two Tofs Lost Forget Karnes Two young ladles got lost in Salem Wednesday afternoon and they wera quite vociferous in sounding their displeasure. In fact, they wera so unhappy they codldn't even tell a sym pathetic policeman where they lived. Connie, 8, and Sharron, 1, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Eggers, 823 South 18th street, were on a trip, and had reached the Capital area, about 12 blocks from home, when suddenly they realised they didn't know where they were or where they were going and to top lt off, they didn't know how to get back home. ' A passerby notified police that the two youngsters wera wandering around the busy In tersection of Capitol and Cen ter streets so an officer took them to the station. There they expressed their opinion of the whole affair with tears and walling for mora than a half hour until their mother was contacted and arrived to pick them up. Woman Slightly Hurt When Auto Hits Train A Salem woman suffered minor injuries when the car in which she was riding collided with a freight train on North Front street early Thursday morning. Erna Lomax, 1173 Aiken drive, was taken to Salem Me morial hospital by Willamette Ambiance service after the 1 a.m. accident, suffering a knee I .knn fih. was released from the hospital ' later In the day. Driver of the car, Charles Russell Novvak, 423 South 22nd street, said he was going south on Front street and was meeting the slow moving train when the accident happened but he "didn't know how." A trainman said the car seemed to swerve Into the left side of the engine. The car suf fered considerable damage. Hubcaps Taken Two Hol lywood type hubcaps were taken from his car Wednesday night, while it was parked near Liberty and Lincoln streets, Gib Noffalnger, 320 Klngwood 'drive, reported to city police. COURT NEWS Circuit Court 8 ta i x rel Shirley X. Putrtll WlUlim W. WutreU: Ordtr requlrlBt de fendant to appear In court September 8 and ahow cause. If any, why bt should not be adjudted In contempt of court for failure to live up to terma of pre flout decree. John Artojir and Rtna Plnltr . Roy wuiiEmi ana nooer r. siauun: u. tendinis' answer, chart lot netlltence on the part of plaintiff la aoaneetlon with automobile aecldeftt. Willamette V titty Bank va. Richard O. and Cecelia V. Sever lft: Complaint teek lnt Judtment of 15,111.11 ftlletedlr due on promissory note. Lee Shindy vs. Capitol Tractor and Equipment Co.: Order ellowl&f ftnd de nying defendant'! met ton. State on relation of A. L. Brewster and others vs. Verne L. Ottrander and wmiam Croatian: Order den pint defend ants' motions to matt tonpltlAt jaort definite and certain. Jimmlo Btsatt fta administrator tf Martha o. eHttta estate va. Mortoi P. Cox and V, D. Bryant: Stipulation set tint torth that can baa beets compro mised and t titled. Rex Oleon vs. Harold BirUeh and win. b. no&aina. bar Xaottint Co. Complaint seek lnt judtmtntt in the sums of llli 10, till. 171 ftnd 111, ftl letedlr due fta compensation la con nection with contract ealllnt for vaca tion pay for plaintiff and three fellow worker whose claims have been aaaltntd to oisoa. State tx rtl John Wallace Harbison, Jr.. vs. X. C. Saalfeld. director of De partment of Veterant Affairs; Alterna tive writ of mandamus rooulrlnt de fendant to authorise payment to plain tiff of tlalma made a World War It veteran or show ctust September why claim hat not been honored. Jennet I. Raweon vs, Samuel D. Raw- son: Divorce complaint, aileclnt cruel and Inhumsn treatment. Plaintiff seeks return of taO.OM claimed to have beta invested with defendtnt'a heldlnu. Mar ried at Salem June . l4. Probata Court Assumed buiinest name certificate of Birhlee t filed by Arthur W. and Malta J. Nlckirssn. 4sl Morih Rlter road. Ho tfre of retirement from the firm filed br Walter Uboid and B. W. Richer, Jr. Mtrr Maud Fisher est it: Bstate ftp praised at 12100. Anno Matttn estate: final account. Ordtr appTOvini William B. Cramer estate: Order te- pointlm Lena Cramer as administra trix- Batata hat tpproatmate value of n we Autuit Baal estate: Order clonal ti tete es rd D Oebrieleon estate: Order la ther nine itle of stock. Dlttrlct Court Harold I. Cleveland. I Broadway ft public strt, dutnptnt ttrbete hithwar, fined ISO. Lvdia Amanda Kiehl. Haiti Oreen road, drivint while Intoxicated, pltaded innocent, released on I3M ball. O W. Orn. 13ft South Sftth street. sellint ed'i)tritd food, fined Use on miity verdict found by Jury trial on Mar I. Municipal Court John D Lam, iit Hebrukft avenue, reckless drlttnt. paid 171 flae. Milo Arthur Knsmtnter. YemhiA. rockiest drivint. cited to court. Rnntld Iran Colver, JITt Roberta av enue, recklese drtviat. paid 111 fine. Bud'lr O Karn. reck lea dnvmt. con. tiaued to September 1 for ttftteaciai. Morriog Lictnstt Peter Mantel. 11, retired, and Hansoa. let si, both of Silverton. Bernard Vanoreneverlnt. IT farmer. Rt K Mt. Ante) and Helen Berc. 33. domestic Rt. S. Orante Pase. Richard Welsh. SI. meat ettf. I Mill at . and Jeftn Ann Slut w aid, J bookkeepers RU i, Salem. .THE CAPITAL. JOURNAL, Sales. Orafoa Charge Unfair (OeoUnued from Pe 1) Another petition filed by Battey requesting an order for an election among his employes to determine the legal bargain ing agent vas denied by Scherer because "the division could not find that any labor organization had served notice in writing on the employer claiming to represent a major ity of the employes. Union Affiliate of Teamsters The complaint against .the union, an affiliate of the Team sters, Chauffeurs, Warehouse ment and Helpers of American, AP of L. charges the union with intimidating and coercing employes of the restaurant by picketing in violation of the new law. Battey's restaurant has been picketed since early last June. Battey is president of the Rogue Valley Restaurant asso ciation and was one of the main proponents of the new anU-plcketing law when it waa under consideration by the leg islature. Hot f ight on Bill ' Incidentally, this labor bill was probably the most contro versial of all bills introduced in the last session. Another bill, more drastic than the one pass ed was first introduced, then Governor Paul L. Pptterson submitted a draft of a bill that the senate labor commutes filed without much considera tion, and thereupon a substi tute bill was Introduced and finally passed. Will Masters, Jr., one of the attorneys for Battey said Thursday that it was possible that court action might be in stituted on the denial of the petition for an election. How- lever, should the labor election examiner hold with the union after a bearing on the charges of unlawful picketing, Masters said that the issue certainly would be taken to court to test the law. ' Labor Oppose Law On the other hand, labor leaders, who strongly opposed passage of the law, made it clear during the legislative ses sion that they wanted a court test, hence it seems certain that If the labor examiner's de cision Is against the union, court action will follow. The new division of labor elections is not connected with the department of labor but rather is a separate agency with headquarters established in a state-owned residence at 550 North Winter street. Fire Destroys Mill Near Hood River Hood River W) Fire of un determined origin caused dam age estimated at mora than $100,000 to the Parkdala turn bar Co. mill at Parkdale, 17 miles south ot hare, early Thursday. Firemen were ab! to save the company office and a cold deck ot logs, but the planer and thousands of feet of logs were destroyed. The mill, the fourth largest in Hood River county, employed 20. Charles Bronson and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rolles, owners, ssid the mill wss not insured. They have not yet decided whether to re build. Lighting set several small fires Wednesday night, but none was In the Parkdala area. IKK PLANS SPEECH Denver W.B President Ei senhower enounced today that he will fly to Atlantic City Oct. 6 tor a speaking engagement before the annual convention ot the women ot the National Council of the Church of Christ. Message Awaits A message for Delores (Cockrum) Mow ery regsrding sn illness in her family Is being held for at the Marlon County sheriff's office. Sheriff Denver Young said the woman is believed to be work ing as a wsltress In the Salem area but that deputies hsve been unable to contact her to deliver the massage. Informa tion regarding her whereabouts should be phoned or sent to his office, Sheriff Young said. Checks Cleared Two bad checks In the Salem ares have been cleared with the arrest of Roy Arthur Nelson In Eureka, city police said Wednesdsy. Nelson sdmitted to FBI agents the burglary of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad warehouse in Portlard last May and said he passed some bad checks on B and O check blanks In Sa lem. Police said they have two checks in amounts of $88.89 and $9.1.38 turned In. Federal charges will be placed against nelson in Eureka, police said. Garbage Dumper Fined Harold E. Cleveland, 860 Broadway street, was fined $30 in district court Thursday for dumping garbage on a public highway. The arresting deputy sheriff said the garbage was dumped on a small bridge just off Sunnyside road. Cleveland agreed to clean up the garbage. Ships from Norway, Great Britain, South Africa. Japan, the Netherlands. Russia and Panama hunt wales annually under an agreement that limits the total catch. I WOULDNT TALK i ft ; v,sv I , " ' J V ,.iV ; j I . t e r Mrs. Gertrude Evans, ex ecutive secretary of the Pro gressiva Party in Washing ton, D. C, as she appeared before Senate , Investigating Subcommittee.' She refused to answer questions about Communist activity. Gasoline Price Hike Protested Pittsburgh (U.R Assistant Attorney General Stanley N. Barnes said today the recent increase . in gasoline and Oil prices "touched of? to the justice department's antitrust division. In a speech prepared for the National Congress of Petro leum Retailers, Barnes, the new republican head oi the antitrust division, promised that these and all other com plaints to the department "de serve, and are receiving, at tention by the department." But he warned the retailers that complaints Involving the petroleum Industry are so nu merous that the department cannot be expected to Initiate a full scale Inquiry Into all ot them. Truck Recovered A miss ing pickup truck of the stata highway department was re covered by city police Wednes day in the 200 block of Chenv eketa street where it had been abandoned a few days earlier by a parolee ot the stata peni tentiary, Harold A. Charles, who was working tor the high way department after being paroled, was driving the truck at the time it "disappeared." He Is now being sought as a parole violator. You'll agree that they are mor beautiful than cashmere In a luxurious blend of 70 aoft. pure lambs wool, and 30 silky, gossamer, angora with the tine Italian touch of elegance . . . full fashioned, hand finished, and unusual ly detailed. Many styles to choose from In an array of flower fresh colors. Sizes 38 to 40. Down win u.u C Your Selection Shop in Alr-Condl tioned Comfort! wen Friday nkht 7lt.M. W From holf-woy oeross tha world, Perugio, Italy hove eomt the$ magnificent sweater imports A - arts designed by Lulsa Spognoll, Internationally fomoui In th fashion world, uml vSjNr w're Prou1 ,0 tov ,hat or 1 H 'TlsVTVw exclusive in Salam at THE SCHLES- I Ml " 11 1 1 ' irmJ.1 '' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Russia Urges (Continued tram Pace 1) The communique declared Soviet possession of the H- bomb offered no causa for alarm among peoples of other countries. It said the Rus sian government still favored international disarmament and a baa on weapons of mass de struction. - - Recalling that Prime Min ister Georgt M. Malenkov told the Supreme Soviet Parlia ment August 8 that the Unit ed States no longer held a monopoly of the hydrogen bomb, the statement charged that ldalenkov't remarks had been used abroad "to causa alarm, using It with the aim of Intensifying the armaments drive" 1 "The Soviet government considers it necessary to de clare there la not, and was not, any foundation for alarm," the communique continued. Calls for Disarmament "In accordance with the un changing policy of the Soviet Union, directed toward the strengthening of peace and se curity ot peoples, the Soviet government repeatedly offer ed to the governments ot other countries the carrying out ot a considerable reduction of armaments and the forbidding of the use ot atomic and other kinds of weapons of mass de struction, establishing within the framework ot the United Nations organization a strict international control ot this prohibition. "The Soviet government stands on this position at the present time." Ousted Premier (Continued from Pag 1) Mossadegh was taken to a secret strongpolnt somewhere in the capital for safekeeping. His diehard bodyguard put up a desperate battle Wednesday at his fortified home where 200 ot the 200 casualties in the counter-revolution occurred. , Earlier Thursday Shah Mo hammed Reza Pahlevi had sent instructions from Rome ot Za- hel to safeguard Monnadegh's lite. At that time Zahedi gave the former Premier 24 hours in which to surrender Fateml Still Missing Mooadegh's right-hand man, former Foreign Minister Hos sein Fateml, was still listed as missing despite a Hood ot un armed rumors of his death. Tehran radio broadcasta Wednesday said he had been "torn to pieces" by a mob. Meanwhile, trouble was re ported stirring in1 the Kashghal tribal area. There were those here who JUST ARRIVED FROM ITALY IMPORTED SWEATERS X 1 a I i I II ' Mi I I expressed opinions that trouble In the Kashghal region might for Zahed to weaken is Teh ran forces in an effort to meat the new threat from the south. Cbemeketaaa Hike Cha- meketans Sunday, August It, will visit Pamelia lake. The group will leave at 7 a.m. and the trip will include about 140 "100 TtlADZ-i! ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR 51LB frMitr-fraam end Steral 41 attfries mi'iotmr Hrst e S deer shelves fl fee aaja) ft Slldlnf aJv 51,' 5 mlnwm shelf 1 HI-HumMHy roller drawers sjSjg J II Toll-kettle zone S-year prehicrleii fm . ISrCINTIR ' 405 COURT ST. rre miles of driving and a f eight mile hike) ever v described as as easy t -- Mania Trtday-i!" i the Indoor I ports a' t i 8 porta clubs wU holl t ti nual picnic Friday Ik' t (t t I home of Mr. and Mrs. k 1 ama at 4S2S Claxtar f with visitors invited to at i. A chicken supper ii to M served at S o'clock. man's NO . HMI A BBstoVvtftW aWWajf Stf nM(t4fdsbjs?a turni' -an-.- with fully arfactaaj tatoaaaist defrosting! Genuine 42 -lb. fcossa ftaaaar aa extra-tlsa refrigerator eomblnad. Frets lea cubes twice as fast, New Llft-A-Cub trayl serve mam one at a time or by the atayfaL So convenient that 72 of ell spec b ia fingertip reach! See bow I - ' I)