Thursday, August 20, 1953 GET RID OF THOSE ICEBOXES Portland POW On Released List Portland () The parents, five sisters and younger broth er of Col. Marvin L. Glaser, 21, of Portland got the good news Wednesday night of his release from a North Korean prison camp. When the mother. Mrs. Gus hopefully, told tha others, tha house was filled with screams of joy. The younger children did somersaults and hand springs. - ' He wss reported missing in December, 1930, but tha par ents got word in March, 1051, that ha was a prisoner. . Tall City A special meet ing wiU be held at tha Oak hurst school house at p.m. Friday to elect a director to take the place of Mr. Hurst who has resigned. Log Tank Trunk Puts Out Fire Prineville W) A logging tank truck which happened to be driving by prevented spread ot a fire in his rye field six the Endicott Logging Co. and used for wetting down roads, turned on the sprinklers and the -blaze wss stopped after it had covered half an acre. Eastern Oregon Mill Property Being Sold Northwest lumbermen s n d' lumber concerns including H. J. O'Oonnel, M. H. Wyman, E. W. Stuchell, D. E. Wyman, Al- vin Schwager, Capital Timber Products Co., and Donover Co., Inc. Sale price was not disclosed by either the sellers or the pur chasers. - 1 Condon, Ore. UJ! Sale of all the capital stock ot the t-.i fw;-,' miles north of here. Art Sil vers reported Wednesday. He said the field was ignited by sparks from his tractor. The driver of the truck, owned by Kinzua Lumber Co. was an Recent diicoverlef of art and cralt work in the city of lie. Nigeria, Indicate a lost culture flourished there 800 years ago. nounced here today by J. D. Y ; Coleman, general manager of the firm. Glaser, who had been waiting Purchasers were a group of r t if THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrefM t" - . r i' I 1 If you have any old iceboxes auch u these laying about your Bbbroood. take a tip from Illinois and dis mantle Uwsrn or ranov tntoa, Hera children in Chicago play amongst the potential -baby traps" before Illinois passed a law against indiscriminate discarding ot icebox units. During the last week 11 children died tn various sections of the country baccate, they crawled into iceboxes and abut tn door. (VP fetephoto) YCVfo Hold Study Course ML Aegel -Cn Yarttt One C&rsR. Qm T. C witn. taa taansc. corps af Two Workers xiysmtwirft t&ee enex coast treat Ctmoxis San Ditto wia tak part an a ausa mer vea?xcer-e8oy week her at Uogsa AnffJ Abbey and Seminary ama the M0121I An gel Wccaea CoBegre begin ning next Snnday Aug. 33 until Friday, Aug. 38. The group composed of or dinary working fellows and girls from various sections tip and down the coast represents merely a part of the vast In ternational organisation called the Young Christian Worker movement Begun in Belgium by a zealous priest. Canon Cardijn, the Y.C.W. hat for its objective the restoring of Christ and his teachings back Into the life of the worker. - The six-day meet affords an opportunity for all those at tending to meet such Y.C.W. leaders as Msgr. Reynolds Hil lenbrand of Hubbard Woods, 111., Y.C.W. national chaplain; Red Sullivan, Chicago, nation al president; Miss Jean Pew, Los Angeles. Girls National president. Young men and ladies In the area, whether or not they are presently connected with the movement, are invited to at tend any or all of the sessions during the week. Because of the specific as pects of the problems facing young men and girls differ, separata problems will be aet tip for each. All evening ses sions, however, will be joint sessions and ot general interest to all of tha representatives to tha Study Week. On Monday evening, August 14, Red Sullivsn, national president, will talk on how to have better meetings. Monslg nor Reynolds Hillenbrand, na tional chaplain and pastor of Sacred Heart parish, Hubbard Woods, 111., will speak on the encycllnlcals and the social teachings of the church. Other evening speskers will be the Very Reverend Bernard Sand er, O.S.B., rector ot Mount Angel Seminary, and Miss Jesn Pew, Los Angeles, vice president ot the Young Chris tian Workers. OCE DEAN v t- . Dr. Arthur Hugh Glogau who hst been appointed desn of men and assistant professor of science and ed ucation at the Oregon Col lege of Education. Salem Boy Garbed As Girl Grabbed Portland (Pi A matron at the railroad station hers called police Wednesday when she got suspicious about a youth in ie mlnine clothing. They found it was a 15-year old Salem boy who had dressed up like a young woman to run away from home and attempt to reach San Francisco. He even had a new permanent and painted fingernails. Juvenile authorities released tha boy to his parents Wednes day night. Prison Population of U. S. Higher This Year Washington AMD U. S. prison population was higher at tha beginning of this year than any year sines 1840, the Bureau of Prisons reported to day. There were 167,374 prisoners In state and federal prisons at tha end of 1953, an increase of l.S per cent from the previous year. Of the total, (.239 or 3.7 per cent were women. Facelifting for Crowfoot Bldg. Lebanon The Crowfoot grange hall, now being re modeled and modernized, was first a part of the old Mineral springs college at Sodavllle. For eight years it served as a dormitory for the college, standing on tha level below and west of the college build ing. The location is now a part of tha Sodavllle school grounds. This dormitory, built in 1896, was the home of the president of the college, J. R. Geddes, his wife and three children, as well as six teachers and a dozen boarding students. Mrs. Geddes was cook. The teachers assisted and most of the young women residents earned their board by helping with the house work. It was tha policy of this pi oneer college to admit all stu dents regardless of finances. Any kind of produce that could be used on the doritory table was accepted in payment of tuition and board. It is said that the student who had spending money in his pocket was an exception. When the college closed its doors the grange, first organ' ized in Sodavllle, bought the dormitory. In the summer of 1905, they put rollers under it and ; hauled it with ' horses across country by the most di rect route to Crowfoot. It has been used there for grange pur poses since that time. 320,000 Children to Get Polio Innoculation New York (U.B The Na tional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is turning over to the government enough gamma globulin to inoculate 320,000 more children against polios crippling effects. Basil O'Connor, foundation president, said 2,250,000 cubic centimeters of the serum is be ing given to the Office of De fense Mobilization tor distribu tion to state health officers. Princess 23; Who'll She Dance With Fri.? Balmoral, Scotland Uft Princess Margaret reaches the age of 33 tomorrow, with most of Britain waiting to sea with whom she dances at tha birth day ball to be given for her by the queen. The princess has been hen' for more than two weeks now under the Jond protective eye ot her sister. Queen Elizabeth II, relaxing from the strain of her royal tour of Rhodesia in Africa and of the worldwide rumors of a romance with handsome, divorced RAF Capt. Peter Towmtend. IEGALS IN THI riKCtIT C01IBT Of TBI STATE Or OHEOON FOR MARION COUNTY PKOBATI DEPARTMENT In the Matter of th, Utile of FLORA C. SKRRURlER, Dec tied No. 175 i Notice li ilvea that the underlined. ; executor ot tl citato of Flora O. Serrur-: tor, deceased, haa tiled lti final account and petition for dlatrlbutlon In tho Clr-; cult Court of thi atato of Ortcon for i Marlon Countr. Probate Department, and that Monday, the )Ut Oil of Auiuit. 1 ma. at i:n a.m. tl tno court room or laid court baa been appointed by laid court 11 the tlma and place for the hear- Ina of oblecttoni thereto and the eettlo- ment thereof. Dated end tint nubliiheel July 10. i US). I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Xiecutor. Bert W. Henry 307 Woodlark Bids.. PorUand S, ore. July 30, AM. . II, JO, 17, 1W3 NOTICE TO CREDFfOBS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THI COUNTY OF MARION, PROBATE DEPARTMENT Notice u hereby siren that the under lined haa been appointed executor of the eitate of Katherlne Welaenfeld, de ceased, by the circuit court of the State of Oreion for the County ot Marlon, and haa qualUled. All penoni having dalmi asalnit laid aetata are hereby notuiea to preaent the aame duly veri fied ai by law required to the under lined at US Maionlo Bulldlm. ealem. Oregon, within elx (d) monthi front the date hereof. Dated and tint nublkhed at Sii,m. Oreion thl, ljrd day of July, lMj, Anion weuenleKl Executor of the Batata of Katharine Welienfeld Jaaoa lee Attorney for Executor 115 Maionle Bulldlna Salem, Oreion July 11. 10. Aut. S. II. SO. 1051. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND (OREGON) haa been, by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oreeon lor Marion county, appointed executor of thl utate of FLOYD N. ARNOT. de cerned. Any penoni havlne dalmi aaalnit laid eitate ore requeued to pre terit them, with proper vouehera, to the Truit Department. First Nauonal Bank of Porland (Oreion), Salem. Oreion, within ilx monuu front the date of tbli notlci. Dated thla loth day of Auinit, lie. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND, (OREGON), Emeu tor of thl ! tate of Floyd N. A root, deeeued. RHOTEN. RHOTEN A) BPKrHlSTRA, 110 Pioneer Truit Bulldlni. sales, i oreion. Attorneya lor xxeculor. Aui. X. 17, Sept. 1, 10, 17 STATE OF OREOON STATE DEPARTMENT OF OEOLOOY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES In the matter of adoption of rulea and reiulattona for the eonaervaUon of crude I on and natural tea to be adopted pur suant to Chapter M7. Oreeon Lawi, left!, by the Board of tha State Depart ment of Oeoloey and Mineral lnduatrtee. PROCEEDINO NO. 1 NOTICE OF HEARING Nearlni wtu be held In Room M. State Office Bulldlni. Portland, Oreion, en September 18, 1I&3, beilnnlnl at 10:00 a. m. Coplea of propoied rulea and reiu lltloni may be eecured from the De partment at a eoat of t cents each to cover eo,t of milllni. mason L. BINOHAM, Chairman. Aui 10, 153. 7th FLEET IN TRAINING Taipeh, Formosa W Wsr ships of the U.S. Seventh fleet, including an aircraft carrier and its full complement of planes, took part in joint training exercises with Na tionalist China's army and air force today. We have been appointed co-admlnli-tratrlxei of the aetata of Edward H Muller. deeeaaed. by thl Clreuit court of the State of Oreion for Marlon Coun ty and have qualafled. All peraona havlni dalmi aialnat aald eitate hereby are reoutred to preaent aame to m at 401 Pioneer Truat Bulldlni. Salem, Oreion, within tlx month! of the date of tint j puouceuon vi nie notir. Dated and nrit published Auluat so, mi. UMJtBS PATRICK MAROUVRITI ALLEN Co-Admln. nforeaald. I. O. turner. Jr. Attorney tor Oo-Admln. Aui. 10, 17, Sept. J. 10, IT. 17 H So, Commercial Pb,-m KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS WASTE NlsTflnf barkirW. fetM at pes .nd nrwr aWa(UcbeB BBcl dll.n4wM sTMT b dlW tO n. Vivra of kidntr funrtkn. Pottnri uy ftMM kidntrf f ttrictioa t wrj Inportant to gvoi kamhh. Wbn mm mrr&vr eonditioB, tuvh M ttnm ud Mrrain, ctviin this iir,rrua, htactioa Mskiw ttowti, ltiny fotki inffer navr flu ItaieLstwliaj M rnlMnhl. Minnr tUad- litation Jtm to ttaW or wmnr dftt nai trt t inn up n ifhta or f rvqwn t mmm Don't ntn jmor kitr If thaW rondl tknw bothr ytm. Try l-an'i rU)- mfld dl Vnllo. H'i airiilni htm munr t imi Ikn' lr hdppr irlkof from th dievii fort lv Ut it nilw of kids? tub b4 alter ttma .Mt wm Ak for iw, ltr-M, ommmsV iMWadMT BMff, Got EMsU t FUat tttsW j Ifswut stfl drinks havt ym thirsty.., SWITCH TO L'suoran 1 SQUitTiommeco. 1095 N.lkrtU. kaStlMS4tH Uleverty , treet otore ORLON! NYLON! WOOL! wonder fabrics . in new fall fashions you can keep band-box fresh- because they're ALL WASHABLE! ,. Terrific cover-up, .it for sports, busin ... and so mode ' . "must" for your Fol Ing plaids or rich sol red and rust . . . and sizes 10 to 20! .j LaValtsv Sanforlan Jack y j- . w J i aii wool..: f Completely Vf wMiii; J II Open Friday Nites 4 Smooth, Soft Vicara and Nylon Luxurious blend of Vicara and Spun Nylon gives these sweaters the appearance and heavenly comfort of Cashmere! Available in white, shell pink, lea blue, motze, jockey red, hunter, brown, black, navy. Sizes 36-40. Guaranteed Washable! No blocking necessary . . . they spring right back to size and shape offer laundering! Moth-proofed, too! Sportswear, second fleer Orion arid Wool Skirts Washable!... Lasting Pleats 10'5 Girls everywhere are cheering this marvelous blended fabric (55 Orion 45 Wool) . . . ot its best in skirts. Easily washable, rarely does It need ironing . . . wrinkles "hang-out' overnight. And the pleats will stay perfectly In place forever! Plaids, stripes; sizes 10-18. Sportswear, second floor WE GIVE AND REDEEM SCREEN STAMPS