Thursday, Anmat 20..195S PCt WASHINGTON'S BEST Shop Miller's Air-Cooled 2nd Floor FOR SCHOOL! . ! , , . ...... ..V v5 lit i iik ' " " ljliLMi Helen Fiske Smith, 19, (left), gets a hug from Jeannine Pryor at Seattle after being selected Miss Washington for 1953. Miss Smith, a free-lance model, played the cello in the talent finals. Miss Pryor was runnerup. (UP Telephoto) Oregon Payrolls Up This Year A $13,337,063 increase in covered payrolls for the first quarter of 1953 was shared In by all but 11 of Oregon's 36 counties, the State Unemploy ment Commission reported Wednesday. Construction and timber projects accounted for most of the changes tabulated from returns of 17,88 8employ ers to the commission. Wasco county led in payroll gains with an increase of 34.1 per cent, largely because of work on bridge and dam jobs. The jump from $1,847,556 to $2,477,044 for first quarter payrolls indicates the 1953 to tal may pass $1 million dollars as compared with $9,300,000 last year, the commission said. Wallowa county was second in increases with 30.1 per cent. Next best gains came from Har ney, Columbia and Josephine counties, all with gains of more than 16 per cent. Other counties with increas es of 10 per cent or more in clude Klamath, Washington, Jefferson, Lane, Morrow, Hood River and Coos. Those show ing gains of more than S.S per cent the state average were Clackamas, Baker, Lake, Mult nomah and Deschutes. Highest losses in payrolls were report ed from Umatilla, Marion, Grant and Curry counties, mainly due to completion of dams and lumber layoffs. Employments gains were re ported from 19 counties. The all-state increase was only 1.3 per cent, slightly under 4,000 to 314,557 for March. Bossy Entitled Long Vacation Claims Newell Every good dairy cow l entitled to an eight-week va cation with pay every year, saya Bea A. Newell, Marion county extension agent, but the only way to be sore she gets her vacation Is to keep accurate breeding records. Milking cow right np to the week or so before she calves will result in reduced production In the next milk ing period, he said. On the other hand, when a cow goes dry too early, she is wasting time and the owner's money. Records, he emphasised, are the best guide for drying the cow np at the right time to give her a two-month rest before calving again. Monticello, Thomas Jeffer son's home, has three stories and a basement. 2 Midget Markets 2 351 State St. Downtown 1128 Center At Shopping Center HERE'S YOUR LIST Choose From Salem's Finest Assortment Quality Tells - Price Sells Beef Roasts 35c Corned Beef B 45c T-Bones 49c-59c Sirloin Tip Roast 59c Pork Roasts 39c Pork Steak i . . 49c Pork Loins 63c Center Chops .. s 75c Yankee Ribs mm 55c Summer Suggestions Weiners-Skinless Liver Sausage Mince Ham , ,. J) 7 lb. Dixie Bacon Bologna w i 35c Dried Beef n 55c Steak Loin cur"" Round Liver JTUI.. . 49c 55c .n 75c i. 59c Vea Vea Vea Vea Beef Liver u. 35c Loin Bacon Backs LB. 59c Light Side Bacon lb. 69c Our Center St. Market Is Open Until 7 P.M. Friday Evenings Until 9 P.M. Closed Sundays "CATCH 39c Pr. New sweater matching anklets by Bonnie Doon are here! All those delicate pastel shades beside white and bright colors. Main floor. " BACK TO SCHOOL PURSES to-ftr-Ctae Speck hen it Comes to a snap course In hew to look your best, take a double-up program of separates, loaded with possibilities for changes. We've got ... look-alikes In sweater sets, shirts tailored like a mon's, blouses worked in softest jersey to pair profitably with skirts end slacks .... all the clothes you'll live by in the college year to come. New! SKIRTS "Korer' "Judy Casual' "Copeland" 8.95 -14.95 . . . all these and more, too, await you in our skirt sections In the sportswear dept. The new suicnea-down pleats . . . the straight line skirts with massive pockets. 100 fine quamy wool nannels and gab 'ardines. In rich new browns. navy and black, etc. Broken checks, plaids and plains. . Shop now for your school skirts. Use our convenient LAY-AWAy PLAN. yool Ptoid Jackets . washah"yLdes. A nePl'nSsporW"ear ill"' Dept. :k?A' ipIgM : il CONVERTIBLE . I ' ;;: Jr SiJikSt 'movble photo cose I v i " ...coinpune..., I 1 ' : AYS billfold made the Buxton $S$S$.sJkSf guaranteed for the life J, $ NS, - of the leather ' ia-SsSw, jrvisiB' i red or green Saddle i ' it 1 - Cowhide. J ? Ji -rrr r.w; - ' and 1 I. .lf ' 'S$$f&l MATCHING 1 'Wr4'-' KEY-TAINER ' I J lVJWh-zt& ; 4 Mf. lock loo .1 . . L, I " C A ' ' I O lvnoxWlTort'e l i Al1 1 J rM Tc n mm m xt I Jf r 1 .. "V SlfliXflVA-' rZZZZZ-?-" 1 The 1 :SF JlMie - . w I r ; .-..-..v.v.-,ij WEAR DOTS FOR DASH hi this tubabf ffcmncl by - Square dots, like flecks of cooetti, oa soft ' fine coabed flarmd ; Tittle round colkr and banql caffs. Dunk this falltime, fun rime) ( Cjm1 fashion in a tub 'o suds with never worry ...wear it with slacks, skirts or any bottom. You're fresh as an autumn breeza fust a comfortable. Choose black and green dots or navy and red dots oa peamSizeslOo2Q. , ,,, $4.95 pojomos W "e,w,'l,t Novelty Wool Stoics ' e Scoter Bo9s 25cto' Protect , V0S;eie plV Bock-to-Schoo D o.98 Blouses.." houses of oo 1. hlrts tr Iiaids na WHERE'S THE FIREMAN? strip iloor. He must be some place clast by...for wt practically matched his Jacket off his back, This ingenious coat by White Stag is adapted from the genuine fire fighter's waterproof fingertip coat. Dog snap fastenings hold it snug, extra layer weather protector down the front and knit wristlets keep you warm. The Outside is durable, water-repellent poplin, with contrasting corduroy collar and adjust, able wrist Straps. Completely lined with coo trast satin quitted "Thermostag"...K keep you warm and cozy no matter how blustery. Red and navy. Sizes 10 to $39.S USE OUR 3 MONTHS BUDGET PLAN-ONE-THIRD PER MONTH!. .., For School Clothes!