Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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    THE CAPITAL JOI RNAL. Salens. Ormi
B Tele-Views.
? Radio-Television
Tele-Views received a beautiful cake the other day from
Public Relations Director Jan Webster of KPTV as pro
motion gimic for new Sunday afternoon television show.
-Wedding Bells."
Cake decorated with the latest in cake styling and was
really good as the "gang" at the office ate It with the
morning coffee, v
On "Wedding Bells" last week the master of ceremonies
failed to ask one of the girls what her fiance did for a
living after asking everyone else. Seems the young lady's
man is a disc jockey for a Portland radio station. . . .
KPTV man didn't want to mention radio on TV so left
that question out. . . . Next day disc jockey tells his musi
cal fans to phone KPTV Bnd raise cain. . . . Result KPTV
nooaea wun phone calls all day Monday.
CBS television is going all out in securing new talent
lor weir network come this fall. In adding Red Skelton
and Herb Shriner to their list of talent, CBS is busy pro
moting same.
Tele-Views received a package from CBS with a couple
packs of cigarettes in it. The kind that Herb Shriner
recommends to his "Two For the Money" audience.
Toymaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker brings his
teles of toys to delight tha young of heart on this live chil
' dren's show.
Northwest News Digest, :Jt. Features Norman Wallace,
newscaster, with Bill stout as sports reporter and commentator.
Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace.
Che Kid, . Rev. Calvin Whitacre, a fighting parson,
visits the corrupt town of Bitter Wells to visit his enstrsnged
brother who is boss of the town.
Hunting and Fishing News, i:S. Local and live show
Starring Rudy Laehenmeler.
Dragnet, 7:3. A true story of a police investigation of an
alleged accident which kills a movie director on the set.
The Unexpected, t. "Slightly Dead," a tale of a has-been
who fails at suicide. Believed dead, he becomes a celebrity
posing as his own best friend stars J. M. Kerrigan.
Ford Theatre, :J. "So Many Things Happen" Laraine
Day portrays a happily married woman whose marriage is
threatened by the machinations of her sister. Co-starring are
Bruce Bennett and Virginia Field with Ross Elliott and Isabel
Ethel Barrymors Theatre, :J9. "General Delivery' stars
Ethel Barrymore as elderly Ellen Parker into whose hands
chance places the tool by which the police bresk ap a dope ped
dling ring. ,
Wrestling from Hollywood, It. Warren Bockwinkle vs.
Tony Morellie in semi-main event. Tag Team match: Sailor
Fred Blassie and Dave Levin vs. Sockeye Jsck McDonald and
All Pasha In the main event
Nile Owl Theatre, 11. "Little Pal" with Mickey Rooney
and Ralph Bellamy.
Matinee Theatre, 2. "The Mystery."
Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings his
tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil
dren's show.
Terry and tha Pirates, 4. "Chinese Legacy" concerns a
young Chinese-American G.I. who comes to China to claim
a million legacy. Kidnapped on arrival, another Chinese
takes his place.
Northwest News Digest, S:S0. Features Norman Wallace,
newscaster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta
tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace.
On the Practice Tee, 6:30. Local, live golf instruction
with Helen Dettweiler.
. Gene Autry, 7. Gene Autry, singing cowboy, and his
horse, Champion, and his comic sidekick, Pat Buttram, ride
the plains in dramas of the old West.
You Asked For If, 7:30. "Abdullah" Hindu street mer
chant demonstrates East Indian Legerdemain Judo escape
artist Walter Burgo of Hswaii performs "Giurpo," the under
water clown will delight the children and will be assisted
by a group of "Aquamaids."
Doorway To Danger, S. Agent Doug Carter (Stacy Har
ris) goes to the aid of a friend who is sentenced to die for
The Goldbergs, 1:30. Family situation comedy, starring
Gertrude Berg as "Molly." Molly takes count of the years
when she discovers she has a few gray hairs.
Wrestling, 10. Local live remote telecast from the Port
land Armory.
Nlte Owl Theatre, 11:15. "Women Must Dress" with
Minna GambeU and Hardie Albright.
v J ,
Edgar Sanders, British
business man sentenced by
a Hungarian court to 13
years in prison February,
1950, was pardoned by the
Hungarian Presidium in
Budapest (AP Wirephoto)
On Television
KPTV (Channel 27)
(Only profTruru ehdslssd ta MtM4t
sav$ mmuAjipn
Motorola, Oumorrt, Hoffous. Ki
Valley Television
230Jfilrjruni M. 2-1913
Km Us Bfo)r fan Bmy
rr tha Bent Demi ta Tw
. FMtcr Train) TMharteltM
Om DbIU p.m.
Dalit KxMi sHtirtlAf
Dayton PW
On Way Home
When the transport Gen.
Nelson M. Wslker docks In San
Francisco Sunday" a service
man from this area who has
been a prisoner of the com
munists since November 29,
1950, wiU be aboard. ,
The returning prisoner, Cpl.
Edwsrd E. Clevenger, Route 1,
Box 204-A, Dayton, will not
hsve to wait until he arrives
home to see his family either,
for on hand to meet him will
be his father, Ed Clevenger, of
the Dayton address and other
Clevenger, who enlisted in
the army in Octoter, 1949, was
returned to UN control at Pan
munjom, Korea, August 6. At
the time he was captured by
the Reds he was serving with
the medical corps as a member
of the 35th Infantry regiment
of the 25th ' infantry division
of the Eighth army.
One other Oregon man, who
was released the same day as
Clevenger, will also arrive on
the Gen. Nelson M. Walker.
He is Pfc. Melvin J. Tuom of
Route 2, Clatskanie.
Tuom, who re-enlisted in the
army in 1949, was a veteran
of World War II and- was
wounded in Germany two
weeks before the end of the
war there. He also was wound
ed and hospitalized ta Korea
early in the fighting. He was
taken prisoner after being re
turned to action.
E asi Salem
t il p.m.- Baareb for Tomorrow
1:10 p.m. Lot of Life
1:4ft p.m. Toymaktr
4:00 p.m. Howdy Deodr
4:4h p.m.Varietr Roundup
8:00 p.m. Rants Rider
1:30 p.m. Newpapr of Air
:45 p.m. Tims for Bcanr '
00 p.m. Cisco Kid
1:10 p.m. Hunting and Flitting
:4ft, p.nv Nsws Caravan
1:00 p.m. Groucho Man
7:10 p.m. Dragnet
100 p.m. The Dneipected
1:30 p.m. Ford Theater
1:00 p.m. Martin rane, DtttctlTO
:I0 p.m. Ethel Bar mn ore
10:00 p.m. Hollywood Rait) tag
u:ot p.m. him owl Theater
I . a "'4
George Schrelber, 25,
USAF 2nd Lieut., (above)
has been convicted by a
murder and conspiracy to
commit murder In death of
a Korean nationalist last
September. The conviction
is subject to review. (UP
Shoplifter Nailed
BySlaylon Police
Stayton Nathan Flowers,
43, who has served two prison
terms in San Quentin and one
In the Oregon state peniten
tiary, was arrested by Police
Officer Russ Shaffer Fridav
on a charge of shop lifting.
The complaint has been filed
by a plalnclothesman acting
for the Stayton Businessmen's
Protective Assn.
In municipal court Flowers
was fined $540 and sentenced
to eleven months and 29 days
at hard labor on Stayton city
Lebanon Curbs
To Be Moved
Lebanon To provide safe'
ty for pedestrians and auto
traffic, work, has been started
on curb Improvement at the
post office. Councilman Robert
Heimerdinger reports this
week. He is chairman of the
health and safety committee
which Initiated the improve
ment Mountain States Power com
pany has moved the fire hy
drant eastward across the side
walk, and the curb line of the
west side will be moved back
against the sidewalk. Parallel
parking will replace the pre
sent diagonal custom as soon
as signs can be erected.
The dirt curbing on the
south side of the post office will
be removed and the narrow
strip paved. Cars will then park
against the sidewalk as a result
of widening of the street.
Planned is 10-minute park
ing meters on the south side of
the building.
Harbor Too Shallow
For U. S. Battleship
Hong Kong (TV-The 45,000-
ton U. S. battleship New Jer
sey arrived for a courtesy call
today but was too big for Hong
Kong's shallow harbor. So it
anchored five miles outside
while passenger ferries brought
the 2,500 crewmen ashore.
Soles Service - Installation
Open from 0 a.m. to ( p.m.
Ph. 2-1611 SU0 8. Coml
Baton's first Television Store
run AT
Jt .m. Wilt Cooklnlf
ll.w m. bh pro!(
11:10 r..m Wekomt Trareltn
11:00 .m. On Tour Account
11:10 p.m. UN Oincru Auamblr
13:4ft p.m. LftdlM Cholet
1:00 p.A. Doublo or Notblae
1:10 p.m.-atrlkt II Rich
1:00 p.m Mitln Tlieaur
S:lft p m Bnita for Tomorrow
1:10 p.m Loo of Lift)
1:4ft p.m. Tormoktr
1:00 p.m. Clieo Xld
1:00. p.m. SporU Red
1:00 p.m. Ocnt Autrcr
7 JO p.m. You Anted ror II
S:0O p.m. Doorw.y to Dobim
:10 p.m. OoWbCTii
9:00 r.BL-4huc of Ltfittmo
t:10 p.m. Bob CotuldlDt
I 45 p.m Veil Pocket The tier
10:00 p.m. Portland WrtlUlnt
11:1ft p.m. Nlto Owl
Arctic musk oxen are easily
brought to bay by dogs.
Albany Golfing members of
the 11 Klwanii clubs in this
district will be guests of the
Albany club at luncheon at the
Hotel Albany Thursday noon,
when Glenn B. Sandberg, na
tional secretary of the Ameri
can Collectors association, will
be the speaker. His topic will
be "Bills, Baloney and Boom
Burglars Strip
Till at Albany
Albany Burglars broke into
an Albany grocery store and
stripped the cash register of
$15 in change some time Tues
day night, but an attempt to
gain admittance into a hard
ware store went awry when a
door resisted several blows
from a heavy Instrument, city
police revealed today.
Robbed . of $15 was the
Market Basket grocery, 1640
Broadway. The burglary was
discovered at 7:45 a.m., Wed
nesday by John Blaylock, the
owner of the store. Glass in
the back door of the Whitaker
Hardware store, 324 S. Main
St., also was broken", but the
burglars lacked the key nec
essary to unlock the door. The
attempted hardware store bur
glary was discovered by city
police st 3:20 a.m.
City to Build Lift
To Carry Sewage
Construction of a small lift
and pump on South Church
street near the mill stream
will mark the last step in di
verting Salem's sewage from
the Willamette river to the
city's new sewage disposal
plant. City Manager J. L.
Franzen has announced.
The srea to be served is now
serviced by old sewsge nines
and is the only area from
sewage now goes into the
The work on the lift Is
scheduled to begin In the fall.
nnlv rlrnrino n-nrW h,l
been accomplished to date.!
rramrn sain several similar
lifts mllht be built In nth.r
sections of the city later.
East Salem Bridal showers,
reunion picnics and plans for a
new kindergarten along with
general school plans are special
interests in East Salem com
munities this week.
The new kindergarten will
be East Salem's first private
one to be listed under this
rating. There have been day
nurseries, and this new school
will be at the home of Mrs.
Jeane Sellard, 1535 Park Ave.,
where a day nursery has been
conducted for 18 years, and
will continue in conjunction
with the school.
Mrs. Dale Boyd will be in
charge of the kindergarten,
which will open Tuesday, Sept.
Mothers may register their
children now by calling Mrs.
Sellard or Mrs. ' Boyd. The
children may be left before
school hours and stay after
hours for help in caring for
those whose mothers will be
Mrs. Boyd will be using ma
terial, provided by the Stat e
Board of education. There will
be a large playroom.
A bride whose showers are
being held this month before
her wedding planned for Aug.
30, is Miss Patricia Keppinger,
older doughter of the Cleo
Kepplngers of Lancaster Dr.
Her second shower was given
by Mrs. Jdhn Vsn Laanen Fri
day night at the home of Mrs.
Willism Massey on Lancaster
Drive. .
Guests were Mrs. Cleo Kep
pinger, Mrs. Paul Bassett, Mrs.
Clyde Kuenzl, Mrs. Paul Fur
her, Mrs. John Anglin, Mrs.
Dan 'Scharf, Mrs. Fred Scharf,
Mrs. Jack Wikoff, Mrs. Law
rence Jaffe, Mrs. William
Scharf, Mrs. Harold Anglin,
Mrs. James Schordine, Mrs.
Lee Dow, Mrs. Emory Goode,
Mrs. Charles Anglin, Mrs. Lena
Bartruff, Mrs. Maybelle Dud
ley, Mrs. Charles Wenger, Mrs.
Roy Schofield, Mrs. Anna Wa
shing, Mrs. Sam Eschleman,
Mrs. John Schafer, Mrs. Wil
bul Wilson, Mrs. John Cage,
Mrs. Dale Van Laanen, Mrs.
Theodore Kuenzl, Miss Suzann
Anglin, Miss Gay Blackman
Gay Lee Keppinger and Mrs.
Massey and the hostess. ,
A picnic dinner for former
Dayton residents was .held on
Sunday at the Rex Peffer home
on Hollywood Dr. Their guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dow
er, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell
and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fos
ter, all from Dayton with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wright from
li 13 CwQ A M Ifi) C
El Jl II If II -- II X I I r- J
f - -
So smooth
it leaves you
, breathless
th artattst
tO btnri MsW turn 1 00 trar mmn wtim '
St tnrrt Sutnorl Fit ltK.,HrrftW.CM
, . ,
InftTiHMti irrrt- mrmrK' m'm"4' V"si VaT f"""! lllllllirTT?Tf W
Trade Today . . . : Enjoy stand-out picture
' ' ' -A- r.l ADC rilinn rhrr.i
Your TV Tomorrow
PHONE 3-9600
r4TT ah. sal
rr, . , wr tKll PARKING ON OUR LOT
to bom esit Mrs: cir '
MxlH. (AP Wlrephete)