Paw 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgtm Thuradar. August 20, 195S FOR SALE HOUSES Two Lovely Homes Located 700 Block Brenner Street LARGER HOUSE HAS Umoi dikinc bu. -CAR OARAOC LAROE UTIUTT. BlADTtPUL SEA SQUIRREL DEN THAT VAT SI USED POR IBO . EEDROOU. All cabineti have Formica top. Living room 21x14' with raised Dutch fireplace. Mahogany paneling around fireplace, with built-in bookcase. Mahogany trim in living and dining room. Mahogany doors thruout. SMALLER RUSTIC HOUSE HAS: BEAtmnn, knotty fiki dew. I LAROI BEDROOMS LAROI BATH WITH PULLMAN TILED RECESS, AND EX- Mahogany paneling around living room, and mahogany doors thruout. FIRST HOUSE WILL BE COMPLETED WITHIN 10 DAYS. Second house to be completed shortly afterwards. Both homes are elaborately decorated with paper In the dining area and color scheme thruout. Before You Buy Consult Us for Custom Homes PHONES 4-6634 - 2-8395 FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH HIGH STREET (6 BLOCKS FROM CITY CENTER) This location la SO ihiki, ftw homes Rave Mn for ail, there In laat 1 yeere. Corner 101 with tremendous I'" ansae Rati. Mernuieent llv Ina la thle apacioue Hill llrma room. Two 14tl4 bedroomo. lovely dlnlnt room, apara bedroom finished opatatra. Lara unfinished upstairs, full base ment, oil furnace. Offered thlj week for 111,100. Soon IT APPOINTMENT ONLT. Ask for THELMA MAN XRETZ. homo phono 2S0"ii. Willamette Valley Bnk Bll. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phono 4-I3II . Eve. MMI 109' IT OWN KB Candalarta 1-bed room, double itrift. lane aunty, iil.eoo. -Ml. K214 r OWNE4L Very ittrutltt J-bedroom house, cblckan house, larut, t-acrt tract. Ptiont irtnlnu 4-1911. tlH CHEAP TAXES lnaalatad, ftlectrle bit. -yr.-eM 1-bdrm. houi ittacbod t rift, ' met iencd rrd, clou tc ichool, itorci bai. Ttrma. ftfltso. Phong 4-4197 tvenlnia. 300 BY OWNER 4-bfdroom hom. fir, pit cm, 3 bathi, double saraff. play room, View. J-j449. 30O FOR BALK br build -r. Ni I bedroom hotna, 15 cu. ft. dtep frteaa. Banain. IncludM ona week only. Sa at 3730 Lanilni Art. Phone 30107. aaoo ITT It ACTIVE bedroom houaa la Waat aalem. IA00 down, si month. 173 mariiiat or. iraaa. aioo1 ilVKB PSONTAOE J-btdroom home, oeautlful Mttlnc, UDdMapfd. t blocks o. oC Manbrln Oardant. 17100. By owner, John Haaoock, 11(1 RlTercreit Dr. PH. 3-43M. a3O0 WILL BELL bt equity in new J.bod roora homo, VlftOO. Poetible low down payment. 3340 Towtwad Way. a 181 Ft OWNIB 3 bedroom a. 3 bathe, oil heat. On arr el iround. Property la- ereattnt to valua. Idaal for buyer who iikea aardvaias or laDd.uptnB. Kine- wood Heithu. Phona 3-llJI. alll 5? OW N F it 3-7car-oid 3 -bedroom ahakt. fTM dowa. Hardwood tloora, ovad eeUtnta, all plamred, new paint. Avtomatie oil furnaca hfat. 1 block to bua. DTlvo by 47 &t Thurman. Call 4Mla for appointment alt! , ZB THU J-BEDROOU NOU1 AT I 1119 NORTH TH 8T. Hire L. Km., fireplace, D. ra eoa lenient kllcbra. dbl. plumblni. Mu ter bodrm., ha walk -in closet and beanUful tiled bath. Oaracc and au tractive carport. 43&00 dowa will han dle. Please do sot disturb tenants. Call JOHN J. DANK, RXALTOR 411 N. Bllh Bt. Ph. 43491 ve. 37441 3S314 34474 - 41543 aiM It owner -flplandtd 4-room modern beqsc, earace. Close te bua, church, echoot etore. 3384 Laurel ave. i3H aire St OWNER, 3 bedroom home, fireplace, hardwood floors, Uvlni room, dlnlnt room, full basemanf uwdust beat, bua Una. 49.400. Phone J-5331. a!99 A HOMI TOO WILL VI PROUD TO OWN Owner tranjf erred, so must aell. Ijrie comer lot with superb view of the mta. 4 bdrme. with lots of cloaet apace, .arte Lk. eeparate dlnlnt rooi party room with fireplace, charcoal trill ea fine patio. CVERTTHINO TO MAKE A RIAL HOMK. A very email dowa payment with liberal term en Balance, ir yon are looklnt for a boms be sure to ace thla one. PRANK tOCKUAN. RXALTOR toil PilifToundi Rd. Ph. 4-4341 1 ACRE AN ACRK, ft cow. some chicken, ft tardea and a tood 3-bedroom home, with all this you can tt back and let the world to by. We have the acre. Th l-brdroom house 1 there. Tou furnish the ccw, we furnish the barn. Room for tMckeaa and wonderful ear den apace. Thla acre la so close In It la a wise Investment Just for Pu Ineu Property" location alone. Only 49M bare it, for 91900 down. Ak for LILL1E CROAK, home phone 1-931. Willamette Valley Rant Bide. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phone 4-3994 tve. 3-49M al99 (i m,D AnvriTisiKO rn Start. Uaiaa Is r n.r . a. Par tjr.rt. I ItBjM It, Pt Rtr,. I Sta N. r.a.-.Mi.iM.a IS WarAa arrraa la I.ra) Nar crama Oatr, rvr Wm4 tff MHa.aa is frorta. T Plan Ad in Sm n.T"s Pajvrr, Phnn, t-Uvt Rrton It aja. NBW FOR SALE HOUSES : LA KOI HATH with couoiah cabinets, exclusive sltoino olass show- m doo and tiled tub a- beautiftjl birch kttcbev WITH EATINO SPACE. CLOBIVE aLIDINO OLASS DOOR. BEAUTIFUL BIRCH KITCHEN AMD DINETTE LAROI UTILITT. fireplace. Mahogany trim In FOR SALE HOUSES TODAT'B BSBT BUY ALL THIB POR I1S04 DOWN I bedjoonu, forced air furnace, tile bath, pavad road, lawn In. hardwood floora, picture wladowj. 34S0 J. ?te. WHY PAT UORIf Beautiful wett U la Candalarla. I btdroomj. ' lartf llvlnc and din ina rooms, exquitlto dea with eutiido patio, birch kllchfta, 3-car eareie. Only It. 604. CONTACT OWNER BUILD m GLENN HAMILTON !4 Palrtroundj Rd. Ph. 3-6043. I-I3M a300 If You Love Flowers SEE THESE 2 HOMES WITH UNSURPASSED FLOWER GARDENS GRACING BEAU TIFUL, LIVABLE BACK YARDS. j 1. MANBRIN GARDENS Manbrln Garden apeaka for ltaelf. However, If you are new In Balem, you hould know thU location la choice for euburban living. The entire area la populated with eya-appeallnr modern home, and thla la cne of the fineat homea In the nelihborhood. 3 apacloua bedroonu, fireplace and dlnlnt room. Bilck laaide and out. All dtr aerv Irea In euburban eettina. $imo down, 110.400. Aik for CUT? BOWDKR. home phone 39954. 2. EAST ! TfUPP ftAro about the yard: It beautiful. 1-bedrrom home, lmmatu Ute. 3 bedroom dowa, 1 up. Separate din lor room, attached aerate and etparate shop and deepfreese room. eVUlnr below PHA appraisal at 494&0. Aik for DON DA via. home phone 1-70311. WUlsmett Valley Bsnk Bid. HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Phone 4-4394 Xve. 1-994 a 199 S NEW 3-bedroota homes, near school. 4 block te bua. Call 3 -WW alter 4 P.m. B303 I BED ROOM ft, fait basement, automatic U heat. Kin l wood HelthU. 1-4151. a 194 4394 DOWN lmmed. posseisloa, 3 B. R. platered home with fireplace, hwd. firs., about 4 rrs, eld. en black top at. la tood dlt. Price 4mm. BURT PICHA tTf N. Hlfh St. Tva. 4-3193. Off. t-4047 ai' BT OWNER Modern 3 bedroom home with den. Picture windows. Verr tood location south. 410.990. Ph. lion. altt 4B.1U. KKIT.KR, modern bedroom house. Newly painted ta and out. IS acre. Phone 4-1709 30C 4 MODERN HOl'SES on same lot. On 4-vear-OM 4-room. one l-year-eld rooms. Oaraies attached. 4410 Broad war. Make an offer. a30i A PERFECT HOME Just euUlda the city Jim lie on HUh way 99. Lot of tree. sprlnkllnt arttera. ih acre. -tMrm. home, fireplace, basement, double ta raae, work shop, beautiful t round. Mow J 1,000. term. CAPITOL REALTY CO. Ph. 1-353 1. 4-4144 1350 Mae water FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT 7M1OT. paved St., la raftrlcU d dutrlct. citr water. Will take car or euulty la small horn. Phone 4-lill a703 FOR SALE FARMS PRICED POR QUICT. RAL1 te eeltle an estate 131 Acres, part Baattam bottom land. 3 house. 1 mod era. I It, elder bouse, 1 rental. 1 barns, I alio, all-year creek. Irrita tion well, elec pump. Well for bouses and bsra- i a tooe renen. uaiy 434.044. About 110 A. cultivated. 49 ACRES near Independence, bottom land. 34 A. cultivated, tit. 000. CHOICE 04 ACREB ChehaUa eolL lakea and well to Irritate all variety of crop crown, t alio with feed barns yard, HUhly productive ranch, tood flshlnt boating. Nor in. OTHICR CHOICE bottom land acre aaea of yarieua sites available. Phoae ar come la. are sxm wait. BURT PICHA 7tK. Hiahai Em Off.: 1-4m: biaa REAL ESTATE INDUSTRIAL BITE 4 blorka eouih et Btat Bt. le la. let tOatOO, hae two rental. Pr. liftOO. TWO HOUSBB ON I LOT. NORTH Ton can Hi la oat and rent on Price 9000. term , 30 ACRES. RART Mostly planted to filberts. A toad p,ar to build a home. Pr1r 4400 WM. BLIVKNB A CO.. REALTORS 447 V. Blah e)t. - Ph. J J41I, t. 1-4773 ' 0194 I waeaeVaMBB REAL ESTATE ROY TODD REAL ESTATE ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL Larte, comfortable end cleaa, this Iwo-Mtm. bom a paved eL ltli Id walk and Hit, ClOM to alert Ml OH. MWt. 20 on Your Inveitment storvlc atatiea, t roc try tier, rental eabia. and eico 1-bdrm. boa Service ate t lea sell Chevron aase- llae and did M.44 tallou la 1113 with Mill martin. Grocery iter ud CbtBe ' MBU4. Located OB Ml Ot ft JUBCtlOa With ft llU'SMl fetch war. m acre f U04. plenty ef reoi for ether improvements. Ovaer WW take some trad. 434,404. OLDER BUT SOLID Lot ef tood llvlu Is nt- have twe bedreotae, ft lane llvlnc room, tart kltchee. Mr irt 1 paved, I have tome troll oftd eilte air lane lot. Tmi ere tttiiai your money worth ftt only HMt. ROY TODD REALTOR nit aut at. offie. n. isssi Bvenlaee call: Slmpeoa. ISllli Rucb, S7S1S; Todd. !?!. C1M' ISTDfeftl til. Y.'t WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NERD LlBTINOa; Rom, Parma, Aereate. Bullae, Motor Court, Tavern. What have yout MIGHTY GOOD BUY Tat, It 1 a tood buy. la a pinch you could walk down town from this one. i-Doaroom P'ua iuji Basement. Pi replace and furnaca. Coiy break fat nook. Bu by door. Pull price Miv 911.70. Owner will trad for 3' bedroom and basemcat 1ft aoutb Belim, Will Trade for Acreage Owner reporU he need a lart home ao will eichanta I or aereate. dep. utility room. Very eulet desirable are. Tnsulatod. 00 br 300 lot. 1 bit- 10 BUS. 3 nice walnut tree. PuU price only 443SO. WHAT A BUY! Only 91300 down ea thlt t-bedroom home. OnJy t yr. old. in tood eonoi tirnt. Mo lawn to Plant. Ineu'ated. Owner leavint tUte. PuU price only 443M. Dor 'I paa shit buy. BEAT THIS ONE TV nice, it' roomy and lovely. Plat condition, mccuent tot ana location. Cosy fireplace. Patio to enjoy your evealnta. Lawn and ihrube. But by door. Only 91400 down will handle. Pull price 910.500. LOTS OF LOTS Very desirable. 44 1 147 corner lot. In South VUlace. Thla la ft real bur. Tha. area Is well rcstrktod and ur rounded by new hornet, PuU price only 43400. 17 LOTS achooL CHr vatar arallabl, Paat arowlnt araa. PuU arte, enir toot wltn SltN down. 6 LOTS Near new Salem hlth achooL Street pavad. City aewar and water are In. Tht 1 an Ideal location for mod erately priced 3 -bedroom home. Pull price tor all six 47404. or can be boutht aeparatalr. FIR GROVE Very close In. One of tht very few fir trove left la the ore. Nice home turroundlnt. 49 by 300 ft. Pine for daylltht baaemtnt, PuU prlct 91744. Home Plus 2 Rentals And they are really nice. Almost Daw. Inouth room to build another on tht same lot. 3 of them have 3 bedroom. Insula tad. The type property that hu a larte demand from the atandpolnl or tenants. 9 bit, to chool. Bus by door. Near ttore. PuU price only 414.744. Terms. Motel Owner's Dream Tes, you have beard tell of motels without vac ancle, but have you seen one? if not. we ean enow you really lovely 11-unlt that hu alaoat no vacanciee winter or aummar. it s ao clean. In tueh fine repair, you wlU be aurprlaed. Beautrrot and Realty mattresses. Room for several more unit If desired. Just think, the price Is only 474,000, with 930,000 down. 4 unite have TV acta. WLU take emaU home ft ptrt payment. Semi-Retired Special Tea, It ya nwant to retire end not be Idle, thla la It, 1-rental unit hotel that la In very tood condition and welt established. New forced air oil furnace. Punished. Owner wlU ac cept home a part payment. Pull price 1 only 3 oe. Cattle Rancher's Dream mo acres with free irritation rltbts. Near enouth to Salem that you could hop here. Pine for cattle or dude ranch. The very beat of huatlnf and fLirtinr. As a matter of fact, we think H i ft aporUman'a paradise, l homes. Lota of outbultdtnta. t aprlua. 300 tons of hay. 100 head of eat tie, .mostly Hereford. Loot lt of farm ma chinery. Thla la really a honey and on you'd be proud to own. Pull price 197.900. tCaU for Ray Orimmett, Kvt. 1-7474) 1U ACRES Modern 9-bedroom home. Very tood condition. Close to flalem. School, bus. tarate. Will. aolL Several tree. PuUl price 47950. 8 ACRES Modern house with an unfinished anataira. Oaraae. Pvd. rd. 4 A. strew- btrrles. 1 A. blackberries. Several fruit tree. Owner will accept car a part payment. Pull price only 9MW0, 17 ACRES Modern 3 -bedroom bouae, Only I mile from Salem. Pine repair. Chiek enhoiue. 3-car tarate. 4 A. at raw ber ries. 4 A. cherries, plut tome walnut. Pull mice 111. ISO. por Buslneis Opportunltlea and Home, call lor XfR. CRAWFORD (Eve. 4-9030). or MR. KIOOINS iEv. 4-04941, or DAN 1AAAK Eve. 4-9433), ar RAY ORIMMETT (Eva. 4-74791 Por Parma onir, call fer MR. LRAV- KNS (Eve. 9-4731. If no answer, call 4-I344. LICENSED ALSO TN WASH. AND IDAHO MORTOAOB LOANS 30 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phone: t-un or t-7s le. Phtnee: 3-4734. 4-9414, 4-K34 4-JHJ or t-7979 ton Portland Road If ao an war, phoae 4-3344 C199 Be Ready for School! Close te new Washlnttea school thla aire flve-yr.-eid plastered modern home. Ona bedroom dowa, need oome finuh work for twe more bdrms. up. Otl furnace. 4 let, each Mats. Apple cherry tree. Price 97.990, and teed terms. Close la. but Bt doer, close te school and stores, thle two-bed room home. Rntraace hall leadiat late llvtnt room, nice fireplace, dinette, auto matte ML basement. At l; tarate, levety fenced yard with lot of Made and fruit trees, flowera and shrub, ttiite ft. tot. Priced at 4 no. Owner wui trad for Isrser home. One block to echeel. bat by door, four-year-old hem with twe bed rooms, eeparate dtnlat room, modern kitchen with breaklast nook. Lovely bath with powder room, Au torn a it oil heat. Excellent beeement with recrea tion room, could elr be aaed as third bedroom. Double tarate, larte lot 791349. Nice tardea, flowera Bad ahrubs. Prked Bt 411.900, term. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN 343 PORTLAND ROAD PH. 1-7001 SMITH REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE THREE-BEDROOM, V2 BLOCK TO SCHOOL Uadara lhraa-kamaa toaaa. all fanad sir ba.l. SS I HS lot Ucataa) Slack ta acba,!. .rlt.d al nlr SS.SM. wltk ll.SW alon. CaU CM Joa apaoi&Lm.ol u oaa. SUBURBAN SPECIAL Thle fin home It 44 year eld, hat one bedroom dowa. on bp with pleat y apace for another. Nloe llvlna room, dtaiat room, larte kitchen witn plenty of tile and built-Ins, lasid utility, lart earat. tieep tionady nice yard with apriokltag system ia froat. Nice tardea space Wltn verbd sprlakllnt ayatem. Let 07 a 390. tood well iurntahiaB pknly water. Per apoiatmeat M , call Dale Raybura. SUBURBAN SUMLIME . Aa architect' dream for two bedroom, full diaint room and a kitchen that you'd think be read your mlad. Th:s home 1 aurroundad br aelthbor of home owner ano ooaa lovers. Why net buy the riant to U your borne your own. priced at only 910.794 with let ie of 14 i 171. Good term. CaU Chat fer appoiaimcat. GRADE "A" DAIRY 44 jcree with three-bed room heme, larte mechla shed. II -stanchion bam, loafint ahed with 1304 j. feet. I alio full ef era enallate. 14 acre permanent pasturt, 94 acres wheat and barler, 1 acres bay, tood well with 1304 ft. ef 4" mala Una. 944 ft. 3" lateral. 14-bors electric motor, 14 bead milk cow. New troaaiaa 1904 per month. All machinery, cewa, hay. feed, te with aaie. Thla 1 on ef tht bast dairy farm 1ft valley, ioeatod close la. Por appointment to , pleas call Dale Ray burs. There la enouth hay and feed te last most of this year. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE Two bit bedrooms, nice larte den, blv llvlnc room, nice fireplace, atee kitchen and dlnlnt room, attached tarate. bit utility and storate room. Seclusion on titra lane let. South five minutes from dowa toon. Lew tax, AU fer 44.790, ea low dowa payment. CaU Jim. HERE IS A REAL TRADE FOR YOU Neat two-bedroom home. 4 year old. Close la with tood paved etreet All Just decorated. Cleaa aa a pla. Owner la anxlou te let Into a three bedroom and will make rou a real tood trade. It will par you ta check " thlt one. CaU Jim. THREE BER00MS ' " Owner tare sell, Tour opportunity to bur a astrly new three-bedroom borne. Very nice location, paved street and sidewalk and a skip and lump te school. Ye, and very tood term may be arranced. Thle may be the opportunity knoeklnr at your door. Tht prlct la ritht, at 9,500. CaU Tlbbetti. ' , ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES 1 Thlt I a very nice lot, 139 s 417, driveway travel, lot fanced with 13" woven wire and Ihre barbed wire, tood cedar post. Thla 1 ft tood auUdlat sit. acre in alta fescue and clover. Permanent power on lot no and 330. Owner must leave town because of ill health. See thla before buytnt a build We lot. Call TIbbctta. RAWLINS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) MS . Capitol Of fie, 1-4114 or 4-1711 renins Poena, Ttabatu S-74SS Chat J-4114 Jim 1-S51S Dil, Rarbura I-IMI 1SI BEN COLBATH REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN THE SENATOR HOTEL A POOR MAN'S BUY NICB. NEW Ona-bedroom aaraaa houaa on eornrr lot 77xM',. Vla'.a At, lot, lion. ONLY SS0. NICE BUY POR. THE FIGHT OUT. SXI MRS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. LOW PRICE BIG FEATURES LOCATED ON IDAHO ar. RKantlr-biitli l-bafroon homo wllh llrlns room, laria kluhan, manr bullt-ln-i, bath, utility rm.. sarara and tool houaa. Small fence, aara.n and lawn In. ONLY SOU. TERMS I100S dO.O. SEX T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 4I7K CATTERLIN AVE. TRADE ' SEVEN-YEAR-OLD EXCELLENT S-bedroom home, llrlns rm. With ftreplaca, dlolns rm., todwd. lira, baamt. At oil furnaa, lot 12x117. Loralr location In Enlleerood Dlat. ONLY 113.500. WILL TRADE POR NICE 4-BEDROOM HOME. SEE CARL ARNDT - Eva. Ph. 417SS KEIZER BARGAIN BUY LEAVING TOWN AND MUST SELL THIS Beautiful t-bedroom noma with hdwd. flra., llrlns rm. with Dutch fireplace, dlnlni rm., wonderful kitchen, utllltr rm.. attached faraae. Landiceped lot S0H17 LOCATED ON HARCOURT ST. PRICED TO SELL QUICK. Sea Mra. Oflaaba., Bva. Ph. 73. 1250 PARKWAY DRIVE SEE THIS SECLUDED three-bedroom home, S bathrooma, wonderful dlntns rm.. Uvlni m. with wall-to-wall carpetlni, part basmt. Metal fenced rarS with man, abadr oak treea. BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON THIS SHOW PLACE IN THE VALLEY HAS EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. See this nearlr new three-bedroom home with wonderful 14x21 llrlns nn., dlnlns rm., honer of , kitchen 12X1S, aeparat, nook tile la kitchen and hatha, wall-to-wall earpatlns plua aelact oak floora, I flreplecee, covered patio, larce dry baamt. with partr room, oil fur naca, breeaawar to double serosa. Manr beautiful flowera, ahruba, velvet lawn. 4 aerea ef sarden aoll (rou ehould aee the tall eornl. Ponr barn and machln, ahed. Located Eait. price 2S,ftOO. Sea Baa Coibath. Iva. Ph. 34.21 FISHERMAN'S CAMP ON LDcTKIAMUTt RIVER 1-badroom modern home with ators build in,, handllns srocarlea. 1c. .ream, pep and flahlns euppllea. s eablna and nice picnic area. SS Mraa of land. HOUSE. STORE at CABINS PLUS PURN1SH7NOS. TOTAL PRICE POR ALL, 411.000. It down. Sa. T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 41714 V AISO CAN BE HAD ONE ACRE WITH NEW two-bedroom home, adjolnlns PISH ER MAN'S CAMP with almoet new furnlehlnaa. ONLY Sisss or without furniture, SI400. THIS IS WONDERFUL SECLUDED PLACE POR ANYONE. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714 COLBATH LAND CO., REALTORS S15 COURT ST. DIAL 44494 OR 84552 ARNDT - 4I7IS OCUSBEE - SS17I ANDERSON 42714 I GRABENHORST SPECIALS- ' MOTEL - HIGHWAY SS Seven unite plua room fer four additional Mlta. Completely furnlehed. Ownar'a auartara. doe. In to town and raatauranta. Will cone Mar Irada for Income or realdantlai property. CALL H. K. LAYMON ( WE NOW HAVE 4 lota located in the Meadow Lawn Tract, aouth ,f aut. Street-Pour Cernere. Priced Mil up to M. EASY TERMS. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. OUT AT XETZER. And at MSS Newbers Drive, la s beautiful l-odraa. home, 1 down and 1 up. Llv. rm.. din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. flra.. lee. kitchen, radiant sleaa heat. Cloee to atore. .ehoel and hue. Pine location. 1300 aa. ft. en mala floor. Cleaa home, larce let. Iis.too. CALL ROY S. PERRIS OHILDREN a PARADISE Uvely l-bdrgi. home neeUed en s tcraa of orchard. Beautiful lae. oak fer ahade. Hae. eat back aas front paved road, eeiurloa privacy. U. rm, with fireplace, din. ym.. kitchen, beeement with auto, oil forced alrTteet. Mual be w to bo sppr, olatad. CALL 1. E. LAW ONE ACRE, SOUTH A vry alee 1-bdrm. home. Ur. rm., din. rm, kitchen with brkf. nook. A full be. int. with a third bdrm. fireplace, new eU furnace, lata of fruit aaea. Price S12.S0S. CAU. H. F. LAYMON NOTICElll Thla la what you have been waltlns for. PVrrt time en : market are theaa two beautiful aereaaa homee In wooded prove. Worda "P'"e either. Price lll.soo and 114.500. CALL O. H. ORABEN HORST, JR. MR. INVESTOR Here la buelneaa bids, eapeclally suited for retire, ment or aa a "eecurlty Inveitment. Corner lot In excellent bualnee, area. S-elery blot., well leaied, approi. SS I 100 lot. Income per month. Price S7S.500, POR DETAILS CALL C. L. ORABENHORST ACCEPTED BY AMERICA Copied after tha famous "Trad, Secrete" ' heme. Lovely eettlna and location, 1-cor sarase. central hallway, atreamllned kitchen wllh lie. dm. rm. and llv. rm., fireplace, auto, diahwaeher, waaher and dryer. Lota of bulll-lna, forced Mr auto, oil .:J . "i"1 wsah baelne. 1 nice bdrme. All you could dealre la a S30.SM heme. Priced at tie.too. call ROY s. Ferris NEW HOME ALMOST COMPLETED nnesi location. 1 bdrme.. plue Playroom, all forced air heat. hdwd. lire., fireplace, dble. aaraae. brick front, Irulde utility. See one of lUlem , Until buys. A real seod yalua St 114.400. CALL ROY S PERRIS "OTAURANT BUSINESS ON PACIFIC HWY.-Exeluelva alnnwe or XSSiiVJlSS iltw"' - GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS tit s. uetrtr st. rn. i un &enlnta sfc Buadart caU H T. laTmrtn f-Sltl Rat w-rrt J-Sftift J V. Law I-I11J REAL ESTATE Elbow Grease & Paint needed te clean aa thla tood I-year- old structurally aettnd threebedrtnin hotat. located south near new hlsh ernoei. Inaedlau aostlon, low oown parncBt, Aikiat MN. rreoert l pha. approved. (Opporiunitr noru tor eoateonc i $6500 $50 Per Mo. for thla new roomy two-bedroea. home, located north on larte nroduetire let. iow oewn payment, balanco 95 aer moatb. Don't tee bow a renter could wilt en this one, those rent receipt ere hard to cash. Me erton or drive by Information; first oome. first terred on this oar. TRADE-MINDED We have a dandy 4-bedreoni home with double tarai. beauitlul llviat room and dlnlnt room fireplace, a kitchen that te a womaa'o draam. whkb ewotr want to trade for a emaiicr beaae. Now, Mr. Family Msa. here la a property anyone would be proud to own. and it a tood for tha ramur. wnit novo awn i trtvaiav Money Money Money FifA. H loan ft rear. veaitoaal M-ysar lean, farm leans to 1, ? term. Oood lisiint wanted ea homes, ecrtatts and farms. Joe L Bourne, Realtor Ilea M. Capitol M. it law REAL ESTATE RESORT PROPERTIES FOR SALE Brelthannta cottatt. Cutler City. Fronteto en Siiett bay. Uodern. Indudini lovely fireplace. Partly fur niihed. see Hcks cleats at Brtithaunt Florist.. ecSOO FOa. Sreithauat't cettate. Cutler City. Froatace on SUett bar. Modern Indudiat lovely fireplace. Fartly for aisbed. Se Helea Heath at Brelt haupt riorlat. ec90w JOE PAL00KA On, rveoeev... I AAADfc SooTT""'.! I HE fms just stupid an- V IM fPOCS 1 KNMaV)ft.tSi:VANTA B JCi LOOKS M6AN N0TWJ6.l fA1 J a&ES IMfM m MOUTtSfu RN08BY, y-LOOR k ALONE , -fr MOT TMAT I COWT AAH yeu'M J S6SSE NOT THAT nAM gi j - REAL ISTATI $100 DOWN SmaB heme tnaido city limit and cueao to one iiae. u aeeat reaecoraiina and eleantatup, but the arice u only asisw wiMs eanauu BBanuiiy aaymoai. NEW 3-BEDROOM. Ooly atot dowa. All hardwood floora bcloaad atllttr. Wardrobe cioaate. Forced air ell beat. Larte saornM tot eleeo to tcheols and but Use. Low BMBtnip par menu. ENGLEW00D Love If Sbedroem home wttb larte Win alto rvvm. avojsiusiieu iirsjpitvcs) Lai aoaatloua llvlnc room. Laraa aatlBi pac la a lovely kitchen. Forced air all bat, only ?ra. om and la eeUeei cetpdlllen. Only tiMt nee to handle deal with m loaa ex pen ar red up. , REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml Sooth Hlfh Street Phono 1-1101 Phone erestnsa and Sunday: 4-1471. 4-11SS. 4-tllS. 1-1244 elf K $700. Down K SSI per month buy tht 1-year-old f-bdrm- home with hardwood floors, larte llrlna room and kitchen with eatlac (pace and lot 'of built-in. Frlct 900. Lovely Corner Home litre nice S-adrm. horn ea paved street with larte Uvlni room with circuit tint fireplace. Thlt home ha a wondtrful decorating Job. It 1 in aulatedand weathtrctrlpped. Attached araae with loada of ttoratt room overhead, a nice tile bath with larte wlndowt hrouthout. Only 4V year old and block to school. Total price MM. Best of term. 3 Bdrms. 2vi Acres 14M ta. ft. of floor apace, forced air heat, D-typ kitchen. Lane Uvlni ; room with fireplace, dlnlnt room. . 1 tra larte bedrooms. Lovely hardwood noors, Venetian Blind. Htwiy painted. A tood bet Inn 1st for a fine family orchard. School bua toot by door. Total price 118.000. Terms. L E. KLUMPP, Realtor 0SS Portland Rd., Era. S-1ISI el Ph. 1-7M1 l-lass elll' RIVER BOTTOM LAND 4S Acrea. S seres peeehea, S aeru fllbarta, scree pla cherries. Owner for years haa cleared lOe. or 110.000. oa orcharda alone, can ralae mint, al falfa, beana, au. SECLUSION AND QUIET 3-bedrooa houee, llrlns room, break faal nook, hardwood floora, baaement, oil furnace, city bua 1 block. Near park. Double sarasa. Lawn and abrub berr. Very nice buy at ID, 000. ABRAMS. BOURLAND & SKINNER Alt Maaoolo Bulldlns Real Eetate Inaurancc Mortaaf a Loans 1-1117 , Evai.: 1-7114 or 1-1701 c201 Large Bedroom There are S 14-foot bedroom In thla new. ntver-llved-tn home, plue a oed-tlsed llvtnt room with full sited fireplace and picture window overlook In t a very pleasant rlew. Very tood forced air heatint tratem, at tached tarate and tatint apace In the kitchen. Thla Is a substantial home In a restricted district with all ttreet aateatment la and paid for. Full price only tlleftOO. $1500. Down FURNISHED - TV Verr clean home, torn pis tely fur nished lneludlnc all kitchen appli ance, automatic waaher. Motorola TV aet Installed, solid, neat 3 -bedroom homt with floored attic and dlsappear lnt stair. Located en a paved street near a but, and under a cool maple tree. I150O It the full down payment, and 16ft per month win handle the balance. M0 full pTlca, t) REALTOR PHONE: 4 4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. ve. Phone; 44717 Mr. Orett at 2S241 or eltP NELSON LOT - NORTH A tood bldt. let 74 x 14ft. Ideal for ranch type home. Burfaced l 4400. Halt down. Call Mrs. Woo ten. $5750 FULL PRICE OPT BIX.VCRTON ROAD Heat, cosy J -bdrm. home, nicety dec orated, hardwood floors. Approi. Va acre, tood tardea toot, fruit, ahrubs, flower. Call Mrs. Woottea. YOUR CHANCE Owner Leaving State J uat $1704, including cost wlU make thle excellent 9-bdrm. home oa paved t Brdcwalks wer, yours. Beau tifully landscaped yard. Homt sole and span Inside and out. Total price only 110.300. Call Al Watt. 1-7364. $10,500 I HOOMB - BABKMWNT Thla home It only t r?p eld Tn A-l condition. Hardwood fir. Larte roomy basement. Ideal for ch!ldrn'e playroom. Kxtra let for tkinnt. Double aarace. Close te bua. echeol, ttore. 119.100. 0UPLEX-$12,500 NOB HILL DISTRICT A tood hem and income tn first els condition. First floor with five ale room and full baaement. Auto- matt oil furnace. Upstair apartment always rented. Cloee to three aefaooli. One -halt blk. te bus. 111.404. ARE YOU LOOKING For a Business Site? Older tywa 1-bdrm. home tn Eon, I. lei 71 s lis, Horth Com'l. Suitable for werehouee or dlatrltratlns buelneaa. Reaaonabls termt. SSIIS. Call R- J ehmMi. NELSON & NELSON BPBCIAUZINO RXALTOR Vat H. flitb Bt, a?h. I-I4M I cl4' REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SrECIALS M Silverton, Oregon I acre 4 rooms and bath, tar ace, fruit bouae and chicken house, $i M. One acre all Ml tlveted. Cloee ta an pared read. S bodrooma, llvinf room, larte kt tehee, atlllty and bath. Oar ate, Chick house. Ten tood aaU, iste down 3.X4 rooms and bath. Sao current. Kiee W. H. City water. Bdtt ef tewa. A la eJaS dowa ILK Dirplca. dose to; one t-room and bath. and ona 4-room and bath, all on one floor, few blocks .'rem basin ac tion. WlU trade fer I bedroom home 0400 J4 acre, all tultlrated. tlsae'ta. Oood famlly-slaad modern home. Ouoat bouae. Barn. eU. Tht 1 really a fine property you would enjoy ownmi IT.TM If acre about ander eultlvatloa. I room and bath utility wired for rente, electric water heater. Cement foundation, plaaUr board ceiled. Panel ahake outalde. Oaracc, shop.' chicken bouse and brooder. Includes com farm machinery tlO.SM IT acre. IS acre tillable. Family or chard rooms and bath, part baao ment. Chit ken house. Oaratt. Larte barn. Termc M.300 34 aertt. mesi'r cultivated. Close In. Fartir finished, lltbt rock block buntalow w M.400 M acres. 43 arrea ciltlvaUd. Oood T room. bath and basement home. New drilled welL A pretty lArm and a tood value . $13,000 IIS acres, 30 acres bearlnt nut treea. 1 room home and other bulldlnts. Most of thla farm U' tillable ...I.S.SO0 Writ or call for our picture folder and property tale list. Before you bur. rent, or tell I CONTACT H0MESEEERS AGENCY SILVERTON. OREGON WANTED REAL ESTATE vcitice! if emir orooarty la for aale. rant or elchense. uat II wltn m we here aU klnde OI caeb suyera STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 111 S Hllh St ea" WE ABI in need of tood house to 11. in ar near Salem. If you wish ta Uat your property for salt, tee ORABENHORST BROS.. RtALTORB 13, 8. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ei LISTINGS WANTED on homea, acraata and farm, free appraisal. Rental erv. tc. Loan FHA 4S M Year Con ventional. 30 Year at Farm Loan 4V to 4 easr term. Rental service for the out of city owner. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor, 1140 N. Capitol. Ph. 38316. eve. 37217. c303a EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BE OWNER, aeU or trade home at Lin coln Beach for home ta Salem. Call 441S1. . cbioi EQUITT to trade In furnished up and down duplex with full beeement. Will frade for car or trailer houee. Phone 1M74. Cb-IM' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCER V and meat market In up-val-ley town dolnt tood business. Boa 300, Capital Journal. cd303 BUSINESS a. INCOME DUPLEX In first claa condition. Income property. Priced for quick aale, owner leavint Aalem. Located, 7 talks, from Ladd fe Bush. Can't beat thlt at 116.100. Wilt rent for 4150 per month. CAPITOL REALTY CO. 1330 Edcewater Ph. 3-2511, 4-4188 celM INCOME PROPERTIES OUT OF STATE owner offere Myrtle Creek, Orecon, Income property, reas onably priced. For complete details, telephone Mrs. O. P. Patteraon (Salem 4-1JM! brfore Prldey nlaht. cfltl WANTED FURNITURE 2 m. aaea LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Jereford. 14c Locker pork 45c. Nothlns down. 0 moa. to pay Custom kllllns- Trailer loaned free. Ssleaa Meat Co. Hit a IMh. Ph 1-4ITU RABBITS DOES AND Bursa, California etrela. Oood clean stock. 4114 Rd. eb307 PETS HOLLYWOOD AQl'ARII M 1S McCoy, one block eaet of N. Capitol. Its blorka north of Madison. Ph. S-SRS7. erlOS PARAKEET Healthy blrde. 1-1143. Bablee and breedere. 1110 Llvlnaeton. Phone eJ0O" CHAMPION BRED BOXER puppies, ev ery, pup potential champion. Moore Tropical Pliti. Parakeets, Turtles, sup piles. 1 mllee from Lancaster on McCleay road. 4-1771. Closed Wednes day. ec220 REGISTERED alrdale pupplei. Ideal child e pel. hunter or watch dot. Phone 1-SS11. Ht N. llnd. ecJOJ COLLIE 8HF.PARD and part terrier pup . plea to slva away. S40 cade Bt. ec200e FBEE Hvs beauUful klttena away. 9M Tlrta Ave. S-SM9. to tlve ecioo" FUEL PLANEB ENDS -Oreen or dry Out of town deiivtrie. Sawdust ; blowers and r.u. WXITT BALKM PUkX CO. 1434 Bdeewater Ph. 34031 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatchtnc New Hampshire Oold en Broad and Arbor Acrea White Rock, every week. Special prleea to year around frrer srowera. Foi'a Hatchery. ISIS Slate St. Phone I im f. NEW RAMPanntR pullets. 1 months old. Very nice blrde. Mrs. H. E Nlbler Oervala. 71h and O st Primrose sien. 1300 FOR SALE POULTRY WHITE COBNISH Oamo Catcka. ao alalauo the true fryer of toaaorr,, aev eyalleble U aommenlal fryer mere. Proceeeare way aramlum prleea for thle brood doublo-breaateo fryer. QuaatlllM limited and II unayaUaOlo, try the neat beet, our ftrat eeneretton Arbor Acroa Wan, Boeka. Teer-feuno hatene, erary Thoraday. Alao, SI. Hampertlrea. LEE'S HATCHERY 111, canter atreol P. S-1SS1 Bse PRODUCE MOST VABIETT of poaaaaa la aeaaoa. Worm free Oram, tela. IVt aalla Rom brldae aa Wallaeo ad. L. E. Wendt. .rower. "I' pirau.No CUKES train dally from any farm field nia Sa soond. Orsealeallr srewa sotatoee. yed or watte. Psaehos now oa market. PallllM Bras. Porai Market. Stas Portland Bo.. Salem. Pbone 14111. ff CBAB APPLES. Coldu JubUe. peaariaa. Slapyy peaeboa aooa. BoUla Bearer. Ht. S. Bos St. Dp Oleaa Creak Jtd. pnoaa 47P1. fuss. HELP WANTED KITCHEN HElP-8leeifwey. 1170 Can- ter St. No pbone calla. MKN AND WOMEN te work 0a oar nop- pleklns machine. Startlns Ausuat IT, Day and nlaht work. Located S mllea aorta of Salem on the Hirer road. Call Salem 4-1111 ar 4-1131. Mlaaloa Bottom Harveiler. s BEAN PICKEBS wanted. Prions llltl. Pred Helm. Ht. a. Box SH., siss KITCHEN HELP San Shop. 14SS Pert- land Ra::oponaealu. s WANTED BEAN Plckere. 1 mllea H E. ef Kclzer on Lake Lablab. Watch for alana. Oood plekint?. No children un der It. Ralph Hon Ina. Ph. 1S1SS. siss WANTED Bean plckere. S mllea north on Rlrer rd. fir orovb parm. Ht. I, Boa US. Phone 4-40S1. S1H BEAN PICKEBS needed. Steady nkklns. Tramportatloa lurnlaned. call platoon leader. 412S0 evenlnae. , BEAN PICKEBI wanud st Prank Toney'e. 14 mllea northoaat at Kel aer. 1380 Harmony Dr. 4-1171. sill BOPPlcklNG machine. Men and wol men. Call w. w. Oraham and Son, 4111.4, S 10 7 p. m. elOO GROCERY CLERK, Sarins Center Mar ket, lift) Portland Rd. s HELP WANTED MALE WILL TRADE electric rente for carpen ter work, yphone 4-441 J after p.m. f t300 NEW CAR tULESMAN Permanent posi tion. Beat deal la valley. Reference required. Write Boa 147, Capital Jour nal. tsJPO WANTED Oen. farm hand. Tractor mechanic, repalrlnd. Bd. ok room. May consider drive out by day. Can evenlnt. Pete Miller, Brooks, near Parkerxvllle school. telM" HELP WANTED FEMALE : WANTED Lady fer housework and child care. Lire In. Permaneat. Phone S-O057. SbISS WOMAN la Tlclally of South Uth and Palrrlew to do Hsbt housework and care of S-year-old slrL S hours per day. Phone 1-4S34. sblOO EXPERIENCED housekeepey sad child care. Live In. References reaulred. ISO a month. Writ, box ISO capital Journal. sblss- HOUSEKEEPER for father and S chil dren. No deanins or laundry, rn, 4447S. Mr. Barnes. sbMie DEPENDABLE WOMAN to Ura tn emaU country home, help care lor aioeriy ledy. Waaea. Inquire 174 8. SetUe mier Ara Woodbura. Phone list. ablll BOOKKEEPER - CASHIER. Speed Way. sb 1170 center. BAO ROTS. Bavins Center Market, 3310 . Portland Rd so- OFFICE WORKER to do dally recap ef aales. Experienced calculator operator preferred. Sea Mr. Lrtle or Mr. Adloa at Miller',. sb WANTED Housekeeper for country. Ph. 1-1318, J. D. Hartwell. ablon .oooo....oooooe'.oo WANTED POSITIONS PAINTINO Interior, eiterler. McClela and oolden. rnone s-ajsa or ,jaee. hine INFANT OB CHILD asrs In my home. Ph. 31S01. hMl- East Salem Kindergarden Start September llnd. Reslster BOW. On, block aouth of Ebner'o Park and Market, call 1-7874 or 1-1047. hiss' ROUTE SALES work wasted. Perm. reliable, steady, marrlM. sse S4. tws ehUdran. employed, beat ef references. Salem vicinity preferred. Phone Al bany 71. L. R. Miller. MSS LICENSED DAY NURSERY Phono S-801I. bpeclally for Infants snd 1 yrara. hlOS IOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, cell- Inia and walla washed! Also your win dows? CsU 4-4114. hloe BOTOTILUNO UKJcUe Orovo Harsery, 4930 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-4S33. h BEI4ARLE BABX SITTER Will SO days or nlihla. Phone 1-SM4. hloo PAINTINO, PAPER ben, Ins, day oy contract, Small Jobs welcome. Phono 1-7411. MOT - REMODEL N0W1 Tree home planning- torrlet. Let it five you a free estimate on your home remodeling or repairs. Alto In ataiiation ef roof Int. evetrouihs, aid 1st e other bulMlnt materials. Montgomery Ward Phone 1-1141 It Ko, Liberty haoi LIGHT CRAWLER dotint. dirt level ing, tradlnt. Phone 3-13J0. h307 PAPER HANGING, palntlni. free e Don Lxieero. Ph. W534. h30T LA' N MOWERS. SCISSORS, Clipper beads, etc., sharpened. General Mo lor Repair, 111 Garth. Phone MM. h30t LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Service Center. Phont 4-1511. h PAINTING Exterior and Interior, and wall work. Phone 4-3916, S-434S. 1.300 BUTTONHOLES Pffl) vice, Phone 44404. -10c. 1 day aer h301 EAST SALEM DAT NURSERY. 1511 Park Avenue. Starts Sept. 13rd. By hour, day, or week. 1-1017. hlOO CARPF.NTER. Repelrlna furniture and all klnde ef carpenter work. Phona 1-M11. 10(0 ul St. hint FOR RENT office srACE laoutre st 10S S Phone 1-4114. Blah LARGE warehouse epac fey real aw lease, cement Doors, brick buudtnt. Dowa town. Inqulr, H. U luff Pur-' sltur, Co. Pbone 1-tlll. f. FOB LEASE 160 to IN fe fronts, en Edsewater SL, Wart Seless. Ira J. ntta ph iseoi y. WANTED TO RENT l-BEDBOOM BOI'SE Dlnlns room snd untie room, prefer baaemaat. No chUdrea. About 47B. Al Blchardaoo. Pood Manaaer. StaM Penltontlsrr. Ph. 41414. jam. COUPLE with one child desire 1 bod room house, sarase. IX. l-iul. jalbS By Ham Fhher