Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 20, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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Thursday, August 20, 195S
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Auto Insurance
Rates fo Increase
Bates on some types of auto
mobile insurance in Oregon
would be boosted 4 to 8 per
cent under a schedule filed
with the state insurance com
missioner by the National Au
tomobile Underwriters associ
ation, Commissioner Robert B.
Taylor said today.
Public liability and property
Approximately 100 costumed children marched Wed
nesday evening in the annual kiddies parade sponsored
by the Mandrln Gardens Community club, with Mrs.
Venice Mohlman as general chairman of the event. The
children were given cokes and Ice cream under the oak
tree at the conclusion of the parade. No prizes were
awarded. Upper picture, a general view of the paraders.
Lower, Jlnunie and Vickie Stevans. Both photos by Ted
damage would not be affected,
but comprehensive coverage for
fire and theft would go up if
tne scneauie is approved.
The Thomas Jefferson Me
morial Foundation maintains
Monticello, Jefferson's home.
Malloon Hated
Detroit Mayor
Detroit Detroit area log
ger, Archie sMattoon, was ap
pointed at last .week's meeting
ol the City Council to fulfill the
term of mayor, left open by the
resignation of Nolan Ramie k,
who moved to Stayton early in
August John Estey was ap
pointed Councilman to serve on
the four man Council.
The application of Ray SoDhy
of the Detroit Market for I
class B package license receiv
ed an affirmative vote.
Military Chief to
Call on Patterson
Col. Alfred E. McKinney,
new chief of the Oregon Mili
tary district will pay an offi
cial call on Gov. Paul L. Pat
terson Thursday, August 27.
The colonel, who last week
arrived in the state to take
over his new duties, will be
accompanied on the visit by
Oregon's adjutant general, Mai.
Gen. Thomas E. Rilea and the
senior Army instructor for the
Oregon National Guard. Col.
Marcel Cronbez, acting chief of
tne Oregon military district
since .the retirement of Col.
John Rodman.
McKinney, who began his
military career in 1917 as a
National Guardsman and has
been with the regular Army
since 1920, is to be honored
August 28 at a reception to be
given at the Vancouver Bar
racks club, with several from
this area invited to attend.-
Becker Clan Holds
Reunion, Champoeg
The annual Becker clan re
union was held at Champoeg
state park last Sunday with 120
descendants of Casper and
Anna Becker In attendance. The
Beckers came to Oregon in
187, settling at Gervais and
later moving to Woodburn.
Of the nine children born
to the Beckers, four are liv
ing and attended the reunion.
They are Chester of Oregon
City, George of Salem, Mrs.
Anna M. Sparks of Gervais and
Mrs. O. F. Durant of McMinn-
There were 20 first cousins
present The oldest person in
attendance was W. A. Keene,
86 of Saginaw, Ore. and the
youngest was Kathleen Beck
er, 10 months old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Becker of
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Portland (ff) The Oregon
Education' Association wound
up - a three - day leadership
training meeting at Lewis and
Clark college here Wednes
day. Some 85 delegates at
Three dolls dressed by Helen K. Medack.-Route 1, Box
11S, Brooks, Oregon, for exhibit at the Oregon state fair
are scrutinized by two-year-old Jill Kelley, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kelley of 1175 Park Avenue, Salem.
The wedding veil and the wkite orange blossoms on the
bride held by Jill are 55 years old and were used by
Mrs. Fred Kohlmeier of Route 1, Box 115, Brooks, at her
wedding. The dolls have been entered In the miscellaneous
division of the textiles department.
Tokjo, () The Japanese
press reported Thursday the
Soviet Union has stepped up
naval activities in. the waters
near Hokkaido, Japan's north
ernmost main island. The
lighthouse at Cape Soya.
northernmost tip of the island
30 miles from Russian Sakha
lin, reported observing three
7,000-ton class Soviet warships
cruising toward Sakhalin. .
If ice is put into water and
the two cooled the tempera
ture of both will remain 32
derees Fahrenheit until all the
water la frozen.
; ltherL,Zrovfd.up " hb3Hee fjiF sr -
The Thomas Jefferson Me- V S 4$Z"' Nta !i r,iyyp'' afcg , -fS
norlal Foundation maintains fff m SSwfl
Hours IfltoiM Daily VyN . VVy U s. ,ti 1. .
CloKd Wednesday Thurs. , C1-' JJL i ' S iVCC ' i ---p STA .
ATaUabjCTjninp by Y-Skif ' " ' , VJW
, -""'- 1 IffMfin OF EXTRA CHARGE ' MUM
jrSa. Im v P 18tD 9-pc. Maid of Honor Wyfllk
wClroywwwwww aluminum cookware UiMl
WBSi98SWS9'6 I - mi.tllL AUAB... ..miLmoa mC ' -Purpose II
,. . s. ml W r i I ATAV
, j v uvtsu APPLY IT YOURSELF '
tit ,.,.1-, .,. i 9 i -- a I r.rtis I -4 I V il I 511
V I HIRI'S HOW YOU SAVE . . . Z f l j ' v- fl ij I Jk .'
V Cfl 'oH l ssade In our own factory. ' Is A ; . . Yj---l I ' I .
I Hondnng charges, overhead and pe- ( i t : " ' I r" " Ij
mmmmmm -
I ' HOMEguard MkV
I f ExtOriOf Pflillt I Wt enmor Automatic Rang With 9-Purpot 2. Kenmor Automatic. Rang With 9-Purpos
I t mm af 1 ; All Cookware Set ' - Cookware Set
K b a sr m -m m
a MTSV&A ' - o S 1
! :s:nl Mil rt-li !W
; -r -L--ju xii--R Tm; in ,ess ,hon
- 2.29 Vol l--
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I . POW I Hill. V
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Jo Our leicflibord!
Those people who live next door or down the
itreet a way or oround the corner. Do you
know them? Do you put yourself out just o
little sometimes to moke their lives more
pleasant? A cheery "hello," a genial smile,
on invitation to come In and sit awhile. These
are the tiny miracles that make neighborll
ness blossom and grow into a thing of
strength and beauty. Charity, they say, be
gins at home. Similarly, it is from your home
.that nextdoorness emanates. Let's all be
good neighbors. Remember, there is no tax
on your Investment in friendship!
' Capital Drug Store
405 State St. Comer of Liberty
We Give Green Stamps
SIMM Paint
mty tpnod. 14
mm, rote, to4 4am
tM. (Mm Mkl.
12 toon. DwoW
Kenmore 30-Inch Range With 9-Purpose
Cookware Sat
Store Hoars: Monday and Friday. :! to Ml
Other Days, :ie to lit
rr . .. ... . . -
l. Kenmore Electric Range With
exclusive Infra-Ray Unit . . .
10.00 Down, 19.00 Monlk
2. Kenmore Automatic Electric
41-in. Double Oven Range
- Deluxe in every way but- Mk ATM ffQC
price! Kenmore hos 2 ovens, tAJLu
7-speed pushbutton cook- TsyiLifjl
ing. Save 18.50 when you
get the cookware free! 10.00 Dm, 16.00 Monfh
3. Kenmore 31-inch Deluxe
Automatic Range Reg. 269.95
10.00 Down, ItiO Monlk
Space-saving range features
a gionr 4-inch oven . . ,
the biggest in any range.
18.50 cookware set includ
ed at no extra cost. Hurry!
y ri i
1 I
Phone 3-9191