Par 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL.' Salens Oregon 1 Thursday, August 20, 1953 In The Valley Edited by MIKE FOKBIS Pleasantdale Lyons Lyons The Lyons Garden club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Winnie Branch on Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. Celene Taylor as co-hostess. Roll call of members was on orepsratlon of plants and shrubs. Plans were made and discussed and Sept. 18 the date set for the fall flower snow, with Mrs. Winnie Branch as eenersl chairman. A Question and answer box ' was conducted by Gertrude Weidman and Laura NeaL A move along the lines of civic oride for Lyons and Me- bama will be the placing of garbage barrels, painted and la beled for the use of the public as a place to discard paper, bot tles, cartons and all litter that is now thrown in front of the business houses and along the sides of the highway. Thirteen members answering roll call were Frances Garsjo, Madelene Nuttleman, Gladys Kuiken, Agnes Brotherton, Laura NeaL Eva Bressler, Ma ble Bass, Ann Holzfuss, Doris Roy, Gertrude Weidman, Ce lene Taylor and Winnie Branca. Mrs. Fred Steinfeldt and Mrs. Harry Monroe were guests of the afternoon, with Mrs. Stein felt loinlnsT the club. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roys were her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuni from CresweUV Lawrence, Oliver and Aimer Zander and Mr. Eglie frdm Bel llngham. Wash., were Friday evening 'guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stevens. The three Zander brothers are cousins of Mrs. Stevens. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Weav er were Mr. and Mrs. Don Weaver and family from Fair field. Mont. They also visited at the Harold Weaver home in Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers, Mrs. Clarence Duman and Glee Dea, Bill James and Mrs. Wayne Phillips, were among those attending the Oregon State Farmers Union picnic held at Champoeg park Sun day. Mr. Rogers, Bill James, Ruth Ann and Glee Dea fum- Blta Raywsrtk Stewart Onager Tcehatectar "SALOMI" eatene OBrfca "COW COUNTRY III Me Tut 5:M Cary Grant Dckareh Cut "DREAM WIFE" Junes Nun "THE DESERT RATS" Lib TON )BB "Mr. Scoutmaster" Careens Cesaeds Denleo DarcH Pa trie Knewlee 'Flome of Calcutta" In Person! Next Monday Atl:sndt:SirJL Friees: tl.IMt.4t-f !. R5 SPIKE JONES "MUSICAL INSANITIES Of 1v54" Featnring the CITY SUCKERS . MaU Orders Takeat Checks payable to Capital Theatre. Specify First ST Second Shew Seats ea Sale at Capitol Bex Office! ished the music tor the affair. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith were called to Cornelius by the death of his mother. Mrs. Lela Smith. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. Members of the Lyons Meth odist church Sunday morning held their first services in the basement of the new church.' Rev. Harold E. Sheriff and fam ily have arrived from Philips- burg. Penn. Miss Joy Kuiken has re turned home from Ketcheksn, Alaska, after spending two months there. Miss Kuiken, a graduate of Oregon College of Education this spring, will teach in the Springfield schools this year. Roy Skalf of SUverton vis ited relatives in Lyons Friday. He was a guest at the George Berry and Alex Bodeker homes. Ska lie is a cousin of Alex Bo deker and Mrs. Berry. Mrs. Pearl Averill of Leb anon is visiting at the home of her daughter and family; the Ramie Kartells. Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider of Newport were Monday visitors at the Martell home. Mrs. Schneider is a niece of Mrs. Martell. Miss Norma Miller of Eu gene was a Sunday overnight guest at the home of Mrs. Alice Huber. She had Just returned with Mr. and Mrs. James Swan of Mill City from an outing to the lakes. Mrs. Perkins of Chicago, aunt of Mr. Thiel, is a guest at the home of Mr. and sirs. Kusseu Thiel. She, with the Thiels, is spending several days at North Bend on the coast. Congratulations are going to Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons upon the arrival of another grand daughter, born to their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Mellke of Eugene. Mrs. Lyons is spending several days in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Ramie Marteu, Timothy and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe walker, Mr. ana Mrs. Alvin Peck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Walker and son and Mrs. Tru man McClennean and son, Jim- mis, attended a family gather ing and picnic Sunday at Bates park near Lebanon, wnere Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Chamberlain and family were hosts to the group. Boy Scout troop 81 enjoyed another outing at the Breiten bush Hot Springs, where they with their leader. Earl Helemn, made hike from the springs to Devils Peak. Those mak ing the trip were Johnnie Bridges, David Traban, John nie Trahan, Freddie Sutherlin, Jerry Spellmeier, Donald Mc Whirk, Jack Good ell, Jr., and Jerry Gustafson. Social night win be observed at the grange hall Friday eve ning, Aug. 21, when Santiam Valley grange and the Farmers Union meet Jointly. Ray Stout win be present to show pictures of his tour through Greece. Jerry Coffman, lecturer for the grange, reports that there will be added entertainment follow. ing the pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chrlsten sen, Duanc and Sue, who re cently moved from Lyons to Dexter, spent the week-end in Lyons with friends. ' A J-shaped dagger is part of what every well-dressed Arab must wear in Zanzibar. UMia M8MIU, NiMWaT f GATE OI'EN 1:N SHOW AT 1:45 NOW! "SCARED iTinr Deaa Martin Jerry Lewis rtes TAXP Dan Dailey CemlanM Smith Pleaaaatdale William Moerke, the father of Mrs. Allan Nichols of this district. left Portland oa Friday, August it, en route to his home at Donnelly Minn, having spent nearly six months in the Port land General hospital with fractures of the leg, arm and nose, received ia an auto acci dent Feb. II. At that time, Mrs. Moerke had come to Oregon witn the intention of having i short visit with relatives here, Still wearing a leg cast, Mr. Moerke is walking on crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Weldoa Swan. both of whose birthdays fell on the same day, Aug. 18, were guests of honor at a picnic ia uayion city park, attended by neighbors, relatives and friends of the couple. Hostesses for the potluck a inner were Mr. Swan s sister, Mrs. Milo Morris, and Mrs. Swan's mother, Mrs. Rose Dickerson. Other guests were the Morris children. Dale, Doug, Terrel, Luanna and Brad, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reichstein, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biles, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whit ney, Mrs. Daisy Rainsforth, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Reichstein and Philip, Miss Bonnie Swan and Miss Jean Turner. All of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freshour gath ered at the home place Friday evening, Aug. 14, for ice cream and cake in celebration of Mr. Freshour's birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freshour and sons of Pleasant- dale, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ly man and children of Webfoot, Mr. and Mrs. Granville Fresh our and children of Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Gailan Freshour snd children of Dayton and Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and children of Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McFar- lane of Salem were Sunday dinner guests of his parents here, Mr. snd Mrs. J. A. Mc- Farlane. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freshour and their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Freshour and children of Pleas antdale, and a daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Lyman and children of Web foot, all were guests of another oaugnter, Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher and children at Hub bard for an outdoor dinner. Recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richards were Mrs. Wendell Willard, Sr, and Mrs. Wendell Willard Jr., and children of the Neck Road, and Alice Holllday of North Bend. They came es pecially to sea Mrs. Dean Rec tor and children of Portland. who were house guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richards, tor a weex. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Slosn for dinner and the evening, were neigh bors, Mr. and Mrs. Bill King and his mother. Mrs. Pauline King. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sloan had as Sunday callers, her sis ter, Mrs. Giles Curtis, and a friend. Miss Helen Thompson, ootn trom Portland. Mrs. Fred Reichstein arrived home Monday, Aug. 17, having speui nearly two weeks with two sisters, Mrs. Grace Stone brink and Mrs. Percy Csne, at Yamhill, and a sister-in-law. Mrs. Louesa Hanville, at Carl ton. Miss Jean Turner spent sev eral days at Newberg with an aunt, Mrs. Clifford Swan and daughter Sharon, then re turned Sunday to the home of her uncle, Weldon Swan, where she la spending the summer. Clifford Swan, a former res ident of the Pleasantdale dis trict. Is now hospitalized with a knee Injury as a result of a logging mishao. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sloan recently spent a day at Delake with friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cummlngs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green were among a group of 18 friends who gathered at Maud Williamson state park ea Sun day, Aug. 18, for a picnic din ner In honor of the wedding annivesary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snyder and the birthday of Mr. W. J. Versteeg, all of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutsch- man and children had as callers oa Saturday, her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coats and children of Portland, and overnight guests at the same home were Mr. Rutschman's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rutschmaa, also of Portland. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bus Hadley were his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hadley of McMinnville. Turner Willamina SHOW AT . NOW. THRU SAT.l 9. Alr-CaaeiueiKe' Starts Taaay Ofea t:U HSU clifton unm WEBB-STANWYCK ftecsn 'eaten "White Lightning" with Stanley Clemeata Starts Sender "SCARED STirr Sat It Oa, v(w vriee sn ver Scraea. It's Different! Willamina Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smelser and daughters left this week for their home ia San Francisco after spending the pest two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smelser. R. Lee Norris visited with his two brothers in Seattle last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Timber- lake of Seattle spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Watts. - Mrs. Elizabeth Doebele re turned here Sunday from As toria, where she had been visiting. Spending several days in Seaside last week were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Llndbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Thorn. Mr. -and Mrs. George Hanson, and Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Forsman. . Steve Bus well returned to his home in Sandy this week after visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. James BuswelL- Mrs. Bill Denton and chil. dren are spending this week in Reedsport with her mother. sort. oy MundU Bert DePue is visltine here this week with his dauehter. am. nay Mcuee. Mrs. Roy McNamar and children of Junction City are viaiung nere this week at the Earl McNamar home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pearson visited in southern Oregon last week on the last part of their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Graham have returned from a vacation trip which took them to Eu reka and Crescent City, Calif., Myrtle Creek and Roseburg. nra. juaus jensen accom panied her brother from Wash ington on a trio throush Ore. gon, California and Washing- ion last weex. r. a. Lisn is nome irom a Portland hospital, where he spent several weeks recover ing from an eye operation. word has been received here this week of the death of Dave Melsner, formerly of Grand Ronde, who lived in Anderson. Calif. The funeral will be at Redding on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rudie returned this week from a va cation trip to Victoria, Nanai- mo ana Vancouver, B. C, and points in Washington. Woodburn Woodburn The resular meeting of Home Rebekah lodge was held Tuesday night at the IOOF hall with Mr. E. C. Peyton, vice grand, pre siding in the absence of Mrs. Edward Garrett, noble grand. Mrs. B. Bllven was received into membership by deposit of ner membership card. Reports on the Msrion coun ty IOOF picnic and the Re. bekah picnic were given by Ray Shaner and Mrs. Frank I Wright I An invitation was read and accepted to visit Tryphena lodge of Silverton on the eve ning of Auc. 27. when Mn Lola' Osborne, president of the Rebekah assembly, will mske ner official visit. ! Refreshments were served by Mr. snd Mrs. George Slyter ana Mrs. usvld Fields. For the next meetinc. Sent. 1, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conyne ana boraon Luffman will serve, j About 79 or 80 Rotsrians and I families were present for the annual Rotary picnic Tuesday night at Settlemier park. The committee in charge of ar rangements included Kenneth I Hsgg, chairman. Dr. Delbert I Reed, W. Earl Dunn and George .Tirnm. A brief Softball game pre ceded the picnic supper with Homer Wsdsworth snd Kilian Smith as captains. Turner The state conven tion of the Christian church, usually held at the tabernacle the first week in July, has been postponed until Sept. 2-8. Any one having rooms to rent is asked to see Mrs. Robert Hen-dershot- At a recent meeting of the Christian church, Wil liam Kaseberg waa re-elected trustee to fill the term of the late Dean Shoemaker. Mrs. Clarence Miller, Leon ard, Charlene and Roberta, of Areata, Calif., are visiting her parents, the Louis Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Petersen, Bradley and Mark; Jay Collier, Dick Bassine, Robert Ball and Robert Mitchell spent last week-end salmon fishing at As toria. Mr. snd Mrs. Walter Harris spent Mondsy visiting his nephew, Joe Harris, in Sweet Home. The local firemen had a busy week when they were called out four days in a row to ex tinguish fires. Only one of the fires was serious. That was Saturday afternoon when the barn on the Wrey farm in the Cloverdale district was destroyed. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jensen were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Smith of Modesto, Calif. While they were here, both families male a trip to The Dalles to visit Mr. snd Mrs. Tom Kelly and daugh ter. In The Dalles Mrs. Jensen observed her birthday anniver sary with a party. Mr. and Mrs. George Brow- et have had as their guests their grandson and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold" Cook of Martinez, Calif., and coming to visit them this week-end is their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Brewer of Mo desto. Calif. Mrs. Roger DeLorm, Rachel and Roger, Jr., of Seattle are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hogsed. j Mr. and Mrs. John Regier are in Seattle to attend the wed ding of their grandson, Dean. Carter. Mrs. Olive Catterlin is visit ing relatives in Slletz and Gard ner this week. charge of the program, and presented the gifts to the hon ored guests. Mrs. Evan Danielsoa Is plan ning to leave by air in the near future to Join her husband in France. A miscellaneous bridal abow- er will be held at the Hopewell E.U.B. church Friday evening. Aug. 21 at 8 p.m., in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polvi (Vi ola Warren), whose marirage was an event of Aug. 11 at the First Christian church in Mc Minnville. Everyone Is cordial ly invited to attend the shower. Amity Grand Island Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clow and two sons, of Waldport, were week - end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Palmer of Grand Island and several Clow families in the Unionvale district Miss Lola Mae palmer of Sa lem spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Palmer, in the Grand Island district Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Palmer of Brush College moved the fint of the aveek to the E. M. Coats residence vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gossett, who moved to Salem a few days sio after operating the Serv ice Center store in Unionvale since January. LeRoy is ope rat ing a grsin combine In the Day ton area. Fairview Hopewell All Teeaaleoler Shaw RayMlllaad Arlene Dahl Weadell Corey la "JAMAICA RUN" -elee- Vaagha Mearee Jeaa Leslie ia "TOUGHEST MAN IN ARIZONA" Tea've never aeea a sharper, brighter ptctare la a drive-la . . . than the ana ea ear slant screen! COMINO SUNDAY At sUrelar FrWes... J see Ferrer la ..jttit ikS aniiet" For the Finest TTEAC4 IN THE NORTHWEST OR Tht Most Delicious CMDCCiEN ITS hattucJ Chateau Hopewell The Sohn family reunion was held Aug. 16 at Williamson Memorial State Park, with Mrs. George Mc Kinley and Mrs. Mina Alder man of Salem as hostesses. Those who attended were R. L. McKinley of Sweet Home, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Beier of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sohn, daughter Ellabell and two chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Sohn and children of Independ ence; Mr. and Mrs. James Sohn and Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Sohn, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miles, - Mr. and Mrs. Warn Miles and two sons; Mrs. Lora Sohn and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitesel and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bullock and two sons snd Joe Rubie, all of Salem; and Mr. nd Mrs:' Glenn Breneman of Sheridan. A double shower was held at the Seventh Day Adventist school Saturday evening, Aug. 15, in honor of Miss Vera Keightley, bride-elect of Wen dell Danielson of Gaston, whose wedding will be an event of Sept 3 at the S D A. church in Hopewell, and Mrs. Evan Dan ielson (Thelma Keightley), whose husband is driving sn ambulance for the Army Medi cal Corps In France. About 85 friends and rela tives of the young people en- Joyed the program of readings and mucis. Mr. snd Mrs. Alvin Keightley of Bandon came the longest distance to be present. Mrs. Lowell Campbell was in Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens, accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Lembkie, all of Fairview district, took the Stephens riding horses and joined friends vacation riding in the Three Sisters area. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mar shall and three children of Grants Pass, who have been guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley, in the Fair view district for two weeks. left for their home Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Talon, one son .and two daughters, of Rose burg, were week-end guests of her mother, Mrs. Frank Campbell, brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Campbell of Fairview district. Miss Elaine Gilbert of Eu gene, who had been a guest for a week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Campbell, went home Monday. Her sister, Darlene Gilbert, of Eugene, so came for a week's vacaiton at the same home. Amity Lee Dowling, who Is to be Amity's new police chief. will report for duty Aug. Zu, according to O. E. Roth, , city recorder. Dowling is currently at Willamina. Canton Yamhill, No. 8, and Ladies Auxiliary, patriarchs militant, held their annual pic nic at Yamhill Locks park Sun day, Aug. 1- L. L. lox arrangea xnc ta bles, made the coffee ana brought a case of orange aae. A picnic dinner wu servea at 1 p-m. Auxiliary officers present were: Mrs. Eugenia Robinson, president; Mrs. John Gibbs, vice president; Mrs. Nets Stoutenberg, secretary. Members coming from Port land were Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNelley (Madalene Rosner), Mr. and Mrs. Bunyan. Attending from Amity were Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs, Mrs. Cora Newman, Mrs. Laura Stockton, and Vernishia New by. Mrs. John Blum, Reno, Nev., j Mrs. Joe Ward Marsh, We natchee. Wash., Mrs. Winnifred Cuts Chapman, Ephrata, Wash., I are house guests of Miss Laura Judy this week. The women from washing- ton are cousins of Mrs. Blum snd will accompany her homei this week for part of -their va cation. Mrs. Blum has been In Ore gon for several weeks, due to the serious illness of her broth er, Addison Jellison, in Port land. He is reported Improv ing. NATION'S HIGHEST W'es r i k l'-iV- V T ;; it..' Marine Cpl. Alford Lee McLaughlin, 25, of Leeds, Ala, smiles after being in formed at Rome, Ga., that he has been awarded the Congressional Medal of Hon or. He won the nations highest medal for heroism during Chinese attack on Bunker Hill in Korea last September. (UP Telephoto) ' Union Hill Monmouth Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall Stone are the parents of a 6 lb. 8 oz. girl, born "Aug. 15 at their home on West Gun Club Rd. The baby has been named Elizabeth Ann and has five brothers. Attending the State Farmers Union picnic Sunday at Cham poeg were Mr. and Mrs. .Percy Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sny der, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney How ard, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Os-born. Ronnie and Rosemary Boil-1 Hot returned home Friday from ; a visit with their grandparents, in Hillrose, Colo. , Mr. and Mrs. Sidney How-: ard and Mrs. Mollie Lacey vis-1 ited in Independence Tuesday! at the Robert LeRoy home to see Mrs. LeRoy, who is ill at j her home. Union Hill The Union Hill Grange meeting for the month of August will be held on Fri day evening, Aug. 21. The annual watermelon feed will be held following the meeting of both the Juvenile and subordinate Grange meet ings. The Union Hill Woman's club annual picnic for ' the members and their families will be held at the Arthur Mul key picnic grounds Sunday, Aug. 23. The committee in charge of the picnic is Mrs. Donald Peters, Mrs. Henry Tate and Mrs. W. J. Lensman. The coffee committee is Mrs. W. M. Tate. Unionvale U.iionvale Dr. H. W. Byrne, Jennings Lodge, head of the department cf Christian service at the seminary, was speaker at the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church Sun day morning, Aug. 16. Rev. A. Callandro of Italy will be speaker at the local church Saturday evening, Aug. 22. The public is urged to attend. Bert Larson Dies in Crash Silverton Bert Larson, a former local man, was acciden tally killed while driving to work at the Portland Western Cooperage, where he was em ployed. Funeral services were Thursday, in Portland, final rites were at the Willamette National cemetery. Mrs. Larson, the former Betty Anundson of Silverton, and children, Joan, Janice, Richard and Barbara, survive! Mrs. Larson's parents, the Tom Anundsons, came from Sacra mento for the services, and i in Silverton for a brief Visit with the brother of Anundson, Henry Anundson. Polio Cases Below Record Total of '52 Washington W) The Public Health Service said Thursday it appears infantile paralysis cases this year "will be sub stantially below" the record total of 57,626 listed last yesr. The 1,997 cases reported last week represented a 7 per cent increase over those In the pre vious week but it wss 40 per cent below the 3,105 In the corresponding 1952 week. Blue whales are the largest of all whales and often ex ceed 100 feet in length. finest In CHINESE ifld AMERICAN DINNERS CHINA CITY 3555 S. Commercial Phone Z65JS BENB0VV INN Or Hlghwif III . . . 41oXlltj froa Silta Located on the Eel River in the heart of Beautiful Redwood Empire. Swimming . . fishing . . golf . . boating . . riding . . hiking. Cocktail lounge. Barn Dancing Nightly. Delicious food. ROOMS $100 UPPER DAT FOR TWO. PRIVATE RATH Dt All ROOM. Owned and Operated by George T. Thompson. Ships from Norway, Great Britain, South Africa, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia and Panama hunt wales annually under an agreement that limits the total catch. . Bnt of course that's only one feature of using attractive Lite -Rock buiidtng block for that garage you've been hop ing to build some day. Wa re talking about the finest, saf est, most permanent garage oMsinable at reasonable coat. Llte-Kock ia light in weight, insulating, inert, strong and fory good tooMnf. Whether you use our soffit tile roof (don't fail to aak about Una) or one of the various frame roofs, you'll have a gangs to make neighbors alt up and take notice. Drop In and view our atoek plana and photographa of many typea of contemporary garages. We can help vou all questions concerning build ing and costs, at no obliga tion to you. The Urns to ia NOW. quire Is RIMIMMI, A OARAOI CAN II IUILT IN TWO WllXS OR IMS. ..SO DON'T DflAY PHONE, DROP US UNE OS STOP M At simomo auniiai co. roartANO 30, oaiooM Hum- BUT VIIAT ABOUT YOURS? Mr. Turtle doesn't have to worry about fire protection but most people do! There is no substitute for the peace of mind that fi re protection aivet especially If it's a policy written by the Farmers' Mutual of tnumclsw. Since 1898 this oreet Northwest Company hat been writing fire policies for thousands of homes at unusual savings. DOlillANCg uim Carl E. P. Arndt 1030 Hectrte Avenue Salem. Oregon Deoflas R. Baker 41 Masonic Bldg. Salem Orecon E. A. Goentbner 416 Masonic BkJf Salem Oregon Winiaaa D. Kerr 41 North Capitol Salem Oregon Ronald C. Nkhals 416 Mssonle Bldg. Salem Oreeon Robert C. Zeller 154 South Hist) St. Sslem Oregon