Page 2 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Wazoa Thursday, August 20, 1953 Ah! Delicious Peach Brown Betty.. I' 1 ' " Ve, y -tj;:r?erJ3W . V:,- v. .- ' i , 'V. , f 'A Rice Main Dish With Salmon You have a ture-flrt applause getter with thit Salmon and Rice Maui Dub. Every bite ii utt that much better than the bite before because the salmon is creamed together with a per fect combination of ingredient to produce luscious flavor. The salmon in contrast with the rice makes a main dish which comes out first in any popularity poll. saimon-Kice uisn Ingredients 4 tablespoons butter or mar garine Vt cup chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons grated onion 3 tablespoons flour Vt teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper 1 cup milk 2 chopped whole canned pi-mlentos ' 1 16-ounce can solman and Juice 3 cups hot cooked rice Method In a 2-quart saucepan, melt the butter or margarine. Add the chopped green pepper and grated onion and cook until the green pepper is tender. Blend in the flour. Add the salt and pep per. Slowly stir in the milk and blend and cook until thickened. Add the pimientos and the sal mon. Heat thoroughly. Serve over thhe hot cooked rice. This recipe makes 6 generous serv ings. Countless Variations Possible From One Basic ; Parfait Recipe; Try These Farfait Time Reading left to right we have Butter scotch Chocolate Farfait, Maple Walnut Parfait, Chocolate Graham Parfait and Melba Crunch Parfait; aU so easy to make, so good to look at By ZOLA VINCENT ' (rood, wriur) ; V; ' Freth fruit betties never go out of style. They are a satis fying combination of bread . crumbr, a generous quantity of fresh fruit sweetened to taste with white or brown su gar, and a hint of spice. No wonder they are as popular with each new generation as they, were with this genera tion's great-grandparents. Peaches make a particular ly good betty, especially when their flavor is emphasized A Favorite Dessert Fruit and soft bread crumbs are the foundation of a good Brown Betty. This one uses peaches and a garnish oi fluffy cream cheese. fariuJ3r tin with a dash of lemon Juice. Some folks prefer white iu gar with peaches,- while others like the caramel-like taste of brown sugar with this beauti ful fruit. Next to being generous with fruit in a betty, the most im portant ' success trick ' is to make sure the bread crumbs are generously coated with margarine or butter. This helps give this popular dessert a pleasant fluffy texture. It is this lightness that makes Its flavor seem extra good. Also, the margarine helps make the crumbs brown to toasty gold. Fresh, soft crumbs are best for Peach Betty. Since most bakery bread Is too soft to be crumbed when entirely fresh,, day-old or two-day-old bread gives best results. The traditional way to serve reach Betty is with sour cream. For a modern touch that gives extra flavor, serve it with cream cheese that has been - thinned and then whipped with a little milk or water. If you wish, garnish each serving with a few slices of peaches, or with a few chopped nuts. Peach Brown Betty (makes 6 servings) 2 cups soft bread crumbs cup melted margarine or butter 6 cups sliced peaches (5 to 8 peaches) Vt cup sugar 4 teaspoon nutmeg Vt teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon grated lemon .rind, 2 tablespoons lemon Juice V cup water I 3-ounce package cream cheese Toss crumbs with margarine or butter until crumbs look moist. Sprinkle one-third of the crumbs over bottom of 1H- quart baking dish, or intone individual bakers. Cover with; half the peaches. Mix sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and lemon rind. Sprinkle half this mix ture over peaches. Cover fruit with one-third the crumbs, then remaining peaches and sugar mixture. Mix lemon juice with, water and drizzle over fruit In dish. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Cover and bake in moderate oven (37S degrees F.) Vt hour. Un cover and continue baking Vt hour, or until peaches are done. Serve warm, with whipped cream cheese. To prepare whipped cream cheese let it stand at room tempera ture until soft. Mash slightly and add 2 or 3 tablespoons milk or water. Beat with fork or spoon until creamy. Breakfast Bowl Bring on a breakfast salad bowl lor your family come the next morning meal. You might even use a big wooden or pottery salad bowl mm. plete with serving spoon and rorx to serve the combination. Just mix together different kinds of ready-to-eat cereal: it's a good way to use ud small amounts of cereal. Then have the "dressing" of cold milk handy. Countless and delectable are the dessert variations of our basic" parfait recipe. It re quires only some nabisco cookies, a half pint of whipping cream and some fruit or fruit or berry sauce plus an egg white if desired for extending the cream. This smooth, rich dessert is quickly made and then combined right in what ever individual glass serving oisnes you have on hand. We pictures iour combina tions and give you ways of making these and others. Basle Farfait Recipe H pint (1 cup) whipping cream 1 H cup nabisco cookie ' crumbs 1 cup, more or less, fruit or fruit sauce 1 If whipping cream cost seems high and you'd like to increase this inexpensively beat 1 egg white stiff and gradually beat In 2 tablespoons sugar. Then fold into whipped cream. Whip cream just stiff enough to hold shape. Flavor with va nilla and sugar if desired. To combine Ingredients, select 6 Individual glass dessert, sher bet or parfait dishes. Into each put alternate layers of nabisco cookie crumbs, whipped cream and fruit or fruit or berry sauce. Top each with more cookie crumbs, fruit, nuts or other garnish. Let stand in re frigerator to chill until ready to use. Butterscotch Chocolate Farfait Whip 1 cup heavy cream un til stiff; flavor with vanilla. Usa egg whit and sugar as lndi. cated above if you wish, fold, ing it into the whipped cream. In glasses, alternate layers of chocolate wafer crumb made from 19 chocolate wafers flu cups crumbs, 1 cup canned but. terscotch sauce and the cream, mixture. Garnish with chocn. late cookie crumbs. Maple Walnut Farfait Follow above recipe, uilr. maple syrup for the sauce and 19' vanilla cookies for the crumbs. Garnish with walnut meats. Chill in glasses in re frigerator. Chocolate Graham Farfait Follow above recipe. mln chocolate syrup for the sauce and 18 graham crackers for th crumbs. Garnish with choco. late pieces. Chill In glasses. Melba Crunch Farfait Follow above recipe uln. raspberry syrup for the sauce and 18 butter flavored cookies for the crumbs. Garnish with raspberry sauce, Ginger-Ambrosia Farfait Put 2 bananas sliced length, wise In Vt cup orange juice Whip 1 cup heavy cream until stiff; flavor with vanilla. Ar. range banana slice upright inside of 8 parfait glasses. Al ternate layers of crumbs mad from 21 or so old fashion gin ger snaps, Vt eup shredded co conut and cream mixture. Gar nished with banana slices roll, ed in cookie crumbs. For Sundaes Next time you make ice cream sundae reverse the pro. cedure. Top the fruit with the Ice cream instead of puttine fruit over Ice cream. Chill fla vorful canned cling peach halves very thoroughly. At serving time, heap your favor, ite Ice cream into each peach cup. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts or almond and your family' best-liked dessert Is ready. I BIGGEST LITTLE " MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half BE3 f T Ground Beef OQc Tender NONE BETTER L 7 . a' $13 R. I. Reds I ea. Pork Sausage i ra "ZT Z T" 3 Picnics e, ib. 4S( Pure Porkx - . . WTrC mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi Reodyto tear Morrells Pride BOILING BEEF . , - RIB STEAKS 19e u Aged Cheese a. Aft a A9e GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES BANANAS SWEET CORN TOMu"i-. Locol Peoche, 2 uw 29c 6 29c tomatoes locol 2 b,t; IOC CANNING, FREEZING Cantaloupes POTATOES and eating in usn." COFFEE ohard prices "cake flour 10 b, 29c 89c u FRU,T JARS i nO !ELLO Brt. All Sixes O pkg. I.Uvl O OK- """" 3 itfa?C Orange Juice KOOL ADE TANG Peanut Butter 4M. 29c a oc- Solod Dressing 1 b. mm Old South pkg. X3C oo , 4 'or c Jyc - 25 SUGAR HONEY New Potatoes SWJFTNING QO ftQ IOC No'LiiJC $"wk" Th'H,orTeV,TL7row, BROADWAY MARKET ice cold HSTDrAASUR Bioadwiy and Market SI. BEVERAGES BREAD Store Hour I e m. till 8 p.m. Every Day At No Eatr Charge Ery Doy ot 4 p.m. No Limit Buy All Yo Want Empty Welcome Except Tue. Sot. Price Good Frl., Sot.. Sunday l HOFFMAN MEATS Inc. 150 North Commercial Y Phone 3-5563 rTnflTcnMflDS CONSUMER'S WHOLESALE FRESH COLUMBIA RIVER Sfeelhead 4 lo 10 lbs. LB. SPECIAL J S PACKAGE 50 LBS. OF PRIME BEEF .Cuba Steak - T-Bon Steak Sirloin Boneless Roast Ground Round Beef Cub Pot Roasts. 50-lbs. of the Finest $ 4395 BABY BEEF Budget Pkg. 15 Lb. Roasts 20 Lb. Steak 7 Lb. Ground Round '42 u.23.10 BEEF By the Side The Bart of Eastern Corn-Fed STEERS Sidetf.0 lb. 49c Side IS lb.. .Lb. 57c c:j- o lbs. illUC 49c up Lb We Guarantee Our Meat No Extra Charge For Cutting - Wrapping Fackaflnc FreeslBf or Delivering THIS SPECIAL SERVICE WE GIVE TO YOU We Take Belter (ire of Your Meat All Meats V. 8. Inspected CAPONS FRYERS-BAKERS Oven or Pon-Reody 2 Day Only Friday and Saturday 4 to 5 'i Lbs. ..LB. 49c Limit of Six Fancy Oven-Ready TURKEYS Lb. 65c 1-lb., 10-oz. and up . FRYERS 6 for $5.88 Pure Ground 2-Lb. Pkg. BEEF 12 Lbs. $2.88 Fork Loin, IS to 1 lbs. Ground Round ..7-lbs. $3.SS Beet Stew S-lbs. f 2.7 SPECIAL PRICES RETAIL DEPT. DOWN GO HAM PRICES Swift - Sweat Smoke Tenderized Thai Are Small, Loan Ham Half or fftfiity Whole . .lb. ISSJ SPRING LAMB LEGS IB. J7C (HOPS ...... tl. JJC SHOUUER ... u. tJC snw II. ITC NEBERGALL'S - OLD FASHIONED Frankfurters u 39c GROUND BEEF 2 Lb. 65c QUALITY STEAKS Round lb. 79c T-Bone 75c Sirloin Boneless LB. 85c Rib Steak lb. 59c TENDER STEER BEEF ROASTS Front Quarter CHOICE STEERS Its to AC, Ht lbs. LB. t3C I