Thursday. Antftst 20, 1951 Pact II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL.. Salem. Oregon ii i. ii r . mii auie m rmwmmmmmmi m mm mm , m mrmmm n j i j pii n 1 - -- . m - ' y '-V '.' '5' j'il Wll Contests Slugging Matches In All But Salem or n ynum Ft Ml) Western International league batters gave the pitcher pounding Wednesday night, collecting a total of 143 safe hits, including 13 home runs, in the loop's five scheduled games. The Trl-City-Salem game at Salem was the only contest that could be classed as a low hitter. By comparison, Lewiston got 28 safeties to eight for Spokane I runs were scored in the third. Games to be played tonight are: Christian Church vs. First National Bank at 7 and Com mercial Seat Cover vs. May flower Milk at 8. YMCA Assures Itself of Tie The YMCA Softball team as sured itself of at least a tie for first place last night in the In dustrial softball league as they beat the Fire Department team by an 11-3 count ,Wolgamotts can share the top rung with a win Friday over Postal Clerks in the final game of the regu lar schedule. YMCA scored six runs in the first inning and four is the second to give them an early lead. Halland gained the win. In another softball game Wednesday Keizer Electric beat Berg's Market 14-4. Ten FAN FARE Din., s i&tfcTSBt BBBBBatL a """ I ' I Softball Cenler View of Allen field, Mill City, where the state softball tournament will a held starting Saturday and lasting five days. Sunday night's donble header has been deslgasted "Shrine Night". AU proceeds from this event will be given to the Shrine 'hospital for crippled children In Portland. The Salem Shrine band and patrol will put on a between-the-games exhibition. Gams tint Bandar is 7:31. Dodgers Out for Yank Blood After Toppling Giants New York U. The Dodg ers were out for blood today Yankee blood. And they couldn't hate the sight of those Yankee uniforms mora even if the Dodgers were all Confederate war veterans. Having killed off the Giants, Dodger manager Charles Dres den set two new ambitious goals, both aimed at showing up the world champion bomb ers, even before they meet in the world series. Dressen wants the Dodgers to clinch the pennant before the Yankees and he would like to top the Yankees' American league winning streak of 19 games, set when he was a Yankee coach in 1947. Brooklyn's 7-5 triumph over New York yesterday, achieved with a three-run rally in the eighth when Carl Furlllo and Duke Snider drove in the tal lies with key hits, extended the Dodgers scoreless relief pitching mark to 21 innings. Ben Wade struck out two bat ters to cool off the Giants in the third after Hapk Thomp son hit a three-run homer and' Dusty Rhodes got a two-run clout Brooklyn stayed 8 tt games ahead of Milwaukee which top ped the Reds 3-2 on Andy Paf ko's homer In the ninth as Warren 6pahn pitched a five hitter for his lth victory. Ted KluszewsM hit his 37th homer for Cincinnati. In the American league, the Yankees went 8tt games ahead of the White Sox by topping Washington 2-0 on Jim Mc Donald's four hit Job while the Browns edged Chicago 4-3 in 10 Innings with two runs n a single by Vern Stephens, triple by Les Moss and a squeeze bunt by Vic Wertz. 9 Major Leagues 9 AMEBJCAN LEAOUE I, ret. New Tort , Chlcaee , Cleveland Bo. ton WiRhlnlton blladelphla ., Dttroll M. Loul. Niv York 1, W.ihlMtoti t. St. Loiai 4. riucun I 'It lanliui). Boatoi . rtHUdelpnU . . droit 4. CUv.I.M . ' ,.lo 31 ,.n 4T ..M II ..7 U .. 41 ..41 11 ..44 11 ..41 n 21 MM w l r-tt. Brooklyn M SI .(14 MMMUkM II 41 .401 St. LouU II H .HI rtlUMllpbiS U 44 .Ml Him Tort II W .4(1 Cinolnnttl II 41 .44 Chlcwo 44 11 .Ml PltUburch M SS 111 IMHdirt Boiltl BrookM 1, Hiw York I. I, CtnclnniM J. . Flltibunh I. PhlUdctPbls S. Ohlcuo I. SI. Louli I. 14 im 144 Ted Williams hit a long two- run homer for the 6-4 victory margin as the Red Sox defeat ed, the Athletics on the relief pitching of Ellis Kinder, who retired 10 batters in row for his ninth victory. Gus Zernial hit two homers for the A's giv ing him 31 and the league lead. Billy Hoeft pitched the Ti gers to 4-2 victory over the skidding Indians as Bob Nie- man hit a two-run homer. The Pirates ended a four game losing streak by beating the Phillies, 5-8, handing Curt Simmons his 11th Ion against 10 'wins. The Cubs beat the Cardinals, 8-3, getting what proved to be the winning run on Dick Schofield's base-loaded error. Edmonton Prexy ! To Visit Salem - The Salem Senator officials were informed that Brant Mat thews, president of the Edmon ton Baseball club, 19S3 new comers to the Western Interna tional League, will be in Salem during the Edmonton series here beginning August 25. Mr. Matthews will be accompanied by Lon Fleming, baseball writ er with the Edmonton Jour nal, Roy Mungal, and John Ducey. Lewiston Tops Yakima Jr. Legion 12-0; Play Today Yakima, Wash. tfr-Sixteen- year-o 1 d Denny Shoemaker twirled a no-hit shutout for Lewiston Wednesday night tb send the Idahoans into an extra playoff game with Yakima for the championship of the region 11 American Legion Junior baseball tournament The young righthander struck out 11 Yakima batters but walked, 13 and hit two h pacea Lewiston to a 12-0 win over the previously unbeaten Washington State champions. The two survivors of the dou ble-elimination t o u r n a ment were slated to meet at 1 p.m. Thursday for the championship. The winner will catch a train after the game for the sectional tournament at Hastings, Neb. umitoa 100JM41J u s t T.klmo oooooooooi o I nntiiiiiir ina ai.on rk.wltth Ml RoUliuirorUi (9) and Hovatt. TIDE TABLE TUra far Taft. Orttn Anin.t. 1IS3 (CaUaS ar O. S. Oaaal ana OaaS.Ua Samr, r.niaal, HUh Watara Tim. Hiubl SI a.m. 1:11 P.m. 10:11 a.m. 1:11 a.m. 11:11 a.m. 11:11 p.m. 111 a.m. 11. M p.m. 13:39 p.m. 11:U p.m. 11M a.m. 1:14 p.m. l:l a.m. S:10 p.m. 1:11 a.m. J M p.m. 1:40 a.m. 1:11 p.m. 4:41 a.m. 4:10 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 1:11 p.m. Lam Watira Tim. B.uht 1:04 a.m. .: 1:01 p.m. I.I 1:11 a.m. -0.4 1:15 p.m. I I 4:43 a.m. -0.1 4:11 p.m. 1.1 1:34 a.m. 1:11 p.m. 1:04 a.m. 1:03 p.m. 1:30 a.m. 1:19 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 1:31 p.m. 1:17 1:31 p.m. -01 1:19 a.m. 1.1 10:31 p.m. -0.1 10:04 a.m. 1.1 11:41 P.m. -0.1 1I:U a.m. S.I I a.m. 41 in marking up a 21-3 verdict at Lewiston; Calgary outhit Vic toria 22-18 and won 19-16; We na tehee downed Yakima 12-10 with the winners amassing 16 hits to 12 for the losers, and Edmonton collected 14 safe hits to Vancouver's 11 in downing the Capilanos 9-4 The 13 home runs In the bar rage included six at Calgary, three apiece at Lewiston and Wenatchee and one at Edmon ton. Jim Command's home run kept league-leading . Spokane from being goose-egged in the wild affair at Lewiston. It came in the third Inning with two on. Lewiston scored six times in the first inning, six in the third, one in the fifth, three in the sixth, one in the seventh and four in the eighth. The eighth inning outburst included homers by Clint Cameron ana Mel Wasley. In the rain-doused contest at Wenatchee, Bob Wellman, the WIL's leading home run hit ter, collected his 23rd and 24th round-trippers , of the season, as the Chiefs came from be hind to upset the Bears. A sudden rainstorm forced a 40 minute recess in the eighth in ning. When the game resumed, the Chiefs, who had scored twice before the interruption, chased in four more runs. Jake Helmuth also homered for the winners. Don Bricker carried the big stick for Calgary. He lofted two home run balls over the close-in fence, driving in five runs. Charlie Mead also hom ered for the Stampeders, and Granny Gladstone, Cecil Gar riott and Lou Branham had round-trippers for Victoria. Dan Prentice's three - run homer in the fifth inning op ened the scoring for Edmonton. The Eskimos went ahead with a four-run uprising in the sixth and added two more tal lies in the seventh and eighth innings. John Conant was the winning pitcher. It was his 21st of the season. The linescores: Spokana 001 400 000 SIS Lavlatoa 101 111 14111 II 1 Franks. Nair (11, Otovannoal (1) and ahaata, Oala 11); Batlar and camaron. Ftrtmas !0 II 111 YMCA 140 14-11 11 I Hlckrnham. Wllkln.oa (II and Tomp klna; HUan4 and Halai. Bart M 1 a 4 I I Kaliar llill) 0014 14 m Cloltom. Hill 13), Matt 111 and atari- arltr: R. Golden, J. Olartoa (3) and Honersalt. Kicking specialist Pepper Rodgers led Georgia Tech's footbal scoring last season with 60 points. He kicked 39 extra points, five field goals and scored a touchdown. Vorfr Shoes::!- with rSoff-Shoe" xbmfort! Y Taklma Ill 113 00110 11 Wen.Uhaa 110 001 MX 11 II 1 Rloa. Rial II), Toarnarnn i). Touna II) and Alblnl: Boulho Da Carolla IS), Klala (I). Oubra (9) and Bartolomtl. Vktorla ; 110 013 Oil II II 1 Calaarr 171 013 001 II 11 I Prior. Walker rli. toodcaa in. Lorlno Ml and alartla; Hlttnar, Prancla (1) and Bricker. Vaneotrrar 031 000 0004 11 1 Xdmonton 000 034 111 I II 1 rietcber. Ounnaraon (I) and Durretio; Conant and Prentice. . U. of O. Player Caught in Draft Euaene il Oregon lost letterman football guard to the draft today. Word was received that Har ry Mondale, 200-pound letter man guard from Elizabeth, Pa. was drafted. Mondale, who let tered in 1951 but did not play last season, had nailed down p first team berth in spring prac tice. Coach Len Casanova said he Drobably would shift a tackle to olua the hole. Mondale was the second Duck to be drafted this summer. Stan Dmochowsky, quarterback and baseball pitcher, was in ducted earlier. ' . Salem Golfer Places in Tourney Ann Arbor, Mich. U. Bob Prall of Salem was the only one of three Oregonians to place in the top 50 at the Inter national Jaycee golf tourna ment here yesterday. Prall fired a 41-37 for a first- round card of 78 good enough for a 16th place tie. However, he trailed the leader, Ross Ca rino of Yonkers, N.Y., by seven strokes. Roger Sielicky of Portland had an 85 and Gary Hval of Portland fired an 88. SOCE to Open Against OCE Ashland (UK Southern Ore gon College of Education opens its 1953 football season Sep tember 19 against Oregon Col lege of Education in the Myrtle Bowl Shrine benefit game at Coos Bay. Coach Alex Peterson said practice would start September 7. SOCE is playing with no con. ference affiliation this season, having declined an invitation to Join a reorganized Far West ern loop last spring. The Pallo, a three-lap horse race around the square oi Siena, Italy, has been run al most every year since the 14th century. Sports in Brief OOLP euro baptos. MUa, Prank sua. fact, oardan ClU, M.T., lad a Hold at ferorllaa Into the aacond round af tna Waiters Aaiateirr cnamplouhlp. ANN ABBOB. Mkb. ROM Carina. IT, of Tonkara, N T., fired 71 ta lead the ftrat round af iha alshta Interna, tlonal Jaicaa tournament. TENNIS BBOOKLINS Maaa. Vie Setxaa and Toot Traberl moved Into the Quarter. Until of the National Doublaa Tourna ment br deleatlns Pablo Buenbert and Bd Daller 1-1. 4-4. S-3. MINNEAPOLIS Clpde HlPDenitlal, San Bernardino, Calif., aalnad the at In. finale br defeating Jerry olade. Ball Lake Cltr. iy. 4-3. I-1. In the National Public Parka Tournament. Minor League Scores iNTERNATioNAi, tKAOtri Toronto 1-1. Srretuee 1-1. Roeheiur 10. Buffalo, 4. Ottawa I. Bprlnitleld 1. Montreal 4. Baltimore 1. AMIBICAN ASSOCIATION Charlealon S-a. Columba. 1-1. ' IndlanapolU A, Toledo 1. Kanaaa Cltr I, LouUrUla I. lilnneapolla St. Paul 4. TEXAS LEAGUE Shrewport l-l. Dallai 1-1. Ban Antonio 1, Tulea 1. Other samel poitponed. WESTERN LEAGUE Oman 1. Daa alolnea 1 111 lnnlnit). Colorado sprlnai 11-1, Pueblo 1-1. Denver 1. Wichita 4. atoux Cltr 4. Lincoln 1 .11 tnnlnia). PIONEEB LEAGUE Idaho Palla 4. PocaUUo 1. liaaic valler 1-11. Bono J-fc Onlr lamea eeheduled. IP t it mn i AUGUST 3 Days Only-Fri.-Sat.-Mon. j save im 18-IN. GASOLINE Dunlap Mbver Reg. 99.50 feaianaaarfM mt&rMMMmmsmsj H ll'-J SAVE 3.12! Vi H.P. CAPACITOR MOTOR 8 28.00 Vi H.Pt 1750 R.P.M. Vi-in. Double-end Shaft Powerful and efficient ... for storting medium loads such as heavier power tools, sprayers, refrigerators and stokers. Superior Nylon insulation; New Departure grease sealed ball bearings; built in en-eff switch. i it t x tv?'h . 1 v veasi'5S,jrssr" ' XZh La-a " " gi I ,V - I I v al An extra-resiUent 1 iGVj ijwssk -f-T I I 1 layer of rubber f&$WNm jxj... v a - l v - "V. ou; ox every step. jS-pK I OOr 32-Pe. Socket Sets VUTLlV i xP, I - y.Vj t a Trrr.,1. New L Mr,! yiTN J t Now only ...... laO '' m mtZ Xs in IAS T.n Craltaaaoa aa.lltr fm4, . B r XV I " " nlTorial IMmt. II-la. annder wr.b. t . . .. dL i " J TOUinH eaal baa. and mark mare! mtm H tadar. ' '" V ' J mUfZ "SCHOOL N5?4Si- I Xdm.&di ft rj work shoii V & 1 H.P. 4 cycle engine Pressed steel con strucrion Over-sized seml pneurnatic tires S blade reel Speed control handle 1 1 yJJ loo LeJ month 3.00 dawn, 5.00 month 1 . i m V?v . n't fi kN ft KKyTKs T7) Y - r 7 ii 4 l! Champs of Champs Panl KoslowskL, IT. (topi, broke ! stralfht Urjets to annex the Junior Champ et Champs prise at the Grand American Trapshoot at Vandalla, O. The t6S -poaod champ come from Oeenomowec, Wis. Miss it renteriaie, 17-year-old Phllllpshurf, Kansas, school teacher is the new Women's ehsmp It champs. Miss Pembrldre bdske txltt to aosa oat Mrs. Clyde Kinf, et AUsnta. Gs, whe broke HxlM. (AP Wirepketo) 8-Inch Bench Saw Crsftsman Tiltlng-Arbor Model Ret. . EA DO Sale Priced! ''OO M dawn, 10 month MaselTa, kefT-4nn Mnalraetlaa) mreaebaal! Paalaraa vela.lra 'tlal lac Drleo" . . Mar blade edJietaMat. Craftsman Dril 22.88 Rtronc Alaminam Alloy Frnin Either Style 1.00 down. &.00 month FL imid. lle-lre tH AC-DC .We ir, metar. Ban and braoae Warlaaei alamraom tramei la-rt. eard. plea. SALE! CRAFTSMAN Capacitor Motor Reg. 39.95 35" Now 4.00 down, 5.00 month H.P. 3400 R.P.M. '' Built-in Overload Protector 2 FOR 1 SALE! Adjustable Window Screens- All Popular Sizes Reg. 69c and up NOW 2 for the Price ..15 BOOTERY Capitol Shopping (enter OPEN MON. 1 FRIe TIL f TM. Plenty Fret Parking Phone 39191 c&c gftRS 550 North Capitol, Saltern