Pa fl FOOD SECTION TOT CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem. Oregon Thursday, August 20, 1953 6- Prlie Recipe for a Dutch treat salad It'a different a A Prize Dutch Salad Idea (AF NtwtfMtam) A prize recipe for a different kind of flaw that'i what we have for you today) We first got acquainted with it when we went home to sup per with a lady who s a won derf ul cook. Because our friend works outside her home from nine to five, she has a reper toire of speedy delectable dish es; because she also has a teen age daughter, her menus are both nutritious and substantial. The high spot of the supper she served us was a wonderful Dutch-style slaw. With it came a platter of meat: Tender can ned ham sliced thin and just warmed (not browned) In a skillet in a little butter, rounds of bologna folded fan-shape, and savory disks of liverwurst Daughter put a pan of corn bread in the oven, and served it piping hot with squares of butter, as a perfect accompani ment to the main course. "What's so different about the slaw?" you ask. For one thing, it combines shredded raw green cabbage with green beans. For another. It also has tissue-thin slices of radish a Just-right addition that's real culinary inspiration. To dress the vegetables, there's a tangy made-in-a-mlnute bacon and mustard sauce. Do try this sal ad! Wa feel sure you'll make it often. If you have week-end guests to feed these warm-weatber days, you'll find canned beans wonderfully handy to have on your pantry shelf. Serve them this Dutch-salad style; some times marinate them In a spicy French dressing and layer them over salad greens or sliced to matoes. Either way they'ra a delicious accompaniment to cold cuts, hamburgers or frank furters. Canned green beans are so delicious because the Blue Lake variety is now cultivated especially , for canning. They have a firm texture, natural dark green color, symmetrical shape and fresh flavor. Dutch Green Boaa Slaw Ingredients: 4 strips bacon, 2 tablespoons chopped onion, S tablespoons flour, one 1-pound can Blue Lake green beans, 4 tablespoons cider vinegar, 4 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon pre pared mustard, 1 tablespoon sugar, 4 cups shredded cabbage, 6 radishes (sliced). Method: Fry bacon until crisp; drain and crumble; re serve. Add onion to drippings and cook until tender but not brown. Add flour; stir to a smooth paste. Drain beans; add liquid and cook, stirring con stantly, until mixture thickens and comes to a boll. Add vine gar, salt, prepared mustard and sugar; mix well. Add beans; heat to serving temperature. Remove from heat; add to cab bage, radishes and crumbled bacon; toss lightly. Serve warm with cold cuts. Makes 4 to servings. Herbs, Seasoning Give Special Taste Here are three menus show ing what a touch of herbs or seasoning will do for the dishes. Vegetable Mens Ne. 1 Mena Old Fashioned Boiled Dinner Garden Fresh String Beans (with smoked bacon ends) New Potatoes and whole Car rots , Corn-on-the-Cob Sliced Tomatoes in Oil Corn Sticks Berry Cobbler No. t Menu Fresh Asparagus with Brown Sauce (with bits of diced ham on toast) (Add a pinch of Basil and Onion Salt) Stuffed Tomatoes with Celery and Olives on salted Lettuce leaves Hot Harvard Beets Cherry upside-down cake No. t Menu Five-minute buttered Cab bage with crisp bacon (add a pinch of Celery Seed) Gamlsh with Green Onion tops and .chopped Parsley New Potatoes with Paprika Grilled Tomatoes with Bread Crumbs and grated Cheese Fresh Melon slices in Peach Brandy Green Apple Betty With Confetti Sauce Plentiful, wonderful, rare and delicious Gravensteln ap ples are now arriving in mar kets in good supply for mak ing many mouthwatering good green apple pics, cakes, pud dings, cobblers and fragrant homemade applesauce. Read this and wa think you'll make It also. Green Apple Betty . 2 cups graham cracker crumbs 8 tablespoons melted butter 4 green Gravenstein apples, pared, cored and sliced teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 tablespoon lemon Juice H cup brown sugar Vi cup hot water Combine graham cracker crumbs and butter. Place one third of the crumbs In the bot tom of a greased baking dish Arrange one-half the sliced apples over the crumbs and sprinkle with half of the lem on Juice, grated lemon peel and sugar. Add second layer of crumbs, remaining apples, lemon peel. Juice and sugar. Cover with remaining crumbs. Pour hot water over all. Bake In moderate oven, 375 degrees until apples are tender, about 40 minutes. Confetti Sauce Serve warm with Confetti Sauce made by creaming to gether V cup butter and 2 'Fishy' Ideas For Sandwich Spreads Listed The contributions which the fishing industry is making to mis montn of sandwiches and picnics are almost endless. Just to read the recipes for the de. lectable sandwich fillings made from the great variety of fish ana shellfish make you rarln' to go on a picnic. Here are a few ideas from the National Fisheries Institute, which use easily available fishery prod ucts, (ingredients, of course, may be varied as to amounts.) Sardines: Mash a can of sardines. Add Vi cup chopped stuffed olives. 1 teaspoon chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice and enough salad dressing to make a spread. Tuna: Flake 1 small can tuna. Add Vt cup chopped celery and H cup chopped nuts. Moisten with mayonnaise. Cod, haddock, perch, halibut Cook boneless fillets of fish by poaching or boiling (or use left-over cooked fish). For each cup of fish, slice 4 or 8 radishes and grate a raw carrot. Flake the fish, add radishes and car rot, 2 tablespoons pickle relish, Vi teaspoon salt, dash red pep per, enough mayonnaise to moisten and mix well. Salmon: Flake small can of salmon. Add Vi cup chopped pickle, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice and enough mayonnaise to moisten. Crab: Flake 1 small can crab meat. Add Vi cup chopped celery, 3 tablespoons chopped olives, 1 teaspoon lemon Juice, I table spoon choped plmiento. Mois ten with mayonnaise. Lobster: Flake 1 small can lobster meat. Drain a small can of mushrooms, and add to lobster. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and moisten with salad dressing. Shrimp: Chop finely 1 can shrimp or 1 cup cooked shrimp. Mix with 2 tablespoons butter. Add a cup diced cucumbers, I teaspoon lemon Juice, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Moisten with French dressing, or may onnaise thinned with milk. Add Ripe Olives To Scrambled Eggs Have you ever tried adding ripe olives to your scrambled eggs? Besides helping to stretch six eggs, a halt cup of rich rip olives will do wonder in enhancing the flavor interest of this simple dish. A dash of Worcestershire sauce also lends a special flavor note. The next time you plan a quick supper, try "Olive Scrambled Eggs" and your family will applaud your ingenuity. Olive Scrambled Eggs Vi cup rip olives eggs 4 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon pepper Vi cup cream Vi teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Cut olives into large pieces. Beat eggs lightly and blend in salt, pepper, cream, Worcester shire sauce and olives. Melt butter in heavy frying pan, Add egg mixture and cook over low heat until barely set, stirring frequently but lightly. Serve at once. Serves 4. Caramel Chiffon Pie Elegant One Pie is a favorite dessert the year around. File away these two goodies: Caramel Cblffoa Pie 1 9-inch piecrust, to be baked 1 envelope jinflavored gelatine - .... Vi cup cold water Vi cup sugar XV cups milk Vi tsp. salt 3 eggs, to be separated 1 tsp. vanilla Vi cup sugsr Vi cup heavy cream, to be whipped Bake one 9-inch piecrust; cool. Soften gelatine in cold water. Place Vi cup sugar in a large heavy skillet or. sauce pan. Heat, stirring constantly, until sugar forms a brown liquid. Meanwhile, scald milk and salt in small saucepan. Add to carameled sugar; cook, stirring constantly, until blended. Sep arate eggs into 2 bowls. Beat yolks lightly with a fork; grad ually stir in the hot mixture. Return to pan and cook over very low heat, stirring con stantly, until mixture coats spoon. Remove from heat Add softened gelatine and vanilla; stir until smooth. Cool. Beat egg whites with rotary beater until peaks form when beater Is raised. Add Vi cup su gar a little at a time; beat after each addition. Whip cream; fold with whites into caramel mix ture. Pour into crust; chill. - Then there is lemon pie, too. Lemon Sponge Pie 1 9-inch unbaked piecrust Vi cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 tbs. cornstarch 3 eggs, to be separated Rind and juice of 1 lemon 1 cup milk Set oven at 350 degrees F. (moderate). Make one 9-inch unbaked piecrust; bake crust for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, cream butter in a small bowl; add sugar a little at a time. Stir in cornstarch. Separate eggs, adding the yolks one at a time to the butter mixture. Beat with a wooden spoon until fluffy. Grate lemon rind and squeeze lemon. Stir milk, lem on rind and juice Into butter mixture. Beat egg whites with a rotary beater until stiff but not dry; told into mixture. Pour into piecrust Bake for 35 min utes. Appetizer Salad Colorful, flavorful, hand some to look at and so good to eat. Slice fresh ripe toma toes on a bed of crisp lettuce broken into bite-size pieces. Lay halves ot anchovy strips on the tomato slices. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve with French dressing. Three quarters of Connecti cut's two million population is concentrated in three of the state' eight counties. cups powdered sugar. Blend In 1 teaspoon vanilia, V' cup cur rants and H cup finely chop ped candled fruit or small fumdropa cut up with scissors. Raspberry Jewel Salad Refreshing Here's a sparkling salad for summertime menus: Raspberry Jewel Salad 1 No. 2Vi can fruit cocktail 1 package raspberry-lavor- ed gelatin Vt cup small pickled cocktail onions, cut in quarters Vi cup coarsely chopped walnuts Drain the fruit cocktail peaches, pearls, grapes and cherries plus pinespple tid bits), and measure the syrup; add sufficient water to make 2 cups liquid. Heat 1 cup liquid to boiling and pour over the raspberry gelatin in a medium-sized bowl; stir until dissolved. Add remain ing cup of cold liquid, and chill until gelatin mixture is syruppy the consistency of unbeaten egg white. Then, add drained fruit cocktail, pl?Ued cocktail onions, and nuts. Stir well and pour into a 1 -quart mold; chill until firm. To serve, unmold on plate, with or without greens, and pass Sour Cream Dressing: Blend equal parts of dairy-made sour cream and mayonnaise, add chopped parsley, if desired. Make servings. For larger mold, multiply as necessary. The Yorubas were the most advanced tribe, socially and politically, when European first went to Nigeria. It's Peach Time; Serve Fruit Often Let's crown the peach as Au gust queen. This favorite fruit does reign over all in quantity during the late summer season. Let's crown the cereal bowl. too, with a wreath of the fruit slices. Topped with chilled milk your breakfast main dish is easy to look at and ever so easy to eat. Wide Variety Crisp cereal plus fresh fruit of any kind add up to refresh. ing summer time eating. The choice of fruit is wide now; try pitted fresh plums, some fresh pear slices, and cantaloupe sec tions, atop your cereal bowL The choice of cereals is even more varied, no matter what the season. Over two dozen va rieties of cereal, both hot and ready-to-eat, wait on the gro cer's shelves for your selection. This wide variety of ingredi ent at hand shows just how changeable your breakfasts can be. There is such a selection that a breakfast menu need not. be repeated for a long period of time. Follow Pattern A convenient pattern to use in planning the morning menu is one widely recommended for everyone's use. The outline for breakfast meal planning fea tures the main dish of cereal mmmm m" X I V :' ' "."" This Is Known as 'Sunburst' Salad cheese center the. "rays" of the cling peach slices, and for additional flavor and garnish, grated orange rind is sprinkled over the cheese and topped Sunburst describes to per fection not only the attractive arrangement but the golden hue of the canned cling peach slices in this "Sunburst Salad." A square of cream and milk, then adds fruit, bread and butter for extra nourish ment helping the meal measure up to the requirement of Vi to Vi of the day's total food needs. Assure yourself of enjoyable summer mornings by following menus similar to the one sug gested today: fresh peach slices en pre-sweetened corn flakes, milk, corn muffins and butter. With dally breakfasts such as this one, you'll rule with ease over hot summer mornings. Working Out Breakfast Manus Easy in Summer with a cherry halt. Sunburst Salad 1 (3-ounce) package cream cheese Salad greens for garnish 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 2 cups canned cling peach slices Maraschino cherries ; Divide cheese into quarters and place 1 cheese square on each garnished salad plate. Sprinkle cheese with orange rind and arrange drained peach slice around cheese in Lining up the week's break' fast menus in summer is easy with all the fresh fruits now in the market Try this set for the week: Monday Melon Balls in Grape Juice Oatmeal Spiced Milk Toast Special Milk Coffee Taesday Fresh Peach Slice with ' Brown Sugar Shredded Wheat Milk Poached Egg on Toasted English Muffin Butter Coffee Wednesday ' Tomato Juice, Lemon Twist Corn Flakes with Baked Pear Center. Crumb Coffeecake Butter Milk Coffee Thursday Grapefruit Half with Cherry Center Fruit-studded Puffed Wheat" Ham Slice Toast Butter Jelly Milk v Coffee Friday Blackberries and Banana Slices on Bite-size Shredded Rice Milk Jelly RoU Biscuit Butter a iinhurat nattern. Decorate with halved maraschino cherries. Serves 4. Coffee Batarday Frosty Orange Juice Malt-flavored Wheat Cereal Sweet RoU Butter Jam Milk Coffee Sanday Fruit Crown on Whole Wheat Flakes" French Toast Butter Honey Milk Coffee Toast Special. Sprinkle a little grated orange rind on cin namon toast Fruit . studded Puffed Wheat Top a bowl ot puffed wheat with plums, melon ball or berries. Add a surprise with a few hidden at the bottom, too. Fruit Crown on Whole Wheat Flakes. Arrange a crown of cantaloupe wedges around the top of a bowl of whole wheat flakes. Fill the center with colorful fresh berries. ...when you open the door will tksrt rtfrtialii Olyatli lr yir nfrlitrittr shift Stack tts'iy! CiMialiMiigC. ppiGK at 1288 STATE ST. PHONE 3-6489 Nowadays everyone is trying to help ease the strain on the old budget. Well, take a tip from me. . . You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S . .'. For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped for your locker or freezer . . . FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one half, quarter or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES ... tWI LOW PRICES ON LOCKER BEEF Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down - a full year to pay. Half or Whole Fronl Quarter Hind Quarter round tears mc BONELESS NEW YORK CUT ...... . aM SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . , 53' BEEF TENDER LOIN . . . . M FRESH BEEF HEARTS . . ...... COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE . ... a Fresh Ground Beef lb. 29' Fresh Ground Round u. 4ST Lean Short Ribs . . u. W Lean Beef Cubes u 49' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef ROAST " 33 An Baby Beef LIVER Arm Cur I lode Cuts Rump Lb.j7 Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef STEAK -one kid dream Fresh Beef TONGUES Lb. 29" L