i mredty, August 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJtw. Ortfoa each Ice Cream deLuxe. . . 1 urn vsv '4 "each let Cream Deucrt It's peachy, too. AF Im Vratuiti) fe Peach Ice Cream ele- I treatment Widely avail in thrifty pre-packaged and half-gallons, kitchen can fancy it up for fam- Sd party delight, ce Peach Split sister p glorious banana con ration. Place two pitted j peach halves on a plate; Ia scoop of peach ice in each cavity. Now one scoop with cherry the other with pineap lauce. (You can make f sauce by adding finely marachlno cherries to ry sugar syrup; you can the pineapple topping in I jars in most supermar Flute the edges of the ie with whipped cream, w about a Peach Soda? fresh peaches and sweeten ste with superfine sugar. four or five tablespoons I peaches into a tall glass; j small scoop at peach let t and mix well. Now pour illled sparkling water and tr fizz; top at once with a coop of the ice cream. I forget the spoon-slpper II spoon and straw so you (uzzle the wonderful tast jquid, revel in mouthfuls p fresh fruit. it a Fresh Peach Sundae je hankering after? Fix jeaches as you did for the t-but add a touch of va I Ladle over a luscious td of peach ice cream. And (times add sliced thawed frozen strawberries to the peaches Just to make your sun dae taste and look extra good. Have a Peach Treat by plac ing a scoop of peach Ice cream on a slice of pound cake; now add a generous amount of Car mel or Butterscotch Sauce. Sure, it's a teen-age delight! Try a Peach Snowball a ball of peach ice cream rolled in moist shredded coconut. Whip up a batch of Cream Puffs or Tart Shells or' buy them. Fill with peach ice cream and pass the fresh peach sauce. Your heart set on French Peach Pie? Make it even more wonderful than usual by- serv ing it a la mode with peach ice cream. And here is the newest idea of all: Peach Ice Cream Melba Dessert. For its base you use delicate 8-lnch square chif fon cake; then you top the cake with scoops of peach ice cream and pour over an easy-to-make and luscious raspberry sauce. Here's the recipe. Peach Ice Cream Dessert Ingredients: H cup sifted flour, 6 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder, V teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons salad oil, 2 eggs (separated), 3 tablespoons wa ter, 1 teaspoon vanilla, tea spoon cream of tartar, 2 pints pre-packaged peach ice cream, Raspberry Sauce. Method: Sift flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a mixing bowl. Make a "well" in the middle and add aalad oil. egg yolks, water and va nilla. Beat until smooth. Beat egg whites and cream of tar tar until very stiff. Gradually fold in tgg yolk mixture until blended. Turn into a waxed paper lined I by by 2-inch pan. Bake ia a moderate (ISO degree) oven 23 minutes. Cool; remove from pan; strip off pa1 per. Cut cake into squares; top each square with a scoop of peach ice era am. spoon Raspberry Sauce over top of each serving. Makes. serv ings. . Raspberry Sauce Ingredients: One 12-ounce package frozen raspberries, V cup current jelly, 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 1 tablespoon cold water. Method: Mis raspberries and jelly in saucepan; bring to a boil. Blend cornstarch and water to a paste: add to hot mixture and cook, stirring, un til mixture bolls. Strain and cool. Makes 14 cup- Bleu Cheese Enlivens Hamburgers Hamburgers are hamburgers? Not always. Here's a deluxe version you'll serve with equal pride either for dinner or for a hearty evening snack. For this different serving, the twin beef patties are put together with a filling of bleu cheese seasoned with a hint of Wor cestershire and dry mustard. Hamburgers De Luxe 1 pound ground beei ., H teaspoon salt . tt teaspoon pepper tt pound bleu cheese 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons mayonnaise H teaspoon, dry mustard Combine ground beef, salt and pepper and shape into 8 thin patties. Combine remain ing ingredients for stuffing. Place V of mixture between two patties and press edges to gether securely. Set regular to broil. Place patties on broiler rack so the top of the patties is 2 inches from the heat. When one side is browned, turn and finish cooking on the second side. 4 servings. - This Rice Fiesta Colorful You may use foods which art always on hand for this rice dish, but the combination is different and so exciting that eaters will say, "This is really loodl" Such statements will pleese you, no end, and for more and mora praise notices, plan to feature this rice dish with surprise goodness on your menu often. Rica Fiesta Ingredients 1 cups cooked rice 1 12-ounce can pork lunch eon meat 2 cups cooked and seasoned mixed vegetables 2 8-ounce cans tomato sauce 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 1 cup grated American cheese Method Spread the rice over the bot- FOOD SECTION Par T Keep Nectar Handy aiwswii'iCiiiaiBBatd Keep a trayful of this re freshing nectar ice in your re frigerator freezing compart ment during theee warm sum. mr months. Then you'll have It ready to spoon on top fruit salad or float In a sparkling cool drink. Bring 24 cups sp ricot whole fruit nectar and H cup sugar to boil. Stir in a ta blespoons lemon juice and dash of salt Freest in refrigerator tray. torn of a creased halln kvi dish. Cut tht luncheon meat into aix siices. Place over the rice. Spoon the mixed veget ables over the luncheon meat. Mix totathar tha Innutu ....... and Worcestershire sauce and pour over tht vegetables. Cover with the grated cheese. Place in a prt-heated ISO degree F. oven and bake 80 minutes or until heated through. mis recipe makes 6 servings. ' Cold Cuts Good for Sandwiches An American summer with out sandwiches? That would be like going to the beach without awimmln mln, the mountains without Biking. Sandwiches are the great American summer lunch. And the simolest wmv Ia mik. a sandwich that suits everyone is to put a slice or two of meat in the middle. If tha maar u ... of tht many cold cuts on the marxei, me cook can make sandwiches in the jiffy it should take. You'll never ha at a lnia hp summer's aimnleit ral if know vour cold cut niH realize how many of these de licious meats are made in Am erica? We havt popular favor ites like bologna, liver sausage and ham. But that is scarcely the beginning of all the deli cious and whnlainma maata known as cold cuts. There are all kinds of dry sausage cold enta hAttl anft an4 ltmA In cluding such interesting varl- eues as ucnoa salami, ailfer- Dod Supply of Beef, any Cuts to Consider By ZOLA i rood , feryone is urged to enjoy (more often because of its ftional abundance. All of beef will continue aful as producers market ssed numbers of cattle ' herds which were expand fora 1949 to 1932. I and quality should be ted to suit intended use in get the very most for money. While higher art best for steaks roasts, lower grades are ictory in many ways. Both the same nutritive values, uiding Rib Roast Tender, j meat well fatted or Ied and containing the rib k Layer of fat on outside oe. Cooking method: t! -: . Bed Rib Roast Same cut ending rib with bones re si. Shaped Into roll and With layer of fat outside. tea i i to i -1 mc ties VINCENT . Writer I Cooking metthod: Roast. Chuck Roast Bone-in Juicy, well-flavored meat. Both the blade bone pot roast and the arm bone cut contain a moder ate amount of bone and fat. Cooking method: Braise which means pot roast. Rump Roast. Triangular piece of meat, sold either bone-in or boneless. Juicy, tender, moder ate amount of fat. Cooking method: Braise (pot roast). Club Steak. From rib end of short loin. Triangular in shape, smaller than the T-bone and with little or no tenderloin, Cooking method: Broil or pan- broil. T-Bont Steak. Adjoins the club steak, but is larger and in cludes some tenderloin. From center section of short loin. Identified by the T-shaped bone. Well marbled. Cooking method: Broil or pan-broil. Porterhouse Steak. From sir II' ' ' itsM., 1 "1 JCe coarsely enough peeled ripe peaches to make 6 cups, means about 4 lbs., or 8 to 10 medium-size peaches. (Quick ly to dice peaches is to use a knife and cutting board, as in rt) Add cup syrup drained from canned pineapple tid or crushed pineapple, if you prefer to peaches in a good kettle, and cook 3 or 4 minutes, to soften peaches slightly. mAr .fipv lX v- if rihWaaa To hot peaches sdd 4 granulated sugar; H drained pineapple tid- . 1 tablespoon lemon 3 and 1 to 2 tablespoons y diced candied ginger, U like. Boil hard, stir . about 20 minutes, or thick as desired. (To cool a spoonful quick Let cool in kettle, or ' Into shallow dish. Stir llonally while cooling. I cold. , J Spoon a thin coat of hot melted paralfin over the conserve at once a table spoon to each glass is plen ty. (By the way. you can use the empty pineapple can for melting the paraffin. Set it in a pan of water never over direct heat.) Put on lids: label and date: store in cool. dark, dry place. Makes 3 to 6 glasses of rich, pinkish-amber conserve you'll serve with pride. loin end of tht short loin, the tenderest section of the side. Fine grained, well marbled with a characteristic portion of fat Includes large portion of tenderloin; cooking method: Broil or pan-broil. . Sirloin Steak. From loin end. Sirloin steaks vary in size, shape and bone size. The wedge bone steak is largest Others arer round-bone, pin-bone, double-bone steaks. Cooking meth od: Broil or pan-broil, Round Steak. Obtained from the leg. Practically all lean meat. Oval in shape with amall round bone. Cooking method: Braise or grind with suet for patties or loaves, . Chuck Steak. From shoulder section of beef. Round-bone or blade-bone steaks. Muscles art small and run in different directions. Cooking method: Braise. Flank 8taak. A lean, flat muscle with no bone; meat fi bers running lengthwise. Only one in a side of beef. Cooking method: Score on both sides. Usually stuffed and baked cov ered or braised as steak. Ground Beef. May come from the chuek, neck, brisket Plate or shank. Flank and heel of round frequently art also ground. Cooking method: Pat ties, broil or pan-broil. Loaves, bake. Stew Meat Beef stews msy be made from chuck, shank, flank, neck, brisket or heel of rnunrl. Pnnkln0 mathnH filfwt gentle simmering in water or! other liquid. May be browned first in fat. Short Ribs. These are cut from the ends of the ribs and plate. Contain layers of lean and fat with the flat rib bone. Cooking method: Braise. Brisket: Layers of fat and lean with some bone. Frequent ly cured (corned beef). Cook ing method: Simmer slowly in water until tender. Plate. Layers of fat and lean with ends of rib bones. Cook ing method: Simmer slowly in water until tender. Heart. Weighs I Is ju pounds. Very little waste. Cook ing method: Simmer slowly in water until tender or braise with or without stuffing. loniae. i resn or cured and smoked. Weighs 2 to 5 pounds. High percentage of lean meat. Cooking method: Simmer slow ly in water until tender. Skin, slice, serve hot or cold. Kidney. Cooking method: Cut into sections and simmer slow ly In water until tender or slice and braise. Oxtails. Well flavored, con siderable bona. Cooking meth od: Separate at joints. .For soups, simmer small joints slowly in water, Braise large joints. Liver. Cooking method: Slice and braise or grind for patties and loaves. Sweetbreads. A mild-flavored delicacy. Cookini method: Pre. cook In water. Remove mem- Brant. Refrigerate if not used Immediately. Crumb and bake; erumb and fry: dice ami cream! or sej-ve in salad. tnt ctrvtlats like Gothaer, Got tinger and Tburinger, as well as summer sausage like Morta delia and Landgaeger. Get ac quainted with some of these de licious cold cuts to make your sandwiches new and interestlns each time you serve them. Dry, or "summer" sausage cold cuts art msdt of pork and beef, chopped, seasoned, cured. Some art smoked and air dried, others art dried without smok ing to give interesting varia tions in texture and flavor. One of tht great advantages of tht ctrvtlats and salamis In cluded in this group is that they will keep indefinitely In a cool place. : Then there is tht delicious assortment of meat leaves which dice conveniently into squares to fit the usual bread loaf slices. These include veal loaf, liver loaf, and loaves va riously flavored with pickle, pimtento, olives and other good things, i You'll find no sandwich nd be tht same for a month eJ summer days if you sample tha delicious variety of cold out at tht market Remember that cold cuts havt tha same Im portant high quality complete protein, B vitamins and tsstn Ual mlneras as other meats yea eervt. They givt aandwiehts) tht nutritional importance they need to be tht mala dish of summer lunch. r iH : We're hitting a new HIGH in AS AMERICAN AS CB Srorts Rtstrvt Hit Right to Limit Quantities 21-22 Special Prlcts EfftcHvt August 2 SPRECKLES Gold Medal FLOUR 10 lb. Bag BISQUICK Large 40-oz. pkg. 12 in 1 Mix Campbell 'r QW VEG. BASE MEAT BASE 6 $400 O $400 Tins I O Tins I i J ' ' ' m : OS TEA White Star TUNA FISH Solid Pack Tins Uptons The Brisk V Lb. Pk. 35c UCt. Bogs 19c Fresh Produce Fresh Daily 6 large Locally Grown Jumbo Cantaloupe 10' Carrols 3 25' Shonk Half Quality Meat lalf Hams49(". Buttt End Half Hams 59'u PURE Ground Beef 29' Ground Frsh Dally Durkte's Margarine t 21' Shady Oak Mushrooms Pieces and fl7f Siems2oz. OLIVES lindiay Ripe Medium Pint Tin DMrllM KIslnoreT. C. Ifl rCfltnW Halves No.tHtlB Asparagus or..nBow No..tm 29c Tomaloes Clplltl 2u,nV 29c CfllSUP Dtnnlson'a 2 boUles 29C PreSerVeS Elslnora Strawberry .... l-os. jar 25C rhillWilh Beans n..... ,,... 29c Chocolate Chips N..ti.-. 19c III Steinfelds Whole Dill II Pickles L bottles Pa FOR FAMOUS BRANDS LOW EVERYDAY PRICK FRIENDLY SERVICE SHOP TODAY AT YOUR COMMUNITY BUILDER STORI Highland Market Carter's Wourm's Quality Market Market Food Mitt. BERT CARR, Owner 100 XlfMs. in, (si 11103 Dtllrery Twka Dally CAtT' Tf GILBERT WOURMS, Owntr 'T1' Delivery Twite Dally . Dtlivary Twlea Dally 17ft its' He) Cal MI7 Setyttt) 1701 (sefsr SL (sj 14023