Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 19, Image 19

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    Thursday, August 20, 1953
Pat 1 ,
Edgar Sanders, British businessman freed irom a Bed
Hungarian prison, is reunited in Vienna with his wife,
Winniired. Sanderi was jailed in 1949 along with Amer
ican Robert A. Vogeler on charges of spying. Vogeler
was released more than a year ago. Sanders was freed
after his wife sent an appeal for clemency to Hungarian
President Istvan Dobl. (AP Wirephoto via radio from
Local Robbery
Cleared up
The armed robbery of the
Safeway store at Center and
13th streets last March c is five Communists Thursday of
considered cleareU with the .conspiring to teach and advo
death of a gunman in a similar cate the violent overthrow of
holdup attempt of a Saltway the government,
store in San Jose, California, The Jury of nine women and
Salem Chief of Police Ciyde three men reached the verdict
Warren said .Thursday. after deliberating more than
"Investigation by Salem de- 30 hours.
5 Pittsburgh
Reds Convicted
Pittsburgh W) A Federal
District Court Jury convicted
tectives since the death of Carl
Ernest Clayton, who was kill
ed by police bullets in the San
Jose robbery attempt on June
4, has led us to be quite cer
tain that he is also the man
who held up the Salem store,"
Warren said.
In the March 8 holdup, the
robber waited until the store
closed at 10 p.m. and then neld
up four employees as they
started to lock up. He forced
assistant manager Clyde Meig
hen to open the safe and, after
forcing the men into a stoiage
room fled with the money
In the San Jose affair, the
situation was much the same
except that police were wait
ing and Clayton was killed
when he attempted to shoot
his way out.
,' "The method of operation
was the same, Clayton's de
' icription tallied with that of
the man here, his picture was
Identified here as a "very
good resemblance" of the local
holdup man, and tiis car is
known to have crossed the
border from Oregon into Cali
fornia between midnight and
8 a.m. of the 9th, just a few
hours after the robbery. These
facts lead us to consider 'the
case cleared unless further
evidence otherwise should turn
up," Chief Warren said.
In addition, detectives said,
Clayton had with him a 9mm.
Radon gun when he was kill
ed. This gun is very similar in
appearance to a .45 caliber
gun which witnesses thought
he used in the Salem robbery.
The trial lasted more than
five months. Those convicted
were Steve Nelson, former
Western Pennsylvania Commu
nist Party chairman; Irving
Weissman,, West Virginia or
ganizer; James Dolsen, party
writer; William Albertson, for
mer party secretary; and Ben
jamin Careathers, party treas
Counsel for Nelson, Careath
ers and Weissman said a new
trial will be sought. . Nelson
already has been sentenced to
10 to 20 years in prison for
violating Pennsylvania's anti
sedition act.
(Br The Associated Preeej
AdMlra Corporation .. .
Allied Chemical
AUle Ctiilmiri
American Airlines .
Aanerhtaa Power At LUn
Amerlcaa Ttl. Tel.
American Tobacco
Anaconda Copper
Atchison Railroad
Bethlehem atesl
Boeiaa Atrplalne Ca
Bora Warner
Burrewa Addlns Machln
California Fncmna
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celeneso corporation .. .
Chryslev Corporation ,
Clila Service ,
Consoltdsted Eoiaoa ...
Cccisdudeled Vulleo ... .
Crona Zellerbeca
Curtlss Wrlrhl
Douslae Aircraft
Du Pont a Nemoura ,
Eestmsn I Kodak
oeneral Xlectrlo ....... ,
Oeneral Food,
Oeneral Motors ,
Oeora la Pie. Pljnood .. ,
Goodyear Tiro . .. ,
Hotnealake Mlntns Co. . ,
Intarnatlonal Harvester
International Paper ,
John, stenvllle
Kalaer aluminum
Kennecott Copper ,
Llbbr McNeil
Lockheed Aircraft
Loewet Incorporated ...
Loni Bell
Montiomerr ward
Nash Kelrlnator
New York central
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Pish .
Pacific Oaa s Eieclrle .
Pacific Tel. as Tel
Packard Motor Car ....
Kroner. a- s-. ......
Pennsrlvsnla R- R. .1..
Prpel Cola Co. . ,
Phllco Redle
Radio Corporation
Raronler Incorp
Raronler Incerp. Pld.
Republic flteet . .
Reynold, Metala
Ruhtleld Oil
Safewar stores. Inc. ...
Scott Paper Co. ....
Scars Roebuck or Co. ..
Socony Vacuum Oil
Southern Pacific .,
standard Oil Call!
Mandard Oil N I
fltudebaker Corp
Sunshine Mintnc
swift as Co
Traniamerlea Corp. . .
Twentieth Century Pol
Union Oil Company ....
Union Pacific ,.
United Airlines
United Aircraft
United Corporation
United States Plywood .
Unltco States Steal
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
westlnehouse Air Brake
Weitlnchousa Etrrtrle ,
. ttH
, US
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roiTLAJra) rsaroca list
atalsarlaa-Taatntrea. ttaleit to tae
adlato ctaanaa: rremtnaa auallty. saaas-
mum 14 of one" per cent aridity e.
Uvored la Portland on-'la Ib-t first oaa.
Ity 44.44c eeeoud auallty. as-dec. Valley
rowtee and eouatrp points, a
nllar-iniolasaw to nuB aubeo la
halosala, aradea AS, '
rada n acora. aac; m.
m scora. aaa. A sots pricaa auletlr
Clsaeta Selllna aeica o Portland
halasalera. Oreaon alntlea, alS-UVaa;
Oreaon t lb. loot. US-MSe.
laaa aa Tassasara wanoi awas
M,tiaiB m losa. aaaea tneluded ak
Portland A arado larae. aits-aiso. A
arada medians. tyta-MHai arsde lane.
Partland Daley staraaa
atssr Prloa to reianata- Oraoa AA
print, lie; A carta, net A svuta. He:
arton. net nnnta. fwa.
Ksra to ntadacaea Candlea . H
Portland: Uneraded tarie. 4te oos.;
tful, 11 laree. Bra 4Ma.l A laraa. SI
S', deau AA medlua. S3S doa.: A arada
medium, SOS dor i A araoa amaua nomi.
nsL tl-isc.
en la fsatallara prada A A. larta
14c, A larae. eaMMl AA medium. We; A
medium 7-K: A (mall, sac cartans
I cent, addtttooal.
rnaaaa rrira sa rasauara. rarMuo,
Oreaon sins lea. 4-4ci t lb. loarea.
1-tlWe: triplets. ISO less than sin
alee. Premium brands alnalea. MSai
In. for slnalo wneola aua. rrooasawa nss.
erlcan (Jtoaaa. l-lb. taataa to retail, tile,.
4ae lb.
Lira Ckwaeae IN. I aoallty. f ob.
planul: Pryara. IVb lbs, lie; 1-4 las..
11c: roasters. 4 A lbs, ana aver, sis
i ll: Wasa. reUawa, msd, tana
l -l tt
Pataloaa taeal Trlamnna. raaa. 1 sa-
1.11; Boardman lou whites. Ha. U. 1 1
I U: No. I sa-lb. sack. M-tto: Oreaon
RussetU No. L I 44-4: la lb. mesh. 40-
tlc. saeal Russets. Ma. IA. 1 14-1 U:
Calif, lou whiles, Na. 1A. 1 ti l wt. lair,
1M-IM. Mama brands la III. Wash.
Russets 1 44-1 74; Wash, tons whites. He.
t a 99-j.n.
ay-u is I ar sea alfalfa. 4a-
ireered car lata f-a. Peruana and S.
attle. Is-w
Was Oraaaa basis Wills at ,tte Val
ley medium. 40-42, ot.t BaaUrai Oraaoai
fine and half-blood. H-41C: Willamette
Valley lamb wool, slct 11-moalb wwal.
Manalr 44-re fa. an ll-montlt draw-
In. lob. country ahlpplna points.
Slides Producera partna ansa f.a.a.
Portland calf aklns. ll-lla lb., aeeord-
laa to condition; areen Has. 14-17, lb.;
sreea aow hldea. l-10a lb. aceordlni
ta weight and duality; bull hldea. e-le
lb. tlua hldea. 44 an aant below prleu
for above claasea
rilberta Wholeaala aelllna pnoa, Ra.
medium Bercoloaaa. Sl-I4a lb.: analt.
sd. o-lla lb
lb : lUht haHM. Tl-Ue as.
Walaata VTbaiessla selllna pneaa.
first auallir htria Praaausttee, M-lOa
ia-l ahelled. Uaht amber halves 74-74,
CMrMal twm rtrti f tWra tlMia)-
BtUD rt4 PrlWM
SftkUl rllM H.N IM-It. Mfl,
I4 10-.4I U -!. kkf)
Ert Mlv M M.
D-trr F-a. U U-l.TI it-tk, Ut
UH-iM tlOO WI.H iMiitT miJL U.M
4100 wt.l
Psallrv taytmi film Oeiord trytra.
30c; eM TAtMttri. ISe; coor6 fowl, J0c;
teenorn iowi, jie; rouitra. toe.
Barlat Trirmtgtt. A A. He: larit A.
ka, u; moftjiua A,
iMttvy htna. U wetabU. MSle: Uiht
bent. Ail wfltibt. U-lftc; old rooiUri. -?C; mfdtum
it!!.. Of bjc. mu.
Dratv-efi tM&aV-lNo I flrawo lou Whaliut Prittv-Et vbotwai priew
rtuiitn. Pryen. broUfn, 44-ic lb.; IfcntrtOlr $-tt fcutw itaan ibt prttm
reMtcM, fell ta.. llsbt ben. jaboTt Lsrt irivd I'gMtroilf uttl
tTTT' rr
hi l t- t i
StM-k Markst -
New York OP Railroad vara hlihcT
Thurdar la a at pad r atock market.
Oalnt were mode, throughout tha &
ttr Uit. seldom ahowini better than
major fraction!, Lore ran to around
a point at the moat, but they held a
secondary, position.
Volume : waa lowo subatanttally Irom
Wednesday'a total amassed when tha
market waa f 11 Una- fast. Tht total came
to an estimated m,00f aharu a com
pared with 1,400.000 shares Wadneaday.
Phone Strike
Involves 5300
(By Tha As40cl4tcd Press)
A strike against the South-
wetern Bell Telephone Co. be.
gan Thursday.
The company operates In six
states. The strike involves 53,
000 members of the CIO Com
munication Workers Union.
The walkout began after union
representatives rejected a man
agement wage, offer.
Supervisory employes man
ned switchboards.
Southwestern Bell operates
in Missouri, Kansas, Texas,
Oklahoma, Arkansas and in Il
linois near St. Louis.
There was fresh violence in
Indiana, where the CWA has
been on strike against the In
diana Bell Telephone Co. since
July 22. The dispute there in
volves wages and classifica
tion of some exchanges.
Reds Increase
Indochina Aid
Hanoi, Indochina VP)
France's top soldier in northern
Indochina said Thursday an
"important increase" has been
noted in Chinese Communist
supplies to the Vietmlnh rebels
in the last three months, but
there has been no indication of
a boost since the Korean truce.
The French commander in
the north. Gen. Rene Cogny,
also reported the French know
of no troop movements by the
Chinese Reds toward the Indo
china border since the end of
the Korean fighting.
French officials and observ
ers generally had feared the
armistice would increase Pei
ping's aid to their enemies led
by Moscow-trained Ho Chi
Portland Grain
Portland OP) Wheat btd to arrive
market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered
coast: Soft white 110; (Soft White (
cludlnc Rex 3.30: White Club 2.30.
Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 1 .10: V0
per cent 2.20; 11 per cent 3.20; 12 per
Hard White Baart: Ordinary t.tOi 10
per cent 1 30; 1 -per cent 2 30; 12 per
cent 2.30. '
Thursday's car receipt: Wheat M,
baney , uour a, corn 1, mm iced T.
32l3c: heary bene. U-Sc: cutt' rr
era, ell wu l-3e lb.; whole drawn. 17
He lb. i
dftabMte A? sraae la rrowera? Live
wbJiea. 4- lbs.. -3Jc; B-0 lbs.. l-23l
tb ; colored pelts 4c U under- eld !
does, 10-llc. few hither. Fresh dressed
fryers to retailers, iT-uot cut up eioac.
Ceaatry Killed Meats
Veal Top aualuy. Il-U -I rough
heavies, 23-18c.
Hra Leas blockers, si-we; sows.
tlsht. 31-Me
be BesL n-JU Ibl rearunia.
10-35C lb
Hal tea Best. 12-140 lb. I cull-UUUty.
Beer Utility cows. 14-Wc lb.; canncr-
cutters, 3J-33e; shells 4loa to 17c.
Presk DreaaM Meats
Wbolesalare to reuiltrsi Dollars per
Beef Bteers, choice, 100-700 lbs., 41
$43. M: good, 537 00-41 00: commirclal
139.00 -1 7. 00; utility. $35 00-11.00; com'
merclal cowa, (33.00-27.00: utility ,, 122
M.O0: canner-cutters, aO.0-l3S.OO
Beef eats Choice steers mod quar
ters. tS2-M: rounds, tl-; lull loins,
trlmme! I-7I; trlanslea. 17-31; fore
cuarters, llft-11; chucU, $26-40; ribs.
Veal and CaWes Oood-choke, .4
40. SO: commercial, (39-M.
Laaabs Chotceprlme. J41-44: aood,
190-44; sprlna lambs, cholceprlme. 47.60.
aaauaav uooo enoics. IS-13 lb It -44.
Perk (Tata Loins. No I 1-13 .ba.
6-70: utility 0- shoulders, la lbs
142-45: spare ribs. 14 -M M; fresb hams.
10-14 itu.. ua-aa- pmrk carcases. 120.170
IDS., S3V-41.
aiekedj Haaaa Bklnmd. &-M lbs..
fined lard la drums 114-1450; slab bas
on. 104-73.
Portland MleeeUeaeaav
Oatene 50 lb sack Calif Red Olohe.
men. ra-i.w: wmte tiobe, i.isoaO;
at 75c. medium Sac,
Batterfat Buyina piico. Preaiiuat, H
llr i. I7-69C- No I lit
BatterWholesale trade A paranasal.
11a Um retail. 7s
Cblrace Onions
Chicaso (U.pj Supplies Usht, demaiwl
Slow, market dun.
Track salea 60 lbs.: TJ. 0. No. 1 unless
stated: None: trucklot sales delivered
Jobblns street basis, Teias White Olobes
3-inch and larser 2.00: Illinois Yellow
Olobes 65 per cent 2-inch and larier
Street sale 40 lbs,: Idaho, Oreaon and
California flpanlah 3-lnch and larser
175-1.15: medium Yellow Olobes. Mid
west 1.19-1.75, some small .76, New
York 1.50; Teias and Colorado White
Olobes 1-inch and larier, lew t to I
Incli, 2.00-3 3.
Pert land Mvesiark
Portland OiJo Trading, eieept In han.
waa slow on the Portland lives lock mar
ket today.
Cattle 100; market slow, aaontly clean-
op trade at weak prices; few cutter-
utility steers 10-13.M; can ner-cu tier
cowa mostly ISO-10; few utility cows
io M: cutter buiu I 13: utility-
commerclsl bulls la narrow demand.
Calves 34: market slow: good-choice
Hint vealers scarce, salable ll-lt or
above; good 340 lb. calves 14.60; heavier
welthta and commercial aradea 12. culls
7 snd below.
Hoaa: loo; market active, arourtd 2se
Ma her; sows 50c up: choice lU-2 lb.
butchers 37 50-38: 250-260 lbs. 2S-3I.50;
Choice 350-4H lb. sows 13-34.
Sheep 400, holdover 400: market slow;
tood-cholce sprint lambs 10.40-17 60;
few choice trades It; utility lamba 11-
few tood feeders 14-14.40. aoodV
choice alaushter ewes
y t : iim. 1
'm ,
U t
Freed GIs Tell Tales
Of Red Barbarity
Freedom Village, 0V Three I cause of a gaf In his mouth.
The National radio station
in Tehran, Iran, from which
first news of successful re
volt against Premier Mossa
degh was broadcast after it's
seizure by the Shah's follow
ers. It is shown being guard
ed by troops during previous
Army corporals reaching free
dom today told Bow an Amer
ican flier was "lashed to
pole and died In the sun be
cause he would not confess
to germ warfare" charges.
Tt.e corporals, two of whom
served 10 monthe in the bard
labor camp annex to Camp 2
at Pyoktong, said another
flier was chained to a wall in
a place where he could neither
stand up nor sit down.
At first the three were
reluctant to talk for fear of
causing hardships for Araerl
cans not yet repatriated.
Cpl. Irvin Edwards, 22, who
was captured Dec. 2, 1930,
while with tha U.S. 7th Di
vision, said the aviator who
died had been taken to Man.
churia for questions but would
not "confess."
"They brought him back to
Camp 2 and tied him to a
post in the hot sun until he
died," Edwards said. "He was
starved. I don't know how
long he had 'been without
food. He was already three
quarters dead and waa so weak
that chains around his arris
and legs held him erect. He
never confessed and died in
about 24 hours."
Edwards said the pilot waa
dressed in GI clothing and was
unable to say anything be-
With Edwards of Knoxville,
HI., were two other Camp 1
repatriates Cpl. David T.
Fortune. 21. of Pickens, od
who was captured Jan. 3,
1951, while with the 25th Di
vision, and Cpl. William J.
Carpin. 23, of Fulton, N.T,
who was captured Nov. S,
19S0, while with the 1st Cav
alry Division.
AU three agreed that avia
tors enlisted .and officers '
received special attention from
the Chinese. They said that
"all airmen are now held in
Camp 1 (the officers' camp).
State Ordered to
Act on Bonus Claim
yellows med. and larse, 1.60-1 Tl; lew 1 2,000 sheep.
Chleste Livestock
Chtcaio (rf) Butcher hoes were act
ive and 3ft to bO cents or more hither
Thursdsy. Bowa were up 60 to 76 cenla.
The hot top was 03I.M, psld sparlnily.
Choice and prime ateers and year
lints were fully steady tft 26 cents
hither. Other trades were dull and weak.
Heitera were steady to weak. Cowa and
bulls were steady to 26 cents lower. A
load al prima 1,150 pound stecra broutht
U6 76.
All classes were steady la the sheep
marie.. Ttte toaa mh top was 134 00.
Salable receipts wers estimated
ooo hots. 2,000 cattle, 400 calves snd
Cbleato Grata.
Cbtcaca ur Wheat had fir under
tone for tha first time this week on
the board of trade Thursday. It was
ahead mora than I cents at times, but
Backed down toward the finish.
An advance in cash wheat prices at
Minneapolis, email export business and
technical considerations aided wheat.
Teed trains, particularly oats, eased.
Oats were sold on fears of Imports from
shipment of tovernment owned osts Intoiuicr rCCOgnlZC
the southwest drought area was out-1
tint demsod for feed mixtures.
Soybeans had a steady tone while lard
continued to spurt, practically all con
tracts, asatn toint to seasonal peats.
Wheat closed 14 lower to Vahisher,
Sept. 1.I2W-V,, Corn S to 1 cant lower
Sept. 144H-147, Oats l to 1 cents
lewei-, Sept. 7I-7IV. Rye 3V to 2 cents
lower, Sept. 1.06-1.06. Soybeana 1 cent
lower to V hither, Sept. 2.41-3.44, and
lard 10 cents lower to IS cents a hun
dred pounds hither. 14.7S-M.02.
PerUana leitilde Market
Portland UJ9 Oood local cabbate
brouchl 6.26 on the Kastalde Farmers'
market today; blueberries were 4 4.74;
radishes sold at 7c a dosen bunches.
Circuit Judge George R.
Duncan by issuing an alterna
tive writ of mandamui Thurs
day directed H. C. Saalfeld, as
director of the Oregon Depart
ment of Veteram Affairs to el-
claim made
upon the department by John
Wallace Harbison, Jr., or show
reason why the claim should
not be honored.
The writ sets forth that Har
bison entered the armed forces
of the United States, April 15,
1942, and was honorably dis
charged March 151952. Sub
sequently Harbison is said to
nave maae application lor ure
gon World War II Veterans
compensation, v The claim was
A ;;ii
. Maj. Cen. Faiollah Za
hedl, (above) appointed pro
mler by the exiled Shah at
Iran, defiantly called from
hill "hideout for support of
Iranian army officers. Za
hedl's declaration was hand
ed newsmen In Tehran by .
courier as troops controlled
by Premier Mossadegh scour
ed the countryside for the
general. 'A Tehran broad
cast said that the Royalist
insurgents overthrew . the
Mossadegh government, and
that Mossadegh had to fie
for his life. (AP Wirephoto)
Laa Allea Laeaa
Lue Allea Lucas, lata rertdrnt of 3240
eV 13th St., at Veterans Hospital, Port
land. Aue. II. Surl,e4 br Idosr, Urs.
Lorna Luces, Salem; dauahter, Urs.
Vivian Hardman, Portland; sister, Pesrl
Deesler. Fort ficott, Ksnsasi brothers,
Karl Loeas. Olrard. Kens., and Leo
Lucas, Detroit. Mich.; sranddaushter,
Deanna Kar Hardman. Portland. Serr.
Ices will be held Prldar, Ana. 11 at
p.m. at tha Vlrall T. Oolden Chapel
with the Rev. John DeBoer offjclatlns.
Interment in Belcreit Memorial Park.
In lieu of flowers contributions to
American Cancer Sorletr are requested
In care of Multnomah Couotr Medical
Vlaeent NavratU
Vincent MavretU, lets resident of 1110
D St., In a local nursine home Aua 14
at tha are of II. Survived bv two dauih
ters, Urs, Asnes WolclechowsKI snd
Mrs. Msrr Chspmsn. both of Sslem;
brother. Prank NavratU; erenddaushter.
Mrs. Msrr Schwelnfurth. and arret
aranddauehter. Janet Louie Schweln
furth, both of Salem. Oravestde services
undar, Aua. 31. at I p.m. at ralrvlew
Cemetery. Oates. under direction of
Howell-Edwards Co.
Nellie I. Bsardeler
Nellie J. Beardiler, late resident of
Tillamook, at Welter, Idaho. Aus. 11.
Survived by children. Jerome Besrdsler.
Bremerton. Reno Besrdiler. Remler.
Clifford Beardsley. Portland. Mrs. H. O.
Proutr. Lone Braeh. Csllf.. Mrs. C. w.
Townler. New Meadow,, ldsho. Mrs.
Prsnk Hoffman. Portland. Mrs. Edward
Vsnder Jsst. Ttllsmook; eltere. Mrs.
Hstlle Merrick, woodburn. Mrs. Aueust
Eroderson, Welser. and sirs. Csthertne
Bean. Portland; also nine crandrhtldren
and ten arret arandchlldren. Services
wiu be held Frldsv, Auiuit 31. at 1;0
a. In tha W. T. Rlsdon Chapel with the
Rev. Dudley Strain offlclatinr. Inter
ment la Eelcrest Memorial Park.
GeralS L. Brawn
Oerald L. Brown, late reildent of 4S0
. Capitol at., at a Portland hoipltal
Aua. II. Survived by wife. Mrs. Laura
Irene Brown. 5a!em; daushter. Csrol
Nsdlne Brown. I. ma. Wash.; parents.
Mr. and Mra. Exla R. Brown. North
Platte. Neb : elitert. Mra. Opal Berry.
Maywood. Neb, and Mrs. MatMlda Belle
Romlne. Palisade. Nrb.: brothers, David
Brown. Ban Berwrdmo cellf ; Keyne, daughter. Mrs. Nor
r.rown, neaaine, V sin., eusni.r - . .. -, ,u
Brown, both of North Platte. Neb. and ma WellS. tnree miles norm OI j - Hiffern
Marlon In., with the U. A. Navy.'"',. lenses in 11,1.1,344 Olliereni
" . ..... , i comuinauons oi curvature.
, She was born at Lime mock, i .
Ark, Dec. 12, 1868.
Surviving are four sons,
Ralph, Independence; Earl, Y.
chats: Glen, Crescent City,
' Calif: and Kenneth Yeoman
Mid Willamette
Lena Ann Yoeman
Stay ton Mrs. Lena Ann
Yeoman, 84. of North Scio,
died in the Santiam Memorial
hospital Tuesday, Aug. 18. Mrs.
Yeoman was a resident of
Stayton until she moved to the
Blizzard Hits
Peak Climbers
Lahore, Pakistan UJ9 A
three day blizzard and a bitter
cold wave have endangered the
success oi the American climb
ers who seek to conquer 28,-259-foot
Mt. Godwin Austen,
it was disclosed today.
An exhausted runner carried,
the report from the' expedi-'
tion's camp op the mountain,
which is also known as K-2,
to the nearest communications
center at Skardu. It took him
two weeks to travel the 17S
miles over the rugged Hima-'
layan area.
The storm broke Aug. 2, the
runner said, as the climbers
were preparing to start their
final attack on the peak of
what is now the world's high-,
est unconquered mountain.
23 Suits Filed for
Forest Fire Losses
Roseburg. M" The number
of suits filed here charging
negligence in allowing upread
of a forest fire in August,
1951, stood at 23 Thursday
Eight suits were filed Wed
nesday by Insurance compa-'
nies against Martin Bros. Box
Co., Oakland, Ore., and For
rest Solomon, contract logger,
who were defendants in IS
filed Monday. The eight total
ed S29.800.
The fire was In the Hubbard
Creek area 13 miles southeast
of here.
It has been estimated that It
Is possible to grind eyeglass
Aervlces will ba held Monday. Auiuet
34th at l;ia n m. In the Cloueb-B&rrlca
Company with Interment la Belcreit
Memorial Park.
Jeaeak Klnssaaa Starr
Joseph Kinsman Starr, at Detroit.
Mien., Aueust 10. Husband of Mary L. H.
Starr; brother of errs. Nellie Hemllton
of Turnler. Ore.. Mra. Roy Miller of . ci.uinci- fisn riaiichters. Mrs.
Reddlnr. Calif., Loretta Starr of sslem. ' c-; flnH Mies
Ore, Prank and Hubert Slerr. both at Norma Wells. SiCIO, and MISS
Berdine Yeoman, roruanu;
two sisters, Lillian Jarnagin,
Coburg, Ore., and Hannah Bu
sey, Lebanon; and 12 grand
children. Funeral services will be at
2 pm. Friday, Aug. 21. at the
Weddle Funeral Home, Stay
ton with the Rev. N. N. Neu
fcld officiating. Burial will be
in Lone Oak cemtery. J
Loa Aneeiea. Calif. Puneral ftrrvtres
were held at Detroit. Mich , Wrdnedey.
Auauet 10, tnterment Greenwood ceme
tery, Brooklyn, H. T, Thursday, Auaust
Ia t Porter
Ena I. Porter at tht residence. Oak
land, Calif. Mother of Perry Porter. Ev
erett. Wash. Mrs. Mary Jean Mieener.
Osklsnd. Calif.. Sister Jeea Prsnre, ef
tl-.e' Holy Name Sister, at Sao Rafael.
Calif. Oraveelde aervlrea will be held
Saturday. Auaust 33, at 10 a al the
Cut view cemetery, Salem, under the
direction at tha W. T. Rlidoa company
Any Longer
When other, fall, ase oof Chinese
remedies. Amartnt aueoosa for 4004
rear, lo China No matter with wna
eilrnen:. yea are afflicted, disorder,
slnualtM heart lanta. liver kidneys
aaa, eonatlpelioa aleera dlabetee
rhenmetlaas. aall and bladder favor,
tkla. temslo eoaplelnla.
Chinese Rtaaco,
Offlea ffaara ta I
Tea aai Sat ear,
t4 1 Commercial
Pbawe tiaso
(wift mm Ita m
V I 2! a n 5 PREMIUM
:S- . i 2 2 IL IS SAFTI-CAPS
AiY 1171? ,
ll$S Wl for ANY CAR
ItA V VT You SAVE As Much As 8.17 per Tire
Li4 ' ? ' Size I Reg. Price I Sole Price "
llW ' ' 6.00x16 12.45 -n
WlT 6.40x15 12.05 ( ( (O) (O)
W$ 6.70x15 13.85 I U J (O) (OV
7.00x16 17.05 ? r
Prititi 7.10x15 15.05 (I rpSS,
V fJMtf 7.60x15 16.05 J
8.00x15 17.05 V y (N,r.j t)
' J
1 tllTl ItJlJaU Irtry Softi-Cop Is uncondition-
I IjlJ I I P 1 oily guaranteed for 6 months.
dstA Built with X-41 "cold" rub.
, M 01 1 ber in tread for longer wear.
11 -t-3 ,,n,.AJc,,' l 10 down puts a set ef Soft,,
i I 0. r ". .T'eol Caps en your car!
J 4 f
Von can't buy a better retread than 8ears
I uaranteed "Safti-Cap" tires why pay
more! Only No. 1 best carcasses are used!
. . . Every tire Is carefully rebuilt with
X-41 "cold" rubber and retreaded
from hufflnf bar to buffinr bar. Equip
your ear now at these tremendous sav
Infs! No Federal Taxi'
Hurry! This Offer Limited Time Only!
Cl... LJ Mon. & Frf. 9.30 to 9 P.M.
tMOre nOlirS Other Doy 9:30 to 5:30
Plenty Free Parking
reavw e i, wiaiey v, asv va aw. i is..