Thursday, August 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. ftaW Or., ; : ; - food gzcns rc" a ""7 T" Cantaloupes - - " If 0"I V L"0 II Fu"ywtu'ed IK Of Srv. '.m lc. cold Tht fresh fruit season is hitting it ptok now with Hit orchard's' finest arriving doily at Safeway. Refreshing end heolthful, you'll find them priced for top value. GOLDEN LUSCIOUS SEEDLESS . GRAVENSTEIN Peaches Pears Grapes Apples ryTpftSS Picked 0 their peok of Decorate your table with The finest apple available perfect for cereal or des- 9dness r- sweet and these crisp, refreshing fa- for pies, sauces, etc. At serf slicing.' juicy selection. vorites. ' . Safeway now. ib. 19 ib. jgt a. 9c b; jg( Honcydcw Melons lb.C Nice and firm Good slicers Ripe Tomatoes lb. HO' WATERMELONS ' ib. m MORE PRODUCE VALUES II. 5. NO. 1 -POTATOES . 10-11' ,kf. 39c U. S. NO. 1 POTATOES 25-lb. ,k. 95c U. S. NO. 2 POTATOES - 50-lb. ;k S9c JUICY LEMONS Nice 8itet b. 17c SUKXIST ORANGES Teter 69c SWEET CORN Even, tender rewe 3,ml?c GREEN BEANS Ktwloeatt., . CRISP CUCUM3ERS o... 2 29c ib. 1Cc TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn Fancy Quality rated lima 46- cans : A Fancy Fish Torpedo Light Meat West Fair No. tf cans Si 24-oz. , bottle Derby Brand SMITH BRAND Whole Peeled Potatoes c Heat and serve No. 300 can 0 Chili Com Came ItoBiCiieoin) ffleat 3 2 4 x SVEET PEAS Gardenside Brand Fresh and Tender No. 303 cans 2 " SHOO cans THE FINEST WHY PAY MORE " White Magic Bleach SflOO II For safe bleaching tf-Gal. Bottle SALAD DRESSING Duchess . Qt Jar 53c MRS. WRIGHT'S BREAD vti lk r TUNA FISH ?SunkIeBe NocH29c SLENDERWAY BREAD skylark a,b. 23c PARADE DETERGENT 30c TEA TIMER CRACKERS 33c B0RENE SOAP 23.0lPk,. 29c DELRICH MARGARINE x,b 27c BRADSHAW HONEY st",n14.0,aar 52c 'A' MEDIUM EGGS DozeB74c JANE ARDEN COOKIES Pkf. 25c FRESH 3.8 MILK 2 ,te 44c FLEET MIX For the fluffiest, grandest bisquits you'll ever bake! 34' each 40-oz. $1 00 0 Pkgs. Nob Hill Coffee ' miscellaneous values Mb. pkg. 82c 2-lb. pkg. $1,63 EDWARDS INSTANT COFFEE Z 85c ' CANTERBURY TEA BAGS 19c Airway Coffee PORTLAND PUNCH M,.k.. 80c b;.k.159 '0RPED0 TUNA FISH M&M CANDIES ,.,.Pk,25c Fwnc fnff.n FLUFF-I-EST MARSHMALL0WS ,.,. 31c Edwards Coffee MONTROSE BUnER ,,,Pk, 78c Mb. n 87c Mb. con $1.73 SPRINGH0USE BUTTER 75c 1 SHADY LANE BUTTER ,Ih 74c Pkg. 12-01. Bottle 45c No. H can 30C Moke Safewoy Your Headquarters for SCHOOL SUPPLIES Every thing you need to start the school yeor right lTiiTrimiiwr-.rHiiiiiiii QUALITY ICE CREAM Snow Star Cotillion Quart . . 45c Plnt ... 32c MCal. ..89C Qut .. 59C Cregmont SOFT DRINKS 1 2 Flavors 2 quarts 35' Plus bottle deposit PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, AUGUST 23 Choose Your Favorite BEER from Safeway's lorge stock Stubhiet Quarts e Cam Handy packs AT MONEY-SAVING PRICES r-nri- unmiwM i.i.r..iMM .I , SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS How long since you had a plate of old fashioned corned beef and cabbage? You'll like the flavor of Safeway corned beef. Try it tonight. Boneless brisket U.S. Choice Well-aged . Beef Rib Roast Skinless Wieners S Smoked Picnics 1 &p Sugar SMOKED Fresh Ground Beel U Attic Beef Short Ribs 39c ,b 37c 20-24-lb. sizes SaUSaQC country Style lb. 49C Center Slices ,. 98c Fryer Turkeys Cleaned Ib. 69c Butt End ; b. 65c Fresh Halibut 811ctd Ib. 45c Shank End ,. 59c Fillet of Sole Bun,b.. ... ,b. 43c . i, BACON JOWLS For seasoning . the bean pot lb. 3' PUREX "ON I RAND SUNSHINE I SUNSHINE Dry Bleach Olive Oil Krispy Crackers Cheez-its i2.os.boH,. 39 I 4..boH,. 25 m. 28' 19