Pag 6 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Thursday, August 20, 1953 Paul and Helen $aving Renter SAIEA iileOi Of IheTlerMtt (This Wbl Nof BeOnfilUiTwUi West Salem Al the Foot of the Bridge New Stock! New Fixtures! New Management! Friday-Saturday-Sunday Prices Go on Thurs. Evening Beef Loaf Highlight of Menu for Poreh Buffet Slices of moist beef loaf .nake a grand choice for a buffet fupper. With abundant iuppliea of beef coming to market, you'll find ground beef an especially good buy. Here the loaf It teamed with tomato cups of cottage cheese and' with deviled eggs. Plentiful supplies of beef VANILLA, . ICECREAM 01. 25 Satisfaction Guaranteed! LUNCH BOX ITEMS POTTED MEAT ( UN 3 Vienna Sausage 2 ECONOMY Fountain 3-Sieve Fancy PEAS 151 SELECT 1bt7 Ripe Olives il Seattle ' tifk LETTUCE -a 10c Radishes AND ' ' Gr. Onions 3, NO. 1 QUALITY TOMATOES 10' Red Bluff, Hale and Elberta - Mb. Basket PEACHES 29 Pure U.S. Inspected Ground Beef ,b 25' Vil PAK Boston Bulls u. 47' VAI D1V WIENERS u. 2 Wonderful Smoke Flavor! U. S. Commercial Grade U. S. Inspected BEEF STEAK u T-BONE, SIRLOIN, ROUND are coming to market Now is the time to serve your family ; all of the cuts of beef they like i so well. Your choice is wide for there are more than thirty different cuts In ail. For this season a porch buf fet that features a tasty beef loaf will make a hit with your family and friends. And ground beef is one of the best buys in your market today. Team the loaf with big plump tomatoes filled with cottage cheese or with potato salad and dusted with paprika. Deviled eggs can be the garnish for your platter or wooden tray. Mens , Beef Loaf Tomato Cups with Cottage Cheese Deviled Eggs . Relishes Assorted Breads Ice Cream Sundaes It's ' easy to make every (ground beef loaf different. Use various seasonings and ac companiments to accomplish this. Here is the basic season ing for each pound of ground i beef: 1 teaspoon salt and H teaspoon of pepper. For a simple; change in your beef loaf, mold halt the beef mixture In the bottom of the loaf pan. Then place hard cooked eggs or pickles in an even row down the middle of the pan. Cover with the re mainder of the beef mixture. When it's baked, each serving reveals a slice of egg or pickle. Remember in roasting beef ' loaf the same rules apply as i when roasting a standing rib of beef. Slow cooking is must. Set your oven regulator 1 at 300 degrees F. and keep. It at this constant temperature, j Here's a tempting loaf to serve for your buffet. j Beef Loaf 2'4 pounds ground beet ' 6 crackers 49' Oregon A Prunes Top In Quality The Oregon prunes soon will be on the market. Save these recipes. Prune Apricot Crumble 10 ripe Italian prunes -8 fresh apricots H cup sugar I tablespoon lemon juice Crumb Topping 4 cup sugar cup all purpose flour i cup butter or margarine Wash, halve and pit prunes and apricots. Place in baking dish and sprinkle with sugar and lemon Juice. Sift flour and sugar and cut in butter or margarine until crumbly. Bake in moderate oven 390 degrees ; for 40 to 45 minutes or until fruit Is tender. Cool and serve with cream. Will serve fl to 8. Italian Prune Jam 4 diced Italian prunes j Vii cup lemon juice i Grated rind two lemons 1 box powdered pectin 3 cups sugar Measure sugar and set aside Wash, pit and dice prunes in a large saucepan. Add lemon juice and grated lemon rind. Place over medium heat and simmer 8 minutes, stirring fre quently. Add pectin and mix wall. Bring to a full rolling boil and stir in sugar. Boil' for two minutes. Remove from heat- and skim. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Yield about 6 halfpints. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Mors Firmly In Place Do your fftho tooth inner sad m ft.rr.M by .lipptn.. dropptnt or wop. b,m. when you t, l.u.h or Ulkf prmlti. . littl. PASTKrrM OB your pUnl.f. Tut. klkalln. tp.on-.ct4 yew4r hold. !.', tonb mora flraly and mora ceitiforlobly. No gummy. too... pwty Lt'o or frrlttw. rf Ml .our. Chock, "pl.t. odor" t4onturo iro.tfe). Qtl fatutu maw u ur arm .ura. 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 teaspoons salt V. teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons chopped onion Roll cracker for crumbs. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Pack-the mixture into a greased 5x9-inch loaf pan and bake in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) for 114 hours. Serve hot or cold. 8 to 10 servings. Queen of Summer Chicken Salads Plentiful, reasonably priced chicken or turkey encourages us to plan and buy enough to include a lunch or suppar salad. There are many varia tion! but here Is family fa vorite we hope your family will like. Recipe makes 4 servings. 3 cups cubed, cooked chicken 1 4 cups diced celery 1 teaspoon salt 3 hard-cooked eggs ' 3 sweet pickles Mayonnaise or salad dressing Lettuce, tomatoes, ripe olives Avocados, optional Mix together cubed chicken, diced celery, quartered eggs, finely chopped pickles. Mois ten with mayonnaise or salad dressing. Arrange on bed of crisp lettuce. Garnish with fresh tomato wedges and ripe olives. To "fancy up this salad, add rings or cubes of peeled avocado to it or serve it in fresh tomato cups Corn Meal Handy Food For Good Combinations Luncheon Soup You'll want some hot foods during the summer months. Try this idea with your next soup luncheon dish: Thicken a -clear soup with rolled oats, allowing about 1 teaspoon of quick-cooking rolled oats to cup of liquid. If you re us ing bouillon cubes, use IVi cups of water for each cube. When the liquid is boiling, stir In the rolled oats and cook for about five minutes. Jn any. weather, it la impor tant to eat one hot meal almost every day in order to main tain strength and working ef ficiency. One-dish meals that provide most of the food ele ments needed by the body cut down kitchen work while keep ing healthy appetites satisfied. Corn meal and - self-rising corn meal combine well with any meat to provide good food for growing children and hard' working adults. Used as a dressing in Meat Rolls, the combination of meat and corn meal provides complete main dish that is easy to prrjpare, Meat Rolls with Corn Bread Dressing are easy to prepare, and need be baked only 45 min utes, making them a quick dish for meals in any season. Try them soon, and the family will ask for a quick repeat. Meat Rolls with Corn Bread Dressing 1 pound ground pork I pound ground beef 1 pound ground veal 2 eggs 3 teaspoons salt Va teaspoon pepper Combine all ingredients for meat rolls and mix thoroughly, Place on waxed paper and pat into a rectangular shape about 40 inches long and II Inches wide. Spread with corn bread stuffing and roll as for a jelly roll, Cut into six pieces, trans fer to a baking pan, and bk in a moderate oven, 3S0 degrees F., about 45 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce or catsup. Corn Bread Dressing 3 cups corn bread, in small pieces 2 cups bread crumbs ( 3 tablespoons celery, diced X teaspoon poultry seasoning Vt cup minced enlon Vii cup bacon drippings 1 egg, beaten slightly Combine all dry ingredients. Pour bacon dripping and beat en egg over the top and mix carefully. Use as directed above. If no leftover corn bread is available, is it cully and quickly made: Cera Bread Vt cup sifted Hour 1 teaspoons baking powder t teaspoon salt 1 V. cups corn meal 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup sweet milk (room tem perature) 3 tablespoons melted butter (If self-rising corn meal and flour are used, omit baking powder and salt from this recipe.) Sift together the flour, bak lng powder and salt. Add corn meal and mix well. Combine beaten eggs, milk and butter and add to dry ingredients all t once. Stir only enough to moisten the dry Ingredients. Pour into greased 8-inch square pan and bake in moderately hot oven, 400 degrees F., 20 to 28 minutes. PEANUT KAISIN SPREAD That ever popular peanut butter sandwich takes on ad ded Interest in both flavor and texture by mixing it half and half with chopped seedless raisins. Here's Pleasing Variation of Slaw . Cool to the eye, cool to the taste. For a complete and easy supper serve hot or chilled soup, cold cuts, this salad and (resh fruit or melon. For this very good salad you can shred the entire cabbage head or you can cut out and shred the in ner leaves, leaving outer shell intact for use as a bowl. Spicy Cabbage 8law 1 medium head cabbags Vi cup salad dressing 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon chopped onion 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon caraway seeds teaspoon pepper Combine salad ' dressing. vinegar, onion, sugar, salt, caraway seeds and pepper; blend well. Pour over shred ded cabbage and mix lightly. Fill shell. Four to 6 servings. Try Corn Bread For breakfast or to accom pany summer salad, a square or two of warm homemade corn bread really tastes good. To maka it extra good add a few moist chewy raisins to the bat ter. Use a packaged corn bread mix or your own easy recipe. Dessert Trick When the weather's too warm for baking, buy some bakery. made cream puffs. Whip cream until stiff, and fold in canned cling peach slices and fresh strawberries. Fill the puffs and garnish with extra peach slices and berries. 13113 2 Not a powder! Not a grind! But millions of tiny . FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee ... ready to burst instantly into that famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR! Utterly unliks old-ttyls "Instants". . . ust a quick but lasts so different I An amazing discovery frdm America's leading coffee company! So different so delicious it's already the na tion's largest-selling instant coffee! In the famous Maxwell House kitchens this superb coffee is actually brewed for you. At the exact moment of perfection the water is removed leaving the miracle "Flavor Buds"l x 100 Purs Coffee... No Fillers Added! Just add hot water . . . and the bunting "Flavor Buds" flood your cup with the richest coffee you've ever tasted. One sip and you'll never go back to old ways! Saves money, tool The large economy-size jar saves up to 75, compared to three pounds of ground coffee I Sea how Flavor Buds "corn to lift" in your cup! UtMFlEa VICV ef on mind "Flan BuoV shows be at terly diftavnt thoy u tnm oid tyW powdatsaad grind. Statt of true ooffa flayer is leekad la thaw tiny hollow nbtra. WE RSTtNT yon add hot water, "rtayor Bads" burst mUu tng flood of delicious MtiwyJl House flaw, nil n otvTer any yon' eyartastodl i 9 The only instant coffee with that GOOD-TO-THE-LAST-DROP flavoil 3 m f :7Vx