Thursday, August 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL" JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgoa FOOD gXCTICN-Jhr- t Economy In Buying ' Large Cuts With beef on the abundant Jilt you'll want to take advan tage of the many cuts avail able. Today you'U find there can be real economy when you huv a beef roast larse enoueh for two to three meal that ji, if you make the most of your "encore" dishes. Here are tome suggestions, first of all, roast the meat at a constant low temperature. This insures a tender, juicy roast and is the first secret to leftover beef goodness. Fol low the regular roasting meth od, place it fat side up on a rack in an open roasting pan and roast at 300 F. Storing the meat correctly Is likewise quite important. When roast is cooled, wrap . tightly with waxed paper, with aluminum foil or place in closely covered dish and Store in your refrigerator. Suggestions for follow - up . dishes should be merely a - starter. Use your Imagination to develop variations with the use of spices, herbs and sea sonings, with sauces and with , vegetables. For example, left over beef becomes all the more special served with langy norseraaun sauce, man the sauce by simply adding 4 ' to 6 tablespoons of horserad ish to a medium cream sauce, added to cream sauce as an' ; sliced. beef. Or you may heat ! chunky cubes of beef in a pa- prika sauce made by season- '. lng cream sauce with 1 table- ' - .lt,. .11 ,u more reason for planning left overs is the famous barbecue sauce. Many will agree a Creole combination is grand with beef. Still more uses of cooked - Deei inciuae cuDing uie raai nd combining it with vege tables In gravy for a meat pie. toooed with a pastry or bis " cuit crust or with crushed po ; tato chips;' Or grind the meat x and make it into meat muf fins, a meat biscuit roll or use - to stuff green pepper or to- mato cases. , ' Smaller Turkey Is Appreciated Cold roast turkey is eves better In the summer than it Is the day after Thanksgiving. And now that apartment-size Beltsville turkeys sre avall- able In most markets, you no longer need to await a com . pany occasion for serving tur key: Without stuffing, these birds will cook in less than three hours In a slow oven. For a matchless summer dinner, roast the turkey in the morn ing, using a brown glaze,- then let it cool, Serve It In the eve ning with a tangy potato salad ' and sliced red-ripe tomatoes. Roast TJnstuffed Turkey 1 broad-breasted turkey, 10 pounds dressed weight A4 cup fat ' 3 teaspoons kitchen bouquet 2 tablespoons honey 1 tablespoon water 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 tablespoon salt Vi teaspoon ginger Have meat dealer prepare , !, 1. 1,1 1 ,ni II Cimuujr ill IU1U whki aiiu : dry thoroughly. Rub cavity lightly with salt. Place a slice j or two of bread in the neck I . cavity to hold skin in attrac- i , tlve position. Tuck wing tips j I in back to hold flap of neck skin in place. Truss legs in ! position and place turkey on j rack in shallow roasting pan, breast side up. Bring fat, Kitchen Bouquet, honey, wa-1 ter, brown sugar, salt and gin- II ger to boil in small saucepan. Brush about a third of this mix ture over turkey. Roast in slow oven. 325 degrees F, until tur- . key, is done, cool at room tem perature for 1 hour, then place . in refrigerator until cold, when ready to serve, arrange on cold serving platter and garnish with salad greens and radishes. Yield: 8 servings: Tele-fun by Wsrren Goodrich "Better-wait little longer tor Mr. June tufl t answer. After all this Is enly Aufwstr . . . Folks can't always get to the telephone right away . . . so please, give them time to answer . . . Pacific Telephone. , I Gf III I II I 1 UllUblllWVl , 1 V I - ff 1 , W it; l u i i iv ii m "A . ils II n M llil f? HI III 14 7 " 1 ibi c) i ill f-f lull ii i sb is ..-:- . rtft mr.m m? m mm' mm u n ii yMM1!lW BABYfOODSx SI''for the famous brands-at low everyday prices ipl Strand 12 cans:, J M PLUS FRIENDLY SERVICE SHOP TODAY AT IGA Wttr flC3 .SPECAL LOW PRICES , . rpz-v WMl Ifc BsstFood, Full Quart SU ,;'Wl i mm v.'-.;b m ea a mm m . m m' mm m wmmmw m "m. laa eat a A esAM a , -mm , -t mm I u-t ---- - - - --rr . - - j rirn-ivui xm 1 . - :- ; f 6 Delicious 9 IE MR 111 , mm 1 m s SB II....J . I B.I. IE L " mm -1 M Li. ' ' II I Mariene or IQDie Keaav k. runa i uaaeu rrn waiiy lA " I riaxors mw ziz. immw -iray 'II - . J Dflrsiif I Ru Cm!k T II N 1 ' li MAKAB1M $11o m II - ....... X Ul r ORANGE X I I """""TlfliH!!! ( JUICE; A . II II 7 f i. muli. , M SsflCA . VI LF U la UVI U Ul 2) 0; 3 r) -.-iioSg Cascade or Swift's Premium Skinless Werners b Fresh Colored Pan Ready Fryers Each Fresh, Red Solid, Ripe Pound Sunkist Juicy Garden Fresh SSPTUNA Solid rack Reg. 2 Size Tin JJ Chunk Style, 29c These prices Fri. mmmm - -i - j v am.- n . ' m v . m m - m a ni . TOMATOES 11 or PORTLAND PUNCH M fir M Candy New.Melii In Hot Wther 6 Pkas.25' 24-oz. Bottle 79' Thru Mon. Shop at These Independently Owned and Operated MRVS IGA FOODLINER Your Friendly IGA Srort in West Solem Wallace Kead at 7rii Armour's Star Veal Roast Waste Free, Boneless Lb. U. S. Good Grade Steer T-Bone Steaks Well j Trimmed , Lb. MB I mm .MM MM HAsUiKB n4 Local Corn Fresh, Sweet and Tender Dozen In Carry Home Tote Bag Green Onions STEERO BOUILLON Beef, Vegetable, 5 Cubes to Pkg. ORCUTT'S MARKET . YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD Swift's Demonstration at Orcutt't, 17X 01c CORtl Bunches CERTO Chicken FOR CANNING 8-01. ' Bottle 25' u v w w CHOCOLATE CHIPS S;, IGA Cream Style COW IGA Deluxe COFFEE Lindsay Medium Ripe OLIVES flNNANT NARSHMALLOW (HEME 8IERRA PINE taii rr rrs an IVIL.CI JUMf nniiL ivi vj SCOTCH CLEANSER 2, IGA Stores for Satisfaction and Savings State Street MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET 2 No. 303 Cans 35' Drip or Km, Lb. Can 2 lb. cans -$1.73 . Pint Tin 5-oz. Glass 87 25 ENTER WHITE KIKGS0AP $72,000 Contest M ylQ Entry Blanks at IGA Stores Ra. ka. 29c MwtWd n m.e. M el O Bars mmnWM as mm 4 25 25 pkg., VISTA . YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT V.'.' 3043 S. Commercial