-,u Thursday, August 20, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefoa Par tl i DENNIS the MENACE 3" TOLA ISLAND" Sec Brm a ecmm r Tumiirr run uu 60WNA TRY TO GRAB THOS6 fUM TREES I WANTED TO RENT FAMILY OF 0 wishes to rant 3-bedroom well Turn lined bouse by Sept, 1, be tween fW and 161 month. 24143. Jalftl TO LEASE 3 or 4 bedroom home. Me Kinley School Diet preferred. Refer ence. Ph. 3-4313. jaSG EPTEMBEB 1ST Quiet 1 -btd room fur nished apartment. Near atate library. Wanted by woman with dor. Write Mn. ateere, Kernvllle, Ore. JaJM t OK l-BEDBOOBI unfurnished house, close In. Southwest. Preferably with appliances. To 179. 3-7476. je300 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM close U state buUdlnis. 3 n. winter. IkSOt1 filCE FIRST PLOOB sleeplnv 'room. Hot ana com water. ai no. nun. taov I BEDROOM nlitelr furnished .Individual unit In court. Has fireplace. Walklnc distance to eapltol bulldlnts. Adulu only. Mo pets. W monthly. Fh. 3BMI. .-ill Kewlt BEOECORATED 1UM house keeping room. Lady, in No. Church, JMQ1 IflCE ROOM In quiet home, kitchen prlrUese. washing machine. Close to Oenernl Hospital. Transportation. Ph. 30817. J It 191 i. NEAR CAPITOL bulldlnt. attractive i downstairs room- 36223, Tflft Marlon. Jklftl . ATTRACTIVE room. private home. Gen tleman. M N. Bnmmer St., Phone 3-63M. J It 198 CLEAN LIGHT ' housekeeping room. 135 N. Church. Jk303a FOR RENT HOUSES MAPS New city map. ihowlni by-pau hlKh w.y avalUbl. at your favorlt. book tor. Look for Relcon Maps. Im304 CLEAN, OLDER .1 bedroom home, w duit heat. $60 par month. Rawllna Realty, 2060 N. Capitol. 4-1161. lma ALMOST NEW unfurnlehed on, bedroom, hardwood floor,, cltotrlo he,t, do,, tn. 34313. - JmJOl- SM CATTERLIN 3-bedroom, oil heat, 11$, 4442t. 10111 .e.nlnt,. Imiai- 1-BEDBOOM unfurnlehed, wall-to-wall carmtlnl, lltctrlo hot, 14$. 4-3144. Jml01a OVSE FOB LEASE 1 BR. homo In En llewood dlaL Ideal for coupl, or coup, with one child. Immediate poas. PRANK LOCKMAN, Rltr. 2031 Pllr sround,. Ph. 4-$3$3. Jmll9. CLEAN, OLDEB 1 bedroom unfurnlshad hou... Modern. $$. Clow In. call 1-5744. Jm200a CUTE. MODERN 1 bedroom, .lectrlc. freshly decorated. South. AdulU. Work- in, coupl, preferred. Ph. 1-4369 or 3-99H. jmjoq- 4-RM. NEW MODERN unfurnlihad iv nles with tarafo. near Hollywood. Available Sept. I. Ph. 4-9100. 1510 Hickory St. Jm300' POR RENT On. Bedroom houatt North. Inqulr. at 1110 Portland Rd. iw BUSINESS RENTALS Bt'lLOINO IN Hollywood, approximately $0 sq. feet. $50 a month, call Raw. Un, Realty, 2-4664. or 4-1141. jo' GROUND PXOOB offteo or store apace for rent, call si Plttl Maraat, ttr- FOR RENT APARTMENTS . rtlRNIKHED NICE apartment. Capitol Shopping Center. Reasonable. 460 No. 13th. JP301 CLOAB IN. attractive, furnished, 3 rooms, near, state house. 3-1083. Jp30I . CLOSE IN, small furnished duple 190. Parking space. 70 Marlon. IpW BEAUTIFUL 1 BOOMS and bath, partly furnished. Automatic washer. Ph. 3ISU 3330 Patrgrousds Rd. - IplOl NICELY FURNISHED large, clean apart ment. Utilities furnished. Reasonable. 3S5 AO. 16th. 1P301 CLEAN, SMALL, MODERN, 3-room fur nished apartment, 1 or 3 adu.ts. No pets. Sheldon Apartments, 13M N. Liberty. Jp301 VERY MCI unfurnished 3-bedroom apartment. 133 N. 14th. Range, re frlserator, washing machine and water furnished. Phone 3S566. jp301 l-ROOM IT9TAIRS apartment. Range, refrleerator. laundry. Utilities paid. 133.50. Ph. 33014. 3361 Hasel Ave. WMl VERY CLEAN, nteely furnbhed. 3-room apt., all utilities furnished. I9B. West Salem. Furnished .bedroom house. West Salem. t. 1311 Edgewater. 3-51 00 eves. 3-H33 iPj 9V t ROOM apartment. Private bath, Adulu 703 N. Liberty. Ph. 36847. .Pit. CLOSE-W. to uuiet people, 3 room fur nished apartment on second floor. Sleeping room, 1st floor. Separate en trance. B4 NO. Cottage. JPlM NICELY FURNISHED acartmenU. Am baaiador Apt, S5, Ro. Rammer IP SEVF.BAl furnlabod apartmenta. loos location. Inojlre B L stiff Puraitur. Phon. 1-9115. BE BEADY for winter. Pin., aulet, cIom In. ste.m heated f.rntened apartment. Adult, Ph. 15933 or 15341. Sundben Apia.. 15$ No. Winter. , lpl0a SALEM'S FINEST lane 1 bedroora. fire place, unfurnished. Select area. 11111. JpJOO CLEAN, COMFORT ARI.R 1 room front apartment. Rtehl down town. Lady preferred. 14$ Perry 3pl99a f ROOM fTrnTshed apartment, pri est, bath, tttmttos psld. Phon. 1-40,4. 1P30O" FURNISHED tmall apt, bath. utilTti'i. near .tat. bulldlnas. unlrerslty. Walk- In, dlit.nc 450 B. Capitol. JP3M l-ROOM Fl'RN. for lady. Store, refrli .team heat, utilities paid, 13$. 1309 Court. Ph. 3-1254. )PIW 7ERY ATTRACTIVE 3-foom furnished apartmenu New raate. aew refrlsera tor, Bew washrr. Prfrat, b,tb and ontranc. en bu. line. No peta. Adult, only, workina or cones, couple pre f erred. 34$ month. 159$ Brooki. IP3W Ilose IN. I-bedToom ,p.rtmeBt. Newly decoraiod. Otrla preferred. 43$. wo. Winter. JpSia GARDEN COURT. Rewlr eeforated. I room, wit, beta. Refrls.r.ter and .tor, furnished. O-round floor. TV Bookup snd automatic wh.r inriud d. NO Ptl. K7 Bo. llto. 4-U2. 3P30I By Ketcham LOST & FOUND THE PARTY WHO took th watch from in. mod u, aerTlee Station, Capitol and Market!- If returned no oueattons asked, bsree.rewsrd. 28141. kill' LOST, MONTHS OLD loldw brown l,mtl, eocksr pup. 39(39. kin M1SSINO I Slamoss kitten, from 3376 . rroni at. am.ll reword. kl99' MISCELLANEOUS bee-hive TRUCKS O-DRTVa UOVE YOURSELF 8AVB tt ' CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT T. PHON1 1-1931 PAGE STEVENSON And AX MEPPOBD SALEM SAND B GRAVEL COMPANY COBUtc, work BoBd CloortBi Dttcntns Sew.r bbb BuemeBt Equipment Rental Ottcblnt b; lb. Pool Pbon, Dor. J-9404 CTH. 3-4411 or 1-1411 SAHm. Ortsoo . dental plat! repair 1-hr. service in most oases dr. Barry seuler. dentut Molpa BKli.. SUM CommtroMJ SU SALEM PH. 1-1311 LET LS DO Tour flth Amoklns and fiih cannlnv. I-100S. m330a BUILDING MATERIALS WINDOWS Largest stock In Salem. New weath erstrlpped wlnrtow. completely atitm. ble4, 114.40 up. Lane modern oaahes ana crriteu picture windows, 18 Pic-i your cbnice at bargain prices. PLUMBING New toilets with sett lis B0 20"xl8" wash bail as, complete .. 17.50 Bath tubs with fittings flu 30 Double laundrr trays, complete . 30.7$ Shower cabinets, complete 43.00 Douoie xitcnen inks, electric water heaters, pip cheap 4" solid Oranseberg pipe Itc 300 laL steel septic tanks 141.80 OTHER BARGAINS Metal garue doors with hdwe $45 New 4x1 plasterboard 11.40 4x1 waterproof wallboard 41.75 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nails, carload supply .(Vis Overhead gar.ie door hdwt S13.96 Loose Insulation, per bag 11.00 won nianget insulation bargain H "Jap Birch" plywood 36c "jap Bircn" plywood i iic Mahogany plywood 42c No. 1 Cedar shinties $8 25 No. 1 Cedar shlnsles t oo No. 3 Cedar shinties 4.00 3-tah roofing 14.91 up Panel doors, hardwood doors, all types glass doors loweit prices New fir door Jambs 12 so Painted cedar shakes 310.75 Un pain ted cedar shakes) .16 00 New asbestos siding :,t IBM Exterior whits paint fi tl Shake molding, per foot, ..itfe ' C G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-W41 One nil M. of reiser ns Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day Mo dowa payment, - months to pay Epping Lumber Co. 3740 SllvertOB Kd. Ph. 44133 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY na LUMBER POR SALE Oood shlplap, 3l per M. straight. No. 3. I Aft. No. I and better. 16ft. 3-In. lumber, lit per U and up. Phone 1-3043. main USED LUMBER and doors for sale. Sa lem General Hospital (old nurses' home.) mal99 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Reduced $S PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 OAK KITCHEN TABL1 4 CHAIRS - SLIORTLY USED STARTINO PRICE AUO. 14-949 AUG. 2lt - $30 Keith Brown Lumber Yard PROMT As COURT RT. PR. 1,111 "W. Olv. $ A H Oreen Stamp." SCHILLER PIANO Medium IU. up rlaht, orltlna) finish, perfect eondltloB, Plata esae. Specially priced this week only. TERMS TP DESIRED Salem Music Company 113 a. Hlrh St. Ph. J IT04 Acroa, from Ilalnor, Theater 1 99" USED ELECTRIC MmblnatM treadle eewtrur machine, sews forward and reverse, A-l con dition, full prke 134.93. frlnger Bew tnt Center, 130 N. Oom'l. Bill Sewing Machine Buyers! new singer eiectrw eaoinet sowing machines as low as 111 down, liberal trade en your pre sent machine, per a free colored catalog, write or call. Singer Sewing Center, 130 r?. Cem'l.. Salem. Ore. 33113. nJOl LUPWIQ used piano, guaranteed con dition, mahogany cae. sale price IIM. Buy terms. STONE PIANO CO . Use state St. phone 3-usi. mil TOP SOIL Rim silt and fin 4trlv Prom pi de livery. Phone 3-1741 a OSPTTAL BED for Sale St rent I, Stiff rTsrnlturt Co Phono 3-tlM SMALL riAyo Eifellent condltloa, bar gainf or cash. Iot ty Cottage, nw play rrn like new. Chtid'a 4 root bank bed with drawer and good mat tress. 41 Busses Ave. sc Ph. 3i7ii nin Estev Sninet Piano BMtntir used. New piano guarantee. Like new. Trade tn acceptnbie. Spe cial pries this week. Terms If Desired Salem Music Company iu s Hun st ph. a-noi Across from Bislnort Theater BIOS -V- MISCEtLANtOUS SUMMON CORD OBOAN .Ulhtlr Bud with austom aoub, .abuuk 7$a. Ph. lltll. bii$- ELECTRIC CLOTHES DBTkR 4 month, eld. Can't UU U Iron b.w. Coat 1b and cleal thlo one for only $49 9$. Tarn Ot tours.. USED MERCHANDISE mart, in s. Liberty at. nou wn PLYWOOD CAB top carrier with w.ter- proof tars. tia.00. Phon. l-asa,. B1M CVLLOCa CHAIN IAWS, AN Bote wour. w,t Salon Salora l,otirtn, Sup plr. Pa. nm BEVKK uom CAMERA, pr.Jeetoi. BOV1WA, I1W. PbOB, 8lMa acraea sad SO 4-3914. KEARINQ AID SALE toeoBdlttonOB bad luoroBtAOS Bol ton. H.OMM Aid, Ot prkM TOO CAB Afford. Beltoo He.rlBf Ccater. 13$ OT- soa Bidi. Poos. s.iem 1-4491. niei' ALB OP PCBWITCHI, clothtnf, n But, Thunder ud Friday. MM bum lUM. BIN boys M-nra bicycia, ill. Ph, 1-1113 aitor I p, as. sin BCNB, BIDS COMPUTE. iptIhil mat- trassu. $13.10. Ttrm, of .ourse. obed MERCHANDISI MART. 171 B. Lib- erty Bt. Phone 46111. B9 LARGE ASSORTMENT of ebllt f drow- A CSBD MERCHANDISE MART. 171 S. Libert? St. Pbon. 44171. Term, 0: courM. biw DAVENPORT BBd chur ML In ood eon. SlUOB. CBOOB. SOW C1UI4T. UllOf 41,1, nX4 PLAYER PIANO WITH SOMB ROLLS Completely overhauled. SrnaTJ plain ease. Beautiful ton. Perfect touch. A found instrument. $375 COMPLETE TXRMS AVAILABLE Salem Music Company 1SI S.. Hllh " Phone 3-nM - AcroM from BUlboro Theater BIN DAVENOS Start at $9.9$. USED MER CHANDISE MART. 379 8. Liberty St. PhQB. 46371. Term, of courM. B19I BTUYVESANT bun.alow piano and bench, 1 bird cm, om llano. ui 3rd it. BlM BEDROOM SET with twin 111. bed,. Onl 199.10. Term, of eonr,.. used MERCHANDISE MART. 170 S. Liber U St. Phone 46311. nl9l OIRLS CLOTHES. ,how, coatt. SUe, I to 14. Phon. 3-1711. BJW TWIN SIZE boa ,prln(, and mattrau. Onlp $11.96 for tn. t. ubeij mik. CH.NDISE MART. Ill S. Ltbartr St. Phono 4-U71. Term, of eorjrM. B191 SHALLOW WELL Mm, PumB. AM. Ph. I-$7H. B303 BABY BED 111 1$. UMd " MerchandlM Mart. 170 a. LlbartT St. PboBO 41311. Term, of court,. B19I 11-FOOT BOAT Oood ,hM. N.w Brien str.tton iu motor. 1 hors.. Coit I69.H. will Mil $50. Letied both tub 11$. 196$ Kapphahn Rd. Ph. M361. njoo 11-FOOT BOAT and trailer. Oreen'. Sportlnt Ooods. 1201 S. Commercial or phone 2-124$ after 7:w p. m. naoo- TJS1D PL'BNACE for burning wood, taw- duit, or coal. Medium .lu. Very food condition. Comploto with tratot and automatle control. Ph. 3135$. nl99 1M4 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. eellent condiuon. Year book uo booi case. 43433. B300' BED SPREAD, 3 large llTlog room pic tures, stainless steel Revere ware, Dormeyer deep fryer. Hamilton Beach mixer, ate. 33to Market at. a-f5H. 11300 USED ELECTRIC combination treadle sewing machine. Sews forward and re verse. A-l c-onditron. Only 324.05. Sing er Bewing Center, 130 No. Commercial. nJM SINtiER llehtweiiht electric portable sewing machine for unpaid balance aimer Sewing Center, 130 No. Com mere I el. n200 WORLD BICYCLE. Good school trans. Porte Hon. 110 takes It. Ph. 4-047) ni' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-1110. na ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'S. Ph. 3-5110 Logs Wanted Top price on todays' market tor long "or short second growth ttr logs. Por pricas. phono 3B59I days. 41714 sven lnn. West fislem Lumber Co, 1110 Willeee Rd.. Salem. naSOT AUTOMOBILES SIGN DESTDUV3 '13 PORD CUSTOM VI SEDAN Pordomattt, radio, hea tor, washers, turn llcnals, one own er, 14,431 miles, rery apecial 11199 '13 BUICK .SUPER RIVIERA Drnatlow. new white tires, ra dio, heater, KZI giaas, one own er, service record since new, a premium car, Apaeiie Red At Black 33 13 BUICK BUPER COWERTTBLI Dm a How, US Royal Muter nar row white walls, automatle win dows. EZt glass, radio, heater, washers, etc. Ws have cotnplete at-Tviee record. Apsa-he Red, black top and black leather. . I39f 11 PC. R DOR T)W HrXB TUDOR Ettra ciesn condition with only 11.904 miles ....11315 49 PORD CUSTOM I SEDAN Spotless interior and perfect appearance, radio, heater, aeat overs III 47 BUICK RO ADM ASTER SEDAN Two-tone green with wbite wsiis., radio, heater, good.... I III VlgcfabettwlkCaf OTTO J. WILSON ' COMPANY rmmerclal at ceatar Phow, 1-1431 olll1 1941 Rl'lrK. Oood condition. Phone 9-I7I. 14ii R. 4th. .,99' 199 PORfl COI'FE with Speed OQDlp- enwBi on. 4ra,toanBW4L A7I 8. 35lh .19,' LATE 195, O. M. C. 1-toB panel. 17 000 artual miles. 1 owner. 41350. Wl3 trade ir c.r or ton truck Ph rf4la9. Teaser Studio. 1331 So. Commerri.l lit- 0 XsouAREr AUTOMOIILES SEE THESE PREMIUM CARS. -; i ' 195J DE SOTO riREDOME V- Lots ! titrti iMludlnt power ot..r tat. A weoderful ttr ttrrUlo ka Bt , IUM .LODER 4S8 CENTER AUTOMOBILES $-$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUOH FRIDAY ALL MAKES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 13l Broadway Phon. 3-9413 ' Nash Economy Lot Bean Pickers SPECIALS : PLY. SDN. NASH LAPP. CPE CHRYSLER AIRFLOW SDN, PORD TUCOR SDN. ....... FORD TUDOR SDN PONT. -TUDOR SDN. PACKARD SDN NASH "400" SDN NASH "MO" SDN CHEV. AEF.O SDN PONT. SDN , NASH "100" NASH -HX' , CHEV. H-TON PICKUP..., .1 45. 1$ I I . 171 111 . Ill . Ill . 491 . $9$ . in . W9S . 195 . two NASH ECONOMY LOT S4S Union Ph. 3-3040 .191' WE'LL BUY ' YOUR CAR QUICK OASH POR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY GOOD PRICES FOR CLEAN CARS TO 1UY OR SELL A USED CAR, SSI RON'S 1141 BROADWAY PH. 1-SI0S 0301 4, PONTIAC SMlaa. Oood coadltloB. Ph. 1-0111. 1111 No. 4th. .300- IMS ENGLISH Ford 4-door. St. Ph. 3-1771. 1141 Sixth 03W 1949 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, 1131 or but offar. 1-1731. heater. a303- NOW , HEAR 0 THIS NEVER BEFORE HAVE WE OFFERED CHOICE USED CAR BUYS LIKE THESE. SEB NOW AND BUYI 'SO Mercury Club Coupe. . RcVH, overdrive ....$1393 '49 Ford Ststion Wsgon. New paint, very clean 893 '48 Plymouth Coupe. Ra - dio, heate, new paint 795 '47. Chev. Club Coupe. Radio, heater, sharp. 695 MANY MORE A TRADES j TERMS OPEN IVEN1NO ARROW USED CARS I N. Hllh Phon. 4-1411 ollla $$ FOR $ $ You Can't. Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC '19 SEDAN. Hrdra., RAH I1IH '49 SFDAN. RAH 9M '41 SEDAN. R4fH Ill CADILLAC '4$ SEDAN 'Loaded I I1SII ' CHEVROLET "51 REDAN. RAjH 44 SEDAN. RAH .I1KI . Ml FORD 'II SEDAN. RAH I HI STUDEBAKER '54 COUPE I Ml BEST FOR LESS 44 DODOE. RAH I HI '41 PONTIAC. RAH 191 '37 ATUDFRAKER ISh.rp) 11$ II PLYMOUTH Tl Always the Best for Less AT KELLY OWENS Co. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 olfls W-MFXCt R T V1 a iTr aalo,"heatsT, V Terms. Pn. tvenings. 30P ipMfEL1'XE Chevrolet club coupe! 14.000 mi lee. I)es slur p. m- or week sds. 30t AUTOMOIILIS I 1850 OLDS 88 Slopo-buk lllbt stw Club SecAa. Tho bom'. Ms ba, Smb drtTtBs thia keautr. Sh tt. Toa'U an whf Mil 19S0 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP Burr tt so to work for row. You'll V, oaawr to owa tbla iharp truck al. lifts BROS. PHONE 3-7973 4iwo.ooaoooPOP.oy AUTOMOBILES '.armw' POST II aim SALES t2t 11B J. Utk, Sat. OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 NOTICE!. We're Moving About August 30 BACK TO OUR OLD STAND AT 287 N. CHURCH. SEE US NOW AT SAM'S . MOTOR CO.' Liberty ChemekeU Ph. ITI1T Across .from First Natl. Bank ltMO BU1CK Super Convertible. Radio. beater, Dynallow, excellent mechanical condition, sell or trade, i-titj. jqt OOOD 1040 Chevrolet sedan. Oood 1141 Chrysler T passenger. Bargain. Phone saw. owner. sjibi- IMS PONTIAC 3-door. Radio, haatar. 1131 or bast at!,!. 401 So. 31th. PhoB. 310,1. sill 1941 POBD, 1 wha.1 trailer. Will tak. trad.. Prion. 4-1133. llla Mil CHEV. Oood condition. I i at 4111 alias- Monro, at.. Ev.ntnfs. 1941 POBD k tea pickup. $31$. Se. at 1311 Broadway. olll 14, DODOE COUPE. Can. kood paint. itraa, 47.000 actual mtlesi.. Fhon. 33311 or 43711. 0300 III, PLYMOUTH dlux. 'Excellent con- ditlon. cau 44971 afttr $, q300' 1MI CHEVROLET daluie StylellB. dan. Poworrllda. Radio, heater. Per feci oondltlon, tow mlle.ie. Phone 1-1379. 3910 Laurel At,. oioo 1141 CHEV. I passenger club eoupe. Rt. . I. Boi IM. 3-3943. One mil South of Pratura. q300 19R0 O.M.C, panel, first class oondltlon throughout. Bee at 4 , Capitol lt AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR A VINO BAD1ATOB TBOUBLBf VaUsy atotor co siperu wu eoive your prob Ismi and save you money Pre sett mates, speedy ssrvlao, Oeator at Lib erty. o FINANCIAL rarvATE MONEY to loan on rial ei- tto, Phon. 1-0194. r310a INVESTORS Wl hire food flrat m.rtl.1,9 for Pour lnipeetlon. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Hlsh. Phone 3-1303 rill IM TJS POR FARM. CITY OR ACRXAOB LOANS BK8T OP TERMB WE BUY oil .Mat, morttasu a, tawtruts State Finance Co. lit aav Biik av Pa. Milt HIGH PAYMENTS? WI CAN CUT Let's Give Them the AXE! ua. our eonaeltdattow. Bias AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. 111 So. Hllh 8L -in M-lll r307 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Chunk Parkins ,-Plenty Ph. 1-1411 Ua. Na M-1M. a-IM LU S-113 bb, U-331 and RCI R SIMMIXS tNSURANCa AND LOANS Rear 'Top Tradee" 11:01 Dally KSLM 13M R. GENERAL FINANCE CO LOANS IM So Commercial at Tel 1-11(1 AVE A PRIVATE PARTY Beedlni IAOO0 for , short tlma. Wul psy 1-4 intereat and lie. ade.uau aecurltr. Jo. L. Bourn., Realtor, 111! N. Capitol. Ph. 31314. rltta TRUCKS Ml 1-TON Cher, truck, 1 apMd 'L II foot Mmblnatlon sr.ln At Block bed. ill! N. nth St., Corrallla. Phon, l-sm. Mill HENRY BSCALATO9 1 "-r HEAVY EQUIPMENT OS CAT. Sereal IRT33I, Caterpillar front trait, caterpillar rear ualt and Blade, I40a$. Oood .porstlB, coadluoa. R. cent overhaul. Praak MaslBi. Burns. Oreton. 0e303 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORT ATION wanUd to Los Aa- Kele, calif. Call 3-4579. BI99. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make, used maohlnsa sold, rented, repaired. Raws, am Court. Pa, 9-OTTL BtLLDOZINQ Bulldoslns. roads, clsann, tssta. Tirtii sluskey, 1011 Paunew, pbono 1-9141. 0199- w. do anrthlns la !h. Un. of bulld tas. Pre. .stlmatea. Phoa, l-aan. oll1 DRESSMAKINQ Alu.atloBS. bemstltchuu, buttOBA, Bucaias ooeerecu. euitooQo.ee. sars. n. M. .Uadr. 3-9911. tlf EXCAVAT1NO Bcb OUob Si Son, sacavatlB, a srodlBS. Labs aleartas. Ph. I-IMO (All FL'RNACS CLEANINO Elll'a Purnac. Clcaaiaa. All full rcarantead. Phono I-1I4I. IN HOUSE MOVINO Lardlnc. foundAtion work. Pull p.rl.nca. Pre. .atlmatos. Bwtd and Insured Ph. 1-1061, I-75M. .305- INSULATION Insulation, waatharstrlpo, slumlBum acnsBS. Free wtiputat. T. Ptulman. rnoB, S-9W5. olii MATTBESSES Capitol Bedding, renovttee Pull Una aew matiretuiet Ph J-40U o orricE rtiNm-Ri scppues Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes. duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, tyse writer stands. Boon. 450 Court, ROAD URADINO Road STadlm, leveling, ditching. - Ill eat grsxier. Boy Hancock. Ph. soon. oil Roofing and sidlna "byperts for "a rUhl price. Phone l-8. o31T SEPTIC TANKS Hamel'a septle tanks cleaned, Eli ervtea. Guaranteed work. , Phone 3-1404. 30l' U Ike's Septic Berries. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 1-B.68. o3il ewer, septle tasks, ttr sins elesnd. Bo -x Rooter sewer servioa. roM i-mit SHARPENING A BEPAIB Laws mowsrs. siws, .ta, lit, at D. Ph. 1-4611. Pro. pickup. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Rcmlnztoa Royal, Un derwood portable. All makM tued machine. Repair, 4, rat Bows. AM Court. $-1111. oa WINDOW CLEANINO . Acm. Window Claaaars, Industrial floor wsaans. hoUHOiaaBlBS, PBoM 1-1131. $47 Court START GRAIN HARVEST Wheatland Combining grain Is general throughout thia area and the yield fair with high quality grain. Although there are water falls higher and wider than the Niagara which sometimes carry larger volumes ot water, there are no falls as high which carry as much year around volume as Niaagra. Back - To - School! Youthful Jumper and blouse makes a sturdy school ensemble! A bsck-buttoned panelled desRtn will make a won derful Jumper lor woolen, or wool-like rayons. The blouse can be perfect In gingham or perctle. No. 2404 is cut In slses f. (. 10. 12. 14. else ft: Jumper takes 1 yds. 39-ln. Blouse, l' yds. 36-ln. By Carl Anderson p v' -4 vM 2494 , j 14 MEN MENEVERYWHERE 'nr. Wam tvy.,f .j- Mi- 2 l-Aarv" rt s . s " ' A company of soldiers form a backdrop for Miss Olfa . Dornblatt, only WAC with the 32nd Wisconsin NaUoosi Guard Division, now in lummer training at Camp Ripley. Minn. Mils Dornblatt li surrounded by men 8,200 of' them. She's learning all about rifles and other military . field equipment as part of. the training she demanded. A warrant officer (jg), ihe'i with the 60th counter-intelligence corps detachment, Army Reserve, and hat been a WAC seven years. (AP Wirephoto) Farm Woodlands Yield Over $20 an Farm woodland owners in Oregon had a cash income of more than $20 an acre from tracts harvested under the woodland assistance program in the fiscal year ending June 30, according to Charles H. Ladd, Sr., service forester for the State Forestry Department. In his annual report Ladd Machine May Trim Deadwood Purchase of mechanical equipment approved by the 1953 legislature will expedite elimination o f "deadwood" names from registration lists in sending out primary and general election voters pamph lets, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry said today. He estimated the financial saving to taxpayers might reach $15,000 in a biennlum. In the past It has taken some 20 persons to address stickers for the pamhplcts. Most of these will be elimin ated by the new equipment. Newbry said current records show thousands of pamphlets are unclaimed because the persons to whom they were mailed have moved without leaving forwarding address, or have died. Thomas Jefferson lived at Monticello, his Virginia home, from' 1770 until bis death in 1826. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, August 20. 1953 Organised Naval Reserve Bur face Division at Naval and Ma rin, Corps reserve training cen ter. Campany D, l2nd Infantry regiment, Oregon National Ouard. at Salem armory. D battery, 722nd A A A. AW bat talion. Oregon National Ouard at qulnsct huts on Lee street. FrMsy, August tl Seabee Reserve at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training center. HOME , -.'1 .A. '.-rt iNrtr A a il .'.SBuwt t . A JJ , lvt. Sit ) ,5- . ' I .- 'IX I As the prisoner of war exchange contiriuea at Panrauxt- Jom, this South Korean soldier, released oy the Reds, lets go with his pent up feelings ss he sees the welcome sign. (UP Telephoto) . .... . . - , y. Biiaya-wA. Acre points out that 888 operators on farm woodlands had receiv ed instructions on proper cut ting practices in harvesting 33,110,000 board feet ot tim ber from 40,384 acres of land. Cash value of the forest pro duce to the owners was set at approximately 8818,087. Ladd said that 290 farms, mostly located in the Willam ette Valley, were involved. Recently the State Forestry Department established a part- time forester service in the Coos Bay Bandon CoquiU area with offices at Coquille. Wood products' harvested from the sreas receiving assist ance in the overall state pro gram averaged almost 878 board feet per acre for all types of forest items, Ladd estimated that 1,713 acres of young,' im mature timber had ben saved from premature harvest through consultation with the owners. The statewide report indicat ed that farm foresters bad re ferred, woodland owners to 83 private forest consultants for cruising, management plans and other technical forestry phsses which are not under taken in the state farm wood land management program. . Firemen Called to Three Minor Fires Firemen were called out on thre minor fires Wednesday. A potentially dangerous blaze in a wood pile behind the old high school building,- Msrion and High streets, wss extinguished with only minor damage about 4:30 p.m. The blaze was believ ed started by a cigarette tossed into the pile. Earlier fires included a small blaze in sawdust and rubbish at the Keith Brown lumber yard, 1400 block of Tile road, and trash pile blaze behind the Calvary Baptist Church, 1230 South Liberty stret The latter fire wss believed started by children playing with matches or by a burning cigarette. Cause of the lumber yard fire was unknown. . AT LAST! pryATAWfJwajMAAB9mM r-iill : .At U t i I