Pat 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Ortftm Thursday, August 20, 1953 Vishi risky Attacks Rhee And U. S. Korean Policy United Nations. N Y, (V Russia's Andrei Y. Vishinsky charged Wednesday thit bouth Korean President Syngman Jthee to supported by reaction ary circlet in the United States and is doing everything possible to prevent a peaceful settlement la Korea. Vithlntky lashed out at Rhee during a policy speech before the General Assembly's go-nation Political Committee. He said U.S. Secretary of State Dulles had agreed with Rhee not to resume fighting during the forthcoming poli tical conference and added: "One wonders what will happen when the conference ends." "Nobody is deluded by such phrases as "defense" ana "i rarity" used by Dulles and the South Korean President in their recent declarations. "Everybody knews that phrases of this nature have become standard phrases in agressive agreements designed to cover up their true nature." Vishinsky continued. Vishinsky then turned to the question of the Korean peace conference, with an appeal for broad representation rather than confining the parley to the "two sides' as advocated by the United States. - ins soviet delegate con tended that US. Delegate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., wu wrong in interpreting the armistice agreement to mean that the conference' should be limited to countries which actually took part In the fight ing. The agreement, Vishinsky said, provides that representa tives shall be appointed by the two sides but does not restrict their freedom of choice to the combstant countries. "His log- ie does not mike sense." Vish insky said. "His interpreta tion is entirely fallacious." Russia submitted its own resolution proposing the in clusion of five "neutral" coun tries and six belligerents in the conference. INSTITUTE SEPT. 18-U Albany The Linn county teachers' institute has been set from Sept. 10 end 11 at Sweet Home, it was announced today by County School Superinten dent W. H. Dolmyer. flew Pavement For Woodburn Woodburo At the, city coun cil Tuesdsy night the improve ment of Arthur St by paving and Bryan St by graveling were accepted and the assess ment ordinance passed. An ordinance also was passed for graveling Joyce St. and por tions of Marion and Johnson Sts. in the Johnson addition. ' The coming election on Aug. 28 for the residents east of the highway on the question of an nexation to the City of Wood burn wu called to the atten tion nt th MiineiL Onlv reg istered voters In the territory to be annexed are eligible to vote. A 4irm nprmit ordinance was introduced but was tabled un til the Sept. 1 meeting. The problem of. making lm- nrnuMMnt rtt - Railroad St.. north from Hardcastle to permit passage in case 01 emergency for residents in that area was discussed. Jess Fikan, as acting mayor, presided at the meeting in the absence of Mayor Elmer Matt son, who was called to Cali fornia by the serious Illness of a granddaughter. The council adjourned to meet Wednesday, Aug. 38, when bids on the new city fire truck will be opened. The women of the Nigerian Yoruba tribe dress their hair elaborately and ornament their bodies. : . , o o o Regular 36995 Lr now 31995 I SAVE 50.00! I 00. 0WB w ew kJY Pipenf Plan y mini ms. &i; 'Tf " R5ife1 fill " '".t -SHJLI f SPECIAL l'Klf PURCHASE! i S-rfl"lP?Sft 10.00 DOWN ON SUkS rpjji 1 7.7 w.ft CoMspot Spacemaster IpF j IMf fraaea feed eaest A m ft fir i AelMtjMratartofcetmJ fU Sl' Storage tray fa meats " PW i Ream far tallest bottles ' 00 ' - LIMITED QUANTOf I 17 Reflular 46995 't' now 39995 fr-wnV SAVE 70.00! irTTitua 10.00 Down on Sears Easy Payment Plan 4 - I t I ...-.? - i v.. 1 m I W' -X'.- - r!- A 6 I Regular 224.95 now'20995- 10.00 DOWN ON SUM UJY MYMENT 'UN REGULAR 209.95 Now 1172)95 5.00 DOWN ON UtS EUT MTNHI rUN dEETi mm i item c&'ggice, JTOHNOMtS: 550 N. Capitol, Salem Phone 39191