Thursday, August 23, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pact IT &m$ rkimmmmKmtmmmKmm y v-.j. 't,, yr. Search Resumed for Lost Plane Off Alaska Ketchikan, Alaska Coast Guard surface vessels and search planes of twp na tions fanned out over a wide ra in inulhwutern Alas ka Thursday in the continuing Wednesday's search covered search for a flvinf New Mex-,14.030 sauare miles from An' ico oil man and four others : nette to Smlthers, B. C, with missing in his private plane. out turninf up a trace of the Snurod ta new efforts bv a vanished plane. The Coast FAMILY MISSING IN WILDS Wednesday's air search only 11 percent effective would lm- j prove Thurxdror sad e "very good" Priday. B forecast of Improving weather conditions, U. S. and Can adian Oir Force pilots and ci vilian fliers scanned bays and Inlets and rugged mountains along the route believed used by Ellis Hall of Albuquerque, ' N. M. Hall, his wife, two daughters and Patric Hibben, 17. disap peared Monday after taking off from Annette Island airport on a flight to BeUingham, Wash. A Weather Bureau forecast received by the Coast Guard said conditions which made Now You Listen! Giant manager Leo Durocher (right) and umpire Tom Gorman duel with pointed fingers daring heated argument in New York. The verbal battle waa brought on when Dodger catcher Boy Campaoella complained of being pitched too close to in second Inning. The Dodgers ran their con secutive streak to 11 straight by beating the Giants in It innings, 4-1. Tom and Leo came out a draw. (VP Tele-photo) Baseball Star Critically III Sacramento (U.B Jim Ta bor, former major and Pacific Coast league baseball star, was still in critical condition in Sacramento hospital today fol lowing a heart attack. Tabor still holds the major league record for hitting two bases-loaded home runs in one day. He played for the Boston Red Sox and was sold to Lo Angeles by the Philadelphia Phillies in 1947. He subse quently played with the Sacra mento Solons and Portland Beavers before he retired from basebaU in .1952. A 64-man varsity football squad, one of the smallest in years, has been invited back for early fall practice at Mi chigan State. Brownie Player Knocked Out Chicago OJJO Johnny Groth, St Louis Browns outfielder, was struck in the left temple an knocked unconscious Wed nesday .by a pitched ball thrown by Billy Pierce, Chica go White Sox hurler, In the sixth inning of the Browns-Sox game here. Groth regained consciousness in the club house, where he was examined by Or. John Clar idge, team physician. Claridge said he believed Groth "is going to be ail right" July was a hard month on veteran ball players. Hal New houser, Vern Stephens, Max Lanier and Barney McCosky were among those released this July. THERE'S MONEY IN YOUR TREES ' WE PAY CASH FOR GREEN CONES LOOK NOW AT ALL DOUGLAS FIRS AND GRAND FIR TREES IN TOUR YARD, PASTURE ORWOODLOT. We pay SVi cents per pound for Douglas and 4 cents for Grand fir. Must be green and closed. When you have some cones send us a postal card and we'll come and buy them. Tel. 4-35J5 ...2-2044 WOODSEED P. O. Box (47 Salem Senators View Valley Projects Portland W Four members of the Senate Public Works Committee inspected Willam ette Valley projects Thursday, part of a general Northwest study. Sen. Francis S. Coxe, South Dakota Republican, will join three Democratic senators, Den. nis Chavez, N.Mex., Spessard L. Holland, Fla., and John C. Stennis, Miss., who arrived here Wednesday. The three urged completion of Columbia Valley power de velopment without regard to political issues. Holland said Columbia Riv er benefits "affect all the peo ple. Republicans as well as Democrats. It's not a political matter, but is an economic and human matter. It's a question of fact as to each project. Each Is different; some can be de veloped privately, some pub licly." Chavez said, "I'm not inter ested in the politics of the mat ter. I would like to see the Co lumbia developed under any system. The committee members are completing a survey of North west river and harbor projects. They will return Thursday j night to Portland to leave for I Alaska to study projects there. J WHEATLAND SCHOOL Wheatland Wheatland ! school, with Mrs. Edward Rose. man of Dallas as teacher, is scheduled to open Monday, Sept. 14. Guard said four surface vessels checked all debris and oil slicks reported in the area without finding any special clue to in dicate they might be from ti.e missing plane. The first sighting of an oil slick was at the mouth of the sound Wednesday. Two fish ermen also told of having seen a two-engined plane flying up the lS-mile long sound from 2 to SH hours after the Monday night takeoff. The search is one of the north country's largest. Twenty-eight American and Canad ian military planes were re ported in the search, most of them over the British Colum bia flight route. About a doz en small plane pilots were searching the Alaska coastal area. J Ellis Hall, wealthy Southwestern oilman and financier, his wife and two daughtera are missing In a private plane on a flight from Alaska's Annette Island airport Hall is shown with his wife, Virginia, and daughters Joann, 20 (right), and etty, 21 (insert). (AP Wircphoto) August Lean for Bridge Players August was a lean month for Salem memberi of the Elk Duplicate Bridge dub. Only one of the 12 master points awarded by the club for top score In the main monthly competitions went to local par ticipant. Mr. and Mr. Duane Pinkerton of Gladstone and Mrs. Lulu Hortoh and Mr. Dan Crcary of Portland carried off the honor this week, while second place for Mr. and Mr. Charles L. Newsom was the best the Salem players could do. Other point went to Mrs. Myrtle Mount of Oregon City and John Pugh of Shedd, Mrs. Leon a Taylor and Mrs. Mona Yoder. Mrs. C. C Gabriel and Mrs. Dorothy Remmey of Brownsville. Mrs. Walter . A. Barsch and Ray Kemp, Mr. T, C Lutx and Walter M. Cline, and W. F. Leary and Ellis H. Jones. In the summer eerie W. M. Cline vaulted Into tha lead by winning with Mrs. Lloyd Jones. Top score on tha other (id of the board went to Mr. Harry Wiedmer and Mr. C. B. Bent son. Next an tha aerie a only two tournament remk t ing are Mrs. a L. Newsom 1 Mrs. Elsie Day. Other fair I point thl week Included - C. C Gabriel ana Mrs. w. m Barsch. Mrs. L. W. rraler mi Mrs. George Rein, Mrs. K. X. Boring and Mrs. Paul T. Burr's, Mrs. T. C Luta and Charws Tambllng. and Mrs. Robert Burns and X. H. Jones. - - About per cent a tba Niagara river' flow over the Canadian fall. Tho roar thing III - vl At t-rr.iiUM do a WHALE of a job! Efficient, effective and really economical Want Ads are as "newsy" as the front page and your key to Action and Profit! If you're a buyer ... a seller, or a swapper, you're sure to agree that a little Want Ad does a whale of a big job in getting results. Say "hello" to good buys . . . services and needs read and use the Want Ads regularly! PHONE 2-2406 for CapitalAjournal mi 9 ff our line ot ooats, hardware, rine paint, remote con- trols and equipment. Motors, boats and equip- 1 ment available on easy bank terms. SCOUT BAG Kapok (Wed, ripon (IfiOC Mcmr. teg. 12.50. w HBaMaBHBBVBVsasBVB9JBsaelws A I marine fife! i : vl - i mm I-. -is j -m I U I : tt T If' aSl I I ,nt Naw I MyC- Coleman Folding 1 T f n4TTS II; i r I l( 4 ' I f v t i .- I NW Sleeping Bags iriJU CAMPER BAG 1 1 t in a ii pmuio aai , .s . - ;UI 1405 N. GET BEABY MB Before you leave, stop in at cur store. You'll find all your camping and fishing needs at Cascado Msrc. 0penlill9P.M.EveryWeekDiy Complete Slock ol Portable Ice-Boxes, Jugs Bottles, etc. See the hew Sno-Gel re usable ice. Pack boards, bags, packsacks, etc. Complete stock ol Salmon plugs Salmon Trolling Rods, lure etc. SLEEPING BAG Ml S potass wmI Mist, irlea tttar, stfi ilp ttotltof 2 ajar Mttrtn pckhi ilri wmi mi cn fertibl. I.)9i0 mm wmmwn pvuivn $E50 I pounds wool filling, I bags alp togeth er to make double, t air mattrea pock et, storm flap inside, canopy head cov-. er, water repellent cover. 5 Reg. 22.50 ALEUTIAN BAG Full S pound pur kapok filling, nylon outer cover, storm flap over tipper, t bags sip together to make double, t air mattress pockets, all deluxe throughout 510150 feta A tl t - l(teml We Carry the Complete Line of Coleman Products The Finest Camping Equipment Made. See Them Today. Tents-Tents UMBRELLA TENT 9x9 sixa, waterproof, metal srok loops that can't pull out, mosquito proof door, awnln. window in back, all the feature. Reg. 47.50. $250 Same Tent in 9x11 Size SPINNING OUTFIT L Funens Olrmple Delose Reel with bail pick-up. 1 Ftbnclaaa Spinning Bod, I-ptece. t, IM yards oaPont Limp Kplnnlnf Line, your choke el siic. . 1 flninnlnv - . $1050 Outfit Only Fir Bod Reg. 9.95 iirtosulk FIT InI 10. 195 Vilu 11.90 $4.95 54.95 90 Speclol Tapered Fly Line Slightly Irreg. Reg. $7.95 REAR ROOM TENT Super deluxe 10x1214 feet site. Zip per, mosquito and bug-proof door, awning, window in back, finest wa terproof durk mater lal, roomy and e o mfortable. Re. Complete All sises of play tents, wall tents, pup tents, tarn, etc. in stock. All at low, . low prices. 4U Air Mattress M slit, pltstic, conttriK- REMEMBER! 15 deliver your new 1931 Evlnrude Motor. Two-Man Tent With floor .ewed tn, tip per front, slie 7xSi4-ft. hit h Waterproof, buf proof, yet wclthi only ( pound, eomplrte. $395 Air Mattress Delua aaUty air rub ber awllreM. FUU sis, netal valre. $8M CHURCH