I. ... 'v. .'T btiators lose m " '-- aaaameaaaaaaaa. ''"J -ass Stock Cars Race Saturday Stock car races will again b featured 1n the Hollywood bowl Saturday night. Time trials will start at 7:30 o'clock, with races beginning at 8:30. A 73-Iap event is scheduled for the evening. Further de tails will be announced by Val ley Sports officials later. . When Native Dancer scored at Arlington Park he boosted his 3-year-old earnings to $428,075, which amount was . $229,000 more than any other horse won during 1953. To Race at Hollywood Bowl 8 h I d o Johnson, Salem, on of the many stoeli ear racers who will appear at the Hollywood bowl Saturday night. A 75 lap event will be the feature of the evening. ' ' IMNt.UbtrlrSbltm.Or. rih I W S -i s wrinklo-shedding! sJtap-holding! Ingrwaringl M . " r -t Miraculous WOOL- & rrT rkv FLANNELS 45 Fine suits of luxury-soft flannel, scientifically blended of wool-and-or-Ion that holds its iiiape, wears unusually well, keeps its press vren in iht rain Hurry in. See the remarkable 'acN nels at Penney 't nowi r Main Floor Penney quality is your greatest saving! Portland Beavers Beat By Seattle in Twin-Bill Seattle U The Seattle Rainiers scored a pair of one run vittorles over Portland in a PCL doubleheader last night taking the seven-inning opener 4-3 and posting a 5-4 decision in the nightcap with the help of homers by Ray Orteig, Leo Thomas and George Schmees. Steve Nagy went the distance In the nightcap, pitching a nine-hitter for his 11th victory against seven losses. The Rai niers got 12 hits, nine of them off the starter and loser, Dick Waibel. Portland picked up one run in the fourth when Herm Reich doubled and eventually scored on a fly ball by Charley Grant. In the sixth, Portland picked ud another run when Frank Austin singled behind pair of walks. Nagy yielded two more runs In the eighth when the Beavers reached him for sin gles by Jim Gladd, Austin, Don Kolloway and Reich. Portland out-hit the Rainiers S to 3 in the opener, but one of the Seattle hits was Clar ence Maddern's home run. Maddern started the Rainier scoring when he slammed Glen Elliott's first pitch of the sec ond Inning over the left field wall. Seattle went on to score three more runs that Inning. The Beavers came back with three runs in the sixth. Royce Lint, hitting for Elliott, dou bled. Austin walked and Arft dumped a short single to cen PCL Standings (Br The Amrlcin Prettl -W I Pet. Hollywood 14 S7 .633 Seattle . I 17 Mt Lo. Angela. II n i Portland 7 71 .417 8B ProoetKO .73 77 .4tT Mb Ditto 10 M .417 aicraaitoto ...... ,....41 15 .413 Oakland U SI .417 Attendance Gratis At Tonight's Contest Oakland 1J. Hollywood I. Seattle 4-, Portland 1-4. Saa Dteao t-l, Saerameata S-S. Lm Antalaa II. Saa PraBcleaa S. ten W) load the bases. Fletcher Rob be drove in two runs with a single down the left field line and Bob Marquis drove in the third with a sharp single to right. By DAVE CROMWELL - The Salem Senators booted and walked their way last night to a 4-3 defeat at the hands of Edo Vanni't Trl-Clty Braves in an 11 inning game at Waters park, muffing their chance to move within one-half game of Spokane, which was absorbing their worst defeat of the season at the hands of the Lewiston Broncs. Eleven must have been the magic. number for the Brave, for it was also their first vic tory in 11 starts. Salem managed to tie, the game with single runs in the fifth and seventh after Tri-City went ahead with two runs in the fifth with a single, double, wild pitch, and a Texaa leaguer to short left field. In the eighth stanza Tri-City again went into the lead on a single by the pitcher Robert son and a boot of a ground ball by second sacker Sabatini. , The' home ' town team got back into the game in the bot tom of the ninth, however, as Essegian singled, Nelson bunt ed, the short stop dropping the ball on an attempted force,, a sacrifice by Dahle, a hit by Sabatini to short right field, in which Essegian scored after the catch from third, thanks to Jess Doberntc. For some un known reason, the Brave pitcher cut off the relay to home which would nave oeen an almost sure out at the plate and would have ended the game. As it was, the game went to the eleventh before Tri-City sewed it up with a walk to Warren, a wild throw by Dahle into center field trying for force t second after Tran sac rificed, and a fly out to right field scoring Warren from third on the tag up. Essegian was the big gun of the evening with four for five trips to the plate. Seem1 anokaae . Saltm ... Vanrearer LewLlon Yakima .. Ednonton Calgary .. niMw Victoria ., Trl-Clty WIL Standings (Br Tlx AlMrtaUd Pluil W L Pet. ...34 II .111 ...31 II M ...II ..31 ..II ,.13 17 W4 JJf 4H .III .11 .4W IM .431 It .311 111 .341 IS II II 13 wedaeeday'g Boeaitei Lewtetoa 11, Spokant s. Tri-cuy 4. aaltm s. Weaetcaea 11. Yakima It (11 tauten). Calgary II, Victoria is. tdiaoatOB I, Vaaeouvtr A. Taaradar'a BcBedalei Sookant at LcwUtof. Trl-ciu at aalam. . Yakima at Wenatchaa. Vaacouvcr at Calgary. 1 Victoria at Sdmoatoa. its either feast or famine for Chuck. Dave Dahle was the losing pitcher, Dobernie the winner for the Bravea. The two teams play again to night in the last game of the series. Roenspee will pitch for Salem, Jim Hedgecock for the Braves. Tonight attendance will be free, and the gates will open at seven. Seats are available on a first come first served basis. All seats will be open except the boxes. Boxes will be placed near the entrances so the dona tions to the Senators can be made by fans so desiring. All money collected will go to the Salem team. Tha first lamg oi: Partlaaa ( IIOl AusttB,a ArfM Robba.lt HarquU.ef RuiuUrt RoblBJB.a Bggcrt.l BaslBtkl.1 Klloll.a Rtlcb.r Ramdl,p a-Llnt b-Koloar I S Tobln.ef S Orblk.l 1 Tbmi.l 1 MaddrB.r 1 JiKlllch.ll I 1 Wllxm.l 1 Chrlatla.e 1 1 Oklaby.l t 1 Wldmar.a I I t (4) Scaltla B H O A ISA I I I I 14 1 S I S (I) Saltai HO till till I t t I 1 S Tenness, Reti Trl-Clir (4) B H O A M'Oulrt.r A 1 t aabtlBl.l Buccola.l 4 1 11 TanMluj Charuhi.eJ I t I 1 alarahll.lt Warrr-B.c 4 I I Paraa.1 HockdarJI 111 Dtro.af Lltraa.l I t 1 4 BallarO.l Carroll.! I I 4 I Nflion.o R.Tran.a 4 14 1 Dahle. p Robrlaa.p I 1 I I a-wtlupm Dobaralcp 111 Total! II 111 It Total! K mil a raaBod for Da hit la nth. Trl-Clty 0w 030 no II I a Salem 000 Oil 101 00 I t 1 . Flicner IP Ab H n BrBOBb RoberUoa .... IS II 7 1111 Dobernie IH 11111 Dah 11 II 14 114 WP: Dobrrele. LP: Dahla. PB: Warm. U' w'.o. i Aalam I. : Bab.Unl. TBH: utraa, 1, SB LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Thursday, August 20, 1953 Pax IS Shrine Football Team Has Final Practice Session Portland () The state team will Uke Ma final full scale workout Thursday for the annual Oregon Shrine All Star football game with .the City team here Saturday night. City will drill in Multnomah Staduim Thursday night to get used to the lights and the field. The . Staters will try out the stadium Friday night. Coaches Pet Susick of State and Harry Scarff ol City plan to use modified platoon systems in the game, substi tuting four or five men at time. Susick was pleased with his team after Wednesday's light drill. He said his boys' tim ing has Improved and they are stronger. He continued to stress pass ing with Quarterbacks Quincy Powers, Marshfield, and Milt Richau, The Dalles, throwing to Ends Bill Bear, Bend; Bob Myers, Baker; Reanous Coch ran, Marshfield, and Allle Clark, Oakridc. N Al Lightner, Salem, . has been named referee for the game. Charles Reynolds, La Grande, will be head lines man, Mickey Davis, Portland, umpire, and Leonard . Patter son, Portland, field judge. MOST! MABION SCMDULI Sapttmbar It tltatutca ttalaB Hlch School at Morth Marlon (may bo chanaadl. ataptambor It WOlamlBA at Wlllamlaa. IMpunbar It Yamhill at North Marlon. Oetobar I Dayton at Daytoo. Oetobar t Sharwood at Morth Ottobw lt-Amlty at Amur. bar II aUwrMaa at Hartk Marloa. r It Sanaa at Baaaa. Rams Win 20-7 Over Redskins Los Angeles () The Los Angeiea Rams beat the Wash ington Redskin 20-7 Wednes day night In a National Foot ball League charity fame, but it wasnf the winning coaches who-were happy Thursday. Even In losing the Redskins showed 81,678 fan one of their strongest teams, and quarter back Eddie LeBaron had Wash lngton in the thick of the fight until ha waj Injured cany n the fourth quarter. Little Eddia suffered a mild eoncuaatoa but the team physician says If nothing serious. '' Two sensational touchdown runs, one a 14-yard twister by Skeet Quinlan and the other a flashing 79 yard punt return by Woodley Lewis, war tb big difference. Boo tin' Ben Agajanian provided the other points on field goals of IS and 26 yards and two conversion. Lee Elected Prexy Of Association Allen Lee was elected pres ident of the Salem Football As sociation to succeed Bill Beard In a meeting held in the Wil lamette university gym Tues day evening. Other officers elected were Harry Williams, vice president, and Frank Guerln, secretary-treasurer. The group decided to con tinue their two man commis sion system with Hunt Clark aad Bill Beard as members. The commission assigns referees to the various school games. Beard requested that coaches desiring to be serviced by the commission send their sched ule to him at Wicklund's Sporting goods store, 372 State street. Totali 34 I II II Totali U 1 11 a Doubled for Elliott la Itb. O rounded out for Ramidell 1b 7t' Portland 000 001 S Hill 000 014 gettlla 040 000 1 HIU 031 too Pitcher I Ab Ilm Holt t 10 4 14 1 Ramadall 1 I I 1 Wldmar 7 34 I I I 1 Lotar: Illtott. R: Auilln. Arft. LI Maddern, JiKfnlch. Chrlitle, OoKUben X: AuitlB. Arlt. Bggert. Left: Portlat 4. Seattla I. IB: List. HR: Madden kpi:m tocrra. cnrutia. Robbo l. tula. T: 1:30. TJ: ailva, Bomara, Banta. The eaeoBd lamg bat: Portland (41 H O A 4 t I Tobfi.of 1 11 1 Combi.e 4 1 S t Thomaa.1 t lilt Judaloh.lt 4 4 t 1 I Schmeea,r 4 4 111 Wllioa.l I 4 t t t Ortelg.o l till Oldibry,! I 1111 Magy.p I 1 t t t I 111 AuaUB.i Koloway.t Releh.lt MarauU.ef Xaaert.lf Bailnakl.l Orent.l Oladd.e Walbrl.p Rueaell.et a-Robba Llnt.p (II "cattle HOi 4 14 1 I 11 Total. II 114 11 TotaU 11111711 a-Walkad or Waibel In 4th. Portland 000 101 030 4 HIU 003 101 040 Seatlla 030 030 O0I t HIU 131 131 30113 Pitcher Ip AB R H Er Bb So Waibel I 33 I I t I 1 Lint I 10 I I t t I Nagy t 'II 114 11 Loear: Waibel. R: Auitln, Reich. Oladd 1. Thomaa. Judateh. Bchmeaa. Wllaoa. Orteli. LOB: Portland II. Brattle I. IB: Combe. Reich. HR: Ortelt, Thomaa, Bchmeaa. BH: Wlkwn. REI: Or tela 3 Thomaa. Bchmtea 1, Grant, Austin, Kol loway, Reich. DP: Combo. Wllaoa and Ooldi berry; Auatln, Baalnakl and Kollo way; Baalnekl and ICpHoway 1. HBP: MarouU by Naer. WP: Waibel T: 1:11. U: Aomerl. BenU and Sltra. A: 1.090. r -.-ar: W .ATE ' victoria at Bdmonton ,i t Cammmlal Baal ti. I I ub aalam Sanatarj I I m aT 1 a S AV v x fa. at V mraa V. TtT mi SHOWING AND DEMONSTRATION OF ALLEN-EDMONDS SHOES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AUGUST 21-22 Mr. Fronk Kromer, Allen-Edmonds Western Representative, will be in our store showing, demonstrating ond helping you men with hord to fit shoe problems. Drop In ond see the lotest in new Foil shoes styles to en hance your Fall wardrobe. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 ADlDBQlICCiLE 4S1 STATE ST. no who the V 1914 tet? burn of 1 Neylands at. academy SO Neyland was air conditioned car mer players and a special award by the Footballs Writ ers association, called it' the "proudest moment of my 27 years at the university." During his long coaching career at Tennessee, the 61-year-old former army general compiled an unequaled record of 171 victories against 27 de feats and 12 ties. Lebanon Takes Shimming Prizes Lebanon Local swimmers placed fourth among six teams competing In the central Ore gon swim meet at Bend last Sunday. Bend captured the meet with 104 H ponlts, Al-j bany was second with 90, and Corvallis took third spot with 6SH. Lebanon totaled 39 points to edge out Sweet Home with 24 and Redmond,' 12. A total of 82 swimmers competed. Darrel Bishop was the main point maker for athe Lebanon club, taking first place in the 40-yard free style and the 80 ysrd free style; second in the 200-yard free style, and enter ed In the adult divisiOL for swimmers over IS years old. Other local point makers were Johnny Snyder, Jim Bea ton an Benny Henderson. The Lebanon group, directed by Tom Van Etten, will host Al bany swimmers here on Au gust 23, the competltoin be ginning at 5 30 p.m. i.ll; vreatltni from aaeointr at caltarp. Mkaaa. .. IBS aalam Senator! It 1:001 Wreelllnt al Caltarr, Victoria at Bdmonton Yakima, and Lewletoa at teokane. 8oftball at Mill city. Broadcasts Koco Detroit Tlgera la. Chicago White Boi at 11 et am, aad aalam ften el or at. Trl-Clty Brerea at I 4t p m. Telecasts, Tr-Malor leaiua kaieball at 11:11 a m, Detroit Tlgart ra. Chleua Whlta Boi. 'MO MORE MESSf OILS FOR ME I I " VI guldepost to enjoyment I) fVl9) fCTWaJprTamaT blue non sign at yegr naxMby friendly rovem. OLTana aetata uiwi tajaaia VITAUS S. J , M ImbStiiecew GiI33aLESS IVAYTO keep) 19 0MA8SXSS No animal, mineral or vegeUbl oil In new Vitalis! Preventi drynett, keep hair ntat with V-7, new greaielest grooming discovery. Never a gummy film or "oily" look. Try new Vitaliit HlWFWIA HAItX TONIC AN orpomnrNiTT ) tha fia vulUr atottaa alway wan tad ta not afford ta bay. OPEN FRI. NITETIL9 O'CLOCK The J.J. Clothes Shop Quality Clothes (or Men & Ycung Mm Due to the Unseasonable Spring and Ivzzzi ; Weather We Are Heavily Overstocked isd MUST RAISE CASH , to sironf CREDITORS' DEMANDS FOR OVERDUE ACCOUNTS PAYAELE OUR ENTIRE STOCK WITHOUT RESERVE IS NOW BEING SACRIFICED REGARDLESS OF LOSS AT 3 TO 2 Our Original Regular Low Prices . Choose from Our Huge Stock cf SUPERFINE QUALITY Suits, Sport Coats & Slsda 100 wool, importtxl and (Jomettic nani finishatJ wof ttl, (harlukln, gabardines, flannel, chalk trripat, heundttetith chock, Bedford cord, Mrgcc, In lolltj colors nawast poffarn and waova. Six to fit all. regular, thott, (font and toll. Straw and Panama hat, bolt and uspandar ot guaranteed Vt af tag alar ' - r t Below Wholesale Cost VzQttVzViOUVzViOli ON ALL ON ALL ON ALL SUITS coa" Sladts OFF Regular $35 I Reg. $12.50 I Reg. $8.95 NOW NOW NOW $2J33 $25 $J93 Reg. $39.50 I Reg. $16.50 I Reg. $10.95 ' NOW NOW NOW $26M $825 $730 "Regular $45 I Reg. $22.50 I Reg. $14i3 NOW NOW NOW $30 $1125 $995 Regular $50 Regular $25 Reg. $16.53 NOW NOW NOW $3334 $1667 Regular $60 Regillar $35 Reg. $18.55 NOW NOW , NOW- $40 $2334 $1234 ALL 2 PANTS , SUITS NOW targ SeleeUoa Ixijertly TaUaetatl 3 OH and Honndstooth rabrtea Solid Regalar Price Cheek and FaneyCeler All Sales Final-No Exchanges- -No Refunds-Alterations at Cost No Layaways OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 O'CLOCK J.l CLOTHES SHOP 387 STATE ST. Salem't) Quality Clothier for Mea ar.d Toang liaa Twa Door West af Liberty 8L at tha Ba It