.j-y y . a;." Thm-Bday, August 20, 1953 .1 -ooftiA; nAMA '"( 0 -tf"(B 1 Announce Tour August 20-21 are the dates for the annual . summer tour sponored by the Nut Groweri Society of Oregon and Wash ington. Thursday la "Walnut Day" and Friday is "Filbert Day", announces C. O. Rawl lngs, Corvallis, secretary-treas urer oi ina society. Visitors are asked to pro vide weir own lunches both days. Assembly time on Thurs day. August 20. is S'On m the Fat Unger orchard, located oout Zft miles northwest oi Laurel and 5 miles southwest of Hillsboro. . Other stops on Thursday are scheduled for 10:30 a.m., Case Tmnlement mmnanv Vo, 12 noon, basket lunch followed by a look at the John Trunk orcnara, Dundee; 2:00 p.m., Chet Mulkey orchard. McMinn- vllle, and 4:00 p.m., Oregon sute college Lewis -Brown Horticultural farm near Cor vallis. . On Friday, the first stop at :uu a.m. is siatea lor the Gor aon weyganat and Son or chard. Canbv. Asmhlv is Weygandt's dryer a few blocks east from the blinker light in Canby. At 10:30 a.m., a stop is scneauied at F. A. Meagher's orchard located 3 miles south of Tualatin. Folio win i? lunch at th eh. halem school, a 1:00 p.m. stop is scheduled at the Carl Marn ach and Edwaivt Jnhnnn nr. chards northwest of Nnwlwra Other afternoon stops are 2:30 p.m., Glen Childs, Dayton, and a ju p.m., Lee H. Maloney, Mc MtnnvlUe. Mf. Angel Herd Takes Honors Milk production honors dur ing July went to the C. J. Bern lug herd ot Mt. Angel, accord ing to records of the DHIA. Three Holsteins made over a - ton of milk. No. 28 gave 2635 pounds of milk and 92.2 pounds pi m. mo. 22 produced 2190 pounds of milk in 31 days and No. 55 was credited with 2120 pounds. Joe Bilyeu and Harley Mc Cammon, DHIA supervisors. report 49 Marion county stand ard herds produced. 1.3 million pounds of milk and 30 tons of butterfat. Good dairy pastures are credited with assistance' in making high productions pos ' aible. High butterfat cow during July was Herb Coleman's Jer sey Nixie at Woodburn. She gave 1500 pounds of milk and V7.5 pounds of fat. , I. F. Buyserie and Son's Jer sey, Laura, at Woodburn, pro duced. 187 pounds of milk and ' S4.3 pounds of milk. Defectives Seek Gardner-Forger - City detectives Wednesday were looking for an ungrateful character who was hired to do some yard work for a Salem doctor and showed his apprec iation by forging three similar checks to the one he was paid on wun. t . Police said the man, appar ' ently a transient, was hired bv ; Dr. Edgar S. Fortner to do some ; work in his yard at 1560 State street, and was paid off with a t S10 check. When the check reached the can, tnree otners or identical amount with the doctor's name forged on them came in from various taverns and cafes. The man apparently cashed the checks and fled town, po lice said, after checking his known hangouts. Viaduct Bids Across Sanfiam Road Called Portland U B The Bureau of Public Roads today said bids would be received until Sep tember 1 for construction of a 65-foot viaduct in Marion coun ty, across a small gulch on the North Santlam highway just west of the Detroit dam site. The Bureau said the structure has been made necessary by steepness of the hillside, caus-1 ing the original constructed : fill to slide. Thomas Jefferson spent 30 1 years building and remodeling . his home, Montlcello. Tho real thing I . a the I -' Capitol Shopping ' I 1 Center I SUK5CHAII I ggn rg - . .V Adjustable to K V I I I tmi X Vfb. poslUona! II I I J 0 i u rTr -Hot. stt 'r-k.u Plastic Ccnisicrs Sr'-w si.., Jr GET YOUR TICKETS HERE SCHOOL DAYS ttfsjiar MH REFRIGERATORS $4,500 In Prizes Grand Prize HILLMAH MINX. DKA8:31sSep,SS.p Grand Priie Drawing: Sept. 19, 6 P -M. Save Half Nowl Barbara Gould Enriched ' NITE CREAM I 6HT CREAN tl.00 J 1 00" do taywoid PERFUMES $1.00 Vol! Yow sk4 f .nr d U g . f.grncl. Wtsi low Owl. rmx MIMZT TOA Plastic Tumblers E: 2 - 13c Silver Cleaner r?,, 33c Cilrale of Mangesia s 12c Wooden Beach Clogs 69c Polish Remover r 9c Powder PuHs aK 3 -10c Cleaning Fluid 13c French Dry Cleaners 69c V TRAVEL CASE M..l flHlnai, Utl kif . Wild Il tni Itr. i yttr wtrrsntyl i Regslor Sl.tt y by Wfaoy H4rd( af Vntlf Dm1M . Sm Hm at Owl Mayl K V L ia" -1 Twinkling Ice PINS NECKLACES EARRINGS IRACELETS A iptrkling rry of ftrtcieut rhodium ftnUhod piocti, Somo tallorod, mony with oibomIvo loo Icing moclt owolt. nn MnMtionl eoHodion.' II UU Your CAofco , Sft, Comfortflblt ' Baby Car Seat I TACIILE OOK V wirn socrionod r-f bva ContlltvorTroy 11 Of saomlass drawn steal. Approx.l4"x7". Ony Steak Knives "Citoiloiv" ttolnltH tfl 00 Mil rirtttd wood ' handln. Owl-low I orlct. Or ma "osaissasaasaa" iam - w - laky, cm K ar Novtr'ftll uhyltip.Waor mlittnt pltitlo. ; W.ll IM i Foldi' Flat 4 Cor Soot with Wheel A Hero l2M jjjllp Haass Portablo N3 All Mtfal V SAVI $3.00 orOw BARBECUE GRILL Hrs-aaa 1asts ta faar aash tlsss far svatfalladi aaaUso. Hn grill (or rtoiln ar wolsort and frlddlo for ptncotti, 4, thot twliiai Info alo m aoodtd. With torrylnj mm. OWL SPECIAL Rellaoco FOLDING TRAVEL SYRINGE Complttt) wit oil of tochmtnta 4 comooct ff4?l Cl. 1 S1.fl Voloo 19 mm fioiooa loOnooioco M ,c. , ,f p,,, IB0 lmi 2-QuarlSix Reg. 1.09 2-QuartSizt fn(T) Reg. 1.39 V( M LIGHTER B workt lilo moole laitt a llf.rim compl.f.ly d.p.nd.bl. n.thlnf to w.Oft D.fi.i wind It won't blow ot. Cm. to H Owt ll.tlar OT. ft. "Al(- tlaa" tliM. So for yoortaff. No movlfit oorfi. Nottitnf to pf. No ftiRfi to ro Olact, No whli to wtar. Idaal for yaektimaii, aoorti IMA, camoart. Noro'i o "Dutch Tract" Mot It Raolly Caleloai Imported FRUIT g7 nffliE casual Koopi Uqlos Hot or Colo HALF GALLON OUTING JUG ni l m isr mi x a til ,j m mm 7 . A pmM Mm. SImS 6l.il 1 1 nod a wltli hind poor .pout In ter.w.on c.p. tl.fl VolM Now i Offl Harrr la far tab SaocM Fomous Noff, Ylndproof LIGHTER Bon Bons Hard c.ndl.l with tyrup fill.d c.nt.ri tn oi- ' ortod flaton. Chroma cap and laatharaH. flnlih la black, f raas, blua and brown, $5.50 VALUE 159 20-Pe.Set Will-o'-lhc-Wisp DINNERWARE Beautiful Pattern Permanently Under ilaieil! You get 4 each: cups, saucers, salad and dinner plates, p dessert dishes. Gorgeously 1 iiTnnl rwtMlnal" .at Owl-low - - 1 4a ft-winf.Y.iiT yj .v-.-r-r BmBajajjBajjjjjjjajjjjjjaasjMBBiamwoOTpaBBjjjsfjjBi 9 0' , !19 99 r . (I 7 17 ucers, I :3 WM PAPfS 100-fl. Roll